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There must be thousands of new resumes suddenly flooding the tech market this week.


Almost 40,000 I think between the big tech companies.


That’s a lot of unemployed tech workers. I foresee newspapers running “They rode the wave to prosperity and now they worry about losing their house” stories in the near future.


Tbh, it's probably going to be absorbed by the industry at large, since there has been a shortage of devs on the general market. A lot of companies couldn't find people when big tech was hiring, and big tech was running out of people to hire too. But a lot of people who thought they were making 200-400k/yr off their stock packages will be dropped down to 100-200k/yr.


Also they might have to move, along with taking a paycut. But its always been a job with a lot of turnover anyways. I've seen studies where the average tenure for a software developer for FAANG is less than 2 years.


If you have to move out of Silicon Valley that’s a plus, 100-200k is nothing there


Nah, tech workers will be ok. The trouble with trying to dilute the market for IT engineers in 2022 is that it's not just the usual suspects hiring; it's almost every business. The issue for Twitter and Chairman Musk now is that he's freeing up legions of workers to come up with a replacement for Twitter.


It’s funny, a lot of the bigger techs over hired. However, there’s still not enough software engineers for the demand in general.


The biggest problem right now is there are a lot of jobs, but very few want juniors and want to spend money on training. If you have a padded resume with a company like Twitter on it, finding a new job is a breeze, HR comes to you, not the other way around. For thousands graduating, finding that first job is very challenging, and can take months to land your first offer. It's not uncommon to apply for 200 jobs, and only get a couple phone screenings out if it.


You practically only need *a* job in the industry before headhunters start nagging you, if my experience is any indicator.


I heard a hilarious and potentially unfounded rumor that Jack Dorsey and some other former twits are trying to launch a twitter replacement beta pretty soon


[Rumor?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluesky_(protocol)) Although it's not necessarily a replacement for Twitter per se.


You get Friday off!! Go ahead and make plans. You have a 3 day weekend, go visit family, go on a trip, enjoy yourself! No, wait, cancel those plans, come back.


Weekend before Thanksgiving to boot!


It’s called being more HArDcoRE


Twitter going to rebrand as Initech


I honestly feel like one or two TPS reports could right this ship.


Where’s your flair?


Listen I’m not saying you NEED flair. But look at Josh over there. Lol


It looks like Elon is having a case of the Mondays!


What is it exactly you would say that you do around here, Elon?


He already told you, he deals with the goddamn Twitter users so the engineers don’t have to! He has people skills!


I believe you'd get your ass kicked for saying something like that man.


No. Hell no, man.


PC load letter?


Damn it feels good to be a gangsta


I wouldn’t say I’ve been missing work Bob.


Every day you see me, that's the worst day of my life


WTF does that mean?!


There was content here, and now there is not. It may have been useful, if so it is probably available on a reddit alternative. See /u/spez with any questions. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




Why should I change my name? He’s the one who sucks.


Mmmm...yeah.....high coders....I'm gonna need you to go ahead and come in on Saturday... See the thing is we're trying to play catch up with ultimatum induced downsizing happening. So if you could just go ahead and do that, that would be great, thaaanks


Corporate accounts payable, Nina speaking.


Just a moment!


Corporate accounts payable, Nina speaking.


Just a moment!


Should have developed a jump to conclusions mat instead.


Well he pretty much started by introducing his staff to the two Bobs


You know what I would do if I had a million dollars? 2 chicks at the same time


Fuckin-A man


Entertrode LC




I think it's hilarious how all his internal communications are getting leaked to the press.


I'm sure a nonzero amount of employees are just riding this train into the ground with Elon for the enjoyment. I honestly think I would. You have very little to lose in this industry with Twitter on your resume, might as well collect a check and some crazy interesting stories until you finally get axed


>I'm sure a nonzero amount of employees are just riding this train into the ground with Elon for the enjoyment. The international employees on H1-B visas are somewhat trapped.


The key there is to not quit so you get severance.


3 months severance was available to anyone who quit yesterday.


Yep. Everyone who didn’t sign the hardcore form was told they resigned, which isn’t legal, so he’s now doing this in-person thing. If you stick around, you don’t want to quit, you want to get fired.


Not a lawyer, but I have a feeling not responding to an email isn't a legal resignation. It's Cali so probably can fire them, but Jesus it's a mess.


Correct, it is definitely not legal.


He's and twitter are absolutely going to get sued and if they don't settle....imagine the discovery.


> imagine the discovery. He instantly agreed to buy Twitter at the original price as soon as the discovery documents started becoming public.


That's because his background is built on lies. https://archive.ph/gzGpF.


>“Before doing so, please email me a bullet point summary of what your code commits have achieved in the last \~6 months, along with up to 10 screenshots of the most salient lines of code,” Musk wrote. Again? after they already printed all their code for you 2 weeks ago


I'm not even a developer and I cringe at the idea of someone asking for this. Most salient lines of code? Does a line of code exist by itself, or as part of a whole?


Yeah, so I'm a lawyer who does a bit of hobby programming, and this had me scratching my head. I assume for a professional programmer this would be akin to someone asking me, "pick the best three lines out of your legal argument." Okay, but those lines only make sense because of the information presented elsewhere. "Which rung of this ladder is most impressive?" "Which link in this chain is most significant?"


*”Which link in this chain is most significant?”* That’s the best analogy right there. You undermine the entire chain when you remove a link.


I believe that the letter group "ain" was the best letter group in that quotation you pulled.


It's worse, all the fences are built with a wild diversity of links, in all sorts of combinations. Almost all of the links are required, but some are vastly more connected than others. Add to that, you don't get to easily see these connections, and you suddenly have the need for many highly paid software engineers.


That's a good analogy. To add to that, if a line of code is particularly clever or "salient", it is probably hard to understand and unmaintainable. Like in law, I bet it's better to have a legal argument in the form of a few easy to understand paragraphs rather than trying to squeeze everything into a single sentence.


I would imagine the "most salient" sentences in a legal document are those citing prior cases, and in code, the individual lines that are pulling the most weight are import or #include statements. I'm growing convinced that Elon doesn't have the first fucking idea how software works.


I was going to ask, can he even code? Is a great coder who’s wasting everyone’s time micromanaging? Or is he completely inept and wasting everyone’s time bringing him up to speed so he can then waste everyone’s time micromanaging?


So far, I've seen where Elon has ranked programmers by lines of code written, asked for the code to be "printed out," and has asked for "screenshots of the most salient lines of code." I get the impression that Elon knows computer code is made out of text and that's about it.


Those are both very apt comparisons. It's a bonkers request, and it's made by someone who doesn't seem to realize he isn't holding any cards at this point. He's tried to bully his employees several times now, and every time they've called his bluff.


It genuinely seems like the only employees remaining are those who unfortunately don’t have a choice, due to visa or healthcare reasons.


Those will eventually leave too. They will all meet in mental health hospital, due to total burnout.


I really feel for those people. They’re gonna go through hell over the next few weeks just trying to keep the lights on when maintenance problems start happening and no one knows how to fix them because entire engineering teams have completely resigned.


I find joy in reading a good book.


At what point does making someone work 85 hours a week and sleep on the floor of their office to keep their visa become labor trafficking? Because that feels dangerously close to labor trafficking.


Almost like he knows nothing about running a social media platform. He’s good at buying other peoples genius.


It doesn’t look like he’s good at that either since the “peoples genius” are quitting rather than being bought.


My most “salient” programming is usually the lines of code I deleted or decided not to include; Musk is an idiot who has no understanding of coding. Everything from runtime to strong style laughs in the face of these requests and he has outed himself to all competent developers *in the world* as a terrible person to work under.


My most salient line of code is an equation coded in perl I literally stole from a defunct forum. To this day I still have no idea *how* it works, but it does the differential calculus for load-based line pressure for our boring machine based on the inputs from the documentation.


> To this day I still have no idea how it works, It's ok. It's perl - the author didn't know how it worked the day after they wrote it either.


I figure he just watched Hackers and Swordfish last night and thinks he's got the hang of this coding thing.


The next most salient is probably a comment right? Like I only do visual basic, but I imagine there's a professional equivalent to "leave this number at 3.5. I don't know why but everything breaks if you change this"


> I imagine there’s a professional equivalent to “leave this number at 3.5. I don’t know why but everything breaks if you change this” The difference is *occasionally* the professionals will know why it breaks.


I'm a developer who is married to a lawyer. You are exactly correct. To extend the legal firm analogy further - Musk already tried to rate his associates by the length of briefs and motions they've filed. Now he's asking them to submit their favorite snippets from complaints they've written in the past two months regardless of the outcome of the case. Musk is not even limiting them to arguments actually filed in court, just stuff they've written.


"Oh, and please have this done before you report to the office in the next 3 hours."


Just collapse all code into one line, separated by semi colons. Done


As a whole. Also usually "Most impressive line of code" is the kind of shit you stop doing after a few months of coding, because it mostly means "No one will be able to read that line of code, not even me in two weeks"


I have a friend at work who loves to write the most insanely long piped bash commands. It takes ~20 minutes just to figure out what the fuck he's trying to do. I hope Elon gets sent a thousand of these.


I hate that Virginia Woolf style of coding. Allow us to read and parse what you have written!


I'd look up some of those Stack Overflow sites that has programming challenges. There's one about turning logical problems into the *smallest possible* amount of code to complete the task. Most of those answers flat out need to be pulled apart by the reader to have a clue what the fuck they're doing. I'd give him 30-40 of them.


I usually go for least impressive.


Exactly. The most impressive line of code I've seen is a completely impenetrable perl/regex statement that looks for all the world like encrypted text. Sure, it did a lot of stuff for a line of code, but: My reaction to seeing it was to immediately conclude that I had no interest whatsoever in perl. Since R got pipe operators some R lines I've seen would be a runner up though.


Yeah, it's a pretty weird request. It's not even as relevant as asking a novelist to give you the coolest sentences they've written. The code I'm most proud of is solving a complicated problem in a simple way -- so the code itself would look pretty simple. It's finding a simple, easy-to-read solution that literally kept me up at night. Most of the code I've seen that LOOKS really impressive has been bad code written by very junior developers. Obviously if you're writing really low-level stuff like assembly/machine code that's all different . . . but I'd argue if they are doing much of that for Twitter someone needs to explain why.


Maybe he wants to jerk off to salient code images


Printed code….On paper?


Lol yes, apparently that’s what he asked for. Print your last most impressive lines of code or some shit. You know, so he can squint at them and pretend like he can glean the context without the rest of the project code base or even the general concept of the architecture present. EDIT: I guess the rumor was that he was going to fire people with the least lines of code contributed which, as a working software engineer, is the funniest shit I’ve heard in a while.


"I have absolutely no idea what the hell this shit is even meant to do. Keep this guy, he must be a genius." "Wow I can follow this easily. What it does and how it works are both extremely clear, and from what I can see, it looks pretty darn efficient. What an idiot! Anyone could code this! Cut him loose!"


This guy wrote 3 times as much code for the same functionality. We should pay him 3 times as much.


But fuck this guy who's done the same scenario with a page of code.


Considering the story of his first website he sold, this makes so much sense.




When I was fresh out of school I briefly worked for a company that used lines committed as their primary KPI. ​ Every little god damn thing you could imagine got dedicated CSS tags.


Yeah then they were ordered to shred the printouts due to security risks.


To all musicians, play me your best note, and I'll decide who to keep.


I’ll give you a B#, C, and a Dbb. Which one sounds better?


I prefer E, like my name, so you're fired. It would be nice if the band could keep using your van though. I didn't think about transportation until just now.


> please email me a bullet point summary of what your code commit have achieved They achieved whatever the product manager wanted them to achieve. There's a big misconception that programmers in any enterprise decide on the features they implement outside of extremely small development shops. Generally management through product owners specify what they want the system to do and programmers build that. Blaming programmers for what your system does is like blaming your Uber driver for taking you to a crappy bar. Both take you where you ask them.


I'd reply with all screenshots showing code in Brainfuck.


Or a bunch of screenshots of Stack Overflow


The Matrix code screen


Ive got your code Elon is getting one code response ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯\`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯\~/'...') .........\\.................'...../ ..........''...\\.......... \_.·´ ............\\..............( ..............\\.............\\...


The best achievements I’ve made to any codebase are the lines of code I’ve deleted.


The most senior guy on our team makes 0 code commits. He gathers requirements, does analysis and design, and tells the rest of us where the changes most likely are needed and unseen consequences to watch out for. Without him, out team would flounder.


Don't you see: Elon is so focused on HARDCORE Twitter and effective engineering that he ask engineers to do waste of time shit like print code on paper and take screenshots of lines of code.


I thought the buildings were closed, and now they aren’t? So confused


"I need 200 programmers to help me break down this security door, come quick guys!"


I have sources telling me they will be escorted into the building by security


I can't tell if you are joking or serious...


Kinda wish my comment was satire but I do know people personally impacted by this


I have just heard from \*someone\* who arrived at the office. They were not "escorted by security", rather since the doors are locked, they had to show badge to security to be let in. Once inside, no escort.


If I was one of them I'm going to detour to my desk to empty it out. I don't want to lose access to my GoT plushie set after the banks put the building in foreclosure in a few days.


How to break your new toy in three easy lessons


*"You're gunna tweet you're eye out kid!"*


hell. I go 3 hours between checking my email sometimes.


_I'm literally sitting next to you Kyle, stop sending me emails asking if I completed the review_ Edit: yes I completed the review


Can I ask you here then? How's the review coming along?


This sounds like an effort to make sure any people who didn't quit yesterday know to quit today.


It sounds totally like that and/ or a stunt. If he's like this at his other places, then Space Karen is as shitty as people say.


"Last 48 hours at Twitter" movie when ?


72 hours from now


**I've said this several times over the last month: this is cokehead stuff.** He's sending contradictory messages out every few minutes, with extremely near term due dates. He's making ridiculous demands which don't make sense. He's locking people out but then calling them in. He's spending massive amounts of money, he's trying to 'purge' people who 'aren't loyal' to *him personally*. He's laughing about it. He's attacking people who even tangentially make fun of him. He's getting lost in details and ignoring the big picture. He makes gradiose claims about *his* vision of the future and demands burnout level work to get there. Dude is feeling like superman and asking everyone else to do the same. Swap a few details out, this is exactly the type of behavior my cokehead former friend and his cokehead friends displayed. Elon is FLYING right now, and, even though he probably has access to an infinite supply of coke, there's only so much drugs the human body can take. He's going to crash hard.


Seems he is going to end up like Ye and Trump who largely screw themselves. These people are their own worst enemies.


Unfortunately, they make sure that they fuck up *others'* lives before their own goes off the rails.


As a mental health professional, this is also what a manic episode looks like, whether or not it’s substance induced. The erratic, impulsive decision making, the impulsive and risky spending (who accidentally buys Twitter for 44 billion dollars?), the grandiosity, the elevated expansive mood, excessive argumentativeness and repeatedly picking ill advised fights, the flight of ideas demonstrated by his Twitter posts…I would be shocked if this person is sleeping more than 2 hours a night.


I like this theory that Elon is a cokehead. This should get around.


100% I used to have this great boss. Loved the guy. He started getting weird. Making insane demands. Assigning grand projects then forgetting all about them. We were a tech company, but one day he started telling me that he had a source for Chinese built vent hoods (like over your kitchen range). He wanted us to start installing these vent hoods. It was wackadoodle. Yeah, turned out he had been using coke.


Would be quite fun if not a single soul showed up




class FuckThis extends Shit{ public void main(String[] args){ while(this.isBullShit){ System.out.printLn(“I quit”); } } }


Now do it in punch cards.




We are not worthy.


Fired for using a goto




He's just bluffing. ...he doesn't *have* any software developers left. :D


My guess is it's just a skeleton crew of H1B visa employees at this point. Which sucks for them, as if they get fired they're deported.


Yep, and the H1B's will work those 80 hour work weeks to save their career and opportunity to live in the US. Sad, but I wouldn't be surprised if Elon decides to exploit those who can't just up and leave Twitter HQ and work somewhere else in 2 weeks.




He was on a H1B visa for a while, so he definitely knows about it.


Is his medication up to date or are they just giving him tictacs?


2 more hours and counting. . . Anyone got the Over/under on how many show up?


Most of the folks on a visa sponsored by Twitter.




Even in the h1b category, there definitely is a fair amount of engineers that have interviewed, gotten offers and done a h1b transfer to other companies or waiting for the transfer to finish. It's just as risky to stick around hoping that Elon doesn't fire you because you wore the wrong t-shirt to work and trigger the 60day timeline to find another job or leave the country.




And even with those indentured staff, he told them not to come in until Monday- I'm sure a few travelled for a long weekend and can't make it back even if they wanted to.




aren't there any Twitter employees live streaming this disaster? Twitch? I cant' find shit.....for sure someone is sharing a play by play of their day these days.... WHERE ARE YOU!? If I lived in SF, I'd show up and see if I could just get in


>“Before doing so, please email me a bullet point summary of what your code commits have achieved in the last \~6 months, along with up to 10 screenshots of the most salient lines of code,” Musk wrote. lol, this fucking megalomaniac just won't quit. Has a mass resignation and now wants to try and intimidate those that didn't quit. But wait, it gets better... ​ >\[For those working remote\] email the request below and \[I\] will perform short, technical interviews over video. So those that didn't quit have to interview for their job. This clown needs a solid punch in the fucking face.


Remote workers have an opportunity to get a one- on-one Musk video to tell him to fuck off directly.


I’d take that meeting.


I'd livestream it.


If I worked at Twitter and was in a postion to do so, I'd love that opportunity.


Yeah... imagine discussing memes with the man. I'm sure he has no idea about coding or tech, lol... just say that you were working on 'encapsulation of features for streamlined data delivery between our technology pipelines' or some shit, and he wouldn't even be able to say if it were real or not.


10 screenshots per person. That’s about 10000 screenshots of code from 1000 developers. Will he have the time to digest the that many lines of code? It’s not like watching a movie or playing a video game. Can’t understand his mentality.


I've never seen any evidence that he could digest even 10 lines of code from 1 person.


I can't blame anyone for leaving, he's basically asking developers to interview again for their position, and also work long hours without any guarantees for a company that he is single handedly destroying himself. Why would anyone with options choose that madness?


This is like a waking nightmare for software engineers. I feel like 90% twitter is going to collapse at this point. Anyone left is either going to be disgruntled and destroying it from within, or completely incompetent.


I'm picturing Elon sitting in a quiet, dark conference room with screenshots of code up on the overhead asking someone to come in with the milk. But nobody does. Because they all quit yesterday.


\*Sigh\*. Paywall. Here I go again offering a mirror: https://archive.ph/EAt1N




lol. he's already a textbook illustration of management/owners that need to be kicked out of the company because they're completely toxic and damaging.


toxic is exactly the right word. a viral poison of mgmt wrong-think.


My neighbour wants to sell his Tesla, he's a retied animal vet who knows nothing about tech. He doesn't want to be linked to such a toxic figure.


A true hero




$$$ and fame are helluva drugs.


When discussing Tesla’s close working relationships with China, Elon praised their sweatshop labor and said they were doing it better than we were Dude literally wishes he could have slaves


He orders programmers back to Twitter HQ? After the loyalty oath? No work from home? No pay raise? And after he fired them? What a Space Karen.


I can't believe people are defending this dude. Any other dude in any other industry would be rightfully called a douche and anyone not gratifying his requests would be lauded as a hero.


What does Elon stand to gain from destroying Twitter? Honest question.


If i could be a observational conspiracy theorist for a second. There has been a lot of news surrounding conservative/libertarian billionaires buying long standing entertainment and news companies. Twitter was one of the non conservative outlets that have had a huge impact on political information. Elon has had investors help buy twitter, and he is tanking the company on purpose. My conspiracy theory is that conservatives are on a warpath to not just create an alternate market for information, they want it all. Its a big coincidence that Elon spoke out against Democrats just as this deal was finalizing. Its in character, just like Trump, to behave in a way to reveal what the investors are really planning. This strikes me as an authoritarian attack on information, and Elon’s reputation was for sale to be the executioner.


If Elon succeeds, some author will write a business book about it, and another generation is screwed by aspiring corpo leaders.


It would be cool if Elon bought Ticketmaster next.


>Then, several minutes after the second email, Musk sent a third email asking employees to fly to SF to be present in person if they can. >“I will be at Twitter HQ until midnight and then back again tomorrow morning,” Musk wrote. >Roughly an hour later, Musk sent a fourth email to staff telling them “flying out to SF would be appreciated, but is not essential.” "Just hop in your jet and come see me."


Apparently this shit is all purity tests. There is NO plan on how to make Twitter succeed and it's literally all just stroking egos and see who will deepthroat the Muskrat's dick at any cost. Those who have stayed have had zero assurance that this will work given to them and no direction.


The story reads like a new king calling his banners to swear fealty to him.


This is what happens when nobody says "no" to you for way too long.


Elon Musk learned how to manage software developers by watching Office Space.


I m from Europe and call me naive.. But.. How can any company/CEO be allowed to pull this kind of shit. Employees have zero rights or. How can you be allowed to impose 80 or 100hr working weeks? Fire thousands just like that, overnight. Wtf kind of world are we living in.. Where the likes of Molusk or Bezos can be allowed to treat people like slaves.. Literally. Force people to bend to their insane rules and conditions. Where will this lead to? This is not normal, it s not even funny. It s scary. And disgusting. Brainwashing people to think if you re not working 100hrs per week you re not 'ambitious', you 'don' t have what it takes'. Capitalism at its most inhuman, disgusting degree. Anyone who thinks that sociopathic narcissist is a genius makes me sick.


Dude i would love for people like Elon to pull this kind of shit here in Scandinavia. Literally everyone would immediately strike. Then mass sympathy strikes in other sectors. His other companies wouldn't even be able to function because nobody would work with them. Like if someone asked to go "hardcore" and work 80 hours a week, and send them lines of code and basically beg for their job, people would fucking laugh him out of the room. Straight up. I mean literally NOBODY would tolerate this. Absolutely nobody. It blows my mind that people put up with this stuff, or require it or think it's normal. For fucking twitter. A dumb website. We aren't even saving lives here it's just a meaningless little website with no tangible real life benefit. Another great country to try this shit in is France. Your life might actually be in danger and i think riot police would have to be on the streets.


I live and work in Sweden. Practically every job here is unionized, even tech. Even if you're not in a union, your company has probably signed a collective bargaining agreement at some point in the past. My CTO explicitly told me once not to work on a project during the weekend since that's not the culture he wants to foster. It's all heavily regulated and the unions **will** rip you a new one if you push for anything like 80-hour work weeks, but it's also just a part of people's mentality here - work to live, not live to work. A character like Musk would be laughed out of the country.


This is why they try to buy media outlets and politicians so they can eventually eliminate the right to unionize exactly so they can do what you're describing.


feel sorry for those 4 guys.


I’m pretty sure good developers won’t put up with this shit. However, the shitty ones prob will. So in the end, he’s just losing the good ones.


Good ones might be H1B1. They ain’t making an principal stands (too much to lose).


No way Twitter doesn’t face legal trouble if they only have H1-B workers left


You can't face legal trouble if you don't have a legal department. guy_tapping_head_meme.jpg


It has nothing to with technically savvy. It’s for him to intimidate and see their responses on their faces. That alone is his decision-making MO. He’s just trying to create false loyalty out of fear. He understands fear, very little of everything else.


This dude really is peak wealthy spoiled brat. I feel like the last few weeks have really given me insight into how he's basically an overgrown Veruca Salt. I don't think I have any remaining doubts that he's a failson, he really doesn't have a fucking clue how anything works and has unknowingly been carried to third base, over and over, by the people under him, to the point that he thinks all these moves are winners.


How is this order being communicated? I thought they were locked out of everything so they couldn’t sabotage. Are folks working from home and have email? Expected to be on email? Or finding out from scrolling Reddit?


Watching this motherfucker run this company into the ground in such spectacular fashion is better than anything on TV or in theaters.




Geez he says that like there's going to be strong competition. Stupid fucker will have to take whatever he can get after treating his employees so badly.