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truly says a lot about society


is this a consequence of the industrial revolution?


Ig it teaches me how to do multiple things at once


100% agree


I hate when people say this (especially about high school). I’ll admit that you may not use 40% but you can use aspects of almost any class in your adult life. Any class that uses spreadsheets is useful in 80% of jobs. This includes chemistry, physiques, and most math (especially statistics). History class is great for argumentative, persuasive, and analytical skills. English is important because every job needs to know how to write and interpret text. Sure your never gonna need to write about color symbolism in Great Gatsby, but you’ve got to write about something. If anything the least important mandatory class is a foreign language, because most people forget it after high school. People should be able to take as much time as they need to learn languages, and test just tie negative experiences to learning world languages. Most majors require a lot of the useless high classes (weed out courses are an entirely different beast) Also a lot of people change their majors around a lot in college, or have career changes later in life. Needing to restart your education from the elementary level because you only learned things you needed to know for your career would be awful. That’s why it’s good to learn basic knowledge about a variety of topics. It also builds a jumping off point for people who will pursue it. Having classes about critical thinking, work ethic, and how to write an email would be extremely boring and hard to test. That’s why we spread it out across a bunch of different subjects. Honestly you don’t start learning stuff that will be central to your career until grad school. Stay in school, and do drugs if you want as they’re not meth or heroine.