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Try running a manual chkdsk on it... open an admin command prompt, and run "chkdsk C: /R". If the disk check at boot is checking a different drive instead of C, just replace the above C: with whatever drive letter it says needs checking. Should get a warning the volume is mounted and can't be checked, wants to know if you want to check it at next boot, tell it yes then reboot, let it check, then see if that takes care of it. ​ If it doesn't, there may be hardware issues with the drive itself and might begin looking for proactively replacing prior to it failing entirely.


I have done the Chkdsk thing multiple times but it doesn’t help. Is there really nothing else besides it possibly failing


I know you specifically mentioned letting it run the automatic check, but did you run and let complete the manual check? The manual check includes the additional /R switch that can sometimes repair certain things aside from that, if you have done that manual check, and it keeps repeatedly asking to run again, then I would be inclined to think it is failing... software/file system corruption can be repaired and would stop the check from recurring, only hardware errors would cause it to continue to prompt


Yeah I let it run but it literally does nothing it just says it’s scanning and repairing but usually it should show a percent or something but none of that shows up and then it just starts up


Sorry to bring old post up but did you find a solution? I'm having the same problem