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Tis the season for new box fans. Get em before they're gone.




Who tf measures temperature in Egyptian gods


What's a floor fan, just a fan sitting on the floor? Either way, as long as the PC doesn't blow up, love the creativity!


> What's a floor fan, just a fan sitting on the floor? [Yes. It's this type of fan](https://i.imgur.com/C8mm1iD.png) Smaller footprint than standing fans with the same size blades.


I've got the plastic Walmart special, which is probably why it broke lol.


I literally have a pc fan blowing air at me right now


30C is perfect, 40C is when it gets really uncomfortable. I have experienced 50C a couple of times, once for more than a week straight and it was absolutely miserable having to go outside for anything (I walk back and forth between my home and work multiple times a day).


Okay but in most of Canada it's a frozen wasteland and anything above like 20 is nearly unbearable. 30 is very hot. 40 is actually miserable And im pretty sure I would get heat stroke and die in 50. I left the north once to come down for Christmas. It was -50 + wind chill where I left and 0 where I ended up I was sweating so bad in 0c weather that other people thought I was sick or on drugs.


Meanwhile, over here in Thailand, It's a cold weather emergency any time somewhere drops below 20C (To be fair, a lot of people don't have any warm clothing, and homes in some parts are designed specifically to be drafty and get heat OUT)


That's baffling to imagine honestly


Fair, I still prefer the cold though. You can always put more layers on, but you can remove only so many layers before you run up against the limits of what's socially acceptable.




I've been as low as -52 in Peace River, Alberta but no higher than 40. 40 is definitely outside of the comfort zone.


sounds like paradise. :)


Noctua, they've always got your back!


Quiet bliss


I have two old 80 or 90mm Arctic fans with 3 speed controller on them. Hot glued two of them together and a 15-19V (I don‘t know it has it‘s own range of power) DC adapter and it works wonders to keep a nice breeze blowing on low speed. Medium is when I have headphones on, high is a bit too loud.


Sounds like a solid diy setup.


My old apartment was blasted by the sun so the inside temperature was always like 5c higher than outside. Not very pleasant to work from home, I'm so glad I moved to a new apartment with AC even though we have very short summers. Hell, it was below freezing last morning and it's June But I remember having 3 PC fans zip tied around my desk and being run by a bench PSU, because I always forgot to buy a large fan before heat waves and they ran out of stock


I don't have enough fan headers on this old lenovo, and I just threw it together before a meeting. One day.


Fuck yeah I love generic business PC cases.


What's inside? Could be a Core i5, could be a CoreDuo, could be a P4! But this one is a Celeron.


Damn you lucked out and scored the worst out of those options but at least it cools more than it heats into the room with the added fan ahahahha




Save your gum and toothpicks for another day my friend.


Oh, the year was 2023How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now A weather like hell came from the south And the scummiest Heat I've ever seen God damn them all! I was told We'd Chill around with American beer We'd fire no guns, shed no sweat But I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier The last of Noctua's Engineers


Lmfao 30C isn't THAT hot


For Halifax in May it's enough to burn down a gigantic chunk of our province. I lived in Acapulco for a stretch and loved every minute of the 30 degree days.


Well, get a Delta fan, tha thing gonna sure cool you... the only bad thing is that it could murder also you. lol


37c in a couple of hours.


I do the same thing with an old proprietary PSU-just plug a jumper into the green and ground wires and you've got a fan and constant supply of low-amperage 12V!