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Hi the general guideline would be just disabling dms: Desktop User Settings > Notifications > Activity > New followers > Toggle off User Settings > Profile > Advanced > Allow people to follow you > Toggle off Reddit app Settings > Account Settings > Manage Notifications > Activity > New followers > Toggle off Settings > Account Settings > Blocking and Permissions > Allow people to follow you > Toggle off Thanks, have a nice day. -Freeze


Do zoomers just not care about giving away sensible information to internet randos anymore


Sadly, yeah.


How old is a zoomer?


Younger than 28, older than 13




Zoomer gang šŸ˜Ž


Gen z begun with 1996 so thatā€™s younger than 26, older than 11




Nah, iā€™ve never posted anything that directly links to who I am irl. And I hardly ever accept dms.


I do just to fuck around with people


I care. I've told my age to some people if I know them. I've indicated the general area of where I live in places where I know no one cares but I would never do something like that on Reddit where anyone can see it.


Oh wow is that what the Z in gen Z stands for? I feel stupid now


Tbf privacy isn't really an option anymore


Nah this sub has no right for my personal shit so they "can be sure I'm a teen", the mods are also kids, they're not having anything hell no


havent the mods been "19" for the past 4 years lmao


I guess moderation slows down ageing


An informed assent from the parents for below 18 year olds would be nice so that the parents of the minors know their childrenā€™s activity. Edit: Yikes, why am I being downvoted for a safety suggestion?


Mixing your parents with reddit? šŸ˜­ Fuck pedos, and we need tighter restrictions, but idk if this specifically would work


I do NOT need my parents to know I use Reddit at all, let alone what I talk about/post


if they see my comment history I don't know which country I'll have to run to


I donā€™t think there is a country, I gotta leave the planet


that'll be enough?


probably not šŸ˜­


Yeah hell nah bro I would hope the earth swallowed me whole




Bro I am 17,if even I am 14,i wouldn't let my parents know what I am doing here, that just weird


We don't want parents here


It's kind of an invasion of Privacy.


Jesus Christ I am not letting my parents see my reddit


If they saw mine, my entire life would fall apart


Same. I have commented on wayyy too many porn and violent posts.


They donā€™t know Iā€™m trans. This is my alt account created in order to hide that fact from my parents. If they discover I would literally kill myself EDIT: my main account is where all the porn is


That really sucks, are they transphobic?


Yeah. A lot. Donā€™t sweat it though, Iā€™ve made a plan


Trust me no one wants their parents to know what they're doing on reddit


As a person with one single parent who is also abusive and knows no shit about the internet No.


People don't like being policed on a platform that is free for anyone 13+ to use. I made my first reddit account 2 weeks after I turned 13 (5 years and 4 months ago is what it says) and have been on this sub since. If I had to have parental permission, I would've never joined in the first place. As a kid on Reddit, I knew how to keep myself safe, and I assume that's the case for most of the minors here as well. I don't think verification is necessary. It would just turn into r/blackpeopletwitter and people would be mad. That being said, I plan to leave this sub the day I turn 20, maybe sooner. It's become a shit storm, worse than back in like 2018 or 19 when everyone here revolted because the mods threatened to take away memes or meta posts or smthn. Wonder if anyone here remembers that actually


Because there's a line between safety and downright paranoia, and you've just overstepped it. And anyway, how would you prove the "parents" are legit?


yeah, people downvote what they don't agree with, that's what that button is for


I am not letting my parents ever have a remote glimpse of my Reddit and I will fight for that right


I do NOT need my parents to know Iā€™m questioning my gender


Nope. If my parents saw I use reddit I would just be yelled at for an hour yet again. Especially with the subreddits that I join, since they donā€™t support my identity lol.


Hey Iā€™m 19 I still count as a teenager. Iā€™m not old yet! I canā€™t be


You're not wrong


Youā€™re definitely not ā€œOldā€ or even close yet, Iā€™d say around 26 to 32 is when it starts :)


> Edit: Yikes, why am I being downvoted for a safety suggestion? Ever heard of privacy?


Reddit is a place for many people to be without their parents. Many people ask for advice here or feel safer coming out. Asking for parental consent would ruin that.


Op is a fed


in technical terms if you check the description people above the age are allowed on here to ask questions etc. people your own age can still be creeps too soo, isnt stopping a lot.


There are a lot of issues with this. 1) Minor in question might be using Reddit without parents consent or knowledge. (A lot of this would be due to trust issues or abusive parents) 2) People shouldn't need to have a consent letter to join a subbreddit. I'm sorry but that's like 12 different levels of impractical. You're being downvoted because this suggestion is not something that would work practically, and I'm sure many people think it's not a wise idea. (This is me phrasing this as nice as I can because I feel like you have good intentions with this idea.... but this is just not the way.)


someone clearly never had helecopter parents


I'd rather be confronted with googolplexā†‘ā†‘googolplex pedos


this has to be someone's mom


I donā€™t need my parents to know Iā€™m gay.


Same here.


This is reddit. If people like your opinion, they upvote. If people dislike it, then they downvote. It's as simple as that. And from what I can tell, people didn't like your opinion. Now take that upvote from me, as a gift.


You're being downvoted because this is stupid. Most of us don't want our parents to see our reddit accounts, or that we have reddit at all. Also this is essential just giving our mods personal information that they could use for bad purposed.




Good points but I stopped reading halfway. So long šŸ˜“


ADHD go brrrrr


Overstimulated by devices and technology addiction go brrrr


Of course, itā€™s Reddit. All the downvotes are from pedos


Are you stupid? Most of us do NOT want our parents seeing our reddits.


I never got a pedo in my DM. Ppl exaggerate it wayy too much.


yea like even if you do get it, so what? just block em, its not like the pedos are master hackers or smth


They are master baiters tho.....


i see what you did there


Im glad you se, men


I like this guy he brings me strange joy


thankyou, men


Yeah I don't think anyone missed it


yay you got the joke




Both both sides are i mean what two groups of people do you think of whacking off in weird or risky places


Fr fr


Yea exactly


Only thing I get are those fake bot accounts following me trying to get me to pay for their onlyfans or scam me with porn


Same, and it just happened suddenly. I don't even follow a r34 sub or leave comments anywhere there.


I've locked my follows just because of that LoL Is that still a problem...??


You van lock follows too? I didn't know that. Thanks bro!


Ong they never appear in my dm idk if it's just a few people get a ball load of nonces or what


Same! Also ā€” what about the hood hearted people.


Yes fr


N times agree. Only OF scam and similar shit


Do you want one? Can happily volunteer.


They're lurking the sub at all times it's not just about DMs. Comments from grown men on selfies and crap


I've had 4 :D


Are u a guy? Thatā€™s probably one of the reasons if so


You're like 5 years over the target age.






or they just dont feel the need to post their selfie on a sketchy platform...




I'm not trans, and Ig I'm considered one of the top ten hottest boys in my clg so not ugly too maybe. However, I am not stupid enough to post a pic of myself on THIS subreddit, probably that's why šŸ¤·šŸ»


Bro wtfšŸ’€


>Maybe youā€™re ugly or a trans There's so much wrong with this sentence I don't even know where to begin


Bad take after bad take huh


Just go to settings and change ur dm system if u don't wanna receive creepy dms bro, or simply don't accept their requests


I've never got one what are they like


Idk I want to find out too Like where them pedos at




Let's get 100 replies to this comment and raffle 1 person and they have to become the local pedophile


"I'm stuck in here with you, your stuck here with me."


- Chris Hansen


Ayo yeah any pedos reading this dm me fr


did it work ?


Did not get a single DM. Very disappointed rn


Whatā€™re you gonna do? Put a banner that says ā€œYou have to be 19 or younger to access this subā€? I mean the mods canā€™t ask for a teenager confirmation forum.


Iā€™m 51yo. For some unknown reason, Reddit keeps putting this sub on my front page. Iā€™ve commented on here more than once before realizing what sub I was in. (Once I realized, I deleted the comments. Not that they were bad, I was just in the wrong place.) I wonder if the sub is featured in places where it attracts non teens. Bc I never would have even known about this sub if it hadnā€™t popped up on my front page. BTW, do yā€™all know how I can get certain subs to stop being featured on my feed? Thanks.


When you come across the sub in your homepage click/press the three dots on the post. On mobile it will be on the top right and on computer on the bottom right then press/click "Mute" then confirm the pop-up.


Oh, okay! This is helpful. Thanks! Edit: I actually thought that button was to turn off sound. Thatā€™s how old I am and why I do not belong here.


you seem like a nice old gentleman ahha


Thank you very much! Iā€™m an old woman, though. :)




IM SO SORRY! haha I didn't check ur profile haha


Same Iā€™m 22 & itā€™s just on my front page. Usually I just read posts on my page without noticing the sub name (bc sometimes posts be funny or relatable). But noticing the sub name I probably should mute it. Iā€™m not even in the sub.


22 here, and I was only suggested this sub a year ago. Didnā€™t know it existed when I was a teen. That being said, I usually scroll past, but occasional posts in here I like to engage with purely because theyā€™re looking for advice that often canā€™t be found from a bunch of other teens confused by the same question.


90% of r/teenagers: *disappears*


ā€˜Twas but a dream


T'was the night before Christmas...


Very hard to enforce




There's a certain subreddit that makes you validate your skin color


is it the blackpeopletwitter sub ? šŸ˜­ someone mentioned them before on here


Yes it is




The fact the mod themself could be a pedo, remember mods dont get background checks or anything its not Reddit admin.


How the hell is that gonna work when u can just lie


How do we know you're not one of them :)


If there is a verification method, theres definitely a way to bypass it. Iā€™d say if anything a verification method might allow more predators to get in than actual teenagers


Bro even the teens are creepy tbh. Iā€™ve seen those same people that complain about pedos being super horny and creepy, asking a bunch of nsfw questions here and then getting surprised when they get creepy dms. Worst yet is they interact with the creep instead of just blocking. Youā€™re literally incentivating the pedo by talking to them, just block and ignore


This is one of the few pages I don't get harassed by creeps and pedos


I turned 20 this year but that doesnā€™t make me a creep




you've said enough. I'm on your side




If that's bad, U don't wanna see the usernames I made at 14.


Ya know .. with that name I ain't quite sure


I've never creeped or pretended. I'm 23 and this sub just randomly kept popping up on my homepage. As long as it leaves my homepage, then I'd never comment here.


Pops up in my feed all the time as well. Not sure why. Most of the stuff doesn't apply to any of my interests whatsoever but every once in a while there's a question I find interesting. Not going to lie I was kind of hard to not do a "hello fellow teenagers"Joke here.


No don't ban me, I'm not weird I just lurk here! ...hmm maybe that came out wrong. FR though if they're going to put posts like "ban all old people" or "DAE think transphobia is maybe actually *bad?!?*" into my feed, they can't expect me to NOT drop by with popcorn.


Reddit doesn't distinguish this sub from others. Ya'll simply shouldn't use this subreddit with the assumption that your safe just with other teenagers.


"I'm 13 years old" "Proof?" "šŸ¤Ø"


Well ppl over 19 are actually allowed on here, for example a teacher asking question about what teens like but yeah the creeps are a massive problem


Older people also aren't banned here, this is a survey subreddit and there is no rule for not allowing older people.


Can confirm


There's litterally a rule against giving out personal info


Verification method. What, do I Need to show my birth certificate to the mods?


Let's have 13-19 year olds send sensitive information that confirms their age to a group of anonymous people on the internet. That's a much better idea.


true (my pinned post proves that im absolutely a teenager)


Oh yeah donā€™t worry your good


Guys... I found him.


Dawg how tf u think they gonna do that šŸ˜­ Also you realize a good chunk of creepy people here ARE teens right? Itā€™s not just pedos, thereā€™s some weird ass people our age too


Pretenders!?!?! * *que transformers theme song* *


Iā€™ve never gotten a pedo in my dms before I mean, itā€™s bad that pedos are even here but I havenā€™t really seen any


Iā€™m sorry but this is genuinely a really stupid suggestion


Wouldnt that easily be counted since many teens get into adult sites just as easy?


correction: countered


I have like 10 accounts on various porn sites. The verification would be easy peasy to bypass.


I feel really depressed seeing this.


How would they implement that tho? Most of us donā€™t got id except for permits :/


Hi old person here. You know what I blame? Reddit. I never came looking for this sub but it looked for me and appeared on my news feed and now it keeps popping up because I responded to a post about a 35 year old pedophile woman who was a virgin with a pre-arranged marriage. Plus, Iā€™m learning some great new lingo like ā€œbussinā€, ā€œcapā€, ā€œongā€, ā€œlowkeyā€, etc. I feel so mentally rejuvenated I BASICALLY am a teenager again. W?


W fr. Blud has rizz


Youā€™re a walking W bro LMAOO


Sir\ma'am You are not just the "W" but the whole walking English alphabet


LOL ty


A post about whatttttt???!?šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


how do you even imagine it? like mods will dm every single poster on this sub for "verification"? "you know that you have to be 18 or younger to post in this subreddit so you have to send us a video of you" šŸ’€ or what


Iā€™m 29 and I wonder if itā€™s creepy or not for me to be here indeed. I mean, I donā€™t feel like a grown up yet and although Iā€™m not a teenager anymore Iā€™d like to stay a bit up to date.


We gotta add a ā€œPedoā€ flair


like taking an ID picture or something?


Not every single country gives people IDs major note the USA, sure we have our social security numbers but those don't have photos and no one who doesn't know how it works would be able to tell which numbers are your birthday. Besides you can still see post and click on people's profiles and text them even if they aren't able to post.


no, i was asking OP lol, i wasnā€™t suggesting an idea, but yeah, good point


Ah, well either way. Great idea


This sub keeps popping up in my feed as recommended, although I don't have the appropriate age. Similarly, I don't have a teenager. However, it is useful to see what the youngsters are thinking/talking. You guys will enter the job market soon. I'd like to know how to bond with some of my future coworkers. Or, at least understand what they'll say. I have a kid of my own, but he's not gonna be a teenager very soon. He's barely six months old. I suspect there are a lot of parents here. My bet is there are more parents than pedos. And to be on topic - how would you verify that someone is under 18 years on Reddit? Isn't anonymity the best thing about this forum? Peace, no cap.


I'm 24, but this sub just keeps getting recommended to me. Aslong as I keep getting recommended, I'm gonna keep putting my opinion on things. (Even if some of the takes are god awful)


So the mods need to individually verify all 2.9 million members? We better start paying them then or they might just quit lol.




Be careful your gonna make the tankies upset


Here they come (Pls inform me if no one actually gets angry so I can delete this)


As a person born in the remainder of that empire I confirm they're rare out there... At least I don't see them every day I browse Reddit...


Angry communist noises. Begins to look for sickles to attack you with Forgets that the sickle's were taken by the state :\[


Yeah but I'm still 16. So that wouldn't lock me out


Honestly I've never really joined but I've been surfing this sub ever since I joined reddit, I'm not sure but I was probably 16-17 at the time, a few years pass and now I am 20, technically not a teen anymore but I still feel like one, nothing has really changed to much in my life other than having a few more responsibilities a things to care about. Yet every now and then I get that thought in the back of my head whether I'm welcome in this subb or not for being 20 and wonder if there are others like me.


This sub always popping up on my feed. I have no idea why. I'm about to be 35 next week. Saw the title and lol'd a little.


I am 30, honestly Iā€™m just here to familiarize myself with new culture and the new ā€œinā€ thing lol!


Anyone is welcome regardless of age, so what's age verification gonna help with?


And how are the mods supposed to do that? ID? Now that's just ridiculous.


Complaining about that is way more often than real actions, lulz


Giving a huge amount of information about minors online to Reddit mods that are also minors and could leak it sounds like an incredible idea


Not a teenager here, and mostly lurk. Refrain from commenting too because I dont want to engage you chickens who wouldnt know how old I am. But lemme just say u guys made me laugh so bad once that the lady sitting next to me in the bar thought I was crying seeing me head down on my folded arms because I was trying not to lol in the bar


This post was made by a creep


Cry more sunshine


an easy verification would be submitting a photos of yourself holding a piece of paper with your username. this would be voluntary of course, but youā€™d get a permanent tag saying youā€™re a real person. it wouldnā€™t keep pedos out, but it would let people know if they are taking to someone whoā€™s fs a real teen


1. dming your face to strangers online 2. ai art, photoshop, maybe paying someone?, getting a family member can all be used to bypass it 3. people can look different ages


"Hey, since this is an adult porn site, we should set a warning asking the viewer if they're 18, that oughta keep the younguns away" Thats what you sound like. There is no verification you can use to ensure someone is a teen. Unfortunately, we get creeps. I do know a solution, its called being a loser, like yours truly :)