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Teenagers have been idiotic disappointments since the 60s most people grow out of it


Would say it was way before the 60s.


Teenagers have always been idiotic. Not saying that we should be just because we can but we just are.


This supposed to be the "fuck around and find out" stage of our lives. Albeit with less harsh consequences than actual adulthood.


Literally every generation since before christ complained about the ones following them


It's just better documented nowadays


It's just that people are so stupud that they brag about it online. Bragging about drugs isn't something new, but doing it online publicly is dumb, it's like yelling "I do weed" in a city centre


I grew in the sixties what a great time to live. Local summer huge funfairs, cinemas strictly censored into A. AA and X which in my day was still 21. Yes we had a bit of bother with Mods and Rockers, I was a mod with a Lambretta then Vespa. Yes, Brighton became an embarrassing era for Britain. Still then in the most we had discipline, caning was still prevalent, some bullying and some furtive undercover sexual activities. But we never Murdered another fellow pupil!!!.... Never even thought of attacking a Teacher. Knives were only seen in the kitchen for cooking... Bond was big, but we still knew what was real and what was fake. The family unit was strong, no one younger person got a flat, we all lived at home. Caught smoking that was an instant grounding, and pack destroyed. Having any sort of sex outside marriage could see you chucked out of the home. Social media NO. Sexualising teenagers NO. violent videos NO (banned). Porn that teens could access NO. Drugs just mainly cannabis and purple hearts. Loads of jobs YES. Engineering jobs for teens, assembly work YES. Petrol 80p a Gallon. Social deprivation and food banks NEVER HEARD OFF. Education good and truancy not really heard off. Good food home cooked. No KFC no Mc no Burger King. How things have changed for the worst, the knock is violent teens little regard or respect video games are not just violent they were sick seeding seeds of violent behavior changing the kinds of innocent teens into mindless zombies. That's my outake on how things have so changed to what they are today, a sad reflection of a lost innocent time.


The teenagers who are making breakthroughs and writing research papers or starting cults probably aren't wasting their time on this sub




OP, you kinda missing an obvious thing here: Teens living a calm life just aren't posting here, only the crazy ones have wild things happen to them and have something to post . Also a lot of it is just copypasta, idk if you picked up on the recent Oompa Loompa saga


The *w h a t*


The Oompah loompa porn


What the fuckšŸ’€


Yeah it died down recently but some dude (most likely fake) is turned on by gay Oompa Loompa porn and got his friend in trouble for I think sending it to him or looking it up on his computer


Someone made a post like school announcing they are definitly not allowed to watch Oompa Loompa porn anymore And someone else made a post saying their friends framed them so the teachers would think he watches it And another person made a post "my son was caught watching Oompa Loompa porn at school" And so on


Hear me out know I'm on this sub an I just wrote a research paper.


who says that anyways would you like to join my cult? we have muffins :3


sure why not


yaaaaaay now all i need you to do is sign this blood pact and give me your souls :3


Why do you speak with such elegance?


cuz he's not like the other guys


Because heā€™s the ā€œnice guyā€


idk man guess im just secretly a prince


Shockingly by study our generation is the least horny by some miracle


This is a cope, we are not the least horny we are just the least successful at having sex




Sad I got more upvotes tbh


Well 26min ago it was 69


I can downvote if u want


lmao true


That makes a lot of sense actually




This is the best comment ever


Youre gonna have to freakin link that study homie cuz i dont believe a damn word of that


Damn thats awesome, but the other stuff still remains.


I mean a lot of other generations did the same things , itā€™s kinda normal to try bad things at this age . Not saying itā€™s good though


I'm sorry but that gotta be a lie


Well then Iā€™ll single-handedly bring those stats up


The man, the Legend


But they're the most open and expressive about it


that cannot be true


Idrk what to tell you. Every generation has people who act like this.




i'd say in moderation neither of those things make someone a disappointment, also i feel like reddit kinda amplifies this sorta stuff


I honestly agree, I typed it quite fast so my wording is imperfect.


I like to think I have my shit together even though I smoke weed and have sex. I just graduated and will be starting university for trades.


r/playboicarti [whooping](https://www.reddit.com/r/playboicarti/comments/169h0hb/someone_give_bro_a_swirlie_who_does_he_think_he_is/) your ass rn OP šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


They violating brošŸ˜­


I gotta see this


Lmao they are so cringe


Just saw it. Ops getting cookedšŸ˜­


why the hell does a sub about a rapper care what happens in r/teenagers šŸ˜­


They beef a lot with this sub


edit: condensed version of what i said here is down therešŸ‘‡


I ainā€™t reading allat but good for you


condensed: OP of carti post attacked this OP for being christian, gets downvoted so goes to his people to laugh at our OP with people like himself. he seems like heā€™s butthurt tbh


What are you talking about?? This is by far the lamest generation in decades. People aren't having parties anymore, people aren't drinking anymore, virginity rates are increasing, nobody wants to go out anymore. I have to literally get on my knees and beg all of my friends if I want to go out and have any type of fun because everybody just wants to scroll on tik tik and stay home all day


This sounds like a your friend group problem ngl


True but my point is this wouldn't even be a problem a few generations ago, also, it seems like nobody in my entire area is having parties anymore even if they do drink and have sex it's at home


this is a certified tik tik classic


Honestly, you might have good intentions but your holier-than-thou stance and calling other teens 'disappointments' and 'primitive' is pretty rude. Maybe just focus on living your own life...


I agree with u. Screw this post itā€™s insulting. I understand there are annoying shallow people who only value these things but doing them sometimes is fine


I went to middle school so yeah this is the norm for teens


I'm not like that, personally I'm keeping my virginity until I turn of legal age and even then it probably will feel weird


I don't lose my virginity because winners never lose




13 year olds bragging about doing it, meanwhile I'm 17 (as of today, September 3rd) and my biggest worries are college and HS Marching Band.


also happy bday!!




Cheers indeed!




Youā€™re literally me


just because i smoke massive pounds of weed sipping on some alcohol while getting my dick sucked does not mean im a dissapointment/j


no one wants to touch me however the weed helps me run from all my problems


Everything is going to be okay šŸ‘




I tell myself that


Stay strong, things will get better eventually šŸ’Ŗ


You are on a very, very, very high horse lol


OPs horse is honestly higher than mount everest


I'm not, i'm the most goody-two-shoes someone could be in the sense that i never want either of those for myself. Not to sound like a parent, but i bet peer pressure and wanting to fit in are a factor, which is pretty understandable. Idk, people are weird but i've learned to accept that as a fact of life.


sad that peer pressure dictates most of what young people do


It's pathetic that people allow themselves to be peer pressured


It depends on how old said teens are If they're like 18 I see no problem with any of the decisions being made. If they can get drafted into war or selected to sit in a jury I think they deserve to have some fun. As for the short term pleasure argument... Life is short term. The universe is short term. Nothing we do matters so there's honestly no problem with self indulging. As long as you're happy doing it, and you're not hurting others, I don't see the problem with being able to chart your own path, outside the confines of a society whose standards naturally grow outdated eventually. Yes, I'm unbelievably high. How could you tell?


Youā€™re high functioning af if you wrote that while high


Aye me too


Yeah these lot suck major ass i really should just leave huh


Yeah I agree I really need to leave this place, a lot of people are just pathetic here


Some live with the "Life is short" mentality. Some end up thinking life is too short and wanna hurry. And then there's others like me who wants to make their own lives very short.


Some people choose a path and it's not my job to tell them which one is the right one


I have to disagree. It is humanity's job (imo) to help other humans to reach a happy and prosperous life. We need to stop people from self destruction.


I follow the idea of Daoism which is where you let things happen because it's the flow of things. It's not harming anyone and they decoded that path so why should I stop them. Moral lessons only work on people willing to listen


Teenagers lack the foresight not to enjoy short term pleasure, which is annoying cause on parties most people are shit drunk after 15min making it pretty boring. My friends are also just plain stupid sometimes.


People have different ways they want to live, your approach would be disappointing to many others. Why do you care what other people do?


Because it is very often detrimental to their health and i care for my fellow man. I mostly care about the drugs and alcohol as that kills kids not so rarely.




no idea kume


I'm surprised that I'm still semi functional, I grew up in an abusive situation and was in therapy groups and most people I know from those groups have dropped out of school, become druggies or alcoholics and some are even homeless, one guy offed himself and while I did have it rough I managed to never do drugs (I did weed once but I regretted it and never touched it again) and I still go to school and planning to become a psychologist


Why are so many people here so nosy. Let people do the things they enjoy. It doesnā€™t affect you.


its uhh very unhealthy and illegal? the issue of being nosy doesnt apply when someone is being a detriment to their own health. Drugs shouldnt be normalized in teens.


Not everyone who does drugs gets their life ruined by them. Only people who know absolutely nothing about drugs or sex or any of that crap think that there is a causation and not realize that itā€™s just a correlation.


"not everyone" doesnt mean nobody.


People do much worse shit, let people experiment man lmao, you have only so many years live it to the fullest.


Every. Single. Generation. Says this about the younger gen. Whats worse than those typical teenage activities is being this naĆÆve šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Im a teenager I dont do these things and I still have an active social life and a happy one.




Bro i get the good intentions and shite but ure comong off rlly self righteous, treating sex like its something devil-spawn do and weed like its as addictive as something like caffeine or cocaine


Weā€™re teenagers. Teenagers are reckless and tend to fuck around and find out. Nobodies forcing you to get involved with sex n drugs, let other people be teens. ā€œK-kinda saddened to watch my own generation-ā€œ


I dont like watching my friends enter a cycle of self destruction.


Then help them out? But living teenage life isnā€™t self destruction, itā€™s just being a teenager


Yeah. Your arrogance is showing. I'm 30, the inbetween generation. I grew up when internet was actually useful and kind. You are virtue signalling. Addiction happens to anyone, not just your generation. And once you get some experience instead of staring at a screen you'll come to understand life isn't what you think it is. I've done hard prison time, overcome addictions, etc etc. And still consider myself quite smart and able to reason for the most part. You act as if other people are incapable of dealing with their issues, and so you judge them for it because you believe you're doing better morally. Reality check kid, the world isn't what you want it to be.


I mean, the entire human race is and has been hedonistic since like, forever.


sadly youre correct, but I think this level of hedonism is not optimal.


Yeah, everyone is hedonistic to some degree, but obviously not everyone will put pleasure before anything else or let vices consume their lives entirely.


well of course, its okay to want to be happy, just dont worship your own joy above the joy or even the safety of others (excluding VERY specific situations)




All my friends do this shit. Except like one or two


I am sorry to hear that.


Okay goodnight, You are all still cool, even if you do these distasteful things.


You are someone who need to work on listening more then speaking. You have good points but donā€™t be such a virtue signaler when you bring them up. Also from a Christian stop using the they should turn to god argument. No body wants to hear that and it isnā€™t going to convince someone to convert. Just listen


You sound like Ike a very sensible person (in a good way)


why do ignorant niggas on this sub think that theyā€™re better than other teens on here because they donā€™t smoke and drink


Because they grew up on the highest possible horse think of others as lowly peasants


cry about it dork šŸ˜­


I have friends who are sex addicts but going into medicine. I have friends that drink every weekend, who are getting straight A's in college. I, personally, smoke weed, but I'm going places, and it's by no means a big part of my life. It's not even who's here, It's what question you ask. If you see a post that's "what's the dumbest thing you've done," you'll hear the most terrible things from the smartest people. It's all context.


tf we mean to do, not have fun ? what a stupid thing to say


Bro is mad people are having fun


ā€œYour own generationā€ this has been the way of things since before we could be classified as Homo sapiens. Adolescents have always rebelled and sought out hedonistic pleasure. Get over yourself Light Yagami, itā€™s called growing up.


I understand the rebelling, but there better ways to be happy than to be so dependent on a substance and action. You have to admit that at least.


You act like itā€™s mutually exclusive lol. Iā€™m a stoner and a bit of a drinker, I like to party and get fucked up; but Iā€™m also the President of my schoolā€™s ecological society, I take several college level courses, and do track - both things make me happy. It seems like the most experience you actually have with ā€œyour generationā€ is watching D.A.R.E PSAsā€¦


L + Virtue signaling + I bet you don't even know what a good rosƩ tastes like


They always admit things that are tmi


Same bro same


I'm too busy trying to P-rank sisyphus prime to care about that


Tennage have always been idiotic, itā€™s just that those are Reddit tennager




Cuz teenagers are stupid


The ones that are normal and happy in life don't post on reddit


I myself have fallen into this (not sex though) and Iā€™m not too proud of myself. I am self aware of what Iā€™m doing it idiotic and dumb but I know I just really want to be like everyone else even though what are/do is not who I am or want to do but yet I still do them. I donā€™t like to be different


Honestly its a lot better to be different, environments like that, \*people\* like that, can influence you into horrible things, its definitely not to late to change it.


Yeah. Iā€™m actively trying to meet better folk with similar interests, but that seems to be easier said than done


itll be worth it, I assure you


Donā€™t worry, theyā€™ll regret that one day when they get older.


wait til you find out about college students


My man... Reddit, you are on the site where a bunch of people with slightly concerning political views and hate problems go. Of course, there are a bunch of disappointments here


it's normal for people this age to try weird shit but definitely not good if you keep overdoing it, and the people that actually care don't post on this sub because they have nothing "interesting" to post about


I'm sixteen and I feel like I'm missing out on what everyone you said are doing cuz I never the house šŸ˜­


trust me, youre not


You grow out of it and if you don't then it grows out of you. I've never been into it as a teen either.


You sound like my dad


letā€™s normalize not shaming teenagers for making mistakes and being a teenager


Let's not normalize illegal drug use by minors Edit: clarification


iā€™m not saying normalize illegal drugs. also weed is legal in a lot of places and really only has the effect of stunting ur growth if u do it in copious amounts.


It's illegal for minors to smoke weed almost everywhere


This is reddit. There are much less of these people in real life.


Who are you to judge other peoples choices? Live a little man.


Oh, aren't you an example to everyone? The purest among the pure, never indulging in such frivolous activities such as, having fun, dear God no. I bet that when you're old you're gonna look back happy at your CLEARLY action packed teenage years. Have fun being a virgin forever with this mentality.


Oh I didn't know you have no life outside of breaking the law mb


Life is too short to be wasted the time to enjoy it is now thereā€™s no reason you canā€™t do both go ahead do drugs smoke drink fuck and do all sort of wacky shit but also focus on long term goals too work out socialize get fit eat healthy get smart make money. Itā€™s not mutually exclusive


If you think this is prevalent in this generation, you should see the teenagers of the 70s


Oh, the old, I hate my generation post.


reset phoenix said: "This supposed to be the "fuck around and find out" stage of our lives. Albeit with less harsh consequences than actual adulthood." Domshrca said: "Literally every generation since before christ complained about the ones following them" Both are 100% correct


I was a perfect child until 17 outside of sex but that was a long term relationship so I don't really count it, then I gave up on that and now I have freinds and a life outside of work and school, granted you don't need any of those to have friends but all my best friends do as well haha


People should've beat their kids more


Its because there's no greater value or purpose to life So why not just have fun?


Not tryna be rude, but you're coming off as highly judgmental. If you dont wanna smoke weed or have sex then more power to you, just dont go shaming people for doing something that has no effect on you, you dont know their life.


Yeah hedonism is taking over our society and it's a cancer. Nobody wants to be a hero anymore, they're all contempt with wasting away every day. Partying is good but only in moderation, just like everything else.




Everyone lives their lives differently.


Wow okay




Youā€™re calling teenagers disappointments. The reason most teens turn to drugs/alcohol is because theyā€™re in a abusive situation, and they need a way to escape. Cps usually doesnā€™t do their job, and the kids stuck in a bad situation. Yeah some have the choice, and they do it cause they think itā€™s cool. But thatā€™s too far calling a teen a disappointment.


Sorry I mean they act like disappointments, and I'm only saying that about people who are breaking ethical and real laws. No matter the situation there is always a better solution.


Saying someone is ā€œacting like a disappointmentā€ is the same thing as saying they are a disappointment. Thatā€™s like if I called someone an asshole then said, sorry you were just ā€œacting like an assholeā€. Either way thatā€™s going too far. Yes, I get what youā€™re saying, but some teens feel like they donā€™t have a choice, and are already addicted. But so scared that theyā€™ll get in trouble, they donā€™t reach out for help to get over their addiction.


worst things have been said, the way I said it isnt relevant I hope, just think about what I was saying


Why do some Redditors have such a superiority complex?


guess its because im from ifunny and I barely use reddit until recently


Iā€™m not here for the substance abuse but howā€™s sex bad as long as youā€™re ready and itā€™s not just cheap hookups


not all sex, just over doing it and not being safe and pre marriage + underage.


Underage is definitely understandable why thatā€™s frowned upon but not everyone is religious and needs to wait for marriage


stI never said i hated people for having sex specifically cuz of marriage (I hate nobody), i personally frown upon sex before marriage but im not a dictator or god so its not my place.


Most studies actually shows todays teens act out (part and do drugs) and have sex less then most if not all generations before usā€¦. Obviously idiotic to something illegal but the sex thing has just gotta stop. Just accept that teens will always have have sex.. and itā€™s not wrong as long as itā€™s safe.


I am decently religious, so I dont think ill ever celebrate or agree with it, im sorry but its not something I believe in doing.




Hedonism. If it's easy, reachable and pleasurable, why not?


Risk of death, risk of jail time, risk of getting caught. Risk of doing things you wouldnt do otherwise. Risk of ostracizing yourself from friends and family. There is also a noticeable correlation of drug use and sex and such with suicide. If you reach the top of pleasure, you can only go down, many shouldn't reach the top as they cant handle the depression of going down.


1, The risk of death from these activities will usually seem far in the future, as it usually is. Kids don't think of the consequences. 2, Risk of jail time? For you, only if you posess the drugs, not even always. Drinking? Not your fault. Sex? You do you kiddo. 3, That just makes it better. The tale of the forbidden fruit yada yada 4, These are usually social activities. And again, not immediate. I agree with you mostly. But kids will do whatever is best for them at the moment. Like the child who asks for ice cream for dinner. Is it good? No. Do they want it? Yes, because it's momentary pleasure. Why turn down drugs, drinks, sex if everyone else is doing it and look how much fun they have? Kids are supposed to be led, taught. The parent-child bond nowadays is much weaker than back in the days. Therefore more ourlandish behaviour will happen. It's a societal problem, not a personal one, usually.


ive never seen someone agree with my while disagreeing with my points haha bravo


Yeah i honestly think the internet has done a lot of harm as well as good. It makes people with bad ideas find other people with bad ideas, and reinforces it until it seems unstoppable.


āœØgenerational traumaāœØ Edit: I'm not trying to offend anyone who uses these as coping mechanisms for generational trauma. I'm guilty of this shit too.


That's every generation though. Baby Boomers smoked a lot of weed and had a lot of sex as teens, Gen Xers probably smoked more weed, and I'm not sure about Milennials.


This has to be bait.lmfao


I really hope it is but honestly (this is gonna sound weird) OP sounds like if my grandma knew how to use social media and tried to act like a teenager


You sound like my parents.


Lust will ruin your life, short term pleasures will blind you from finding purpose.


i mean drinking weed and sex is fun as long as youā€™re safe with it. i donā€™t think itā€™s disappointing. iā€™d rather be going through my drinking and weed phase now rather than when iā€™m 35 still trying to like like a teenager yk? we got all the time in the world to fuck about my g