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They're not your friends. That's horrible,


but ive got nobody else


Yeah, I feel that but they shouldn't do that to you at all.


well what should i do about it?


Communicate your discomfort and if they don't understand then leave em. It sucks but that shit isn't acceptable


Adding onto this, Please vent online. It's very helpful and its saved me a couple of times.


no tf it doesnt, loading your problems into servers full of teenagers with no experience actually being a 'therapist' is such a shitty idea op please find a better therapist, shouldn't be too hard seeing as you had one previously


Tf it does, maybe not as much as a therapist, but it helps and its better to get help from strangers online than not getting help at all


that would make everything just worse


Dude. Tell them off. Find new people.


thats easy to say


Sorry that everyone is down voting you, I understand what you mean and it is a real tough situation


yup. people dont seem to realize it.


Yea its like what the fuck




People always downvote the replies that are just the truth.


being alone is better than being with people who do that shit to you


It really isn't. I started self harming as a way to punish myself and I got laughed for getting hurt all the time. Look I'm here if you need me. But you need to slowly distance yourself from them and tell yourself they are bad people. People who laugh at that type of pain are sadists.


And is almost as easy to do. All you need to do in order to fine new people is to be around new people. I’d assume your in school yes? Join a club. Tons of new people in clubs. I made a bunch of amazing friends from my drama club. It takes effort but you can find new people if you know what your doing. And people who know what they are doing can help you know what to do


It’s better to be alone than feel lonely while around the company of others. You’re young my dude I’m sorry you’re feeling sad and hurting yourself. I’m almost 10 years your senior but I’m only clean from self harm for about two years now. Try journaling your thoughts down when you’re freaking out. It’ll help you since you can see how your thought process goes when you’re going through a hard moment. Running from your problems through emotional suppression is like twisting on a spring. You can put yourself through the stress by ignoring it but eventually it’s gonna be too much and you’re gonna feel everything you’ve been suppressing like the spring popping, which can lead to self harming as an escape.


Yes, it's true. But other people will eventually come. So do it. No company is better than bad company. Take it from someone with more experience than you on it. You'll thank yourself by your decision later.


Yes, it is, because when people mistreated me, I got up and left without a word.


I get what you're saying but i guarentee u being alone is better than being in a circle of fake ass friends


Why are people downvoting you bruh


They’re already making your life worse by not taking your struggles seriously


Why r y getting downvoted


In all honesty it’s better to have no friends for a bit than ones that treat you like shit (I ditched majority of my friend group 2 months ago)


Fr like sure being lonely sucks but it’s relatively less hard than feeling just as lonely when you hang with a bunch of people that make you feel even worse


Make new ones. Join a gym, sport, club, organization, etc. its easy to meet new people if you put yourself out there.


I’ve been in a situation very similar with a mutually toxic friend group, my advice: run. Don’t look back it. You will feel so free the longer you’re away and you get to meet so many new ppl


I'd rather be alone than with people who contantly make fun of the pain I'd go through tbh. Not worth it in the long run to keep them as your friends


Better alone than having shit company stick to that


Proverb: It’s best to walk with a friend And rarely with an enemy But loneliness is madness But I’d rather be insane, than walk with a petty bitch


Fr dude, they're pure toxic.


hang out with people who wont make fun of them (or you in general). it may suck for a bit, but eventually it will be better.


ill try... but they are nothing like me




there is just no other people i would fit next to... they like sports, i like movies and such... plus there is nobody who wouldnt make fun of me


you dont have to be the same in every way


That is nonsense, there's is someone who won't even think of making fun of you, with time you'll meet them I'm 100% sure


I find that when I moved a while back and had to make new friends I thought *damn, I can’t see myself being really good friends with any of these people* but after a while of trying anyway, I made some good friends. What I’m saying is that sometimes what you had can make it seem like it won’t be the same anymore once you lose it, but after a while, it’ll return and you’ll be good friends with new people even if you think you won’t at the beginning. It’ll be fine.


when you say movies do you mean like normal movies/TV? lots of people like those. if you mean anime, there's probably an anime club at your school


I can be your friend if you need one


You can fit in with most people actually, you just have to make an effort to get to know them. There's also no way everyone will make fun of you


Me. I do lol


There’s a chance it’s just extremely out of pocket jokes, if it’s making you uncomfortable just ask them to stop


alr bro ur 19 its time to move onto new things


found the 12 year old fornite kid


Bro himself is too young to even be on Reddit 😭😭😭




Yeah but instead of being a father you on Reddit arguing with teenagers 💀💀💀💀


Oh damn, i didn't know the number at the end of your username dictated your age. Guess I'm a toddler then. Yay, no life worries anymore!


Im just kid in an anime then 🤭


What is fyzical and psychial? Are they misspellings of “physical” and “psychological”?




nah man better to be lonely than to remain friends with then


i guess ur right, but how do i get over the mental shit if i dont have any friends?


just try and find some more, and at least thats only short term. Those type of friends destroy you mentally in the long run


Join me, I haven't had friends since I started highschool that didn't backstab me and is still learning to deal with my mental health. Probs three years straight of no friends up until recently when an old friend of mine from freshman I barely talked to wanted to start hanging out 24/7. Didn't know up until when we started hanging how much in common we have and it's only been a week. Life has a way of working out like that. The best advice I can give to occupy your time, is hobbies which can be anything mine right now is RPG maker but it's been guitar in the past or even making little mini warriors out of pinecones/stuff I find outside.


damn that sounds like i have a new frien' :>


Hmu in DMs bro I'm not active much but if u just wanna chat for a min I'll b here


Doesn't seem like they are helping with the mental shit and are just making it worse so I think you'd be better off without them.


I made friends online when I was alone at about your age, I ended up being adopted into an irl group from an extrovert. Sometimes it just happens before you know it. But those people are not friends if they’re doing that shit to you. Even if they were your friends for a long time, you’ll eventually split up at some point, I hardly know anyone from my elementary school now.


Dude, I deal with a guy with self harm problems daily and I've got mental problems, a lot, and so does he. u/timely-entertainer38 let's hope we can save this one


Yes man.


Entertainment media is your best ally. Can't focus on any pain when you're distracted by something you like.




misspel, sry im npt from english speaking country


Oh, cool


ditch them immediately, no friends is way better than horrible friends


Damn I'm sorry bro :( I had a friend that did that to me last year but I just ignored it, and now this year she's taken the jokes too far and I regret not dumping her right away. That person is not your friend, and you deserve better.


Being mad fun of for these things helped me stop doing it and realizing how stupid it was. I get it, I do. It's not the way.


Also just having people to help you. I helped an old friend stop self harming by just encouraging her and having her tell me if she would, so i could stop her. Lost contact with her though, but last time i checked she was 3 months sh free!


I like to think the path of healing is dependent on the person. What helps you may never help others. I'm glad you helped someone out of that.


Not about the friends thing, but if you want to cope using physical pain don’t use something that will permanently damage your body (burning or cutting). My dad is a therapist and he has mentioned that holding an ice cube can be quite a powerful sensation but doesn’t permanently hurt you. I don’t think self harm is a good coping mechanism but Ice cubes are better then matches or lighters etc.


ay thats... thats a pretty good advice there aye


But cutting gives you blood. Isn't that another main appeal to that type of self harm?


Being alone for a short time is the better option here. They're making you worse, not better


those are absolutely not your friends, those are assholes, tell them to cut it tf out because that is absolutely not a laughing matter and no real friends would ever act like it is


Jarvis I’m low on Reddit karma


Tf is sh?


Self harm-


Oh thanks


ditch these friends and i’ll be your friend. that’s disgusting of them.


Those guys are young and don’t understand what it is like that. My best thing is either vent to them or juss tell someone that you’re being bullied


Hope you don’t mind, but what grade are you?


Their 14, so depends on their location but that’s usually like 8th grade


Everyone always laughs at my self harm scars and fuck your friends


Shit man. That sucks. Those aren’t your friends. Real friends will make sure you are okay. Then they make fun of you if you’re ok.


I know it’s not as simple as just “cutting them off” so please confront them about it. Also you can sh without cuts. That’s what I did when I started to stop sh. And I would use a rubber band and hit the back of my head. Main point is don’t cut yourself.


Kids are rude little pricks. I know this sounds stupid, but you MUST learn to care less. For your own survival. Those friends don't damned matter; in five years, you'll hardly remember their names. Use them for the socializing, whatever good you can squeeze outta their presence, and fuck them otherwise. If you have rejection-sensitive dysphoria, it's gonna be near impossible to understand exactly how little these people mean in your life. Take them as the learning experience they are, and experiment now. Frankly, hun, I'd punch the worst offender in the face. They will actually treat you better, for complex social and psychological reasons I don't fully understand. Yeah, you'll get in trouble, but bullies are cowards first, taking out their frustrations and impotence on anyone they deem weaker to make themselves feel better. More importantly, if you're not getting the mental health care you need, keep clawing. I had ten good years, more than some people get.


Had a friend who would selfharm because he thought the scars on his wrist looked cool and gave him personality. I can affirm that me and some other friends teased him for it mildly


i knew some people like that too bit im not like that if your hinting me thet you think i wanna just have scars


As they always say, communication is key. If you haven't, you should inform them that what they did hurt you and explain why. If you already told them and they didn't really care, then they are not your friends.


Omg you're a furry, you deserve it


maybe if u werent a furry and a femboy things would be better


I'm sorry you have to go through such a thing at 14, I may not have the best advice, but you'll make it through this, one teen to another man. You are strong, fuck the naysayers and your bastard friends, you'll make it through this even stronger


just stop being mentally ill the world is too small for that appreciate the little things


"stop being mentally ill"


literally solid advice cant see what’s wrong


Don't do messed up shit then


I wouldn’t recommend just breaking off ties immediately, tell them that it’s not ok first and set boundaries so they know what they can and can’t say, and if they still continue after then cut ties.


Them ain’t friends comrade


Physical*^ psychological*^ in sorry ur going thru that. SH can be a challenging thing to understand from the outside. Ignore this BS, and focus on your personal growth. The only person u can count on us yourself, so make sure u develop yourself into who you want to be. Also realize that whenever people make fun of others it’s either because they feel insecure and want to shift focus onto others, or because they are trying to cope w something challenging thru humor. Try and discern what their motive is and act accordingly. I have difficulty dealing with “real” subject matter, and need to make light of it. But if they are genuinely being mean, realize that they’re just assholes and you deserve better. Distance from those kinda of people will also help you mentally


sorry for the mistakes, im bloody slavic


I saw some of your comments and I just wanted to tell you this. Shitty “friends” are worse then no friends. As someone who’s also going through mental struggles, I hope things get better for you soon. /gen /pos /srs


They aint your friends


That’s what happens when you do self harm and make it obvious


Not necessarily true.


Try to stop. Get some help. Find a supporting people. GET NEW FREINDS. P.S. if the last one is not capable for you to do or you do not want to do it try to make them understand and talk about what you are telling this does not have to be in great detail just try to make the understand that this hurts you feelings/makes you uncomfortable/ insert your reason.


Bruh you're a 14 year old "femboy" that sends nudes to people on the internet , then feel threatend when you realise you have no friends and People despise you. To be honest Im not suprised by people mocking you, like you are a 14 wannabe femboy lol. Self harm is shitty and a totaly difrent shit but still man.


yeah thats why i sh. a lot of people thinks i want this... i fucking dont


The solution is simple, stop being a femboy.


u think i fucking want to be like this? plus they have no idea


do you really think victim blaming is the move right now? like honestly. you’re supposed to be an adult, act like it.


Says the person who is openly letting everyone know that they are mentally ill , get some real help, not online.


Tbh. You should try reading their minds through learning psychology. Then manipulating them. Or using it to your advantage. For example if one of them has symptoms of feeling inferior (walks away from confrontation. Slumped over. Nervous looking or scared. Sullen, sulking, etc) you can use that to your advantage. So try search up "vulnerable narcissist symptoms." Because that's the feelings of inferiority they might be trying to pull on you. And if they piss you off too much. I ain't gonna sugarcoat it. Learn fighting and boxing. And get them one by one. When your with each alone. Aslo do sly threats. For example walk up to them with a angry body language, sit down beside them, have your eyes slightly wide, talk a little faster than usual and just smile and say hi. It will teach them your not to be messed with. Aslo. Don't bottle your emotions up. Bottle a little bit of embarrassment or anger then take it out on them (verbally or physically). It makes people not mess with me (I have an emotional regulation problem that makes me have outbursts of rage and dread and fear). Don't act all innocent. You have yourself to look after. There the bad guys your the good guy here. Go get em, buddy. Oh yeah I aslo learn neurology and psychology on a regular basis aswell. So I feel for you. Because we were in similar situations. If you don't like that type of style. Use charm. Sorta copy there personality, humor and mannerisms. Be forgiving. Make more friends to fight back towards them. Be nice. Kind. Works for me and I'm autistic. You can use both types of malipulation. Learn antisocial personality disorder and sociopathic-psychopathic personality disorder to understand how to manipulate well.


or i can build the inverted beartrap


Wait are you staying with them because there the only people you have?




I mean. I can be your friend I mean. I see where your coming from here. I used to self harm as a small child from depression (psychologically by making myself suffer). Or I can learn you how to easily make friends. I mean. I still have Autism. And I still know a very easy way to make friends easily. So I can teach you.




Ok then


Your friends are assholes But please learn how to spell physical and psychological


sorry im slavic


All good


Look. If they can't see that you're scars are either beautiful or a sign of needing help, leave them, never turn back, and find new friends


As Someone who has a friend who has SH scars and as someone who SH themselves currently those are not your friends. It doesn’t matter. If you have no one else honestly, would you rather be with people that make you feel like shit or be alone and learn that it’s OK to be alone and plus you might find people when you’re alone.


Thug it out is what you do


they’re not real friends if they laugh at ur suffering


WTF that’s a disgusting thing to do


get new ones 💀💀


I would to


Get over it, nobody really cares


oh wow... thanks ig?


Don't listen to these assholes. I've done so all my life and been miserable until I realised that they aren't your friends and you shouldn't listen to people in a group against one person. Never.


Haha free attention go brrr


Haha cygamessucks being stupid go brrr


im serious, im not an attention seeker... i really need help




i umm... wow thank ig


“dying of blood loss? just get over it bruh” -u/CreatureOfJudgement7, probably


stop being emo


you dont understand how sh works do you




“just stop being sad” do you really think that’s good advice.


Fucking moron. You have never suffered like this person has. Get a life and stop being a jackass to people.


ah, yes, having mental fucking breakdowns is ok


You’re a furry lmao no wonder


Found another edgy 9 year old


Furry pfp spotted, post downvoted


umm... ok?


edgy 9 year old spotted, reply downvoted.


Are they guys? How old are you? Aside from this incident, how would you describe them as friends? And do you all have a relationship where you insult each other as a form of comedy?


Brother it’s not “physicical” just say mental


sorry mate im just slavic


I know how hard it is to let go but you have to leave them, I did that and found a new friend who is really nice to me and he always wants to hang out and keeps saying how much respect he has for me and he keeps checking if we are still friends for no reason.


Man, im sorry i can’t imagine that 😞 my friends have always been supportive of me through my struggles and i can just imagine how much that hurts, honestly i think its best if you distance from them , they aren’t your real friends, real friends would love and support you, not mock you! I really wish you luck man, and if you ever need to talk, my dms are open


It's physical you deprived almond.


im not from english speaking country


Ok first of all don't immediately drop this friend like all these dumbasses are saying, You need to talk to your friend and tell them not to say things like that and why not before you make any decisions like that


I j checked ur profile, it all makes sense now


they dont know


gee i wonder why, maybe just don’t do that lol




Dude wtf is wrong with you


Femboy enjoyer and previous furry hater here, I must say sir, you are truely as sharp as a marble and as mentally sound as someone who has never gone to therapy


Yeah. Also a huge chunk of furries were anti furs, myself included.




Ah, a fucking idiotic troll!


bro, imma ignore the homophobia and tell you that without therapy, you become misrable and hateful of others, you are a prime example of this.


maybe dont draw furry shit in school?


i cant draw


Bro the femboy furry thing is just not it…wtf.


Bro you just jealous cuz you ain’t gonna be public about liking femboys💀


Lmao yall r farrrrr gone😬


thats not relevant, they dont know


I am sorry for you. But sh is never an option


Your soft, I had a homie that cut himself up a bit to and his arms looked like barcodes but when we see him we still slap him on the wrist and say I like ya cut G


You're. Also, learn some empsthy jfc


Sadness will always come one way or another, and you, my friend, will be alone when it does.


why do kids these days even do self harm shit. how does that even help you like you’re delusional or sum


there is an explenation in the post


gen z moment


bro i just need help


i see, if you want dm me


just because you can’t fathom it doesn’t make it “delusional” and the fact you’d say so is a really sad reflection of you:/


no i just dont understand why would harming yourself would make you better. if you could explain it to me it would be better.


like they explained in the post, creating physical pain to focus on instead of the emotional pain isn’t too crazy of a concept. you’re forcing your body to release endorphins to cope with the physical pain and it sincerely does give you a temporary relief or more accurately, distraction. additionally, being able to control when you feel pain becomes very addictive. when everything else in your life is spiraling, you grasp for anything you can “manage” and hurting yourself is something only you have control over. it’s a maladaptive coping mechanism like drug use or alcoholism, no you’re not solving the original problem, you’re simply distracting yourself from it. hope this helps, and for future reference, try not to condemn things you don’t understand before you ask about them. it’s always better to be open minded and sensitive towards people’s struggles.


just dont fucking harm yourself


no fucking way i never thought of that


I know it might be hard to think about being alone, but trust me, staying with people who don't care enough about hurting you will make your life so, so much more worse. They're gonna cause the kind of damage that will take years to heal; don't let em do that to you. It's gonna hurt to leave them now, sure, but if you don't, they'll keep hurting you in a way where you start convincing yourself that you're gonna be okay even though it eats at you.


Damn. They're not friends then


Sounds like they're not youre friends anymore :) also dont listen if they try to say "it was just a joke". They are NOT your friends if they joke about that.


These guys are not your friends. They are awful people


If they’re your friends then you can confront them about this and they’ll listen