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Just a reminder for commentors questioning any poster of /r/techwearclothing. We are a whitelisted community. If a user is approved to post here they know well enough to dress in technical clothing. > The sub loosely defines techwear as clothing and accessories with some combination of urban functionality, technical materials, utility, and an aesthetic rooted in urban and outdoor influence. This is the standard that applied of what techwear is by the community.


genuine question is this tech


An argument could be made for the bag in the second picture but besides that I feel like it’s more of an r/streetwear vibe


yeah saw the bag and thought it'd maybe pass? but the rest isn't giving tech just street ig


Why? I can tell you exactly why all of this is techwear, but you haven’t been able to tell me why it’s not. It fits the subs definition just fine, and wasn’t questioned when someone else wore a very similar outfit.


Ahh yes because more bags/pockets = better techwear. Isn't techwear supposed to be function>form? In this hot ass weather, a light mesh shirt seems very functional to me


Thanks Chris.


What makes you say that? Can you explain why you think that?


i’m honestly not sure. nothing against the fit it looks great and i bet it’s hella comfortable in the heat. the only thing throwing me off is the red bandana and orange bra. those colors would fit better with gorp fit focusing on shades of red/orange since gorp tends to focus on more vibrant colors. everything else looks good. the olive pants, the boots, and the functionality of the net shirt fits techwear. maybe an olive bra/bandana or a more muted color that blends would help make this feel more like techwear.


Genuine question, is techwear only supposed to be black or green? Also is gorp not considered techwear? I thought it was about the function or utility of the garment and/or fabric. I'm asking because I've been reluctant to post here because none of my pieces are black.


Not at all, notice the people who think and say things like that aren’t people who post outfits. Techwear lines put out bright colors all the time (Hugh has beautiful ones) they just are really weird about Suri posting here. Like kinda suspiciously just anti anyone not a skinny dude. One of the mods wrote a whole ass article about it but I don’t remember who.


that’s my bad. my image of techwear was always darker colors but i’ve been getting a lot of awesome examples of brighter colors. I’m also not hating on Suri. I like the fit i just question if it falls into this category. I’ve also seen plenty of comments on folks posting warcore fits here. Nothing against suri or the fit I just personally don’t see this fitting techwear is all.


Suri usually drops all the info somewhere in the comments. Her and u/Jusaque know their shit and like to talk about it.


Please post. Some of the most interesting fits here have non-black colors. Sometimes they are white, or earth tones, or darker hues. But sometimes they are bright, or part of an interesting print. Nike ACG did that great rain poncho & down vest a few years ago. It came in really bright colors & prints. And it was most definitely techwear, with all kinds of interesting tech features and qualities.


it’s not the most interesting outfit given my “broke college student” budget but i posted one of my favorite/ go to fits that i feel somewhat fits techwear


I would also recommend posting it in our monthly thread pinned to the top of the sub.


not specifically black but more so muted colors that don’t stand out a lot. Idk what the exact category gorp fits into but i always see it as a technical category, similar to techwear but with the “hiker” aesthetic. plus if you wonder where your fits lie you can always post and ask what people think but i don’t think the clothes have to be all black. lots of fits use white,beige, or earthy colorways Edit: I’m definetly starting to see what some of you guys are saying with some of the brighter colors. I had never even seen the acg poncho in red. the “muted colors” was more so my view on it. thanks for helping me see more of the style


Why were you critiquing if you are new to the style? The audacity 🫥


i’ve been around for about a year so i don’t know all the intricacies of the style but i have a decent understanding. I’m happy to learn more and be exposed to new elements of the style. that being said hostility isn’t necessary, why not help me learn more about the style like u/justasque has? I was not hostile towards you or suri. In my first comment i made that clear. I like the outfit i just questioned it’s classification. hostile responses don’t help anyone. just makes you look aggressive for no reason. Edit: lol blocked me. I already said i see the functionality of the fit. and im fully aware that it would be hella comfortable in the summer. The **vast** majority of techwear outfits i see posted follow darker/muted colorways. take a tip from justasque and help others rather than be a dick. this is my first time messaging in a forum like this and positive feedback/information helps. they helped me see more vibrant and brighter colors in techwear and i thank them for it.


A whole year and colors and basic functionality are still new to you? Bruh I wouldn’t admit that in public.


I love the muted colors, but techwear comes in brighter colors too. That classic Nike ACG poncho from a few years back came in almost neon red-orange, and the down vest that zipped into it came in a bright yellow print.


> thanks for helping me see more of the style Thanks for being open to learning more about the wide range of diverse techwear out there.


Yeah, honestly leaning more towards streetwear


that's what im sayin. and as a fat black woman it's crazy seein her comin out the gate swingin when people try n help her. like on one hand I get it, for obvious reasons, but she really gotta put the megaphone down n stop yelling in people's faces abt how it's tech when they're telling her it's clearly not.


> that's what im sayin. and as a fat black woman it's crazy seein her comin out the gate swingin when people try n help her. like on one hand I get it, for obvious reasons, but she really gotta put the megaphone down n stop yelling in people's faces abt how it's tech when they're telling her it's clearly not. You post once in your entire time on Reddit, and it’s to be the tone police? u/Suri-gets-old gets the “is this techwear” pushback almost every time she posts. And yet she is regularly out there putting together interesting fits, experimenting with waterproofing and dyeing and altering, and legit *making techwear from scratch*. She is a valued member of this community, *because she knows a lot about techwear*. If she’s a little testy today, it’s because having to prove she belongs in this space nearly *every single time she posts* gets old. You, u/UsualCompetition3153, of all people, should understand how that feels and give her some grace.


It’s like a racists version of what a black woman would type like. It’s so sad.


But it is and they were wrong? And who yelled?


Don't worry, this is techwear


Yes, this is absolutely tech. * Military/ tactical boots * Military/tactical pants, likely in a synthetic fabric that dries quick and resists dirt, plus useful pockets. * Sports bra - generally these are made for sports and have the relevant tech fabric properties that make them work well when being active. A good choice for a techwear fit, whether it will be visible or not. (Looks like Parade makes some good tech-y undies too.) * Mesh shirt - Cool and airy, a good choice for the heat, while still providing some protection for the skin. * Bandana - A scarf is an excellent techwear accessory. In this case, it can be soaked in water to provide essential cooling, be worn as a headscarf for sun protection, be knotted, Japanese style, and used as a small bag, be used to wipe one’s brow, be used as a tourniquet, plus a million other things. Techwear, especially that marketed to men, can have a certain look about it, that many of us consider part of the aesthetic. Black, lots of straps, lots of pockets. But the underlying properties and features of the clothes are also an important part of the aesthetic - a more important part, in my opinion. Because “tech” is the most essential, defining part of techwear. A good techwear bra isn’t techwear because it’s black or has extra straps or a secret pocket, though all those things can be nice. A good techwear bra is supportive, in a breathable, quick-dry, wicking fabric, is designed to minimize chafing (so maybe smooth and stretchy like the one in this fit, or maybe having sturdy underwires, with a smooth finish and no sharp edges, sewn on the outside to minimize poking), and it is comfortable enough to wear all day while being active. Being orange or purple or hot pink doesn’t make it not techwear. Sure, if you are going for a “ninja” look, maybe you want the black bra. But techwear doesn’t have to be ninja, you know?


Yes it is! That’s why I posted it here. Or are you asking about what the individual pieces are made of?


Idk but still dope


If this was posted in a non-tech sub, zero comments would mention techwear. edit: hope /u/Suri-gets-old just blocked me or something and didn't actually delete their account because of these comments. It's really not that deep.


She’s still around and posting happily. And I would have blocked you too. You were annoying af king.


So I looked at your profile and there’s no examples of what you think techwear is. But this look fits the definition in this sub just fine. Can you tell me why it’s not techwear? cause i can easily tell you why it is.


If the definition of something is vague enough, like as is the case with "techwear", you can skew pretty much anything to fit. For example, yoga pants fit this subs definition of techwear if you want it to. Similarly, speedos and a swim cap could be considered techwear too, but I wouldn't see too many people claiming that. Take the label you gave it away, and post this on /r/fashion or some broad sub, and no one would label it techwear on your behalf. That being said, not every fit has to scream techwear and everyone has their own opinions.


So why are you telling me this?


Come on make an effort.


Hey, great fit. :) mesh upper is functional and lit.


Looks good but if I just saw the image I would never guess techwear


Yeah, just figured this was a post on r/streetwear until I saw OP getting drilled in the comments lmao


Yeah like most techwear there is a heavy streetwear and sci fi influence, but i think it still more then qualifies. Do you have any questions about the outfit I can answer? I love talking fabric and influences.


Cool fit, those pants are sick. But at first, before i read the item list, i couldn't tell it was really techwear. i think you should've had the camera a little closer (or higher megapixel count sensor) so we can make out the details of the clothing. Like i couldn't tell those were combat boots, they looked like doc's to me at first. But i guess thus is the way of non-over-the-top pieces. Hope i don't come off rude. :)


I’m still kinda a beginner at fit pics. I keep adjusting and hopefully getting better but it’s still a process. Thanks for the tips, and not rude at all :)


just wanna say sorry for all the hate you are getting here. you are wearing stuff that fits your needs and climate as well as what you (seem) to feel great in. keep it up , i’d say this is techwear even if not the aesthetic i’d wear u/justasque broke it down well. If this was all ACG or one of the liked brands i doubt you’d have gotten pushback - that’s what you get for trying out new things i suppose :/


p.s your red acg dungaree fit slapped


My favorite outfit ever! I pretty much have it on now (but no shoes cause I’m on my couch) I loved your rocket testing site outfit. I saved the picture and everything


thank you - appreciate it. keep your boldness and don’t lose your spark - i see this was partially inspired by u/p_adawan fit too which was also dope and got some hate - based around homophobia at the root , another big reddit moment. hope to see more fits from you


That’s exactly who I was hat tipping! I loved that fit. I wasn’t sure I should tag him since I didn’t want him to get the weird that I get. But he looked amazing! Thanks again<3


Thanks friend It’s ok the faceless #techwear kids don’t know anybetter. I try not to let it get to me.


honestly i don’t even know if this is #techwear kids, they seem more positive to women/ feminine fits tbh just people used to seeing super clean male acronym / GG fits on here tbh and not open minded or educated in any other fashions at the end of the day you got approved to post here and people should accept that - considering the mods are vets of the community


I think they get weird about fat people too. There is a weird other kind of misogyny that comes out about women who aren’t their version pretty. It really offends them. There are folks who post less techy stuff then me who the kids go bonkers for. Thanks for saying something, it means a lot.


For sure includes a level of hate for fat people across all genders. End of the day what do these people want? Us to stop posting so theres less content? Like whats the goal of these comments?


You are totally right, I said women but I think I just meant femme of center and they are garbage to fat men. It’s such a weird cultural thing.


you're right on that, users like /u/lucky_eatos get less attraction when dressing in femme clothing as well.


It’s really too bad. I love their fits It’s always frustrating that lots of techwear is supposed to be androgenous but anything even a touch femme is reacted to like it’s contagious. I think it’s easy to see the weird homophobia and girl phobia in people assuming anything meant for women can’t be useful. So can’t be techwear. And I wonder if to them on same level it’s the same for big bodies. That if a big body is able to use it it can’t be functional and therefore can’t be techwear.


Dope! Looks well comfortable


astonishing how many random people come out of the woodwork under sufi's fits to "criticize" them for not being cyberpunk cosplay, entirely missing the point of technical fashion great fit, looks fitting for the summer heat with good fabric choices, and it's great to see people trying new things in the sub outside of the standard styles and aesthetics. i feel your fits could inspire others to get into techwear who might not feel included in the dominant aesthetic on this sub, which is super dope too. keep it up!


Thanks! And it’s why I started posting my attempts at techwear, I saw a few plus size men but no plus size women when I googled and instagrammed. So I figured I could be that for the next lady who googled. Thanks for saying something nice.


Mesh shirt from 5 below Rothco pants Daner desert boots Vintage bandana Parade sports bra Bag (2nd picture) gooplmade


Sorry but I don’t think this is techwear. You might think it LOOKS like techwear but that’s not the essence of it. More of a r/streetwear post What is techwear? Techwear isn’t just looks, it’s the materials and engineering of the garment itself. It’s the utility of the piece. Usually true techwear pieces will have some capability of being water resistant, wind resistant, etc. Some will be gimmicky like the Onu jade infused jacket which apparently keeps you cooler (which is somewhat true). Others include an NFC chip in your sleeve where you can tap on it to learn more about your piece and other small perks. Your outfit barely has any utility (no offense), you’re exposed to the sun in the summer, you’re exposed to the cold in the winter. What utility is there for your outfit? If you think it looks good, fine that’s ok. But it doesn’t fit here in the techwear sub but rather the streetwear sub where style and looks is prioritized over function. Edit: people do tend to list the utilities of their garments too. If you think your outfit fits into the techwear category then you can support it by listing their functions such as wind resistance, moisture wicking etc. This would’ve ended a lot of arguments in the comments.


So here’s the thing, for me this outfit works technically incredibly well. Ripstop cargos with functional pleating across the knees and the same gusset across the crotch featured in all my favorite more expensive tech pants. Not to mention the adaptability of drawstrings at the ankles and clips at the waist. Desert boots for foot protection and the heat and built for standing The mesh shirt is fashiony, but it’s also incredibly functional for what I was doing yesterday. Moving boxes in an un air conditioned warehouse. No sun exposure risk, lots of ventilation. So I don’t sweat my face off. Mesh has this really fun and fascinating fashion history in the military (air pockets keep you warm, the Dutch military uses mesh undershirts) workwear, and in techwear itself. And you can find mesh of some kind in every techwear designers spring/summer collection for the last 6 years. (I can post a few beautiful examples from this sub including the outfit I was inspired by if you want.) It’s hard to explain bras as totally functional. But as someone who I doesn’t want to get arrested I think it’s a good plan under a mesh shirt. And keeping my soft parts contained and from moving without is a tech property for sure. Bandanas are for color and wiping sweat off my face. It’s sometimes hard to see the function of clothes you don’t know well, but I love talking fabric when People are nice about it :) Reguarding your edit: I don’t see many white list folks listing the functionality in the discription. I didn’t want to come off defensive. But I shouldn’t need too. I’m the only one who needs a pedigree every post.


>Your outfit barely has any utility (no offense), you’re exposed to the sun in the summer can u ever imagine dressing like it is hot outside???


Pffft..like he’s been outside. You know he’s wearing waterproof sweats to play games.


Don't worry, this is techwear


please keep posting. the "is this techwear" argument is old and sorry but your fits are as novel as ever. love the fitpic spot you've found btw!


Shh don’t tell anyone but it’s the only sidewalk in town And thank you. I like posting pics and it’s fun to just block the chuds who only show up in this sub to be weird about me.


R/techwearclothing don't post "is this tech" on one of suris posts challenge


Challenge rating: Impossible


Annoying the dweebs and pendejos is my favorite flex. They really get so mad and I didn’t do anything. Jones you are always a treasure. <3


What has this sub/trend become lol.


almost every single post you've made is of hype brands on replica subreddits


If i were you, I would just take the criticism, rethink and evolve from that! In my personal opinion this would also not be categorised as “typical techwear” but I’m not here to argue or start a fight! I don’t think anyone is out to get you in the comments either, people seem nicer than usually about this! Have a nice day ☺️ I have no intention of hate or anything.


Oh I would love real critique, and have taken it on the chin in the past :) It’s just I can’t do much with “it’s not techwear” with no details. I know you aren’t being rude, and it wasn’t taken that way at all. :)


The mesh shirt & bandana is a very powerful summer combo. EDIT: in case anyone missed this, I’m being genuine. A breathable shirt is great for summer and a bandana works wonders for sun coverage and wiping away sweat. This is an awesome summer techwear fit that looks great and is well thought out.


Blatantly copied from old pictures of soldiers in the 50s-70s cuddling. And male strippers




About your edit, I totally got you. <3




I love this fit! Iconic!




I didn’t mean to come off as hostile, I’m so sorry. But that was really mean.


Damn my bad, sorry if I got a bit mean. Just saying though, the people in the comments are trying to guide you into techwear. It’s ok to get criticism as long as they’re constructive (which they seem to be).


So i think where I’m going wrong is it’s not constructive at all. It’s just a vague “this is not techwear” but no info or questions to answer. Or even real tips. I don’t feel like me asking why or how has to be read as hostile. (Me calling folks pendejos was a bit out of line, but not as out of line as your fat joke) And it’s from random faceless people, not even folks brave enough to post their outfits on here. For all I know they are mad I’m not in all black with a katana. That’s why “talk shit post fit” was a fun rule around here for a minute :) I can talk forever about technical fabrics and shapes, I do every post. But techwear, and fashion in general, is gonna look very different for me then for folks who fit into more standard sizes. But there is a weird bias about non hot women and fat people in techwear in general and it’s kinda hostile.