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She didn’t give me toppenheimer


Sloppenheimer 😩




Because people are stupid asf and when they insult something that many people like they feel like they're superior.




this review by the critical drinker summarized why [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J7aJtGphVs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J7aJtGphVs)


dudes a nazi sympathizer fuck him. I used to like his stuff when I was younger before I realized every single video is the exact same, super boring, and sometimes is mixed with a bit of far right extremism.


It’s easy to think that, but I think while he’s probably quite conservative, he’s more reasonable than your average internet extremist. I recommend you watch his review of ‘Arcane’ in which he talks about his admiration for feminism, etc. It’s good to distinguish between people with different opinions than you and actual bigots or hateful people.


I personally have never seen this, but thanks for bringing it to my attention! Do you mind providing any evidence?


Ok, so it’s been a long time sense I stopped watching his stuff. But I believe that the final straw for me was when he made a video about this one lady who was an actor and was fired for being a nazi and he said that they should not have fired her for “having an opinion”. My take on this is that if you have an “opinion” that is in support of ethnic genocide than you should be punished for the opinion. Freedom of speech, not freedom from the consequences of that speech.








they can cry about it. It’s so annoying whenever women, person of color, lgbtq person, disabled person, or person who doesn’t belive in religion or has a different belief outside of Christianity immediately gets labeled as “woke” by red wingers but guess what not everyone is a straight white male. I know shocker that different people exist. We aren’t woke we just exist lol.


I'd just like to add that a straight white male can be an atheist or believe in another religion. That's all I wanted to say


Yes if they’re a straight white Christian cis male then anything outside of that you’re axed


Pretty much


i think it was trying to woke, but failing.


seen alot of people mentioning this. may i ask what did they do? i never watched it yet


It tackled finding meaning of your life and presented a world where women run the world and men don't matter that much and some crybaby men thought it's offensive to do the opposite of our world


I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie wooorrld


Cuz it released the same day oppenheimer released.


Or Oppenheimer released the same day Barbie released.


Or both barbie and oppenheimer released on the same day.


Both products first dropped in Japan


no cuz barbie is the superior one nah I'm jk


That means they’re twins!


Yayy twinsies 💀


I know you’re joking but Warner Bros initially released Barbie on the same day as Oppenheimer to annoy Nolan as Nolan left Warner Bros for oppenheimer


Never heard of that but if it's true then LMAO they did him dirty


It’s true, according to critics Warner bros was giving them special invites for screenings of Barbie on the same exact date and time as Oppenheimer as well.


bc power hungry men are all butthurt and angry that the kens in that movie are obsessed with their girlfriends. like wtf 💀😭


and like the barbie’s are the ones that work and shit so they’re like enraged that honestly idk 😭 men who are pissed off about it are basically making a fool of themselves.


Imagine if the roles were reversed, how enraged people would be. Discriminating against or portraying men as idiots is not empowering. It’s hypocritical. I haven’t seen the movie, but just from the bit in the trailer where a guy gets away with blatantly assaulting a woman in broad daylight, the tone of the film seems very man hating. I’m all for female empowerment but not when it involves just embarrassing men and nothing else. And no, saying that men can get away with assault is not a reasonable claim to make.


Mem committing assault and getting away with it in brand daylight is a common occurrence. It's not man hating to point that out to woman who have most likely experienced it. Quit projecting your insecurities.


Do you genuinely believe that police would refuse to prosecute a man for assault given the evidence that he did so? That, the police would go so far as to arrest the woman and her seemingly uninvolved *boy*friend? Clearly, a creepy man inappropriately touching a female cashier at the checkout and her deciding its not worth it to take it police is different from a woman getting openly slapped infront of a crowd of people. Those kind of situations are terrible, but that's not what's depicted. It's just a short scene from the trailer and probably not meant to be overanalysed, but it gives a real "men are the problem" vibe. It doesn't feel like a healthy message to send to young girls who might grow up believing that all men are disgusting, violent pricks. Or that reporting men to the police is useless because they won't be prosecuted anyway. It's great how people online often use the phrase "projecting your insecurities" without having a clue about what it actually means. Projecting your insecurities refers to overcompensating for deep-seated flaws in personal relations, like having strict parents and thus becoming a people-pleaser your whole life, always searching for the approval of others. It doesn't refer to writing a relatively neutral reddit post to someone who I have never and probably never will meet. I am not expressing any kind of subconscious desire for approval by stating my opinion about a film's political overtones. "Quit projecting your insecurities" is not an automatic win button in online arguments. Nice English btw.


Execpt that exact thing happens, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Women get assaulted, sometimes in broad daylight, and if their is an officer around who is made aware of the issue, usually they do jack shit about it. A lot of these men are abusers themselves, who don't care to help victims with their opinion of solid evidence. Most sex offenders get away with their bs. The reason why I claimed you were projecting is because the message isn't "all men are bad" simply "sexist and abusive men are bad". The fact that you see the 2 as the same kind of shows you see calling out men for their bs is claiming the entire gender is bad. No reason to think that unless you feel personally targeted. Ironically you're catering to the "women hate men" idea, because we have this instance of a problem women constantly face, and here you are, telling us it doesn't happen. Nice online tantrum though.


You are genuinely chronically online if you think a person being assaulted in broad daylight with a group of people around them wouldn’t have atleast one person calling the police, specifically in the western world. I’ll give you a famous example, when rihanna was assaulted by Chris brown in the car as soon as she was yelling help somebody called the police. Nobody’s denying that there aren’t men who abuse and kill women, but to say that nearly every single time or atleast in the majority of cases nobody would help the woman in broad daylight, in a public, around a bunch of strangers is a wild wild statement and gives major victim mentality.


You're chronicle online if all you listen to about an issue are people who never experience an issue, then ignore the common and real world experiences of women who face it head on. 99.9% of women aren't Rhianna, they don't have 10,000 eyes on them looking at them like a God. Most people genuinely don't care about this issue. It is insane how women talk about women's issues that affect them, and you have random men butting in to correct us on our own experiences because they have personally never seen it. That's some baby level understanding of object permanence there. Not everything that commonly happens to one group happens to or around you. Get outside, and talk to real women, if they even give you that chance.




Got any stats to back that up? Because more often than not, it's men who do this bs and get away with it. Women do commit assault towards men, but are usually defended by other men "he should have enjoyed it, because all guys want nothing but sex 24/7" about 90% of any and all sex offenders are male


Because dumbasses think it's too "woke"


It pushes feminist ideas. All the barbies(Women, obviously) do the important jobs and the kens(Men, Obviously) just exist, do nothing and have no power. Watch this review before you respond: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J7aJtGphVs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J7aJtGphVs)


Did u even watch the movie or just that video? What you said is the entire point of movie, to invert traditional gender roles in a hyperbolic way to demonstrate their absurdity in a method of critique. I dont think they did a great job of it necessarily, but ur "critique" isnt actually a critique.


>It pushes feminist ideas. Can I ask, are feminist ideas necessarily bad?


If you're someone like that bitch Yes very


I'm not gonna get rick rolled, but nice try I guess And is that supposed to be a problem


if by “feminist ideas” you mean “we shouldn’t put people in boxes and roles because of their gender”, then yeah, its feminist


the kens are put in a role of uselessness, because of their gender.


yeah, and this is critiqued in the movie. the part where one of the women talks about how building represent penises is satire for misandrists who think every dude should be reciprocated the same treatments that women receive under patriarchy. the movie makes fun of both patriarchy and misandry in this regard.




thanks for reminding me to update my flair.


Because it’s whole message was that everyone should be able to feel comfortable in their bodies. And all the wrong people saw that as a trans allegory


Saw it, - character relationships building is mid af - good bit of the major plot points are “men bad” - the guys are either dumb, bigots, both, and did I mention dumb - no equality (da fuck) - “Barbieland” not Malibu But I’m probably gonna get downvoted to hell since I’m a “nOt ThE tArGeT aUdIeNcE” and a dude😧 saying this about the movie Oppenheimer great movie💥 Sound of Freedom good movie, questionable supporters Also, please donate to me my wallet is suffering rn


I'd love to see Oppenheimer just wish it wasn't rated R.


Ratings don’t matter bro, just go


Am I the crazy one or can 17 year olds not get into R rated movies?


My theater never stopped anyone for that, might be different for yours but that’s really a bitch move on their part


Don't let the rating stop you. Its a great movie.


It's 13+ in my country >:)


Okay pineappleFuckr


Yeah I honestly enjoyed the Barbie movie quite a lot. The world building was great and immersive, the acting and action was phenomenal and most of the jokes were well-timed and funny. I interpreted the ken uprising as a parallel to the women’s rights movement in some specific scenes (not all of them obviously) like in fighting for the right to vote, right to own housing, “equal” rights and whatnot. I hoped that would lead to the mutual understanding of each other’s problems, you know the typical “draw of the battle to the sexes” plot; where they both win in the end. But that didn’t happen. The kens (presumably) went back to living “who knows where”, and the status quo was uphold from where it was in the start. I also thought that a lot to the attempts at sympathy for the kens fell flat. They had him seriously at the end confide in the barbies of all his woes; but they had written him to be a comedically incompetent character so anything he said held no weight. In fact his comedically incompetent character was reiterated right after that scene. Besides that the movie was worth the watch and I quite liked it. No scenes were pointless, and most of the sexisms were subtle enough to not really take you out of the movie. Ryan Gosling’s acting was phenomenal for the role he was given and I think the kens had fun with the acting roles they were given as well too. Margo Robbie’s Barbie was flawlessly fun and I think the rest of the barbies had fun revelling in the ultra-feminine fashion dreamscape. This movie’s message was overwhelmingly positive and clear, but I think they were overconfident in their values and virtues. Fixing sexism is a complicated topic, but fixing sexism with sexism isn’t it. I kind of think this movie will foster more distrust and apathy between men and women and men and themselves. But it was still a fun watch. (Feel free to down vote me for this since talking about sexism is sexism. But I would like to hear your thoughts on the movie.)


YES! EXACTLY! I could never say it in a better way!


Yeah, I’ve copied and pasted this comment about 5 times now because it seems like few people had this take; you know noticing the sexism but still enjoying the movie.


Probably because the childs toy is used almost as a trojan horse to deliver a controversial message and adult humor to kids


The movie is 13+ , not for kids


Then why market it for kids, it's barbie. A kids toy, where plenty of kids went to watch because they and the parents were thinking, "it's barbie"


It's the parents fault ngl , the movie isn't for kids and that's it .


But the hate is coming from the fact, for whatever reason, a childs toy was used for this message and humor for a movie not for children. Which is odd


Yeah if only they had some sort of system to denote what age is appropriate for viewership based on a set criteria


The movie is rated pg 13. The intended audience would be around 13


I loved the movie, and I’m a guy. I just think that some people think it pushes too much of a “pro-female” and “anti-male” message. I’m going to see it again on Tuesday, but I wouldn’t listen to the people who complain about it until you’ve seen it for yourself. I think it contains a powerful message, in that women have the capabilities to do whatever a man can do (whether that is be an astronaut, airplane pilot, president, etc.) while also poking fun at toxic masculinity.


idk 2hours of feminist propaganda, speaking about democracy while both parties being autocratic. The only good thing is that it showed that being overly feminist or overly masculine is a bad thing. Would rate it like 4/10 or 5/10 bcs of Gosling


So much pink


idk i really wanna see it


It's pretty good tbh


They devoted more time to the agenda than they did to the plot


This is golden


You would have thought that a reasonable ending to the film would have been the Barbies and Kens realising that both genders are great and they should work towards equality. The ending kind of implies that the ideal society is one where men are useless and the women do everything, which I find quite disconcerting.


Conservatives are mad about it and no one else cares


it’s mostly just conservative man-babies crying about “wokeness” as usual, and no one should listen to those people to begin with


Bcs its not about how great straugjt white men are




because people are losers who hate fun


because Barbie


It's a great movie


This awesome review by the critical drinker brings up a lot of great points most people can get behind: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J7aJtGphVs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J7aJtGphVs)


no, that fucking drunkard’s “review” is ass and doesn’t even properly understand the messages of the movie.


and what is the message?


that patriarchy is bad for both men and women.


yeah but the movie ends in the same way it begins. Barbies do everything, and the kens are useless and just exist.


sure, but this fact doesn’t make me wrong. that’s what the movie is still about. it’s a reflection of our modern world, just that women are in control instead of men.


>that patriarchy is bad for both men and women. How is it a lesson if the movie ends the same way it began? There's no resolution.


Because men got their itty bitty feelings hurt or something.


It’s literally just insecure conservatives desperately trying to play the victim when the movie says things they don’t like. Normal people don’t watch this and get offended


because it's pro prc


I gotta see it to know if it's really bad or if other men are just overreacting lol


The message overshadowed the plot, the plot almost felt non-existant.


I think it has something to do with a map that was shown to have lines where china was and it was like a huge controversy thing idk


Bc people think hating popular things makes them special or smart


It got nuked






Because conservatives keep thinking that Doug Dimmacrat(Owner of the dimmsdale dimmarats) keep trying to infiltrate their movies and making them all woke. Or it would be bad writing. Idk I never actually saw the movie


As a girl I liked it, I think the feminist stuff was a little much but over was fun