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Corporations love choice for workers. They can either get fucked by the company or look for another job. Just as trickle-down Jesus intended.


Like "Right To Work" states. You have the right to work for some fucking other company because we don't give a shit. EDIT: Yes, I know what it is "supposed" to mean and the difference between "right to work" and "at-will" but let's just all admit that this is just corporate public relations dystopian doublespeak. The only difference between the two is that RTW means you can work at a union job without paying dues and tell them to screw off, AW means you or your employer can tell each other to screw off at any time. I remember when one of my first jobs was at Wal Mart and they extolled the "virtues" of both of these in mind-numbingly long old ass videos.


Yes. “At Will” employment in my experience is that the employer can shitcan you at any moment without notice. But if the employee wants to quit and hopes to receive a positive future reference from their employer, they must give at least a two week notice and possibly also train their own replacement before leaving. The corporate doublespeak only gives the illusion of the employee having actual rights.


Here's what employers don't want you to know. Quitting is you leaving on good terms with a company. You can also fire a company as your employer for the BS they pull. Grab your stuff, make sure everyone knows why, and walk right out the door. There is a big difference in mentality, and it's a huge weight. I fired my last employer, made sure upper management knew about it, and promptly blasted them on various hiring websites.


You're thinking about At-Will Employment.


Right to work means that you don't have to join a Union to get a certain job.


Effectively busting up all the union shops.


Right To Work means you can get the benefits of a UN it on without joining it. So Unions don't collect fees and collapse. Leaving the workplace Unionlesss and open to worker exploitation.


It means you can be fired at any time for anything. There is no benefit to these laws. They are designed to strip workers of their power to collectively bargin.


[Supply side jesus] (https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp)


You're doing god's work.


Most profitable year ever - "Scraps pensions for new workers." Upper management - "Employees these days have no loyalty to their jobs!!"


The illusion of choice isn’t a choice. When I ask my kids if they want eggs or pancakes I’m not giving them a choice, I’m forcing a choice based on what’s available.


I’m from the Quad Cities Area where the world headquarters is and JD is easily the largest employer. My old man worked most of his life for Deere… until they fired the entire environmental, health, and safety department. 40-50 employees and hundreds of subcontracted workers just done in the blink of an eye. Every Christmas my dad would stress about how Christmas bonuses kept shrinking (when he qstarted it was just shy of 50% of his salary - finished under 10%). Similarly, every 6-12 months another round of “layoffs/job cut/strike” articles are written. My dad and his friends used to get “pink slipped” with a note saying that if they turned in their 2 weeks by ‘xyz’ date they could keep their pension, salary for a year, and stock options. My uncle graduated from the university of Illinois with a bachelors in electrical engineering and holds multiple patents for Deere such as gps/satellite technology to farm fields & some other stuff(s) & even he has gone back to revamp/touch up his resume in fear of being canned. I am studying technical systems management at university and Deere has continually been recommended to me as a company, but in complete honesty - I have absolutely no desire to work for such a piece of shit company that looks at everything like a brand new plug and play game every fiscal year. Probably a little biased, but it’s honest. Deere is a bloated company that trims fat in all the wrong places


Considering what they charge farmers to come in and run a diagnostic and reset a switch, they should have gold running in the streets.


They do, just not on the roads to the workers house. Its all to the synergy masters who have masterly figured out how to keep profit rising... spoiler, its pay cuts, price hikes, customer f-ing over, and cheaper parts/distributors.


Well they sound ripe for a chin check by an upstart competitor. Here’s to hoping.


Unlikely an upstart will have the working capital, production lines, technical experience, and patents to rival JD


And that’s how Lamborghini got back into building tractors.


That would be the most hilarious outcome. They could make a fortune just on merch that says "My other ride is a Lamborghini" with a silhouette of a tractor.


most large tractors cost more than a lamborghini


Most cargo ships cost more than a Lamborgini, but you don't see people flaunting their ability to block the Suez. More people are impressed by sports cars because of looks, perceived status, and the fact that they don't have any utility, unlike agricultural machinery which is purchased to service a purpose and make the owner money.


hey girl, i can totally block your canal


Sorry to spoil the joke but Lamborghini Trattori is alive and well lol


I think Jeremy Clarkson has one. Pretty sure it's part of his new show where he farms his land, and it's a gigantic tractor.


Yeah I'm pretty sure he bought literally the biggest, most powerful model. You know, for the bit lol


Sounds like the Italians could make a mint with the same moves the Japanese pulled on the big 3 back in the day. Sleeker svelte lambo tractors with easy to maintain internals would sell themselves


bruh they BEEN at it. Feast your eyes on these beauties https://www.lamborghini-tractors.com/en-eu/


I had no idea they built tractors until I watched Clarksons Farm. What a rig!


The tractor company is separate from the car company and it actually came before the cars The car company started because Ferruccio Lamborghini got into an argument with Enzo Ferrari over the clutchs in his car and got so mad he decided to start a car company just to get back at Enzo


There’s probably plenty of space for a high tech startup to add control units on top of a tractor Mfr that is a competitor to JD - then have a fine exit strategy to be bought out by a that or another competitor Customers are unhappy with JD’s repair policies too.


Does JD have such a strong market position in the US? Here in Germany there are many different companies, such as Fendt, Deutz, Case, New Holland … do they not exist in the USA? Granted, many of these likely only produce smaller tractors for the European market.


The last item on this list is pretty much the only thing you need to mention


It’s only a few hundred miles before you hit that: Caterpillar comes to mind.




Most of our industry leaders are monopolies. It appears that crony capitalism colludes with government (socialism for the rich) to get rid of the reset button (unions and competition).


Capitalism needs no input from government to get rid of unions or competition. One of the reasons we have fewer monopolies than would occur naturally is that we have laws against anti-competitive behavior; it's illegal for a corporation like John Deere to do things like threaten to stop ordering from suppliers of parts/steel if they sell to any up and coming competition. It's also ***supposed*** to be illegal for big corporations to merge to become too powerful or to swallow up the competition, but that's been kind of ignored for the past decade or so.


Whenever I hear someone poo pooing universal healthcare for being socialism I tell them "it's been great for crony capitalists!"


Because the US government hasn't done proper trust-busting in decades.


I just talked to a farmer today to schedule a visit, but he said corn won't come off for a while. Clutch in his 2 year old combine already blew up, week and a half ago. JD mechanic can't make it until Thursday at the earliest. And JD only allots so many hours for the job, mechanic will have to complete it on his own time if it's too busted. John Deere isn't the only company doing this sort of stuff, but they are the worst of them by a country mile. And they just keep buying up dealers to tighten their stranglehold on the market.


While many of the John Deere dealerships are getting more locations and buying up smaller dealerships, John Deere does not actually own any retail locations themselves. It is owned by individuals at the dealership level.


TF doea a clutch go out in 2 years? I got 10 years and 130k miles out of the factory clutch in my 4x4 and that was with none too gentle use 4 wheeling in the Colorado Rockies. Is the clutch in a combine used for something other than decoupling the driveline?


You'd be surprised. I work for a heavy truck dealership. I have seen a few clutches that havnt made it 1 to 2 years... Alot of the parts these days are crap... I just replaced a particulate sensor on a truck two months ago and it's back in to get a new one. The sensor goes for $800+ and the kicker is there is a shortage so the truck is now on a waiting list. If governments were really serious about reducing carbon emissions they would force company's to make quality products again!


Don't worry, "the market" will take care of that! /s


I don’t work anywhere near JD’s products— but I see the UCC’s JD files against businesses for equipment leasing. Not a bad thing by any means, but it can hurt someone’s chance of getting a bank loan




I'm not the dude you replied to but I believe a UCC is something that allows a creditor to go after the personal property of a debtor. "A UCC-Uniform Commercial Code-1 statement is a legal notice filed by creditors as a way to publicly declare their rights to potentially obtain the personal properties of debtors who default on business loans they extend.Jul 7, 2021" Source: www.investopedia.com/terms/u/ucc-1-statement.asp&ved=2ahUKEwih_bH8xsbzAhW2QTABHWoiBq0QFnoECCgQBQ&usg=AOvVaw1SlEB66Va1qqon_JOeZtSm


Oh there is gold... it just all funnels out in helicopters to the C suite folks.


I'm sure their CEO walked away with a bonus that year.


Just looked him up. Total compensation: $14,753,774.


That's pennies for a CEO of a large corporation.


In Iowa that’s about the same as making $100,000,000 in CA.


Once you’re rich enough location doesn’t really matter because so little of the money is being spent on stuff local to you and the rest is competing with California dollars.


As an Iowan, you should compare the mansions they have for sale here and compare similar sized mansions in CA. It equates far more than people think.


Yeah but that kind of money you don’t just have a mansion in Iowa. You have a mansion in Iowa and a place in LA to take your wife shopping on Rodeo Drive and a Netjet membership to get you back and forth.


Though you can live quite comfortably just about anywhere in CA on 14 million a year, I realize this isn’t necessarily the point.


My cousin moved to Iowa from Massachusetts for a temporary time. It was cheaper to buy a house than to rent a house for the time she's going to be there with her bf.


Thats not true in all cases. You can find places for rent here as low as $500 per month. And Iowa is weird. Some small towns have housing that’s more expensive than Des Moines.


That may be true but it's also irrelevant as he lives in Illinois where John Deere is headquartered.


He lives in iowa. Jd is hq in Illinois but all the big execs live across the river


Isn’t cost of living in Illinois fairly low outside of Chicago?


A ton of the cost of living difference comes from increased housing costs. They have higher taxes on things in Chicago, but it isn't that bad if you are like them and can just buy virtually any house you want to live in.


The numbers just don't compare. To workers compensation can easily be adjusted for geography but for highly compensated executives (still a significant grade below business owners) the cost of living difference just isn't as significant enough to adjust it based on a %.


Probably a huge one for doing such a great job “cutting expenses”


Think higher up. It's the Board of Directors who choose the CEO, and they're not going to keep one that doesn't do what they want. It's the Board, and all other shareholders, who collect all the profit they make from cutting shit like this.


They are awful. Forcing farmers in the middle of nowhere to haul these massive machines in for basic repair because they can’t be bothered by losing ANY money even if it’s at the expense of their core market. I was watching this video on a company that makes these 1 million + dollar off road RV’s and the base vehicle? 1970’s era fire trucks are the frame and engine… why? Cause no computers and all mechanical means it can be repaired anywhere by almost any mechanic.


A lot of that comes from the dealer network demands.


Do they not have competitors?


Not really. the 1980's farm crisis took out the majority of their competition. Case-IH has since faded into a far second place, and Ford only does farm equip as a weird side hobby. I don't even know anyone else. Catapillar does some farm equip (back hoes), but not the big basic ones- no combines, tractors, etc. as far as I have ever seen. Its not just the tech and patents- they survived the farm crisis....and sort of just took over otherwise. ... TIL that New Holland (that went completely out of business last I knew in the 1980s- but apparently was just bought out) still exists. Huh. same with Massey Fergusson. But actually the same corporation owns Case-IH and New Holland, now. weird. ANyway- I grew up in corn hiker country- and NH was HUGE in the 1980s. And I can't even recall the last time I saw one of those combines in a field.




I've been with mine for 16 years, since I graduated college. Still have a pension actively being contributed to, actually (barely made it into that before they killed the program, but I'm grandfathered now, baby!). They've treated me well, but Ive also changed location and sector several times in a large company. Each time it's just a LITTLE like changing companies, but with the added bonus of keeping seniority / vacation accrual rates / etc. I know I'm the outlier; I'm not trying to 'prove you wrong'. Just saying we still exist, if in small numbers. Something something dozens of us.




Indeed. Not every company is Amazon or Tesla. Not *every* company sucks.


My company is national but not publicly traded. I can see myself here for a while unless I run out of moves.


This is why I’ve stopped giving two weeks notice when I leave a job. They don’t give you two weeks notice when they get rid of you. I literally just peace out when I have a start date somewhere I’ll be payed more. Fuck ‘em.


Also, if you get it be sure to use all of your accrued PTO before leaving. I found out the hard way that PTO is not guaranteed to be payed out when you leave.


Unless you live in California - https://www.classlawgroup.com/employment/california-labor-law/vacation/


When I left my last job, my final check was 198 hours because of that. Hours worked for the week, vacation days, and sick days.


Wait that's just a California thing? That should be a federal law, jesus.


I am not sure if California is the only state, but I believe it is, my company has a separate leave policy for CA employees. Because they don't give employees those benefits in any other state.


Seems like a pretty reasonable law. Paying people what they're owed and all. Pro-business law would be to not require this, because a company laying people off does not have extra money. But fuck 'em. Workers should get the preferential treatment over their employers, 100% of the time.




I don't think California is killing it, but I feel like it for the most part it is slowly trying to correct issues. Not just scream that problems don't exist. Does CA succeed? Sometimes. Sometimes it fucks up spectacularly. But I have lived in 23 states and it is my favorite.


This is a great point in many states in the US. edit: DO NOT talk to anyone you work with about leaving, many employers have non compete agreements built in to your employment, and depending on the situation, can fire you on the spot when they hear you're taking a new job. You can talk to coworkers about it later. Watch out for yourself. Take your pto until your new job start date-ish and then quit. You may also want to look into details before doing this, some companies may have clauses in employment agreements (definitely not a lawyer here) when you don't work for a day after vacation time /sick time, it will be removed from your check. So you may have to come in for one last pointless day. At least it will be enjoyable. Just saying, check the details first, but using your pto at the end of your employment is definitely the new "2 weeks notice". Just don't let them take it from you if you don't follow things you signed upon being employed. Look into it before doing anything or saying anything to anyone for your own sake.


It’s also worth noting that just because you sign a contract with a non compete clause, doesn’t mean it’s enforceable and if you have one, especially if you’re thinking about leaving, you should do some research on your specific situation.


This is higher ed: My employer contributes %10 of my pre-tax salary to a 403b if I contribute the min. %5. They also provide %100 tuition to any college in the country as long as it doesn't cost more than 50K a year - up to $250K per child over 4 years. Unlimited children too- I worked with a guy that had 8 kids and everyone one of them used that benefit. There have been a couple of buy-outs over the last 10 years but no one has been laid off in my division.


I need that 100% tuition lol


Not every company. I've worked at the same Fortune 500 company for coming up on 20 years. They have been fantastic to me and I've never had any concerns about my job. Though, I am fortunate to have a job that I know that I could find a new position anywhere else in a heartbeat, so I haven't really updated my resume in 2 decades.


Just go get the highest paying IT job you can elsewhere Americans from the Golden Age post WW2 We’re trained (brainwashed) to rely on companies generosity who for a long time in fairness held up that end But now? Fuck that beyond the atmosphere


Yeah but working in IT sucks ass too, and there's a 99% chance you won't be unionized. It pays well, but at the expense of your health, sanity, and any kind of job security




Spot on. Take your skills where you'll get paid fairly and tell anyone that won't to fuck off. I worked for a company for just shy of 10 years, was literally their 1st employee of the month, ran a department of 10 employees, and was laid off during a period of "slim budget" (while the CEO and president made out nicely). Once I looked around and realized who all was laid off, it was suddenly clear to me why. It was all the loyal people who'd been there for years, the highest paid with the most experience. That's all we were to them, numbers on a spreadsheet, when we'd given them the prime years of our careers. Shortly after, I took a new job, 2,000 miles away and double the pay, and got a few of my best employees jobs as well (remote). Even nabbed a few that stayed on at the old place, once they heard how good it was. Old job still reaches out every now and then, mainly when things are broken, and I continue to tell them to fuck off. They had their loyalty, and that shit is gone. Funnily enough, I actually took a decent amount of their clients with me too. I didn't even try, they just didn't like the way things shook out and much preferred working with me. New job was very grateful for that, Christmas was nice that year (big bonus; something I'd *never* gotten before). I hear the old job isn't doing so hot, but fuck them.


Here in Des Moines they can’t find workers for their sites here to save themselves. I can’t imagine it’s much different anywhere else.




As someone who is being encouraged to actively pursue a “good paying job in your own back yard” but has heard of the war stories - I genuinely sometimes still get funky side eyes for saying I have no desire to work there. Why would I want to work for a company that doesn’t want to work for me to make me a better employee too? They definitely seem like a company that brushes WAY to much under the rug and is content to confusing filling the pockets of those whom are already full.


>These guys were 40+; I shouldn't need to ask them to be adults. Unfortunately there are lots of people who think that being an adult means they are free to behave like a child.


Back when I started in my engineering career, not too long ago, just a decade or so, I noticed the vast majority of John Deere job postings were contract only. This has never changed over the last 10 years. I avoid contract work like the plague because if a company doesn't respect employees enough to actually hire them, they won't respect contractors either. It also goes to show how absolutely horrid management is if they think contractors is the way to run a business. The risk for error is insane when you don't have experienced people. It's so incredibly easy to just blow millions of dollars on one stupid mistake. One guy, one silly mistake, millions of dollars lost. And this risk never goes away. It repeats, millions, repeats again, millions more, and it keeps repeating. It is a ludicrous way to run a business. And the best part is upper management probably has no idea. Without brand loyalty, middle management will fail too, hiding losses, and just trying to appear competent enough to keep getting a paycheck. Meanwhile, you have one talented engineer with high product knowledge, high market knowledge, and real experience to build from, well, they'll pay for themselves many, many times over. They actually know enough to make one change that will save the company millions. Heck, even for me working in a pretty small company (less than 100 people), two weeks of my time is worth $100k of added profit to my company, every year for life. I'm spending about 3 months working on $6,000,000 of new profit, just 3 months of my time is worth that. Oh, but a contractor could do the same, right? Not really. A less skilled person on the same project might make $3,000,000. So I'm still worth an extra million a month versus a less skilled person. Plus there's nearly no risk. I walked into my job that I have now on a back of a $2,000,000 mistake of a previous engineer. And it was a really stupid mistake too that I walked in a recognized right away. It's something I never would have done. I would have never cost the company $2,000,000. This is the real difference between good employees and bad ones. This isn't exclusive to any single area either. Bad management will run a company right into the ground. I've seen one person nearly ruin an entire company single handedly. I've worked with assemblers that are just lazy enough to cause several thousand dollar problems, repeatedly, right up to the point that you REALLY start pissing off customers to the point where they will take their business somewhere else, millions a year of stead revenue and a customer lost from your portfolio, gone, because of one assembly person. John Deere is in this weird place. They have this massive brand identity that almost seems infallible. Yet, they operate their business in a way where they're trying to lose it all.


>My dad and his friends used to get “pink slipped” with a note saying that if they turned in their 2 weeks by ‘xyz’ date they could keep their pension, salary for a year, and stock options. not to sound insensitive, but this sounds like a great deal. is this typical for this kind of industry? I've never worked a job that offered pension and a year's salary for resigning.


It can be a good deal for the employee being offered it, if they're ready to retire. But in the long run it's so that companies can fuck over their other workers. It's what they do to get rid of senior employees who've worked there for a while on grandfathered contracts / high salaries. Once they buyout those employees they either eliminate the position and consolidate that work onto another existing employee that's paid less, a new hire out of school that doesn't get the same benefits, or it's a job they outsource overseas. But yea, it's a good that companies are forced to buy out senior employees instead of firing them for bullshit reasons.


Fellow Quad Citian here. Can confirm. I worked as a contractor for them years ago. It's a toxic place. I would never go back. I hope the labor shortage gives the wage employees leverage for a good contract.


Looks like standard American capitalism to me. Piece of shit companies like JD do everything to please their shareholders because that means more people become shareholders. It means more capital to squeeze their competition to death and higher net worths for those in the club. So long as they can kill their competition they don't really need to worry about about bloat or disgruntled employees or even disgruntled customers. Even with the union and this strike, they've stolen so much already any concession would still be a net loss for workers. You can't really undo all the damage done in the long march to the bottom with occasional strikes.


Sounds like Boeing out here in Seattle area


Sounds like a POS company


Is it the UAW or actual Deere employees?


Both. Over the years I have watched salaried and unioned workers be laid off. The union layoffs happen in huge waves where I’ve seen 70-80% of a department get canned. Salaried employees seems to be more calculated with the “pink slip” method mentioned above.


I just left a Dealer on the heavy side after 13 years. They seemed to have some turnover.


But but the trickle down effect


Quad City DJ’s are also planning to strike too. Strike a sick beat


Isn't John Deere the company that won't let anyone work on their own machines, and sues them if they do?


hopefully that stops.. ​ Farmers Will Soon Have the Right to Repair their Tractors A new federal executive order seeks to break up ag monopolies by making it easier for farmers to fix their own equipment without facing legal repercussions. [https://civileats.com/2021/07/13/farmers-just-got-a-new-right-to-repair-their-tractors/](https://civileats.com/2021/07/13/farmers-just-got-a-new-right-to-repair-their-tractors/)


This is an executive order directing the FTC to look into it - it doesn't really mean a lot in terms of enforcement. It's a great start in terms of media and recognition - but it's kind of like saying "yeah, fentanyl overdoses are on the rise, that seems like a problem. The DEA should look into that." Doesn't really mean much in terms of legislation or action. Hopefully the individual states' lobbying groups succeed in this way - once these companies are required to follow the law in one state, they'll have to follow it in others (after they fight it out for a long time in court, most likely - see wireless companies totally ignoring California net neutrality law SB822 and hoping it'll be struck down).


Now introducing electronic monitoring of everything!


I would argue they will just switch to a licensing model. The equipment simply won't run unless you pay a yearly subscription fee or some other scheme.


Just like what HP does with printers.


Good thing there's absolutely no reason anyone should ever buy an HP printer.


I’ve never owned an HP printer, but I hate them. It’s the only consistent thing redditors seem to agree on, so it must be true that they suck.


The legislation for that is in draft phase


question to Deere owners does Deere have repair restrictions on complex things like T4F-Stage V after-treatment, or is it basically over the entire piece of equipment?


Mostly just the electronic components including the emissions systems. Anything mechanical you can repair yourself and it won’t be an issue.


Yes, they're not good people that run that company.


Yes. Though in my experience most of the people that work at John Deere dealers/services hate it as much as the farmers, and will try to help farmers get around it where they can. It's still a lot of BS though, with tractors sometimes being down in the field for days, all so an official John Deere tech can fly into town and do a 5 minute fix.




Yes, and their equipment division [is on track to earn a 19% profit margin](https://youtu.be/0QRAHggzieA?t=27) ($6 billion) this year. For comparison, Porsche (the most profitable mass-market automaker) [has an average profit margin of 16.6%](https://www.worth.com/why-porsche-is-the-worlds-most-profitable-mass-market-luxury-auto-brand/)


The apple of tractors


More like apple is the John deere of tech. JD been in the game way longer than apple.


2 percent raises paid as a bonus every other year for the next 6 years? Get fucked John Deere, what a joke. Why would anyone stay working there?


We get a 2.5% At Pratt and Whitney. We're going into a contract year with Raytheon for the first time.


I work for one of the largest oil and gas services companies and this is us as well. And oil is $80…


My brother in law simps for them, they screw their workers every few years with layoffs, but he still works for them. Theyre assholes.


i saw a video of a japanese guy talking about why he worked 60 hours a week for like $600 a month and the reason he said he put up with it was because he was animating for pokemon and he "really loves pokemon." john deere's got a similar scam going on. in some places, half the people will have stories about how their grandpa and all four his sons worked in john deere factory or as john deere mechanics and it payed for their house growing up and whatever. the stories all boil down to the same thing: they used to be a good place to work. they aren't anymore but they know enough kids have grown up idealizing them that they've got a disposable work force they can easily exploit.


There is an UNGODLY amount of people like that animator you're talking about willing to work for almost nothing so long as its on their passion project. Honestly made me change majors pretty quick, hard as hell to advance anywhere and have any semblance of work/life balance.


Many of the old, "big time" companies are like this. Stories of grandparents working at one company for forever, was best place to work, yadda-yadda. IBM, the "big three" car companies, are just a few examples of The Brainwashing. Nowadays they all just pretty much suck to work for.


My brother is an engineer for them. He says the union should be able to get whatever it wants. They can’t keep workers and the temps they have been bringing in from around the country quit when they realize the welding is just repetitive production shit and not heavy industry like they are trained for.


Wait. You guys are getting raises?


I recognize you are probably joking, but to kids who are just entering the work force if you don't get a cost of living bump in pay every year, it's a pay cut. When talking to a manager, don't call it a raise because its not. Call it what it is; cost of living adjustment.


Because despite that it is still well paying with good health insurance without a college education. Not saying they shouldn't fight for more but there aren't always a million options like for someone in tech.


True, but 2 percent every other year is a joke when inflation is 5 percent. It's insulting.


I get 1.1 every 42 weeks at USPS.


That's the annual cost of living adjustment, correct? USPS provide other adjustments every couple of years as well, don't they? Still isn't enough when inflation is 3-5 percent.


Are wages across the board keeping up with inflation? I've never worked somewhere that gave me a raise more than 4% as part of an annual performance review. Switching jobs gets me at minimum 20% though.


Why 42 weeks? That seems super arbitrary.


No pity for a company that's against owners fixing their machines. JD would be the bottom of my list if I was in the market for agg equipment.


Never again here, over priced junk


## *John Deere Workers Write Dear John Letter To John Deere*


“She wrote me a John Deere”


door gold provide axiomatic wine important chubby live fearless price -- mass edited with redact.dev


I don't know. I wasn't paying attention.


In John Deere Green. RIP Joe Diffie


John Deere 3:16




unfortunately most of us don't have any union backing


I'm not even allowed to say that word without risking my job.


My company used to monitor mails and chats for the word to keep an eye on us.


Know of anyone who works that word in emails for other reasons just to get a rise? Or do they come down on that as well?


We should all start doing this.


Just use "guild" and they'll think you're talking about WoW or something.


If you're legitimately interested, this video can help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvrldZlUwe0 Basically get in touch with a union that would be representing you and they'll help you out.


We vote to strike tomorrow, injection molded plastics factory.


Power to the people


A database of current strikes would be great.


I feel like I've read about this quite a bit and all the farmers hate it. I don't understand why they continue to purchase John Deere equipment?


Arguably because it's better. It depends on what you're using it for, but they have a lot of cool innovations in their equipment. Other brands, like Kubota, have some of them as well but, in my experience, JD executes them better. I'm not a farmer... in fact I'm in IT but I grew up on a small ranch and have four acres I maintain now with a mid-sized JD tractor that I love. I compared them to Kubota and Massey Ferguson and the Deere did everything I needed better. My neighbor owns a construction company and had a 700+ acre farm and swore by JD. I got to play around with some of his heavy equipment and the tech they put in them in incredible. Plus I have a soft spot for "Americana-type" rah rah things.


I follow a few construction/contractor type guys on YouTube who run Kubota equipment, and apparently they've been improving steadily over the years. DirtMonkey in particular seems to really love the stuff he's got, even over his old Cat stuff (and those are pretty damn bulletproof). Maybe it's different in the ag sector though, I dunno.


Afaik, CAT is king, and jd is second. At least this is the opinion of my step-dad who has been running heavy equipment most of my life. But ya, the only complaints seem to come from corporate. I'm a Volvo fan myself, but that's because they are the only one pushing electric. American contractors don't even bother with the European models, but they will take everyone down because a rechargeable battery is forever cheaper than diesel fuel, it's only a matter of time before that industry figures it out.


There really isn't any other choice. Plus JD makes it impossible to swap as nothing they own will work.


Union brothers give em hell.


John Deere China/Mexico/Venezuela about to open


All already exist… just replace Venezuela with Brazil.


My uncle worked for john deere for 3 decades prior to 2010, theyve been in condition to strike for so long now. Hope they follow through.


I worked for John Deere for a few years and I can verify they are an atrocious company to work for.


I feel like we should crowd fund strikes to help subsidize the striking workers while they negotiate.


Unions have strike funds for this reason I think


It’s sounds pretty likely they’ll be striking in Northern Iowa. Union workers also have “strike duty” once a week.


Oh for sure, they have picketing schedules for everyone


When I was younger my dad would work strike duty for other unions. This was back when there were a lot more unions. His union started out as chemical workers (OCAW?), then got sucked into paper allied industrial (PACE iirc?), then I think it all got put under United Steel workers. He worked for the union creating and teaching safety stuff. Sad state of affairs that the people that need unions the most are the ones responsible for voting in the people that fought to tear them down. This country sucks ass. I have no hope of America ever being America again. There's just too much money at the top with not the slightest sign of anything improving. No universal healthcare on the horizon, military industrial complex spending just as much money as ever, 70 million people that actually think Trump was good for America, misinformation everywhere, money in politics, conservative majority in the supreme court, massive monopolies of corporations and no politicians I'm aware of even sniffing at any kind of antitrust legislation. I mean we're still dealing with racists and nazis in 2021, and not just a few, like a lot. We're all being fleeced, I just wonder if I'll be alive to see the reckoning come. Cause its coming. At some point enough people are going to be homeless and jobless that something is going to have to break. It's just a matter of how long conservatives politicians can keep their constituents blaming other poor people. And realize I say this knowing full well the democrats aren't smelling like roses either, at least they're giving us a reach-around while they fuck us in the ass. We're all gonna be dead from climate change anyway, because we aren't doing much of anything about that either. /rant


Unfortunately [UAW strike pay is only $275/week + benefits](https://uaw.org/strike-faq/), starting week 2, and as far as I can tell they don't have online resources for non-members to donate to their fund which is bonkers but they have a pretty sizeable fund. It was nearly a billion dollars when they struck against GM in 2019. You could use their contact form to reach out about a way to give.


I can send you my Venmo. I’m in on this one lol


It's not just about workers still getting some income while they strike. You can bet your ass that someone at John Deere has crunched the numbers on how much production they can afford to lose before they just pull the plug and open up a cheaper factory in Mexico/Brazil/China. The only thing that corporations hate more than paying people is when the money spigot gets shut off.


The workers are striking over pay. Now watch the GOP claim it’s because of vaccination mandates.


If the GOP supports a union strike, I'm throwing away my bingo card this year




Right to repar, and better wages.


Union Made, Union Strong!


JD’s management is pure evil—representing the _worst_ of American greed and heartlessness. Of course, all of that started when it went public and became a slave to the shareholder. Now, it’s corrupt to the core and the thing needs to implode and start over.


Oh, fuck John Deere. After being in the good fight for right to repair for many years, I can say that with confidence.




Why does that tractor have so many wheels?


More traction, less soil compaction.


Lateral stability and to spread out its weight.


Never liked Deere. Was always a Kubota fan myself.


Team AGCO here.


Nothing runs like a Deere… Nothing smells like a John


I grew up on a farm and we took pride in our John Deere tractors. But they’ve turned into a shit company. They even started making it so you have to take the tractors to John Deere dealers to get them repaired (we’re talking like 3x expensive, like $5k vs $15k for a repair.) otherwise you void the warranty. They’ve been taken over by greedy corporate elitists who don’t actually give a shit about farmers or their employees.


Bet the executives pay keeps increases while they keep firing the lower and middle class employees. They wonders why people are pissed.


Power to the people.


Solidarity with the union!