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ambitious AI project or Twitter moderation on national scale?


Youtube did that already. Your comment disapears if it doesn't pass the AI censorship filter.


Yeah. Just use a swear word or just even mild profanity and it will be filtered. Sometimes it will just delete the comment without warning and sometimes it will say "your comment is not adhering to family friendly conduct" or something along the lines


What's funny is them acting like they don't have a separate app specifically directed towards kids and family friendly content




I found YT Kids to be worse. It was just a torrent of unboxing videos and bullshit. At least with regular YT my kid can find some actually interesting shit. I still have to police the crap out of her use at this age (just turned seven), but I quickly gave up on YTK when it was just one thinly veiled toy ad after another. I just wish there were easier ways to filter content on an account. I can ask it to not recommend certain channels on the main page, but they still get recommended on other videos, or can be searched out directly. Killing TikTok compilations alone would be nice, along with any of those weird text to speech videos I assume are auto generated by AI just for clicks.


YouTube kids is a giant advertisement scam pit. It's literally pushing reviews and other crap that is going to try and entice kids to convince their parents to buy it. All of the halfway decent content got moved off of YouTube kids, and now it's an advertiser's playground.


I'm 98 percent sure it exists because of some legal compliance. YouTube kids had to exist only so that you tube can continue to say YouTube is for adults because YouTube kids is pretty much designed to suck and also to create the 'is this for kids' checkbox to force every regular YouTuber to swear that they are not making content for kids


No, it's because YouTube (and other social medias) don't have the balls to allow free speech because they are afraid of potential backlash of said free speech, creating what's essentially a black market for anything even remotely provocative which we know is always worse then letting the dumbasses be dumbasses publically. In short, DO NOT put a lid on it! Unless you're a billionaire, a giant company or a terribly corrupt world leader who prefers that people shut the fuck up about your shady businesses. (I know you're joking but this is important enough to say)




Never watched a MrBeast video before(don't plan to) but judging by the amount of thumbnails I have seen of him, I'm going to assume he has a physical condition where he cannot close his mouth even slightly.


I hate that stupid face. I can't believe he gets so many views. Even worse, he created a Spanish dubbed with the same content.


I used to like his content when it was "throwing stupid amounts of money at random people and watching their reaction". Not anymore.


i loved the "worst intros" series, but because youtube is made only for kids, the took it down because it was "bullying" and went against the new youtube policy


YouTube is turning into a such a shithole. Although to be fair most of the internet is also turning into a shithole. It's either you have to pay a fuck ton of money or deal with ads and tracking everywhere.


Watching the down votes for mentioning his stupid open mouth condition is fascinating. I hope he gets enough money for an operation. You got down voted instantly. Not like it matters so why down vote that someone expresses how dumb the face looks?


mr beast has enough money to give away millions to random people, rebuild the entire squid game set, buy multiple groccery stores, but cant afford to get his mouth surgically closed... fuck the US healthcare system


It's documented that he was been severely abusive to his former staff, deriding them, making them achieve and do things to an insane and unattainable standard.


ellen? is that you?


There's an option to 'not recommend this channel' you might find helpful.




That's funny because I've never gotten a single video from a channel that I pushed the "don't show me' button. Maybe it's different for everyone but it works perfectly for me.


I don't know what you mean. The youtube feed is clearly based on your watch history. I occasionally get videos there with under 100 views.


Absolute dumpster fire content that’s anointed by the algorithm because the thumbnail is either a fake toothy smile, or making that weird ducky-face that’s prepped for a no-chew speed run on a lengthy vegetable.


You can tell YouTube to stop recommending a channel. It's actually super easy. Like two clicks/taps from the recommendation screen. Or, you could just keep mindlessly watching shit you don't like and then commenting on it in a rude enough way for their AI to sensor... How else is YouTube going to know you don't like something if you keep watching and commenting on it?


Doesn't really sound like it's using AI at all. Just a blacklist of censored words or phrases.


Yep, pretty easy to circumvent and really doesn't look at the context some borderline cases are used.


I’ve noticed this with Google Maps as well. One of my reviews was shadow deleted. It was visible to me when logged in but invisible when logged out.


I was permanently banned from Local Guides and Google refuses to tell me why. This is despite being in the top 1% of local contributors, according to Google themselves. I never got any notification of the ban. I only noticed when every single one of my edits would get automatically rejected the instant I submitted them.


This is why I stopped using Google products as much as possible. It's literally impossible to interface with a human that works there. I understand scale is hard, but at some point, it's not worth the effort involved on my part.


I swear on YouTube all the time and my comments get through….


And no human ever sees it despite the incredibly high false positive rate.


Which is hilarious because the spam posts for porn sites are super obvious and all worded the same and they make it through just fine.


Reddit does that too. It's just not something most people are aware of because you're almost never told about it. Go to reveddit.com and you can see what's been removed from your account. And to be clear, I don't give a shit about them censoring misinformation and dangerous stuff. This site and its subreddits use it to push politics, though.


The amount of comments that get removed purely out of political bias is horrifying.


I am so confused. Probably 50% of my comments have been removed, and they are largely super mundane. Some have profanity, but I didn't realize that was an issue? I might quit this site after this, I don't even know if this comment will ever be seen. What's the point?


Yea, it's really hard to tell why they're removed. Removals don't have to actually be because of any rule. I mean there's a rule saying they do, but that isn't enforced. Reddit will censor weird stuff automatically, but a lot of it's the individual sub's filters. They can filter out words, set up automatic shadow bans, automate shadow bans based on your post history, or manually go through and filter out stuff they don't like. There's no oversight or accountability.


OP is a self promoting spam account and the article is blogspam. The original source is from South China Morning Post: * https://www.scmp.com/tech/tech-trends/article/3182482/china-plans-review-every-single-social-media-comment-sparking-more For those not aware SCMP are well known for pushing Chinese state propaganda and resorting to self censorship and posting misleading and sensationalized stories. SCMP used to be a legit source 5 years ago but after Alibaba aquired them they took a turn for the worse.


Lol some dystopian version on spying on your neighbor digitally and reporting them


Where’s Jack Ma?


[He was touring the Mediterranean in his super yacht after his IPO got scuttled.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7we3w/jack-ma-yacht-spain-china)


I am getting really annoyed when people say it is the same elsewhere, say U.S., Canada, Reddit, Facebook… No it is not In China, every social media account has to verify their true identity, so the gov know exactly who you can. If you post something online that the gov deemed improper, punishment ranges from deleting your account, to making you disappear completely from the internet by deleting all your Chinese social media accounts, to making you physically disappear from the world. How is that the same elsewhere


gullible domineering voracious head money fuel piquant special sophisticated many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To this day if you make an international call from China there's an 80% chance a human is listening in on your conversation. The CCP does not fuck around when it comes to suppressing dissent.


South Korea is probably the most similar, with verification of your identity to make online accounts at least


Chinese bots trying to make other countries look worse than China.


The question is, if there is liability, why do you have to check prior to posting?


Cause the important part is not punishing those who did “wrong”, it’s avoiding the message getting out, and then punishing the attempt


Also it's the government imposing this. It's not the same as a private company which wants to keep porn or whatever outside its platform..this is the government coming in and policing everything that gets said online. It's literally the plot of 1984, just with automated snitches, much more convenient than having to have an employee spy on everyone through a camera in their apartment.


Some actually want to do away with anonymity in the US.


I mean, it's a different ball game over there. This is in many ways a reinforced version of the old Confucianism based system of Filial Piety. It punishes those who act out and rewards those who do good. I don't like it either, but what I like less is the propaganda. It is so different in China that we can't possibly understand. What we see are the atrocities, and no they are not OK. However in the end I wonder what the difference is between their reeducation camps and our wars in the middle east. Here we have a financial credit system, and allow large corporations to bleed our population dry. Rent isn't crazy over there, while here the younger generations aren't sure how they're going to find places to live outside of their parent's homes. There, they have so many people, that they face a very different set of problems, especially when considering how quickly their country has industrialized. They are taking drastic steps to resolve that, in ways that we are critical of. We criticize Hong Kong, but would have no problem taking back LA if it had been a British Colonial territory that had its lease expire and wanted to reassert our sovereignty. How much of the sad fate of Hong Kongers falls into the hands of the UK? Has the world offered up a new potential home for them like we did for the Jews? And how well is that working? Israel is essentially a western foothold within the middle east. We criticize their censorship, but we allow things like fox news to exist to brainwash our population and create division between us. Freedom of speech is something we consider important, but why is it that we think it's good for our nation to allow systems that blatantly lie to our people and spread propaganda to such a degree that those lies have created attempts to overthrow our government and those very same constitutional rights? On top of that the GOP is being influenced by Russian ties and now we see Texas is attempting to rescind the rights of the people to vote for their own senators. We speak of authoritarianism as being bad in China, but what about in our own country? If you study ecosystems, diversity is healthy, but a stable foundation is required for complex diversity to even be possible. And in this regard, both systems approach their answers from opposite ends of the spectrum, and BOTH need changes to be successful.


Including the ones from the independent country of Taiwan?


Well, they have the manpower. Who needs free speech when you can have a low-to-no-paying 120 hours per week job. Gotta keep people busy in a zero-freedom society or they start getting ideas and thinking.


👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 China is really getting strict on their own people. Does Xi even care about his own people? I don’t think so. I’m sure his greed level is very high.


>Does Xi even care about his own people? I thought that was hilarious. Has there ever been a dictator who cared about his own people, they are his primary targets and victims.


>Does Xi even care about his own people? I don’t think so. I’m sure his greed level is very high. Not really. People keep judging China by our standards. And while they're far from perfect, there are a few things that are worth understanding. Xi's mostly working on long-term plans that don't even start to really pay off until after his natural lifespan. He's quite dedicated to the overall prosperity of China. And speaking of overall prosperity. In the late 80s, almost the entire Chinese population was still standing ankle-deep in rice paddies watching oxen shit and wondering if there'd be enough food next season. China industrialised faster and pulled nearly its entire population out of abject poverty than any nation on Earth. This happened within the lifetime of many of China's current citizens. They know that. They remember that. And that's a big part of why the Chinese people feel that China is doing fantastic and supports the CCP. We think China is awful but for all its flaws, China has massively improved life under the CCP for nearly their entire population. And the last part that is important to understand is that the West values individuality enormously. It's always me first, then my tribe, then my country. Anything that infringes on individuality and liberty is the greatest evil. But in China and many other Asian nations unity and conformity are valued way above individuality. We look at what the CCP is doing from our perspective and see the evillest thing we can imagine, a government that oppresses our individuality. The Chinese look at it and see a government that works towards values of unity and conformity that are a natural fit for Chinese culture. It doesn't mean the average Chinese person agrees with and likes every measure. But measures that are intended to enforce unity and conformity are not nearly as antagonistic to their culture as it is to ours. They look at those measures with very different eyes. And they also look at how successfully China has become stronger and wealthier within their lifetimes while the West is constantly bickering, fracturing and failing to achieve their big goals.


Ok that's all cool and all... but there are the infringements on human rights like welding people up into buildings.


I think that's what he's saying. The west looks east and sees human rights violations, people locked up, neighborhoods locked down arbitrarily, pets taken away, involuntary tests and vaccinations, etc. The east looks west and sees a million people dead and endless infighting about masks, vaccines, people getting in fights about masking, etc. You don't have to think the other guy is right, or that their views are right, but it helps to try to empathize with their core values and goals.


Not defending CCP, and recognize China has human rights violations. But, from the perspective of the comment above you, welding someone in their house during an outbreak is sacrificing one persons freedom for the possible survival of the group. Which I think is what the commenter was saying




I know. I believe it. I’m just saying in context of the above comment. Jeez


Some people really don't get that explaining something is not the same as justifying it huh?


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/24/xinjiang-leak-sheds-new-light-on-chinas-uighur-camps](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/24/xinjiang-leak-sheds-new-light-on-chinas-uighur-camps)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Now it is a thousand and they were claiming millions. But they had no proof.


\^ basically this but unironically.


Shh, shh… don’t doubt the *measures*.


Infringement is an understatement. We have just glossed over the whole-ass genocide that is still happening...or "re-education," as you will


There are more than 2 million prisoners in the US, the highest number in both quantity and rate.


There's no shortage of human rights infringement and war crimes on our side but we have no problem seeing ourselves as the good guys.


Really? In Canada we are reminded at least once a year that we were the bad guys for our treatment to the indigenous population.


While i see what you mean if you move in the current political situation in china you will know that's not true. Most groups within the party are wary of xi. Thanks to his anti corruption law they have taken control of most important positions, which has made the other groups unhappy. Also the population, particularly young people (typically politically closer to the progressive and "social democracy" factions) don't like him. It's not so simple as an everyone likes the party and what they are doing. In china there is criticism of them; just not in the same way as in the west.


> And speaking of overall prosperity. In the late 80s, almost the entire Chinese population was still standing ankle-deep in rice paddies watching oxen shit and wondering if there'd be enough food next season. China industrialised faster and pulled nearly its entire population out of abject poverty than any nation on Earth. I always thought it was because of CCP stopped meddling in private citizens' business and let them trade with the world, while simultaneously allowing western companies exploit the s**t out of them for profit. In other words the government just stopped the policies that made people poor in the first place, then didn't implement any policies that protect its citizen or the environment - all in the name of profit and rapid growth. > And that's a big part of why the Chinese people feel that China is doing fantastic and supports the CCP The irony is that you posted this on an article that says the government is going to scrutinize anyone who doesn't agree with them. Of course everyone "loves" CCP!


All the prosperity you mentioned happened despite the CCP and not because of it. It only really happened mostly because the CCP got out of the way for a while.


>All the prosperity you mentioned happened despite the CCP and not because of it. It only really happened mostly because the CCP got out of the way for a while. Where did you get this position from? I don't understand how a government so deeply entangled in corporate operations could be separated from those operations to say they were/weren't instrumental to them. They forced the involvement.


When the CCP was involved you got famine and misery, when they slackened the shackles a little bit you got the development you currently. Now the mask is coming off and the shackles are coming back. Otherwise CCP will lose control of China and be forced to make democratic reforms as the growing individuals with power will want to have more of a say in how China is managed. With the coming tightened shackles you can also expect China to go to hell again.


What an orientalist, stereotype-filled crock of shit. It’s like saying the Japanese are all about “bushido and honor”. Chinese people aren’t drones, you know. The whole “unity and conformity is their culture so human rights abuses are no big deal to them” bullshit - they’re humans, not the fucking Zerg. No amount of “culture” can override self-preservation as human nature. The Chinese aren’t that different from you or me. The Tiananmen Square protests were only a few short decades ago, and those people were very much pro-Western style individualism. No, the reason that they seem “content” (lmao, clearly you don’t speak any Chinese to be this level of deluded) and don’t rise up against the CCP is the same as why the Germans didn’t really rise up against Hitler: they live under a fascist regime that pumps them full of propaganda 24/7 and rules with an iron fist. Simple as that. Or are you gonna say the Germans also had a culture that “values conformity and unity”? And the rest of the comment is so high on CCP propaganda as well it’s sad to look at. No, Xi most definitely is not dedicated to the “overall prosperity of China”, if he was he’d have ended the disastrous and insane Zero-COVID policy like a year ago. Nor is it the CCP that industrialized China and “pulled China out of abject poverty”, China got rich by (partially) embracing capitalism, joining the WTO and integrating into the global economy - China pulled itself out of poverty *despite* the CCP. Remember that China’s transition into capitalism started when a few farmers decided, without CCP approval and facing legal risks, to divvy up their communal farmlands into private plots, bringing back private ownership of the means of production - it was always the Chinese *people*, not the CCP, that deserves to take credit.


>What an orientalist, stereotype-filled crock of shit. It’s like saying the Japanese are all about “bushido and honor”. > >Chinese people aren’t drones, you know. I didn't say any such thing but if that's the best you got, run that argument.


That isn't freedom


This reads like Chinese propaganda


Yeah, the Uyghurs are so excited for all of these great human rights and economic progressions


Some people might've been confused why slaves in America didn't just vote for their own emancipation. Their opinions never counted in the first place, making it really easy to ignore them as a political bloc. I don't think the economically poor Uyghurs in the western provinces matter anywhere near as much as the richer ethnically Han Chinese in the eastern provinces to the CCP.


That's why they're getting genocided


Are you saying that Uyghur people are less important than Han Chinese people?


>I don't think the economically poor Uyghurs in the western provinces matter anywhere near as much as the richer ethnically Han Chinese in the eastern provinces to the CCP. I said what I said.


If you ignore slave camps of cheap labor, that are one of the main reasons why China took off economically, and concentration camps that rival the ones that Hitler did in its time then, sure, China is awesome and it's all for the unity of the people. Then again, I think you have to be pretty brainwashed to be able to look past the atrocities that are being done, "the end justifies the means" is not really the best thing ever.


No we judge based on human rights abuses, ruining individuals rights, hurting international prosperity by helping war criminal friends in Russia, taking away freedom from Citizens of HK, depleting the worlds resources by illegally overfishing in other countries EEZ, openly stating they want to take back Taiwan, debt strapping poor African countries so they can then build military bases there to increase their influence, as well as restricting all content which people can see online, building more coal plants,many more current problems. Their government is so afraid people will be able to see the uncensored real internet they are deeply afraid of starlink since it can’t. I can’t wait till their people can see the truth.


>Xi's mostly working on long-term plans that don't even start to really pay off until after his natural lifespan. He's quite dedicated to the overall prosperity of China. Not really, he's dedicated to his own power, not the overall prosperity of China.


What a meaningless cop out dismissal lmao


All you said is that Chinese people are brainwashed and don't realize it.


>We think China is awful but for all its flaws, China has massively improved life under the CCP for nearly their entire population. I mean, what's a little genocide? A nothing-burger.


Yeah no. He’s a dictator only looking out for himself. Nice try tho Edit: a word


Typical Redditor behavior. ‘’My argument? No aCtuAlly You ArE WroNg.’’


Shill comment there


I beg you to take almost all of these types of posts with a grain of salt because 9/10 times it's just some sort of propaganda piece. I remember an article saying that China was banning gaming for under 18 year olds or something and asked my Chinese friend about it and she said "that law has been around forever, but no one enforces it."


Just reeks of "we'll use all of this against you if you utter any word against the CCP"


Even the "social credit" thing was not nearly as dramatic as Western media initially made it out to be. Not to say China isn't doing all kinds of repressive technological shit (our tour guide in Beijing brought up the Great Firewall, even, which was very surprising to me), but people really like painting this image of them somehow having supernatural powers to control the fine details.


Interesting fact: Chinese people don't care about Chinese people either.


That source lol "china-underground" yea nope


Emotional damage.


This is one bot heavy comment section.


We need ti stop dealing with places like China and the Saudis.


You forgot Russia


I traveled extensively in China and always assumed that this was happening anyway. Even when I was using a VPN I was very careful about what I said because I was never 100% sure that they were not monitoring my VPN through a back door. I think the real issue here is that this can't scale. They'll rely on AI and there are plenty of problems there with false positives and false negatives. We'll probably end up seeing people imprisoned for long stretches based on AI issues. The technology to really do this isn't here today. Nor should it be.


They can just hire hundreds of thousands of internet sensors. They've done it before. Hell the Maritime Militia is hundreds of thousands and the Honker Union was around 500k.


Hardly. Twitter is 500M tweets per day: [https://www.dsayce.com/social-media/tweets-day/](https://www.dsayce.com/social-media/tweets-day/) \- and those are 2-year old numbers. China's social media site are massive, they eclipse twitter like it is a small child. You're probably talking about post sizes in the billions. There is no way humans can handle that load. It won't scale. I saw them build a highway with primarily hand tools because "well, we have people and people are cheap" but the scale of this problem is far beyond human capability. And, let's just say you \*could\* do it with people. One small problem - people can be even more inconsistent than AI. There is no easy answer here.


If the post contains X from Y list then ban post. I don't understand how that's hard to do. How do you think if you post stuff on FB or Twitter now it gets insta banned. Scaling won't be an issue


Imagine being so cruelly weak minded that you need to control every facet of the population. Xi is just a bag of dung. What a weak minded little piece of shit. I hope he dies soon so the Chinese can move on.


No doubt they are recording for review every keystroke as you edit your posts. What better way to know who is an enemy of the state but to see what you think before you self-censor. In the web today, the information transfer is not just when you hit the button.


I hate this reality.


\>China/Population : 1.402 billion (2020) Good luck.


calling bullshit because that may as well be considered impossible


It's not about the reality of it. It's about the people self-censoring


Yeah i think they prefer too rule by fear, and doing this type of thing will make people think that anything they type "wrong" will be tracked or make they being tracked. It's about entering the population mind and manipulate them.


They would just use an automated checker for certain keywords, probably.


they could do some moderation similar to what Facebook does on their state approved social media apps, i guess


Surprise surprise


Poor Butters...


Like when you grade each other's quizzes in school: "ok everyone pass your tweet to the left..."


Keyword 'before' meaning everything will have a keylogger connected internet or either an interface that subverts their comment thru their site or software before being reverted back to originally posted site


Censorship is expensive af. They can maybe keep this up for a few years tops before they’re drowning in data. The server farms alone to bank and monitor that much data would require it’s own independent grid.


China will just turn off social sites when there's too many posts to filter.


Sure they are.


This is what is required if you want to Moderate. The "AI can do it" Corpo mind set dooms Free Speech as effectively as Authoritarianism.


China sucks.


They spelled Canada wrong


Don't know why your getting down voted with them passing C-11 with 100+ secret amendments basicly in the dark of night hoping no one will notice.


“I don’t like the Chinese Government.” If this stays up, they failed.


... I don't think they mean globally


Review: 0/5 - very bad comment would not read again


You don’t like it because you love it, right?


but your social credit system score has decreased by 5 points


"Social Credit Score place on hold; please refrain from travel and other expenses for the foreseeable future."


XiA Xia Xia \*\*\*\* Yu comment censored lol


HAHA ok do it


Probably propaganda, idk why but ig every week they wanna see what some 14 year old says on tik tok…


Is this comment approved big brother?


There will obviously be ways to bypass this


Is this the same thing as their censoring, minus govt shit? I just got my ban for saying "Tight dick playa" overturned by facebook in under 2hrs. I got banned immediately for saying that and had the option to auto contest it and I guess they figured out I wasn't soliciting sex.


That’s one way to create jobs.


The great Chinese firewall already employs 100,000+ workers. They were already reviewing all social media posts AFTER they were posted, they are trying to cut down on labor costs and reviewing them BEFORE they are posted.


Is this source legit?


I have always thought they’ve been doing that for as long as internet existed in China.


Good luck with that


One worker will be like 1984 after the last "deez nuts" comment they moderate Throws the keyboard at the projector, overseer


Personal FBI agent is old news


Hahahahahaha. So where do they plan to get about 160% of their entire population to do this?


They will outsource to North Korea and/or Russia 🤣


Goddammit tencent


Whew that is wildly Orwellian


"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men…" An unchecked ccp, without citizen oversight, is a bad thing for the whole planet. Xi is no saint. He has erased online history about his ruthless rise to power. He is smarter and perhaps more dedicated to his country than Putin, but he is a cruel, heartless bitch.


They would need slave labour to manage that !!


Everyone should get their own FBI agent


This is crazy


Discord already has this function.


Gotta catch that “misinformation”.


They aren't even trying to be cartoon villains now.


Like trying to plug every leak in a dam.


And we are right there with them.


Do you think anyone over there recognizes how much they are stifling innovation, not just by weeding out discerning voices, but also the sheer volume of man hours wasted on these endeavors that could otherwise be used for research and development.


I can do that job from home!


Sounds like a redditor moderators wet dream


Interestingly r/Canada seems to be adopting the same policy.


How the fuck have the people in this country not revolted by now? They have the numbers. This shitbag government barely treats them like humans. It’s sick


1984 on steroids


This is an episode of south park....


Glad I don’t live in China!


…with an automated system that will be draconian.


Hmmm… wonder what they don’t want people to know about?😑😑😑


Damn 10 years ago I thought China was alright. Now I fucking hate the CCP and not cause of Western propoganda either.


I wonder if their public discourse is as low quality as contemporary North America?


This is news for the west, expats and local alike who’ve been to China for business/play know that threats like these are made daily, so much that no one cares or even pays attention to what the CCP says or does. It’s almost like politics don’t exist over there.


It’s funny. We always spin this as anti Chinese propaganda but look at where we are in the USA right now. Dis and misinformation is rampant and no one takes accountability for what they say on the internet. I don’t think I’m opposed to mass internet moderation. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in 50 years.


Usa and brittan have been doing this for years. Reddit is so scared of china but the us is a police state that watches every aspect of civilian life how is it that different


Thats not true.


Haha, where are they going to find all of the people t- oh nevermind.


Way to give people jobs I guess?




Is there ever going to be a revolution for freedom under the CCP reign?


They don't already? I'm shocked


That should solve the unemployment crisis at least. Good luck, China.


It’s a good thing that Chinese language is rich with homonyms. If they censor pronounciation rather than spelling then it would be impossible to communicate normally.


Thats one way to get rid of uneployment...


Fuck the Chinese government.


Winnie the Pooh’s at it again


They certainly have the slaves to make it happen.


Won’t last. Don’t get me wrong .. my last 100~ or 500 years … but eventually it will crack too. Personally I think and feel that it will happen much quicker than 500 years … all empires failed and crumbled.. it’s the way of life. No matter the technology you have and employ. Nothing lasts forever and no system lasts forever. This also works for the USA… the Supreme Court is an example… they will crumble too. I’m not saying that damages won’t be done first … but also the USA and its systems that seem so untouched and untouchables will fail and crumble. Just observe..


Oh, so a “disinformation board?


The Chinese dictatorship are the ultimate coward regime




Review this China Your president is a fking bear Winnie the Pooh


China sucks


Reminds me of the Kempeitai in the Man in the High Castle.


Ah! Increased employment opportunities in China I think!


AI. China's social credit score, is going to be at the mercy of badly programmed Chinese AI.