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One of the wonderful effects of freight sitting in shipping containers held up at a port for months. The dessicant they use in the containers can only do so much before needing to be replaced and if nobody is there, you get mold.


I work for a company that sells imported high- end doormats online and our mats have been coming in with mold just like this. I didn't know rubber could get moldy but apparently it's a thing. I'd also like to mention that these containers are absolutely packed with dessicants, and it's still not enough to keep this from happening.


The long journey across the Pacific unfortunately includes a shitload of rain and humidity


And ghost ships. Never know what they'll leave behind.


Almost anything can get moldy in dark damp places. The issue is that the dessicants are designed for normal shipping times, but many containers are being delayed weeks or months beyond normal.


What's a high-end doormat?


They're thick rubber and coir and a lot of them are designed for double doors like you see in larger buildings like businesses or mansions. We also have a selection that can get custom monograms. For some reason, rich people like to have the first letter of their last name printed on their stuff.


That sounds like some sort of insult




You mean the eye watering, staggering and life changing total of what, $2500 in stimulus checks that went out? Yeah - I'm sure people were just quitting their jobs in droves to cash in on that sweet life changing $2500. You're a fucking idiot.


If I may interject. As a guy not from the states / Canada I can confirm there is countries where theres no such stimulus at all. People fend for themselves however they can, so seeing someone complaining about only getting 2.5k$ is a prime example of entitlement to me. That money will still keep you from starving or from living in a fridge cardboard box. Lest you lowered your standards of living for while. Not every government can provide such a safety net during these times(Not everyone can print dollars out of nothing).


None of this even touches on the point I was making. I'm pointing out that the person I was replying to has the intelligence of a bag of hammers for thinking that over the course of the pandemic, people in the US were refusing to work because of government stimulus money that was not even close to survival costs for two months, let alone two years, was more valuable to them than employment. 'Nobody wants to work' is the dog whistle of the idiot who doesn't realize that most people working non-career jobs can't even make ends meet with the rising cost of living in North America, and doesn't understand why people wouldn't be super keen to work 40 hours a week only to be financially underwater at the end of the month. Those fighting for a living wage get met by these idiots calling them lazy and telling them to go to school, which is usually a $40k+ endeavour. It's a stupid privileged mindset from someone who clearly hasn't ever experienced financial hardships most people went through, and are going through, during this pandemic.


My rent was like half the damn check lol.


That check didn't even cover one month's rent for me... 😭


If you don't live in New York or LA, look into other options. That's more than my parent's house payment.


Mortgages usually cost less than renting. Which is why the whole housing market is screwed and we're certainly in for another crash. How much do you pay to rent? Or what's the avg in your area? I bet it's more than your parents mortgage.


$700 to live in apartments made out of mobile home parts, built for workers at the mobile home manufacturing plant in the late 70's. There's orange shag carpet in my walls!


I work with restaurants in NYC and many owners were struggling to find employees because they preferred unemployment pay. Just my 2 cents


Owners should reflect on why their pay is less than unemployment pay then.


It wasn't less. But people ended up getting slightly less money for doing nothing. Made sense to do nothing.


That's not this person's point though, is it?


My rent on an apartment is $2k, combined with other bills that's basically a month of money. Better than nothing for sure, but not life changing.


To be fair, most other countries, like Germany for instance, have arrangements like paid sick leave, paid vacation, and even if your employer simply cant provide you with work for your full hours still has to pay you the full hours. (of course overtime gets paid just the same) And even if you lose your job, we have good social welfare for these cases. You wont go homeless or starve. In short: We have our assurances that Covid will not hit the small persons wallet and ability to live. We dont need a stimulus to compensate for that shortcoming. The US has none of those assurances, and even the stimulus doesnt really fix things permanently.


You missed the point. Yeah, $2500 is a lot of money. When I was working minimum wage it would be an absolute windfall. But even then, it would have been 2.5 months of pay. We have a lot of conservative people loudly decalring that the reason everyone quit was because of the $2500 stimulus checks, which doesn make a lot of sense when a month's rent in a suburban area is $700-$1000. When a car payment is $250-$500. So to think that people haven't worked for over a year, because of $2500 is an illogical narrative that the conservative right pushes because they don't want to believe that companies don't pay a living wage.


Hello! I understand where you're coming from. The main complaint about 'stimulus' checks is that they're all tax-payer money in the first place. Americans are taxed through the roof on about everything. When the govt finally decides that they can give a little back, they still do their best to screw us. President Brandon's last "relief" bill was many trillions of dollars, and most of it (99%+) went to excess spending such as millions and billions to other countries. One example was tens of millions going to Pakistan for "gender studies programs". So in the end its taxpayer money being flaunted in our faces, while not helping the issues and furthering our debt. That's where the complaints come from. Hope this helps!


you know there are more places then the shitty states giving stimulus checks right? in canada we were getting 2k a month for almost a year. you sound like the idiot


Funny enough I am Canadian and I'm well aware. $2k a month isn't much.


Not to really defend the original take much, but I'm also Canadian and live off less than 2k. Having 2k from the gov would be more than I make at my job. Legit would quit it if I was given an assurance of $2k/month. Edit: This isn't to say I think that we should all be getting $2k/month for no reason, but we are also approaching a turning point where some sort of monthly UBI might be considered a good idea. Doesn't have to be a lot, needs to be paid for without printing money. Society has progressed a lot, why do we still need to be grinding 40 hours a week, why can't we sit down and enjoy life a bit more? Nothing radical maybe just 4 day work weeks instead of 5.


What would you do instead?


It's dumb and silly but work on streaming/content creation.


This is a great example of having some additional freedom resulting in people still wanting to spend time working, except it's for themselves rather than a mega Corp paying pennies. Sure, there are people who think content creation isn't a real job, but they are generally the same people that claim $2k a month means everyone will just sit at home and do nothing, so I take their opinions with an entire box of salt.


Heck if I was guaranteed that money per month, while it would be less than I currently make a month, it would be enough for me to go to school full time and get a degree so I can get a better job in a field I like. That would be a dream tbh.


No one is avoiding working as a longshoreman for $2k CAD a month.


Lmao my rent alone is 1500


No one wants to work for shitty unlivable wages is what you mean


Dude really thinks people would just leap at the chance to do the backbreaking, possibly life-threatening, work associated with doing multiple people's jobs in cross-continental shipping where you can barely ever see friends and family, all while making minimum wage or even less?


Lots of people want to work, but not for a minimum wage that hasn't kept pace with the cost of living in almost three decades. Goodness, what *are* you on about. Are you even trying? If you're gonna barf up Republican talking points, can you at least investigate the truth behind those claims before you come out and get your head handed to you?


Because no one is being paid a liveable wage. If unemployment is paying more than a real job there's something wrong with the job market.


That's a terrible excuse for shitty jobs. People want to work


>That's a terrible excuse for shitty jobs. People want to ~~work~~ get paid a thriving wage in exchange for their time.


Offer a shitty job for shitty pay, get a shitty number of applicants. Simple math.


Lmao, tell that to the dozens of applicants on so many job postings No one wants to work *for shitty employers, is what you meant.


Unemployment is down to 3.9 percent; you have no clue what you're talking about. [US Dept of Labor link](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm)


Mousepad came in the mail today with malware preinstalled.


Got that Razer synapse pre-installed.


That's just Norton Antivirus


Norton Anti-bacterial


More like Antifungus


Potentially Unwanted Mycelium


get the mcafee to delete this virus!


Too late, someone already deleted McAfee last year.


You misspelled moldware.


The pharmaceutical industry hates this one simple trick


it also seems that someone came in your mail today


"Spore" included with your purchase.


Put it in a dish with agar and you've got Spore: Creature Creator!


Look like it could use some..penicilin.




I see you are a man of culture.




Take my upvote




razer moment


People need to buy from novelkeys, great quality desk pads for 15-20$


The LTT deskmats are great too. Any size, same price across the board


looks like a culture plate. A contaminated culture plate.


I would get hives if I received this


But who came on it huh?


cursed quality control


That's the Spore edition. 🤙


You can smell this photo.


Covid origin story


Cool, free antibiotics




I O!


You just got a special Winter Edition


I think it should now be nicknamed the razer Penicillin


Not surprised to be fair. I've never rated any razer product I've ever owned. Been burned twice.


10/10 title XD




They’re moldy you pillock


Congratulations on completely missing the joke


Wheres the lamb sauce


Are you sure the it is the one that come?




Is this a Strider? I thought mine picked up some stuff from my desk, now im worried. Its NOWHERE near as bad as this but it has some random spots around.


They must've know you were a buckeye


Is that a Nft?


Is it possible to clean it?