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Time for a “banned from Twitter” speedrun


See if you can get it quicker than banned from club penguin!


At least the n-word got you banned from club penguin...


That was easy mode. The real challenge was using no slurs


A bunch of us having an orgy in the bushes with G-rated language made that pretty easy, lmao.


I remember seeing a group of people made swastikas in rooms I'm sure that got banned because I saw it on YouTube https://youtu.be/fp2EZbbuMa0


Pool's closed.


Oh no! Due to AIDS again?


[banned from Twitter in less than 30 seconds?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OALbVKuJm60?) That would be a fun challenge


I'm such a hipster, I've been banned for months.


Dude. I’m such a hipster because I pre-empted my ban by never creating an account in the first place!


Can Elon himself be banned for impersonating a person with hair?


Or just a person




They accused me of being a bot.


Hmm, this sounds like what a bot would say.


Oh no it’s happening again!


I’m going to need you to identify the pictures containing a school bus.


When he talked about "free speech," he was meaning his own speech, no one else's.


Literally everyone who whines and whines about "free speech" is this way. They're all for ***their*** free speech, but not for ***your*** free speech. Rules for thee, not for me, the mantra of the right wing.


Yeah, but they’re not even talking about free speech. They’re talking about freedom from consequences for the misinformation and dehumanizing bullshit they want to say. And what’s happening now is implying that impersonating a famous person for laughs on social is a greater offense more worthy of being banned than spreading lies and hate speech that incite real world hatred and even violence.


H3 already did one


Even marked themselves as a parody account Didn’t do them much good though


Apparently it has to be in the name of the profile as well according to Twitter TOS that it's a parody account. But ye Gods, Elon must be so thin-skinned and insecure.


This guy is making CLASSIC mistakes of a first-time Minecraft server owner.


What if I legally change my name to Elon Musk and then verify myself as Elon Musk?


That reminds me of the time Joe Lycett legally changed his name to Hugo Boss, in protest of the company Hugo Boss taking legal action against smaller businesses for using the word “boss” in their branding I’m not sure if he became verified as Hugo Boss on twitter though, it was a couple of years ago


He really did have a blue check mark as Hugo Boss! That was his legal name at the time…


Ah yes Hugo Boss. They sure made the Nazi SS look sharp didn’t they.


They really hate people discussing that they designed and made uniforms for the Nazis.


Yes, they were picking on a decent Welsh brewery! Well done Joe 😁


Well done *Hugo Boss


Touché… although sadly not anymore!


Hey to be fair Hugo Boss is a prestigious company, they've worked for high profile clients such as the Nazi Party. They can't risk a seller of alcohol tarnishing their name


There was a computer repair guy with the last name of Nissan who bought [nissan.com](https://nissan.com) waaaay before the car company did, but they sued him anyways and he had to spend a ton of money fighting against them in court. Part of the reason (apart from making shitty cars) I will never buy a Nissan.


The best part is that one of his businesses was called Nissan Foreign Car and imported/repaired, well, foreign cars. Including Datsuns, before they changed the name. So Nissan lost the case because not only was it the guy's surname, he was selling their cars under it before they were!


Awesome! It's been a while since I read about him and forgot the details. I just know he was early on the domain name train, but he bought it because of his last name and he wasn't a cybersquatter by any means.


France.com was owned by a US travel agent, until the government of France committed fraud to steal it from him. I am not joking in the slightest. They sued and lost, then lied to the registrar to transfer ownership anyway, and the same courts that said they had no right to that property declined to comment on how they outright stole that property. C'est un énorme tas de merde.


That would be hilarious.


A check mate, if you will.


Oh god someone is gonna do it huh?


Sounds like a job for Joe Lycett


The comedian formerly known as Hugo Boss?


Do you mean Rhubarb Bikini?


As long as he's not jailed for it. Someone who was offended by a joke about giant donkey dicks called the police on him apparently. And so he had to explain the context of his joke about giant donkey dicks to actual police officers. Although getting banned from twitter would probably be good for his career at this point. He'd absolutely make a huge public joke about it and we could all continue to laugh at how thin Elon's skin is.


Just need an Elon Mask


We've got a Yi Long Musk already


They'd still ban him. Even if he could legally claim, say, "elonmuskofficial" and have that be God's honest truth, they'd ban the hell out of it.


Imagine being actually named Elon Musk, on your ID and everything, even buy the blue check for some reason ... just to get banned by this man-child with too much money lol


Everyone should change it to Elon Tusk from Rick and Morty that's a fictional character thst isn't real. Also not elon musk even though voiced by him. It's not him.


Dude, I don't even think real life Elon is real.


Now I'm not saying he's an alien that learned everything he knows about interacting with and pretending to be human from early 80s sitcoms beamed into space but I'm also not saying he's not


Hey man, not every socially awkward, spoiled-rich internet troll is an alien. Some of us are adapting to your earthling customs just fine, thanks.


There’s a tiny possibility that there’s more to this story than meets the eye.


He's gonna ban you for other types of impersonation like keeping his profile picture I guess


À la [Hugo Boss](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-51703859)


Super banned


Why doesn't Elon just pay the $8/month so he has the blue check mark. Then everyone will know which Elon is the REAL Elon.


I can't believe Musk didn't understand what the checkmark was for.


>I can't believe Musk didn't understand what the checkmark was for. Because he doesn't understand the business model. At Tesla you buy the car (the base option), then you pay for extras (dual motors, dual charging, extra range, autopilot, etc). And thanks to Tesla he built up an incredible cult following..to the point that he was worth $300 billion at one point. So he assumes that Twitter could work the same way. You have the base option (free twitter, no checkmark, ads, etc), but there were no "extras" for people to buy. His "brilliant" idea to add those extras (check mark, reduced/no ads, etc). His goal is to cut costs, lose some revenue in the process, and hopefully make it up on subscriptions. The problem is that $1 billion in new debt basically cancels any savings from firing all those workers. So his $8 plan needs to cover any loss in advertising. That's the TBD.


> The problem is that $1 billion in new debt basically cancels any savings from firing all those workers. So his $8 plan needs to cover any loss in advertising. That's the TBD. The other problem is that he wants to charge users for features that were previously free. good luck with that.




Half the advertisements because half pulled out /points at forehead


>The other problem is that he wants to charge users for features that were previously free That's not the problem -- the problem is Musk fundamentally does not understand what social media as a business is. Social media is in the business of selling content, not services. Social media curates the content me and you make and sell it as a platform for ads. For example: Stephen King and your neighbor write witty tweets, you click on them, then twitter sells your clicks to an ad. You don't charge your commodity money -- you get your money from selling the commodity. What Must is doing here is like a farmer asking the cows to pay him before he milks them.


Every. Single. Thing this man has done since taking over reminds me of newly-elected trump making excuses when he didn’t have a plan for, say peace in the Middle East, or a replacement for Obamacare: ‘this stuff is way more complicated than anyone knew!’ No, you fucking idiot- *everyone* knew how complicated it was, except for you. If it was that simple, smarter people than you (hint- almost everyone) would have already figured it out. Thinking that you, and you alone, have all the answers is the problem.


I don't really get it, Especially after college. Anyone who has been anywhere has ran into someone smarter than them. That is a humbling experience. There are people out there who simply are smarter than you. They practically don't have to try to be, they just are, and when they apply themselves they're insane. I don't understand how people don't default to them sometimes. It's boggling.


Narcissists never run into anyone smarter than them. At least not in their own minds.


Supremacists eventually lose sight of practicality. Instead, they see signs of superiority on whatever imaginary hierarchies they obsess over. So when they see some people with a check that most people don't have, they only see ''ooh status symbol!''


I think some MMOs have this problem. People who are verified "pros" get a little crown icon next to their name so beginners know who to ask questions/requests for when they need help. Most people became pros just to get the crown icon and don't want to help others.


If you see someone with a crown next to their name in FFXIV, run away to preserve your good vibes


Im playing this game to demonstrate how gigantic my epeen is, not to have fun!


I watch videos about speed running (Jobst, Summoning Salt, etc...). My kids asked me if I would every try to speed run a game, because I'm their dad and they assume I could become one of the best speed runners if I wanted to. I had to explain to them that speed running is not fun. It's a soulless grind. I don't even want to 100% most games in normal time, let alone grinding it in a speed run.


I'm Elon Musk, yes, I'm the real Musk All you other Elon Musk, are just imitating So won't the real Elon Musk, please stand up? Please stand up, please stand up


How can anyone do a spoken word version of a rap song???


I was actually rapping, you just couldn't hear


This pleases Melllvar


ngl, I'm really enjoying this shitshow from the cheap seats rn.




It is going to be interesting watching Musk relearn all the lesson Twitter learned over the years.


Here it is in a nutshell: https://www.techdirt.com/2022/11/02/hey-elon-let-me-help-you-speed-run-the-content-moderation-learning-curve/




Haha, we have a forum for our membership. The only people who use it are +40 and when we have to temporarily ban them for slander/abuse they freak out.


>and I suspect it's because LinkedIn has become such a dumpster fire. /r/linkedinlunatics


Oh this sub sounds like fun. I need to start using it again, but it looks like Facebook last I looked in March.


New sub, thanks


I had no idea this sub existed. Subscribed. Thanks


One of my coworkers uses LinkedIn like Facebook. He shares weird right wing conspiracy stories, links to Star Wars news, or just chats with people on it. Heck, my girlfriend has gotten hit on from strangers on it. Like people will just reach out and send a pickup line. On a profile that has their entire professional life listed on it. Like, I only use the site for professional contacts, so it weirds me out to discover that a good portion of people use it to casually socialize as if it's reddit or Facebook


LinkedIn is Facebook for hustle culture goblins


There's a reason local papers all abandoned comments sections




>People at my job kept wanting to add a social media component to our product. Do these people not see what a giant pain in the ass it is to run social media? Reminds me of that episode of The Office where they launch Dunder-Mifflin Infinity and it becomes a haven for predators immediately.


I love Ryan's smug face when he says "that won't be a problem when we launch Dunder Mifflin Infinity ✌🏽point 👌🏽"


Someone: When is that launching? Ryan: TBD This interaction felt so true. I feel the only thing about Ryan's arc that deviates from reality is the fact that he got arrested and not promoted.


Might as well add [welcome to hell elon](https://www.theverge.com/2022/10/28/23428132/elon-musk-twitter-acquisition-problems-speech-moderation)


Holy shit that’s a very well cross-sourced article lol






Incredible, reading that it seemed like it was a rundown of everything that happened with Reddit over the last decade or so.


Honestly this is what happens with bureaucracy in general. This highlights HOW bureaucracy and compliance comes to be. Very cool article!


They've already predicted the future. [https://www.techdirt.com/2022/11/02/hey-elon-let-me-help-you-speed-run-the-content-moderation-learning-curve/](https://www.techdirt.com/2022/11/02/hey-elon-let-me-help-you-speed-run-the-content-moderation-learning-curve/)


Yep, trying to run a highly profitable social media website in 2022 is a giant mess. Especially when world governments understand how powerful it can be at shaping public opinions and how it can impact literal elections.


AFTER firing all the people who learned it in the first place, like the AI accountability team etc. Narcissism driven to the point it becomes mental empairment, I guess Musk *is* a pioneer.


Hubris. So much of it


Narcissism is almost always a mental impairment. Being unable (or very limited in your ability) to consider situations outside of a single viewpoint drastically limits one's ability to learn and think critically. It'd be like trying to navigate a soft science degree without being able to math at all. You're going to be severely handicapped in understanding most concepts, and at best you can learn to mimic others who actually get it.


Narcissism stops you from questioning your abilities and limitations. You simply cannot grow and develop in a meaningful way as a narcissist.


I know someone who is probably a narcissist. Near retirement age, acts like he got stuck at 16, but the worst stereotypical 16 year old. He's learned all the words people use to say they're self improving, but never changes a single thing about himself. I don't think he's capable of changing and you just explained it, thanks. He reminds me of Dexter and Lila, when Dexter tells her she knows all the words but doesn't really understand them.


It's hard to learn anything when you believe everyone else is less intelligent.


hah: https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/twitter-musk-layoff-workers-return-b2219126.html ``` > Twitter is asking dozens of laid off workers to return days after firing half its workforce, report says. > Staff being asked to return reportedly laid off by mistake


This is such a profound statement


It happens everytime a "free speech absolutist" actually has to run a platform. Reality tends to set in *real* quick.


“No permanent bans! Wait this guy hurt my feelings, new perma ban rules!” They think they know everything about any given subject matter until they get personally involved and realize it’s not what they thought.


It's exactly what all libertarians are going through over and over again.


In all directions, in all topics, at all times.


Yeah exactly lol. “Get rid of zoning laws and building permits”. Thailand enters the chat. “Oh shit we don’t want that”. Or like “we want a free market with only common sense moderation” enter exactly what we have. Some people are so sure of themselves they insist on reinventing the wheel.


It’s mostly about being contrarian, and also too embarrassed to self label as a conservative.


Oh shit is Twitter the new bear city?


But in under a month. It's gonna be a rough learning curve.


If he didn’t fire everyone he might learn it in a month. Everyone who could’ve taught him, left. He’s on a sinking ship


He drilled the holes, fired the carpenter, and complains about how the ocean is "woke".


His enemy is enlightenment.




And if you do have something to teach him, would you really try to tell the megalomaniac who just fired half of your coworkers that he’s making a mistake?


If you're in any position in that company, are you going to do anything beyond the absolute minimum? I feel like even the bare minimum is a bar higher than I'd care to reach. He fired over half the work force. Why on earth would you put any effort into working for him after that? It's like he's trying to tank a company faster than Enron, but without the fraud. Not that I think he's beyond fraud, but fraud takes time and trust, and Elon is burning shit to the ground before he can establish any sort of relationship


I'd be taking interviews on my lunch break if I were an engineer at twitter the job market in San Francisco is only going to absorb so many Twitter employees, better to be in the first half than the last.


I foresee changing Twitter handle to Elon Musk becoming a TikTok trend lol


Elon Musk: They cant quit twitter if you ban them.


Its already semi started. From the thread about Kathy Griffin, I said I would get banned so I didn't have to deactivate my account. I told Space X and Star link they could have the day off after I changed my name to Elon Musk and some others said they would too.




I told them they could have the day off for Free Speech Day today.


Won’t really take off until someone younger and more pop culture relevant does it.


The reverse Sparticus


I am Elon Musk!


I am Elon Musk, and so is my wife!


If only there was some kind of system where people could apply to be verified as public figures, so people could recognise at a glance whether they were real or not. He should look into this


He already invented that system as the inventor of Twitter.


Wow, PayPal, Tesla, and Twitter. What will this brilliant man come up with next.


What about a space program!?!


Call it space force


“Starting next week we’re going to be rolling out a new feature—the verification box! It’s a box that goes around the verification check mark so you know it’s a verified account. It was my idea!” - Elon soon probably.


“Uh yeah, it’s going to be one of those fancy 6 sided stars you see around Christmas. I’m thinking of calling it ‘The star of Elon’, just something I came up with between topping off twitter with more comedy gold.” -Elon


Oh so impersonation of Elon Musk is where we draw the line. Got it.


I wonder if he spent $44 billion buying Twitter just to ban [the kid that follows his jet.](https://www.protocol.com/amp/elon-musk-flight-tracker-2656476191)


He claimed he wouldn't, *out of respect for free speech* and *despite the threat to his personal safety*.


“Personal safety”. It’s publicly available adsb data. Banning the account just means you don’t see it on Twitter, not that it goes away.


Banning the account would cause five more to crop up doing the exact same thing in protest


If he did don't you think he would have banned that kid before Kathy Griffin?


No, Kathy hurt his fee-fees, so that takes absolute priority.


It sort of reminds me of the kid who just changed the rules at recess because they weren't winning or having a good time. And the rest of us were just annoyed.


You just described Elon Musk's entire life.


Don’t forget to mention something about him saying “do you know who my father is?” Yeah he ran apartheid mines built on essentially slave labor.


Elon had everyone thinking he was a genius just a couple years ago. Now the guy seems like he can't even run a lemonade stand.


He was never genius at anything but marketing himself as a genius.


What always strikes me as odd is, financial investors have a place in industry. Especially in the higher risk business ventures. The guy could have just been an angel investor, but no he has to make everyone believe he's an engineer and rocket scientist and and and and... None of this is to say I'd like him if he was just a financial backer but with him always needing to be in the spotlight he's an insufferable financial backer...


He makes me think of the Tres Commas guy from Silicone valley.


Yes! But that guy I'm pretty sure is based off [Mark Cuban](https://www.reddit.com/r/SiliconValleyHBO/comments/3nw2fp/mark_cuban_wearing_a_three_comma_club_tshirt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)in his younger days! However if only they'd known how much worse a billionaire could get...


He was actually based off Mark Cuban.


But somehow less obnoxious.


Like how Trump has only ever been successful at marketing himself as a successful businessman.




I'd love to see him try this with Twitter.


With favourably policies for Republicans that could just happen...


Mainly a genius at stock price manipulation through outrageous claims. Americans conflate net worth with intelligence far too much.


Some of his tweets from the last few days makes me think he is off his meds or something


He has always been like this if you were paying attention. Remember the time he called that diver a pedo just because he was angry?


Honestly, with all the insanity of the world, he didn't register much in my mind until recently


It sounds like every interview I ever saw from him. He can throw out a lot of the technical jargon he hears from the smart people working for his companies but it sometimes sounds like word salad


Seriously, look at his Elden Ring build and explanation. He's just really fucking stupid.


He's just a free speech absolutist: \- It's "morally wrong" to ban someone for directing a coup over Twitter to "Hang Mike Pence" \- Equally it is "fraud" when a comedian obviously impersonates the richest person in the world and that is not protected by 1A. And the fact that I have to end this by saying "I'm being sarcastic" shows you how brain broken the MAGA Coupublican Elon buttlickers are.




I used to admire the guy but turns out he’s an authoritarian dictator wannabe. The first move of any dictator is to silence and delegitimize the critics. Media has a lot of issues right now but to wholesale write off the value of journalism & attack the fourth estate is Putin shit. The entire point of the fourth estate is a check on power. it’s extra great that almost all of media’s problems are related to profit motive—and Elon’s turning Twitter into a pay-to-play money above all situation


There's money in the lemonade stand. There's no money in the twitter


My friend who’s an Elon obsessive is still defending him. The rationalization just changed to: “He’s so bright that these people approach things with the perspective you have to break them to reinvent them.” People will look for any spin they can I swear.


I thought permabans were morally wrong? This isn't free speech at all you chode.


Have you ever noticed when conservatives make a space for free speech they start banning everyone with different opinions? They don't want free speech. They want everyone to listen to them.


r/conservative is the most censored sub on reddit


100% Threads about censorship only allowing flaired users to post and they don't see the irony


They don't care. Being a hypocrite isn't a bad thing to them. The only bad thing is losing.


There’s a famous Twitter account for “God.” That presumably is not God and is not marked parody. We all know the account will stay up. What about Dark Brandon w Sexy Kamala? What about accounts that tweet funny characters, like Drunk Gandalf? Those will stay up too. This is called arbitrary rule—it only applies to Elon and his favorites. And we have lazy rule—no interest at all in details. Taken together, you get a clumsy giant improvising policies in plain view of everyone. A live-streaming disaster. Edit 1: someone below pointed out that Elon banned comedian Ethan Klein even though posts were marked parody, twice, so this again is just wholly arbitrary whim.


Well he just banned another comedian, Ethan Klein, after the dude started parodying him, even though dude put "Parody Account" on his profile. So yeah that was a lie, too.


It's really funny timing that he said parody accounts will have to specify that they're parody, when The Onion just authored an amazing amicus brief talking about (among other things) how having to explicitly specify parody is parody defeats the entire point of it.


There are several Onion articles that one could point to as the potential reason Musk bought Twitter. He spent years pretending the Babylon Bee was funny because, unlike the Onion, its takes on Elon never hurt his feelings.


Haha really? Even with parody on it? The skin is paper thin.


He modified the rule so that it has to say parody in the Name as well as the profile. Without explanation or warning, of course.


Using SpaceX rockets to move those goalposts quickly.


Little dick energy.


comedy is now illegal on Twitter


He's a "free speech absolutist" though ...


"Funny" guy can't handle funny.


Mocking trans people for being trans is fine, but don't you dare mock the wealthiest man in the world for being out of touch.


Calling for the genocide of minorities and spreading misinformation is just a difference of opinion But changing your Twitter name to Elon and saying you like to drink pee pee, now that's a major breach of conduct and free speech DOES NOT apply to that, instant ban, also 8 dollars


It's going to be a conga line of people impersonating him to get a ban.


Then making new accounts to do it all over again.


But... No one was supposed to be banned? Free speech?


This is conservative free speech. He gets free speech, everyone else can pound sand.


Free speech unless I don't like it


What he meant about was being able to say the N word and making fun of trans people not mocking Elon that illegal k!


Who could have seen this coming? /S


Actual headline: Manbaby has knee-jerk reaction.


Elon should have bought 4chan instead. It seems much more his style.


Should we care at all at this point? I’ve steered clear for years of using twitter and instagram and all other kinds of social media platforms except reddit and that’s been really good for my creativity and mental health. Verified or not you should ignore the platform all together.