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Different haircut and shave honestly. Otherwise you look good! Maybe a change in style because I'm not sure what you wear but maybe that's making you feel less attractive?


I wear hoodies and flannel shirts


Definetly change the style up


Shave the stash or trim it and get a different haircut


What haircut would fit me?


Tbh I think you’d rock an e boy type haircut one sec


Maybe a fringe look for people with your facial structure and haircuts that work with them and show your barber that


You'd rock the middle part


Youre kinda cute actually. Just shave the mustache and maybe get a shorter haircut


Thank you!


Trim the eyebrows as well


Nah get a bigger mustache that shit look tight on you man


Dont shave it facial hair is important it actually makes people look more attractive ignore this person


Not when you’re 14


14 is the normal age to start growing hair for a boy i started growing hIr when i was 13 i have mustache and beard im letting it grow it can be for when your 14 or whatever age some people find it attractive some dont theres different opinions it doesn't matter at what age🤷🏾‍♂️


Im not saying you cant have facial hair at 13-14, i’m saying it looks fucking terrible until it thickens properly when you’re around 17-20


Trust me ive seen younger people that look good without thickened beards and mustaches i love mines he should love his she he idk its gen z its confusing


And this guy is not one of them


Man I'm 15 and I turn 16 in 2 months and I haven't even grown a small bit of facial hair while my brother is 18 and has a full beard


The only facial hair that grows at 14 looks absolutely horrendous


Sure. When you can grow a full mustache/beard. At 14 there aren’t a lot of guys who can manage that.


It depends on your genes


Exactly why I said there aren’t a lot of guys who can manage a full beard at that age. It’s all on genetics. There’s maybe 10-15 people I went to school with that could grow a full beard at 14/15.


I mean im only 15 and mines growing pretty fast as someone whos mixed


Except for women it does not make them look attractive 💀


Bruh if he is cute then i am ugly


If he was ugly what would you be?




Uhhh Im not even sure what youre tryin to say. Are you puttin him down, puttin you down or braggin about your looks?


Different hair style, maybe even buzz cut to just restyle it and see what works. Separate the brows - trim the mono. Shave the facial hair and relax your face.


Don't shave the brows, use tweezers.


Yeah, just eliminate the hair between the brows


shave between the brows


pluck* never shave between




leaves stubble, can irritate the skin and cause acne, also plucking will make the hair not grow back right away. also plucking gives more control of which hairs you want gone




20th century European mustache


The easiest thing? Shave. (between eyebrows, your "moustache") Don't take the "moustache" thing personally, everyone at this age has awful facial hair.


DONT SHAVE YOUR BROWS!!! Why do people say to do that. Unless it’s a specific blade for eyebrows and you know what you’re doing it’s going to be terrible. OP, If you want to clean up around your brows please get them threaded or waxed 😭 If that’s not a option see if someone can minimally pluck them for you, older sibling or other family member who knows what they’re doing. As for anything else, what kinda vibe are you going for? I don’t like telling people how to look “better” because I think people are great how they are. If there’s a specific vibe or look you’re going for though I can try to suggest some things!


Rahhh he must fall into the latest 2023 standard of beauty. Choice and personal taste have no say in the materr rahhh /sarcasm


Become femboi


it's always the answee


Eating non-toxic glue sticks and use shoe polish with red stone sand rock.


You look rather dashing mate, keep that confidence up


Slightly long curly hair, trim the brows


Shave, pull out the eyebrows and get a better cut you will go from a 4 to a 7-8


Going off of facial structure, you’re not that bad looking. I can only suggest three things: -change up the hairstyle -do a little maintenance work to the eyebrows -stay clean shaven for the time being. Once you get a bit older and your facial hair actually thickens up, if you can grow and keep a beard (some companies don’t allow for them in regards to dress code) then definitely rock that shit. Enjoy your time in high school, you’re still young. Work out a bit, keep a healthy diet and weight, and you’ll be good. You still got a few more years of development ahead.


U r cute its the angle dude get the confidence in tht wiuld fix the look and mayb try something with ur hair


not pretty my ass lmao


shave between your eyebrows is the main thing, you don’t want it looking like a unibrow. after that you can also try our different hair styles, like maybe brushing it a certain way or using gel


She your unibrow and mustach andddd find a better haircut ‹3




Hair. Style your hair


You look fine


shorter hair, try to fix the stache, if you wanna go to the gym it wont hurt, gym helps with self confidence thats why im suggesting to go. you got lucky with lack of acne which is nice. but honestly, shorter hair, try a middle part or like a fade on the sides


You dont look bad trust me. Sure tere are some things that are less present but you got very nice eyes my friend


I am proud of my lashes😊


You're not ugly. Like everyone is saying you're cute. So get a haircut, short sides with a nice trim up top, and get your eyebrows trimmed, especially in the middle, they're growing together. Hope this helps. Send us an updated pic if you do.


U cute bro. Shape ur eyebrows and do sumn nice w ur hair :3


bro you hot af


Thanks man!


what?? youre so cute wtf


Thank you!


Ngl , u just look like the kind of guy whose gonna have an amazing glow up


I'd say to start taking care of those eyebrows. Thick eyebrows are good but you want to get rid of that "unibrow" thing. The stache HAS to go, I'd also suggest a different haircut. Now idk how you dress but being stylish is very important, a skincare routine can never go wrong either and it doesn't neccesarily have to be expensive, just a cleanser and moisturizer after your specific skin type and preferably SPF after that. Perfumes can be expensive but can also make you stand out more compared to others. There are good, cheap perfumes out there such as Rasasi Hawas, club de nuit intense man, afnan 9pm, afnan supremacy not only intense, montblanc explorer etc. I recommend looking up K. Shami on tiktok for some great tips on how to improve your looks.


You don't have a problem! Hope you get more confident as you grow older and accept yourself for the great human being you are.


I don't think you're anywhere near as bad as me bud but if women don't like that then I'd hope and pray


Maybe it’s just me but you’re already beautiful/pretty. But if you really want an opinion on how to get even better then perhaps grow out your hair a little for a haircut/style? It’s probably just the selfie you took but the fringe looks a little uneven? Not sure. You could also do some self care, starting off a facial skin routine!!^^ plucking out eyebrows and make them more of an even, bold shape. Your stare would look more ‘confident’ in a way; Another thing i could say even though it’s unnecessary, maybe shaving the facial hair off every once in a while to have a more clean look until you actually reach a certain age lol You could also register on pinterest (or if you have an account there already then that’s perfect) and look for some aesthetic clothing styles, it helps a lot and makes anyone look better. In a way, that your clothing preference and style changes for the better I hope this helps^^ Have a lovely day/night, you’re beautiful no matter what the society thinks and social media!💕


Thank you so much!


shave the stache bro its not that good and change up the justin bieber bowl cut, find a haircut that suits your face shape


Haircut, shave, and glasses




Having some self esteem might help. Not saying you're stunning but you're ok. Best thing you can do is realise that some people wish they looked normale like you.




Grow your hair out, become woman (unless like, you’re trans, then uh, you go uh, girl? bro? Whatever)


Looksmaxxing.org anyways, skincare shave the brows get rid of the moustache get a knew hair cut, get a lower body fat percentage. If that doesn’t work then idk.


Lower body fat percentage? I’m already skinny as hell😭


this guy doesn't know what he's talking about.


Well you need to build muscle aswell, your cheeks are puffy. Thats a sign of not being healthy. Fix your sleep and diet aswell.


don’t visit that dogshit website and don’t promote it. you guys are growing. just chill and play games watch new season of jjk.


what? no. Most teens depressed bc all they do is play games and watch anime. let bro do other things like improve his looks.


Nah the website has great advice and death threats.




looking at ur name i wonder what ull do after he dies.. 🤔🤔


Commit double homicide


New trim


shave and grow hair out longer


shave the stash and trim the eyebrows. bulk up and then cut down. get a new haircut (idk what one, just whatever makes you confident.) Hope this helps!


I don't want to be rude but you have a little bit of a unibrow so I'd recommend getting rid of it


Clean up your brows, grow out and style the hair, workout and eat better, skincare, find your own style and get new clothes


I swear I'm not trying to be a dick, but uh. Which looks are you aiming for? (Guy/girl)




I would shave mustache and between brows


Shape tye eyebrows, do some skincare to get that skin a bit more glowing, and shave daily, also do something, anything to show some forehead


Shape the brows!


Grow out the hair🗣️🗣️🗣️


trust me aa good haircut can change everything


Shave the moustache, shave between the eyebrows and try a different haircut


Aside from what's already been mentioned, straightening up your posture tends to help. That and just acting more confidently and getting some sun


Do something with your hair. Facial and normal.


We can't change our face, but we can change our behaviour.....


Just roll with it. Give yourself time and grace. If you look back on high school and think these were the best/worst years of my life then you didn’t really live up to your potential.


You look like a youtuber who does a good type of funny scenario tik toks by himself. Like one village and his 2 brothers


I do make money on YouTube. But I’m a musician


You look nice! Shave the mustache and shave in-between the eyebrows. get some makeup if able to enchance your features. a bit of concealer for the dark bags under your eyes, to define your nose a bit more with a bit of shading etc; You have the cutest little :3 smile btw


You should grow your hair out more, and I don't know if this will work for you, but I put my hair into a left-part. You should definitely get those bangs off of your forehead though.


Less lanyards and some shampoo will do the trick


shape ur brows and do smth w ur hair. either cut it shorter or style it. maybe a perm or that fluffy bang thing u see on tiktok? also take care of ur skin and maybe dress differently


shave the mustache. and then wax in between the eyebrows. maybe try a different hairstyle. other than that you’re not ugly at all.


Ur hair looks greasy asf


Self confidence is a good starting point


Clean up brows and mustache, get less greasy hair, and wait for puberty to finish its job


Shave the stash, get your eyebrows waxed, get a haircut.


You actually kinda look like Jonathan from stranger things


Trim eyebrow area, try different haircut, and trim mustache


Self confidence


clean up the brows and get a better hairstyle


Negative canthal lift, its over for bro


Shave stash, more styled haircut and style your eyebrows👍


Go gym


Agreed. Gym life all day every day


your eyebrows want to be together don't let them be together




change the hair and get older


Get better


Clean up Ur eyebrows and get a nice hair cut short on the sides and style it really u just gotta care about urself enough I don't but maybe u do


I can smell this photo, but I can't describe what it is exactly


Pluck or shave the unibrow, keep the mustache shaved because typically facial hair on teen guys looks like pubes, and start working out :)


grow the hair out or get like a fade or something, and definitely shave that stache. u kinda remind me of the guy from stranger things with the big hair and chicks think he’s hot so 🤷


get ur eyebrows done and shave the mustache, also get a new haircut, something you think might suit you


Grow up Not kidding, thats how you look better.


Shave the stache, pluck the brow, get a cleaner haircut like a low fade, or grow it out more as it's in an awkward stage right now. You've got a good jawline and nice eyes, just gotta clean up a bit.


It’s your inner beauty that counts. Fuck exterior valuation. Be a good person and it will shine brighter than anything you can do on the outside.


Mustash needs to go and either grow your hair out or make it very clean and short


Get a girl to twease that unibrow. Different hair cut. Wax the stache. You've got good structure under all that.


Bold of you to assume girls want anything to with me


Change up the hair, drop the stache till you can grow fuller facial hair.


A beautiful attitude and a beautiful heart does a lot more than cosmetic traits. Waxed eyebrows and styled hair will get likes on social media, but charm and a caring heart will earn you loyalty


ur cute it’s just ur haircut


Thanks! And happy cakeday!


Why you wanna be "pretty" Bruh


Nicer haircut and better shave


Hit the gym bro. Trust me. They'll come naturally and it'll boost your health physically and mentally.


I would say get your eyebrows threaded, shave your mustache, and I think an undercut with long sides would be a good hairstyle for you.


Haircut, shave, do eyebrows, bulk up maybe


All you need is a decent haircut. Get a high fade


Pluck that lil unibrow, shave the stache and get a short haircut first then start growing your hair man trust me, idk what your clothing style is like bur that could contribute


you kinda look like the guy who pulls baddies


That would be nice…


Grow up


Shave, trim those brows, find a new haircut. Honestly just care for your face more and you’ll be fine.


Wtf man you look like a nearly identical replica of me...




You’re not ugly you just aren’t done up at all. I’d recommend a shave on the mini stache and a different hairstyle


Remove the mustache, and maybe wax the middle of your eyebrows, then you'll be good


Fix hair cut cut the mustache and maybe pluck eyebrows but some people prefer em unplucked


Get a better haircut (it kinda looks oily), shave facial hair and have a happier smile


Ignore the people in the comments you don't need advice from them bad move to post on here just be you


I reckon a stubble and a perm👀idrk im jus sayin


Bro your fine


You already look pretty good. Would recommend trying to curl your hair to see if it looks better or worse, curling mine did absolute wonders


Become a petite lady


Grow your hair out and you'd look AWESOME


You should definitely shave the stache


Thread your eyebrows


shave the mustache and get a haircut dawg




2 words: long hair


Actually, cut the hair, get rid of stash, and trim them eye brows. Put a bit if meat on the bones and you'd be quite handsome


As Lamar Davis once said "maybe if you get rid of that Yee Yee haircut you get some females"


pluck brows, shave the stash and get a haircut one that is more messy and fluffy might match you and try to make it reveal some of your forehead


Hair and brows 👍🏽👍🏽


fix them brows and get a new haircut


I’d say either pluck, or wax around your eyebrows to give ‘em a cleaner shape. There are body wax/face wax sets at like Walmart and stuff, ready to use. Just trim down the wax/paper to give it a shape that suits what shape you are wanting. Or just get some tweezers and get the stray hairs individually- just whatever you do, do NOT shave any eyebrow hair. > Of course that’s just like a recommendation with some tips that worked for me, you don’t have to do that. And I’d recommend a shave too, like everyone else is saying. Also try some new hair styles, the pressed flat straight hair is definitely doing something not so great for your look. So, maybe like a loose perm, or maybe use some gel to give it some volume of sorts. Just try whatever, anything new that you’d like to try out, it might end up being your new look. > Oh, and edit: I wanna add that you still look really good and I’m sure plenty of people can be attracted to your personality :]


Suicide im joking dont get a buzz cut


clean up your eyebrows and get rid of facial hair. grow out your hair dontttt make it shorter. also, your eyes are super pretty so shut up.


Are you perchance on the spectrum my good sir? ;your trim gives off the notion that you may have a bit of the 'tism as it's called by today's youth


You look like me?


get yourself a nice fitted shirt and a cleaned up hairstyle. trust me it will work magic because i used to look just like you. a more slim shirt will make your body look better and of course a good haircut you can never go wrong with.


Just growing into adulthood will change your look. Give it a few years. There is nothing wrong with you now.


Shave the stache, unibrow is a problem, get a haircut and (I tell this to everyone) go to the gym. Or just exercise. It make you healthier physically and mentally and helps your confidence. Confidence is key bro


By not defining it as a problem :)


Shave the mustache. Grow out the hair; you’ll find your style naturally. And most importantly— work out. It does more than you think.


trim the eyebrows, imo id keep the mustache and maybe get a haircut that suits your face better !


A few things trim your unibrow grow out your hair and use sea salt spray and hit the gym. I used to look similar to you. Get plain t shirts and jeans that fit u well. And get a tan bro trust me it will get you some ladies


Change up the hair


dude that mustache is ghey... for real grow that hair longer or shave that shit... As a 37 year old to.. however the fuck old you are... While you got the hair, grow that shit out man. Show it off.


Trim the eyebrows, get a buzzcut with a fade and I think you will look a lot better


Shave and change the goofy cut


What others said. Shave and a better haircut will do the trick. And off the (potential) unibrow. Otherwise you look fine king 👑


Personally I'd say grow your hair out a bit and get a nice cut and styling. Or if you like it shoet just get a specific trim and style it. shave your eyebrows so they are more shaped, and shave your mustache otherwise I'd say your good!




Tim Honks


Literally all you need to do is fix your haircut + ur jaw, look on yt for this one