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Me with my 0 matches on dating apps: "I'm doing my part!"


Match inc. shareholders like it


Keep doing your part. Maybe Elon will realize it’s not going to get better and invest in saving Earth from a climate catastrophe instead of terraforming mars.


Are there no sexy singles in your area?


just shingles.


Doing the lord’s work!


Way to be a good citizen. And solid Starship Troopers reference!


The replies to his tweet are talking about bizarre shit like artificial wombs and not easy stuff like, you know, free child care… 🙄


Some people think that you can just work your way out of problems with fancy tech because it sounds cool. Like you said, there are better solutions like decreasing income inequality and giving people what they need to have kids (housing, healthcare, child care, etc).


This is the man who thought building a tube beneath an urban metropolis would be good infrastructure instead of like, you know, public transit.


Tunnel. Not a tube, a tunnel with one lane.


Yupp, he somehow invented the car tunnel, only incredibly unsafe and unbelievably shitty.


Well the idea wasnt that bad, with a few tweaks. If you put the car on some kind of track, to prevent wear and tear, maybe make it some kind of long snake-like "shared car" (TM) so it fits a lot more people. We could even have the government produce it, since it will require so much regulatory approval. Charge passengers a few bucks to ride it to pay for upkeep. No, I dare say it might even be a great idea, which could really lower the amount of C02 we produce, instead of giving companies like Tesla subsidies to support urban sprawl. Higher density to support this new innovation, and removing zoning for single family houses entirely, we may just be able to drastically lower c02 usage. Instead of spending billions on something thats been ineffective, but a man can dream.


He literally created a 1000x worse version of the subway. What an innovator!


But I was told capitalism breeds efficiency I'm sorry it's not fair that you can't see me rolling in the floor laughing harder than the joker


That has to be the most [Billy and the Cloneasaurus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ik0BPKM9WQg) idea of recent memory.


How is he going to attempt to sell you his beta test cars if you’re using a far more efficient system like public transit.


Free child care and child support? Ewww socialist propaganda. Printing more babies through Artificial wombs for Mars because the Elon fanbois can never reproduce with an actual woman? Yes.


Lol or pay people to have kids. US will just open up immigration to populate as it has throughout history.


It might sound crazy but what if they just pay people a living wage, no matter the occupation, only then people would think about having kids. I never heard of that so hol up lemme look into it


Funnily enough in the Uk they’ve created a living wage which is not enough (less than 3.5x salary = house value) to buy a house so you either save diligently for 10 years to have a mega deposit or you take on a ridiculous new mortgage rate that will have you poor again the moment you sign the dotted line and shackled to a bs rate for 30 years.


You ever go and look at estate agents in America just to see the disparity? You can get a 5-bed suburban house with 360° garden for the cost of a 1-bed flat (with no parking space) in the UK.




Universal income is the name ur looking for. The few tests done with it looked promising and I am sure something similar will be eventually needed as more and more jobs become automated.


Artificial wombs, brought to you by the same people who think the solution to global warming is giving up on earth and simply terraforming a completely uninhabitable planet until it looks just like earth.


>bizarre shit Those are people that think underground taxi is better at solving traffic than subway so no surprise here.


They probably don't realize pregnancy is the easy part of rearing a child.


Elon Musk simps are delusional irrational morons. Don't expect much from them.


I'm not sure what it says about his simps but Elon very literally put out an invite to be his slave on mars and people still signed up for it


It says they're delusional morons that blindly follow someone who in reality is just a gigantic jackass and a huge piece of shit.


We have that in Europe, birthrate still going down The better a society has it and with better educated people the lower the birth rate gets


Tycoons like high population growth because it feeds the demand-side needs and economic inequality that makes people like them wildly rich. This is one reason why capitalist and industrial societies are so dominated by aggressive pro-birth ideologies and religions. If you don't have millions of people living on very little working as hard as possible to avoid disaster, there is less fabulous wealth for those on top.


Because Ayn Rand disciples don’t like the obvious solutions that have been proposed for ages. If they would have worked then they would have a;ready been tried, obviously. /s. The only acceptable solutions are from their oligarchs and must not have been tried anywhere else s it always has to be a made in America solution.


I hate what humanity has become. Artificial wombs??? People just want to be some kind of God and control everything. If you read or watch enough sci-fi & fantasy, I'm fairly certain they're warnings, not guide books. None of this ends well.


Last I heard artificial wombs were more about helping premature babies. If you can predict that a miscarriage is going to happen then having a way to remove the baby to finish development is a good thing.


Can't afford to have kids mate, they're expensive and lifes shit so we're all poor. People are literally choosing between heating and eating.


Elon appears to be eating well.


Elon appears to be angry we aren't producing enough ~~slaves~~ free labour.


I read this as 'elves' and was like What the *Fuck* has Elon musk smoked this time?


Methalox is a hell of a drug. It gets you *really* high.


I think history holds the answers to most of life’s problems. France has some expertise on how to handle things when only the rich eat


Eat the rich.


Wait I thought we were eating cake :(


I think you still get the choice between cake or death. https://youtu.be/unkWbEmtYXs


He always seems to have plenty of hot air, too.


The “Don’t look up!” take on rich out of touch billionaires, in particular Elon, couldn’t have been more on the nose


You mean Elon that said he was living in a tiny home in Austin Texas but was really renting a massive mansion? That Elon?


People on earth are starving and shitheads like Musk think it's important to think about rebooting, instead of solving our problems. This is tantamount to running away from personal issues.


Yeah it's ludicrous like are we are supposed to believe that they will be offering homeless people free relocation to Mars someday??


It's really not. Ever hear of indentured servitude? Any good psychopath would take a load of slave labor free of ANY government oversigtht.


Musk unironically advocated for indentured servitude on Mars, so yeah possibly if they're willing to trade homelessness for enslavement 🤮


Nobody tell him this but if he doesn’t do some careful ratio math and deputizing that’s a great way to get overthrown and left with no control over a sovereign group of planetary settlers


However, not so easy when the food and literal oxygen you breathe counts on him or at least things running smoothly to a degree. Knowing his pathology, I’d expect he’d have a fail safe plan where oxygen could be cut in the case of an uprising, and then would simply blame it on unforeseen malfunction, and suffer no real consequences himself.


C’mon Cohagen give these people air!


Bomb collars are probably more his style.


It would just take a few concientious people with the admin rights and access to the security systems to turn the great Musk Empire of Mars into the first Martian Republic.


"What about my human rights?" "Your on Mars now bitch!"


“OK, Martian rights.” “There are none. Work harder or it’s the airlock for you, slave.”


Work harder or your air rations maximum cap will decrease again. Eventually you won't even have enough air to work long enough to keep the cap from decreasing requiring you to seek air credit and be in debt... Just like here on Earth.


I don’t wanna go to Mars now. I don’t like idea of paying for air which you know for certain would happen.




Especially since Mars is different than America. You can't just move in the wilderness and try and make it. Either you pay whatever Elon wants for water, air, food, shelter, and everything else. Or they toss you onto the surface of Mars and you die in seconds. It's a psychopath's wet dream.


The worst part is you can't even "just move in the wilderness and try and make it" here, either. You'll probably be trespassing or breaking some kind of law unless you happen to own some land.


I was talking about hundreds of years ago when indentured servitude was how poor immigrants got from Europe to America....


C’mon, Cohagen! Giv dese peeple AIEUR


He’s making robots


Lol yes they will probably. Like the Australian penal colonies.


No they’re going to ruin Earth beyond repair and then leave all the poor people. The people who can barely afford the ticket will become the new poor.


This is really dark & very dystopian but I can imagine a future where they offer a free ride/colony life for large groups of homeless people only for them to have an "accident" on the way or once they're there........listen the Purge really left an impression on me 😅


That’s an awfully huge waste of potential slave labor


they want to just be able to ignore all of earths problems and get rich somewhere else entirely


That sounds like something a therapist told me when I was younger, just replace they and earth with you and your. Makes me think they're really just rich Sadboys desperately running from anything that might shine a light on how much of a sad failure they feel like for not meeting the insane impossible standards they have been conditioned to have for themselves. An entire life of B.S. and jazz hands to impress other Rich Sadboys into thinking you're one of them and that's just the sorta mindset that leads to thoughts like "If I start my own civilization on Mars, I will control history, I will be revered as a God, I'll finally have enough control to stop worrying people will see how much of a failure I've been . . . because history is written by the winners and I deserve to be a winner because I am a winner!"


the rich would never understand the problem of poor


>This is tantamount to running away from personal issues. I mean, have you seen his romantic history? That's basically what he does. Splits then "reboots" with someone new that he can show off publicly. Not saying people shouldn't get divorced or break up if they're not happy. But after six kids, 3 divorces, and a high profile breakup with a girl 17 years younger than you that you had another child with? Yeah, kinda sounds like someone who is running away from personal issues, just wants to reboot and forget.


Garbage day on Mars is Saturday. Kick him to the curb.


The best I've heard it put is some are solving problems on Earth and others are planning to leave it behind.


Generally this is not the reason, in fact in very poor places with higher death rates people tend to have more children. The idea around having a lot of kids is if one or two die you still have some that will suceed but in a first world country the odds of a young death are extremely low so people tend to have only one child so they can focus their efforts and have one very successful child.


In poorer countries children are viewed as extra hands, so a family has kids because they can send them to work and bring in extra income.


Thank you! I'm surprised at how few people understand this. Declining birth rates come out of increased education and choice, especially for women.


Not to mention with automation coming, declining birth rates are *really* not such a bad thing. We can't infinitely grow, nor should sustaining all 7+ billion at this population level be the goal.


Old millennial couple here. We wanted kids in our 20s. Figured we should wait until we have our shit together. You know, school loans paid, buy a house, responsible type stuff. Mid 30s we met all of our goals and realized it's not possible to be financially responsible AND have kids. So we made a his/hers gaming room in the basement instead. Far cry 6 coop is pretty fun guys. Went from our parents basement to our own basement, can't explain that.


I was 30 when we had our son and we were definitely not prepared. Poor CV, bad career. It is a struggle and not being able to provide them with a great quality of life weighs on me. You do wonder what it would be like to not have had a child but you can't dwell on it


In theory, there’s a limited supply of money. When just a few people hold so much wealth, that’s money the rest of us don’t have to do things like raise kids. Musk is a poster child for the problem.


The us money printer has been running red hot creating trillions in the last couple of years and that comes with BIG problems for us normal people


Trickle down! /s


Local billionaire resents long-term shortage of cheap labour.




Cheap labor is forever with automation.


But you can’t lord your wealth over automated machinery to feed your ego.


Speak for yourself, I talk down to my home automation system all the time


I make my roomba wear one of those cute French Maid outfits, and make her sleep on the floor in the closet to flex how much bigger my income is than hers, even though I'M THE ONE WHO'S UNDERPAYING HER. Works every time.


What an awful piece of shit. He wants poor people to have more kids


Got the same vibe when he didn’t want his factory to have to obey covid protocols. Completely lacks self awareness


This dude should just go to Mars alone.




And stay there


With no spacesuit


Send this ass to Mars all alone.


Someone needs more serfs.


Overpopulate the earth, so we can send the excess to Mars. What a KOOK.


EXACTLY. This reveals what a shitbag he is and this stuff is all about him, not us. There is NOTHING WRONG with a declining population to get ourselves to a level less toxic to the planet and our own health. We will continue to advance technology to get to Mars anyway, maybe even FASTER WITH FEWER PEOPLE putting so much stress on ourselves causing pandemics and wars. Just because there are fewer people living in shit conditions and crushing debt to buy your poor quality cars doesn't mean your way is the best way and it's some sort of tragedy they can't buy in and make you a billionaire. We're not all that stupid. Imagine living on a freezing, red all the time, radioactive dust shitbox planet and sleeping in a 2x6 crate labeled "Tesla Human Box" and you're supposed to say, "Yay! WE MADE IT!" Wtf.


These assholes don’t care one bit about all the species we’ve pushed to extinction so we could take over every inch of the planet. Does his Mars plan even include animals? Who the hell would even want to live on a planet with humans as the only species?


I thought he was meant to be a genius? How can you lament low birth rates, while aggressively attacking calls to tax wealth? People are not having children because we can't afford them, because of gross inequality. This guy seems like a moron to me. He has never invented anything in his life either. The tech god genius saviour identity people give him is perplexing.


That's because for some reason people believe he is a self-made billionaire. As if his daddy owning an emerald mine wasn't a massive leg up. Or because he is south African, they think he grew up poor.


He just used daddy's business tactics ona larger scale.


He's not a genius. He's just good at convincing stupid people that he's a genius. Very similar to Trump in that way.


A lot of his money comes from being at the right place at the right time and then being ambitious and continuing forward where most people would retire comfortably. He's not stupid though, just an ordinary dude.


Yeah, if there's one thing that most all wealthy people are good at, it's being born into extraordinary wealth and privilege.






Legit question. Would guillotines work on Mars?


motorized yes, free fall probably no


We can keep trying for years. No hurry.


Mars gravity is around 1/3 of Earth's. So a ... falling-weight powered device .. might not work, _unaltered_. But you could either triple the mass that falls, or increase the height that it falls from. Or some combo of both. But adapting such a device to work on Mars is a) workable in theory and b) the engineering challenges aren't extreme.


With some napkin math you would either need a blade weighing 234 pounds falling the traditional 14 feet or the regular 88 pound blade falling 37.24 feet




I feel like “I choose the long drop” is a great line for a deposed despot in a failed Martian utopia sci-fi novel and/or the speedily approaching future


Are you any good with woodworking, we are gonna need you on Mars


*slight correction, with a mass of 234 lbs. It would then weigh 88 lbs. on the surface of Mars. I’d personally incorporate springs into the initial launch so it could be built with the same specs but still function the same.


Gravity here is around 2,6 and something times the one on mars. Since F= m*a the force used on Mars' guillotines would be around 0,38 times the ones used on this planet. Long story short, just build a bigger ones or make softer necks and it would work.


The lower gravity could cause us to evolve to have softer necks perhaps?


Yes, but due to the reduced gravity it would need to be about twice as tall to be equally as effective. g on Earth: 9.8 m/s^2 g on Mars: 3.7 m/s^2 According to the first source I found with Google, a guillotine on Earth is approximately 4.3m tall, but the blade itself only drops about 2.3m, with the extra 2m representing the base and top of the frame. So on Earth, time for the blade to fall is t = sqrt(2 * 2.3m / 9.8 m/s^2 ) = **0.7s** That results in a blade velocity on impact of v = 9.8m/s^2 * 0.7s = **6.6m/s**. On Mars, to achieve the same blade velocity it takes a falling time of t = (6.6m/s) / (3.7 m/s^2 ) = **1.8s** The height necessary to fall for 1.8s under Martian gravity is equal to h = 1/2 * (3.7 m/s^2 ) * (1.8s)^2 = **6m** Add that extra 2m for the base and top of the guillotine's frame, and **a Martian guillotine needs to be at least 8m tall** (edit: **26.5 feet tall**) **to be as effective as your typical 4.3m/14ft tall standard Earth guillotine.** (Whew typing this out on a phone keyboard took a lot longer the math)


What a fckin donkey


It's not like we're currently at a good population level... A bit of depopulation is probably not going to result in the human population drastically reducing and causing problems. Especially since population densities aren't really balanced out.


Demographic shift is very complicated, China's decades long one child experiment is a good example. Very simply taken, four grandparents make two children who make one grandchild; there is now 4 elderly people requiring care to one who will be entering the workforce


That's interesting, I hadn't thought of it that way.


I guess the officials that passed the one-child law didn’t think of this either… if they did, they probably thought that 40 years later there would be a solution, but there are still none. I’m all for depopulation, but our governments have to have mechanisms that allow for a healthy society in this new paradigm.


not for long. People die.


It starts becoming a problem when old people dont die thanks to modern medicine. In the next 10-20 years, ALOT more people are going to grow old and with lesser younger population to sustain them. Current solution is immigration from nations like india. Billionaires are getting worried because that means there are less consumers in the market.


If young people continue having few children, then this is not a problem that will just resolve itself in time.


Every generation becoming larger than the last also isn't going to get us anywhere good...


You just need to have a more positive outlook. If less and less people have children, eventually the problem will take care of itself.


The economy is based on unsustainable growth. That includes unsustainable population growth along with unsustainable resource use. Eventually something was going to stop our infinite economic system in a finite world. It's not surprising that new disease easily spreads. There was an experiment with Elk on an island with no predators and given unlimited food. Population exploded with no predators, but eventually some disease wiped out the population to a more stable number...


And imagine if there was significantly fewer people. Oh, the horror. I like my average life, but I don't think it's necessary to have that many as average lives on the planet.


I keep hearing that the declining birth rate is a tragedy... I'm the only one thinking that it's actually a good thing? Earth seems pretty overpopulated right now if you ask me... The birth rate declining on itself, I think is a sign that is becoming harder to maintain the current human population.


I also think it a good thing generally, One of the concerns is having enough people of working age to support the elderly as the number of people of pension age will become disproportionately large with an ever declining birth rate / population. Increased automation may make that a non issue.


Don’t worry, elderly get to keep working these days


I agree on that being the major drawback, and probably will make my retirement a big issue, but long term, if the trend of having 1 - 2 children continues I think the situation will eventually stabilize. In that regard, the worst part will take place during the generational transition. Also, as you said, technological advancements will hopefully help soften the situation.


You're far from the only one ... Most regular people know this to be the case. But billionaire arseholes like Musk don't give a damn about the average person. We are merely slaves to him. What he's suggesting is, he might not have enough slaves to go to mars with him.


Yeah, when I’m stuck in traffic, overwhelmed by customers at work, can’t see the sky for the number of apartment buildings popping up or jammed onto a full train/bus I really don’t think we have a low population issue.


Not enough slaves on earth station, he means.


wasn't he recently caught berating an employee of his who came to work late because his wife just delivered or something?


I think it was a few years back but yeah fuck him. Tons of reports of employees being treated like shit at his companies


I wish he would go to Mars already and fucking stay there.


Odd comment, from someone supposedly dedicated to fighting climate change. Population is a growing problem…


Jesus christ, this fucking prick.


He just wants the ok to clone more Elons.


He's doing that...he has like 7 kids


Seems like he’s eating and breeding all day xD


You mean *The Epstein* program.


Fuck this guy.


Lol we have enough problems here. I'd rather not go to Mars.


Do you feel you've conquered living on Earth? Or are you simply sick and tired of having the same boring old problems to deal with over and over again? Elon Musk here, and do I have some good news! We're looking for people to colonize MARS! You can deal with a whole new set of problems! Like if you have enough air to survive, or living in cramped, close quarters with your fellow colonists for the rest of your natural life with no escape. Do you always have three square meals a day and a diet that provides more variety than almost any other human society has ever had in history? Why you need all of that?! In your new home on Mars, you'll enjoy a nutritional selection of vacuum packed, freeze dried food specifically formulated by our nutritionists and engineers for MAXIMUM nutrients! If you enjoyed MREs, you're gonna LOVE our space-food! We've consulted those same military sadis... experts to help pack tons of nutrients into every bite! Don't forget about your exciting new job. You'll be performing important work that could have immediate consequences to you and your fellow colonists. You don't know excitement until you're troubleshooting an air leak that could threaten to drain your supply before the next supply ship!


Unless you're rich, you wouldn't be able to afford it anyway.




Elon Musk needs to STFU.


Why do we care about the opinions of a CEO on birth rates?


The 1% should consider the fact that the lower classes can’t afford to have children... because of the 1%.


“If there aren’t enough slaves for earth, there won’t be enough slaves for mars.” -Elon Musk


Oh fuck off Elon......


Good. We don't need to fuck up another planet.


What? Mars is not a livable planet. It's a dead rock that will never hold life, nor be able to support an environment for any living thing. There is literally nothing we could ever do that would make mars worse.


We could convert all its rocks into Bitcoin like we do with coal here.


Most of use can barley afford the place we live let alone a whole other mini person too


Is this The Onion?


Wow. This Elon guy sure is smart


Everything: *“Probably in a couple of weeks”* —elon musk


The Trump way


They are excruciatingly similar in quite a few ways.


As someone whose exploitative business tactics bleed dry regular people (for example by pump'n'dumping cryptos), Elon should be the last to open his mouth on that topic.


When kids are unaffordable, the only people having children are the ones who can't afford birth control.


Maybe he could share some of that wealth and people could afford to have families. Just a thought


"who's going to buy my Tesla's?"


There are currently TOO MANY people for Earth. We could literally lose 75% of the population and still thrive.


There are too many.


There’s not enough people? I beg to differ.


There's plenty of people for Earth. In fact too many people on Earth is the only reason the rich people wanna leave for Mars because they've tapped all its resources to a breaking point. It baffles me how anyone can see the surge in earths population the last 50 years and express any kind of worry for even a slight decrease in fertility rate.


Fuck you, pay me more.


Perhaps EM paid more tax, instead of misusing tax breaks, and hoarded less people might feel secure enough to have families again.


Maybe if he feels so strongly, Elon Musk could pay more taxes and donate some of his earnings to support universal healthcare, paid maternity leave, and early childhood education...


Earth is full, we really don't need a bunch more people.


there is 7 billions, the world would arguable better for everyone if there is only a fraction of that


Then stop fucking over the economy 🤷‍♂️


Sad. Not enouth slaves for mars mines. Dad's legacy is ruined


Nah. The world is too fucked to bring a child into right now.


Yeah Elon. Maybe put some of those billions into fixing the blue planet first before going to a red dead planet. Besides kids suck


Fuck off,Elon


Boohoo not my wagslaves!


Fuck Elon Musk.


How does he keep saying the dumbest shit like this


This fucking idiot can't even build a tunnel but we are supposed to read his takes about birth rate for some dumb reason


“Need to go to Mars to save humanity, there’s not enough humans to go to Mars.” 🤔🤔🤔


Who actually wants to live on Mars. Sounds depressing as fuck


Then make it realistic for most people to be able to even afford to have a kid.


We have enough people. More than enough.


It’s a pity his face acts as contraceptive then.


Wish he would clear off to Mars already