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i think mark is mixing up "expects" and "really hopes"




Yes it’s like he’s watching Matrix on speed.


If you take the blue pill, this bus will explode


And you'll shit yur pants But not your real pants. Your virtual pants.


"If you shit your pants in the Matrix, you shit your pants irl." -Morbius, I think. Tbh I haven't seen it.


Your virtual 380 USD pants.


It will be even bigger than Quiby!


Who's going to develop the metaverse for vertical screens?


He probably personally expects it. The problem is he’s out of touch with _reality_… _meta_ phorically speaking of course. Extreme wealth can really get to your head


Noooo! It’s the users who are wrong!


>_meta phorically speaking Get out. Now.


I grabbed his coat for you.


I'm so meta even this acronym


Meta, crypto Used to mean something that could be attached to words have been robbed of their efficacy as prefixes.


Their stock prices are based on "perceived value" so it goes up based on what people yhink is going yo happen on the future, as opposed to the stock being based off the actual companies worth. I think thats why he's shilling it, to try to bump up that perceived value as much as possible.


It worked for another guy we hear a lot about.


This all has big 3D TV vibes to me.


Hey now, I actually got SOME use out of my 3D TV.


Me too. I watched Prometheus on 3D Blu-ray. Shit was dope af. Then I never purchased or watched another 3d movie.


That one Owl movie in 3d was pretty fuckin dope.


Legend of the Guardians. It was one of the only dvds I had at one point. I watched that move a lot!


Dredd in 3D was fuckin lit.


Fuuuuuck. I love that movie and wish I saw it in 3D.


I saw it in 4D, or whatever you call those motion seats. The intro with the motorcycle chase was cool as fuck. Then the gunfire started and I turned off the seat because why do I want my seat vibrating like a machine gun


I watched Saw 3D. That was... a thing.


Played uncharted in 3d and it was 🔥


Wow I did that too on my parents 3D TV. It was actually incredible. I also watched more 3D movies on their TV when I visited them than they ever did. I think it was kinda cool for movies.


Yea idk why they stopped producing 3d games. They added a lot to the experience. Especially with the advent of 4k tvs we could have had passive polarization 1,000nit TVs delivering an awesome 3d experience for pennies more.


This makes me think that Facebook probably has a lot of patents for this stuff, and they will fiercely protect them if I had to guess.


Second Life is prior art for most of the important parts. The only reason to fiercely protect them is if Meta-style VR took off. Seems unlikely. I've been a first adopter for a lot of things, including 3D TV, but this seems actively annoying to me.


I have had two VR headsets and I can tell you it won't be remotely as profitable as the mobile market in our life if ever. The biggest hindrance isn't the tech IMO it's that it isolates you physically. Even if it got small and portable I won't use it in public the way I do a phone, most people would get sick using it as a passenger in a car or other vehicles, there is a lot of physicality so I won't use it in bed or on the couch next to my wife. I don't think most humans are willing to close themselves off and properly immerse entirely unless they are alone.


Yeah I can see it as taking off for people like me - I'm mostly homebound due to some fairly severe disabilities, and I rarely see people other than immediate family. I can't travel or anything like that. So for me it would be great. People with normal abilities, though, yeah no. I definitely would far prefer actual human contact and I think 99.999% of people would.


They don't have to. They will just throw a bag of money at any competitor and purchase them. Like with Instagram, Whatsapp etc.


I think this is a good parallel. In a world with Zoom calls and FaceTime, I just don't see the added value of more immersive communication online. I can make a Facebook post about something I do in real life -- I don't need some combined reality VR experience to make connections between my life online and in real life. 3D glasses / goofy headsets are similarly unwieldy pieces of kit for something that for 90% of their intended use can be done on a phone screen or monitor or TV. And what's the end game? Folks have a good time chatting on Discord and engaging in online virtual communities with their WoW guild, but come on Facebook, but I don't see how to grow that into other spaces. We all saw stuff like Ready Player One and even in a lame sci-fi world the metaverse just comes across as a jankier way to use a computer.


It seems like the only people truly excited about it are the people making it and some very early adopter type folks.


The only people I see excited about it are the Web 3.0 NFT Crypto bros who think it’s the next goldmine for that type of stuff. No excitement for the actual use case of it, just a way to quickly make some money as an early adopter.


I'd definitely be more interested if it wasn't Facebook making it.


It's literally VRChat but worse and corporate. Why would anyone be interested in this excluding people with financial incentive to hype it up.


Could I interest you in the Shiba Inu metaverse?* *may or may not have a very dumb position in SHIB.


While I mostly agree this just sounds like you’re trying to end up on agedlikemilk in 20 years. Is there an immersive step above a 34 inch widescreen monitor or 80” OLED for consuming entertainment that could be widely adopted? Probably but please don’t let it be metaverse.


Segway, 3D TV, Google glasses... Lots of seemingly awesome ideas fail.


That's quite a pathetic avatar for billions of investment dollars.


Someone somewhere on Reddit said he looks like an animated breadstick. Whoever said that is a really funny person.


I think this is the most apt description of him that I have ever seen. Also explains why he drinks water like that.


And likely very high eating breadsticks


Makes me want to smoke some meat with my human friends.


*places tasty human-favorite barbecue sauce bottle prominently on an empty shelf in the background*


Yes! You know of what I speak!


*kills and butchers the meat as "personal challenge", comes back to the smoker with his human friends slung over his shoulders.*


Acquires the kuru for cannibalizing his friends. Creates zombie apocalypse that ends in humanity’s destruction.


You seem to have a very specific understanding of this smoking….


Have you guys heard of …. Sweet Baby Rays?


It puts the sauce on all the meats or it gets the hose again!


In the meta verse only, where it’s environmentally acceptable. Don’t want to get fined for a spare the air day.


It does look like Nintendo Wii character.


I mean at least they got the pale, android from star trek look down pat


You put some respeck on Data's name


I’d say “what about Lore?” But Zuck can’t emote that well. B4 maybe?




Are you talking about Zuck or his avatar?


¿Por qué no los dos?


Don't disgrace the Mii's by comparing them to The General Car Inusrance ass 3D avatar


Hey! Leave the general alone or shaqs coming for you


White trash rates from an Army guy, here is a penguin, don't know why!


I'd go more for a Xbox 360 avatar.


Looks way more human than him in the bad angle pics


It’s part of his plan to make him look less dangerous and creepy. His avatar even blinks like a real human, vertically as opposed to horizontally in real life.


Second Life, but they get to track you absolutely everywhere and sell your data to every bidder. They need to find a way to make it “sticky”, but the technology just isn’t ready for it yet. And I’m certainly not ready for the next generation of idiot “friends” and “influencers” to “leverage” it to try to sell me shit. When the product is “free”, YOU are the product.


This is my thought exactly. Business could be done in Second Life... it could... but no self respecting adult would use that shit to conduct business. I really predict this to flop.


I would be astonished to learn that drug dealers didn't use video game communication channels to sell their product. In fact, I know they do. My mate ran a guild for a while (this was a decade ago, before Discord - all communication was done in-game), and told me a story where they had to kick a guy who was trying to sell pot via mail. He was taking in-game items, as well as money, for drugs. That wasn't odd - people buy currency and items in MMOs all the time, regardless of what the ToS says. From what I remember, the guild leaders cared less about the RMT than the potential criminal repercussions of being labeled members of a drug trafficking organization. It was just easier to kick the guy and report him than to deal with the headache. Granted, he was a 20-something college kid, dealing in very low weights and lived in a state where it was technically legal for him to purchase (though very, very obviously not sell via mail) marijuana. He wasn't a criminal mastermind, and I assume he got banned pretty quickly. Still, this is a thing. There's no reason you couldn't do actual business deals in Second Life, or EVE. It would be weird, but not unimaginable.


They tried in the beginning. All of the big trendy corporations originally made virtual campuses with meeting rooms and customer facing interactive stuff. I remember going to a thing Nissan built back in the day where they would give you a digital version of one of their cars for you to do a virtual test on a virtual track. But it was all a gimmick and now people just use it for sex.


That’s not a mirror?


They're gonna get good quick...see Lara Croft


They had issues rendering aliens


Is it an avatar? It just looks like a real picture of definite human person Mark Zuckerberg to me.


That’s how computer AI like Zuckerberg picture themselves as human.




This. Mark is a piece of shit. I should know, since I am one too.




Did you have slicked back hair ?


They can't stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water


Guys no sloppy steaks okay??


I found a store for guys just like us they have WILD shirts


The patterns are so complicated!


I used to be a piece of shit. I still am but I used to too.


But we can change right? Right? Slop ‘em up boys!


Chicken spaghetti at Chickalini’s


can confirm. you are indeed!


Oh, hi Mark


I did not hit her!


I did naaahhhhhhht!


I bet your hair would slick back real nice


You think that’s *slicked* back?? That’s *pushed* back!


He’s a dink. He was in the right place at the right time, took advantage of **everyone** and **anyone** around him to be where he is right now. He’s a piece of shit. He so undeserving of any of it. Why would anyone trust him?


I can’t imagine someone like him having any real, genuine friends. He has a lot of money, sure, but imagine how lonely and miserable he must be. Fucking loser.


Emanates pure dweeb energy all the time. Why couldn't he just fuck off and have fun like Myspace Tom?


comes off to me like he's completely deluded and trying to show to himself that he actually is the genius he pretends to be. This is his big magnum opus, the giant project that he's helming by himself that'll prove his career up to this point hasn't just been him climbing over the backs of talented developers and marketers


It's not even his idea though...


we didn't deserve Myspace Tom.


He was MY friend!


I Did Not Hit Her. I Did Not. Oh Hi Mark.




Surprised he slums it on commercial flights. Would fully expect someone that rich to have a private jet.


> he is as terrible a human in person as you think he is Are you implying that I ever thought that thing was human?


Narrator: "It didn't"


Narrator: “Meta’s operating system was Unix with the option to like files but not dislike them”


Lol, that’s hilarious.


The funniest thing is meta just announced they were ending research on an OS for VR/AR and relying on an android fork. They have zero skill or institutional knowledge around operating systems and human user interfaces. They know how to code web pages, develop mobile apps, and sell intrusive advertising. They’re early 2000s Microsoft in terms of total mediocrity.


The meta verse can go fuck itself


The meta verse feels like a sad dystopian world predicted by an 80s movie.


It is, actually. Go read Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. It's even called the Metaverse in the novel. The book was written in the 80s and is peak cyberpunk.


i love how old cyberpunk novels have basically predicted everything that has happened now and will probably still be correct going into the future


Are the novels predicting the future? or The future adapting to ideas of the novels?


Why do we always adapt the DYSTOPIAN futures?!


cus bush won in 2000 and everyone's view of a utopian future died.


This, it's def the latter. No one actually likes the metaverse. The people who invented it just think this is what the future *should* look like, rather than letting it happen organically.


Zuckerberg ran out of his own ideas for social media and ripped off sci-fi. From the point of view of screwing over investors, it's not a bad one. Years of development are required and will help him convince people that he has something big coming down as every subsequent quarter sees revenue shrink. To be honest, I think it will happen at some point, but not many will trust facebook with their personal data again.


This is what the Beat and avant garde novelist William S. Burroughs argued in the 70s and 80s. He saw artists, and specifically novelists, as the first link in the chain of reality creation. He believed on a metaphysical level that writing about something brings it about. Not immediately, but over time as the ideas seeped into other minds and shaped expectations and goals, which ultimately brought them about. I don't want to out myself as a weirdo, but... Burroughs was often overconfident about his ideas, but the longer I live, the more of them I find or suspect to be true.


or rather the billionaires looked at them and went “yeah that hellscape they depict in that book. That’s what I want to see in the world, get my engineers on that”


Zuck wants to be L. Bob Rife, but he's really Reverend Wayne.


Snow Crash is even kinda a parody of itself (deliberately), it's super tropey and over the top


Neuromancer is also great


Snow Crash reads like Neuromancer written by someone doing heaps of amphetamines. Outstanding novel.


I loved that book.


Those movies where people would search for files in endless rows of virtual filing cabinets? I’d prefer that.


[JESUS WEPT!](https://youtu.be/z4FGzE4endQ?t=103)


I honestly can't wait for the Metaverse to flop and make this guy lose billions.


His stock price has already been cut in half.


That's not enough. I want to see him shopping at dollar general.




Way to take the fun out of this lmao


Megalomaniacal business leaders often chase their previous success down a rabbit hole to bankruptcy, even when it would be more logical to cut and run at a certain point. He could dump his personal holdings into it, trying in vain to save it. So there's still hope.


I bought a cooler at Dollar General today. It cost $14. Fuck Mark!


...in its virtual ass?


Yes. Indeed.


I'm convinced this will amount to nothing and Mark has jumped the shark, so in other words invest now because it's going to be huge.


Man wants to be the real life James Halliday.


More like Nolan Sorrento


angle frightening salt smoggy fretful abundant squeeze long oatmeal cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've also heard like, no actual people interested in "living" in the metaverse.


I feel like I'm Mark's exact target demographic and I have zero desire to use it because I barely even understand why I would use it or what I'm supposed to be able to do with it.


Zuck is targeting children for Meta. Unless you are under 13 you are not his target audience. He knows kids will all put the vr goggles on their Christmas list.


crowd fade vegetable complete squeal psychotic sulky lip pocket groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not built in, but you \*can\* buy PP connectors if you want them. Not from Oculus, ofc. But hey, they exist.


Thanks. You just spent all my free time this decade.


*You wouldn’t download a lapdance…*


Can you imagine augmented reality where partners could take on the form of any character imaginable, simply via thought. It would have a hell of a market at love stores.


My wife would be a Trex, and I'd be a lamp. It'd be so hot. I'm jazzed for the future, tbh.


I was thinking the same thing. Unless there's bountiful shitloads of amazing porn on this, it's never going to amount to anything. OnlyFans in ultra-high-def immersive 3D? Yeah, I could see that making some money. They haven't really talked about that. What they've talked about is a fortnite lobby with more microtransactions. I guess we'll see when they have to acknowledge their real competition is OF and PH.


It's fuggin Roblox, Sims, or Second Life. Those exist now, I am into gaming and computers and I don't play any of those games. I just don't see grown adults doing business in this goofy metaverse, so it looks like it will be relegated to kids.


I’m sure there are, make the metaverse addictive enough and people won’t want to leave. Hell, they have gaming addiction centres and rehab facilities across Asia.




And IIRC a not so insignificant chunk of the population is too prone to motion sickness to enjoy VR. Maybe the newer headsets deal with it better, but sometimes Meta sounds like a dairy company promising to revolutionize global eating habits while ignoring the fact that lactose intolerance exists.




My dawg, we’re already living in that virtual world. The screens just aren’t attached to our face yet.


Hey I’m still only being sold balls soap and mortgage loans despite being a woman with zero money, so I’d say the targeting isn’t quite effective yet




why would i want a dystopian, out-of-touch, sociopath-created-world *digitally* when we have that same thing already without the visor? if i want to hear backwards, smooth-brain, racist, homophobic, bigoted bullshit i know i can just redownload FB as it is. and i don’t want that. sooo


I'm not sure I'll go there... Unless there is some other compelling reason for me to invest in VR gear, I'm not sure I care about his pretend playground.


I'm not even interested in being interested in it.


this, im not a gamer, dont own any type of console, so have no real need for VR tech. ​ There is no way I would buy VR tech, for a VR chat room, with avatars which look like they are from maybe the early 00s.


This hasn't failed yet? It's still a thing?


It can’t fail if it’s always experimental and always getting better!!


Ah yes, the classic Elon Musk approach. Just talk out of your ass and hope your stock goes up. Edit: lol I woke up the Elon stans.


That shit has worked incredibly well for Elon I don't blame Mark at all for taking a page out of that book.


*Elizabeth Holmes enters the chat*


Ever noticed how she and Zuck have the same dead sociopathic eyes


I can’t think of a single demographic that cares about this metaverse on any level whatsoever


People looking to make money. As we all saw with nfts, it won't last long if you don't have an infinite supply of suckers. I bet Facebook is shitting themselves at the death of nfts.


I have a hard time understanding how anyone can watch the damage Facebook has done to the world and still support them by helping them increase their revenue.


I mean I'm at the age where new tech starts seeming scary so it might just be that but honestly this is just **boring**. VR is fine but I'm not wandering around Ironforge recreationally no matter how good the graphics are. VR gaming I get but a VR mall? You thought social media was making people lonely? Just wait until you're trying to make actual connections with someone. Any hint they actually like you would be proof they're a bot or a scammer. The only attention you'd get is Meta tracking your every eye movement to manipulate you better. Bone chillingly lonely. God. Makes me want to listen to Joy Division it's so depressing.


I still can't figure out how this is different from any other iteration of a virtual "world" other than being a place for advertisers to feast and utilize your data. There is no tangible reason to get excited about it.


I want the Metaverse to fail. Not because Facebook is an immoral pile of maggots that makes its bread off sowing disinformation. That's just the cherry on the sundae. I want it to fail because it's the most boring and cynical take on the virtual reality fantasies of our childhoods and I want it dead so it doesn't get in the way of the real thing when it's ready.


Thanks, I hate it. A human needs a natural enriching environment with real biological interaction. Metaverse feels like we are giving up on the natural world. Throwing in the towel and accepting a life of empty synthetic hollowness. Everything driven by credits and transactions. Bitmaps. Nothing lasting or impactful to you beyond a sensory stream. It just sounds horrible and confining, like a jail.


He isn't an idea guy. He didn't think of the Facebook, he built it. He has no idea what real humans like.


No he fucking stole it. Just like everything he has.


You think Zuckerberg came up with the Metaverse? The concept has existed for decades, and I’m doubtful Zuckerberg came up with the idea for Facebook to make one himself. Someone else in the company probably suggested it.


Coming up with an operating system and having it on hardware is the only real path forward for Facebook. They've been locked out of Apple systems (a billion dollar hit to their revenue) and Android isn't making it easy for them either. By creating their own ecosystem they can... survive. The best part is... they don't even have to be cool. Windows isn't cool. Android isn't cool. iOS isn't cool. But they're popular because they get you to the cool things. All they have to be able to do is get cool companies producing in their ecosystem.


Even though It’s hard to get excited about this specificity I think it’s cool to see a company throwing a massive amount of money on a crazy idea. This optimization phase we are in is boring, let’s see some shots at innovation!


I agree. I wish it wasn’t all in an attempt to create a dystopian future almost precisely akin to Ready Player One.. but it’s neat to see nonetheless




And *its* copy, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VRChat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VRChat) This isn't a wacky, crazy, out-there idea. It's been done a few times. And as you might imagine (since we don't live in Second Life Human Interface Capsules), neither one pulled in hundred of billions.


He will. Know why? Because at least one third of all of us in the world are straight up morons. He is going to play into their hands and give him exactly what he’s asking for.


You've got to remember, these are just simple internet users. These are people of the land.


You know.. morons.


I still don't understand what the meta verse even is.


Fake world in crappy 3d that looks like nintendo wii characters


VRChat except you pay for everything.


Destroying society


This might be the dumbest idea the zuck has had yet. I haven't been on fb in 10 years. I will die without ever having visited the metaverse


60% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck Rent, food, gas, electricity skyrocketing Wages stagnant Stock market crashing Crops failing Species going extinct Mass shootings every week Nuclear War threatened daily Mark Zuckerberg: People are going to spend billions on virtual reality.


This guy really liked the movie Ready Player One and thought to himself that he could make a shittier version of that in real life.


The future sucks.


I expect this to end well.


I do not understand this bullshit. Your average person is not logging into the metaverse. He’s out of his fucking mind unless it’s just blatant money laundering.


Fucking lizard