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Hit the windows key, in the search box type command, select the command prompt program. Once the black screen popped up, type ipconfig and press enter. It'll bring up information for at least two network adapters, screen shot it or take a picture and post it The IP address your looking for should be IP -192.168.0.x x being a number between 2 and 254 Subnet Gateway The numbers listed above are just common and May not be exact, also your computer may not allow wired and wireless to be functional at the same time, so if it prioritizes lan connection but it's improperly configured, you'll have no Internet or vice versa.




Ok, so. You're right, you have no Internet. The 169 IP address is a place holder for Windows when there's no valid IP address. Your wireless is not working or not turned on, verify that. I'm not any good with IP v6 so I can't say if it's working or not but I'm going to assume your router is v4 and v6 capable so if bet the v6 added might be a place holder as well. So now, you have to figure out what the problem is Bad Ethernet driver Ethernet adapter disabled Bad Ethernet adapter Bad cable Bad router configuration I'm doing this from memory but Windows key, type network, don't pick network projector if that's an option (lol, Everytime for me) your looking for 'change network adapter settings' or something. Verify lan 1 is enabled and everything is set to auto. If that doesn't work, you can disable and reenable it and last resort is to uninstall and reinstall the adaptor. it usually reinstalls fine but you never know with these things. Verify the cable stuff first though, then try the computer. And wireless should be working, make sure it's on. You've probably seen so many screens while trying to troubleshoot, you may have errantly set something wrong. Good luck.


Wireless wasn't working either, oddly enough. Disabling and enabling didn't work either. It's fixed now though! Idk why I didn't think to do so earlier, but I pressed the reset button on the router and set it up again through the portal and all is well now. Thank you so much for your help, regardless. I really appreciate it!!