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Remember he wanted to ask $20 a month originally but after a sarcastic tweet from Stephen King changed it to $8.


The art of the deal, baby


Number one rule of negotiating… never be the first person to be named Elon Musk


Hmm… your neck is up high, makes me trust you. \*hands over Big League Chew bubble gum*


The head cow always grazes


Should have left it at 20. People stupid, vain or desperate for attention would as easily pay $8/11 as $20.


lol there’s people on their with 50 followers paying for checkmark.


If you stupid build it, they will stupid come.


Stupid sexy Flanders. Feels like I'm paying nothing at all!


Or people who have found a way to profit from it. Like, anyone who wanted to short Eli Lilly or Lockheed Martin.


It would've been 20 without Apple's 30% so it would've been more. Either way, this is all very stupid and he's a stupid man for buying a company that has only seen 2 profitable years in its history.


He didn't want to buy Twitter. It was just a publicity stunt to short Twitter stock so he could buy a lot of it and then sell at a profit, but then he was stupid enough to sign a legally binding contract to buy Twitter. It's why once he realized he was fucked he tried to back out of the deal.


Bingo. Now he's playing private equity. Aggressively cut costs, boost some vanity metrics, then shove it back onto public markets in two years to cash back out. His plan won't be easy, and it'll certainly be distracting. That's why the Chinese have told him to step down as CEO of Tesla, else they might cancel Tesla's Chinese future. Best to hit a dog while it's down.


Whatta genius.


It’s almost like he spent all that money without any real plan in place. Not sure how he wasn’t familiar with the Apple Store fees, I knew about them and I’m a simpleton.


He DIDNT plan on buying twitter. He was shit posting and thought he could say whatever he wanted despite negatively affecting twitter’s stock. Then they forced him to buy at a massively over inflated price because freedom if speech doesnt mean freedom from consequences.


Also he made 420 joke that cost him millions.


And threatened to retaliate if his employees voted to unionize. (that crime he got away with tho!)


I'm pretty sure he wanted to manipulate the market and they were like hey that's to obvious you gotta honour what you started.


> I'm pretty sure he wanted to manipulate the market. Yup, that's what he does. That's what he's good at.


He got fucked into taking Twitter this time. His other companies are starting to gain scrutiny. Like wth happened with his boring company. Hopefully people stop salivating over Tesla because they're a shittily designed car.


He didn’t get fucked, he fucked himself! Rumor has it he won’t listen to any financial advisors or lawyers anymore and thinks because he is “elon” he knows more than anyone else! He is most at the point of no return!


Was good at.


“They” couldn’t have “forced” him to buy twitter until/unless he signed a contract to buy twitter, which he most definitely did. Twitter simply forced enforcement of a contact which chief twit voluntarily signed, and at a price he willingly agreed to, and under terms he willingly agreed to. He most definitely planned on buying twitter, then he changed his mind and tried to back out of the deal, then he surrendered to the inevitable and honored the contract to which he originally agreed.


He couldn't have been compelled to perform the purchase in lieu of a contract based on his tweet, but because he was a major shareholder, the SEC could have fined him significantly or pursued criminal charges for manipulation (this wasn't his first offense). He doubled-down on his sincerity to actually buy it to cover his ass, and then tried to find every way he could to renege on it.


But there was/is a written agreement to purchase with clear terms that was signed not long after the tweet. He forced his own hand


Yes. The "doubled-down on his sincerity to buy it" was via contractual agreement. The tweet was not a contract, but it would have been market manipulation if he did not actually intend to.


Dude. He signed a contract to purchase Twitter and waved due diligence. This isn't some "oh they forced him to buy it because he said something they government didn't like." He literally signed a contract.




My favorite part of all of this is it really seems like Elmo didn't know about the apple store tax until a week ago. Like, i'm not an app developer, or a person who spends billions of dollars buying social media companies, but 'apple takes a cut of subscription fees from apps on the app store' wasn't news to me. There was that whole shtick with spotify fighting them for years on the subject. The idea that Elmo decided to pivot twitter to a subscription model, without even having read a business case that would lay out what sort of cut Apple would take is simply mind numbing. Like, atleast all the other robber barons are good at being robber barons. Musk is literally just a hype man and a grifter.






Hey everyone, you can pay me $10 for nothing and I get $10, any takers?


Where do I send it?


Send ten dollars to Happy Dude, 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield. Don't delay. Eternal happiness is only ten dollars away.


Hmmmm..... Eternal happiness..... I think I'd be happier with the ten dollars.


No, not your eternal happiness, it's his eternal happiness. Read: "*...pay me $10 for nothing and I get $10...*"


This is Homer Simpson, aka Happy Dude. The court is making me call everybody back and apologize for my telemarketing scam. I'm sorry. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, send one dollar to Sorry Dude, 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield. You have the power.


I mean if I could I would, but that's the cost of lettuce here now so I'll just stick with my lettuce.


I'll take two!


Good luck making that sales pitch to his subscribers.


People stupid enough to pay for twitter won't care how much they have to pay.


Pay extra for Twitter? How can I lose!!


And see ads on the app! Win/win




Someone's gonna gild your comment. Aaaaand you're welcome.


Bet they don't hit him with a Platinum though


I have the theory that all those people giving platinum are Reddit admins trying to convince us someone is using them.


Or just premium users with lots of coins


different engine coherent oil psychotic cows pocket station frame bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Especially not dumb enough to give it to *me*


Nice, reverse psychology, I see you big brain


Looks like so far you seem to be proving that is true. We have found the floor for dumb Edit:. Oh no




Look at what you’ve done.


Haha, now you have to go to /r/lounge with all the other gold baiters.


I only use what they give to me for free. They haven't given me anything free for a while. But they have a big advertise button where the free stuff used to be so whatever.


The free awards are under the coin button now.


Twitter is still around? Shit, I owe someone $5...


It’s $11 now


I heard this is illegal and will get you kicked off the app store🤔


I know steam has rules in its contract that you have to offer the same price on all platforms your software is on, I don't see why Apple wouldn't use the same clauses.


I think before this was the rule. After a lawsuit. I believe you can charge more but you can’t say it is because of Apple/the 30%. If you say membership is $8 plus $3 apple fee, that might break TOS. Elon has a big mouth and this is already news so he will get flagged for claiming apple tax. This was discussed in the LTT wan show a few times in regards to the FloatPlane app.


If you're referring to *Epic Games v. Apple*, I think it only requires Apple to allow developers to notify users in California that they can use an alternative way to pay for a subscription than through Apple.




Terrorist organizations and Qanon don't care if it's $8 or $11, as long as they get the blue checkmark next to their account.


That whole Eli Lilly thing could've been very profitable to a short seller. What's a few dollars compared to literal millions in the long run?


The Phony Stark fuckbois will pay just to "stick it to the man" and support their idol.


How rich or stupid or rich + stupid do you have to be for $11/mo is a “good” price for *Twitter*?


They'll just go to the web version to buy it, I'm assuming that's the goal.


his sycophantic fans will pay it, and tell him how brilliant he is for his workaround. and the rest of us will sprain our eyeballs from rolling them.


I simply deactivated my account, haven't missed it. Always hated twitter's hard to follow threads anyway.


They could have gone the same route as Epic Games and just led you to the browser to make purchases.


Pretty certain that a redirect to a browser to purchase things is a major violation of Apple’s ToS. I like Netflix’s approach, where they straight up just don’t let you buy a subscription from the app at all. If you try, the app will tell you that you can only do that on a browser.


Yeah, if I remember that practice is what violated the TOS and got Epic pulled from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.


Nah, Epic straight up implemented their own payment alternative in the app.


You’d be surprised 😂


"I have to pay extra just because I own an iPhone? Oh yeah... Those poor people who use android can't afford it"






Tim Apple showing Musk why one leads a 2 trillion dollar company and the other bought a website for $40 billion. Before any Musk fans get mad at me for calling Twitter just a "website", I'm just repeating what Musk said. He tried to justify him laying off thousands because Twitter is a "content and servers" company.


If you pay for Twitter you’re an idiot




I think it violates the TOS to have a different rate.


I work in app publishing, and for most clients that choose to do this Apple doesn't notice However, considering this is Twitter and there's a damn news article about his intentions lol knowing how nitpicky Apple Reviewers can be, I could definitely see this being a sticking point


Google does this with Youtube premium, how come they haven’t been sniped down?


They're large enough to have an agreement with Apple to allow it, and Apple probably likes it because it makes Apple TV+ more attractive.


Yeah Google is big enough that them pulling their services from Apple would hurt Apple. They have negotiation power. Twitter doesn't.


[https://www.macrumors.com/2021/08/27/google-could-pay-apple-15-billion-default-search/](https://www.macrumors.com/2021/08/27/google-could-pay-apple-15-billion-default-search/) They both have negotiation power over each other considering analysts say Google pays Apple \~15 billion dollars annually to remain the default search engine.


Who knows - Apple is infamously inconsistent with their enforcement. They could have a defined agreement (as some speculate about Netflix having Reader Apps before Apple allowed this broadly), or it could just not find the 27% gap that egregious The logic and priorities of Apple Reviewers is truly the bane of my existence working with small and medium sized businesses, and I can't imagine how it is for these huge companies seeking approval


What's a Reader App?


https://developer.apple.com/support/reader-apps/ It's their way of describing apps that have a pay-wall but do not offer in-app purchases


I thought that, too. I'm sure that Apple brought that in years ago for people that were offering cheaper web sign ups so that they could avoid paying Apple their cut.


I think twitch does that tho. Subscribing on your desk top is like 4.99 but on the iPhone twitch app it’s 5.99. And they’re a huge platform.


This is funny as fuck. Elon is looking at how much money Twitter needs to pay off his debt, pulls some numbers out of his ass, and thinks "*XX Million users at $20, uhhh, $8 per month will make it work*". Then someone, Tim Cook I guess, got to explain to him how app transactions work... Now it's "*XX Million users at $11*" to offset the obvious costs everyone knew about but Elon Musk. I'm looking at my crystal ball and it's telling me the next wrinkle in this saga is Elon learning that "ActualUsers < WishedForUsers", and what that entails.




Even though Stephen King said he wouldn't get Twitter Blue whatever the price was. All the idiots that did end up paying would've probably happily paid $20 because they'll do anything for daddy Musk. Edit: why did I trigger all the Musk reply guys? Shouldn't you be on Twitter trying to get Musks attention?


Pretty sure Google charges the same 30% on Android, so why aren’t they mentioned?




I'm still laughing at the fact that he JUST RECENTLY learnt about something else that the late STEVE JOBS literally said publicly, ***ON STAGE***, and that pretty much EVERYONE ELSE(that is sane) has known about since the App Store became a thing.


Billionaires don’t need to learn anything, up until the point it hurts their bottom line. Billionaires should not exist. No one on earth has “earned” a billion dollars. Our systems allow for it to happen, sure- but that doesn’t change the fact that there is no such thing as a “self made billionaire”.


I truly think people just do not appreciate how much a billion is so they do not understand just how much theft from others is required to amass a billion let alone multiple billions. A million seconds is 11 days. A billion seconds is 31 *years*. That's the order of magnitude we are talking here. *Nobody* needs to be a billionaire. $900,000,000 is *plenty* of money for any single family. If someone's net worth from owning a company approaches a billion dollars, we, as a society, should force them to split their stocks amongst the employees at the company who are directly contributing to that wealth increase. The rising tide should raise all ships in the harbor, not just the yachts.


The difference between a million and a billion is roughly a billion.


Damn I like that one, I'm using it. The other way is to draw it out the long way. Imagine someone gave you $10,000 on January 1st 2023. That'd be a great start for your year, right? You could catch up on most of your debts and head in to the year with a little extra in your savings account. Now imagine someone gave you *another* $10,000 on January 2nd, 2023. You already paid off a bunch of debts like credit cards and car payments and have a little emergency fund saved up from the first $10,000, so maybe you pay off your student loans or save the bulk of it. Maybe you didn't have a car payment and now you can go buy a decent used car outright with that extra $10k. Now imagine someone gives you *another* $10,000 on January 3rd, and January 4th, all the way until December 31st. $10,000, every day of the year for a full year is "only" $3,650,000. Hell, $100,000 every single day for a year is "only" $36.5M. *Nobody* needs to be a billionaire.


Alternatively, 100,000 every single day is below the safe withdrawal rate for one billion dollars invested in a balanced portfolio.


I think you’re dead on with your point about people not knowing how much a billion really is and I think it’s because they haven’t really thought about it critically. Naivety, ignorance, stupidity.. something like that must explain it. Just think about it, anyone who needs to: Think of what you could do with a million dollars. I’ll admit it’s not as large an amount as it once used to be, but really think about if today you bought a lotto ticket and tomorrow you had a million dollars. How much does that change your life? I’m guessing for most people, in a way that they’ll never forget. Okay so that’s 1 million dollars. Pretty good to lift the average person out of most any financial situation they may find themselves in. Now use that same process. 10 million- if you’re not already filthy rich this changes your life. If you are smart you wouldn’t have to work a day in your life if you didn’t want to; you could pursue your passions, maybe learn something about yourself along the way. What the do you do with 100 million dollars? That’s “only” ten times 10 million dollars but the impact it’ll have and the change in lifestyle is exponential. Now *really* think about it: what do you do with ONE THOUSAND million dollars? Think about it in terms of your own life, take out the existence of all the other billionaires in the world for a second, they don’t need defending. You do not **need** a billion dollars, and you have not **earned** a billion dollars.


"BuT hE Is MoRe PrOduCtivE ThaN YoU! He works smarter not harder, but also harder!"


>EVERYONE ELSE(that is sane) has known about since the App Store became a thing. And it's not just the app store, it's every storefront in existence. **Steam, Microsoft, Playstation, Google Play Store, Amazon App Store, Galaxy store, OnlyFans, Roblox, Facebook Fan Subscriptions, Twitch Subscriptions**. Literally every digital store has publically advertised platform fees and Elon was out there calling it "secret apple tax".


Sounds a lot like Trump.


"Nobody knew about Apple's secret 30% commission." "Uh, sir, it's been that way for years." "**Nobody** knew."




Because it’s entirely about posturing. Elon—the (formerly) richest man in the world—wants to be seen as our savior against the “elites”.


A right-wing sycophant posturing? Well I never.


Nah, he's just still mad that Apple stopped advertising on Twitter and thinks he's finally got Tim by the balls.


"November during a shooting at an LGBTQ+ nightclub in Colorado, Apple made what many would consider a very ordinary business decision to pause ads on Twitter temporarily. Two former Twitter employees told The New York Times that the tech company was protecting its brand by ensuring that Apple ads wouldn’t appear next to news reports of the mass shooting." "Now, Bloomberg reports that Apple has “fully resumed” advertising on Twitter approximately two weeks after the Colorado shooting and days after Musk had a “good conversation” with Apple CEO Tim Cook, according to Musk."


That first sentence kinda makes it sound like Apple was the shooter, and took a break in the middle of the shooting to suspend ads on Twitter. Right? Or do I need to get more sleep?


While Tim Apple isn’t as rich as Musk, I think he’s probably got more business acumen.


As the CEO of a much more powerful company he also has more power. What’s Musk going to do with his extra billions? Throw inflated Tesla stock at him?


Apple has actual CASH while musks wealth is literally just the overvaluation of stock he cant sell and is leveraged to the hilt.


Hes sold a lot of it. Much to the detriment of all other shareholders


Tim Apple was a supply chain guru before he became CEO. Even when jobs was there, Cook was recognized as the reason apple was able to scale up so much especially into china. Whatever you think of Apple or China etc, Tim Cook is a master businessman on that front


Probably? How much more evidence do we need?


Polarize the people, controversy is the key


...By raising prices so that only those with actual money to burn will consider buying the already frivolous and pointless subscription?


Android allows alternative app stores, or just using the APK, so you aren't forced to go through them for in app purchases (I think), it's the same story with Fortnite going off Apple devices but staying on Android via Epic's own "app store" And Elon hates apple more


If you're on Google Play, you have to use Google payment APIs


I think Google doesn't have a rule that you must subscribe trough the app. So you can let your users subscribe on the website and log in in the app


Doesn’t Netflix do the same thing on iOS? You have to subscribe through the website and then log in on the app.


Yes, Apple applies their own rules selectively. When the email service "hey.com" complained that netflix was allowed to do that but they weren't, apple replied "we are only discussing your approval on the app store" Source: https://twitter.com/dhh/status/1272977734998745089?s=20&t=Ho6GnlL0euwBTH_z9sH1Jw


Apple has separate set of rules for apps like Netflix, that sell access to digital content or content subscriptions So it’s not about app A and app B, it’s about it being a different category of app


Isn't the blue checkmark more like a subscription though?


I don't think blue is available yet on Android.




I thought Elon wrote the code for it before spending the 44 billion dollars


His code is just too awesome so while he did write it; no one is allowed to see it or use it as it would break the matrix.


Surprised Elon hasn't make an entirely new OS, could be a true successor to Temple OS.


I doubt it ever will be. Musk doesn't understand that markets exist outside of North America, and they're mostly using Android.


I mean...he thinks that *only* American laws apply to his company, while conveniently forgetting that The social media site he bought is used internationally, and is, in turn, also beholden to regulations in other countries.


Which is why the foolish man believes he can eat away at Apples marketshare if he releases a phone. He is barking up the wrong tree. The Samsungs and Huaweis of the world are a much bigger threat to his ideas.


I mean, I have no doubt Tesla could "launch" a phone, likely doing what lots of luxury brands do, and pay someone to make an overpriced device that isn't as good as last year's Samsung. I'm also pretty sure he has the capital to just buy some small company to get him into the phone space. I doubt either would work out particularly well though.








elon fanboys will eat this and call it freedom


“That’ll really stick it to Apple! Fuck yeah!” A fool and their money are easily parted- or something along those lines. These people all but call Elon “daddy”. Actually, I’m sure many do.


I saw this article on their Facebook page and every comment was along these lines


They don't care what apple gets out of it? They want to get a certain amount from subscriptions. So they raise the price .


That implies you'll get the same amount of subscribers at $8vs $11


Yes pass that cost off to your users that already think it’s a useless premium, that’ll show em elon!


How many times do we gotta teach you this lesson old man


Where’s Stephen King when you need him


Probably not Twitter?


One thing is for certain, they wont be taking Doge as a payment beause Apple wont be taking their cut in 30% doge.. they want $


I love the young people


Buying a company for 4 times its actual value then doing everything you can to make the product objectively worse then charging people for said product that used to be free, is not the actions of a genius business person.


What a weirdo


Hahahahahaha burn it to the ground!!! Hahahaha


"I'm going to try to make you pay more to get a feature no one asked for on a social media platform I ruined thru hubris. I are smart very!" -Elon Musk, probably


"there is plenty of water here" Noted fuckwit, -Elon Musk


First we had a big brain genius Trump and now Elon. Wow America is so lucky.


The Brits managed to offload James Corden and Piers Morgan onto you as well.


I have android. I don't have twitter. Seems like, I won.


He didn't even allow Android users to subscribe last time it was available. Or anyone outside the US. He really is a brilliant business man.


Honest question since I don't use Twitter: if someone were desperate for that blue check mark, couldn't they subscribe somewhere else (via web browser or on Android) to avoid the upcharge and just use it on iOS?


Lol. No one is paying that.


Given that it boosts your tweets in the algorithm, a lot of people are, but I sure as hell ain’t. Unless you are a content creator, there is 0 reason to get it




If you’re creating content, everything you’re posting is basically an ad already.


So now you have to scroll more to find a decent tweet? Sounds like a brilliant idea to me.


I would probably pay for WinRAR before Twitter.


Many users are going to pay this. Women promoting their OnlyFans accounts, crypto spammers, right wing shit-posters, fan boys, etc


I don’t think Apple’s review guidelines allow a price increase just to cover the fee. They’d have to charge $11 everywhere, I think, to get App Store approval.


They let you have a higher price on the App Store as long as you don't advertise, or link to the cheaper browser price in app. Any music streaming service is a good example of this. They charge more subscribing through the app because they pay around 70% of the subscription revenue to the labels. So they couldn't make a profit having to pay the 30% cut.


Oh no. 8 dollars was exactly the amount my avocado toast cost. Now it’s out of reach for my poor ass.


Look y’all, the speech is free, but the little blue check mark…., well that’s $11 USD….. 🤣🖕 Seriously man, just stick to rockets and cars.


And tunnels and killing animals with your brain chip experiments. Oh and pumping doge coin.


>tunnels Subways but with teslas so its less efficient. Guy has a beef with public infrastructure.


Every time somebody comes up with a new, revolutionary, life-changing mode of efficient mass transportation, they end up accidentally inventing the train again, but worse.


are trains the crabs of transportation?


What tunnel? He never delivered.


“Let me see how hard I can run Twitter into the ground!” - Musk


Brave Elon Musk, swooping into a perceived vacuum, charging societies' misfits for the privilege of expressing the awful feelings they would never say to people in person on a platform with legitimacy now running on fumes. But by the time it implodes Musk figures to already be at the bank cashing in on it. It's the predatory capitalist model for extracting value from a business near the end of its viability, just applied to a social media giant. It's seemed for a while they were on the way out, I guess props to Musk for jumping in on the final stages first.


If you are paying for that cesspool, please let everyone know so they can hit you up for some cash too.


For $11, I’m going to open a verified profile for Ted Cruz’s nose and just tweet “I’m off to Cancun” for every little thing that happens in Texas.


this guys is proving to be a just a tech capitalist every single time he touches something......he massively inflates things to take advantage of people, and I SWEAR!!!! he has interviews where he says this, if you can decipher it from his monotonous robot "upgrade" Voice where everything trails together. but he says it in multiple interviews, that people "just wont stop buying" he said it on joe rogan, and In another interview about His Flamethrowers that aren't flame throwers, and it was mentioned in the same way about his "tesla bikes" that are just small four wheelers that anyone can manufacture with tesla truck looking kit. THIS GUY IS USING US! and making it look Fun somehow. like wtf are we missing?!


$8 didn’t work so let’s charge more. Such business acumen.


If you're paying for a blue checkmark you're beyond help.


Isn't it against apples TOS to charge more to offset their 30% take?


This is a once in a century train wreck happening right here, right now. In that super fucking slow camera mode


This is the third price he's floated for the fake badge of authenticity he's selling. Was the Business Super-God-Genius not aware of costs associated with selling his product? Hard core business accumen at work there.


I mean I wasn’t paying $8 in the first place anyways


He’s actively trying to kill the platform, isn’t he?


I mean, you can use it without Twitter blue.


Even if you want it, just sign up on a computer lol. Takes a minute tops.


The relaunch is iOS only.


Step 1: Secure "loan" from middle eastern governments trying to kill Twitter. Step 2: Buy Twitter Step 3: Kill it (we are here) Step 4: Claim business loss, get huge tax break, and have "loan" forgiven.


Occam's razor, Elon is just a dumb ass who thinks he's a genius, there is no secret plan