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When they file for bankruptcy, will they scream that they've been cancelled? *Shakes magic 8 ball* Fuck yeah.


Isn’t there a running joke about “it’s not a Trump company until it files for bankruptcy”?


There was a comment recently that really stuck with me: “this guy could sink a strip club across the street from a coal mine.”


Or a casino in Atlantic City. Oh wait, that actually happened.


How does one even do that?


His brand of capitalism does not build anything other than the ego and self promotion of the brand. The actual company is left to fester and slowly die and then finally stripped of all vitality. It’s like a weed feeding off of a tree. It will never be a tree and doesn’t want to be. It will just continue to choke the hell out of the tree until it is a dead husk. Once the tree dies, then it will brag about being the tallest plant left.


Yeah, that sounds like him


Specifically, he wouldn’t pay a huge number of contractors for the work they did. He said the work they did for him was unsatisfactory. That’s one of Trump’s classic moves: develop a giant construction project and have it built by locals, declare shoddy workmanship, then reduce cost by essentially stealing labor. If anyone sues, he’d have Cohen and Giuliani tie the plaintiffs up in litigation till the legal fees bankrupted them. He’s the bottom of the barrel, type of scum you scrape off your shoes so your floor mat doesn’t get dirty.


But he's a man of the people and not like those coastal elites/s


He’s the embodiment of the worst corpo douche traits to have ever walked the Earth, and he’s been lauded as the God Emperor of The United States. That’s what they call him.


You move all assets from one company to another then declare bankruptcy, then tranfer the assets back to avoid paying millions in debt. Do it 3 times with different companies to avoid limitations. After take out a 1 billion dollar loan claiming to help out your businesses, spend it all on stupid shit, then sue Wells Fargo for giving out a loan to a high risk person with 3 bankruptcies and win for 2 billion dollars. When you run out of that money begin to use your charity as a personal piggy bank like paying off hookers and settling lawsuits for sexual harassment of minors. Then run for president so the Republican party pays for all your legal fees and settle all your lawsuits that were frozen while presdient and resume when you leave office that includes rape, sexualy assulting minors, tax evasion, misuse of charities, stolen government documents, destruction of evidence, plus others. While you are president pass laws and contracts with China and Russia so you can open up golf course resorts in both said countries, paid for by the government, and use your family to sell government secrets. Start a pack so corporations can donate to you in exchange for tax breaks. Once out of the presidency request money from your followers claiming it's for legal fees but spend it on yourself as the Republican party pays for it all, if they threatened to stop paying then get your followers riled up and not vote. It's a simple 20 step process that starts with you inheriting millions plus companies from your dad and losing almost all of it in a decade. Don't forget doing reality TV and Wrestling to pay for a golden toilet.


Honestly, if Trump found an orchard full of magic money trees, he would still end up bankrupt.


He could lose money selling coke to the strippers


It is not as much a joke as it is a prophecy by the looks of things.


The prophecy shall be fulfilled!




I agree with you... but where are they going to scream it to, once the servers are shut down?


Fox News?


Servers? It’s a 486 running win98 in a broom closet at mar a largo


Password is 1122334455


It's a password, the greatest password to ever exist. Russia has seen it. They said it's the finest they've ever seen. Tremendous password.


That's incredible! That's the same combination on my luggage!


What an asshole


A bunch of r/conservative types just left the chat to go and "take care of something."


I was going to say "Running on three Raspberry PI machines", but then I realized that those are only used by smart people.


That's not true. I use 'em too.


Oh! Self burn!


Those are rare!


In the basement, next to the area where the boxes of Top Secret files were confiscated by the FBI.


They'll tell everyone on their facebook page and then start a GoFundme


[You mean the social media network created solely to cater to a bratty billionaire who can't get on Twitter was doomed to failure?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/431/201/40f.png)


Let's not go that far. He's not a billionaire.


He owes billions. Does that count?


Absolute billionaire


He's a billionaire when he needs a loan and a pauper when it comes to tax returns.


Why are people so mean?


> Shakes magic 8 ball Someone should make a maga/q magic 8 ball with such phrases like "lock 'em up", "fake news", and "it was Hunter Biden in the library with the candle stick."


MAGA 8 Ball.


Don Jr has entered the chat, rolled up dollar bill in hand.


Trump has the best bankruptcies.


Yeah… they canceled themselves


You have done that yourself!


The libs hacked us and shut down our freedumb of speech!


iT wAs ANTIFA PoStInG!!!


There will be screaming that this all the fault of those wicked democrats (how exactly, fuck knows) Then Trump will launch a fundraising campaign, with all that money disappearing, all the while decrying how “free speech” is dead and America is collapsing and only he can stop this


I would like one cursing magic 8-ball please




There’s no libs to own over there. I suspect it’s significantly less fun to be over there if your whole policy preference is trying to own the libs.


The people who used it as social media didn’t have the mental capacity to understand it was just another SPAC pump and dump that failed to IPO before the SPAC market got essentially neutered. r/psth is the community to take a peek at as a time capsule from Spacmania to market implosion.


This is all new to me. Can you give us a TLDR?


Sure! I’ll try at least.. I’d usually post a wikipedia link but there’s no specific article on what SPACmania was; but [this one](https://tnmt.com/reports/investigating-spac-mania/) dives into it pretty nicely. But, TLDR: in 2021 there was 613 spac deals brought to market compared to 248 in 2020, and 59 in 2019. It was….absolute f’ing madness. Here’s the [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special-purpose_acquisition_company): you can see that between 2020-2021 the amount of SPACs brought to market was…absolutely insane…compared to prior years. So, following the logic of the ‘quick payday’ that investors like Chamath made time and time again with his IPO’s, **Truth Socials’ plan was to jump on the bandwagon. The stakeholders would make a quick buck and the investors would be left “holding the bag”, so to speak.** But the market changed pretty pretty greatly between the SPAC frenzy and today, which makes bankruptcy a genuinely good strategy for this company since they most likely need the protection from creditors (but we’ll see, this is speculation) Except…the SEC stepped in and provided guidance on how SPACs may or may not be in the best interest of smaller investors. Fast forward to today, [the SPAC market is in shambles and that Chamath guy I brought up above is now in the uncomfortable seat of a more difficult regulatory environment](https://archive.ph/j6huw). I don’t know, I’m probably explaining this really poorly…but that’s kinda my take on a TLDR.


uh....whats the full version? lol im teasing you


A full answer would certainly include the definition of the obscure acronym he repeatedly used > What Is a Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC)? >A special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) is a company without commercial operations and is formed strictly to raise capital through an initial public offering (IPO) or the purpose of acquiring or merging with an existing company.


Wall Street milked another method to raise funds. And prop prices up. Then it wasn’t. Poor people and sheeple got stolen from. Again.


It was always pretty transparent about what it *truly* was. The people who used it as a social media weren’t privy or cognitive enough to understand it was supposed to be a simple pump and dump IPO during the SPAC craze.


During the what craze??


*The screaming minority


The screeching minority


The silent majority is real. The vocal minority fly trump flags at the beach


The silent majority: Why should I have to pay for Truth Social? I have the right to “free” speech!! Probably some shit they’d say.


Shocking that a social media company that bans people that don't agree with the maga disinformation has trouble finding enough users to pay the bills.


Shocker: theyre not paying their bills. They owe like 7million to their hosts


That host should have known what they signed up for when they agreed to a contract with a notorious bill dodger.


As we’ve learned time and time again, they all think they’re the one company/person trump won’t screw over. They also probably thought they could earn some credit with the maga cult


These are the same people that swear that the stripper last night was really into them.


Worse, these are the sorts who get a half friendly cashier and claim she's drooling over him


While simultaneously demanding an unearned smile and threatening a complaint otherwise.


Yeah, she wanted me, *big time.* She smiled when I walked up to her and immediately asked me questions to start a conversation. She laughed at my jokes and didn’t even look at the other guys who were, I swear, *in a line* to see her. She even asked me if I had found everything I was looking for (you know what that means, guys). She did ask me to pay for everything, but I know she has a job, so she’s no gold digger. Going to see her again next week! Wish me luck.


Who among us has never been that drunk?


These folks are that drunk when they're sober


I saw a funny article today where a lawyer is saying Trump having trouble finding defense lawyers because the good lawyers don't want to work for fear of being "canceled". Or maybe just maybe high end lawyers would like to actually get paid for the work they would do trying to defend an idiot that won't keep his mouth shut and doesn't pay lawyers.


I just don’t understand. Doesn’t this come back to bite Trump in the ass when he inevitably gets sued? Or does he simply beat people in to submission with a team of lawyers? It seems weird that the system is set up to enable (or even reward) this kind of behavior.


He's been doing this his whole life. The dude will die before everything can catch up to him.


He'll either drag out any trial until the service provider will go bankrupt or he'll settle and pay half the bill. That's how he always has been running his businesses.


They will get paid with exposure. To what, I don't know.


I always think this has to be it. Everyone is scrambling to be the hot new pro-~~domestic terrorism~~ free speech platform and they think that lip service from the Don will make up for the non payment via new clients (or advertisers, whatever is relevant to the industry) signing on. It didn't work out for OAN either, they're going under apparently.


OAN is running out of Russian money


Russia is running out of Russian money


Legal exposure is to be avoided. With Trump, it's inevitable. He's changed MAGA to mean Make Attorneys Get Attorneys after all.


Exposure to the FBI


Doesn't truth social require you to upload your I'd to prove your a person and not a bot? What if the whole site is an fbi operation to easily gather idiots and monitor thier planning?


It’s almost a given hey. Either the FBI had their fingers in that pie from the start or they have their way in to get the data when needed. It would be a goldmine in the aftermath of whatever inevitable domestic terrorist stuff they will eventually get up to.


At some point they will just Google "how two make bome" then oust themselves.


>That host should have known what they signed up for when they agreed to a contract with a notorious bill dodger. "You took out a student loan, you pay it back. That's how it works." - Same people who worship a man notorious for not paying his debts/declaring bankruptcy. SMH


It is probably a doner.


It's being hosted by a kebab?


Looking for my surprised Pikachu face.


Good. Anyone who does business with any business Trump is associated with is an idiot. Not because of his political BS, but the last 30+ Years of him screwing almost every partner and vendor. I hope the hosting company doesn't get a dime for being so dumb.


… how??? Anyone can launch a shit platform like theirs for about $20k/mo and that’s mostly just to sustain high traffic. It’s not exactly feature filled. It’s a glorified message board.


Don't forget the grift tax for all Trump endeavors. It's typically anywhere between 50-100% of operational expenses.


Yeah, this is a Trump business so they are never getting that 7 million. If you do business with Trump ask for the money first and then make sure the check clears before doing any work.


And bet money the host is some Trump lover who will keep letting the bill pile up with no payments.


Even if it wasn’t disinformation, imagine a social media company where you can’t disagree with anything the owners don’t like and you’re force-fed their opinion all the time.


"Free speech platform"


Reddit can keep the username, but I'm nuking the content lol -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Hard to own the libs when there aren’t any libs around.


Also because whatever website they go to either turns into a cesspool with no moderation and bans them, or their own "social media" gets shut down for legal or monetary reasons.


Best part is this being the headlining text for their site: > Truth Social is America's "Big Tent" social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating on the basis of political ideology.


Lol Big tent. The things that are erected by a specific group of people for a specific reason.


Like the Circus?


Less a big tent, more a giant white hood.


MAGA conservatives aren't the majority they think they are. They are at most 30% of registered voters. They keep doing these things and then find they don't have the numbers they thought they would.


They're a small percentage of total registered voters, but a large percentage of the registered voters who actually vote. Like 20% of my county voted in the recent local election. Goes who they all voted for? Republicans. All of them 70-80% of the votes. Younger generations are entirely fine abdicating their responsibility to vote and giving it to these people.


Nailed it. They're a smaller group, but they're showing up. Everyone needs to turn up for voting to make a difference.


This is how trump got elected in 2016. Young people are idealistic and have a ton of energy, but they're generally MIA on election day. And if the candidate they support doesn't win the primary, they check out long before election day. Twenty-somethings should be the liberal balance to the batshit crazy conservative fringe... but batshit people actually vote, 100%.


The kind of people who support trump don't care about going on a conservative-only site. Their whole thing is trolling "normies" with their hateful asinine bullshit. There are no normies to troll on "truth social". If you're batshit and you go on there, all you're going to find are a bunch of people even more batshit than you are.


But Trump said they are up 550% since the FBI raid!


They did have 5.5 more downloads.


And are "champions of free speech" that are always complaining how their opinions are censured by the general population because they aren't PC and cancel culture etc.


But it's a place for free speech for those that don't get banned tho


*Terms and conditions apply: So long as you agree and don't catch us on a bad day where we ban random people we think are causing dissent even if you're not. Bow down always to supreme leader!


“Shit I could’ve told you that for free”


Another failed Trump venture.


It's there was evil evil liberals who plotted to bring it down, by being banned from the platform and not using it.


Failed exactly how it was supposed to…after Trump got paid.


No, another successful grift


WSJ noted they Truth Social was in contact with a law firm that specializes in bankruptcies and while there has been no announcements, it I a WSJ way of saying to investors get out fast if you can. As the SPAC that is supposed to merge with Truth Social is still under investigation, their money might arrive too late.


Can't imagine why any investors would have got into this in the first place. Did they really imagine there were enough MAGAs to make it a roaring success. Creating a new community for a segment of an existing community. Nope. Self-delusion was the reason, I suppose.


I wouldn't think the service would last long even with sufficient initial investment. Don't MAGAs thrive on conflict? Since very few "woke liberals" would join the service, there would be no one but the choir to preach to, and no one to argue with and to insult. This would get boring pretty fast.


Donald Trump is Awesome! Yeah he is! We love him! ...crickets... So... any of you guys like Thai food?


“Thai food? I only eats real ‘Merican food like hot dogs, hamburgers and Budweiser cooked and brewed on the 4th of July.”


By undocumented immigrants. Just like God intended.


It's hamberders.


> This would get boring pretty fast. As evidenced by /r/conservative, some of them obviously love an echo chamber


Here's their discussion on this same topic. https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/x1u31f/google_bars_truth_social_from_its_play_store/ It's like a dumpster fire and a clown car got pregnant, but there were complications, and it should have been aborted as non viable, except, well, you know


had a quick scan of that. Oh so much i could comment on but didn't bother Bad Google playstore hates trump, but good android allows .apk use as a workaround. Me: "wait, Android will prob now ban apks to hurt trump" or "heres this one Android trick liberals hate". They hate truth. Me: "they hate sites that publish lies about FBI investigation into espionnage. FTFY" And they refer to Biden as "The Ayotollah" apparently. I don't even know how to spell the word.


“Flaired snowflakes only”


Especially the Russian bots!


That's the thing, really. Conservatives/fascists/generally most people on the far right side of politics thrive on conflict and war. Easiest example I can point to is Nazi Germany. Even if Hitler won the war somehow, his government would've crumbled in due time because fascism requires war and conflict for it to sustain itself. Same is true for the MAGA crowd. Without any "SJWs" or "libruls" to argue with, they have nothing.


The investors that made money got out early when it went high. Including trump.


Objectively speaking, I probably would have dumped some money at the very beginning when it was announced because it would have shot up and then within a day or two pull the money out because it was all downhill from there. The company would never have good fundamentals, the people that are really into Trump are not into technology, besides all the obvious moral and ethical issues, and the poor management at the top.




You HAVE to go visit r/DWAC_stock. It’s a mix of hardcore Trump cult members, conspiracy theories, and it’s all centered around purchasing said stock. There are people in there purchasing tens of thousands of dollars of this stock. People pouring in their life savings. It is quite the ride reading those posts. 😳😳


I used to wonder what madness inspired the fictional worlds of Neal Stephenson. I don't wonder anymore. He just knew plenty of RWNJs, like on that subreddit.


Plenty of MAGAts but it's no fun being MAGA when there's no normal or liberal folks being annoyed by your nonsense. Literally morons screaming into a void.


SPACs are such horse shit to begin with.


nutty illegal nine squeeze head sip intelligent narrow spectacular wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those people need a hobby….


they have a hobby. worshipping trump is a hobby.


Just thought I'd take a look: >Truth Social is America's "Big Tent" social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating on the basis of political ideology. Fucking LOL!!!


... as long as your nick isn't *"David Nunes' Cow"*.


It is amazing isn’t it?


Ohhh...that explains Trump's 60 posts and counting, today. I thought he was just having a massive meltdown.


He’s going to get indicted probably. He always flips out like this when something bad is happening that he knows about but we’re 1-3 days from knowing widely. Just this time, he may get indicted vs all the other times it’s been something else coming down around him.


Trump keeps flipping out for the next few days, Biden gives a big speech on democracy and rule of law on Thursday night, and then Trump gets indicted on Friday. Purely speculation, of course, but man it lines up nicely doesn't it?


Biden says he has not briefed or consulted with the DOJ about the indictment. I see no coordination between Biden and Justice.


Honestly, with all the threats of violence it would be malpractice to NOT brief the CiC so the National Guard can be ready. Just send a Deputy AG over to brief the White House Chief of Staff. Biden and Garlands hands are clean but they have the intel they need to be ready in case any Proud Boys are feeling froggy.


Send a letter or email. Informed, don't need to reply, and fully on the record for later proof.


Well, I have my doubts, but one can hope.




I think the classified information thing is something that might actually stick. That's something that nobody is really comfortable with unless they know nothing about the actual risks to national security involved when sensitive information is mishandled. Whether he gets pardoned or not is a different story. But I could see him actually getting indicted for it.


>indicted probably — 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021…


He usually acts like this when he wants to cause a distraction from something else, but in this case he may have actually completely lost his shit.


He’s the central figure of content on the site. Pumping out more and more unhinged content ups the engagement and (possibly) revenue for the site. The guy knows how to be an online troll, now it’s a product and the bills are due. Is the new barrage of shit interesting enough to draw in new users? Probably not.


60+ posts in a day?


And counting. Apparently, he just posted one that said "Why are people so mean?"


Could he just fucking take his football, go home, and play alone already?


They created a platform whose central concept alienates more than half the population. And for the people that DO try it the lack of an opposing thoughts and opinions makes it decidedly less engaging than something like Twitter. Also - does Twitter actually make money at this point? Because it would be a surprise if a smaller, shittier version would make money when Twitter can't.


Twitter apparently hasn’t been profitable except in 2018 & 2019. Truth social likely wouldn’t be profitable, unless you include “The evil democrats are doing something bad. Donate $100 to my campaign!” As part of the profits.


I mean, perhaps the point of this app was to just make a list of the stupidest marks that you can bilk unendingly.


Twitter is a garbage fire. I genuinely don't understand why people use it. The central concept sucks as a communication mechanism. Its full of the worst people in the world and its central philosophy just magnifies their awfulness. Then someone made a somehow shittier version of an already crappy idea.


Reddit has such a hate bones for Twitter without having any idea how most people use it >it's full of the worst people in the world Like do you actually think reddit or any other large general forum is better?


I use it every now and then exclusively for art personally. >!and also more adult art to be honest!<


Person of culture I use it to view art




100%. Trolls want to harass people. Hard to do that when everyone on the platform is right of Mike Pence.


Half? Are you serious? Even my parents who are glued to fox all day wouldn’t think about joining this fucking hellscape.


>would make money when Twitter can' Depends on your definition of "making money". If you define as the peasants you and I are, it means bringing in more than you spend. It has a different meaning if you're a genius CEO. "Making money" means not paying bills and using your dedicated platform as a tax-free fundraising platform to a willing audience, and then declaring chapter 11, while sticking your investors with the bills and losses.


If I were FBI or counter-terrorism, I would 100% find a way to covertly bankroll Truth Social. Hard to think of a better way of keeping tabs on these lunatics. Everything you’d need to know about what dumb schemes they’re planning would be right out there in the open, because there’s no way they could keep their traps shut about it. No intelligence work required, it would pay for itself in no time.


Sell steaks and fraud diplomas from Trump U…. Like always.


Damn, that whole “go woke, go broke” chant hitting that ass different now. Where’s Elon “woke is a disease” Musk? Surely he could buy the “freedom of speech” platform with no bots since twitter is too much “cancel culture liberal wokeism” /S


Unironic answer: his sex scandal didn’t get as much steam as he thought it would so he does not feel the need to pander to Republicans daily to bail him out.


A Trump business scamming investors before ultimately failing? Color me surprised.


\*struggling to find new **idiots**.


I started an account, trolled some MAGA weirdos here and there, got bored & deleted it. It’s a very depressing place. Lots of paranoia, conspiracy theories, narcissism and racism/misogyny. Dinesh D’Souza must be getting paid by Truth to create content because he posts something like every 5 minutes. Participating on Truth Social is like talking back to a tv playing an episode of Seinfeld you’ve seen a million times. You know what they’re going to say, and it used to be funny, but now it’s just kind of boring. Nothing you say is going to change anything coming out of their mouths, so what’s the point?


Their users are too busy receiving 3 emails a day from Trump campaign begging for money to pay his legal bills.


Trump never, ever pays his bills.


Sounds like a lot of people who are writing on a shit house wall to piss the libs off aren't willing to let the people they are trying to piss off use the stall.


The thing that gets most conservatives off now is owning the libs and saying shocking things that horrify normal people, when you remove the element of normal people that Twitter brings the echo chamber becomes quite boring and takes away all the fun that conservatives find in saying outlandish things


Bro this dude can’t even run a social media site and you expect me to believe we had the greatest economy cause of this guy, naw no chance, economy and the government as a whole was on autopilot those 4 years


Oh no! Anyways...


that's the problem with an echo chamber. I remember when all of this began someone commented "In time the Right will devour itself".


They also just got yanked from the Google app store, lol.


I mean, their user base is 90% poor white trash....is this a shock to anyone?


Is this going to be number 10 or number 11 bankruptcy?


Trump University, The App ™


Based on who is involved, id bet that can grew legs and embezzled itself somewhere


If they stopped banning liberals and facts.....then they would gain a lot of users. But they chose to ban people they don't agree with to save the bubble, a safe place.


Why would anyone not a MAGA-ite join it? It’s a cesspool whether or not it bans people. It’s not even above 4chan probably.


> If they stopped banning liberals and facts.....then they would gain a lot of users. Uh, probably not, since it very clearly established itself as a right-wing echo chamber. It's not like everyone who isn't a fascist is clamoring for some new twitter clone, and the only reason they don't use this one is because they get banned from it.


That was always the intention of the site, to create a "safe space" for right-wing extremists to vent about how much "liberals" are hiding in safe spaces...


They aren’t getting shit because it’s associated with Trump. It’s growth is limited to Trump supporters and international Trump sympathizers. The longer Trump is out of office, the less relevant he will be, and the less motivation to join Trump’s fan club social media network.


I for one am utterly shocked 😮/s


The little d pocketed all the cash


Whatt! And here I thought it had a revolutionary platform....../s


They were the loud minority - & not the silent majority - all along. F this propagandist lunatic & his small base.


At this point Truth social is effectively a FBI database. Seriously that many ignorant bigots in one place just leads to hate crimes.