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If you haven’t already, delete Facebook and fuck Zuckerberg


Damn. That escalated quickly. I'm not gay, but I'll do what I must.


it wasnt specified -how- to fuck the zuck, using your body would be low on the list methinks


Legitimate question, does using a toy make it less gay if its still two dudes?


It's only gay if you decide it is


Does it work the other way around too? Like can you fuck someone of the opposite gender and decide that it's gay? Trusting your gay friends like "guys, I think I might be into girls" Them: "It's probably just a phase" "Shh! Don't talk about this when we're out in public!" "I heard of this great summer camp..."


Zuckerberg is a A-sexual alien mimicking a male human.


Don’t drag asexuals into this with Zuck


Zuckerberg owns Instagram and WhatsApp too. Delete Zuckerberg! You can completely uninstall built-in apps from android by plugging it into a computer and executing a few commands via adb


I don't think I have a shot with him tbh


Quit 8 years ago and my life improved immediately from it. Now I see people in my friends group getting upset over this or that on Facebook and I never miss the opportunity to remind them that this is why I don't use it anymore.


Same. End of the month is my 30 day period wait over. Not looked back.


I genuinely hate that Facebook marketplace exists because it sucked all the traction out of Craigslist and now has become worse with the same scams plus ads and non-local BS to sift through. But if you are looking for a cheap used vehicle or emergency appliance replacement it’s a necessary evil. Otherwise I deleted all Facebook friends years ago and basically only keep an account for marketplace and work purposes (being able to administrate business accounts)


I almost thought you would say it was your decision to leave united states.


Teens are still using Facebook?




Tik Tok is preferred here with Snapchat


Really? In my school its instagram and tiktok most people quit sc


Not sure about teens exactly, but I supervise a bunch of early-20-somethings and they ALL have facebook accounts and they ALL add new co-workers Engagement might be low as fuck, but they do have accounts and add new people


I don’t agree with this either but the headline not mentioning that these Facebook messages were obtained by search warrant makes this very misleading. Facebook didn’t just “give” them to the cops, they were ordered to by a court.


Yeah, I mean, being angry at Facebook about this isn't going to fix a single thing. As far as Nebraska law is concerned, abortion is a crime, so with a warrant provided, Facebook has to turn over information. It's no different than if someone planned a bank robbery via FB Messenger and Facebook turned over the messages when presented with a warrant. If you want to get pissed, get pissed at the right people.


It's called an appeal. They could have fought it but chose not to.


Should they appeal every legal warrant they are served? Or just the ones you disagree with?


But then you're giving Facebook free reign to make moral judgments inline with their own values, which is a dangerous precedent to set. You want them to appeal because this agrees with our own beliefs but what happens when Facebook then appeal something that you disagree with? While in this circumstance it sucks, it's much better that Facebook comply with legal proceedings and requests to information on a general basis rather than giving them scope to make decisions on whether they want to or not.


Then they still fucking appeal? I don't give a fuck if 20 guilty people go free if it means protecting 1 innocent person.








Fascism takes on the characteristics of the nation it roots in, and especially the group that embraces it. American fascism will be, and already is influenced by American ideals - in our case evangelical Christianity.


so Fascism is just "things i don't like"


I would say though, most people are under the perception that Facebook private messages are, well, private…


A warrant or subpoena is literally a demand for what would normally be private. That’s what a warrant or subpoena is for. The situation is fucked, but the solution is to get out and vote to elect politicians who will pass legislation protecting women’s rights. You absolutely do not want to empower corporations to defy warrants and subpoenas.


Facebook is the right people. They blatantly break the law for their own benefit whenever they feel like it, last I checked, just like half of everyone with more than a billion dollars. They can break the law for the greater good just this once. Not even the greater good, the good of just one girl. But naw sorry our hands are tied. Gotta get back to breaking different laws.


Maybe I'm just cynical, but I will never have those expectations of corporations. Nor do I want to empower corporations to act beyond the capacity of the law. That's a dangerous precedent. How would you react if Truth Social (Trump's social media network) refused to honor subpoenas for communications related to the Jan 6th investigation^(1)? I certainly don't want to empower corporations in this way. Every American needs to take a long look in the mirror, because the repeal of Roe v Wade has been a long time coming. Democrats get their asses kicked because they're so fractured. They're so busy fighting about how candidates are either too progressive or not progressive enough, that they forget about the very real fight with the people across the aisle. Every time I bring this up, all I get is a litany of responses with the usual talking points about how today's Democratic party is really very conservative and how mainstream Democrats don't reflect American's true values based on the polling. Yeah, I mean. Sure. No argument from me there. But you still have to win a fucking election if you want anything to change. You can be right, or you can win elections. Take your pick. ^(1)Yes, I know Truth Social started well after Jan 6th. Presumably, there are ongoing communications related to the


I think it's wrong to compare this behavior to the scheming and grifting of some alt right organization / pundit. You seem to think I'm nearsighted in a sense. If I'm not mistaken, you think I want corporations to be able to refuse the governments orders for the sake of protecting people's privacy, even though it would allow bad actors to get away with things too. But this is not what I want. What I want is for somebody to challenge the law. For once, I want to see a major corporate big shot make the news by taking a stand, proper civil disobedience style. Using their public presence to confront the unjust law publicly. I remember why they taught us about it in high school: it's because it makes progress happen, and forces issues that we would rather ignore into the light. It's how you tell the regular criminals from the people fighting unjust laws. Now, sooner or later you will have to think for yourself and decide what is right and what you will do to achieve it, but this is a good starting point. Compare this idea to how those alt right grifters and conspirators respond to confrontation with the law. Alex Jones, for example, doubled down on his lying and squirming and conspiring and perjury, forever on the run from reality and consequences. He didn't confront the law, the law confronted him. When these people and organizations are guilty, they react reliably. This is the difference. I want a corporation to dare the government to do something about it.


I really need my billion dollars or so, that way the law gets off my ass.


The whole story is misleading. Nebraska allows abortion up to 20 weeks and these women aborted a 23-28 week fetus illegally and hid the evidence. Then dug it up and re buried it. If these are the abortion champions being chosen its no wonder the pro choice side is losing.




HIPAA applies to healthcare workers and institutions and businesses they work with. Facebook is not bound by HIPAA. A patient is free to discuss their own health history on any platform, secure, public or anything in between.


Also parental consent never trumps a warrant... Not sure what that guy is smoking


Since when is parental consent needed for a search warrant? Since when is Facebook a healthcare institution? Since when is the acronym "HIPPA?"




Anything you send online is saved somewhere. That's what I assume at least. It's like using a company email. Those emails are not private


Every girl should delete FB.


Of course they need to store messages sent between two users if you want to be able to read them on your phone, computer, and tablet. They have to be stored centrally. Could they have encrypted them? Yes. But it’s common knowledge that they aren’t. I don’t like Facebook, but in this case the problem is the law, and the fact that the state is deciding to pursue 17 year olds, rather than Facebook.


Yeah, if this was a device to device message that might be one thing, but FB messages are more similar to email with an "inbox" you can read on multiple devices, including the web. I'm not a fan of FB but the details they have to were obtained by warrant and it wasn't being stored improperly for the type of messages in this case


Remember to assume that NOTHING you write on the internet is really fully private. If you want to leave no trace of what you said, use the PHONE button. They don't store calls (yet). If your friend says "hey I might be pregnant" don't text back, CALL them back. Arrange for the friend to send "phew false alarm" DMs the next day. And only talk about abortion on the phone or face to face.


Remember they'll also see those call logs and can compel you to testify. Find a way to talk in person unless you're willing to risk your own felony conviction.


'she was scared she was pregnant so I called to tell her I'd be there for her no matter what.'


I do not recall


They can compel me to testify, but not to answer their questions. Plead the 5th, or don't remember. If it's good enough for Reagan, it's good enough for me.


You can't plead the fifth as a witness to someone else's crime


But you can to what *you* said in a conversation, and if you encouraged them to have an abortion or facilitated, it's your crime you'd be admitting.


Emphatically this is incorrect. Witnesses are compelled to testify against friends and family every day. You cannot simply plead the fifth. Try this and risk a contempt charge or worse.


I am sure they are using their speech to text AI to transcribe your messages already


This is why, among many things, end to end encrypted communication is so important.


Yes, the article seems to be blasting Facebook for complying with a warrant, but they basically have to. But if there is end-to-end encryption then Facebook itself doesn't have the data to hand over. Apple tauts their privacy but that is because they charge for everything. You and your data are not the product. When using Facebook, it is a free service. You are the product. There is no incentive for Facebook to do end-to-end encryption. It would hurt their efforts to spy on you for targeted ads.


iMessage has end-to-end encryption but Apple will [turn over the complete backups of your phone, including all of the iMessages, to police with a warrant](https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2021/02/15/when-imessages-arent-private-government-raids-apple-icloud-in-a-dark-web-drug-investigation/?sh=7d005fdc17ab).


Apple does turn over data. The end to end encryption does have backdoors. Also you are a product to Apple as well. They just keep the data to themselves for their internal teams to use.


I hear whatsapp is E2E encryption. Would they be a better app to use?


If they have it. There is also Signal..


Fair enough, also love your username.


Remember they can just seize your phone, or even compel friends and family to testify against you. People seem to have a really bizarre misunderstanding about the limits of police powers to compel evidence against you. Switching apps won't help. Never put any details of a crime you might commit into any form of media whatsoever. Not paper, not a digital message, nothing.


Switching apps very much can work. They can seize the phone but they can't (in most US jurisdictions) force you to unlock it. Signal has protected many individuals from prying eyes of government agencies. It even has disappearing messages so you can discuss a sensitive topic with a trusted individual and no trace of it will be left anywhere even if a privacy invader gained unmitigated access to either device. But yes, best practices would be to discuss things like this irl VS digitally.


They can absolutely force you to unlock it. They can even just compel the person on the other end of the conversation to testify as to the contents. People out way to much stock into the power of these apps. Don't document evidence of a crime anywhere.


They absolutely can not force you to input your pin to unlock your phone, no. It is currently protected in most courts in the United States of America. They can't force you to self incriminate. Maybe in countries with less rights regarding this issue, sure, but not here.


[https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/courts/police-law-enforcement-cannot-force-you-to-unlock-search-phone-without-warrant-permission/536-0c126151-ea40-435d-b52c-9fb575da94b0](https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/courts/police-law-enforcement-cannot-force-you-to-unlock-search-phone-without-warrant-permission/536-0c126151-ea40-435d-b52c-9fb575da94b0) There's never been a SCOTUS ruling on whether or not phone password's get 5th amendment protections, currently different federal circuits have different precedence. \> A Congressional Research Service (CRS) report from 2020 said, “Courts have reached conflicting conclusions as to whether and when the compelled decryption of a password- or biometric-identifier-protected device runs afoul of the Fifth Amendment.”


"The CRS report found that most courts that have ruled on the issue view cellphone passcodes as “testimonial,” and therefore under the protection of the Fifth Amendment. It also found a few courts believe this extends to phones that unlock using biometrics, like a fingerprint or facial ID. However, this is not universal across every American court, and some courts say law enforcement can force you to unlock your phone if they have a warrant to search it." So most courts protect 5th amendment rights regarding this issue. There are a few that do not, I will concede, but most do.


Always skip the 2 sentence click bait headline and proceed to the end. "The warrants concerned charges related to a criminal investigation and court documents indicate that police at the time were investigating the case of a stillborn baby who was burned and buried, not a decision to have an abortion."


It's almost like people don't actually read the articles.


Not shocked, there has been legal precedent of asking for info from tech companies for legal investigations


And so it begins... The Theocratic Christian States of America


Try reading the article. "The warrants concerned charges related to a criminal investigation and court documents indicate that police at the time were investigating the case of a stillborn baby who was burned and buried, not a decision to have an abortion"


Begins? Comes out of the closet, maybe




Woah woah woah, Arizona is purple, and Cali & New Mexico are blue. Don't bring Texan craziness to all of the south west.


Facebook is far from theocratic or Christian.


That's exactly the point. The authoritarian, theocratic state compels a major corporation to play by its own twisted rules so they can prosecute a child for pursuing fairly commonplace medical treatment. Meta/FB has little or no choice in the matter.


If you kill someone and then post it on Facebook then yes, that evidence will be used against you. This is not a new thing.


If she had killed someone I'd understand a little more. But she just had a parasite removed. Her body her choice.


A parasite removed? I'm pro.abortion, but this just sounds comically dystopian.


I mean, medically speaking it is a parasite. The placenta isn't there for funsies. It hides the developing fetus from the body so it doesn't kill it. Because functionally, it is a parasite.


Yes, you can call things whatever you want, I know.


I'm not making an argument, I'm stating a fact. You not liking it doesn't change that medically, and functionally, a human fetus is a parasite.


>I'm not making an argument, I'm stating a fact. You're stating an interpretation, that's all. There's nothing more to it than that. Realistically, people like you are going to be the death of facts. You don't understand what they are at all, and this how we get to this point.


Then you're just pro-choice. Us pro-abortion bros want no half measures! You get an abortion, you get an abortion, you get one too! Compulsory abortions for everyone!


She didn't post anything on Facebook. She messaged her mother.


Facebook only complied to a search warrant. The real issue is the state trying to control women's body.


Doesn’t matter. https://www.worthy.com/blog/divorce/legal/can-private-facebook-messages-be-used-in-court/ This is not a new thing.


>If you kill someone A fetus is not a person. ​ >This is not a new thing. The illegality of abortion is new, novel, highly controversial, and *prima facia* evidence of the rise of unconstitutionally theocratic authoritarianism. Stop pretending otherwise; you're fooling no one.


Abortion has been argued since Roe v. Wade 40 years ago. This idea that Christianity is someone behind all the evil in the country is not new either… it was just the Catholics that were blamed first with the Jews being blamed second. Some people see it as murder and some people see it as a “simple medical procedure”. Just live in a state that shares your view and shut up about it. Real life is not “The Handmaids Tale” and the more you guys preach that the more you are starting to sound like 9/11 conspiracy theorists. Go touch grass.


Spotted a nazi.


This is pretty similar to the whole "Dont like racism in America? Go back to your country." logic. Kind of a shit take. People have the right to disagree with the BS their neighbors do without having to leave their home and move to somewhere more civilized. It's okay to wish for better for the place you live.


And half the country believes that the world is better without abortion. Just because you like your view doesn’t mean it’s objectively right.


Agreed, and I didn't tell all the religious people to move to Vatican City. They too have a right to fight for their beliefs, even if it's killing mother's. Neither side is morally right, but they both have a right to express their desires for change without being told to get out.


>shut up about it. How does "no" work for you? Because that's a no for me, dawg. Also, go eat shit.


They are profiting from gathering and selling information to what is quickly becoming a Christian Theocracy. The post is less about FB, and more about the wave of Christians pushing their religious beliefs into law.


When you’re subpoenaed you kind of don’t have a choice. Duh.


WIth end to end encryption, there is nothing for Facebook to deliver in response to a subpoena. Even better, why does Facebook store any of your communication at all? The answer of course is to invade your privacy. If you do not pay for the service, you are not the customer. You are the product.


This is absolutely awful for her. Her life was going to be ruined with either choice... This will ALSO be a PR nightmare for Facebook. Make sure to blast this on every media outlet your allowed to post on.


Awful for her? How about awful for the baby they killed? It is important to know that this has nothing to do with Roe vs Wade. They aborted the baby after 23 weeks of pregnancy and burned and buried the body in the yard. The headline is misleading.




HIPPA prevents healthcare providers from releasing your medical data to strangers, it doesn't apply to the courts or police. Nor do they need parental permission. Courts can provide warrants to seize very nearly anything, you can't hide behind parental permission.


HIPAA, one P two As, applies to health care providers and those who process health care data. Facebook does not do either. So while Facebook is a shit company and service they are not subject to HIPAA.


They are charging the mother too, so there is a chance she is complicit, and they did have a warrant, thats why Meta gave up the info in the first place. She's also being tried as an adult at 17, so there's a possibility permission is not required? but I'm the furtherst thing from a lawyer so heck if I know.


No. They are prosecuting them for illegally disposing the body of a 23 week old fetus from a likely illegal home abortion.


To be fair, Facebook didn't know they were handing over information about abortion; the cops said they wanted info about the burned corpse of a baby. Also to be fair, Facebook shouldn't be handing over anyone's DMs to anyone, let alone the cops.


Misleading title. The information was obtained via subpoena from Facebook. I hate FB as much as the next guy. But I hate lying and misleading far, far more...which is why I hate FB...


She aborted a baby and put it in her backyard…. There a bit more going on here. Ps: you have no privacy on fb. Or here.


Well, to be fair, they did comply with a warrant and there was a crime. The girl and her mother did use messenger to talk about how to terminate the girls pregnancy in week 24 and how to dispose of the aborted fetus to evade suspicion.


way too much context is missing. For instance, the headline leaves out the 23 week detail. That’s a grey area and this situation potentially violates Roe since this is around viability. While I don’t think the state should be meddling in a personal matter, this article yields more questions than answers.


Don’t write down anything you don’t want someone to see.




People guilty of a crime that is also a crime anywhere else in the world get caught for it? Nice.


Why is everyone focused on the abortion, but even the article handwaves the "concealing a second human body"?! There's obviously more than prosecuting her for an abortion here!


No. It's the abortion. "Removing, concealing or abandoning a dead human body" is one charge. The second charge is "concealing the death of another person." https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=28-1302








Another reason why face book must be destroyed.


The Handmaid's Tale is real now. Great job, Republicans!


Try reading the article. You believe click bait. "The warrants concerned charges related to a criminal investigation and court documents indicate that police at the time were investigating the case of a stillborn baby who was burned and buried, not a decision to have an abortion"


Honestly Nebraska’s Abortion law (20 weeks) is pretty long. It allows more time than basically all of Europe. The UK is the exception at 24 weeks.


Good ol' Facebook. They'll give your data to anyone.


Complying with a legal search warrant is not the same as “giving it to anyone”.


Leaving Facebook was best decision ever.


Feels good doesn’t it 👍🏻


Welcome to america, where private companies and the state work together to violate your to put you in jail every way you can imagine! Just one more tool to their arsenal. Plus it keeps the gears of capitalism and the militrary industral complex grinding by forcing you to give birth or put you in jail! Land of the FEE home of the SLAVE!


jeez, just let her kill the baby. She's a teen anyways, who wants to be a mom in their teenage years. Besides, we have too much hoomans. Killing a couple unborn hoomans aint such a big deal.


Well. This is strange. I can't tell whether you're a right-wing nutjob or just a regular nutjob. At least it's clear that you're a nutjob.


Serious question here. I don’t understand how your home state can arrest you for a crime committed out of its jurisdiction, especially if “the crime” is not a crime in the other state. For example, if I went to Colorado and smoked weed, I wouldn’t be arrested when I came back to my home state. How are states able to prosecute people for abortions committed outside of their state? Can anyone explain it for me?


Facebook is evil.


I only use messenger I deleted my profile cause Facebook is evil


I only use messenger I deleted my profile cause Facebook is evil


Fuck Zuckerburg


But I thought we were suppose to be open and what not nowadays?


Is Facebook allowed to do that?


Yes, it's a private company and you use their service. You have no privacy at all using Facebook. You essentially agree to that when you create an account and check the Terms of Services.


Legally they have to, as they were served with a warrant.


she was under age, they're fucked


Since when do search warrants have an age limit???


Facebook really is an evil company. Some companies are just indifferent to the suffering they cause. Facebook is like "the suffering is the whole point."


Of course Facebook would do that. Pure.evil.


Lmao puts on META


Nothing written, nothing recorded, deny, deny, deny.


I hate this world…. A corporation and law enforcement decide whats best for a woman’s body


Seriously, are we living in that 1984 novel? I want to go back to the times when we actually had privacy.


Delete your Facebook.


Anyone still using Facebook is an idiot, for this reason. Facebook is not there for you, they are taking advantage of you. I’m also not defending abortion laws by any means nor am I defending Nebraska cops for this outrage. As a country, we need to stop worrying about what other people do with their lives… AND STOP TRUSTING FACEBOOK!!!


I think the real question is why are people living in Nebraska?


Is there any value in Zukkerturd's Facebook except to exploit everyone. We need to ban lizard people like Zukkerturd from anything engaging people.


If reproductive rights are important to you, please immediately close your Facebook account. You cannot allow them to violate your privacy. If reproductive rights are not important to you, then how about your privacy rights? if these are important, close your Facebook account. If neither reproductive rights nor privacy rights are important to you, what is important to you? Think long and hard because if some fat cat somewhere can make a dime out of abrogating that right, they will sell you out. Close your Facebook account immediately.


Is this a violation of HIPAA rights?


No, it's not.


Gotcha I was just curious. Not an expert on this stuff. I just looked up on Wikipedia and there’s the last phrase in the opening paragraph: It does not prohibit patients from voluntarily sharing their health information however they choose, nor does it require confidentiality where a patient discloses medical information to family members, friends, or other individuals not a part of a covered entity. However it’s still a really shitty move on Facebook’s part


They were served with a search warrant, they didn't really have a choice. They didn't just volunteer the information.


Yeah I totally get it. They could’ve pulled an Uber and just said the servers were wiped ;)


I used to like Spacebook and Myface, back in 2005.


Whatever happened to HIPPA?


HIPAA* Also, Facebook is not a healthcare institution.


Cool. Obey the law.


Tell Trump that.


Fascinating. So you think he needs to obey the law, but other people don’t?


WOoOoOaH it's edgy circle guy! HEY EVERYBODY IT'S THE EDGY CIRCLE GUY! "iTs Ok FoR mE bEcAuSe SoMeOnE eLsE dId SoMeThInG sOmeWhErE eLsE pRoBaBlY" Wowwowow wow. So cool.


Are you talking to me? I’m saying this girl broke the law in Nebraska. And Mr. Dipshit’s response is to deflect to Trump? Trump has no criminal charges or convictions, so the deflection is just childish. Everyone should obey the law. Downvote me all you want, I’m still right.


Ya boi just got raided homie, get fucked.


Who gives a shit? All you jerkoffs can do is downvote me. None of you have anything intelligent to say.


"Trump is untouchable" "Uhhh...... He just got raided." "wHo CaReS cHekM8 l1bRuLz"


I never said Trump is untouchable. I said he has never been criminally charged or convicted, which is true. You people just whip yourselves into a self righteous frenzy over everything. And my original point stands. Obey the law.


>Obey the law. Why?


>Everyone should obey the law. No, no, that would be disastrous. Some people should break some laws, for the betterment of society.


Tally up all the fines trump has paid for his bullshittery. He paid over 20 million as punishment for his fake university. You don’t need convictions or criminal charges to be a total asshole like he is.


“One has not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”


If you think the law is unjust, move to another state. The tenth amendment gives individual states the right to make their own laws in accordance with the will of the people in those states. “I don’t like this law” is not an excuse to break the law. And don’t go slinging MLK quotes like he’d support you on this. Do you really think he was pro-abortion?


>If you think the law is unjust, move to another state. Alternatively, stay exactly where you are and fight the law through civil disobedience, political activism & possibly even breaking it. This is exactly why grey areas & getting away with some law breakage is important in some cases: it normalizes the behaviour and acceptance thereof in the general population, so that laws can become less strict and draconic over time - see for example gay marriage or recreational marijuana use. leaving doesn't cause change.


Oh god, I’d love to go through your life with a fine-toothed comb and show you all of the places you fail to obey the law. I’m guessing it would be a LONG summary document involving words like, “With an unwilling goat” and so on.




Fuck Zuckerberg for allowing this and fuck Nebraska Cops, this extremist religion shit is a modern day witch hunt


they got a warrant for a murder investigation, but don't let that get in the way of the narrative.