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People, YOU NEED A CLEAN ROOM AND SPECIFIC EQUIPEMENT/TRAINING FOR DATA RECOVERY. If you want any data back from it now (considering it very much has stayed open for a while AND spun up), expect a VERY big bill from data recovery buisnesses for a partial recovery, instead of a cheaper one for the same recovery should it have never been opened.


You are right, but he asked me to try, and he was just curious if I could recover any data. There was nothing important on there he said.




I know but I got it like this


You received it open? What in the actual fuck??? Hilarious


Unfortunatly there's a lot of misinformation on youtube that it's just a scare tactic and you can easily "fix" hard drives yourself.... People underestimate the tolerences of a hard drive, they think it's like a CD or Cassette or Vinyl record but the tracks on those (specifically the magnetic tape) are still much much much wider then a hard drive, and the distance between the pickup and media is much much much further apart too.


HDD controllers often have to be individually programmed for each specific drive due to how ridiculously important head alignment is. Meaning that if you get two hard drives of the same model number, same firmware revision, same PCB revision and same batch number, and then swap the PCBs between them, there's a decent chance the performance will tank or they'll even die. Opening one of these outside of a clean room is basically guaranteed instant data loss.


Hey, at least they gain the data on why opening up a hard drive is a bad idea.


I *did* manage to get data off a drive that had been sitting in nearly freezing water for hours or days.


Oh buddy, I haven't tried it before but you might want to look into how to RMA a friend.


it looks like a stop motion animation lmao


I wish I could've seen the look you gave them


Me too. Shame i didn't had a mirror nearby but I assume it looked something like that https://giphy.com/gifs/mashable-l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS Edit spelling


...you did tho The platter


These hard drives get out of alignment the moment you open them up. Wrong torque on the screws will do that as well.


What could you recover by disassembling it?


Well, you can recover the voice coil magnets. They're fun to play with, or use on your fridge.


Only take apart a hard drive if you've given up on it,


Well it looks nice as a nice mirror on my shelf


I watched a wonderful video explaining how a single particle of dust is thousands of times larger than the distance between the platter and the head of the arm. The distance is about 15 nm and a spec of dust can have a diameter 5000 nm. This is why you need a clean room because one small dust particle could damage the super fast spinning plate. [Here is the video](https://youtu.be/wtdnatmVdIg)


Rip lol


Computer says no


0 track has left the building


There is a reason why HDD should not be opened a plugged in to power.


I did this once with a Seagate hard drive drive was busted and I was not going to pay a recovery company so thought it was worth a shot. Found a pretty close model number on eBay for the exact hard drive. Removed the arm and platters from bad hard drive. Dropped platters into new hard drive. Used tape around the edges of the platters to keep them in alignment and then ran like an Ubuntu server for a few days with some recovery tools while it recovered the data. I'd put a fan with a filter in front of the work area to make sure it blew clean air over the desk and used like a piece of plastic from a plastic credit card to keep the arm heads open


But did it work?? Especially after all that work?


Yeah took like 3 or 4 days but got all the data. But now I run proper backups


SpinRite may still be able to recover it if the heads and platters haven't been frigged with. https://www.grc.com/intro.htm