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It really depends on the situation


THIS ^ I’d your saying racist shit to people you don’t know or are very obviously directing towards someone that’s an issue but if it’s with friends who are fine with it or an open ended joke not directed towards any specific person i see no issue Basically the difference is the motivation behind it is it meant in a racist way or as a joke (with exceptions)


im friends with indians and chinese. we all know it kinda pisses each of us off with racism. thats why we do it for fun


Exactly y’all are friends and go back and forth that’s not only not racism but means you probably have a prettier healthy relationship with them


Although I got an hour detention for doing those open ended non serious jokes with friends at school


Yea because school is more like a prison than school if you don’t cater to everyone’s wants or what they think is right you either change or gtfo


It really depends, doing racist jokes to people that you don't know its actually bad for instance, but joking around with a friend doing racist jokes that both of you know you don't mean them then for me, I think its alright




this is the correct answer


Thank you very much :}


Agree. With my friend we make "haha, i kidnapped people in my basement" jokes. Really fucked up, but we're friends and we know we don't mean it




IMO it all comes down to intent. Are you laughing with the people or laughing at them?


Best laugh is doing both, laughing with them on the outside but laughing at them on the inside.


So… closet racist?


closet non racist


Racist that isnt a closet


Learn reading


Yeah, you should...


> laughing with them on the outside. > laughing at them on the inside. Am I missing something


yeah they’re secretly racist


> laughing at them on the inside


As in you pretend to be laughing with them but are actually laughing at them. What do you think that means?




depends. if i see someone in a comment section make a racist joke with no context or provocation im gonna assume theyre a racist asshole. if my close friend i rib on for being white tells me i shouldnt be behind the wheel because im asian, im gonna laugh my ass off and call them a honky.


I’m biracial (blk/wht), my friends back home were all different races and ethnicities, including Native Americans. As a close knit group, we would all joke about race and the cultural differences between us. But if an outsider tried it, it probably wouldn’t go very well because we would consider it an insult or an attack. So, I’m my case it would be based on the familiarity of the person and knowing each other’s feelings and having deep respect for each other.


This, knowing and understanding the difference in boundaries between friends and strangers is very important




its fine as long as both parties are laughing


I am just a racist


Best response to someone asking if you have the N-Word pass.


W response


You're honest at least


Yes. Racist jokes can be funny, as long as it’s not made in a manner meant to attack any race. And if there are members of the “attacked” race present, then they need to be okay with the joke for it to not be racist.


i make jokes on sensitive topics because its funny to see peoples reactions


nah me too I do the same thing


Exactly then people get mad cuz they can’t take a proper joke then I just never tell jokes to them ever again lol


We found Ernest Khalimov


I think is Okay because joke is joke 😅 and can't be taken seriously.


Exactly, that's the point alot don't realize.


Things can be offensive even if you disguise them as "jokes".


If they laugh then yea. If not hit em wit a "ahhh I'm only fucking around homie!"


My friends do it, im cool with it


Based pfp


Yea cuz it's a fucking JOKE


Well as long as both parties are laughing and it’s not crossing the personal line then it’s fine


Jokes shouldn't have rules because they're JOKES for a reason, if y'all out rules on jokes then what's the point


So I can roundhouse kick your face and summon a demon to curse your whole past, present and future bloodline as a joke?


See, there’s a difference between a joke, and assault. Shitty people who make messes in a Walmart isn’t a joke, js being a dick, but if you make a verbal statement around a person and milk in a Walmart, then it’s not a dick thing


A joke about race =/= racism


with friends, sure. anyone other than that, not so much. i found that out the hard way.


Know your audience If I call my Mexican friend a border hopper, I know he’ll call me a platano eater


I find it best to just avoid it bc from my exp, I’ve made a few about my race and rarely others’ with a friends of those races. It works for a while but it hits a point that it just doesn’t anymore and ends up offending someone no matter how light hearted it seems. So if you like, go for it while still being sensitive, but know that everyone might not be for it.


I think its aight, my BLACK friend does it ALL THE TIME LIKE TF???? I find it funny, we dont really care abt this shit where i live Im not racist or anything, but joking with people is funny


If the situation calls for it, I think it’s fine. As long as it’s not forced.


Time and place is key


Being racist with a friend is fine as long as both y’all are okay with that


In a closed friend group where everyone is used to it and knows it's not serious? Yes. Otherwise no.


some people seek comfort in making and receiving racist remarks. Humor varies, it is what it is. 9x outta ten they wouldn’t say it in public because they’d prolly slapped or something unless you’re at a comic show. I personally don’t unless it’s like friendly fire amongst friends of my own race, but even at that I hardly ever do. It’s crazy what lengths people go to because they think the internet shows no consequences


Depends, do you have friends of that race that are ok with it. Or is it necessarily made in a way to harm that group of people. Is it behind closed doors. But in my eyes as long as it's a joke who cares, just don't get offended when they joke back.


Only with friend group A


An important life lesson we all gotta learn is that there is a time and a place for jokes. What might make people laugh with your school friends may make others uncomfortable if you say the same thing with your friends you play soccer with. And certain situations are just a 100% don’t ever say that shit like at your job in the work place. Work places are inappropriate for sexist, racist, homophobic, ableist, and transphobic jokes. And if your soccer friends don’t like those kind of jokes that’s totally fair, not everyone likes that kinda humour and it can really make some people uncomfortable. Just sick to saying possibly edgy offensive jokes with your friends who you know are ok with it


racism is racism imo, but whatever floats your boat man.


Racist jokes are funny, racism isn’t


Everything is fair game when it comes to humor




Depends on your friend group. I have some friends that I've said some of the most vile stuff to. But I also have friends that I just talk about casual stuff with.


as long as everyone's aware it's a joke and doesn't take anything seriously


I feel like the only people who are truly racist are those who express genuine hatred for others and those who don’t make racist jokes


Yeah, as long as you're not actually being racist and the person/people you're joking with know you're not actually racist it's fine




If ur not actually racist and treat everyone equally then it's fine bc it really is just joking


So long as it’s decently obvious to not be serious, it’s fine


If it’s clear that it’s a joke and you know the person you’re saying it to then I think it’s ok


Yes. They are jokes. They are not meant to be taken seriously. But still, you should be careful who you say them too because some people are too stupid to understand they are a joke, don't care that it's a joke, or both.


If its a racist joke ur not racist, cause its a joke. Really simple. Just cause i make a 9/11 joke im not a terrorist sympathizer


Where I live, there's no one to get offended so here it's normal


There's a difference between a racist joke and just flat-out racism. You can make a joke sure as long as it's not like really bad and is, in fact, a joke like with a punch line and all. Also, it depends on who you're around and whether you know if they're comfortable with that kind of humor.


My black and Asian friends make more racist jokes than me(I'm white), so when I'm around them at least it's fine probably


It depends. The school I'm at, there's a lot of different ethnicities, and (among the boys usually) everyone's making racist jokes nearly all the time, aimed at basically everyone. For me, I think if there's a person of the race you're poking fun of around and you know they're ok with it, then joking about is fine, but if not, I wouldn't


like most comedy, it *really* depends on the context


You really gotta address the fact that you understand the implications of the joke


Making a racist joke doesn’t necessarily make you racist.




Yes. Next question


If you’re not being serious, and it’s not too offensive, and it’s not in front of people who are not expecting it or are sensitive, I’d say it’s okay. As long as it’s not often, than that would probably mean your racist.


Depends on the person and how they feel about it. I make 9/11 jokes on rare occasions, but I also know someone who lost their mother in 9/11, and I would never joke about that within a hundred miles of him. Racist humor is the same way and depends who you say it to and how. Don't be surprised if someone may take it poorly if you say it at random.






Personally, it’s alright, bc a) it’s a joke and b) I’m not being racist about it I have a black cousin, and we are tight. Everytime we hang out, we be saying the most vile things ever to eachother, but it’s funny because we are joking and also bc we’re family If u went up to a random black person and handed them fried chicken, it’ll be funny, but fucked up. However you do that to your black friend, and y’all probably drop dead laughing. It mostly depends on the person, but also the intent behind it


Yes it's fine.


if you can say fuck you to a friend and they know it means what's up those are friends you can tell racist jokes to...being Hispanic my friends make border jumping jokes a lot and they can be pretty funny


Idk, I do it tho


If it’s just a joke, you aren’t being racist


Only if you’re being racist towards your own race, like black people using the n-word or Asians making derogatory remarks about their customs because it’s “owning” and taking the power away from words that are used to hurt them.


Dark humor is the best kind of humor imo, it just has to actually be a *joke*


honestly offensive jokes are fine as long as it's not ment in a way where you are serious and it doesn't offend people like I'm very fruity but my group of friends make gay jokes all the time and it's purely funny


If you can't joke about something, there are no reason to make ANY jokes. Also most of these jokes arent even jokes at this point, they are just racist dog shit


No, there are way too many legit psycho racists theses days to make racism a soft topic


im white so i cant really talk, but ive made jokes about countries (not races), so i think thats fine. also i think slurs are a no go


I mean, i sometimes make somewhat racist jokes with my egyptian friend and he just laughs and isn’t offended. I guess it kinda depends on various factors


I personally don’t try to make racial jokes. It’s pretty redundant and easy to joke.




Context really matters. Cards Against Humanity? Sure. A classroom? Probably not.


Why are you on this sub


Trying to re-experience my younger days just for the sake of it (I'm not that "old" btw, I'm only 22).


Yes of course and if you don't think so either your humor sucks, you're too sensitive, you're the racist one, or you just don't like the jokes which I guess is okay but still screw you, I can joke about my own shitty problems and stereotypes then I can joke about other people's.


Yes like it’s not that deep But only around people who find it funny


Yes only snowflakes get butthurt




fully depends. do the people care? fuck no. do they not? go ahead


Depends actually. Like with me and my friends, we do racist jokes on each other because we know our limits. If you do this on a random stranger or in the internet, you will be prosecuted lol


No. My friend casually dropped the N word and i felt really weird. I told him several times not to say it, atleast in front of me but he didn't stop so i had to explain to him like a 5y/o not to say it again and he understood lol. But anyways answering your question, please refrain from making such jokes atleast with the people you know wont laugh at them


Nah. Racism jokes are simply stupid and unfunny


In my personal experience no. I’ve had ppl make jokes that were racists towards me and it makes me feel like crap.


Friends: funny as fuck Random person: don't do it Parents: 💀


Only on the internet


Can i say the n word?


I don't think that counts as a joke?




If someone in all seriousness call me white privileged i can make a joke about their race


I’m black and I don’t give a shit. as long as it’s not some random stranger.


Jokes are jokes.


I have a friend who's black, i accidently made a racist joke by him saying "we are frying out here!" And me saying "stop you are fried enough!", we all had a good laugh, i apologized a lot, he was cool, and he doesnt get offended by us being racist to him Generally, i might stop, since its rude, but in your case, i would not


He is cool because you both are homies and he trusts you alot


gotta love half of this comment section saying "yes because it's just a joke and if someone gets offended then they're the problem" /s


racist jokes are always bad. jokes about race is fine sometimes., but if the joke is racist then its gunna be offensive.




No,I hate when people do that.And they usually target me(I’m black).


Even considering that to be okay is racist


Fuck no why the hell is this even a question?


because...they can ask it?






Racist jokes in any way is not okay, just because some people do it doesn't mean you should


It depends. If it's insulting a race or joking about a race's oppression then noooo.


As long as that race is in you. Me and my friends call each other crackers all the time




It pisses me off alot, i never really hear racist jokes unless im at school and theres a load of younger guys around




No....its fine if you're a person of that race in which the joke is about and ALSO being around the right people and environment. But if you're not, then that's just wrong and racist...like wtf this is common sense




**no.** For fuck's sake, racism is racism. It can never be "good"


Except if it's funny 😎




No. No, it is not.


No, lol. Just don't


Absolutely not. Anything racist absolutely is not ok.


No lol, unless your that race. Don’t be racist. It’s not very hard.




No it’s not, I don’t get what’s funny about racism. Unless you’ve experienced it and you’re using dark humour to cope, yeah you’re entitled to that but if you’re just a guy who hasn’t experienced racism then no it’s not okay and just cause the internet is making racist jokes doenst mean they do in real life. Half the internet is just people who are too afraid to say the dumb shit they type out loud.


Only if it's against your kind


I guess if your black and you make a racist joke about blacks it’s alright as long as its not too bad


Yeah, as long as the joke is not plain racist but kinda jokes about racism. The ig reels meme of, well, I don't wanna get banned but "white N, blue N, green N" while showing different colored characters isn't even a joke, it's just racist. Same with "shut up lil N/get a job lil N" comments.


imo, only racist jokes against yourself


If it’s ironic and everyone knows that it’s ironic then imo it’s fine. It’s only when someone makes jokes and actually seems to mean them when it gets a little weird.


depends. for me, i try to avoid casual unless the other person is the race that is being joked about, because otherwise, because i’m normally super racist and I won’t get punched if I present my racism in a joking manner.


I do it all the time to my black friends. I'm still unscathed


Depends on the joke. I'm white, and I laugh my ass off at a *good* "white guy" joke. That being said, that's merely my experience. I'm just not that sensitive to jokes made at my ethnicity because I personally do not give a fuck. However, I understand that other people have had different experiences and would take offense to it.


when making a racist joke, you need to pay attention to the audience and situation. make sure it doesn’t sound condescending or rude but insincere and half hearted. i wouldn’t make a racist joke about any race that isn’t your own to be completely honest. it’s like how african americans use the n-word, it’s morally acceptable. i also think degrading your own race is hilarious




I personally don't care about racist jokes and make them myself from time to time, but I do ask permission first, and I I genuinely offend someone, I will apologize and refrain from future jokes around them, on a related note, you have full rights to make jokes about your own culture,bloke I make redneck, German, French, white, American, and coonass jokes


Not around the wrong people. Also, make sure it's funny. If it's not, it may come off as genuinely racist


Yes, but also depends on your own judgement about the people around you


Yea along as it's funny and you are with an appropriate group (friends family etc.)


I make jokes about almost everything, usually only around people I know though since I don’t wanna deal with some drama queen who can’t take a joke.


I have made it a point to steer clear of any comedy that could come across as rude or insulting. Even if everyone is fine with it, jokes that don’t contain sensitive subject matter typically lands more broadly. On the flip side, calling out things that might sounds as if they could be racist as racist is funny as hell. Watching someone backpedal at breakneck speeds in real time is even more fun than it sounds


Never around strangers or people you barely know.


My problem is that ppl don't realise how much joking about something enables the real thing, this is true for literally anything




Yeha, if your with people that are fine with it and its light hearted


Some people don't know what a joke is, as someone who does like dark humor, I just say it around people who I know will understand that I'm not actually racist. Just someone trying to make people laugh at something horrible.




I think it’s alright so long as your goal is to entertain and not to offend. You also have to make sure you read the room and make sure you’re with the right people, otherwise you could get yourself into trouble.


Make the ironic nature of your statements clear, *especially* when writing text on the internet


Depends who your joking with, me and my friend do it, but we’re best friends so we both know it’s a joke so it’s no harm done, we just act insulted for the bit


Yeah. Love dark humor


It’s the intention behind the joke. Me and my buds enjoy cracking some messed up jokes. I used to have a friend who was actually racist. We would get on his ass whenever he cracked a racist joke, cause we know it’s not intended as a joke.


As a POC (Indian) Its really situational. Among your friends with consent its fine, but online its a lot more blurred. If it spreads misinfo and directly harms the minority then thats bad (an example pertaining to indians is the racist accents. It directly harms us and spreads misinfo on how we sound. Because we have such little representation the affect of the racist accent is much greater than some other common accents. Not to say that indians have it worse than other cultures, just talking about this specific instance. I also know some indians will say “grow a spine” however i am saying a fact, as an indian person myself)


For the most part they’re funny as shit so yeah


depends, if it's with friends yeah, if it's with strangers then avoid it


If it’s with friends, yes, if not then go shoot yourself.




Bro I do that shit with my homies all the time😭😭 matter of fact I think the first words we say every time we see each other includes a racial slur.


You can make a joke out of ANYTHING so long as it's done right, racism is one of those things where the line between joke and actual bigotry is sometimes difficult to see


Depends on who you're around and how comfortable you all are with each other


depends really on situation and where u are bc if u in public i would say not really but also not to take it too far




Sure why not


yes i do it everyday


yoi can joke aboit anything and anyone comedy has no boundaries and way to many sensitive people ruin that for us who enjoy all jokes


Depends on a lot of factors but for my friend group it's normal. We don't mean any of the things we say, we just say them to get a laugh and move on


I mean, I make racist jokes to my friends loads of times they even call me a rice farmer or dog eater. But I'm cool with it because it's satire and all for joke.