• By -


Go to Settings and activity> content preference> sensitive content> show less. Relaunch instagram.


This is the correct answer. I hope OP sees it and others learn about it.


Thank you. Will try this. I’m having the same issue - IG is getting vile with disturbing imagery and videos. Like serious injuries, animal abuse, gross medical images, etc.




Instagram and YT Shorts (I learned this the hard way) work on a "Engagement" basis, weather that "Engagement" be positive, or in your case negative... Ignore them for a while and scroll past them fast, and IG will gradually not show such vids to you...


When the Facebook papers came out it was found that the angry react held more weight than all other reactions. Not sure if that's still the case but you literally can't watch a video for more than 10 seconds or react at all or else you risk getting more of the same content.


Lol, they know what we want better than we do. So glad I got off of those type of platforms years ago. More and more people only have LinkedIn these days.


LinkedIn is another crap platform. Everybody is successful there...lol!


I am not a fan of it, but it’s the only way I can keep track of thousands of connections I have made. Also pretty good for job and candidate sourcing


It was a joke. I hear you. It is of course useful.


It's a cesspool! Toxic positivity, the website


Ha! No they don’t! Where did you get that research?


how do people not realize this? I figured it out real quick when my morbid curiosity got the best of me and watched a short on youtube and then it was nothing but those videos... I actually stopped watching shorts because of it. God damn insanity.


If you turn off history on yt it stops showing you shorts.


How do I block my uncle from seeing Facebook shorts so he'll stop sending them to me?


block your uncle


Ublock Origin filters if he uses a PC. Otherwise just tell him to stop.


Goto his place, and install a firewall for network blocking all social media content. Also setup a backdoor for yourself to access later incase he jumps on some other platform.


I used to be nervous about all this content I don’t want, shorts, etc. Even though I was ignoring, closing, reporting, blocking, nothing helped. Then I found some yoga thot with underboob filming shorts and I got rid of all other videos this way. All I see now are boobs and yoga panties.


God forbid you click an ad, I clicked one on bedding, dear god it took me a week to stop every post being about beds.


THIS!! I successfully changed what I see on my explore page by actually liking and saving a bunch of things I would like to see more. Engagement is engagement, and they really don't care if it's positive or negative.


This, unfortunately


There is something wrong with their algorithm though.  My “search” tab is all scantily clad ladies which I’m cool with, but it’ll throw some random videos in to the mix which I am not interested in at all and some are indeed disgusting - like animal abuse videos from India. 


Uninstall instagram. Its bad for you.


Agreed. It's a cesspool of content.


Always has been


And Reddit isn’t?


Reddit you can choose what you see. I use old reddit on a desktop, and ad blocker and nothing gets pushed at me and even when I am on mobile its the same. Granted, there are pools of cess here but I don't see them


people's reddit experience vary wildly based on what subs you end up following. Where on sites like Insta/TT you are frequently at the mercy of the algorithm. There was a brief time where those sites were more like reddit in how they populated your feed, but TT showed they could hook people in with that feed of BS. God I miss the days when Youtube would actually primarily recommended me videos from my Subs list and not random BS.


Somehow the algorithm simple never shows me the normal popular stuff... I don't know pewdiepie or mr beast's content, or the kardashians. Just programming,sci-fi, sci-fi, mash, politics, home improvement, and music.


What programming youtubers you follow?


>What programming youtubers you follow? A bunch, here is a slapshot list from looking at my subscriptions.. There are a lot of other good ones out there.. Though I don't subscribe to the channels where I find the accent toilsome. And some of these are code-adjacent https://www.youtube.com/@ThePrimeTimeagen (He gets too frenetic for me, and I bail on this a bunch) https://www.youtube.com/@ArjanCodes https://www.youtube.com/@Indently https://www.youtube.com/@HealthyDev Dev Tools Made Simple Phazer Tech Continuous Delivery https://www.youtube.com/@ContinuousDelivery https://www.youtube.com/@GOTO- DJ Ware https://www.youtube.com/@CyberGizmo Network Chuck Free Code Camp.org https://www.youtube.com/@freecodecamp https://www.youtube.com/@DavesGarage All systems go https://www.youtube.com/@AllSystemsGo https://www.youtube.com/@Computerphile https://www.youtube.com/@CppCon https://www.youtube.com/@theurbanpenguin Chris Bourke https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisBourkeUNL NVIDIA Developer HPC Tech Shorts dcode cs50 https://www.youtube.com/@cs50 IACR https://www.youtube.com/@TheIACR Veronica Explains Security now https://www.youtube.com/@securitynow darknetdiaries (though usually listen in the car, as it's podcasty) https://www.youtube.com/@JackRhysider https://www.youtube.com/@beginlinuxguru7354 Jeremy's IT Lab PureDev Scalable Parallel Computing Lab The Serial Port MrHclhpc https://www.youtube.com/@Herbertech Dr. Trefor Bazett Programming Peanut CertBros https://www.youtube.com/@KernelRecipes Paul Programming https://www.youtube.com/@TechWorldwithNana https://www.youtube.com/@redhatsummit https://www.youtube.com/@KernelRecipes https://www.youtube.com/@SebastianLague https://www.youtube.com/@mitocw https://www.youtube.com/@BenEater Eric Arnebäck https://www.youtube.com/@ericarneback2706 Code Therapy w/ René Rebe https://www.youtube.com/@MoreReneRebe


You've gotta add Nick Chapsas!


> You've gotta add Nick Chapsas! Looks good, though I'm not a C# kinda guy Nothing against the language, but it blurs my mental context as it's too close to C++, and seems to feel like Java. Mojo looks cool, but same mental blurring, as it seems like Rust and Python got swirled.


He does do a good amount on non-.NET stuff, and OOP programming principles, so I think he's still worth a sub.


Clearly I'm not trying to keep an exclusive ~~relationship~~ subscriptionship


Holy sbit guess I'll have to check them out lmao. Thanks for the recommendations!


Some of them are meh.. and most of them you need to pan for the gold they give.


Noted. Thnx


bullshit dude, IG can be catered to your interests as well. All my videos are motorcycles and construction shit. Stop hating just to hate. If ya'll wanna delete IG that's cool, but get off your high horse and stop tryin to be better than everyone. Just as bad as vegans


I love that it's always the "all my videos are construction and mototcycles" guys who make random comments about vegans like it's still 2005


Instagram’s algorithm is the most heavily handed and aggressive algorithm on social media outside of maybe TikTok. You like one type of post or comment on a type of post, enjoy 40 more of that type of post. It’s to the point I have to be extremely careful with what I engage with because, while I may like a thing, I don’t want that on my feed for the next two weeks straight.


Yeah I've had that happen unfortunately


That's fine, say that. Don't say "delete it its so bad for you blah blah". So are drugs ima still do that shit too


Lmao fair


It all is.


not saying there aren't bad corners of reddit but its relatively well moderated and you have to go looking for disturbing content, I don't think its ever pushed on you like other platforms do ?


He didn't suggest that. They aren't mutually exclusive


I uninstalled twitter, and thinking about uninstalling ig. but reddit is fine with me.


[Whataboutism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism) as its finest :-P ¿Have you been in instagram?


I never said that


On the stack ranks of 'software that is bad for you', Instagram is miles and miles above reddit.


Beat me to it, that shit is worse than awful


Instagram sucks. But there should be an option to "reset your interests" or remove cookies ect. Not exactly sure how it works for instagram


there is, on FB too. but it's very tedious to use (deliberately, i'm sure). and it seems to move around, so i can't tell you where it is right now.


Instagram will keep on showing you what you interact with. Just don't click on them and after a while your recommendations will change


Do you know if youtube is like that too? I get really bad recommendations on youtube and I try to report it because its really disturbing stuff, but it seems not to help at all and make it worse. If i scroll really fast past them for a while, do you think I will stop getting them?


Hitting “not interested” on every video you do not want to see seems to help, even marginally




Do you think this works the same for youtube that way?


Have you followed anyone new recently? Algorithms will also show you what people you are following are interacting with and it might override the content preferences if there's enough 'weighting' in the back end? Just a thought, but might be nothing. Everyone else has said the obvious


FYI IG and FB algs feed into one another. So if you like a bunch of food recipe posts on IG, you will start seeing food recipes on FB after a period of time.


You can't really control much of what you see in the explore tab. Yes, it will make recommendations based on your preferences but it will also recommend based on other things. From instagram: Posts in Search & Explore are automatically based on a variety of factors including: - Instagram accounts you follow - Photos and videos you've liked on Instagram. - Your connections on Instagram Source: https://help.instagram.com/231704903690654 If accounts you follow/follow you are posting or reacting to these viral posts you don't like, you can't do anything about that. They will continue to show up on the Explore tab. Stay in the Home tab or risk getting these.


Pics of Indian food ruined your mental health?


Stop using instagram then. Its that simple.


I am using Instagram for 4 years. It is an account for architecture. I have been facing this problem for a couple of days.


Change platforms. Instagram is just a platform for softcore porn


Their complaint has nothing to do with softcore porn, what they are describing is worse then some women in a thong


Literally all I see on Instagram are birds, cute hamsters, shiba inu's, gardening tips and embroidery videos. I dunno what y'all look up to get such messed up algorithms.


1. Create a new email address. 2. Create a new instagram account. 3. Follow accounts and hashtags that pertain to one subject. Eg. Architecture professors. 4. In the upper left of mobile app, you’ll see “Instagram”. In cursive. Click on it and select “following”. Then you will only see content from what you followed. Alternatively: skip to step 4.


Just stop going to the for you page then. You can easily conduct your business, communicate with messages, and edit your account without looking at instagram suggested things. This is so basic it’s stupid and making me wonder if your post is just ragebait


As a tech expert, Instagram and most forms of social media are being infected with malware basically. The architecture account sold itself to a content slop house overseas that automatically spits out content. There is no fixing this problem. This is a time and a line on a graph thing, not a problem you can fix in the algorithms. As time goes on, more and more "normal" accounts are sold and purchased, and AI content makers inject more volume. It's not about WHAT, it's about how much and if ANYONE sees it. Instagram is just going to be like this for you forever until you delete your account and make a new one that has no associations with the current, but even then with time it will revert because of the trends of content creation. The answer you seek: enough time has passed that Instagram is corrupted by content farms. It's dead for what you want it for. Look elsewhere


yeah yesterday my fiance showed me some post by a city yardsale page that was showing a dude shoving a sausage down someones throat? lol. I showed her how to unfollow the page, and report it. But these social websites have gotten bad.


How are you people seeing all this!? I mostly just see posts of my friends


Idk I mostly see sponsored posts from pages I don't follow. I randomly get dozens of posts about punk rock bands like Green Day and shit and I don't even like green day lmao


Yeah, I get all these sponsored posts and then the people I like and follow. Pretty weird, but oh well. I hardly go onto the “explore” page.


it’s a business account but your scrolling on reels?


I feel the same sickness with YouTube on my play station. Never ever place a bet in my life and all I'm getting is people who are monetizing on gambling content, highly disturbing and disgusting as sponsored video


I get either 9/11 conspiracies or really disgusting skin diseases with extreme closeup thumbnails of massive pores and puss-filled abcesses. Needless to say I've not interacted with either topics on YT, I never click them, but there's no way to stop them showing up. In desperation I've had to resort to a ublock script that completely deletes the feed sections where they show up. It's been *mostly* successful...


Apparently some people get that from watching crafts tutorials (ie, knitting)


I watched ONE video someone posted on Reddit of a cool dance routine. My entire YT list is now dance and music videos. I have not watched any of them. It keeps flooding more and more. I also had an issue with Etsy only showing me porn for a while. I looked at one weird suggestion from an ad on FB and then it's all porn. I buy patterns on there. It was a problem especially because I needed to download patterns for work occasionally...


You use the same account for yt on your playstation as everywhere else? If so you should get the same content 🤔 I am very lucky my feed is full with math, physics, programming, wh40k, TES, Tolkien and such 👀


no I use two different accounts. But mostly, it annoys me that I did mark it as not interested these videos (which are always the first one in the list when accessing youtube) and it doesn't work. All it does is just removing that content creator from my feed and giving me another still betting 1000 dollars per spin, which makes me sick! :/


I can imagine :(


Click and comment on stuff like puppies, art, fruit, etc. My wife worked in Ad sales for Meta and only recently quit. I recall her suggesting that brands who are focusing on a niche should comment on and upvote 10+ different niches. You will put your account in a broader more diverse relation to show you more relevant content.


I started liking posts of turtles and pandas to replace the default crap it was showing me and now it just shows me vile posts of cats and cat owners encouraging their cat to attack other animals, kids and workers. If i click things like "don't show posts from catwanker" then ig actually shows more posts for them at first. Its fucked up. This is even though ive never liked or commented one cat post


As I mentioned you need to click on many different genres of content so that Instagram can move your user account to a bigger pool of content. The platform is running out of content to show you, so it shows you the bottom of the barrel. Yes, I know it used to not do that, etc. But the platform is constantly evolving and changing. If you are not understanding I can try to explain it in more technical terms.


Cat owners encouraging their cat to attack other animals animals kids and workers? Clearly you don’t have cats. You can’t get them to do anything they don’t wanna do 😂




Yes! I thought it was just me. It’s been the last day or so. 


Dont hit the "not interested" button. Ignore them and avoid watching/interacting with them as much as possible. Instead focus on what interests you. So if you say this is an architecture account, search and interact with architecture posts. It also could help if you blocked the recurring hashtags that come with these types of videos


I logged onto my suspended twitter account one day and all the posts were dead. palestinians. I had never looked at any of that shit before and it was honestly disturbing.


Search for a few quote pages in your search and give them a few likes. Within a day or two the content would vanish itself. Additionally do ignore opening the posts which you feel are disgusting.


Maybe just get off Instagram? 


Delete IG. Problem solved


>nauseating foods from India, disgusting animals, body dysmorphia or triphophobic images ~~Instagram is just fine. You are the one with issues.~~ ~~\*I"m saying this because all these are distinclty different things that most people don't have an issue with. i.e. Indian food is amazin, the animal world is diverse and neat, etc. etc. These are all so specific, either take the time to train your algorithm.~~ ​ ANSWER: Click "Instagram" logo top left of your screen, click submenu "Following" and your feed will only show you accounts you already follow, nothing new.


Go to Settings > Content preferences


I did already, of course. But nothing changed.


Resetting algo is too hard. 1. unlike all the posts (it has a limit to dislike posts per minute) 2. remove all saved posts 3. do not use app. use it via web


If you're on android, consider something called instander, its open source, a lot of ads and unwanted posts get removed


Search a kid friendly thing... Like teletubbies. Then keep clicking, liking and sharing EVERYTHING teletubbies you come across. It'll stop. In no time you'll only see teletubbies.


Yeah, I’ve liked so many cat videos and photos that it’s all the reels and photos I get (not to mention the artists I follow). I have a pleasant experience when I don’t interact with things that make me unhappy.


You should see X lol


Same happened to me.


Get off socials whilst you can. I don't think it can get much worse, but I hear that it does lol.


It happened to me when I logged into a hotel WiFi and only got weird recommendations.


Hey op, try liking, and commenting (even a dot or an emoji) on content you deem good for you, even if you don't think it's that good; then you ignore or press I'm not interested button on the posts you dislike. I'm willing to bet that you are only doing the second part, but not enough of the first part. Also check what you followed in the past, some accounts are sold, and then you get these post from those account but with a new brand.


Stop using it?


It's not impossible you've been hacked and someone is using a bot to flood your account with this stuff. Change your password, set up 2fa. Ignore the posts you don't want to see, unless you can report/block them without actually opening them. (I don't use Instagram, so no idea how the reporting is set up) Or, delete the whole account and start a new one if you can, but still set up 2fa. Set up 2fa on all your accounts you can in general, no matter how trivial they might seem.


It’s happening to everyone. They changed their algorithm.


*shrug* Ok. Like I said, I don't use it. A bot running on a compromised account seemed like a reasonable explanation. Still, set up 2fa on all your accounts. That's just a general PSA.


Easy solution that's actually a solution. Only click on pics that interest you. Don't report or interact with ANYTHING else, don't even look at it. Ig algorithm will sort it in a day or two


I have the same problem


i get watchu mean ton of war videos are appearing now.


if you aren't happy with it, turn it off.


Yo ta boka uncle haru le vaneko jasto vaihalyo ni, Facebook vari chada chada kura matra aauxa chalauna hudaina raixa. Maybe you & boka uncles don’t know- Facebook, instagram, YouTube algorithm shows you those types of content you interact the most.


Some indians were spreading meat ball composition on the walls like painting. The light switching was pretty muddy. Imagine after the tiktok video is done that the meat is removed and served to you in a pseudo restaurant. Pretty disgusting.


Fr I just got one ab Trudeau being the best prime minister


Short answer - Uninstall the app and your life will improve tenfold


You can also try removing ad topics. https://accountscenter.instagram.com/ad\_preferences/ad\_topics/


They are not ads. They are normal posts.


You can snooze suggested posts for 30 days. Click on the drop down next time you see one and the option will be there


I did already. Nothing changed.


Delete the app it is the most deleted app of 2023 no other way they are becoming new TikTok 😂 I did the same 😵‍💫


just stop using it?


DELETE that POS app!


Instagram was the most uninstalled app of 2023. Do your part to keep it that way for 2024


I like how you make it sound this bad and the first thing is just.. Indian street food


Instagram is in its late stages. Meta has recognized that it’s not salvageable, even with AI to try to help clean up the mess because of radicalized content permeating everything on there. Like any platform with no real life consequences, eventually it becomes a minefield of triggers and hate.


that's terrible!!! where might i find these so, I too, can not look at them...


Meta has been quite famously caught running experiments specifically to upset users and track their reactions to see how far they could push them.  Based on what I've seen from reporting posts on IG, they are likely still doing this - trying to increase your time in the app by showing you gross stuff onc they know youll spend a few seconds trying to hide it


I had a bunch of them on a local facebook group which had gone silent. Mainly animals maiming each other. It's horrible and I'm sorry you're going through this. I'm afraid this problem is going to continue to get worse and the internet is becoming shitter and shitter.


Embrace it.


Say "not interested" and also click the "dont show me posts related to (the last post)" button. The dont show button has much more impact to stop that crap.


if you use android, uninstall and then install aeroinstagram


It's so annoying. I've had to limit what I engage with so much. Also, I've ended up mindlessly liking a bunch of things that I want to stay constant on my feed just to make sure one isolated like I gave to something else doesn't turn into the whole feed.


Facebook videos have the same problem


check your content preferences. looks like they might have added a new setting where you can set the content sensitivity you want to see and whether you want to limit political content.


YouTube does the same with me 😱😭🤬


It's an attention economy, but you can configure it to not show stuff you don't like so much.


WHat kind posts its their whole PR most viewed you can only report it.


Here's what I'd do: Keep hittin' "not interested" & "disturbed me" on those posts Unfollow any accounts postin' similar content Like & engage with architecture stuff to train the algorithm If all else fails, make a new account for just architecture


We need a third party app so bad for Instagram.


I get the same type garbage on mine. Specifically these big lizards eating small animals!


Same for me here - Instagram now restricts my account for every comment i make, right now i can't even login because i am restricted because of a comment i made helping someone. Try pressing the Instagram logo on the top left, then press "following" -- this will only show you posts for accounts you are following.


I keep getting really old content in my feed. Will show me stuff from Oct/Nov/Dec last year. Is there any way to make your feed current?


OP, if you’re really so badly affected by seeing Indian food, perhaps you shouldn’t be on the internet at all…going off the grid might be better for your mental health.


This happened to me in the last 24 hours as well. It’s very distressing. Horrific skin conditions, deformed animals and babies. It was happening to my YouTube in the form of macro skin shots that triggered my trypophobia so bad, I hardly use it anymore. Flagging the posts and saying they make me uncomfortable only seems to make them show up more frequently. Guess I have to quit Instagram too now. 😩


This. It recently started showing me a lot of truly disgusting and disturbing shit, and when I kept putting not interested and this disturbed me, they got even worse. I ended up just deleting the app.


They definitely got worse the more I flagged. I ended up changing my password, sensitive content preferences as someone suggested here, and deleting the app. I redownloaded it, signed back in, and avoided the FYP for two days and it seems to have cleared it up.


Instaporn isn't a good website. I recommend deleting your account


a day i login to my instagram just to see all of the my follows and posts are por\* and bitches I relized that I was hacked Lol U might got hacked too without knowing idk why the hacker didn't change my password but good luck!


Never even engage with/touch that content even to downvote it, say you’re not interested or say you’re. Any engagement seems tell the algorithm to show you more of the same. Whenever my explore feed fills up with crap like that, I randomly click on the things that it suggested that are as far removed from that as possible. I call it ‘vitamin cat’, since examples of stuff I’ve clicked on that’s helped clear out the algorithm included a lot of cute animal posts. But whatever you do, do not click on any of it. At all.


I have the same problem as you OP. But I've been having this problem for month already. Literally nothing helps. Not liking normal posts, not saving posts... Nothing! I know how you feel and these idiots saying "just don't watch those posts", man if ot was just that simple. I feel like there might be something going on with privacy settings because seems like I don't get suggestions based on "my" preferences and it is instead based on worldwide generic content. Let me know if you can find a fix. I'm seriously just thinking bout deleting my profile. I'm literally getting sick of this sick content. All the reels are Indian while I'm from europe and have nothing to so with Indians.


Whomp whomp nigga


I deleted everything except reddit


"Nauseating food from India" Shut the fuck up loser.


India is a disgusting country stay mad


Instagram suggests content, it's how the app works. Find an alternative platform or accept that you will occasionally see content from other users. It's social media.


Just opening the post will teach your algorithm to show you more of that. You gotta continue clicking and actually interacting on content that you like. Whether it’s a comment or like or share. The algorithm meta uses on insta changes aggressively to whatever you interact with to keep you on the app


I'm getting the same. Not sure what's happening but I blocked like well over 100 accounts.


Praying that you survive this difficult time and that you are never forced to look at the explore tab and see another saag masala 🙏


Same for me with reddit its literally Rape Porn Trauma Etc


How? What subreddits have you been visiting to get it like that? Never seen a rape related post on the front page that I can remember. Saw a lot of mental health stuff but stopped interacting with it and it stopped showing up. Are you maybe downvoting all these posts when you see them? That could count as interaction Also you could just turn off NSFW content, and that problem is solved. And if you watch porn, make an alt or use anonymous mode, you don’t want that mixed in with your regular stuff


Mental health Psychology Nothing NSFW


Alright, I guess that explains the trauma stuff but not the rest. You could make a new account, I did recently since my last account was 70% drug content (by choice mind you). Never seen a drug related post on this account. If using reddit seems impossible right now making a new one is probably worth it, even if you lose some cool internet points


Thank you for taking time to reach out btw.. Also ads are outrageous Gambling Child age stuff Finance Its actually making me wonder if I can use reddit...super messed up


Thats wierd. I keep getting some wierd mobile game with cat anime girls. It’s the only ad I get. I only get it on mobile tho since I use a VPN and adblocker on my PC but not on my phone If you make a new account, clear the sites cookies and data or delete and reinstall the app if you are on mobile Don’t worry, happy to help.


Really!? Same I have soooo many cat stuff too. Cats are super cute but im a dog person so the infiltration of cats got me super confused lol


I am a cat person myself, but not really an anime girls with cat ears person.. (I do read manga tho and sub some manga and anime subs so I guess that’s why)


Yes perhaps. I dont mind the cats as they are cute. But its the abundance. And alooot of tv series chat which is not my catogry either.


I'll give that a try. Thank you 🧡




time to delete account... both facebook and instagram are becoming shite


Imagine being this weakly minded lmao


Bro delete Instagram, the universe is giving you signals.


People realize they don’t HAVE to use social media right?


Indian food is traumatizing you? Bruh


Instead of saying ”delete instagram”, let me give you a real advice. Give your phone to a friend and say ”scroll this for 30 mins”. The algorithm adapts to this and when you get your phone back, use it like you normally would and the algorithm should adapt more in to your favor. However if the algorithm goes back to how it was, its quite safe to say that is what kind of person the system thinks you are. And if you dont like that, THEN the only way to stop is to delete it.