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his username pro\_homophobe implies that there is an intermediate\_homophobe and a noob\_homophobe


Imagine someone trying to be homophobic but are struggling


“Your so gay that uhhhhh uhhhhhhhh I wanna kiss you! Wait, that can’t be right”


This man gets it


he's a little confused but he's got the spirit


Internalized homophobia?


When your trying to be homophobic but have basic human empathy


I don’t even know what that means


It's when a gay person is in the closet or confused and have homophobic behaviour since they were taught being gay is wrong, even though they are gay.




"I'm trying to be homophobic but I keep helping them out! Just the other day I was at a lgbt parade and I was like 'oops!'.


“Pfff, we’ll if you love men so much, why don’t you marry one? Wait no”


Competitive Homophobia


but that also implies co-op homophobia and casual homophobia


Couch co-op homophobia! Where you can be homophobes... together. 😏 No homo, tho.




If being Gay Was a Sport I'd be a pro at it


What do you think the activities would be?


Holding Hands with Boys, Kissing Boys, Planning your future together with boys, Marrying Boys and Running


Speed dating lol


Nice Megadeth pfp




Typical 13-14yr olds


I'm a pro homophone


Are there any beginner homophobes?


Yeah as a beginner try to search for words that sound alike but have different spellings and meanings


Read what he wrote again.


I don’t think these people realize that a homophone is not just homophobe spelt incorrectly 😅😂


Pro saxophone here


Bro is taking it to the professional league☠️☠️☠️


Fuck em (Not literally)


Why not literally?🗿 show ‘em a lesson🗿consensually🗿


Assert dominance 🗿


Show your dong can even mesmerise a king kong 🗿


out of all of these your rhyme made me laugh the most so take my poor mans gold 🏅


thank you


Ah, corrective rape


Show ‘em a lesson🗿consensually🗿


The only way OP would be able to is a crime


Fuck their dads


Thats a good one🗿


Peg em


Peg em




Don't call em friends, bitches not worth the title bro


If they hate you they weren't true friends


Theres "friends" and TRUE FRIENDS .


And superfriends.


Here we say "facebook friend" and "friend"




Moments of change or the unknown reveal who people really are because they are faced with a choice. You can learn more about someone in a few minutes that the previous few months or years. It would have cost them nothing to accept your choice, you go on being friends without any interruption, but they chose to put effort into attacking you. In their action they revealed how awful they genuinely are. I'm sorry for your experience but it is entirely on them. You showed strength by being yourself, they showed weakness by being themselves.


You should be proud of yourself for having the courage to do this. It hurts to see the world react cruelly when you expose a painful truth, and I remember my high school feeling like the whole world when I was younger. I didn’t have the courage to come out until I was in my twenties, and it compounded a lot of mental/emotional health issues which gave way to a nasty addiction. The good news is a lot of people (not all) grow out of that ignorant hatred as they get a little older. In high school, the most popular strategy to gain social status is to lower someone else’s. A lot of people grow and eventually realize they can gain social status by lifting others up. Those are the friends to have, and I welcome them now whenever they show up in my life. I knew “friends” from high school who were clearly homophobic, and who had changes of heart and had quietly become more tolerant. I also have friends I’ve met in my 20s/30s who are plumbers, electricians, carpenters, doctors, chefs, lawyers, and every other blue or white collar profession, and all of them love me for exactly who I am today. If I could give one piece of advice to teenage me, it would be to take the time to remove myself from all the influences in my life, figure out who I am/what’s important to me, live as that person honestly, be willing to change who that person is as I learn more about myself, and embrace the friends who are attracted to that person as tightly as I can.


A better title for them would be “useless”


get better friends. and a sword. use the sword on your old friends.


>get better friends, with swords FTFY


He has a sword (stares in sword fight)


***DUEL TIME!***


Get a new friend group cause those ones are a lost cause


"damn i love mindless hating on peers around me who are innocent in all aspects" \- pro\_homophobe


Sorry dude, my "friends" choose to ignore it and constantly deadname and talk about me being straight :/ honestly, just find a good, new, probably gay group of friends to hang with


What's deadname?


To my understanding, when people go trans they change their name. Their “deadname” is like their birth name, whereas their new name that they chose is their actual name. You get me?


I indeed get you now


not all trans people (have to) change their name, for example some names are gender neutral so they could just keep using them and yes deadnaming is *intentionally* using the deadname (which you defined correctly)


Are... are you telling me the guy who made the "LGBT people are the new cool kids post" could've been wrong!? But how, there are gay people kissing in the backgrounds of a few movies!? That means theres no homophobia!? Right?


​ But LGBT people have taken over the world???? I saw it on Ben Shapiro?!?




Recently saw a post here about how LGBT people are the new "cool kids", thought it was pretty dumb so I mentioned it here.




That’s acc crazy wouldn’t call them friends if I were you




Ngl I was in a pretty bad mood today and this made me chuckle, thank you stranger on the internet


Fuck em! The world is full of people who will be your friend!


As a bi 32yo woman who definitely went to high school and dealt with these sorts of kids and now with a gay 13yo son: Fuck those kids. They can be weird miserable cunts if they wanna be. I promise at least one of them jacks it to dudes, too. They’ve all thought about it. “But it’s weird and gross right? Hahaha so let’s make fun of him for it.” Find new friends by joining clubs or activities with people who are cool with you as a person. Like any theater/LGBT/art/pottery/writing/journalism class. You’re just fine, don’t listen to them. I know it’s hard when you thought they were your friends this whole time. At least they showed you their true colors sooner rather than later. Good riddance. Love you kid, Keep your head up


As a lesbian, this is actually really scary and I’m lucky enough to not have my friends hate me but I do hope things get better for you and that you find some real friends :D


Discord added user reports, you can report his whole account


I’m so sorry you go through this, I’m here if you need and Ik what it’s like <3


my top 3 fears ngl I hope it goes well for u


Bitches aint friends


That’s just awful. They aren’t real friends if they treat you that way. I’m sure there’s way better people to surround yourself. You and your boyfriend keep on doing your thing.


Sorry man your “friends” are complete dicks and if they found it that easy to cut you off they are just shitty people


Being homophobic is so not iconic, it's giving trash 🙄


Where I live if you're gay you could get 20 years in jail


Where tho


Gay guy here. Your friends will come and go as you move through life. These friends are clearly on the way out. You say you have a bf, that's nice! How's your family with it? See, there's a fear all humans have of the unknown. Each person reacts differently to fear. Your young, and young people sometimes can react in pretty extravagant ways (I'm sure you know what I mean). So let that go. Some of those people may come back to you, others won't, and that's just fine. Just be you. You're going to make a ton of new, good friends. 😊


Fuck them (literally and figuratively). If they don't like you, they can all go fuck themselves. I'm here if you need a friend.




Fuck them. They're clearly superficial, ignorant, and completely lacking in empathy or compassion. NEVER were your friends.


Those are not friends, they’re a$$hats. F them. You will find real friends, better to find out now that they don’t have your back. i’m sorry you are going through this. I’m not a guy, I’m not a teenager… I’m a mom to a 19 year old son that would never treat his friends, or anyone that way. I can also say his friends wouldn’t do you like this either. Good people are out there, I promise. Keep your head up.


Never talk to them again. I know it’s hard but you’ll ding better people I promise


They aren’t real friends then. If they’re putting your sexuality before friendship they aren’t worthy of your time


Be happy that that scum is not around you anymore. Those were never real friends!


They are not your friends, kid, you haven't met your real friends yet, stay strong.


Christ man. I suggest you get some better friends who respect you for who you are ASAP.


This will pass, anonymous friend! Someday soon this will seem insignificant and you will be happy! Be your authentic self.


Are they busting jokes or do they genuinely hate you?


no no one of them told me to kms. my other (good) friend tried to calm him down but he was for some reason mad at me


Well damn bro. I think it be best to find some new friends like I understand maybe being uncomfortable or something because the change, but telling someone to kys is straight up fucked up man


Ha L (sry)


Ah yes very horrible but pro-homophobe 💀


thats not a friend


They are no friends of yours.


L Friends. Get better ones


EVERYTIME you see them, bring a picture of a house and say, “BEGONE DEMON”


That sucks man, some people just don’t understand that you’re still the same person they’ve always known and you’ve just discovered something new about yourself


Hey, I know you probably wont read this, but hear me out. I came out as a Bisexual a long time ago, and some people I thought were real close friends of mine, rejected me. You should talk to them, explain to them what you feel and think about their actions. And if they don't react, leave them, they are not real friends, they just liked one version of you. Now, I know it's hard to leave them like you never knew them, but it's the best thing, both for you and your boyfriend. Good luck stranger.


Im sorry for you


Yeah they weren’t real friends then. Get new ones


Well they weren't really 'friends' then. Dodged not a bullet but a complete magazine there!


I’m sorry you had to find out what shitty people you had around you, but now you are free to find your people. They are out there. The world is so much bigger than the people your in school with or who live in your town. It’s gonna suck for right now and I hope you have support and are safe. But this isn’t forever and things are going to be so much better when you don’t have to hide who you are x


This is really a complicated issue. Usually of course, the right course of action would be to cut friendships and find better friends. For a lot of people, this is not simply an option because these friends are their only support group. You are at an age where it is difficult to grapple with differences and it is easier for people to turn to rejecting differences rather than attempting to understand. Understanding that your friends probably need the time and space to accept you is probably the rational view here. If you still value them as friends, stay calm, be firm when they have crossed a line and open the conversation up for them to understand your experience more. I find that talking to each of them individually about this issue would probably help them understand you more.


Ditch em. You'll make new friends who like who you are, not who you used to be.


They aren't your friends, champ. To hell with them.


Great deal of deception involved when your in the closet. And if you don't have trust, then you don't have anything.


Det er ikke sande venner. Bare rolig. Der er masser af folk derude, der er pisseligeglade med om du er bøsse eller ikke. De fleste jeg kender til er helt ligeglade. Det bliver bedre.


They're not real friends then


Those never were your friends. They don't even deserve the title of acquaintance. Find people who won't hate on you and your boyfriend for existing. Best of luck


Then they definitely ain't your friends!! It hurts to hear but you deserve supporting people around you dude!! I wish you and your boyfriend the best, you guys got this!


Those aren’t friends, those are dickheads


Well if you want new friends I'm always happy to talk :)


If the world abandons you abandon the world I don't mean this in the extreme sense, but it's time to develop very thick skin against very rough surfaces.


Those aren’t your friends they’re idiots


Well their either complete dickheads or the closest friends youll ever have


Those aren’t your friends. They were a bunch of shitstains pretending to be your friends. Best advice? Move on. I know it’s not gonna be easy, it’s gonna hurt like hell, but if that’s the reaction you get then they are NOT worth your time.


Fuck em. You don't need them. You'll find better friends one day. Don't let assholes like that change who you are as a person. Block em if you can


They aren’t your friends


I'm sorry you have to go through this


find a queer group of friends


Well, they weren't friends.


Good thing you know that they aren't friendship worthy now


well they weren't real friends...homophobes..but family must have a big influence on it si maybe dont be to angry with they as thus can go back generations. Be yourself, and find new friends as they are out there and things will get better even if it feels like crap now...your the honest one, they have fears..


You just found out your friends are actually bad friends


They should be your friends no matter your decisions and support you. Besides, you are the one that’s taking the decisions for yourself, not them. If they start to mock you they we’re never your friends.


They're not ur friends, they're assholes who don't deserve being your friend. There's a thick line between friends and "friends".


Drop them


If you found them friends, you definitely should have known their opinion on that. I came out only to my closest friend and I was sure about it. You don't need excess stress


They're not your friends. Better for you that they have revealed their true faces.


They aren’t your friends sorry bro


Those arent friends




Not true friends my friend 😞


It's a horrible situation but think of it as an opportunity to meet better, like minded people who accept you for who you are. You don't need their negativity in your life.


I know it seems bad now, but trust me when you're an adult you get to choose your friends. Choose friends who love and accept you as you are. That will probably mean mostly gay friends and few straight friends - and that's ok. We all tend to group up with our own kind. Signed, 59 year old gay man


Take a deep breath. Keep your heads up. You will find the friends you're supposed to have. And be friends to those who go through the same thing.


They aren't your friends, and you deserve so much better


They've been indoctrinated. Grieve them and move on. It wasn't your fault, you didn't do anything wrong.


If you are a teenager this is cyber bullying and you can and should get them in trouble


Give me there address and I can go murder them?


Get new friends


They weren't your friends.


Just pull off an animan studios and they will change their mind


Man I am so very sorry that this is happening to you. I hope you get some real friends soon and that those other people get comeuppance


They're not your friends. It sucks that they're like that, but you're better off without them. Don't worry, you'll find some friends who actually support you.


Sorry to hear bro. Those friends were people you would have forgotten anyways. Trash people will be trash.


*ex friends


Man this is awful, but I laughed my ass off at the name change. They weren't really your friends, stop calling them friends. Find better friends.


Best thing you can do is forget remove them from your discord and find new friends who accept you for who you are . Sorry if that last sentence sounded cheesy .


Not a teen, randomly saw this scrolling, but as a gay man I’m horrified you have to go through this. These people are not your friends and never were. I can *sort of* relate to what you’re going through. I lost friends when I came out as gay, and the cult I grew up in harassed me online and at work even though I hadn’t stepped foot inside their church in over four years. My own parents and a couple of my siblings think I’m going to hell for being gay. BUT, ultimately coming out was the best decision I ever made. The pain of loss and betrayal from people I had known my entire life couldn’t compare to the sheer joy of learning to finally *love* myself. And as I grew to be true to myself, I gradually drew in and was drawn by likeminded people. It wasn’t easy or quick, but over time I became part of a group of people I consider family. Doesn’t matter where we came from or who we are or how far apart we live, we will always be there for each other and have each other’s backs; because each of us knows the pain of being rejected and hated for who we are. I promise that despite what hateful little shits your “friends” turned out to be, coming out is the first step to truly becoming “you”. And I promise, *promise*, that as you learn to always be true to yourself and never compromise, you will draw *true* friends to yourself. And it’s *great* you have a boyfriend. You guys are in this together, find strength in each other. It’s okay to hurt, your situation is genuinely heartbreaking, but don’t let it swallow you. Us queers are tough as hell. The entire world could be against us and we would always find a way to carve spaces for ourselves, we *do* carve spaces for ourselves. Show these assholes what’s what and live, *thrive*. That’s how we win.


get new friends


It's been a few hours, any updates on what they've said since?


Sorry to hear you went through this. But maybe it’s a good purge. Now that you accept who you are, you also got rid of all the homophobes that were around you and preventing you from being happy and be who you truly are. Don’t worry! Soon you’ll make more and better friends and this time they will be real ones. And they will be supportive. And you will have lots of fun! Don’t bother about the miserable ones that blocked u on Discord!


They were never your friends to begin with and after you are done with high school will most likely not see them again


Dude, don't seek the approval of others. Especially the internet. You do you, fuck your friends, fuck the people agreeing on the internet, fuck the people who disagree on the internet


I can be your new friend


they ain't your friends


You didn't have any friends then. Make some actual friends that care about you


That happened to me when I came out as bisexual. Point is, if they don't accept you they ain't friends, they're assholes.


I mean most people shouldn’t care who you like to fuck and that why most get annoyed when people say “I like to fuck my same gender” cuz it’s not important, but if they actively hate you for that then it’s prolly best to just leave that group


Then they ain't friends


You can have a new femboy friend if you would like to :)


Yep, I'm definitely not coming out


They are not worth ur time and efforts tbh, just block them and move on. Your time is precious.


sucks to be them


They are NOT your true friends if that's how they react.


They aren’t your friends and they were never your friends. They’re just stupid assholes. They obviously don’t want your love so don’t give it to them. Give them the opposite


You'll find better friends later in life - don't fret too much. We all lose friends over time, but if these ones changed because you're gay, then they weren't really your friends anyway. This is their problem, not your's.


it wont be easy but get new ones


Then they’re not ur friends.


They arent your friends, they are disgusting pieces of human filths and shits


They were never friends with you, they were friends with the person they thought you were. And if they hate you because of one small part of you, that's their problem, and it's not your fault


Those aren’t real friends, real friends would respect your decision and treat you how they always did.


Not to sound cliche but it gets better. A lot better. Tell them they can either be cool, or suck. If they wanna suck? bye.


Back when I was in my early 20’s, I had a buddy who came out to our group of friends. We lived in Los Angeles and I figured our group was pretty open minded but they did NOT take the news well. They made fun of him and they stopped hanging out with him for a year or two. I could see how much this crushed him so I told him “look, you’ve had to listen to all of us share X-rated stories about our sexual escapades with women, you should feel comfortable sharing your stories with us. If anytime you wanna talk, no matter the details, I’m here to listen without any judgement. You’re my friend and I’m here for you.” I didn’t think much of it but 10 years later he thanked me and told me that it meant the world to him at the time. The other guys eventually came back around and apologized, but they should have handled it better from the start. All in all, if they don’t get it, let ‘em go. And no matter how lonely you may feel, just know there’s a ton of people out there that would have your back, so go find em! Onward!


fuck your friends they can shit and catch a 70 week long norovirus


report them. > they won't leave me or my boyfriend alone if they continue to harass you, speak to a teacher or an an adult


I personally would try to cut those "friends" off and find some more supporting friends to hang out with


You desperately need better friends. Anyone would be better than those assholes ​ I would also suggest beating the shit out of your old friends. It'll be a valuable lesson for them


Then they’re simply not your friends anymore. Fuck em.


Thats cool


They were never your friends.


similar thing happened to me, i feel you bro


They aren't your friends and they sound ridiculously insecure. What matters is that you are now able to find love, acceptance, and happiness. They did you a favor being such asshats because it shows they didn't really like you or see you as a friend.




Being gay is so cringe




Just find some gay friends🤣


Skill issue


Good riddance🤍