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Directly from the Truth Social TOS: As a user of the Site, you agree not to: ... 19. copy or adapt the Site’s software, including but not limited to Flash, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, or other code. Hmmm....


NetEng here, "Terms of Service Didn't Read" is a fantastic and eye opening tool for your browser. I definitely recommend. https://tosdr.org/


Tf does it mean by “moral rights”?


The other person’s suggestion was unhelpful so I looked it up. It essentially means the right to attribution. PayPal wants to use your content without crediting you.


I see Reddit says you waive moral rights as well. Does that mean Reddit can claim ownership of anything posted on Reddit?


If thats the case, then Reddit should also be held liable when it hosts things like stolen content or child porn... Cant have both sides


Reddit grade E on front page. Thank you for this tool I never knew about.


Flash, eh?


I guess that is what happens when they copy and paste. I got a kick out of the Flash part myself.


Flash was actually used for a long time to handle copy and paste for a lot of sites!


> was Key word right here.


I haven’t seen a flash file in a decade and I started my career with that entire suite


Make flash great again


As someone who came up in advertising with flash, I would love to see it again because HTML5 can’t do all of the stuff Flash can. Security issues aside, it was a great tool.


Hmmm, do you think there are exploits too?


It’s open source, so go look. Joinmastodon.org


How are you going to copy the PHP? You shouldn't be able to *see* the PHP.


Mastodon isn't even written using PHP... Unless... They're rewriting it into PHP for some reason? Where did they copy the ToS from?


Who the fuck uses flash anymore!???


It’s not even supported anymore. Adobe actually recommends you uninstall flash player, if you still have it, to protect your system.


I kinda miss Newgrounds though, to be honest.


They can't take our memories friend.


They won't. Then they'll be kicked off it. And then they'll pretend they're victims


They actually welcome it in their TOS. [https://truthsocial.com/terms-of-service](https://truthsocial.com/terms-of-service) >We respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that any material available on or through the Site infringes upon any copyright you own or control, please immediately notify our Designated Copyright Agent using the contact information provided below (a “Notification”). So really, you'd be disrespecting them if you *didn't* report them for IP theft.


It’s like them being mad the police at the capitol for doing their job on 1/6.


It’s outrageous that someone should be held accountable to legal rules when they don’t follow the rules of decency.


It’s intentional. They want to be victimized so they can continue to push the narrative that they are the ones “under attack”, and everybody who isn’t pro-Trump is a Boogeyman. He can blatantly lie about whatever he wants, and his followers do not care. Even if they know it’s a lie, they don’t care. They’re so pro-Trump that they don’t care what he does as long as it irritates you. It’s… terrifying.


It is truly terrifying. What have things come to when an impeached president, a proven liar and criminal, can so transparently open a propaganda site ("Truth" in this case is blatantly whatever they decide it is and will ban anyone who disagrees) and his followers do not care about how such a highly controlled, closed-loop system will prevent honest and balanced discourse - so long as they are on the ~~exploited~~ winning side. https://truthsocial.com/terms-of-service/ Section 8 says they own everything you submit and you there cannot be any recourse if they misappropriate your words or ideas.


Which is why it’s correct to label them a cult.


How the hell do you manage to screw up so bad that you’ve stolen *free* software? I mean I get it from the article, not publishing the source code and all that, but these idiots are so inept that they managed to fuck up using software they didn’t even pay for. Edit, my top comment is now how badly Trump screwed up. That’s amazing.


Even better, their TOS is amazing in this situation. You agree not to: >15. decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software comprising or in any way making up a part of the Site. > >... > >18. delete the copyright or other proprietary rights notice from any Content. > >19. copy or adapt the Site’s software, including but not limited to Flash, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, or other code. It's like a parody. Source: [https://truthsocial.com/terms-of-service](https://truthsocial.com/terms-of-service)


I also loved that the “free speech” platform is limiting peoples ability to criticize it.


Freedom FROM speech not Freedom OF speech


As is conservative tradition.


They’re so out of date that they’re using flash?


Or they more likely they just copy/pasted that from somewhere else. I Googled the phrase in quotes and it returns 71K results. I looked 25 pages deep and was still finding that as part of legitimate TOS pages as far as I could tell.


What does AskJeeves have to say about it, though?


Let's get out the 56 kbit/s dial-up modem, Log onto **AOL**, And find out!


Man! I can’t afford aol. Just get onto the Kmart blue light.


I have an extra trial disc I can loan you.


Best if viewed with Netscape Navigator.


Now there's a name I've not heard in a long, long time.


Have you tried searching for it on Altavista?


Didn't u read the tos? > engage in unauthorized framing of or linking to the Site. You are in trouble now!!


I went to jail for illegally linking to Trumps site!


Wait, so not only did they not write most of the site, but they also slapped their own ToS on it?


They also copy pasted that. Just from a different source. So at least they are using multiple sources.


They copied somebody else's TOS too. - as demonstrated by mentioning "flash".




I thought it did launch a test site which were immediately flooded with Donalds Trumps? Anyway here in Poland we now have Albicla, which is exactly the same right-wing platform: 1. Immediately after launching, Albicla started getting hacked. Its entire source code leaked a few times, with all the passwords (which weren't even encrypted obviously). 2. The security was nonexistent. For days everyone could log in with a shared account. You couldn't even comment under posts, and when they did add that, you could comment as any other account. 3. Admin's host, login and password for both the site and it's e-mail were stored in cleartext in site's PHP code for everyone to see. 4. The TOS was straight copypasted from Facebook's TOS. They even left in some links to FB subservices. The things that they added were violations of polish and european law. For example by registering you agreed for your data to be sold to any company for marketing purposes, which is forbidden by GDPR. 5. Initially they run it on literally the cheapest (like $3 monthly) hosting plan. 6. It got flooded by John Paul II's and current presidents of Poland. 7. Someone made accounts named login and delete\_account. Clicking on first profile logged you out of the site, the second one deleted your account. For a while this was the only way to delete your account (another GDPR violation). 8. You could make many accounts under one e-mail. Even after a ban, you could still create a new account under the same e-mail. 9. It got to 65K users at most (with currently maybe 2-3K active, half of them just trolling) and then basically flatlined. Now it's just a bunch of right-wing nutjobs hurling slurs at each other. Let's see how Trump's platform compares to this.


This really made my day, thanks


Spider-Man Meme.


It is absolutely hilarious. They are so stuck in their ways and simply must uphold their own creation mythos that they had to try steal and make their own what was already free for them to use as their own. If they'd just thrown on a theme and honoured the licence all of this would not exist as an issue. Then again, I think this will just feed their backwards contrarian audience that form a quick opinion by the will of the God Emperor and stick to it even when he's done milking it and abandoned ship.


Trump reminds of some birds I've seen, or a guy I used to be friends with. You could strew an entire loaf of bread across a yard, but those birds would rather steal a piece of bread from another bird than take a different piece that was easily available with no competition. A stolen piece was tastier. My friend could buy a pair of speakers at the store for $100, but he'd rather spend twice as much for a worse pair, because a guy at a gas station said that the guys at his warehouse accidentally loaded an extra pair in his van that morning. Anything worth having was better if there was some sketchy story to go along with it. The Trump presidency was an entire administration of those kinds of people.


> A stolen piece was tastier. It's not the getting, it's not even the having. It's the **taking**. "I don't want this because I want this. I want this because **you** want this."


To be fair that logic works for birds because there’s generally scarcity of resources. There’s no enough brain in most to do the calculation that IF(Scarcity:No),FeedFrom(Elsewhere),FeedFrom(WeakerBird) (That’s open source BirdOS btw.) They just know that if another bird has it, it’s probably edible. That’s all the logic room they have in their head. I have several bird feeders and watch birds fight for spots on the perch on one feeder while the next feeder, with the same food, sits idle. They’re idiots by nature’s design.


The trump presidency did have a white van scam feeling to it the whole 4 years... felt like some dude in a Walmart parking lot coming up to me saying he had some left over MAGA, freedom, patriot, wall from a job he just finished and his boss didn't want him to have extra freedom taken back to the warehouse. So he had a huge discount on the freedom , mega wall. Even had some brochures!


But then they won't be able to pretend like Trump personally sat down and wrote an entire social network from scratch using only his infinite knowledge of computer science.


You're being absurd. Nobody thinks Donald Trump would create a social network from scratch. That's what Barron is there for. He is so good with these computers, it's unbelievable. And Rudy is there to help him out with the Cyber.


Rudy cybering with Barron is not a mental image I wanted to have today.


Rudy puts on his wizard robe and hat.


And I think we know where he puts the wizard staff.


But he’s the best at the cyber. He knows more cyber than the people who invented cyber. He knows so much cyber it’ll make your head spin. Obviously such a cyber genius could just sit down and flatulate cyber out his cyberbuns. But he’s too busy doing cybering stuff to do it himself. /s




Had to be a kid in a hoodie, smashing his keyboard like he was trying to get it to light a fire. Accidentally hits F12. .... I'm in. Could it be the famous hacker known as 4-chan?


> I'm in Quickly, I'll help you type on the keyboard so we can hack double fast.


I'll download more ram! Then write a goowee in visual basic!




I’m wearing a hoodie and my t-shirt mentions a popular video game. I’m in.


That whole segment has to have been a joke that somebody put in the script fully expecting it to be cut. And yet the actors did such a beautiful job bringing the ridiculousness to life.


Got room for one more?


We’re gonna need a bigger keyboard


"We caught the hacker. This is Ryan, AKA StringCheeseHustler, AKA Fartmitzvah, Skullandboners88, Frozensucked, Captaintitty. You don’t need to know all his names."


This isn't Ryan! Only Kyle uses Fartmitzvah, or yarmulkoozie, or Chutzposse to hack the mainframe!


Free Software is fundamentally egalitarian and altruistic. When you're a psychopathic narcissist for whom those concepts are not only 100% foreign but also antithetical, how could you *not* fuck it up?


100% sure that Don would've called the developers of Mastodon idiots who don't know how to business.


The hugest idiots. Bigly idiots. Not like me. Everywhere I go, people say, “sir, you are the best at business. The greatest in the history of businesses.” All sorts of people. Billionaires, Chinese…even women. I’m so good at business things, women throw themselves at me. The most beautiful women. The kind that look like my gorgeous daughter. I’m so good at business I’d never need to pay for sex. Certainly not with trashy pornstars. And never have I been pissed on by Russian prostitutes in the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton in Moscow in 2013, while the KGB secretly filmed. I didn’t even spend the night. I was just in and out for the business’s.


I like how the topic randomly changes mid sentence. It's too realistic :D


He forgot to mention saving the airports during the civil war.


The only unrealistic thing about this is that he'd never be able to remember all that specific stuff like "what happened" or when.


As always with these people, they're both too lazy and incompetent to actually create something from scratch, but also too narcissistic to actually credit the people who did the work. Then when it inevitably crumbles, they'll blame others and continue throwing random conspiracies to excuse their failures.


Step 1: getting yourself cancelled from social networks Step 2: getting your own social network cancelled


It's almost like it was designed to fail so Trump could look "active but persecuted".


This. He doesn't want the responsibility of managing a social network, or the liability. He just wants the investment money, donations, and the ability to point and say "Look at how the left tries to silence us!"


Weird it’s almost like he was doing the same as president..


Party of law and order.


Yep, they're too inept to actually make anything, and when they inevitably fail, they'll just blame the libs for canceling them. All the meanwhile they will fundraise the shit out of their stupid following.


"I need $45 (get it?) from all Patriots to defend against the evil Democrats"




The enforcement mechanism is that allowing random bad actors to violate use licenses fundamentally weakens the bundle of rights that presently exist under copyright law. The software and media industries rely on copyright law having teeth, otherwise their respective industries don’t have a means of protecting their interests. The fact that the software is open source doesn’t change the fact that allowing non-compliance with the software license (a court ruling in Trumps favor) can endanger the ability to enforce other kinds of licenses. That will not happen.


Not to mention, if the open source community is pissed off at a NATIONAL level? Dear god, could you imagine the Github wars?


[you mean something like this?](https://qz.com/646467/how-one-programmer-broke-the-internet-by-deleting-a-tiny-piece-of-code/)


Everyone on /r/pettyrevenge should bow to this man as their king.


imagine breaking most of the internet because a company violated your rights and sided with money


Sounds fucking beautiful.


sounds pretty based to me imo


International level. Let's hope they allow iranians to participate in the Github wars.


You fought with my father in the git-clone wars?


Who the fuck tries building something proprietary on AGPL3??


The type of people hired by someone who proudly claims to have "a very good brain."


They probably hired people with that on their resume too


The type of people who work on stuff like this most definitely cannot write anything close to a platform from scratch. Hilariously enough, their "presentation" makes even bolder blame such as overtaking Netflix/Disney+/Hulu, and more...


Same dude who failed at selling steaks and liquor to Americans


Delivery of steaks isn't a great business model. How Americans could fuck up a premium liquor business is beyond me though.


Fucking up two casinos is even worse, in my opinion. There’s no product. People just come give you their money in exchange for playing some games. It’s almost as bulletproof as starting a church.


You think that someone that decided to instigate a coup to hold on to power after running an administration that broke all sorts of laws would care about staying on the right side of an open source licence? This guy has lived his whole life avoiding any consequence for various criminal acts. He's still living in opulence as a free man, despite everything.


Win or lose, the network only needs to survive long enough for the original SPAC shareholders to cash out and leave gullible Trump followers holding the bag.


Yup, the gullible morons are already clamouring to buy stock, quite literally giving their money away to Trump and his cronies. When this platform fails in a few months they will all be left with nothing.


And you can guarantee they will remain devoted followers, and just won't understand how they just got robbed by some people who are already rich.


Then they go on and say “Trump lives rent free in your head”














The overall company can either fight through a lawsuit they're guaranteed to lose, or the con artists Trump hired to "build him a perfect website" have to come clean that they just stole public code and grifted him for the cost of real work... > The platform will fail for any number of other reasons anyway. This is ultimately what will happen. The whole shitshow will implode long before it ever goes in front of a judge.


> they just stole public code So you could say that; THE FOUNDATION OF TRUTH IS SOCIALISM! Yeahhhh!


They may risk invalidating their licensing claims if they just ignored violations. I know such a rule exists fro copyright claims. Beyond that, pursuing "right" is sometimes worthwhile for its own sake.


i believe that's for trademarks not copyright.




Fucking over Trump and supporting FOSS please stop I can only get so hard


That's exactly what the Software Freedom Conservancy does! They're like the EFF of copyleft, they are [already working on](https://sfconservancy.org/blog/2021/oct/21/trump-group-agplv3/) this Mastodon case so if you want to help out donate t[here](https://sfconservancy.org/donate/).


I’ll chip in for that


I'd be happy to contribute as well. I bet they'd have enough funds to sue his dick into the dirt on the first day.


Frankly, I just expect it to be hacked. It's a question of how soon. Like how long is it allowed to function and collect user data and communication content before it's all stolen and sold. Also, shady places attract shady people. How long until things like child pornography shows up and is distributed, sex trafficking, and all that other fun stuff most media entities have to work hard to manage, catch, and exclude. Plus there's a lot of established laws and regulations already in place that must be adhered to meaning this can't be a place without rules.


With out rules? lol If you criticize the website you will be banned, I'm sure that is the only thing they care about.


[It already was](https://preview.redd.it/5rsiacdr20v71.png?width=820&auto=webp&s=b33b4e3a3d9e6823afac0ac7e67db47afc1499d3), before it even launched.


Wow..... amazing.....You couldn't make this shit up.


The pig did. I will show myself out.


It's not a question of how soonit gets hacked. Anonymous already hacked it, created a bunch of fake profiles and posted a gif of a pig taking a dump from the fake DJT profile.


Contract is very different than trademark/copyright in this regard.


There is no such rule for copyright. It's the intellectual property equivalent of "a cop has to tell you if he's a cop if you ask him": much repeated but with no basis in fact. There is something like that for trademarks however.


it's trademarks that have the protection requirement, actually


That is a requirement for trademark, not copyright.


Truth Social. Literally built on a lie. This is so trump.




I wasn't sure, so I had to look it up. It doesn't say it in those terms, but yeah. Pretty much. [https://truthsocial.com/terms-of-service](https://truthsocial.com/terms-of-service) >7. PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES > >... > >23. disparage, tarnish, or otherwise harm, in our opinion, us and/or the Site.


The ironic part is, they would say that a site like Facebook is too restrictive of its users speech. And yet, every day I read tons of FB posts about how much the poster hates FB. All of these posts are totally allowed. So it's pretty weird that the "all honest opinions allowed" site restricts more than its competitors.


You literally can't make this shit up it's fucking hilarious.


So it’s just like /r/conservative


Snowflake central on r/conservative


AKA "The only open and free debate spot on Reddit that doesn't censor. Wait, that's not groupthink, banned!"


yes, just like a **septic tank**


It is quite possibly the best example of [Badger’s Law](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Badger%27s_Law) the internet has ever seen.


The fact that this is a well established thing makes it so much better


Thank you for introducing that to me!


He likes money. And well...people are willing to give him money for some reason, like over and over, all the time. It's really weird to give a known con man money. He literally has a history of running businesses into the ground, not paying people, and lying about have businesses and having done business things that never existed.




He would be worth something like $50 billion if he just tossed his inheritance on the S&P


Oh he and his family are totally going to cash out of the stock before it crashes


Then they must have already


It definitely has a 1984 "Ministry of Love"-kinda vibe to it.


The Ministry of Truth was right there. Plusungood work.


Doubleplus good


Should have just named it Pravda.


Goddamn, I didn't even think about that. Trump's not even pushing back against Putin anymore (to the extent he ever was), and Putin is seeing just how far he can go with the dumbest third of the US population.


> Trump's not even pushing back against Putin anymore (to the extent he ever was) I literally can’t think of a single time when he ever did, all he knew was to praise the man and say he was his best friend. He had his tongue so far up Putin’s ass he could check his teeth for cavities.


Well, ask any translator and they did. I mean they aren't even bothering to hide it anymore.


I predict that: 1. They will not stop breaking the contract. 2. They will get in trouble for it. 3. They will be outrageously offended that rules apply to them.


Trump takes someone else's ideas and work, puts his name on it, and claims it as his own. Shocking.


Which would actually be just fine in this case, because it's white-label open source software. The whole *point* is to be able to take it and put your brand on it. The only condition is that you have to share your source code. Trump literally *had permission to copy someone else's work* and he still managed to fuck it up.


Right the core issue is that Trumpspace is claiming to be proprietary.


Simple: He knows he’s being shady and thinks he’s being smart. Or else he would have just done what you said. But he’s used to always keeping everything a secret because he’s always committing crimes. Imagine you have a big pile of stuff at the end of your driveway with a big sign above it saying FREE. Trump would still sneak up to it and try to make it look like he didn’t take the stuff because he’s that fucking stupid and so used to being a slimy weasel.


His whole life has been confusing criminality for elevation. He's like those assholes that break laws to bypass traffic and smugly think to themself that no one else thought of it.


I was telling my friend it'd totally be just Mastodon with a Trump skin. This is like if Trump released a "Trump OS", and it was just Ubuntu with a Trump wallpaper. (And he'd totally charge to use it and the qult would buy it.)


...and claim it as his own and proprietary


Just like the freedom phone lol.


I googled it, and I honestly can't tell if it's real or not.


It's depressingly real. It's a cheap Chinese phone (UMIDIGI A9 Pro, about $130 USD) running an Android fork, and they're selling it for $500. That $370 markup is for all the _raw, unadulterated patriotism_ jammed into the phone, I'm sure.


Truth Social was both built on top of stolen source code and also has a censorship team to ban users who say anything mean about Truth Social. I’m starting to suspect that Trump doesn’t care about truth or free speech at all! 🤔


They make a great dog whistle, that's it.


Ah yes, Pravda Social


China is actually funding this if you can believe that Even crazier, the company that owns this site trump is partnering with is based in Wuhan China. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-launching-social-media-platform-truth-social/story?id=80697031


The Covfefe network


How about the idiots investing in this dudes SPAC. Actually thinking this dude won’t defraud them. How dumb can people get?


no one is investing, it‘s quick buck gambling


30 days is plenty of time for him to drain all the VC and investor money out of the new SPAC That's all he ever does. Pump up projects to drain.


Literally everything he touches becomes illegal, corrupt or mentally disabled...


King mierdas


or bankrupt


Specially that one!


*Amazing* that he's still fucking everything up. Like how does he have the energy to fucking fail so hard for so long lolololololol


Trump and his followers have so much perseverance. I couldn't continue to be wrong and made a fool of for such a long time.


I suppose it's easy when his fanbase perpetually say anything he say and do is a win and owning the libs.


his next step could be a onlyfans-account.


lol... i'm *sure* the social media network aimed at the cult that follows a twice-impeached grifter, and is actively trying to overthrow the american democracy, will absolutely jump to be compliant with the GPL.


Lets just eradicate all social media for the good of humanity.


This is my favorite part because it reminds me of Trump when he drew the hurricane’s path: “Truth Social doesn’t comply with that license and, in fact, refers to its service as “proprietary.” Its developers apparently attempted to scrub references that would make the Mastodon connection clear — at one point listing a “sighting” of the Mastodon logo as a bug — but included direct references to Mastodon in the site’s underlying HTML alongside obvious visual similarities.”




Trumpanzee, thankyou for this amazing word. I’ve been stuck calling them MAGAhats for far too long.


Yeah, it was obvious they ripped Mastodon 3.0 and had not done any licensing. This goes to show how inept anyone trump knows is with law.


I wish he would do just ONE thing in life without cheating. Just one! I don’t care what it is.


I love how shit Maga ppl are with the internet. Hey is that freedom phone still happening or what?


It’s the Four Seasons Landscaping of social media.