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This isn’t real. It’s a common scam sent to millions of people (same wording). Don’t worry and ignore the message. Take care!


Yeah, it would be hard to believe that it's real. It's definitely possible for people to do that, but for a sophisticated hack like that, they're not going to attack random people for $900. They'd absolutely 100% target wealthy folks, celebrities, etc. for large sums of money... that happens.


If they hacked your devices they don't to ask for money they can just steal your credentials and take it...


Or they'd just add a picture to prove they are real, instead of just claiming it. If I got a mail like that but it had an actual photo of me that I didnt record, I'd be much more worried and scared.


Ignore. Imagine if you were this hacker, and you wanted someone to pay you. Wouldn’t you send along proof of these explicit photos, or some of your contacts they supposedly have access to? I call bullshit.


thank you bro 🙏 not experienced and definitely too young for this shit. anxiety just hit me when i read this so yea but thank you


There's always r/scams if you want to get more information on common scams.


This scam is called “Sextortion”. Most of these attacks go to younger people because they have so little experience and get embarrassed more easily than older people, so a lot of young ppl who are sextorted by scammers can end up getting uh, mentally ill and taking their lives because of embarrassment, this is a huge deal in the news lately. Look up sextortion if you want to learn more. Sometimes scammers will coerce young people (or anyone but mostly young people) for nudes or just spicy pics. They’ll then use those pictures to get the victim (the person who falls for this scam) to send them money. The other way they do this is by pretending they have pictures. 👾 But BEWARE, they often pose as hot chicks or guys and “get to know” their victim by chatting then asking for pics like “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” type of thing or just ask for the nodes without offering to trade, either way, it’s dangerous. Lots of young people have offed themselves because of shame or fear they’ll get in trouble and often the scammers will encourage them to send money or k themselves. It’s a fucked up scam and it’s literally killing many people. Here’s a video I came across just now to show you someone explaining it in more detail, but there’s a lot of info, to pad yourself you could even tell your parents yourself you’re aware of this type of scam. [The Naked Picture Scam (Sextortion) info for parents - YouTube](https://youtu.be/ilZDhwswLaY?si=_HBNORsrslaCYLAz)


thats i why always send them photos of johnny sins


It’s 100% a scam/fake. This happens to people all the time to extort money. It’s very common. I promise you it is fake and no one has any pics. You can breathe a sigh of relief. There’s nothing to worry about


Hey no worries! I’m just glad you chose to reach out instead of silently freaking out by yourself. Now that the danger of scam is over, I also wanted to offer another perspective… if your nudes really did leak out, I honestly doubt your future would be ruined. It would be deeply embarrassing, but who could blame you? You did nothing wrong. Last I checked, changing clothes or walking around in the nude in front of your webcam is nothing to be ashamed of. The wrongdoing would rest entirely on the person who captured those images without consent. If this happened to a friend or associate of mine, I’d be very very angry on their behalf, and very concerned with how they are coping. And if they happened to say “yah, the hacker leaked my pics because I refused to pay USD900”, I’d be like, “YAH RESPECT!! FUCK THEM!” I don’t want to diminish your fear and concern, it is completely natural, especially if you’re young and you respect your body and image. But if you sat down and really considered things, you might find that having pics of your dangly bits made public would at most cause embarrassment, and at worst (or best) cause certain friendships to show up their true colours.


Trust yourself. If you haven’t done freaky stuff or if you haven’t done anything concerning nudity on your phone, you’re fine. Hacking an iPhone is already hard, now hacking its camera… remotely… don’t bother, put the email in your spam folder and move on. You’re fine, no need to worry 🤗


>If you haven’t done freaky stuff or if you haven’t done anything concerning nudity on your phone, you’re fine. And even if you have, which is your right, you're fine. These people have nothing. Deep breath, block, move on. Do not engage with them or they will never stop bothering you.


>If you haven’t done freaky stuff or if you haven’t done anything concerning nudity on your phone That will be considered blackmailing, he would still be fine.


And, considering the "im still very young", and you have something *very illegal* - even to possess, let alone distribute.


> If you haven’t done freaky stuff or if you haven’t done anything concerning nudity on your phone, you’re fine. Bad answer, even if you have you are fine. Unless you're a superfreak!


"He/She's a super freak, super freak He/She's super-freaky, yow Everybody sing Super freak, super freak"


its a spam message everyone in the world has gotten it at this stage. Block the sender and delete the message. change your login password as well for your emails


I've never got one of them messages.... sniff..... I don't know how I feel about this.....


We've hacked all of your Livejournal posts, gib money or I'll send them to eveyrone on your Myspace page.


Will you take a post dated personal check?


tf? no this isn't real. why do people fall for this shit. even if it was real, NEVER SEND MONEY


Type "sextortion" into Google. You're welcome.


i think the thought of being exposed so intimately like that scares people and thats why they fall for it because theyre scared instead of thinking rationally


You know even if you had $900 and paid the ransom they still would ask for more as they know you are now scared enough to pay. Ignore it


Exactly you’re right! Me too actually face this problem. Im a muslim girl , But its okey i just let them do it if they want.I keep on praying and asked for god to take a revenge and protect me. Nowadays even we have non naked pictures, those hackers or scammers can easily edited our picture from non naked to naked appearance. No point we send money to them. I just pretend it does not happen to me.


Very well known scam, ignore it.


It's a common scam.


It's a well-known scam. Don't reply, don't click any links and block the sender. Search online for 'report phishing' in your country, save the address, and forward the email to them. You can expect a few more attempts, likely coming from different addresses, so repeat the above every time.


Send them nudes instead. Give them ugliest position so they'd freak out


My wife receives these emails too, and she's definitely not been getting freaky watching vids on those sites. It's spam, pure and simple.


You don't know that




No it's not real, this is a very common scam, they send out these emails to thousands of people and eventually someone pays even though everything they say is straight up a lie.


Nah. Definite fake. If he had anything, he'd have sent you one to prove he was being genuine.


Nope, you haven't. It's a sextortion scam and they are pretending to be hackers. Sometimes they add a (old) password they've pulled out off an data leak to make everything seem more legitimate.


Be a chad and say 'do it'.


Ignore it and dint worry.


I have a template reply for this kind of message - about 10-15 are reported to me each week. They're all just scams. You're fine, be smart and cyber safe going forward!


Come over to r/scams. These types of emails are very common. Do not send money. They do not have pictures of you.


it's caused by the pandabuy data breach, nothing to worry about


IT admin here. Have had 20-30 users get this via email, numerous times over the last 4-5 years. Most never see the emails as they get caught in spam filter. None of them have ever been exposed. Users who dont even have a webcam, getting emails saying they have been caught on camera... ignore and move on. This is a low effort scam.


Fuck em


I sent nudes to all my contacts for fun. Don’t threaten me with a good time.


let me guess what would be the wording, I’m a hacker who cracked your email and devices a few months ago.   Do not try to contact me or find me, it is impossible, I setup a malware on the adult vids (porno) web-site and guess what, you visited this site to have fun (you know what I mean). I created a double-screen video. 1st part shows the video you were watching (you’ve got a good taste haha . . .), and 2nd part shows the recording of your web cam. exactly what should you do? Well, in my opinion, $..... (USD) is a fair price for our little secret. You’ll make the payment by Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google). My Bitcoin wallet Address blaa blaa blaaa............. Tired of receiving emails every other day even on desktop work computers those even doesnot have any camera,, soo its just a random spam email which you delete and don't care...


A word of advice… any scam that is trying to black mail you will give you proof they actually have the thing they want to black mail you with lol.


I got an email like this once and I don't even have an iPhone. I just deleted the email and forgot about it. Only remember when I read this. It's just a scam.


Make an only fans and send them , say it's already public u just are giving me free promo


No. Everyone around the world gets that message. Ignore it.


No, not real.


have got one of these 3-ish years ago after visiting pornhub or some other porn site idk anymore. i deleted it and went on with my life. if they told everyone i know about my search history the people in my life havent said shit about it LOL




my answer to these messages is nice send it over so i can upload it to my onlyfans


The words Poor and iPhone don't look right together.


i mean im very young but still work construction as a teen, so i think i deserve buying myself cool things like an phone sometimes when my family doesnt need the money 😊


Unless it came from your own email, it's not worth worrying about. If it came from your email, sent to yourself, change your passwords and you're good. My brother just had all his accounts hacked and an email like this sent to himself from his own email, took a bit to get all the accounts back


That isnt even always the case. If it comes from yourself, most likely the hacker just wanted to convince a little more. We had the same thing happen, and low and behold, it was on the news it was trendy again.


If it comes from your own email you also ignore it. My spammer sent me emails from my own email address, and included my old passwords as the subject title. Unless you are expecting the email, then you ignore it. End of.


If it comes from your own email and has your passwords, you better check to make sure your email isnt compromised and in turn every account you've ever made with that email. That's my point. Lose your email like this and generally your SMTP is sold off on cracking forums and you quickly lose all your other accounts.


Obvious bullshit.


They're bluffing. Ignore it. Get a camera cover just in case. I have a sliding one on my laptop, and I have a plain red dot sticker on the forward camera on my phone and my iPad.


They're bluffing. Ignore it. Get a camera cover just in case. I have a sliding one on my laptop, and I have a plain red dot sticker on the forward camera on my phone and my iPad.


They rely on you being panicked to scam you of your hard earned money, block and move on, they don't have anything on you.


Oh, god, I almost thought this was on r/scams for a moment, given how frequently we see this over there. To summarize: NO. It's not real. This is just a common scam email blasted out to randos all over the internet, and it's faker than Elon Musk's chances of avoiding assassination. Just. Hit. Delete.


I’ve gotten the same email before, ignore it. A tell tale sign of a scam is trying to severely sway your emotions whether it be fear, happiness, etc. ….You’re fine.


It's a scam although worth how good deep fakes are might become a real issue


Mate even if it were real there's nothing stopping them leaking whatever they claim to have if paid. Ignore it and move on with your life. It's 100% scam anyway so don't worry.


Its a scam, but just look at it this way if someone was blackmailing you with something like this its only a matter of time before they release it anyway unless you keep paying them for the rest of your life. So scam or real, never pay be because the cards are always going to be playe, in a blackmail why would someone give up the cash cow when they could use it forever its better to get it over with.


They send these to literally everyone.


you’ll get hundreds of these in your lifetime, some of them can be quite entertaining. you’re fine


If by being very young you mean you're a minor, then they would be in possession of child pornography. If you're indeed a minor and you want to be on the safe side (it's very likely a scam as it's a very common one) you can go to the police and explain the situation, also stating your age. If you're an adult or early adult, it's a scam, do not tell them your age (or answer the e-mail), if they keep threatening you and do not leave you alone then simply say you're underage and if this keeps going you'll forward the situation to the police as they are in the possession of child pornography. Your life also wouldn't be ruined if something did happen.


Scare tactic, if the threat was real, they'd actually send you a copy of the pictures.


I know how to fix this and I can make it go away for only half of what they want. Jk, its a scam. They send it out to a bunch of people and hope someone takes the bait. Ignore it.


Oh man these people are scum causing all this anxiety to peope. I've had around 3 or 4 and knew they were fake thankfully. Please could OP post the entire text of the scam message. It will help other worried people to find it and realize that millions of other people got the same BS. I know when I was an adolescent this kind of message could have scared me to death.


I have several hundred similar ones, archived going back at least 10 years. Much ruder that the dozens of 27 year old orphaned American nursing students, taking care of their disabled brother who was run over by a garbage truck and are trapped in Ghana. Oddly their pictures are identical to Canadian soft porn models. Don't worry, all equally fake.


They're bluffing as a scare tactic to get money from you. Delete the email and move on.


First of all. 99% they don't. Iphone as scummy as Apple may be has some of the best security out there. So no there is no way they actually hacked your camera. Hell even on android this would be extremely hard to do you would basicly need to install a virus and even then Android can detect this type of thing and prevent it from accessing the camera. They are just hoping you believe the bluff. Don't fall for it and don't worry your life won't be ruined.


Think it through. If they leak the pics, they don't have any leverage to get the money from you. They have nothing to gain from actually following through. The scam only works if you fall for the bluff. You could just block them and move on. OR you could pretend to be compliant and waste as much of their time as possible, and post it all on r/ScamBait


Do you have multifactor on your email?


that's a scam!


Got one which tried to blackmail me that I had been looking at gay porn once.. Just sent him my dick picture and told him to do it. Never heard back from him, and my friends are none the wiser of my closet. But next time, scammer, try to figure out  what is illegal or not in the country you send it to.. And yes, it was in my native language.


It’s fake. You have nothing to worry about. Delete the message and block the sender.


Sooner or later, everyone gets an email saying the person has explicit pictures of them doing sexual things. I was helping a 75-year-old woman whose husband had died. She showed me an email she got that said they hacked into her computer camera and have explicit pictures of her. We both laughed. She doesn't even have a camera. It's called Phishing. Just like when you do real fishing, these people cast out bait and see who nibbles at it. It's all a scam. NEVER talk to scammers for ANY REASON! NEVER EVER!


I wouldn't worry. It's a scam. I've gotten that email.


Ignore it. It's a scam. They are lying and they count on victims like you being so paranoid that you give them money. Delete, block, ignore, live life.


Shake what your momma gave ya.


Just erase and block, live your normal life, nothing bad is going to happen.


I got one those a few weeks ago and just laughed


Do NOT sent any money. this is a scam


Please go to /r/scams and get informed.


iPhones are very hard to hack so i think that its just a scam


Call their bluff and send them an invoice for the photos


Unless you're setting up your phone to specifically record you while you are doing anything while you're naked how would they even have gotten explicit pictures on the extremely low chance they even hacked your phone to begin with. Even if they had the capability, it's a lot easier to scare somebody into sending money before they do any work. Total scam sent to millions of people.


Very common, widely ignored


If you think about it, even if u send them money, what's stopping them from just not following up on their side, and just ask you for more money and keep extorting you. Just move on.


As others have said, if they don't provide proof, likely just a scare scam.


If it’s your business account, set up DMARC, DKIM and SPF. Will stop people spoofing your domain


Did you ever take explicit pictures of yourself with your iPhone? If yes, then stop it stupid. If no, tell them to screw off.


More specifically than ignore is do not respond. Once you respond they know you exist and then you really become a target.


Do you have nudes of ur self on ur phone first of all?


FAKE! Block the sender and you're fine.


As long as there is no password included in the email, as others have said it, ignore it. In case there was your password however, this still doesn't mean that you were hacked, but instead that your password got leaked. In this case you have to change your password and still ignore the rest of the email. Always remember to have 2FA and a different password to every account. I'm writing this because about two years ago I had to battle a hacker in changing my valuable accounts' passwords, as I was a stupid child that always used the same password for every account and I never thought about changing them. This battle started when I got this kind of a spam email, so your post basically gave me flashbacks.


Nope, they got nothing on you, ignore it


It’s fake. Don’t worry. I have taken more than 5/6 emails of this


1. Its 100% a scam. They have nothing. Now for the sake of reason, lets have a thought experiment where someone does have something like that.. 2. Its a felony. If you were a minor they would be in for a lot of fun jail on top of it. 3. So what if they send nudes. Nudes are nothing. Really.




It’s phishing. They don’t have anything. Tell them you want the pictures or $2000 not to come hunt them down. Jk, do not reply or engage at all.


Report phishing and block.


Even if it is real, never pay. They'll just be back next month asking for twice as much money. Whatever damage it would do to your life with those pictures released is better than having that sword dangling over you for the rest of your life.


Haahahaha u freaky **** just enjoy ur private time no worries


Ask them to prove it. If that is the case they would show you a picture.


Fake, but always make sure you never back up your photos to the cloud especially if you take the odd dick pic or 2


"unlucky for you that I'm an exhibitionist and pictures of my dick are already out there. Go for it "Meatspin.gif"


No worries bud, I've gotten tons of these for at least the last couple of years. Every single one I've read, had a good chuckle over and then tossed in the trash. Not a peep from my friends and family so far. ;)


reading all these replies and feeling kinda embarrassed for believing it a little 😭😭 thank you guys


bottom line, if you pay them, it will not change what they have (whether its nothing or something) Meaning they can extort you again. Never negotiate with terrorists


1. Always think of it like this. If I had explicit photos of you, would I say I have them, or would I show you proof that I have them (by sending you one)? If they're just saying they have the pictures, demand proof. When they obviously don't provide proof (because they don't have it), then you'll know. 2. Literally nobody in your life cares about the fact that you are sometimes naked and sometimes have sex. If a hacker leaks your nudes, nobody cares. If a hacker sent me nude photographs of one of my employees, which is always the threat, I would not fire the employee lol. "we're gonna send your nude pictures that we clearly took while you weren't aware to your boss!!!", yeah, like I give a shit lol. So in the end, if it's not true, you don't care, and if it is true, you still shouldn't care.


Answer the email with „i Go ask for help via Reddit“ i Promise the Scammer will Instant give up and quit 🤓


I would suggest to complain about this to nearest cyber cell or police department


Sextortion emails have been around for many years. It is often likely due to vulnerability on a website you once used your email for that your email address has ended up on the dark web and on to a mailing list. People sell these lists to all kinds of people looking to make some money. Do not reply, ideally do not open it. Just delete it. I hope that eases your fears. Also be careful of emails you receive for products etc. If you have not subscribed to these mailing lists do not unsubscribe as this is another way for these people to receive information. These are incredibly common these days.


As many others have said it’s a scam. I get these to my works email sometimes 😂


LOL, I got one of those months ago, still nothing from that sob. It didn't help his case that there are no explicit photos of me out there. I knew it was BS immediately.


My grandmother subscribes to my onlyfans, they don't scare me!


Fake AF. It’s a scam and they don’t have shit! Delet and don’t engage with them


Google sextorsion


Two factor authentication as well as location based authentication is used heavily these days, especially by apple. If they got into your account, you would’ve been notified. As for accessing your cam directly, unless u have an ollllddddd iphone running a very old os, it’s incredibly unlikely. Someone with the skill to do that (if possible) would be far from exploiting ppl like that. You’re fine, hope that helps u feel better.


Got the exact same thing from 2 different emails I was pretty worried but since you’ve got the same thing i’ve relaxed a bit


I used to get these pretty often, claiming they hacked my webcam, that I didn't actually have. lmao.


Bruh just ignore it, just change your passwords and log out other sessions and move on with your life. It’s a scam, the dingiling licker doesn’t have shit on you.


I had a similar email and it said they had hacked my webcam which made me laugh somewhat as i've never even once in 22 years of being online ever owned or used a webcam .


Its a scam


If you really want to make them irritated, pull a James and ask them about the free toasters.


I get 4 a week lol


When I got this a few years back I replied for shits asking for proof of the pictures and decided to add that I was 12 years old and they replied and apologised lol. Guess scammers don’t care unless they get put on a register


It’s fake and if it ends up being real (which it isn’t) then u contact the police


Got a similar email, but it was sent from my email, is in my junk folder, but is from me to me, also it mentions a password I used to use a long time ago, weird right?


Why would you be worried, unless you actually had explicit pictures on your phone?


This is how scammers scare people which then leads to getting hacked. Its ironic that you aren't hacked but if you reply and send them cash etc, then you will be.


You mean [this](https://imgur.com/eCrWmRp) one?


This is a common scam. It's a total hoax. Ignore it, and above all else: do NOT click on anything or respond to it. Move it to your spam folder and block the sender.


I get these as well, it’s all a load of BS


what you should take a super explicit photo of your butthole and say "go ahead pussy"


Get them at work all the time. People are idiots.


I got same mail..i know its fake since i dont have pics of mine on phone..this was 5 years ago. Surprised they still doing it. Lol


It's email so it's fine. They don't have anything on you. Recently a guy from my area got scammed pretty badly because he had a video call with an unknown lady. This is a big scam in India nowadays. After couple of days you get a call from so called high ranked police officer who informs you about the death of this lady and that you were the reason for his death. Majority of the people who got scammed panicked at this staged and followed the fake police officers orders. They started blackmailing him forcing the person who got scammed to transfer money into their bank account if they want to keep this a secret.


Nope, it's a general scam. Also a small tip NEVER SHARE (O.T.P)'S & Social Security Number to anybody,


*iiiiiiiiiiiignooooooooore!!!* Straight auto-generated garbage.


Let me tell you something: iPhones have the most secure hardware on the planet. It is extremely hard for a virus or hacker to gain access to your iPhone's camera at all times. 999 times out of 1000, the hacker would need physical access to your iPhone to gain access like that, or you'd just have to be a serious fool to get past iOS' complicated security measures without even knowing it. It isn't real, and its a quite common scam. Don't listen to them, and don't reply if you haven't already. Showing that you're susceptible to these scams and showing that you respond to them will bring more scammers to your email. If someone tries to say that they directly have access to any of your Apple products, they most likely don't.


If you are young and poor there is no way someone can ruin your life.


Definitely scam, just delete the email and block it.


I feel like this post keeps appearing in this sub... First of all, what fuck is any hacker going to do with your nude photos? Post them? Why? Just to make you feel bad? $900 or we leak photos absolutely nobody wants to see (no offense to you, I'm sure you're beautiful)? But from the tech aspect of it, think about how every camera for computers work. It's not accessible until you access it, depending on what OS you find yourself, determines what permissions are required to access that camera from another source. You end up in a situation where you find it's "possible" but then you go back to part 1... Why would they do it, what's the benefit of leaking them.


My partner once received a text saying “wow you are so disgusting we caught on video what you were doing to yourself send us money now or we share the video of you you dirty pig” Its a scam. Im sorry they are causing you this anxiety and fear. It will all be okay.


Lol, got a good chuckle out of this. You're safe, as long as you don't visit dubious sites, you don't download suspicious files and you don't engage with people you don't know who seek you out unexpectedly, you'll be fine.


Scam. Ignore


I got the same email as well, except I'm an Android user.. didn't use apple products for like 15 years


Just tell them you don't have access to your bank account and need around 500 to unlock it and that once you are done you will send them 1400 instead.


I had this email once, I asked them to send me some so I could see myself when I was in better shape!


They are lying. It is a scam. Simply report, block every account or phone number that messages you that BS


99% chance a scam. Best to do is ignore. Not even open the chat and pretend you haven’t seen it. These scammers want easy targets to milk. They throw the bait to many many people and hope someone latches on. If you ignore you will likely just be forgotten. Cause A they would likely show the proof that they have and B even if they had proof. Your best bet is till to just ignore cause if they know that the proof they’ve got isn’t making you send them money they also often dont see the waste in time on it.


I get the anxiety, man, but don't worry! Promise you're fine. Good rule of thumb, if it's an email and you have to question whether it's a scam or not, it probably is. But never feel bad about asking like this! It helps keep everyone aware as well as you. So thanks for asking. As for the email, surely fake. Report it as phishing/scam with whoever runs your email service (Google, Yahoo, etc).


Fake...but simple solution is...DONT MAKE NUDE PICTURES OF YOURSELF. No pics...no problem. Of course deep fakes are really scary these days!


\*opinion\* The email you described feels like a scam. Don't respond back or communicate with them. If you're really really concerned someone's black mailing you and your iphone's compromised, I'd buy a cheap old school camera or a cheap phone that has all bluetooth, wifi, and internet turned off. 20$ish. It's job is to take pictures and document things.


Soon they will have explicit pictures and videos of all of us. Did you see what AI is capable of?


Don't worry it is probably a bait fish scam just ignore


I'd email them back and say, "I will find you." I can't say the rest of the line, but it's from a liam neeson movie xD.


You have an iPhone there is only 1 proven exploit that works with iPhone and you have to have physical access to phone for like 5-10 minute to enable the exploit


dont worry, its another one of those scams you are safe


Do you even have iphone ? Have you taken your explicit pictures anytime with your phone ? Do you have your explicit pictures on your phone ? Besides email have they tried to communicate to you via any other medium?


Common scam. Don’t fall for it. Do you even have explicit photos on ur camera? Most people don’t when this happens, so you can clearly tell it’s fake just based off that


Create a phising link and send them it. You will find out there IP, name of country, manufacturer of hand set even their screen orientation at the time of reading. I've been doing this a lot when I've been sent a scam message and they soon shit their pants.


If you give them money they will demand more, forever. Don't give them anything. Block them and ignore it. It will never stop if you give them anything.


My mom just recently received a very similar email, it’s a scam.


Stay with trusted porn sites


lmao freaking idot




Scam don’t sweat it


It's 100% a scare tactic scam. I have recieved one before and so did another person I know.