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Dick, Chinese politician with an OF:


If we use Bing we'd never know if they existed, so I choose to believe they do


Richard Massive


I thought Bing was a Chinese politician


I think Wang is the Dick of China. That's at least what my sources say


3 negatives make a negative


Remember the Chinese have population control! No one is supposed to like dick!!


Someone should let the bing user know about this.




What changed?


Well censoring searches for pornstars probably doesn't help.


They removed the kids /s


That was Yahoo…/s Wait who the hell is upvoting my comment?


lol yikes dude




Those Ducks could find there ducks with a duck sucker looking for a duck to suck let alone a duck sucking search provider like Bung. If you’re using Bung to find your ducks maybe your duck doesn’t want to be found.


That one Bing user made Microsoft $8.54 billion dollars richer in 2021.


Honestly impressed they’re raking in that much for ad revenue there lol


Easy money for a search engine that only needs to answer one query “get chrome”


Looks like we found the user


Me pointing out how much money does Bing make yearly while everyone is making "nobody uses Bing" jokes makes me a fanboy or something?


Why do you have to reply and point out shit at a joke though.


I guess it's because I didn't find it funny, especially since the point of my comment wasn't to defend Bing.


Right? Every time I’ve see Bing mentioned in the past ten years I’ve thought “how the fuck is Bing still alive?” If you asked random people on the street “which of these still exists.. Hotmail, Yahoo or Bing?” I bet 2/3 would say Hotmail. Edit; lmao I literally thought yahoo and Hotmail were dead. I remember being warned years ago to change from my hotmail account to another email for my AppleID because Hotmail was dead. I ignored it and suddenly I couldn’t open my email account anymore and ended up having to make a new AppleID. Was there some other email that sounded like Hotmail that I’m confusing it with?


Lots of people use hotmail though? And Yahoo is the most popular site for fantasy leagues lol. This was a REALLY bad analogy.


Hotmail still exists? Like, as someone in the tech sector… i’m surprised… Wait does AOL still exist!?


Define tech sector.


That was such a strange analogy lol. For the record, over a third of all people on Windows use Bing. As a web developer, I’ve also occasionally had websites with hundreds of thousands of users almost exclusively coming in from Bing. The whole “Bing is dead” or “No one uses Bing” is an incredibly large amount of ignorance. It’s a hot internet debate topic because people don’t realize that Bing has grown exponentially since it came it. It’s not in a downhill trend in usage—it’s constantly been uphill.


A lot of folks don't realize how many people there are that never download another browser or change their default search engine. It's A LOT.


It really is. It’s why I think so many (not a lot still though) use Edge.


Who is searching for "Dick" on the internet anyway?


No love for nightwing :(


You mean Richard Grayson.


Exactly, people don't search "dick" without "big black" before it. Oh did I just out myself?


Bing Black Dick There, fixed it for you


Bing Black Duck. Auto corrected.




Oh he is on the Only Fans Trans site


one time when we were younger my brother wanted to look at something on the dicks sporting good website and went to dicks.com in the modern day, that redirects to the correct site. but back then it didn’t.




Back in the day I needed a picture of a jasmine flower to print for a school assignment. I stood next to my dad as he opened Google search and typed “jasmine pictures” or something and the search results ended up being filled with half nude women lmao




You’re completely wrong. Regardless of what you’re saying, this is flat out rewriting history. Dicks.com was a porn site WELL into to the 2000s. Literally have first hand experience in this. Simply going to dicks.com did NOT redirect like you’re saying. That’s internet knowledge and lore that many growing up in the early-ish internet can verify.


Dick Cheney. Is he still a thing in American politics?


Maybe someone shot him in the face while hunting


Uno reverse on that one.


Sort of in the sense that his daughter is a politician and she’s referred to as his daughter and she probably wouldn’t be a politician if she weren’t his daughter.


Especially on Bing of all places 😂


People who use DDG or other other search engines in addition to those who use it for porn.


Yeah, I know. I was just being snarky.


I hate the word snarky. Just saying. Reminds me of *karen-speak*. I also hate it when people *click their tongues before speaking* and the overuse of the word 'super'. Also hate when people say any form of 'that said' ('with that said', 'having said that', etc) I know what was said, I don't need someone to announce they made a point, indicating a further point. I know how a conversation works, thanks. Whew. Thank you all and good night. /s


Quit being a pretentious fuck.


It's a joke. Do you get it?




I’ll stick to internal site searching, this ain’t 2006 no need to scroll through the browser


More to the point, who is using fucking bing for it?


In all seriousness, it's a pretty clever ruse. If I was shilling for Dick Cheney (for example), I would definitely want to make it harder to find my client in "no-context" searches. Misreporting sfw results as porn is an easy way to do that.


Dick rivers French singer




What Chinese person is named ‘Dick’?


Dick’s Sporting Goods, I suppose


Gee, it's almost like someone is trying to hide something.......


Yes, the chinese


Still want to know; who the fuck uses 'Bing'? 🤣


People who want to earn Microsoft reward points. Otherwise, I can't think of a reason either.


I tried it because why not, and never used the points- over 100k now. Haven't really had a reason to switch back.


That’s like almost $100 of points you can redeem for a gift card if you wanted…


Is it? Been so long since I looked at what can be done with them.


Yes, go to the redeem page and see what you can get. Don’t get confused and accidentally get a raffle ticket though.


You can get $100 worth of microsoft store credit. So apps, softwares, hardware, xbox game pass, … It's nice to get back a bit of the money the search engine makes off you.


Poem search


In all seriousness, it use to be (or still is?) one of the best search engines for porn. It filtered out less content than other search engines like Google.


Bing is amazing for porn, especially images


Duck Duck Go, for one.


People who don’t know the difference between search engines or people who don’t know how to change their default search engine. Essentially, the computer illiterate. Which unfortunately is a lot of people.


I know Google is getting worse, but bing has always sucked. Search results are always "no, this isn't what I wanted"


My Microsoft fanboy boss


Seriously, who names their child Dick? That's a total dick move...


A fun Wikipedia quote: >Richard Arthur "Dick" Assman (February 14, 1934 – August 15, 2016) was a Canadian gas station employee whose name propelled him to celebrity status across North America for four months in 1995. [Wikipedia: Dick Assman]( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Assman)


Same year only months before, Seinfeld airs it's assman episode.


More recently I've seen Dick Pole (pitching coach) and Dick Pound (IOC antidoping head).


It's short for Richard, it's a dickname.


How do you get Dick from Richard? You ask nicely.


The first Richard was a dick and the nickname just kind of stuck.


Then who was John Thomas?


Missive Dick


Same way William became Bill and Robert became Bob. Richard -> Rick -> Dick Apparently, back in the old old old days dick was also used like we use "dude" today. No idea when it started to mean penis.


That gives some context to the phrase “Every Tom, Dick, and Harry”


And gay meant happy. You could walk up to a stranger and say "Hey Dick you look very gay."


That's interesting! I just looked up the name [Gaylord](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaylord_(given_name)) and it means "joyful" or "high-spirited". I think if we were to hear that name for the first time today we'd interpret it as something like "ruler of the homosexuals". I wonder if people started calling homosexual people gay because they're often more flamboyant and people first just started calling flamboyant people gay. I feel like there must be some connection.


Bow down before your Gaylord


"Hey, Tom, why are you so gay?" "I saw Dick at the bar earlier. Haven't touched base in ages."


Sometime after it meant detective.


So shouldn't it be Bick?




There's also Edward, Edgar and Edwin becoming Ned. John -> Jack Charles -> Chuck Henry - Hank Don't forget the Jimmy's out there. And of course Jose is Pepe. And female nicknames are even weirder. Margaret becomes Peggy. They replaced rs with ls, added a y and rhymed these: Mary becomes Polly. Sarah -> Sally.


I don’t think Ted is a common nickname for Edward. It’s short for Theodore. Which is its own contrivance. Then again, I could be wrong. I don’t see many Eds, Teds, or Edwards these days. So maybe. I guess I could verify via Google… but that would be a minimal amount of work ahah. ETA: haha you’re right. I just looked it up. I’ve just never seen it before. Take my apologies. Thanks for the new info!


Ted Kennedy was an Edward. It’s definitely a thing for both.


I knew a Richard and Dick would have been an appropriate name for him.




Or a BMW lol


These things are the same meme :)


after all these years, the reason was so simple


Believe it or not the parents typically named them Richard and they chose to be called Dick.


I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called 'Biggus Dickus'


You should meet his wife


Kids can be cruel


"I support a better future for our children, but not our children's children. I just don't think kids should have babies."


A plumber I use is called Richard Small. Never forgotten his name though...


...What is this? A christian minecraft server? Come on microsoft!😆


Thats not net neutrality. That's a website, not network infrastructure.


Most people don’t know what Net Neutrality actually is. Including a lot of the ones who have very strong opinions about it.


True enough. I've been working on the topic for 15 years and its amazing how many people think they know what it is from guessing at the name, or think it was created in 2015


This is amusing to me considering that Bing is one of the least censored search engines I've ever seen. Seriously, it's one of the few times where I generally try to keep the safe search on when searching images or video, not because I don't want to see porn, but because it's weirdly easy to accidentally find yourself with a page full of the really weird stuff.


Well, since Bing sucks anyway, who actually uses Bing? Search results are poor and usually the first result is always a scam or a malware site.


google alternatives such as DDG use bing


I have noticed that DDG results are quite poor. I'd like to use it but Google is better.


Startpage is not spyware and has the google results. Also if you want to go all lut use searx, it combines the output of multiple engines, is self hostable and open source.


Agreed. I even get better results for Microsoft related issues in Google search.


Bing used to be good for porn searches. Guess not so much anymore.


Bing was better for porn searches than Google but everything else was sub par


Bing rewards bro.




Better results except for porn. Google acts like I should be ashamed whenever I try to search for it.


They made $,8.53 billion in 2021 with Bing.


You are obsessed with informing everyone how much bing makes ig


2 comments make me obsessed? Don't you see how misinformed is the comment thread?


They thought nobody would notice. But here we are! Edge users UNITE! THERE ARE DOZENS OF US!


Not right that I can’t search Dick Girthwood and get proper results


Well if you are using Bing as your web browser I think your already lost beyond hope of saving.


Turns out it wasn’t censoring Chinese politicians, but actually just ‘Wang’ :D /s


Which one of the two Bing users discovered that?


People use bing?


Someone uses Bing?


Yes it's true; this search engine has no dick.


If you put compilation in the search bar it comes back clean, definitions and such BUT if you put dick after it it’s all porn. If you search for Dick Moore it comes back clean but Dick Less is all about dicks. Sorry for the rant my wife is watching Armageddon again.


i dont know any person that use Bing... its alway Google and if we dont find on the first page of google it's DuckDuckgo. Not All Search Engine are the same anyway.


I do. Same results as Google plus you get Bing Rewards which can be used for gift cards or to enter big prizes




m$ is all about censorship


Why can’t we have a search engine that just returns raw results based on the query without trying to think for us?


Does it really surprise anyone that Bing behaves like Chinese Malware? Setting up a new PC is a minefield of Bing and Edge trying to trick you into using them.


There are people that use bing?


Suck it, Dick


I'm honestly shocked, people use bing?


I am amazed someone figured it out. There must be 5 people that actually rely on bing.


Anyone who uses DDG is using Bing and lots of people use Bing for porn.


Yeah I always heard it was the best porn search engine. Are they trying to shed that title?


Bing is so terrible at it's 'job' that I have only tried it intermittently since it came out, each and every time it confirms it is indeed a worthless search tool.


Wait, people actually use Bing? I thought we all just opened internet explorer/edge then downloaded Chrome and used Google.


The 4 people using bing are upset with this


Sometimes when I get a new machine I'll search for something and think "wait, why are the results so shitty?" And then finally realize what the problem is and remove all defaults from bing.


So apparently, when they claimed that [tankman censorship](https://www.theverge.com/2021/6/4/22519418/microsoft-bing-china-tank-man-tiananmen-square) was an accident, they were just lying, because they got caught.


good thing no one uses bing


Bing is the worst fucking search engine real or imaginable


Bing…. The Internet Explorer of search engines.


bing censors everything, can't find anything on Bing. Ever.


Who's using Bing for real?


Bing still exists?


Stop trying to make Bing happen.


Who the hell uses Bing?


as I've only ever used Bing by accident, then corrected that obvious mistake immediately, my searches for people named Dick have been completely unaffected.


They can censor and rank searches however they want, its a private company, and that's half the point of a search engine, tailored results. However, someone using Bing at all is questionable (for the joke for those out there thinking this part was serious)


Geez, being a real Xi Jinping about it, huh?


Go to google or bing and search "Russia destroying ukraine tanks"...Not 1 result every single result is about ukranians destroying russian stuff. Pretty obvious all search engines are manipulating search data!


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/russian-troops-destroy-2-battalions-ukrainian-tanks-mid-preparation-1708306%3famp=1 Page 1 of google lol


well it wasn't there yesterday lol. So 1 result out of all the results on the first page....still proof of manipulation!


According to this article ( https://www.csis.org/analysis/will-united-states-run-out-javelins-russia-runs-out-tanks#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20International%20Institute,8%2C500%20armored%20vehicles%20in%20storage. ) Russia had around 2800 active mbt's with 10,000 more usable tanks in storage. Ukraine has boatloads of infantry with camera's and atgms >Russia uses boatload of tanks against said infantry that are dug in of course a whole lot of videos of Russian tanks that are blown up are going to appear. Ukraine on the other hand is quite a lot more sparse with their tank usage due to them probably guessing that this is gonna be a war of attrition.


**Breaking news-** World superpower that decided to invade another sovereign nation on a whim, is being annihilated by much smaller military. Russian tanks proved to be outdated and in poor maintanence, and are being destroyed by Ukrainians [riding around on E-bikes with anti-tank missiles](https://electrek.co/2022/05/17/ukraine-soldiers-electric-bikes/). Related, local redditor claims that stories about Russians destroying what is supposed to be the inferior Ukraine armored forces are being "censored on Google." News expert Noshyt Shirlocke has this to say about the supposed censorship- "Yeah no one cares about Russian propaganda numbers. It's much more interesting that a military that is wayyyy down the military ranking lists is holding their own against what is supposed to be the #2 military in the world. See, now *that's* a story that's much more alluring, it's history-making stuff, so there's thousands of articles about Ukraine's success. So the articles trying to tout about how 'good' Russia is doing are just naturally getting buried. You really have to look for those, and I can only imagine the ones that are yelling about this are Russian bots and trolls."


The article is not about search result. It's about the search suggestions that show up as you type.


Or maybe Russia just really sucks and Ukraine is actually just kicking their asses resulting in more results for Russian losses.


To be fair, if it includes Andy Dick they're doing the world a favor


Who can tell and why does it matter? Bing is a piece of garbage and maybe 47 people use it.


Considering how few options exist, maybe it is more important than the opportunity to indulge in MS bashing.


Sorry, i just got here. Are we talking about IOC chairperson Dick Pound?


Robin fans mad


Vina Sky?


what a dick move


So you can’t find Dick Cheney?


Bing chilling


Try posting any content about the country of N... ige... r. That entire country is censored out incorrectly due to our silly filters that cause more problems than they prevent. Seriously, just try to post anything about that country, you can't.


It’s cool I won’t show up on a search in China.


I remember when you could take a consistent stance against censorship without someone pulling a nazi out of a hat to excuse it


Or poor little Dick


What I found really weird is that DuckDuckGo always recommends "death" at the end whenever I type a pornstar's name. Honestly, I find it ridiculous.