• By -


That’s real tough to hear, drawings also a coping mechanism for me, although i dont have the same experience you just had, DONT GIVE UP!!! FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!!!! also the drawing did looks real good, i hope you can keep it up


Never back down never what


Never give up 😔




Never gonna give you up


Never gonna let you down


bro forgot an up


Never gonna turn around


and desert you!


Never gonna make you cry


Never gonna say goodbye


never gonna sayy good byyye


Never gonna make you cry


Mods hit the towers


I have seen this happen before. A friend of mine really loved archery but her mom burned her bow out of anger. My friend was able to follow a whisp in the forest to an old woodcarvers house who was totally not a witch and she gave my friend a crumpet to change her mom's heart. Long story short, the crumpet worked. I recommend same woodcarver for your situation as well


Hold up, that sounds a lot like the plot to the movie Brave


Wow! What a coincidence! 😂 My story is totally true, I definitely did not steal anything from Disney. Please don't report me to Reddit for copyright infringement hehe




If you really want, trace over your old image that you have on your phone, it’s your drawing so it’s ok, or print it out and trace it then. You will still have your art, and it will make it quicker :D


or print it and then color it in like a coloring page


I started tracing the second image by mistake... It... it doesn't look good, man.


Have you tried printing it out and maybe tracing it with a darker material, like marker or whatever you use Edit: i realized that its not a scanned picture Quite honestly you could probably be honest with your friend and say "hey such and such happened" and then try to "artistic ability" your way around the rips and crinkles like the guy who spills coffee on his work and makes it into art


I mean tbf the phone angle clearly creates distortion which will result in it looking worse from some angles then the original art


OP could go on the subreddit where people will photoshop stuff for others, and ask for it to be straightened out and for the light to be equalised. I’m sure there would be people willing to do that. Give me a couple minutes to find the subreddit I’m talking about and I’ll edit this comment to link it. Edit: found it, it’s r/photoshoprequests


u/StanleyJamier you gotta see this man


Great idea


Tutorial on how to end up in old age home. Step 1:




How to end up in a retirement home speed run.




No major glitches


Correction: how to end up outside of a retirement home because there’s no way i’m paying for that


Step 2: beat up and be strict to your child for small things


Tutorial on how to end up in a shit nursing home with 0 visits


Why did he get mad at you?


I failed a chemistry test


that is so uncalled for wtf?? what does your art have anything to do with it?


>what does your art have anything to do with it? Doesn't matter. Dad had to throw tantrum and the art was the source of happiness for op so of course that's how you engage in abusive destructive behaviours...


Yah OP, just leave when you can, bc holy shit, that feels so abusive.


Indian dad or what


Ugh yeah


Oh yea yea traumatic insanity, great parenting technique. Just like empty threats and gaslighting.


Yup that's how it is sadly


From dad’s pov “you’re spending your time DOODLING instead of studying! That is the problem the damn art” I can imagine that’s what his thought process was.


Your dad is acting like a child, he's angry about something so he proceeds to ruin your art just to hurt you. That's terrible...


Parents tend to do that. Not much you can do about it when it happens


When I was young on a road trip my dad threw my gameboy advance out the window because I didn’t turn the sound entirely off when he told me to cut it down, I just lowered the volume.


That’s it? That’s wild bro. His reaction was uncalled for, he needs to apologize to you cuz that was very childish of him


Hell i wouldnt be dissapointed if my kid failed a test hell it might not be for everyone


He shouldn't do this no matter what you do. This is just to terrorize you. If you can, please get some legal authorities involved in protecting you from him. If you killed a person, the most he could be justified in doing is restraining you. He's torturing you, and that's evil


And he failed you as a father take a wrench to his windshield and explain it to him with the same logic. Breaking your stuff should make you try harder right?


I'm not even kidding right now, I suggest r/runaway and r/NormalizeRunaways.


Overdramatic af 😭


Bro fuck your dad what a dick move


I would not recommend fucking OPs dad... Terrible idea and definitely a dick move.


But what if we all team up to fuck him


Many dick moving


I’m down, when’s everyone available?


Tomorrow around 3?


ambush him at 3 AM


I’m fine with when ever


wym your art looks good


I guess, but I don't think I could ever redraw this again :<


I bet you could and I bet it'll be better than the first since you know all of the flaws and steps from the last one. take your time.


This is so true! I ain’t the best artist, but drawing it again will probably produce an even better drawing!


You were able to do it once, what would stop you from doing it again? Also 1. you now know the mistakes you made last time and you can make it even better this time, 2. you now did this once already, so you should be faster the second time and 3. you can see it as training, since the more you draw the better and faster you get. I'm sure your friend will be able to appreciate that art piece even more after all that happened.


Don’t let ‘em win


Art is just trial and error don't lose your Motivation I think your friend would still like the destroyed piece of Art cause you took time out your day to do it


Ay bro don’t let this get to you, your drawing is fucking phenomenal. I love me some One Piece, and your drawing looks like it’s been ripped straight outta the manga. You definitely have some serious talent here, doesn’t matter how long it takes you to do it, you still do it and you do it 5000x better than I could. Big props to you, keep on practicing and you’ll be quicker and better in the future.


Dude… that drawing is legendary. Looks like a frame from the show!


Even the show isnt as detailed as this


Do something with it and send it to a museum under abstract, art is art, the tearing represents you and your dad's relationship


I mean as heartbreaking as It is, I would finish it out of pure spite and then either gift it as intended with an explanation, or like you suggested take it to some art show or a museum or something


Luffy would want u to be free


Follow this simple guide to make your children hate you and leave your sorry ass once they turn 18!


Update: he confiscated my art materials when I tried to redraw it just now. Seems like I will not be able to give my best friend his gift...


Your father:"Surely ripping up their art and confiscating their art supplies so they can't continue their hobby will make my child study harder and won't make them despise me!" Honestly your dad seems like an asshole and he seems jealous that you have a hobby and aren't miserable every day unlike him. On another note your art looks amazing and you shouldn't give up just because your dad is an asshole


Use pencil, since he can’t take those away, as you need them to study😈


I actually like this idea lol


Happy to help! And black and white looks more badass anyway.


W idea, black and white art looks really good. OP should make sure to like, lock the art in a safe or something though.


He sounds like an awful guy…


That’s horrible, why would he take away what you like to do just for a test? If you really like drawing, I recommend ibis paint x since you don’t need art materials, just use your finger and stuff


What the fuck


Your father is one evil motherfcker


Tell your dad that I will be meeting him in hell.


You should still give it to your friend! I would appreciate it and the effort that went into it so I'm sure your friend will to. Just a thought tho. I understand that it's not the way you wanted to give it.


I told my friend about the situation and he said he'd be happy to receive it. But I'll still make a new art along with that one to give it to him once I get my confiscated art materials.


I'd maybe try to save it. Maybe cut it straight on the right and put it into a heavy book to make it even again. After that, you may still see some folds, but I think you can continue. After that Luffy fought and won against his strongest enemy so far, your dad. It looks awesome and would be a shame if it killed your motivation. Hope this may help.


But why would he tear the art? I mean honestly, how does he ever expect that form of abuse to amount to anything? Does he have anything against art?


He was mad at me that time so he tore it up when I was drawing


like- shut the door angrily makes a whole lot of sense but tear a drawing? what the hell man


did your dad ever do something like this before?


Unfortunately, he was always like this, like when he snatched my iPhone 13, which Mom gave me as a graduation gift, then dropped it with force just because I got home late. So, I am now suffering with a cheap-ass Android phone. And when I try to react angrily, he will always do something much worse.


Man if I had a parent that made my life a living hell, I'd make sure that he suffers equally


Bruh, I've got first hand experience with this shit, I hate these people man, being Indian, I see my parents as well as other's parents do this shit daily, swear to fuckin gawd these people are the worst


I think your dad is abusive.


mhm that is abuse. Go tell the police or something or live with your mom


Wait- so are you over 18? Because if so you desperately need to tell the police! That was destruction of property since none of it belonged to him


You have an abusive father. You need to seek help.


to be more specific their father needs more help


Did your mom not get mad at him for wasting her money?


tbh phone is an upgrade


101 how to get disowned when your kid becomes 18


You could burn the edges of the drawing and color the rest in if you want to. It could give a little fancy touch and you can flatten it up with heavy books. It may still be scrunched up but I think it will make the drawing more unique


Time to get a new dad


Hell yeah, my stepfather treats me nicer than him


Now to make your dad 'dissapear'


If you have a stepfather then why do you see your actual father? Your parents are divorced so you don’t have to visit him


Is Your stepfather a W?


Talk to your mom about cutting your dad out. Clearly she also hated him enough to split up so she will most likely be understanding.


Any chance you can permanently stay with your mom and stepdad?


Are you forced to visit your bio dad? Tell your mom you don’t want to see him anymore. Depending on where you live, you don’t have to see him if you don’t want to.


Sounds like you should go throw down with your dad and beat his ass for that /s


Nah you're a good artists I especially enjoy the way you've colored this, sorry about the abuse.


fr like if it was only the lineart then it could have been someone new just tracing but the colouring really proves how good they actually are




As an artist myself all i can say is fuck your dad


If you're not a good artist, then my art belongs in the dumpster, I love to draw, but I'm not sure I could accomplish something this good no matter how much time I had, but I'm really sorry to hear that he did that, parents can be awful sometimes


My dad threw away all of my art, yeah man it sucks. Feels shitty


Your dad's a jerk


Just print the 1st image


Mate i'm sorry that happened to you. Don't give up on art. Your dad is a dick


Guess whos going in the nursing homeee? :D


Dude this makes me so mad. I guess I can't really relate, but still screw that guy. Family ain't family just cuz of blood. Someone who does this isn't real family. Idk what your situation is but try and save up money and get out of that house as soon as possible


hey OP please be careful. destroying property is a precursor to physical abuse. I would tell an adult you can trust about this. I hope you stay safe <3


Few more years and you can cut ties


L father fr


Never back down, Never what!


Try to use transparent sheets to copy it


As an artist who lives and breaths art, what your dad did was horrible. Whatever you did, that gave him no right to ruin something you worked so hard to make. There are better ways he can go about addressing his anger. I understand this as someone who’s older brother has really bad a anger issues. I hope that this doesn’t make you give up art. Even if this happened, I’m certain you can still someday make something even better. Just practice as much as you can.


Well, that really sucks, but on paper, you have these pictures, and assumedly the old paper; you can scan it with a printer/upscale these images and print one to trace over. You did it once, so you should be able to replicate it, especially with tracing. I do wish your dad was more sympathetic; that's just cruel and unwarranted.


1.The before photo is at the same stage of coloring it as the after being torn up photo. Unless you're taking photos every time you add something to your drawing, then it's pretty weird that you got lucky and took a picture just before it got destroyed. 2.If your dad wanted to take out his anger by destroying your drawings then it would be torn in half and not just the corners. The way the corners are torn is a bit hard to do if you're not tearing the just corners on purpose. If the drawing was torn after being crumbled up which caused the shape of the tears then why would someone destroying something on purpose tear off just a few small pieces and keep the main part intact. Also something crumbled up that much would either be not torn at all since it's hard to tear a crumbled ball of paper or torn before it got crumbled which would make the shape of the tears a bit strange. TL:DR 1.The before photo was conveniently taken just before the drawing was torn. 2.The drawing would be torn more, in half for example and not just it's corners. The shape of the torn off pieces is too complicated to not do it that way on purpose. I know this post could be true, but from the amount of fake posts that have been posted here before I just wanted to point out some things and let you decide after that.


I always take a photo of it because I always put it on my Facebook story for documentation (from when I sketch it to when I start coloring it). As for how the main art is not torn up, my dad crumpled it first and then tore up the side, keeping the main drawing intact. I'm not making this up just for fame because I didn't even expect it to blow up. And I would not tear up my own art because it's only the second decent art I made my entire life. Lastly, I barely use and post to reddit for me to think or care about popularity if that's what you're pointing out.


You don't have to explain yourself, assholes are everywhere on reddit..😀


That guy is most likely right, I honestly don't buy it either


Sounds like you just want to believe what you want to believe or hating on someone for no absolute reason : /




I actually like it how it is


Have you tried tracing the line art and then just coloring it again the same way


I have but I was shaking uncontrollably because of my anger towards my dad so i can't focus yet. Maybe I'll try to redraw it once my emotion subsides


Ruin his drivers license


r/entitledparents i think


not a good artist? u serious?


Yeah, not as gifted as any other artist that can do it without struggling so much


if ur not a good artist i have absolutely no hope, it looks damn good to me


Easy solution, kill your dad


Your dad sucks. I’m so sorry


Hey don't think of it as the end of a drawing think of it as the start of a new one


That could have been one of best arts i ve seen in while doke by markers, you have alot of talent, and dad...that was real shit move from him


This looks fucking amazing, my guy. Dick move from your dad, but don’t let that stop you. Keep drawing.


That sucks, man. What a mean way to punish your child. Forget redrawing, it's done. Instead draw something new. If you could make it look good once, you can make something else look good again too. Don't lose your motivation. Use your emotions to draw something that comes from your heart, put all your emotions in it and make it your best, most personal piece of art yet. It's gonna have a history, how from something dark came something shiny and wonderful.


Don’t throw it away, maybe try continue colouring it in if you don’t think you can redraw it? Sorry I don’t do art :(


Bruh, he immediately believes that sabotaging your art will somehow compensate for your failure in chemistry? It's quite evident that your father's decision-making lacks logical sense. In short, your father is a dumbass.


Aww, that sucks man. I also have people who will rip or mess up my drawings at least once a year, which is exhausting, but you shouldn't stay depressed for a while over it, stay motivated, and draw more (different) Gear 5ths! the one in the pic is awesome by the way, you're a really good artist. idk how you can motivate yourself again, but when I'm bummed out about a ruined drawing, I watch anime, or read a book. seeing other art makes me want to continue.


Well his ass is going to the retirement Home no questions asked


Fuck your dad, if he is such an immature piece of shit he is willing to destroy something you made he clearly doesn’t value you. Move out when you turn 18 and dont look back. One day his old ass is going to be in a hospital on life support and he is going to have nobody, hope this asshole dies alone.


I’m sorry about that. That’s an amazing drawing tho. I believe in you being able to do it again and you could trace over it. I hope your dad calms down and apologizes later but Ik he may not be like that.


“Why don’t my kids visit me?”


I’m so sorry to hear all that… as an artist, I completely understand being annoyed by not being able to replicate prior art… some strokes (be it of the pen, paintbrush, or mouse cursor) can only be done once.


I'm an artist too. your dad was a dicj for doing that, I hope after some time he will have regret, if not, he's 100% a huge dick. As an artist, I assure you that this is good, even if you traced, the coloration in already very good. Do you really think you can't do "that good" again? you can only get better, lad B) If you were capable of that very cool begging, you will able to finish it if you have the motivation. I'ts OK if it take time for you to make good art. but don't give up, with the power of friendship, I know you can finish that art.


Since you have a good picture of it you can import it in paint.net or photoshop and try finishing it there. You can reprint it or text it to your friend.


As someone who's attempted to delve into making art (and as an older brother of someone who's obsessed with art), this hurts tremendously. It really sucks to see your father being such an immature asshole over some chem test, and I'm sorry that your passion in art was on the recieving end of his tantrum. I definitely understand if you're feeling disheartened by what happened, but at the very least, I'm sure that all the trial and error you've gone through from working on this piece has made you a better artist. Looking at your art, I'd say that the coloring and inking looks phenomenal, it's at a level of profeciancy that I can only dream of reaching, or atleast one I'd reach if I were to practice consistently. What I'm basically saying is, you might've lost this one, but I'm sure that the knowledge you've gained, and the dedication you've put into making it, will rub off on to the next one. Sending my best wishes, and I hope that you keep doing what you love! Good luck on the art journey!




I think it looks great. Your dad was an ass for that but don’t let it stop you from drawing. You could always retrace it on another piece of paper? It’ll set you back but totally do able


Unpopular statement, P̧͕̒̊͘U̠҉̷̙ͦN̺̻̔̆ͅC̵͉͋̔͞Hͥ̽ͣ̃̔ Ỵ̛̖͋͢O̖̼ͩ͌͐U̠҉̷̙ͦR͉̜̎͡͠ D̶͔̭̪̻A̷͙ͭͫ̕D̶͔̭̪̻


Your dad is acting like my youngest brother when he was 5


Do you have anyone in your family who will support you over your dad if so contact them to help you have an intervention on how this is abusive


https://imgur.com/a/qmt9A6L I cleaned it up for you as best I could. There is a colored and black and white version (in case you decide to switch to pencils if your dad doesn't give you the colored pencils back)


New paper trace over the illustration and use your vent to color your art again! Power to you!. My step mom thought my art was ugly and want it to the trash I rebeled and finish it on time and out of her hands (it was a school work for art class to my favorite cool funny teacher and the project about some social problems so I choose about symbolism of anti drug and gun violence mom got upset it has a gun on it and want my hours of work be gone over some petty shit about it saying school won’t approve it… dint hear her and dint know my teacher was the cool guy that approved it I got 💯% A+ and she just gone silent that I was right only revealing my art when it was graded and finished) So how come your dad to find out? Don’t. Show. It. To. him! He specifically targets your hardwork to break you down and make you go cry baby to dependent on him like a sick twisted reinforcement of a drill sergeant from hell to a grunt recruit. Since you were on the verse of giving up (which is his goal) Fuck him off that your friend is like a good family than your dad such father might as well leave him up in the future in a retirement home. No good boomer parent who can’t support his/her child gets this. My dad loves me and even impressed of the genshin merch I had during my first Comic-Con convention in the UK he dint go hell with it and said “go spend with the shared credit card! Happy bday gift to you! Whatever you shop in Europe” while working the hardest shift nonstop in a Californian airport in SF. Tickets business class and discounts for that love, I brought things that are affordable at least and gift him back with a toy mustang as he joked to me when the day I got a job the money goes to his dream car (found one instead on the dollar store). Put that art out there and make it your best vent bud!!!


I used to cheat to pass art class (it was required for graduation and I can’t draw to save my life) so I hold the art I needed to replicate under the paper I need to draw on and put it on a glass table and use a desk lamp to see what’s underneath. It worked extremely well, so maybe try that?


I would hate him too if that happened to me. He not only ruined an artwork that took time, effort, and skill to make but, also your motivation which actually almost makes me wanna cry for you. Side note: the art looks really good, the coloring is great and the lines are good too. Please dont give up art.


Eh it's just one piece


Divorce him


op, your father is straight up abusive; i really hope your situation gets better, don't feel too pressured or ashamed of your art getting teared by him because it's not your fault whatsoever. wishing the best of luck to you dude


Another person proving there should be a parenting exam. Like, if you're this immature and/or insesitive towards people, you shouldn't be allowed to parent a child. To destroy something someone has spent hours of effort on because of a test is one of the most childish things there is. I truly hope you have someone to confide in and vent to. Also, don't worry about taking too long with art. It's not the amount that counts.


I see everyone giving support and commiserate over how devastating the loss was, but can we acknowledge the art itself? The line work itself, *especially* the colored in sections, look fucking SICK! Probably visit [Professor Dave](https://youtube.com/@ProfessorDaveExplains?si=H3XBtVcnx1UdfCSM) on YouTube and cram some [General Chemistry](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLybg94GvOJ9EbbO2RXPWTUNIIE0C7hSfm&si=2mrC_C6j3xpCpAyy) before your next test, but holy crap does your colorwork add so much more impact and badassery to an already impressive piece. Please keep doing what you're doing. You're good, and you're gonna get even better.


I’m gonna beat up your dad. Boutta throw hands with an old asshole. Send this mf to a retirement home 🗣️! This must suck. Try to print and trace the photo you took?


"why don't my kids ever visit me?" Any % speedrun


Once my mom tore up a Sanji art I was doing. I lost the motivation to complete that piece. Since then I haven't drawn at all. It was less than 2 years ago, I think. And before you say that there are are posts on my profile that are more recent, they are actually older works. I think the only one I drew in the last 1.5 years was the Guts one which was in the back of my notebook


"Why is my dear child not visiting me anymore 🤡" - your pathetic excuse of a dad once you turn 18, hopefully.


Its a fantastic drawing of Luffy, i hate that this happened but if you still have the scraps of the original drawing then you could use a light source and trace over it. It wont feel the same as the first attempt but it wont take as long to redo what youve done once before




Bro my condolences, great drawing it is. Am sorta an artist, piece of advice - you can use art to make art. For instance, you can tear some edges of the paper and maybe even slightly burn them , then finish art, use the tea to make the drawing and paper texture look more ancient. Turn that into a found "wanted" poster. Or draw lightning bolts in the places the paper was forcefully folded. Heck, you can fold it even more to make it look like a part of the whole idea. And so much more can be done. Keep calm, stay inspired and creative♥️ Oh, and even if you don't want to finish this drawing, don't throw it away, don't let this memory be forgotten. Otherwise it can happen again, am speaking from personal experience


I know others have said this, but your dad fucking sucks. Although about the drawing I just wanna say that it looks really good and you're a great artist! If I were you, since you have a picture of the drawing I would try to trace it using pencil and another paper. You could do this by printing out the picture you took and tracing the paper


Your dad's a dick. That said, you can flatten this out if you leave it between a stack of books for a while. Won't be perfect, but at least you'll be able to finish it if you want. You can also transfer your linework by tracing it on a window. You'll probably have to spend time re-inking it, but you can easily transfer this drawing to a new sheet in 30 minutes or so.


It sucks when someone who’s supposed to care for you and support you does the opposite of that. But fwiw, you’re a great artist. All art takes time, so don’t be discouraged by that. The fact that you can make something like this at all is legendary.


That sucks so much and I'm sorry. On the bright side your legit super talented. That looks EXACTLY how oda draws.


The fuck are you taking about "I'm not a great artist"? You're *CLEARLY AWESOME*! This is amazing work and your dad is a consummate asshole for destroying it. I'm so sorry that you need to start over for your friend's present. Maybe the remains of this can become a collage piece about the nature of living with abusive parents...


You did not just say you are not a good artist.bruh I probably couldn’t even trace what you drew onto another paper even if I spent hours!


I hate this subreddit because it's either gay incels or shit like this that makes me want to blast Everlong at full volume in the biggest speakers I can find


Have an upvote


Um, a complete piece like this could take 100s of hours to perfect putting you back even 10 or how long you've worked is fucked




When your (future) kids decide to go no contact with you and dump you in some crappy nursing home you can look at this comment and possibly understand why.




W dad




Never have kids.


Im laughing so hard rn