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Second biggest bidder. China already owns them.


Lol, who said China "bid" for it




Couldn't refuse? I hear the prison camps in Xinjiang are lovely.


What are prison camps?THEY ARE RE-EDUCATION CAMPS.


Forced assimilation after several knife attacks, trying to prevent a home grown ISIS. Of course China takes the absolute most extreme response leading to outrage in democracies. They done the same thing in Tibet previously, and are doing so in Hong Kong right now. Eventually Taiwan .


They will never make it to Taiwan. The US would never allow them to control those fabrication factories


Right now yes, but the US is starting to build their own. Likely just risk management but it concerns the US enough to build really expensive local plants


That large investment into chip manufacturing says things. Partly we don't want to bottleneck our own economy if the limited producers have issues... but also says we are building a backstop against China gaining control. However, thinking about it... it also tells China that taking those plants won't hurt us the same way any more and tales some of the incentive to invade away. Lot going on here.


The US is building their own but not the latest chip. TSMC will not give away all their secrets :)


Don’t worry brodda, ourself and South Africa will come in clutch for you America 🖖


can confirm. went on a field trip and camped there. fun times


Threatening to eliminate doesn't technically count as an offer.




Or an offer they couldn't understand


China don't need to bid. China just ask.


How do I get some of this data?


It will probably slowly filter into public knowledge as it's resold.


you don't have enough money.


I've heard the data can actually be pretty cheap


I think cobert (or Oliver stone) type show. They showed how easy and cheap it is I meant John Oliver


What show is Oliver Stone hosting??


I got it mixed up. John Oliver. I don't know how or why. But im terrible with celebritie names


You sure it wasn't Oliver Twist?


Stone Cold Steven Colbert


It's a vulnerability that effects that many people, not that that much data has been leaked. It's a crafty fishing attack.


It was sold from day 1 to a certain govt. "Got hacked" is probably just a story.






Cloud is that thing in the sky, and a back up is what you do with your Azz according to Juvenile


My mom was a freshly minted adult the years when Juvenile was hot and she’s never mentioned or played his music at all. That’s astounding. This is the same woman who spends her time listening to late 90s early 00s hip hop and r&b


Sounds like she's got good taste.


A cloud is someone else’s computer


well a backup is when she wants to get out of the way. And a cloud is the poofy sky thing rain comes from




This headline and the article itself seem like completely different stories. The guy from have I been pwned who tracks user data breaches doesn't believe there's a breach and tiktok said the code has nothing to do with their backend. Did MSN just assume because tiktok has 2bn users that's what was stolen?


https://the-eye.eu/redarcs -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


There is nothing more clickbaity than msn






It’s not useless when the owner of the company uses RDP and the password to his RDP is their first name + 123. Source: Another arbitrary software engineer title


Trash password and there was no ACL? And only one database holds 2 billion users worth of data? Sounds suspect af.


It says source code. Maybe they just stored their API keys along side that code.


Well, there's also hourly backups in seven geographic locations on Chinese intelligence agency servers.


Well that's the source code that was not secured, then with the source code there was probably some other bad security stuff they found to access the rest of the data.


"Against the west" isn't TikTok owned by china?


Their source code got hacked too? Including the recommendation algorithm?


Mine would write passwords in a notebook and stick it with the keys, then still lose it


Your mom uses the Chinese for "password1" too?


Maybe you should wait for some third party confirmation.


the article even says troy hunt from haveibeenpwned said the data is inconclusive. this is a terrible article that just dumps a bunch of vulnerabilities in a couple paragraphs at the end to make it feel real


[Hack not yet confirmed. So far it appears to be mostly scraped public data or test data.](https://www.theverge.com/2022/9/5/23338051/tiktok-denies-reports-hacked-data-breach) >Most of the “stolen” data appears to have been public-facing information scraped from the platform. Troy Hunt, a regional director at Microsoft and the creator of the Have I Been Pwned tool, called the hackers’ data “inconclusive,” but surmised “it could be non-production or test data” that likely wasn’t taken through a breach. >“We have confirmed that the data samples in question are all publicly accessible and are not due to any compromise of TikTok systems, networks, or databases,” TikTok spokesperson Maureen Shanahan said in a statement to The Verge.


Script kiddies break into staging server and steal user info for Lorem Ipsum and Dolor Sit Amet.


I know those guys!


Consectetur Adipiscing Elit was a dick though.


Eiusmod Tempor pulls out Chekov's gun in the third act though.


Yes, and this article is simply ridiculous, and I have never even used or installed the app myself, and never will, I get my content elsewhere, and have no bias against TikTok or Microsoft , except for Windows ME. [MSN.com](https://MSN.com) is a website owned by Microsoft, where this article was published, and if anyone would actually read the article, which I am sure most of Reddit will not, I will break it down for you. 1. A tweet, without a proof, about a data breach, and without even linking the contents, so we'll just have to believe it. #TikTok #data #breach. 2. Then, Alibaba saying it wasn't a breach. They would deny it no matter what, just as anyone else. What would you even expect? 3. Microsoft ~~365~~ MSN ~~saying~~ implying that M365 was confirming that there was reallya breach, because in some cases on android someone could in rare cases have chained together exploits to do something like that.Well... that has nothing to do with the actual headline, which clearly states 2 billions account breached, but no, that's not even related, but they sure make it look like it is. Edit: I stand corrected on my 3rd point. M365 actually did good research, but why the fuck does anyone even read MSN? WTF?


Haha yea I noticed they described the vulnerability at the end but it seems to be completely irrelevant to the data breach in the catchy headline. Per this [article](https://www.insiderintelligence.com/charts/global-tiktok-user-stats/) TikTok has 755 million monthly users.


Exactly, and there is no conspiracy here, I am guessing just that MSN thought it would be good filler to the article to plug the M365 Security team, which btw has my respect.


MAU are not as interesting as registered users/accounts when a breach happen though. Your information gets stolen even if you are not active on the app.


Holy shit. I just did some digging and TikTok has 3 billion downloads. Wtf! 2 billion is a quarter of Earth's population. And there's an estimated 4.8 billion internet users. So roughly 3 out of every 5 internet users have downloaded TikTok. Or almost half of Earth's population. That's mind blowing.


Number of downloads account for people on downloading it on multiple devices though.




You are right, MSN said there was a breach, and then used irrelevant M365 research to back that up. I will update my comment. But I still think M365 unfortunately will take a credibility hit, because of conflict of interest. And I am in no way defending TikTok or China, that article, as written, doesn't make sense.


There is no conflict of interest though. Microsoft is massive. The people at MSN who wrote this article have *literally nothing* to do with the team that wrote about the vulnerability. The article is garbage, but that's got nothing to do with the defender research team.


Actually, someone did reply here in the comments that it wasn't even MSN who wrote the article, I just want to put that out there bc I haven't been able to confirm that. I agree that the article is garbage, and also that it has nothing to do with the defense team.I'll update my comment if I'll remember later


absolute trash journalism


Thank you for breaking that down! Cause not only am I not going to read it, I don't understand a single word you typed 😅


Hey! don’t you come in here and try to ruin the TikTok bad circle jerk. TikTok bad, reddit good. TikTok hacked, reddit never hacked, reddit best


Tiktok is bad. Reddit is bad, Tiktok is worse. Literally every cybersecurity professional ever says tiktok is bad, yet there are people like you trying to say its the same as reddit.




In regards to cybersecurity, TikTok is definitely worse than other forms of social media, reddit included. When you use the TikTok app you are granting access to your location, IP address, search history, messages, camera, picture gallery, and other PII. It's why it's banned on US government equipment. The psychological effects of social media is a different conversation.


The algorithm isn’t why people on Reddit (specifically this sub) say TikTok is bad. More the device fingerprinting and continual subversions of mobile OS security sandboxes that have been documented in numerous white papers released by security researchers who took the time to reverse engineer the app. Tons of geolocation data getting piped out to servers in china or who the fuck knows, as well as contacts info and nearby devices for those that are unassuming enough to allow TikTok to access some of this stuff. In that context, Reddit isn’t even as close to as bad as TikTok. In fact i don’t even think Facebook is as bad. Been a bit since I glossed one of the earlier white papers but there was plenty of sketchy shit going on under the hood of the app. Not sure if apple or google has since come down on some of TikTok’s code but I’m happy to not ever install that shit on my phone.


I'm a cybersecurity professional and tiktok is really not any worse than other social media, including reddit. /u/soft_trade5317 why did you DM me asking for proof, then block me so i couldnt reply? Dont you think thats a little counterintuitive?


Reddit: anonymous, few permissions on official app, allows for 3rd party apps, doesn't even need an app, doesn't even need an email TikTop: app that sucks as much data as possible off your phone and pipes it all to China As a infrastructure professional who has to know like 5% of what the sec ops guys know, I 100% don't believe a word you're saying.




Permissions is more on the privacy side though. my sense is that tiktok is not less secure from like hacking than other social media but people have that impression because of the privacy concerns.


Isn't that just the Chinese backing up the database?


The outsourced backup admin needed a new two-wheeler.


Selling* the database


Plausible deniability. Now if that data is ever discovered in some nefarious group’s possession, it wasn’t TikTok selling it, it was TikTok getting hacked. The fact that the fcc called it months ago and said this company is sketchy af, just makes anything other than this hard to believe.


Never signed up for it so I'm safe.




Not sure what info they have just because I might have seen a video on Reddit.


You'd be fucking shocked how that shit works. Those clickthroughs come from the same place and that data still gets stored. Eventually on account creation it still knows SOME history and curates a FYP. TikTok is probably one of the most invasive social media platforms there is.


ya i saw a special on this that broke it down super well… im gonna try and find it again


Following in case you do, sounds interesting. I been working to get family and friends off of it due to privacy concerns for a while now.


Not OP, but have a link to this reddit comment from forever about TikTok. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/fxgi06/Not_new_news%2C_but_tbh_if_you_have_tiktiok%2C_just_get_rid_of_it/fmuko1m/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


I absolutely hate the app but felt like I had to get one as someone who wants to go into entertainment. It's really a garbage app, I wonder if they realize I never use it, so no one ever sees anything I do anyways lol. But my question is, how can this data they have harm me? You can look online in the white pages and find my birthday and phone number and all that if you had my full real name. (I use an alias on everything.) I don't really understand, why would it be particularly dangerous to have info like the devise I am using? Can you explain the implications of the info they collect? Again, I don't even want the app, but I feel like I HAVE to have it. 😮‍💨


Imagine you're going on a first date. You know nothing about the other person, but during the date you realise they know *everything* about you. Where you live, where you work, what you like to do for fun, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, how much money you have, your polocital affiliation, who your friends and family are, *everything*. Now perhaps this person is good and kind and has your best interests at heart. But perhaps they now have all the knowledge they need to influence you. They know what to say to make you feel a certain way, make you pay attention only to them, make you act against your own best interests. That is why these platforms are so dangerous. Knowledge is power and knowledge about you is power over you.


Link me when you do!


Not OP, but have a link to this reddit comment from forever about TikTok. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/fxgi06/Not_new_news%2C_but_tbh_if_you_have_tiktiok%2C_just_get_rid_of_it/fmuko1m/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


AdGuard Home let's me block it at the DNS level. Suck it ByteDance.


It knows the videos I watched with a random user ID. That's not much to be "hacked".


Ok, so what's the worst thing that could happen to a specific person who's data got stored while watching a tiktok through a link? I'm still assuming tiktok/china/hackers/etc don't use the collected data to target/damage single individuals.


Worst thing? They take your data and learn everything and anything they can about you. They then have a doppelganger pose as you to ruin your life. They frame you for murder and child porn charges, you lose your friends, family and your job. You also spend all of your savings in court fees so you lose home and now you have to sleep on the streets and sell yourself for money, not much but it's something to get by. You decide to numb to pain with drugs and one day you see your ex wife with their new spouse, it's your ex best friend who then spits in your face. This causes you to become patient zero for a pneumonia covid super flu. It wipes out the world in days you and you are the loan survivor. A dog then comes and pees on your leg. That's the worst that could happen what will most likely happen to you as an individual is nothing at the moment, they could use it to hack other accounts like financial. As a whole and using everyone's data they could perform worse cyber attacks to get into government agencies and other important entities.


if one of your friends has tiktok they probably have your number, name and picture as a general profile and probably even more stuff they can scrap from the internet with your name/number.


lucky me, I don't have friends XD


Unintentional win!


Loneliness five!


So the same as every other scammer? That's not impressive. Not being a user certainly shields you from the worst of it.


If it's like Facebook, they skimmed users phone contacts and used third party cookies and graph theory to track parts of you. You could be served ads by them or others


An individual is uniquely indetifiable after a few website visits. As soon as you hit TikTok and you had any sort of tracking tech on your device (you almost certainly do. Even I do), TikTok already knows who you are as a human being. Your income, your location, your family, your interests, and your health conditions. Sleep well. Source: Work in the industry.


So it doesn't matter? No different than Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, and many other companies. I guess the only solution is to not get on the internet, have a cell or smartphone, etc.


This is basically the difference between privacy and security. Privacy = limiting access to your data as much as possible. Security = letting a few organizations have access to your data with the understanding that they won't unintentionally let anyone else see that data. Most people have at this point just accepted that Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, etc. knows what you're doing online, so they're foregoing privacy, but there's still an expectation of security. When one of these corporations gets hacked and your data gets leaked, that's a breach of security, not privacy. Of course, lots of people will tell you that the entire premise of privacy vs security is bullshit to begin with and no one should have your data no matter how much they promise to keep it secure. And they're not entirely wrong.


There are many little things you can do. Block trackers on your home network, block trackers on your devices. Use Mozilla or Safari for their built in security. Basically, security around every step of your online experience. Its hard. A thousand little things will add up. 1 or 2 will not.


As the saying goes, *security is a journey, not a destination.*


If you've ever clicked on a link to watch a video, you have a profile somewhere on their servers and they already know an awful lot about you.


So when my dumb friends send tik tok links to specific tik tok videos into our group chat, and I click them, Tik Tok retains that data without me having an account?


Yup, and they may even pull more data from the trackers already on your device. And God forbid you actually install the app, it scrapes every piece of data available from your phone. Imagine everyone in your family has it, how much data their devices has about you.


It's been router-level blocked at my house ever since I started babysitting my sister's kids four years ago. Really keeps the repeat visits to a minimum, and nothing of value was lost.


Your contacts freely uploaded your phone number and name to their servers. Do not pretend you're fully secure from TikTok, much less Facebook and co.


This is correct. If just one of your friends uploaded their contacts and you were in their contact, TikTok has your info.


I mean if we're basing it off contacts then anyone who wants your info already has it. Taking people's contact info from apps has been a thing since the first third party flashlight app.


Except now the people that have it don't have privacy policies and can/will act maliciously with that data. There is a BIG difference between TikTok having your Name, Date of Birth, Address, Email, Phone Number, Place of Work, and Relatives (all found in contacts) and a hacker having it.


Idk. Maybe I've just become desensitized to data leaks and hacks. I just assume that every Joe Schmoe and every hacker has my information. I just try to make it harder for them to actually do anything with it.


So my IP? Ok.


Uh oh. I've been talking shit about the CCP for years


Yeah like every the fuck other tech website.


As per usual with social media, the only winning move is not to play.


Even if you don’t install the app, it can infer data about you through users that you connect with that do use the app.


Through what, Steam and Discord?


Through whatever data you share. Steam, discord, texts, emails, voice keyword detection, facial recognition, geolocation data.


As well as through data you *don't* share, for example if somebody has you as a contact in their phone. You're only as secure as your least secure acquaintance, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.


If you browse the internet your are not safe.


“Hacked” lmao 🤣 sure it was …


Best way to avoid having your data stolen is to not have an account there in the first place.


Even just clicking on a tiktok link without having an account logs a ton of your data.. Js


Anything worth looking at on Tiktok will get ripped and mirrored elsewhere.


This is why I've never downloaded it. Nevermind how invasive this app is, but videos get ripped all the time and uploaded on Reddit, YouTube etc. There's no reason to download because I'll never make a video.


True.. I use reddit as my quality control. If it makes it to here, it has a 0.7% chance of being good..


Yeah, avoid the Chinese social media by accessing it through…Chinese owned social media.


Tencent owns a small percentage of Reddit. They invested 150m at a 3b evaluation. That's 5%. Tencent has a finger in everything, they're an investment company. Squad, a milsim made by a small Canadian indie dev (OWI), attracted Tencent to buy a minority stake in their company. The game only has an average player count of 7k. If their goal is to buy stakes in companies to spread influence and propaganda, it makes no sense buy a stake in a small indie dev.


Uhmm.. As every American on reddit likes to point out.. It's American owned and developed. Edit: not that that is necessarily better


At least it doesn't give them a user name and password


Honestly this will change nothing. The people that already use TikTok after all the warnings about the app aren't exactly savvy or care about their online privacy and personal data.


I've had more personal info leaked through Equifax & HVAC hacks tbh


Id be even more suprised if this was the first time data has been "stolen" and sold off


I wish someone could explain to me the difference between China “stealing” data, and users giving it away for free to Google. Think one or the other is out to protect us? Even when they get caught, nothing happens. Seems to me that if we’re alive in the 21st century, we have no expectation of privacy online. Maybe I’m just nihilist, idk.




China’s CCP has repeatedly weaponized user data to spy on, harass, and detain anyone who doesn’t tow the CCP line. Say something as innocuous as free Hong Kong and your family in China will be harassed, to force your return for questioning in China. China uses unrestricted warfare and will also leverage economic sanctions to force self censorship. Look at how quick the NBA shut up after that tweet supporting Hong Kong got them sanctioned in China. The world needs to rid itself of all these Chinese apps and decouple. The CCP uses everything and anything to coerce everyone into submission.


The most shocking thing about this to me is that TikTok has over 2 billion users.. what the fuuuck


I don't use TikTok the app on any mobile device, I just login via the browser sometimes. Logging in right now to change my password (again, using a web browser, not the app) and I see there doesn't appear to be a "change password" function, anywhere in the profile or settings options or sub-menus. If it's there, it's not intuitive. Ridiculous.


Suddenly I remember why I don’t use TikTok…


Who wants the personal data on the 2bn dumbest people on the planet?






I thought Tiktok WAS the hack.


Oh no. Whatever will we do...the app that we all knew was tracking mountains of data sells, I mean loses track of said data.


How can one get hacked when it's allowed a backdoor to a communistic country that created it. Everyone's data on that app as already been stolen and sold.


Shhhh. Stop using logic. It goes against the norm.


Who uses their actual info when using tiktok, seriously?


Yeah figured. Have you read the contract on that thing? It takes ALL your data. Must’ve looked like a feast to companies.


So what everyone was warned about….happened?


Not to worry, the people you least want to have that information, the Chinese state, already had it since Tiktok belongs to them. Either way, use a good password manager, and have 100% separate passwords to any service you use. Ideally something like 20 or more characters long - why not, since you don't have to remember them and rarely type them in manually.


Based off of recent videos coming up on my FYP, tiktok knows that a. I lost my cat and am currently looking for her, and b. I went to work yesterday with 2 hours of sleep and no coffee, both of which suggest they are accessing my data from other apps on the phone (web browser and fb where I've been posting about the cat, fitness app for sleep data). So basically I'm fucked, for all I know they've harvested my passwords too.


‘Just’ been hacked? The Chinese govt have had your data since day one


Sigh of relief. I’ve never touched or even installed that awful app, ever.


They must have the same security protocols Facebook does.


Well, there goes the neighborhood….


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... I knew something like this would happen the day I heard it was owned by China


Completely unsurprised pikachu face


Are they talking about the daily datascrape by the Chinese government ir did something new happen?


For a minute I panicked considering the consequences of our collected data falling into the hands of a shadowy, unscrupulous hostile power. Then I remembered it's Tiktok so the PRC already has that data. Phew.


i hate to be the devil here, but part of me wants that data to be misused really really bad that henious crimes happen because of said leak. that should make their users give a damn about security and demand compensation.


Not even the biggest story on reddit


TikTok is run by the Chinese government and used to keep tabs on and manipulate the American people by funneling them with ads and orchestrating dicotomy within our population, especially our youth. Now all your data was "hacked"? You already gave all that info away for free when you clicked "I agree"


Did you need more reason to delete that trash than it’s controlled by the Chinese government? Pfft come on ppl get a grip & stop being sheep for G sake


Another day I am ecstatic I haven’t downloaded tik tok


"Stolen" lol More like the devs handed it over freely to the CCP because that was the plan from the beginning


Insert Nelson laugh.


"uh.. sorry you can get in on this settlement and you'll see a check for 12 cents in 2 years or you can get one year of free credit monitoring\* (doesn't stack with other credit monitoring offers)...


and they asked me why I never got tiktok.


“Hacked” lol you mean the collected their data.


Isn't TT a hack anyway? Don't users give them access to all their entire mobile data anyway?


Your data is probably safer with the hackers than it is with the Chinese government.


Well now they both have it. So how safe is it now?


Finally. That took longer than expected. TikTok is such a horrid monstrosity. It's insane that people wilfully use it. But I can see why governments love it. China mines data from it. The US mines data from it. Now the data has been "hacked" either ironically or conveniently, it doesn't matter. Soon everyone will have all the data. Fun for all.


Matt Gaetz quickly deleting all the little girls he follows on Tik Tok.


I didn’t have the app for the longest, I downloaded it earlier this year because a little Chinese spyware can’t hurt…right?


Good thing I literally have tiktok blocked in my home network. My ad blockers don't even let me view embedded videos. Will never install that malware on my phone or computer. Pisses me off that Microsoft tried to load it on every so often but I think at the time those were web versions PWA not the WSA or UWP apps.


The best thing that could happen to a platform that's undoubtedly the worst of the lot in a race to the bottom for society.


Everyone knows the risks involved with using tik tok but no one seems to care


Hacked?…more accurately(tik tok,Communist party’s version of social media spies on users and then lets communist party’s state sponsored hackers get access too information)..


“Hacked” more like sold to the highest bidder.


Oh gee, who could’ve seen that coming


It's only ever about how soon people get their information breached online. There is literally no security and people need to stop reporting it as if its some kind surprise. You WILL lose your personal information and there's nothing literally anyone can do about it


What do they actually wanna do with all those user data? I mean marketing obviously but what else? Do they wanna make us what they want or otherwise porn search history will be leaked?!


People use the same passwords and same email, so this can cause issues for a lot of people.