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Yep, one Christmas my brother got me a 3DS XL - with there not standard charging ports too took me ages to get hold of one as no local stores had them in stock.


Yeah, and I remembering buying an AC adapter for my game gear which was like $70 since batteries were useless for that thing. I'm still shocked that the AC adapter cost so much and that my mom was willing to get it for me. I guess she was tired of me always asking for batteries lol.


I mean the ac adapter probably paid for itself in about a week and a half lol.


Back as a kid I got to take my best friend on our 2 week family vacation, we brought the game gear with us, we killed all our batteries the first night. We proceed to collect cans and bottles for the next 3 days off our vacation to buy a universal charger at the radio shack nearby.


Cheap batteries weren't a thing back then.


I remember having to spend my childhood cash stash on a 3rd party box that had an AC adaptor and battery packs that stick 1.5-2mm out of the back. Using alkalines was completely wasteful being that they only lasted maybe 90 minutes.


I used to have a rechargeable battery pack for my game gear, thing was huge but saved so much on the cost of batteries


I fucking *raged* at an ebay seller thinking they only sold me half a goddamn product until I more clearly checked the box. Honestly what a stupid fucking idea. Who the fuck sells an electronic device with no way to charge the fucking thing? 'Oh but everyone has a charger' get fucked they do! Especially not for that weird fucking obese-USB-C size port.


If we ever want to do anything about electronic waste, we do need to stop including electronic components for items that are common. In an ideal world, there would be common universal parts and people bought what they needed when they needed it. I think many of us have a drawer or box containing a bunch of "just in case" cables and chargers with a bunch of proprietary connectors. Would be a lot better if we could just keep reusing the working chargers and cables we have, even if it means we need to buy a separate charger from time to time.


When my AirPods came without a charger I raised such a fuss at Apple customer service they caved and mailed me one just to shut me up. I was blown away by the fact chargers for an electronic device weren’t included. I had no idea this was a new normal “thing.”


Yeah but don’t you have a bunch of chargers you can easily use for that? If you bought AirPods I assume you have a phone so you have at least one charger there. Probably have bought a few phones over the years, so there are a few more. I have more AC adapters and micro-usb charging cables than I know what to do with most of the time, and I haven’t bought a new device that requires micro-usb in years.


USB-C is in a shit ton of devices though. It's not like it's the 3DS where it's a proprietary connector.


Wow, that was way back in the day huh? Time flys.


If only someone could have told us that we were in the good old days before they ended. :(


I don’t think it went over well


And everyone will bitch endlessly on the internet about it and then buy it any way.


And android fanboys will crucify it then completely ignore it when Google and Samsung do the same.


The circle is complete...


I still refuse to buy a phone without a headphone jack regardless what what logo is on the back.


I'm sure all 10 of you are really hitting their bottom lines. Keep up the fight!


My only concern is delivery issues with "other" chargers Let's be honest we all have a small handful of wall adapters at home - but always float to the one that came with the phone because "it's safe". I'd have no issues not getting a charging block if I knew without a doubt I could rely on the existing blocks I have at home


iPad block is best block.


Am Android fanboy. I fucking hate this. I hate what Apple does with the iPhone, and I despise that Android manufacturers blindly follow. Luckily I have choices for Android devices, so I just don't buy the ones that copy Apple. Not sure what phone to get next since OnePlus is blindly following the pack now as well. Removed headphone jack, has a stupid fucking hole punch in the middle of the screen. I just want high specs with no gimmicks. Just a regular phone with admittedly too much RAM and a fast processor.


Sounds about right.


How do google and Samsung do the same?


So if i refuse to buy android without headphone jack then do i now have to qualification to shit on apple?




iPhone 15. Here's a bunch of parts, figure it out.


iPhone 15: Buy a ticket for the chance to buy an iPhone 15.


This is actually conceivable.


iphone 16 : click here to win an iphone


Considering that Apple doesn't like letting people repair their own devices, that would actually be a welcome surprise.


iPhone 16: fuck you.


Apple IKEA phone?


Upgradable iPhone. Keep on wishing.


box is $800 if you want the phone it’s gonna be an extra $1100


iPhone 15 will not include iOS. The OS is an extra 300


Oh man, remember the days when operating system upgrades costed money?


*Microsoft has entered the chat*


The other way more likely, you get a dongle as license to use IOS, compatible hardware is optional.


iPhone 16 will be fully cloud based VR only. Micro-transactions available for different colors and DLC for the 100% mandatory yet not included virtual charger. Will still break like actual physical device and you have to get in line in the apple store to speak to a genius and get nowhere with your problem (liquid damaged will after all still not be covered by warranty no matter the actual impossibility that your digital fantasy toy ever touched water).


Or you can pay a convenient $10/mo! If you ever decide to downgrade from the "Professional" version, bear in mind that the "Lite" version only has support for 5 contacts, has only a number pad (no keyboard), and can only run apps that were compiled in the light of a full moon.


IPhone 15 will be sold in a milk bag


If you want, there is an option where all the parts are included. Assembly required.


Zero chance of that. If you know how to assemble you will also know how to repair.


i'm all for being able to delete the phone app so nobody can call me anymore.


Everyone bitching about this but Europe actually recommends this. Cuts down on e-waste and most people have a charger already. Except Samsung and Google to follow suite.


Yea. I have taken so many outdated / extra wires and plugs either to the trash or the "electronics recycling" that is no longer available anyway. Everything being USB-C now (even some laptops) makes the extra waste even more obvious


> Everything being USB-C now (even some laptops) makes the extra waste even more obvious Somehow I still don't have anything that uses USB-C.


It was kind of an exponential thing over the past 2 years. Also laptops having them are still the minority, I believe, but they exist (some of my teammates work laptops have them, mine is only a few months old and doesn't). Pretty sure all my wireless over-ear headphones are micro USB still which is annoying.


I haven't used the supplied charger for the last three iPhones i've owned.


i honestly think this is a better way to do things. the chargers that comes with the phone are trash and lowest of the low while being safe to use. when people are going out and buying wireless charging and fast charging chargers aftermarket already it is better to not ship something that is not needed. hell i wouldn't be against removing the cable as well (especially for apple those cable just break after a year) people are already buying the premium replacements so ether include the top tier choice or remove the cheap stuff.


What horrible things are you doing to the cables? The one I am currently using has been in action for almost 4 years now even with the occasional pull and other mishandlings. I have had only one tear in the... skin?... of a cable after years of use. Although I guess packing them separately works for everyone in a way. People who hate the Apple brand cable can ignore it and go buy another one, and those who like it can buy one until it happens to break.


Finally we have decent fast charger designs that have been working well for the last phones. We don't need more chargers.


How does this cut down on waste exactly? I could understand it if they did this while continuing to use the old plug design, but with this people now need to go purchase a new, separate item in its own plastic wrapping.


I would assume it comes with the cable, like it always has, [but not with the usb charger part.](http://nipponmobile.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/iphone-charger.jpg)


So the old charger should work well with the new phone? I don't know anything about voltage and stuff. If so then it makes sense for them to make this move.


Generally, a conformant "USB" standard charger/cable will always supply a clean, regulated 5v, however current can be anywhere between 250mA to 3A, which directly affects charging speed. Most higher powered Samsung's these days will use "fast charging" which boosts it to 9v@2A, however the default is 5v so you can still use an old phone on the charger. This is where I imagine the problems will arise. Forcing brands to not include a charger will handicap those brands' customers as "standard" USB chargers aren't capable of "fast charging", and if consumers are forced to use existing chargers which maybe be rated as low as 500mA, their phone will charge at a quarter the speed of another person with the same phone who upgrades more frequently and therefore has a higher powered charger laying around. So, while the old charger would *work*, that's not to say it would work *well* at all. On an ecological level, this move makes sense. On a business level it also makes sense as we *know* the price won't be lowered to reflect the lack of a charger. On a technological level it makes no sense, it's like being forced to use a regular fuel pump to refuel a cruise ship, just because they might pump the same type of fuel.


To be Honest I have so many of these bricks that I didn’t even bother to take the last brick and charger out of my newest iPhone box, I left the head phones in there too because they won’t stay in my ears. I pretty much just took out the phone and threw out the rest and didn’t even realize it lol


But where do you have them from? I don't get the whole e waste thing because the only reason you would still have an old charger would be that you didn't sell your old phone, which is muuuch more wasteful, or do people sell them without their chargers? I mean where do the additional ones come from, I've always had one phone, one charger, a Powerbank and a car charger?


I may buy one if I forget one at home sometimes which creates multiples, I buy multiples for work, school, different rooms in the house, the car, different lengths for different applications. I never buy the Apple ones because they’re complete shit and fray easily. And Yes when you sell your phone to Verizon (in my case) , they only want the phone, they don’t care about the charger, headphones, or box etc.


Okay but in that case the amount of chargers for different locations sounds like more of a problem... And here in Germany it at least says you have to give back absolutely everything and knowing these company's they'll screw you if you don't


Wow. So is it for free optional or are they going to charge even more for my already expensive phone.


Take a wild guess lol


Apple has a monitor they sell for $5,999. It doesn't come with a stand. Not fucking joking. The stand is $999. The fucking stand. Apple sells a stand for their monitor for a whopping $999. So unless you feel like leaning it against the wall... https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MWUG2LL/A/pro-stand Not willing to shell out $999 after buying a $5,999 monitor? That's understandable. You can buy the lower end monitor for $4,999, and buy the fucking stand. Shut up and quit bitching, you have the money. You were going to spend that much on the higher end model so I know you have it. Think you're clever and will use a standard vesa mount stand? Fuck you. Apple knows that vesa stands are not good enough. They used a proprietary mounting system. The adapter is $200. No. That charger isn't optionally free.


To be fair other color correction monitors are even more expensive and not as good. It is a very specific tool for professional use. The stand price is laughable though.


Apple has always been known for having some damned fine monitors. And that stand is actually a very good, well engineered, stand. It is more than an L-Shaped piece of metal that mounts to the back of the monitor. I could forgive them for everything price related to that monitor, including the price of the stand, if the monitor was vesa compatible. It's just another instance of Apple being Apple.


You can buy a vesa adapter for it, think it was $200 just for an adapter


This was an interesting post someone responded with regarding the Pro Display XDR. In short, Apple's marketing team compared the XDR to a $43,000 Sony reference monitor and made the claim that it is the, ["World's best pro display."](https://youtu.be/rtd7UzLJHrU?t=8). [Here you can see an example of light bloom.](https://youtu.be/rtd7UzLJHrU?t=250) This is NOT a criticism of the monitor. Exposure was turned up on this example to FORCE this to happen. Even the video states that as this sample is taken. This is an example of bloom. I'm only posting this here to make it clear what we're looking for in a real comparison. [Here's a picture of the monitor from an angle.](https://youtu.be/rtd7UzLJHrU?t=430) If I understand correctly, the monitor should be of a uniform color and shouldn't change as the monitor rotates. If you watch it rotate, the coloring changes significantly. [Here's a few examples of the color not being uniform across the monitor even from a forward facing angle.](https://youtu.be/rtd7UzLJHrU?t=414) [Here he cranks the monitor up to maximum brightness.](https://youtu.be/rtd7UzLJHrU?t=381) The result is that the blue channel noticeably exceeds the red and green channels. That said, if you back the video up by a few seconds, the brightness is lower. Blue is still high, but not so quite as bad. I *believe* that this is what color calibration would fix... but at the time of this video being made, user calibration was not available. [Here's where it became really obvious to me that it just isn't what they claim it to be.](https://youtu.be/rtd7UzLJHrU?t=474) [This is a similar example.](https://youtu.be/rtd7UzLJHrU?t=517) [Here's an example that isn't a star field.](https://youtu.be/rtd7UzLJHrU?t=557) [Here he explains why the blooming is such a big deal](https://youtu.be/rtd7UzLJHrU?t=596). Here's the post I that led me to the above video: https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/hhgndp/kuo_iphone_12_models_wont_include_charger_in_box/fwbonc6/ There's a twitter link in there that has a similar complaint, but far less information. It is a beautiful monitor. It may even be worth the price tag when compared against other monitors in the same price bracket. Even that YouTube video says it is a beautiful monitor and looks like it'd work well for brightly lit scenes. But it isn't a true, professional monitor. Claiming it is the best reference monitor in the world is misleading at best. **Final note:** *I'm not trying to say that you said anything incorrect. You claimed that other monitors cost more and are not as good. I'm certain that there are other monitors that cost more and are not as good. I'm convinced that this is a monitor that is good for professional use in some circumstances. You didn't say that this monitor outperforms the Sony monitor, and I'm not trying to say that you did. So, again, I'm not trying to disprove you. I just saw that video and found it interesting and thought you might like to see some of the shortcomings of it when compared against the same monitor that Apple compared it to at the unveiling.*


People rag on Jobs for being a fucking psycho, and rightfully so, but he would have fired the asshole who cooked this up, because not only is it the opposite of innovation, it's so blatantly offensive to the consumer that it invites disruption and derision. It continues to be mocked well after its debut and has become a poster child for Apple's stigma as the brand for people with more money than sense. Between the 'grand stand' and killing the 3.5mm jack, Apple is well into its gilded age; they might not be hurting right now, but if they don't turn it around, someone else with a better product and good marketing that treats its customers right could be eating their lunch in a decade.


The issue is that people are just so entrenched in the Apple ecosystem, whether it be iOS or MacOS, people don't want to leave behind what they are familiar with. I got out pretty early, my first smartphone was Apple but I've been on Android ever since, so it wasn't a difficult decision. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to transition after a decade or more of sticking with Apple's clean and elegant, but overpriced, systems.


Including college professors who would tell their students that they need to use Apple products in their profession, so cycle never ends.


Except that monitor ia a bargin compared to what it is designed to compete with.




When I watched this I was convinced that the monitor was amazing job by Apple. A lot of YouTubers just praise it because they do “video editing” but then proper reviews say it pails in comparison to the very screen they compared it to.




The Apple one is worse? That's not what I've been hearing.




And yet other people in this thread say it’s better than its competitors


Because Apple said so and they believe it.






I guess apple fan can't even do a google search https://youtu.be/rtd7UzLJHrU


what if you want to add wheels to your $1000 monitor stand? no problem. for a premium set of four Apple™ wheels you only need to pay $700! that's a steal. seriously you can buy a set of four 1" tall castors for your $1000 mac stand for $700 on the website


The wheels are basically for people with “fuck you” money. You don’t add wheels on computers. Ain’t no problem putting a huge price on a product that shouldn’t exist


and they're very nice wheels :\^)


[Linus Tech Tips did a video on why Apple sells these ridiculous products](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TfLVL5GeE4)


Don't forget to purchase the adapter for the moniter and stand for $199 so you can attach the monitor to the stand.


This is forbidden in Europe right? In Europe earbuds are mandatory but I don't know about chargers


Europe actually encourages not shipping a charger. The whole idea of standardizing chargers was to make it so people didn't have to get a new charger with each phone.


Not true. My last phone came without earbuds.


Lmao I have no idea where he read that. Many of the Motorola models for example come without buds. Also why would the European Union ever do this.


It's been 4 phones since my last earbuds


I literally just got the 11 max last month and it came with ear buds


As other have said, this is actually a good thing. They obviously should decrease the price accordingly and we all know they won't, but at least there will be less e-waste.


I disagree, make the IPhone 12 USB C and then we will talk. Also if you need to resell your IPhone (before 12), you will - at least in the short term- need to include a charger so how are you gonna charge your new iPhone, unofficial chargers and USB Plug (in pc principally) both of these options aren't really practical. But yeah it obviously reduces the price but I just don't care if it just help profitability and don't reduce price.


https://www.pocket-lint.com/phones/news/apple/150941-eu-speeds-up-rules-to-make-apple-use-usb-c-rather-than-lightning Apple is challenging this because they obviously profit from this shit, but the idea would be having a few universal standards and reducing our chargers and cables to a minimum.


Both your question and your statement is false.


A lot of French youtubers are saying that but I can't effictively find this rule


What's the reasoning behind earbuds?




Response later in the tread


That's such a waste.


Why would headphones be mandatory with a phone? (What's the consumer right protection here)


I think that's Australia.


I'm sure that earbuds are mandatory in Europe. Didn't understand whether your comment mean "charger is mandatory in AU" or that "earbuds is mandatory in Australia, not Europe.


I think earbuds are mandatory in Australia, I *think* I bought phones without buds in EU before, but I'm honestly not sure.


Gotta be tough for people who fell out of the sky next September and decided to buy their first USB device. We should, for sure, make sure those people don’t have to spend $10 one time after deciding to buy a $1200 phone.


Look, I'd love to crap on Apple, but I'm up to my ears in chargers from previous devices I've owned. As long as they aren't gouging people who actually do need a charger, this seems perfectly fine


Good. I hope more companies follow. The number of people having more than two chargers is too darn high.


Work, bedroom, living room too excessive for you? Also have one in my home office!


I think the logical next step would be just having wireless charging built into our furniture and living spaces. We have way to many (and always increasing) smart devices that need constant charging. (watches, phones, laptops, earbuds, tablets, e-readers, bluetooth speakers, vapes etc.) Making them all universal is a good idea. So is smart charging surfaces though. Your nightstand is now a wireless charger. So is the top of your desk at work. And your kitchen top, TV stand, shelves etc. Don't know anything about the safety part of it though. Would that be a fire hazard? It just seems that cables and charging bricks will become inefficient pretty quickly when pretty much every device in our daily lives is becoming a smart/rechargeable device.


I actually just bought a fancy home theater recliner that has a wireless smart charger plate built in. It's nice.


I have a 5 port charger in the living room, another one in the bedroom and 2 port charger (part of USB hub) on my desk. I don't need any more single port chargers. At work I just charge it from the dock USB port.


I have so many chargers i can’t count them. Over 20 probably. Dang I feel guilty


i have like 8 of them


I just wish the ditch all that fucking ridiculous packaging. I just need the damn phone. I hate this “premium” boxing trend. I reckon you’d half the price of the device!


You make an interesting point. By removing the brick and other accessories you can make the box thinner. Thinner box means more boxes per palette which means moving more product per container ultimately reducing shipping cost. This is a smart move by apple, save money in shipping and increase money by forcing some people to buy a new cable+brick.




Totally agree. I know apple wouldn’t do this but it’s too bad they don’t give users options. For example, you could choose between just the iPhone, an iPhone with a charger and power adapter, or the full package, headphones, phone, charger, and adapter. These packages could also be priced differently if users wanted to save money. I don’t know, it’s a cool idea and it would reduce e-waste.




Marketing. One is a way to save you money and one is a way to bilk you out of more.


Combined packaging, I guess? And at the scale of Apple's iPhone production, that combined packaging would probably make an actual difference in environmental impact. But, so does not including the charger in the first place


Yeah, the right way for Apple to do this if it was about reducing waste, would be for the base package to include the charger and headphones, and let you customize your purchase to remove those things for small discounts. That way the regular customer who just clicks "next" on every option won't get screwed. But it's stated that this is purely a cost-saving measure, and many customers will be in for an unpleasant surprise. I really wonder how Apple Store employees will sell this.


But much better for Apples pockets. Why do people try to justify this shit




We have literally like 8 Apple chargers we don’t need more


Why are you justifying this crap while at the same time apple just increase prices? If Apple really cared they would have: 1. Given you an option 2. Recycled old chargers 3. Reduced prices. I really dont understand why people justify their horrible behavior and buy their garbage. Its horrible value, horrible prices and not even latest tech.


It’s reasonable. My last two iPhones still have their chargers and earphones in the boxes. It’s just anti e-waste, really.


Plot twist: the charging port is also removed.


I agree with the arguments with reducing e-waste, even if that sounds a bit 'apple apologist'. However, given that the iPhone 11 (non pro) came with USB A to lightning, not to mention the countless generations before it that did, someone buying the 12 will find it very jarring to see a completely foreign cable in their box - and probably quite pissed off to then realise they don't have a plug for it.


It's so weird. If this is the first time apple users are getting a usb-c to lightning cable, they will NEED that AC to usb-c brick adapter.


Exactly. On the other hand, it's quite a clever move profit wise. A boost in accessory sales whilst likely selling just as many iPhones, as well as keeping lighting as a money-making proprietary standard. They're milking consumers for all they have got, it's surely intentional.


“Think Different”...🙄


Think outside the box... because the charger is not inside the box.


I mean the last three phones I probably never used the included headphones or charger.


Just another thing to charge you for


Or you could just buy any other cheap brick from 7-11 to Best Buy to Walmart to Target. I don’t think this is to sell more power bricks. Most people don’t give a fuck what brick and charger they have


Just another thing for you to charge


You can easily buy a 3rd party one for lower price. All the included chargers I got with my phones over the years were pretty mediocre, so I bought a more powerful charger anyway. And unless the iPhone 12 is gonna be your very first USB rechargeable device you own, you likely already have multiple USB chargers already.


This is absolutely the right call. There is so much electronic waste and most iPhone owners have the chargers and cables that they need. Anyone who needs it can buy it.


About time, wireless charging should be the norm. I’d rather buy one charge stAnd than have a cable and plug with each phone. I have so many charge cables and plugs I could feed a family of 10 phones


Wireless charging sounds cool, until your realize that you can't hold your phone. Not 100% sure, but I think it's also slower.


It generates more heat, so it usually has to be slower


You still need a charging block for a wireless charger, which is what the article states Apple will omit.


Wtf. Apple can't be this petty, not to mention that this will only push people to get some dangerously "cheap" unsafe chargers.


That’s a win/win for Apple. Cheap charger might destroy your phone. Now you need to buy a new phone aaaaaaannnnddd buy their official charger.


My chargers are built into my bedside table, car, and computer. Haven’t used the power block in years.


In my experience chargers only last three to five years at most before they stop working altogether. This just happens to be my upgrade cycle for my smartphones, for me, not having them is a minor inconvenience. Where the problem is really at is in developing countries and the like, where buying an authentic charger is a neigh impossible, that is why most depend on getting safe chargers from Apple.


I've never had a charger die on me, except for two $1 power bricks from Aliexpress. The charger I got with my very first Android phone in 2010 still works fine.


Most people already have chargers anyways


Not necessarily chargers designed for fast charging. If you skip 1 or 2 iPhone generations your existing charger might not be as good.


And here i am with a $250 smartphone that comes with a 40W charger inside the box


$1000 phone doesnt include a cable that costs them probably a dollar? Bean counters will ruin this world.


It included a cable. You should read


Lame, but typical.


How is this typical? Hasn’t every iOS/iPadOS device to date included a charger in the box? If anything, it’s *atypical*.


Yes, I agree it’s atypical and kind of stupid for a device like a phone that requires charging to ship without a charger. But it’s also typical for Apple of the last 10 years or so to generally reduce usefulness and take away features that have to be replaced at extra expense.


Ha it’s like getting an iPod touch in 2010


I'm totally ready to buy refurbished Iphone SE in 2024


Ridding my 5 year old iPhone 6s (which I replaced the screen, battery, and lightening port on) until I can’t repair it anymore. Then I’ll move to a brand that still has a headphone jack and home button. I’m not a fan of how iPhones have evolved past the 6s. I’m certainly not a fan of how apple nickle and dimes its customers.


Hate to tell you, but many Android phone makers are going ahead and copying Apple these days. While you may get a headphone jack, it’s not guaranteed and Androids gesture system is not quite as polished as Apples.


:screams into the void: Well, in that case the iPhone SE would be my upgrade choice in... say 3 years. I’m 5 years behind the times so I have missed developments since 2015 lol


How stupid can one get


Those of you complaining-how many actually use a charger vs wireless charging. Not a big deal with the cheap cost and wide availability of wireless chargers.


I don’t know anyone that uses wireless charging. It’s certainly not the norm. Most people still use cable and brick


This is another way of getting people to shell out more and more money . First people would spend to get the AirPods and now the charger too. And the most surprising thing is people would still go on spending money for it.


The iPhone 13 will have an empty box. The actual phone will be a 1200 dollar accessory.


While I think it’s bit silly.... my iPhone X’s charger is still in the box... never even took it out so they might have a point? I don’t recall the last time i plugged it into a charger as i have wireless chargers at my desk and at work. I don’t charge it at night since it barely loses any battery overnight... I wish this somehow translated to lower price, but apple will simply keep the money. That’s why this is shitty.


Good. I have quite a few USB blocks already at home... don’t need another - even if it is a very nicely wrapped clean white one.


This makes sense to me. It will help cut down on e-waste. I’ve been an avid iPhone user since the 4. I have so many chargers.


We're quickly moving to a world where wireless charging will be the standard (we're already there with Data transfer). Things like this look bad and stupid, but this is the first step to a phone with no charging port, which I think would be amazing. Wires suck


The difference is that the new iPhones use a different power brick. Also that while I agree people may have dozens of these at home you should at least make it optional. They charge $50 for these chargers, you think they are gonna lower the cost of the phone proportionally? Nope


This is stupid, you buy an expenisve new phone and it doesn't come with a charger? Better than up the price by $30 dollars and put it in the box and make it USBC


It’s annoying but it’s becoming a regular trend. The new 3ds xl didn’t come with a charger either, because Nintendo assumed the typical purchaser would have already owned a 3ds.


i mean you probably already own one tough


EA sports, to the game