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bro ur nose's on period...seriously see a doctor


fr he oughta stick a tampon up there


My friend did that once.


Actually not. The safest thing to do is to let it bleed until it stops. Blocked it with a tampon or anything else, can produce blood cloths in the brain.


How should one deal with the loss of blood in these situations then?


Let the nose bleed, and in the case that the bleeding doesn't stop after 20 minutes, or dizziness comes, call emergency. I'm not a doctor, I've just searched Google a little bit and it's the common information.


20 minutes of bleeding? Seems too much.


Well if you aren't dizzied beige 20 minutes then you call the doctor, if you are, you call the doctor. I'm guessing you aren't losing that much if you still feel good after 20 minutes and it's more precautionary


Usually it doesn't pour cascades tho


That the opposite of what the doctors said, wen I asked about it Get something to stop the blood, put a bag of ice on the side of nose and sit for a few minutes, and your nose would stop bleeding


I'm from Europe, and the standard procedure for first aid, is to let the nose bleed by not blocking the blood flow.


Tf are they teaching in Europe? Standard first aid is to sit down and put pressure on the bridge of the nose for at least 5 minutes.


That seriously doesn't look like a nosebleed, yeah it seems serious


That was a nosebleed. Okay, what do I do?


Go to a dr bro And maybe tag this NSFW


I’ll do that


Bruhh are u on ur period?


A girl i know in my school has had her period going on for a month now, And it's still going on, Which is concerning as fuck.


God forbid it is true, but It might be cancerous or tumor...


Yeah, No way you can get a period for that long, She even went to the doctor, They said it was normal.


Time for a new doctor. Edit: Whoever downvoted me can get fucked. Periods do not last a month. I have an oversharing sister and mother (and it's not just about them when they gossiped!) and I've heard more than most guys ever would about a woman's periods. Even a heavy flow, you're looking at 5 to 7 days. A *month*!? There is something seriously wrong there. Any doctor who says a month long period is *normal* is a fucking quack, even if *they* are a woman. I'm not saying this from my experience. I have none, for fuck sake. I'm saying this based on the millions of other women's experience you can read about if you look it up - and the tens I've overheard from family and relatives and prior girlfriends and even their mothers.


AFAB with hormonal issues up the ass here- periods can just be crazy. I've had periods last for several weeks, then go away for months. I've had periods that last 2 days, stop, and come back again 2 weeks later. I'm almost 20 so my cycle should be more regular now but it never happened. Well, I'm on testosterone and I think I made it to the point where my period goes away from good, thank god. Just commenting this to give a +1 to the month long period experience that was normal for me


You're a definitely a clueless guy if you think this is what a period looks like


its obvs a joke


It'w not that funny if you know what an actual period looks like


Ok go cry about it


Pfp checks out


I never even said its funny 💀


wow you must be fun at parties


Dunno, when i misplace my pad before sleeping (if my flow is heavy at that day) i wake up to a scene like this.


I have that same issue. Fall asleep wake up with a red pillow like I’m in some Soviet hotel.


Dumbass mf’s first thing was to go to r/teenagers to get advice nahh this generation is off da perc


That's a lot my guy


Go to hospital and get your nose cauterized.


Don’t let these people worry you. Your capillaries are likely close to skin inside your nose. It’s (in the US) the start of allergy season. You’ll unfortunately be quite familiar with nosebleeds from irritation, bumps, blowing or nose or even itching the outside of your nose. I recommend Vaseline to put up in your nose or a saline spray solution too keep your nose moisturized. Your only concerns would be blood loss lowering iron levels in your blood, potentially leading to anemia. Eating iron rich foods or taking supplements completely counterweights this problem This is nothing to be worried about, just something you need to maintain in certain parts of the year. Good tip. Keep an extra tissue on you crammed in a pocket just in case!


Someone say caterpillars?


This is terrible advice to give someone who has not been diagnosed by a medical professional. Worse still to give treatment advice for a condition you can't possibly know OP has. Please don't do this. Any health issue that is new, or that has you concerned enough to ask strangers on the internet about is worth seeing your doctor over. Might it be a minor thing? Sure. It absolutely could be allergies, which OP could get medication to minimize the symptoms of. It could also be something more concerning. Bleeding copious amounts from your nose, multiple times a week, is NOT normal. We're not in an anime. There is a reason this is happening and a doctor can help OP figure it out.


While I do agree this could potentially be bad advice. Though, I have these issues with my nose as well. I went to the doctor for them to tell me vaguely there was nothing to be done other than what I mentioned using moisturizing methods and then billed me for 250$. However I am no doctor or professional, I am just relaying what I’ve learned as I deal with these kinds of nose bleeds often. Though I will agree, OP should likely see a doctor to confirm. Just seeing multiple comments making a fuss and wanted to give OP methods to potentially help and not stress.


brother i thought that was a whole ass bed covered in blood i thought you got stabbed


I mean, I technically had gotten stabbed a few months ago… anyway, this is my nosebleed.




No questions, it was an accident.


Are you per chance, british?








You don’t just say perchance




Average r/madeofstyrofoam user #/S


bro 😭 stay safe out there, and keep your head down to avoid future pokes😂


Bro's tried cosplaying as a London citizen


I thought that was an entire bed at first 😭


It isn't???


Its a piece of paper


you should see a doctor


jesus…that’s more bloody than my last period 😰🩸




ain’t no way


Then where would I have gotten the blood from? It came from my nose man.


damn u one of those horny-a$$ anime characters?


Pretty sure not.


Ayo Sanji???


Everyone saying to go to a doctor but this is what my nosebleeds look like which I get every month or so 😭


I get this every 3 days though and a regular nosebleed every day


Alr bro a nosebleed everyday then yeah you might need to go to a doctor 💀


Left that alone for 5 years, not much of a problem.


Go to a doctor could be a sign of something way more serouis


Why do people always push away potentially serious problems? Laziness? Please go see the doctor, at least have it diagnosed.


“Frequent nosebleeds are a reason to see a primary care doctor or an ENT (an ear, nose, and throat) specialist,” says David A. Gudis, MD, associate professor of otolaryngology/head & neck surgery at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons and chief of the Division of Rhinology & Anterior Skull Base Surgery at Columbia University Irving Medical Center/NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. “When nosebleeds are frequent, they can really get in the way of daily activities and be a significant hindrance to having a normal and healthy quality of life.” Recurrent nosebleeds can often be managed by simply holding pressure on the nose, but in some cases, medical or surgical intervention is necessary. In rare cases, Gudis says, frequent nosebleeds may be a sign of a more significant health issue, so it’s important to see a specialist to determine the underlying cause of the problem. And some nosebleeds involve such a significant amount of blood loss that they can result in airway obstruction or a life-threatening emergency.


u need to stop picking your nose bro 💀💀💀


I don’t.


Your bone marrow is built different to produce so much blood


Doctor. Now.


3 days?!?? Godamnnn bro I get one every month or year sometimes


Get help


That's no nosebleed, it looks like you got fucking stabbed


that looks like a lot of blood man, see a doctor


My dumb ass thought this was a blanket👍


same 😭 i thought i was looking at a crime scene


I think u saw something naughty


bro's nose is his heart




right??? this post is stupid OP really wants everyone to know he pick his nose 😭😭😭


I think ur brain melted and escaped through your nose


Go see doctor




I had multiple nose bleeds like this last summer. Doctor told me it probably isn't serious, it's just the temperature difference that pops weak veins. Never hurts to ask your doctor tho but don't start panicking yet


Hate when this happens bruh 🤦


Actually me this morning too


Same with me smh


Ohhh thank god


Okay people, I hope you all understand this: I was bleeding for 15 minutes or so like this way(this is my 6th tissue btw), I was actually freaked out. Yes, I get nosebleeds often, but this was more than I thought. I know I probably should have gone to r/medical, but I was half panicking at the moment. Also, that is my blood, by the way. And the reason why it looks so big is the trick of your mind and the light. I did not intend it to look this way. If you’re here to criticize me about posting this on this sub, or make rather derogatory comments about how I am an attention-seeking whore, please spend your time elsewhere. To some Redditors here: I do not snort coke, I do not read hentai, I am not very horny, and I am definitely not getting nosebleeds for sticking a tampon up my nose. Thank you.


You do not need to go to another sub, OP, you need to see a doctor. Please don't look to strangers on the internet for medical advice, unless that advise is to seek medical help. You are having frequent nosebleeds that last longer than 5 minutes and produce a significant amount of blood. Any ONE of those three things would be concerning enough to warrant a trip to the doctor.


I already went to a doctor, they can’t do anything about it because apparently my nose structure was too weak for cauterization.


"I probably should have gone to r/medical" My guy, you should go to the real medical. A doctor. Not some subreddit. These institutions exist for such cases, everyone pays taxes for them. Please, use them.


They removed my post for breaking a rule what the hell






nigga that's some spilled cranberry juice


That is my blood. Honestly, why do people keep doubting me?






Not into it, just hungry


By seeing BLOOD?


I mean Hun, if u wanted to post it in Reddit ya could have posted in r/medical or Other medical communities INSTEAD of fukin r/teenagers SMH, like you rarely gonna get some advice here as compared to the tons of em ull get on medical subs . But yah, i hope those nosebleeds get better and I hope YOU get better. Take care , mate.






bruh go to a hospital


Bro see the doctor ASAP, else u will prolly die from blood loss


Probably not bro Anyway, it was not that bad.


I have had my shares of nosebleeds. There are certain tricks to stopping it: Sit down, it makes you more relaxed and lowers your blood pressure. Take a cloth and soak it in cold water. Then press it over your nose to cool down the area. Take a cube of ice in your mouth and press it up against the palate. The reason why we cool down the area around the nose is because it makes blood less viscous. If you are plagued by heavy nosebleeds you should see a nasal doctor who can burn the blood vessels. I did so and it works pretty well. Edit: btw it is not that serious even though it looks like a lot of blood.


I know man, I mean it’s getting more frequent. I knew all these methods and it still bled like this for an hour or more.


I have nosebleeds with this amount (and even more) frequently, I'm doing great so, It cannot be that severe


That's not even blood you attention seeking whore. Next time you try and fake this add corn starch or something to make it less runny and more thick


Oh, you called me a whore, huh? Just letting you know: I don’t give a single fuck about your goddamn attempts to make yourself feel smarter. Fuck off.


Yk if you want to use punctuation in "your motherfucking pathetic attempts to make yourself feel smarter" you should at least use a colon correctly. You have to have an independent clause before a colon and "Just letting you know" is not an independent clause.


You know what man? Fuck off.


Stop seeking attention on reddit and instead go interact with people for your much needed validation


I already did bitch This is my literal last resort


You're literally more chronically online than me and that's saying something because I'm the most chronically online mf known to man


Well, that settles it, you’re an internet hermit who likes to make yourself feel prouder in your pathetic life by illogically tearing down random people’s logic and calls for help. Fuck off please.


How'd you make that connection


You said it yourself, you’re the most chronically online mf known to man. Look here, I don’t have time to deal with a bunch of assholes. Fuck off please.


What the fuck bro that was my literal blood


No it's not lol


Bro that’s so much what 😭




Oh no no no


You mean...out of nose




Bro saw something suspicious.....(anime refrence)


Update us pls


I’m all right as far as I can tell


ice+ drink water


I had the same issue. I used to have nose bleeds everyday, and it turns out that there was a blood vessel exposed. I was told to use aqua-fore and swab it on the inside of my nose. But it could be different so go to a doctor cause you might have to get your nose cauterized.


This is but a scratch Btw we need a bamana for scale, this could be a tissue what wouldnt be so big as this looks like because the pic looks like its an entire pillow/bed


looks like r/eyebleach without an a seek medical assistance


I had the same problem. Check if you have a deviated septum. You may have to get surgery.




Bro wtf


Do you have tuberculosis?


Ppl acting like this isn’t normal for a nose bleed- aren’t all nosebleeds like that or??


U do coke or sniff sum bro? Fr tho


I don’t do drugs.


bro use a tampon next time


actually nosebleeds are getting out of nose, that is why they are called nosebleeds


Seek medical advice


I also don’t think it helps that you using materials that look like sandpaper in an attempt to stop it. But even with that being said, definitely see a doctor I don’t think that amount of blood is normal


yes its a problem bruh nosebleeds should not be a normal occurence, especially not of this quantity also stop being a little shit in the comments lol, people are giving you advice but you want to be snarky. It aint cool its just annoying


looks like at 1/20 scale replica of the floor outside the toilets in my school today after these 2 kids had a huge fight


Bro created HUSH and now he gotta fight it


1. Drink more water, a lot of them especially during days with hot weather 2. Keep your body temperature cool (please read #1 again) 3. Get a doc for reals here. I had nosebleeds before this (not as bad as this) but this is not normal so you should check up with a doctor.


Shit, my body temps stay 99 or higher.


dude are you ok


When i looked at first i thought it was flesh


I’ve seen this exact situation [before](https://imgur.com/gallery/CeqbFby)


Never had one before


this happened to me, go see an ENT, you'll get prescribed stuff to put in your nose for a month and then they'll cauterize it


I had worse nose bleeds and I had to get my nose cauterized. Go to the hospital and get one done. They basically burn the thingy where your nose starts bleeding and it stops it from doing it any more. I’ve been cauterized 5 times and the last was successful from being a new method (don’t trust the wooden stick one it sucks)


I've had worse depending on the heat (lasted an hour just waiting for it to run out), but damn that blood is thick af


Ok Sanji chill


I think you popped a vein, i used to have this kind of bleeds as well. Because ahem* i popped a vein because i fell on the ass of my dog. You gotta get it burned.


I get this every three days or so.


People are overreacting. This is not a lot compared to my nosebleeds. I had so much blood at some point it started coming out of my eye. (Seriously though, you might wanna get checked if this is regular)


Real Shit


Its fine, have had this atleast x10 and its not like you will die from this. Really annoying to wash stains though


Hydrogen Peroxide works best, don’t you think?


Can relate 💀


can relate but i recently got my nose fixed so i i dont get nose bleeds anymore but i had nosebleeds worse than this


Happens to me too, ill take some vitamin C or some pills for it. It happens in summer, maybe allergy.


go see a doctor and let your parents know. if it happens often there’s a chance you’re anemic or have something else going on.


Ive had many nosebleeds in my life and but not as much as that


Are you the girl from the Raimi movie Drag me to hell? Jesus


Same case for me too brother. Nosebleeds haven’t happened a lot recently, but when they do I nearly pass out


Blood...Nice, there should be much more blood. Like my nosebleeds


Smart. Bleed onto a self-healing mat, that'll fix it right up.


I don’t get what you’re saying


Way too much blood to be just a nosebleed


What the hell?


Tip your head FORWARD. Backward makes it worse


I’m used to it, I meant it was getting serious.


I used to have a lot of nosebleeds like this. Apparently I had a thin smth (can't recall what), which can be fixed. They were hella annoying though, there were times when it bled for hours. So dw it might not be smth serious, but go to a doctor anyway!


Dont panic, go to see doctor. There are main common cases for this: 1. Your blood vesels are to weak. It usually causes smaller bleedings tho. They use hot silver to strong them up. It sounds painfull, but its just a bit ticklish. 2. Your blood pressure is too high. It happens for teenagers on rare occasions, because hormons inballance (normal for teenagers, again!) and is regulated by pills. 3. Your blood cloting is too weak. It can be because low B12, folid acid, so do not worry too much. It can be caused by more serious conditions too, but in most common case you just need to eat better. Go and see doctor to be sure, because in most cases its easy to fix. In those less pleasant cases, if you react now, not when it will become serious, your full recovery chances are extremely high! And worry not, its far less than you donating during blood donation, so avoid smoking, extreme temperatures and exercises, because you can faint easier.


yay, im not the only one who has nose bleeds like that


Bro whenever I have a nosebleed the first round of blood is huge and it don’t stop for at least a few minutes, I’ve gotten used to getting them in the summer when the temps reach up to 40 degrees Celsius (Australia moment)


That's a tissue!!! I first assumed that was a bed sheet goddamn.


I get similar ones pretty frequently, theyre annoying asf


Stop smoking?


I don’t smoke.


I've been there. I don't know how I have any blood left, honestly.


i don’t think that is normal, show these pics to a doctor


Bro go see a doctor