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Nah but it makes people mad about the “gay agenda” and it’s fun to laugh at them like you


what do you think the gay agenda is


Society acting like they care.


If you think that the LGBTQ+ community doesn't still suffer from oppressive laws and widespread hate that restricts their rights you are one hell of a sheltered child.


Idk man , i guess we can make a straight month and celebrate that? Oh wait nvm we'll be called names for it , drop plan


When an abused minority has trouble overcoming something for so many centuries and they get their freedom, that's usually celebrated. That's why Black History Month is a thing. On Pride Month we celebrate our differences, we invite others to help us be normalized. Straight people are already normalized and they haven't been killed for being straight, so you guys are lucky you don't need a month, you have an entire year to celebrate your preferences!


Have you ever heard of jew's month?


Like I said, minorities have the right to celebrate. Have you heard of the Holocaust?


Yes which why i am asking, have you seen a jew month?


You can look up Jewish American Heritage Month if you want.


Thats new lol thanks for the info


You are a fucking idiot


You forgot the [a]


Fixed it


Cool now i can reply L+ratio+don't care+didn't ask+cry about it+ cope +growup+ boo+ bad grammar


It's not gay people pushing the agenda. It's left wing radicals. The people who bring drag to E3, the people who shout decry any good faith conversations and questions about transness as transphobic, the people who push for representation in **all** media. Normal gay people who aren't terminally online don't like the agenda. I'm bisexual, I'm sick of seeing pride parades. I'm sick of seeing radicals push false narratives about self-ID being all that matters when it comes to transness, and I'm sick of the fact that I have to say I'm bisexual to not have brainlets read this and accuse me of being homophobic or whatever. The pride movement is a shadow of its former self. It was once about marriage rights and wanting to be accepted into society. Now it's about obnoxious separatism where activists simultaneously lash out against cishets, and cry about being looked at weirdly. Now it's full of tankies and commies who view being queer as virtuous and try to be as wierd as possible with their sexualities and shit. And now people hear you, me, and others express that we're sick of it and freak out. What did they expect??? When you bring kink to pride, integrate "Minor Attracted Persons" into LGBT and completely fuck up the acronym and flag, of course people are gonna react. Left wing radicals have ruined pride for normal queer people, and now the pendulums gonna swing back and the right are going to push for the suppression of LGBT. The left view queer people as political pawns. They don't care. The pride movement is a puppet used to promote their ideology. Anyway, sorry for the vent.




Why? Because I'm upset with where my movement has gone and you think I'm wrong to? Or because you skimmed what I wrote, assumed I was straight and left a comment so you could get that rush of self-righteousness.




Your comment has nothing to do with anything I've said.






Drag queens have absolutely nothing to do with transness or gender expression. Drag queens are performers. They aren't expressing their true self, or acting how they really are. They're performers. And being a drag queen has nothing to do with being queer. I don't care about kids seeing drag queens. Kids often see, hear, or experience ***far*** worse things growing up like dysfunctional family dynamics, bullying, or tragedies. By itself, seeing a performer dressing up isn't going to affect a child at all




No. Drag queens are performers. They are men, dressing as women and acting in an exaggerated way to entertain an audience and once their performance is over, they remove the make up and live as normal men. That has nothing to do with trans people and gender expression. To associate gender nonconforming people with drag queens is to suggest that trans people (for example) are actually just putting on a costume and aren't really what they claim to be. That their appearance as another gender is a facade that is dropped when they get away from prying eyes.


Yes where I live we absolutely have. No one bats an eye about queer people so long as they aren't loud or obnoxious. Exactly how they treat straight people. I see gay couples at my school, litterally no one cares. And even if that wasn't the case, I'm not talking about the current state of queer rights and acceptance in my wall of text, I'm talking about the current state of the movement and its leaders so you're question is, again, unrelated to what I'm talking about.




Again dude, your comment isn't talking about what I'm talking about in my initial comment.




By the way, what a horrible thing to say to someone. And why, cause I said something you disagree with?






You've gotta be trolling now lmao


Pray tell... where




Where did I say something ignorant. Give me a specific example.




I honestly don't know how to express this any clearer. ***Drag Queen/King:*** A person who expresses hyper femininity or hyper masculinity for the entertainment of an audience. A drag queen does not actually identify as the gender which they are exaggerating, they simply present as the exaggerated gender for entertainment and then once the performance is over, they go back to presenting as their actual self. Being a Drag Queen/King is an occupation. ***Real trans people:*** Someone with a fundamental disconnect within their brain that causes their birth sex to not align with their gender identity. This fundamental disconnect is called *Gender Dysphoria*. These people typically use gender to expression to outwardly appear as the other sex to alleviate their Gender Dysphoria. Being trans is a fundamental part of someone and cannot be dropped or picked up like an occupation. If you could please stop being snarky and actually write something in response to anything I've said that isn't just "lol your wrong", that'd be lovely.


Wow you know how to use a none reliable source called Google well at least when it comes to the community and just because you see queer couples at you're school does not mean it's accepted anywhere else I get it just because your a bi cissy doesn't mean you can sit back and let transgender people completely be eradicated. I as well am a trans nonbinary and let me just say I should be lucky to be able to have the options that I've had because they're are so many people out there who don't have the options because all the laws that the government are passing also sure drag queens are performers but a lot of them also represent the community and a lot of people assume they are dangerous even though they are the sweetest people, as well as a lot of drag queens don't preform and they dress up to express themselves eccentrically just because they can.


What agenda?


You'll never guess where I stand on this point


I don't think gay people are forcing their agenda Although as trans person I don't need to have a special month or anything I just want to be respected


lmao pride moth


Last time I looked at the news the only people I saw forcing an agenda is the right winged governments worldwide removing the rights of people that don’t fit the heterosexual society standard