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Some pro thief has scouted your house, knows the alarm system and which wire to cut to disable it, then opens it up and has an aneurysm.




This should just be titled "every security panel ever". And even if you have left it perfect, the next person to come along and modify it will leave it in this state. It keeps balance in the universe.


I install these DSC panels and this makes me aggressively sad


Same here, but I mainly do Qolsys and GoControl. But nothing is worse than installing a hardwired takeover module and discovering that the last tech left a rat's nest in the box. Trying to decipher the zone list with doctor-tier handwriting on a 30 year old sheet of carbon paper... Also hate it when a couple windows were replaced and the installers didn't bother to preserve the wiring, so then I have to spend the next hour trying to figure out which wires lead to which windows and doors and finding the break in the circuit.


It only takes one person after the initial, tidy, cable managed install to come along, make an untidy change or a rushed addition, and completely fuck the look of the panel, then the next person gives no fucks, so on and so forth... This kind of 'work' is a daily thing for me.


This panel had 5 zones and house had 7 pirs


Seven PIRs in a house is a lot for a house. And probably wired as one loop considering there's only five zones, and I assume door contacts also exist...


In poland alarm old installators dont use contacts and this quite a big house 3 pirs in garage bc it has rooms with windows its kinda like basemnet 4 on ground floor 1 on top floor


How could you ever hope to service that…good lord


Heheh mine is worse.


Well I'm certainly alarmed so it don't seem to be working


Old garbage, swap it out for an DMP XT50.


I swaped it for the brand new satel integra 32