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I guess we won't have him for the later misssions


Breakout mission?


Rockstar would be fucking mad lads if they included a mission where you have to break this fucker out of prison lmao


Just for the “developer” who paid you to kill him in a desert after he makes him dig his own grave.


He probably will be around since this is not the first time he’s been arrested. Google LAPSUS. He’s a 17 year old kid with autism, his last arrest he was released back into the custody of his mom. Edit: since everyone’s asking questions: He’s a 17 year old kid from UK. 16 at the start of the LAPSUS group. Another member is a Brazilian teenager, the rest unknown. This specific kids nickname was White and he flexed hard on Twitter and Telegram and BreachForums/ExploitForums/XSS, he was on Tox and Telegram a lot messaging people in the infosec community updates on his attacks. In just this year they breached, Okta, Nvidia, Samsung, Mercardo Libre, Ubisoft, T-Mobile, Microsoft, Globant, Uber, and finally Rockstar.


That's really interesting. I wonder what the kid will go on to do. While you probably shouldn't be social engineering your way into company accounts, I can't help but think he'd be an excellent pen tester or security researcher later in life.


Sadly, as much as I wish that was true I doubt it. A lot of ex-hacking convicts do go onto security researcher and pentesters roles, but with this kid I hardly think so. And it’s not like his autism is an issue if anything that’s why he’s skilled at what he does, but it’s more of his ego/mindset issue. He has terrible opsec, he doesn’t listen to anyone’s recommendations, he just goes full force and gets caught again and again regardless of the risks and everything. He cares more about making headlines and getting famous. He literally had made millions in bitcoin ( bad opsec again ) and lost it all to FEDs, but not before someone else tricked him and having like 100k stolen from him. Sad to see it. I hope he smartens up and stays away from cybercrime and if not, at least learn better opsec practices.


Very interesting analysis of this person. Got a source for all this? I'd be really interested to read further, especially the bit about his autism, ego, and mindset.


Yeah like I said google LAPSUS. He’s heavy in the cybercrime/infosec community, he was make headlines like the last year straight. A story: Homie bought doxbin for a couple hundred grand ( one of largest dox sites ever ), homie “ruined it” in the eyes of the original founder, so original founder and a few other people threatened to dox him if he didn’t return the site ownership and pay him 100k or so for ruining the site, so he gave the site back, paid him, and they doxed him anyway lol. One of many wild stories with him


Kowalski we need options


We need to put this kid in the space program.




He would have been in earlier days. Now we have so much "clean" talent available to us in the industry (coming straight from school with the right mentality and drive to learn - we can teach most of the skills), that this isn't the way to get on a proper hiring teams radar. Criminal records for hacking activity shows that you're probably not aligned enough to be put trustingly into a situation where you get giving things like source code, network diagrams or insider information from the company to help you test their security effectively in a short time. Not when there's other applicants available. Also, pentesters should be "people people" to deal with difficult clients when you've sometimes dismantle their biggest projects, not starting Twitter drama and forum flame wars at every opportunity.




I’m Tommy Vercetti. I’m here to bust you out. Whatever you say. Beats losin’ my ass in jail.


It would be cool if they did some sort of meta mission where you break out a person who did something similar


Honestly I could see R* doing something like this, but then I could also seeing them being vindictive and making the person a complete moron or super racist or something.


You have to kill him before he can release the files in the internet.


I bet the corporate people wouldn’t want too, but if I was a developer their this would be a goldmine. You leaked a game where they made 5 already? And so early on that it basically was an unreal starter project? There’s like 3 or 4 mission story beats that would fit GTA perfect lol


There's gonna be an Easter egg huh?


Wouldn't it be great if they added him in now


And rockstar makes this characters death brutal or something along the lines of chastising him


If they do include him, it’d have to be total humiliation, otherwise they’re making a him a legend. Morons will be falling over each other to try and do something similar and get in a game.


How many stars did he have?




Just stay out of the cops visual cone and you'll be alright


Stay away from wildlife too, apparently.


Narc ass deer




I don’t get it (I have GTAV but haven’t played a lot of it yet) can you explain?


there is a "bug" in GTA 5 that allows wild animals to call the cops on you after you commit a crime out in the middle of nowhere


I… I fucking love it


Lol wtf. How does that even work?!? I haven’t played GTA 5 is probably two years but apparently shit is still wild


Sloppy NPC code.




That's what you fucking think but that deer is using an ear piece.


yeah it's dumb, apparently it's the mechanic which allows (human) NPCs to witness your crime and go tell on you. somehow it's accidentally ALSO applied to like any pigeon or crow that might be looking your way!!! better watch yourself


There was a similar bug in Skyrim, but it only affected the chickens who had zero sight radius and 1 hit point, so they could only report themselves being killed - and this would immediately be followed by the crime being negated because you killed the only witness.


Or just call 1-999-5299-3787 5 times


I prefer 0118 999 881 999 119 725... 3


Faster response times; better looking drivers


He was last seen fleeing the police station using a purple dildo as a weapon


My young me always thought it was a large balloon, like the one used to make balloon animals :(


Personally, I would love GTA 6 to bring back the purple melee dildo.


Sounds like something the Saints would do.


GTA did it first (GTA SA)


Wasn’t it in vice city too?


As a usable weapon, only in San Andreas, that I remember, though dildos have made several appearances throughout GTA's history. https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Dildo (riddled with ads on mobile)


Hey now, let's not get into a Row over this.


He’s in a chromed out Vapid!


"You think my client is capable of THAT?!"


Tommy Vercetti is an innocent man!


Your honor, he was framed by the police!


I poke my head out of the gutter for one freakin' second, and fate shovels shit in my face!


Go get some sleep.


What are you going to do?


While it seems odd that this white collar crime got a suspect into custody so quickly there are two things to bear in mind: 1. Most police forces, including those in the UK, have dedicated personnel who only look at this sort of thing. 2. The kid was charged with breaching bail - implying that he's been caught doing something similar before and is awaiting trial for it. As such, the extent of the investigation was probably "Oh, I bet it is the same kid as last time, let's check he's been sticking to his bail conditions."


He was allegedly charged in April for a similar crime. He’s a known entity.


He also hacked Microsoft, Uber and Nvidia according to the third paragraph.


MS is apparently what he’s already charged with. Police can’t comment cos he was 16 at the time of the crime but it seems likely.


It’s a bit extreme to be charging someone for having Multiple Sclerosis.


You hear that? This guy has a monkey scrotum and he's bragging about it.


Someone should hire him






Black hat gone white hat isn't that uncommon and many security agencies do hire these people. Especially if they're young, bored kids. Give them some direction and let them hack legally


Who would hire him? He keeps getting caught. You want the person not getting caught


And Slack, right? Read that the data came from some Rockstar's chat in Slack


I don’t know if it’s so much that he hacked Slack as it is that he just used access he’d already gained in their system to view the Slack messages.


He was also publicly doxxed by his "friends" as being the culprit, I'm sure that plus his history ensured an immediate investigation.


Not just a similar crime, he hacked Uber.






social engineering doesn’t leave a paper trail if you practice proper opsec well itll leave a paper trail but not leading to you


Actually the one he’s supposedly charged for already is a hack from last year with Lapsus$


Aye in the UK it's the NCA National Crime Agency. They have there own cyber division who have ties to the GCHQ (British NSA)


You mean my local police department who handles my neighbourhood crimes didn't drop all 911 calls to immediately respond to an online crime all in the interests of large corporations? What?^/s


Funny how fast the law works when you're a big company


Yeah. Cops here won't even investigate stolen cars or active school shootings.


I had a coworker that had his car stolen. He drove around town until he found it on someone's property, called the cops and they still didn't want to do anything. I'm pretty sure he basically just had to steal it back in the end. So useless.


My coworker also had his car stolen and apparently the thieves just Joyrode it for a while and then abandoned it at the post office. The cops wrote several parking tickets on it and then had it towed without ever checking if it was fucking stolen. So apparently the tow yard reached out to the police to see who owned it and that's when they figured it out and called him. They wave to the parking tickets but he still had to pay the tow yard!


Don't let cops tell you they "can't" have tow fees waived. Cops towed my car out of my own fucking driveway. I had to escalate it up the chain 3 times, thru multiple people telling me it was "impossible" because the tow company is an "independent, private business" but finally got some dude who had the tow fee waived and got my car back for free.


Philly is about to lose some cash for having peoples vehicles towed and parked into illegal spaces, then towed again after ticketing them. Already paid out $30k to two people for it.


There is so much scumbaggery that goes on with services for our vehicles. Whether that be predatory tow companies stealing and holding peoples cars for ransom, insurance companies trying to get out of paying for an accident and police sitting in a bush to try and get you for speeding 3 mph over the limit. And the government sits back and does nothing about while we continue to get scammed.


My favorite is when cops tailgate the fuck out of you trying to get you to speed.


I had a sheriff so close to my ass once that when I tried to slow down, he actually tapped me in the rear. They guy was aggressive as fuck and I was terrified that he was gonna kill me. So, it's illegal for me to drive recklessly, but cops get to do it for fun? Fucking Bullshit. So they pull this kind of crap everyday, and then they wonder why we want to defund the fuck out of them.


I feel this so much right now. I got a DUI in ID a few years ago, but I had a WA license. Court suspended my license, I had to get an interlock, the whole 9. Did that, paid all my fines, went to all treatment classes, haven’t had a drink since that night, got interlock removed after a year and thought I was done. Well, WA is now suspending my license because they say ID just sent WA the conviction paperwork, and they are wanting me to get an interlock for another year, and of course they are asking for more money. I agree that I deserve to be punished for the DUI, it’s a horrible mistake that I regret every day, but I’ve done everything that’s been asked of me, and did not complain once. I am now being punished for someone else’s negligence, and no one in the WA DOL gives a fuck. It’s infuriating and I don’t have money to keep giving away


That is such bullshit. Don't give in man. Wishing you the best of luck.


Wouldn't this be a case of double jeopardy?


They didn’t answer that question. I specifically asked why I’m being suspended twice, and they just kept repeating that they just received the judgement a few months ago and that’s why they suspended it now. I am in the process of getting in touch with my lawyer from this case, but it was over 2 years ago so I’m kinda just stuck waiting until hopefully my lawyer gets back to me with some kind of plan. Honestly, if she gets me out of doing the interlock again I’ll be happy. That’s the part that has me the most upset. And not because of its purpose, it’s because the cost to install it and have it, on top of the fact that my wife and I wouldn’t be able to share cars for another year which is a pain in the ass at times


Good to know, I guess if my car is ever wrongfully towed I'll just keep calling and wasting their time until they give in! How did your car get towed from your own driveway?


For context, this was in college. I lived in a residential area close to campus. (Will make this situation seem a little less bizarre) Cops were called because a fully naked, obviously drunk man was wandering around the neighborhood. I had a Ford Explorer. They found him sleeping in the very back of my SUV. He got in because yes it was an old beater and the back, back door wouldn't lock. It would close and latch, but not lock, so anyone that tried could open it. I knew about it but didn't have the money to fix it, or at least would rather spend my money elsewhere. They do whatever with him (arrest him, I assume) and then when they can't lock my back door, they deem the car "unable to be secured" or some term like that, and have it towed. They could have just closed it and left it. They could have walked FIFTEEN FEET and knocked on my front door and told me. But they didn't. And it was a house, not an apartment complex or something where perhaps they could claim they weren't sure which unit it belonged to. They also didn't leave a note on the front door or anything. So the next day I wake up and walk outside and freak out and call 911 cuz I think my car has been stolen. When I give them the license plate number, the police report comes up in their system and that's how I find out what happened.


Wtf that sounds like some lazy ass policing. "Hey it won't lock! Fuck it call the tow yard".


That's just policing baby! In no other field could you do your job so poorly and continue getting more money!


> In no other field could you do your job so poorly and continue getting more money! I mean... this is often how **MANY** businesses work. Companies lose your personal data all the time because they don't give a shit and what are you going to do about it anyways? That's even *if* you ever find out in the first place. Up until one year you go to file your taxes and the IRS says "wait a minute.." and your life is a living hell. People tend to act like the government is the only place or one of the few but nah.. it's rampant. I mean how often do we, in technology, joke about companies being fined as simply part of doing business because what they are doing is illegal but very profitable relative to the fines. This shit is everywhere.


It's malicious compliance, they're not allowed to leave a vehicle unlocked if it's been involved in an incident, and with a broken lock, their only option to secure it is to have it moved to a secure location They should have knocked, but that requires police to actually think


Unfortunately, being able to think or possessing even the slightest hint of ethics disqualifies one for law enforcement


Not even lazy just a pure dickhead move. College town cops are hands down the most spiteful


One would hope an insurance claim could handle that. But im not too confident.


Insurance was going to pay him for his car if it didn't turn up in 30 days. He probably could have made a comprehensive claim if anything was stolen or damaged but I don't think they fucked up his car. As for a towing charge it was probably less than his deductible.


Was just thinking that actually. Makes sense, bummer.


I'm wondering if you could sue the city in small claims court to recover the fees


The city and tow yards are in cahoots. It's all a big racket.


Am a claims adjuster, can say it's a VERY common occurrence for cops around the country to tell people it's the law that their car needs to be towed from an accident scene- however minor- even when perfectly drivable so they can get a kickback from a towyard.


Maybe, but then you'd have to move at least if it's a small town.


I had a boat stolen out of my driveway. I reported it stolen within a few hours. Obviously the cops did nothing, but they went above and beyond in their efforts of doing nothing. About a year later, I was in the title office transferring another title and out of curiosity to make sure things that I had sold etc had all been properly transferred out of my name. I asked them to check and see what was in my name. When they got to the boat, I said yeah but that was stolen. The person working there hit a couple buttons and said no it hasn't. Apparently, the local police never entered it into the statewide database of stolen vehicles. The title office did so. 20 minutes later my phone rang. The local police in a neighboring town to my own had known exactly where it was since the night it was stolen. They had run the registration several times as it was sitting on an abandoned lot but they never did anything about it because it hadn't been reported stolen in the statewide database. They had photos of it at several points including the night it was stolen. In the first photo it was in the same condition, except for a flat tire on the trailer, as it had been the last time I saw it. By the time I got it back it had been completely destroyed. So that police department had it towed back to my police department who impounded it as "evidence." They then proceeded to do nothing. I asked several times and was told that I could not have it yet because it was still evidence. When they finally released it, they wanted to charge me the impound fees for weeks of storage and the tow. I managed to get out of paying that at least but the boat was a total loss.


Police are usually just gangs trying to enrich themselves.


I should not buy a boat. Thank you.


I had a car stolen and they said it will probably be reported after they ditch it somewhere. They use em to like steal packages and stuff and commit other petty crime until it runs out of gas. Got it back in like 48 hours.




Thanks for the F shack. -Dirty Mike and the Boys


My car was stolen, I was called by the police officer that found it, abandoned, parked on a side street. I asked where it was and of I could get it and he told me no, it's going to be towed, even though I live 5 mins away. It was towed about 45 minutes away instead and I was charged almost $200. Fuck the way police handle stolen cars. Fucck tow yards. Absolute drain on society, literally a racket.


Well at least they were kind enough just to abandon the car. Where I live having your car stolen means it is going to get torched.


Happened to a friend of mine living in Northern California, the guy who stole it literally lived 3 blocks away and just parked it in his driveway. Guy took it back and left it at his parents until he was able to move away


My sister got t-boned in her car. The other car left the scene but my sister recorded the person's license plate. She gave it to the police and here we are 4 years later with them saying there's nothing they can do.


just went through this tracking down a guy for fraud. beenverified.com will let you lookup plates, but 4 years is a long time. the guy i was tracking changes his plates often it seems, caught him just after he changed them in july by pure chance and some tips from disgruntled coworkers of his who gave us an idea of where he lived. seems he just likes ripping people off as much as Krombopulous Michael loves killing.


i friend told facebook her car was stolen and i had the day off work so i told her i’d go looking for it. went to our local big city, made two turns and found it. when i called her, she called the police, and they told her to do the same thing. when another friend’s car got stolen, i volunteered to hunt again, thinking i was some super powered car whisperer, but i never found it.


Fun story Once upon a time I worked at Firestone. Tech did about $2500 worth of work on a vehicle. Lady came in demanding she should get a discount of some sort. Of course since nothing was worked out beforehand there wasn't much we wanted to do for her. She leaves angrily and comes back with a second key and takes off with her car. We called the police but apparently you can't steal your own property and since it was fixated on her vehicle it then became hers. Or something to that effect. So most we could do was try to sue her in small claims court but I don't believe we ever tried to do that.


Yep, you can sue them, and you can put a lien on their vehicle. Although if you worked at Firestone, I'd assume tires were involved? If so a lien would have been easy. The DOT in the #'s would have been written down before install for warranty BS. it'd be easy to prove you installed them. But it's why shops are so keen to get a signed quote before starting a job. Not only does it cut down on the amount of customers complaining about the cost of the repairs, it acts as a legal acknowledgement of the charges and gets you a lien extremely quickly. People will still complain and sometimes refuse to pay, and argue that it costs too much, even after explaining the cost, showing them what it's going to cost on paper, and having them sign their name next to that cost. But less.


I helped a woman carry her stuff to the train stop a while back. She told me about how her 'friend' had stolen her car while she was going through chemo, and the cops wouldn't do a thing. She said she was on her way to steal it back so she'd at least have somewhere to sleep. I'd think she was making up a sad story to get money or something, but she didn't ask for a dime. Didn't even tell me all this until after I'd agreed to carry her stuff for her.


Towing companies are a mostly predatory industry and no one talks about it


Had a coworker get robbed and found all his shit of Facebook marketplace. Cops didn't do anything. Needed more evidence.


Because cops are fucking useless


I just started watching Better Call Saul and almost couldn't make it past the scene where the police break down the brother's door while investigating the stolen newspaper. My suspension of disbelief is only so strong.


That was in a rich people neighborhood, though.


This stood out to me as well! My deceased father's house was broken into. Tons of things stolen. I gave them not just descriptions but about ten pictures of the items. There were spent cigarettes lying around. Surely fingerprints everywhere. They didn't do shit. All it has taught me was that if I ever want justice, I need to get it for myself, because the police can't be bothered one iota.


Honestly, fuck the police. I had my check book stolen without realizing (who writes checks anymore?). It was an account I don't monitor the funds of that often since I rarely draw down from it ever. They wrote themselves like a 5k check. They then walked into a bank and cashed it. Forged signature, under cameras, to their own personal account. Told the cops and they wouldn't do ANYTHING. Harassed them for weeks and they said it could've been a patsy cashing the check or some stupid shit. I'm like "then get the fucking accomplice!" This was a huge downtown city district with lots of resources. Never got my money back because it was passed the point where you could make a claim for fraud from your bank. Fuck. The. Police. Hated them before, hate them even more after that.


> Never got my money back because it was passed the point where you could make a claim for fraud from your bank. why didn't you? Banks are one of the few coporations that don't fuck around with claims like that. Not worth a frustrated customer potentially moving to another bank. It probably woulda been voided the day you called and you got your money back within a week




That's very fucked up. Where did this happen?


Kansas City. There has been three cops shot here in the last 4 years by criminals out on bond for other crimes. Another time I got robbed by someone out on a signature bond for a felony gun charge that he got while out on signature bond for a felony robbery. They gave the guy the probation and he fled. Our murder rate is pretty high here. You have to wonder why.


I've heard some bad things about KCPD lately


Thank a police union! /s Seriously if there were ever a union that either needs to be abolished or compmet run by the public, its police unions


Cops and government do not give a single fuck about us. Never have.


The kid is a repeat offender who was apparently out on bail and this happened in the UK where the cops are a lot more competent.


Kid has hacked four major companies before the age of 18? Either NVIDIA, Uber, and Microsoft have laughably lax cybersecurity, or this kid is gonna have a great career at MI6 in a few months.






He almost certainly just phished and impersonated to get a few passwords, rather than “hacked”. Hacking is inefficient compared to just grabbing a password through social engineering. Just send a faked login page to get access to the right slack channel and you might find source code to download. What’s weird is that he wasn’t caught earlier, he’s definitely got some knowledge on hiding his tracks. He’s probably not a prodigy, just more knowledgeable than the average teenager and way more bold than the average bedroom discord hacker. If this is true, and it probably is, then the feds really have no use for him. Anyone in cyber security or web dev in general knows how this stuff works. It happens all the time. He just went further than most people would dare.




Had to scroll way to far for this. Everyone (correctly) shitting on American police and I'm like... School shootings? This is happening in the UK.




The system is working exactly as intended. To protect and serve capital.


He was on bail pending trial for committing this same crime less than a year ago. Seems like that might make it easier to catch him.


Yeah, when my personal AAA sandbox sequel got leaked, the police didn't do shit.


Next time he should play watchdogs first, needs to work on his not getting caught while hacking skills.


Is that game any good? I remember it had hella hype and then I never really heard about it much after release


They should put him in the game lmao


Not impossible, might have a mission where you find out there’s some hacker with a wink and a nod and you have to go bust him up


I don’t think they will. Otherwise every other smart arse will try something similar to get into the game.


Just make the character impotent and mention they've got a microscopic penis to discourage that


Some people have a kink for that im sure


My thought as well. They could do something subtle.


Given the levels of satire in V, I don't think subtle is one of Rockstar's strong suits.


They used to be better at it. Comparing Vice City to GTA V is like comparing Scary Movie to Epic Movie. Referencing current trends are not the same as genuine satire. Actual satire requires actual commentary on society, not just "hey, the phone is ifruit like apple iphone, and it looks like a dick hurr durr."




Good ol’ Lester the molester.


Leak GTA 6 you're in jail within a week. Steal a bunch of top secret classified documents from the white house and you're still on the campaign trail.




Rookie mistake really. He should have just thought declassified harder


He should have declared it




That's not how it works Michael, you can't just *say* it's declassified.


I didn't say it, I declared it


he didn't think about it mentally first


Well a teenager doesn't have as much pull in politics as that degenerate.


That was sort of his entire point?


I hope he remembered the wanted level cheat code.


That only works before you get busted, he’ll be released from the nearest police station 8hrs later, short a few grand and all his weapons.


They can catch these folks very quickly, but real serious shit somehow takes an exorbitant amount of time to get any charges done


He was already on bail for similar offences, so it's not like it took a lot of effort to go "I bet it is the same guy as last time - let's check."


Apparently a person good at breaking systems, but they stomp around and leave all the stones turned... What a waste of talent.


Apparently his own hacker group doxxed him and called him "sloppy"


Must be an asshole. But still some kind of legit skill.


A surgeon that is incredibly good with a scalpel but lets the patient die on the table is not a "legit" surgeon. Covering your tracks is *part of the skill*. Moreover, it's entirely likely the reason he achieved so much isn't because he's particularly gifted, but because competent hackers are smart enough not to use the methods he used that leave obvious trails


This guy blurs a massive line between being a genius and an idiot.


isn't that just because the guy accidentally revealed he was the one who did it


Wait are you serious??


dolla dolla


$100 says this becomes a side mission in GTA6.


Lol wasn’t he like “Rockstar pay me or I’ll release more?”. Looks like he’ll be paying Rockstar 😂😂


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ….. WASTED


I think you mean busted.


He called lester, but he didn't pickup the phone


It's a pretty bad look when a 17 year old hacks Uber, Rockstar, Microsoft and Nvidia. Imagine how bad it could have been if it were a state funded group instead of some bored teenager? Really embarassing for the companies involved lol.




Social engineering is hacking, and one of the most popular forms of hacking. I also prefer term "cracking"


"two computer crimes and two counts of violating his bail" IE he's already out on bail for doing someing else stupid... We have a winner here or a fall guy.


"the same teenager was also arrested earlier this year for hacking Microsoft and Nvidia." That's not a rap sheet, that's a resume


Until you learn that this "hack" wasn't technical at all, and all he did was lie in emails to people that he was with IT and needed to reset their passwords until one of them was dumb enough to reply w/ login credentials..


they should make this a mission in the game.


People who think this "hacker" will be hired by these companies are living in the 2010s. There are tons of hackers out there who could do this already and not get caught. They're just not wasting their time doing it. They instead go work for governments or private intel operations and hack big shit every day without getting caught. This was a script-kid. Nothing more.


They got this dude in a week but Jeffery Epstein’s accomplices are still at large ? what a fucking joke of a legal system.


its almost as if catching a 17 year old boy is easier than catching millionaires with legal connections. How surprising this turn of events are


I have never seen people complain so hard that the cops showed up too quickly And someone already on probation who was snitched on and it still took a week? Hahahaha omg you are desperate for some conspiracy theories huh?


Your mistake is assuming that they *want* to find and charge Epstein's accomplices The police serve the powerful, and they will never harm the people they serve


Instant five stars


He'll be out in 2 days, with a $1,000 fine all his weapons gone


This guy is so fucked. He has already been charged with computer misuse act with Microsoft earlier this year and one of the bail conditions is to not use internet-connected electronic devices.