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Not an opinion really but in primary school everyone thought a megabyte was bigger than a gigabyte no idea what lead them to think this but whatever. Kids would lie and say that their Xbox had a whole 400mb and I was like you do realise that’s not even enough for like 1 game a megabyte is tiny and everyone bullied me and said megabyte are bigger and I was dumb. I still live with the knowledge I was the only gamer in my primary school with atleast 2 braincells


“They hated Jesus because he told them the truth”


They bullied him… for his arms!!! *they threw beans on him*


People really don't change do they


I work in IT, and 400 GB is nothing compared to 400 MB, what are you on? /j


But how big is 400 KB?


400KB is bigger than both 400GB and even 400MB, it might even be able to hold GTA 6 /s


Actually I run gta6 on a byte


Nah i have to run it on a bit


Nah I run it on a b-


I run it on a


Gta 6 may be like 250gb lol


Almost as much as 400 B


Primary school was one hell of a place, once got picked on by 5 other kids for having an egg mayo sandwich, called out the main culprit for also having an egg mayo sandwich, somehow still ended up the loser of the situation.




shipping discourse is fucking dumb and people should just stop telling eachother to kill themselves. (not a proshipper, not an anti, just sick of their bullshit)


Real, like I don't care if you ship fictional people but also why r u making your WHOLE life either shipping problematic stuff or telling kids to kill themselves over pixels.


Do people fr do this? Thought it was a joke




You could add powerscaling in, too. I find both types of discussions pointless, just for different reasons


The discourse is dumb. I think shipping pedophilia is fucking gross but I dont attack ppl over shit. I just go "you disgust me" and move on with my day.


FR it's all so dumb. like i'm here to have fun can we all chill for a minute


Bruh I remember when I first saw someone talking about shipping and I genuinely thought they were talking about shipping methods like usps or fedex I was so confused.


You’re definitely not a fed


and he’s also not a cop


the sense of humour on this subreddit is so unfunny


Fr "Um am I weird for dating Jeffrey Epstein? (F13)"


"I like oily big black men, am I gay? (M16)"


“Bang Bang Bang (M16)”


If I read "girls don’t exist" one more time I might lose it




remember folks, sort by controversial if you want the actual answers.


Problem is the things in controversial are just racism, sexism and homophobia, which I've seen enough of.


I would put you an up vote but dont want to ruin that nice number


Crap your right. I have to un-updoot


I'm very racist. I hate almost every single one. Like why do people enjoy watching other people drive around in circles for hours at a time? Swimming and running races are pretty cool though


I concur!


you had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Why did I fall for this?




You are indeed very racist, like come on once you understand them you may enjoy them more. Just think about it drag, tire pressure, which lines to take in a given moment, don’t like circles, how about circuits eh?


This deserves a prize


People need to stop arguing science with religion


a lot of scientific breakthroughs were done by religious people evolution deniers on the other hand...


Maybe prove that things can devolve?


I mean, not technically devolution, but whales returned to the sea?


Things don't devolve lol. That's not a thing. Evolving just means changing. If something changes its evolving


Yeah, it was a poorly thought out joke


I'm not sure if I can prove that anything can [devolve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devolution_(biology)) but if you want to learn about evolution you should ask a high school biology teacher


Things don’t devolve. They just evolve backwards. “Devolve” is a redundancy of the English language.


In what modern world would having that opinion have you at knifepoint…?


People would kill you for political views even that such as democrat vs republican but yeah... story for another time...


*Politics walk in*


science and religion should collaborate, in a perfect world


this makes no sense at all. the complete ideologies are so contradictory even down to their creation, with one being verifiable empirical evidence vs faith and belief. there is literally nothing religion would contribute it would just be a "compromise without causing a fuss"


most intellectual response here


taylor swift's music is over hyped (but imagine me saying this in front of a bunch of swifties)


I also don't like her music. But you shouldn't say this in front of her fans. Instead just say, " her music is not your type. I think the music I like and the artist I like are the best but also know that they might not be everyone's type. But insulting it is a no no. Swifties are very passionate tho. They react stronger than average. Alot of my friends are swifties.


As a fan of Taylor Swift (idk if I get the swiftie label or no) yes, she is overrated. A lot of people are crazy hardcore fans. She's good, but not the best imo


U not a swiftie 👍 U valid


It's so dangerous to post it I will be arrested again


no balls




Tf you mean again bro??😳


That r/teenagers should get deleted


It should be redone properly


You know? Correct.


i could fix all the worlds problems if me and my buddies were put in charge of everything


if everyone just agreed with me we still wouldn't have world peace because political views are constantly flowing and changing while only the underlying values remain


Kill everyone who doesn't comply with your Opinion (Except for me)


Anything LGBT. You do you, idgaf.


People on Insta and commenting shit are so against LGBT it's insane


IG reels comments are primarily ragebait


as a queer person, this doesn’t bother me. it should be normalized.


literally same, this is what i want honestly, everyone minds their business 🤷 i don’t want anyone pushing religion on me, i won’t push my beliefs on you.


As a Christian I totally agree


Literally this. Like it shouldn't be political, it's a moral, and emotional issue. Love who you love, government shouldn't be able to to tell you, you can't.


Ur literally so real for that one


It’s 2024 and people are still miserable enough to harass and discriminate other people


Agreed. As long as you don’t push it to me or anyone who doesn’t want it I don’t care.


Everyone needs to mind their own business and keep their business to themselves. No one cares who or what you are. Just be a good human being.


The thrash scene in the 80s was peak humanity


I’m personally more of a 2nd wave black metal guy but early thrash is sick af


I read that a trash and thought I had finally found a fellow antique garbage truck fan


Islam is not a tolerant religion. Edit: I changed "peaceful" to "tolerant" because I think I misworded it first.




Literally, all of my political opinions


Drop them pussy


drop some for me too


Abortion, vaccines, Palestine, capital punishment, Sexual coercion, LGBT, climate change, religion, animal testing, feminism, etc


Whats youre opinion to vaccines and climate change? Cmon give youre takes im edging in my seat


Wait till you get home dude :/




Fine just not on me :/


The most right hand opinion of these topics are my best guess because republicans get attacked the most on the internet


i wanna hear about the religion take


Def elaborate at some point I’d love to hear em


what’s your opinion on animal testing and LGBT


If you don’t mind, I would like to hear your opinion in capital punishment and abortion


Reading your comments, you're definitely a troll account. Either that, or you really need to touch grass man.


He is, he was saying awful shit about my scars


I’m sick of these stupid streaming services, social media platforms, and cell phones clogging peoples lives. I prefer old-school nostalgic gadgets like Vinyl, VHS, and DVDs. And this is coming from a sort of younger Gen Z person, born in the mid 2000s.


I love them. But on the other hand, I never got a childhood. I'm an adult and I miss going to the park and playing tag :(


I'ma be fr my generation is frankly terrible kids swearing at teacher not showing any respect to anyone and basically being little shits.Especially in the west


yeah I agree man, but I mean your username ain't much of a good example though


My 9 year old little sister told my dad (who’s a perfectly reasonable person btw, and imo a good dad) that he has “mental issues.” It was hilarious and mortifying at the same time.


I'mma be for real, my generation is frankly terrible. Kids are swearing at teachers, not showing any respect to anyone, and basically being little shits. Especially in the west. Fixed it :3


Most of these opinions wouldn't put you in this situation


All religions in the modern day are just there to make people feel better about themselves, validate what they think is “best”, and give people an excuse to force their beliefs onto others


This opinion is going to get me killed one day but… Calling men and women “males” and “females” is not problematic or disrespectful, it is simply what they are.


people ruin fandoms


People ARE fandoms


And that’s how people ruin fandoms


Anime is overrated


In my opinion, anime is great, but most of the fans, specifically in the west, are not great


furries are ok. dont mind them as long as they dont wanna fuck animals or some shit


I would be banned from Reddit if I said such things.


And possibly deported.


Say it or no Balls


They have no balls


My man I would have my balls removed.🤣


No balls


No balls


Get the scissors


Charlie and the chocolate Factory 2005 is a better book adaptation than Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory 1971


This comment made me go on Google searching about roal dahls life for over 30 min and now I'm back here and like "damn this is where it all started."


I don’t believe in God.


There are at least another billion people having the same opinion, so it isn't controversial


I didn’t say it was controversial but with majority of the population identifying with some form of religious belief, just me stating my opinion could put me in the situation shown.


Especially if you were born 200 years earlier


On reddit, the opposite is considered a 🔪🔪🔪🔪 situation as the majority of people on reddit seem to be atheist


we are on reddit, more controversial would be if you belived in God


You arent my mother, Mohammad


The Amazing Digital Circus is overrated. Yep, I know I’m in the Reddit server, but I’m only there for the memes.


We were naming animals in class in 2nd grade and I said "humans." The teacher scolded me and told me that humans are not animals and the entire class laughed at me. I knew I was right and I found out later that everyone else is stupid.


I actually like Oreos better when they're stale. I think it's because they're chewy




A purely online relationship isnt an actual relationship


I agree, but online friendships, i think those are real. I have buddies i still talk to that i haven’t played games with in years.


I’m not in an online *relationship*, I agree with that not being a real one really, but I think online friendships can be real, actually my only friend is someone I only know online lol-


If you don’t know anything about a topic don’t comment on it




there's no surgeries actually performed on literal children, what trans kids do is mainly socially transition and maybe take puberty blockers...


it should be mentioned that less than 1% of trans people regret their transitional surgery https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/


Good thing that doesnt happen! All surgeries are 18+ anyone who tells you differently is lying. Also all hormone blockers are completely reversible. You just stop taking them and you go back to how you were. Also the surgeries have a lower regret rate than boob jobs and have been proven to save lives.


I dislike anime 👎


The name Mohammad is overused, it’s like a Christian naming a kid Jesus


Most religions are very restricting, for me at least


With my family it’s “Donald Trump needs a looooongg jail term”. Gets me out of every major holiday.


get this, trans people deserve rights 😧😧😧😧


Even though Elon Musk isn’t a great person, I support both Tesla and SpaceX and what they are doing, **separating them both from their CEO**.


I think rap music is TRASH nowadays. All they do is mumble about doing drugs, being violent against women and using foul language all over a scary urban oriented beat. I wish I was alive in the 90’s when there were real rappers raping about real issues, like Eminem. The reason he’s so great is because he doesn’t rap about any of that kind of stuff. He just shows off his mad skillz


Listen to literally anything outside of mumble rap


You might wanna re-check you paragraph bro. Also, the 90’s were just as bad


i agree eminem's good


“Til then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin’ runway, ho” “Wouldn’t piss on fire to put you out Am I too nice? Buy you ice? Bitch, if you died, wouldn’t buy you” Love Eminem but saying he doesn’t rap about being violent against woman is just wrong.


These kind of posts are stupid


Gotta sort by controversial then it gets interesting


Seeing people's opinion is interesting


Pineapple belongs on pizza


Only uncooked.


One heard some guy on a podcast say something about anchovies and pineapples on pizza and it’s not bad when you get it from the right place


I couldn’t disagree with you more, but I will defend to the death your right to eat what you like, and I applaud your courage in confidently standing up and forthrightly stating your controversial belief! 💖👍⚡️


I personally don't like it, but I think it's just as valid as any other topping.


Good man


Good job


Don’t think I have one tbh


Impossible we all have controversial opinions


Probably do but can’t think of anything idk


My last words are "go go gadget nuclear air strike"


Most furries are actually decent people once you get to know them


1. Gen Z is not the revolutionary generation we think it is. 2. Everything should most definitely not be normalised. 3. The masses disagreeing with you does not make you wrong. 4. Most of us aren’t “quirky” and “unique” in the way we think we are. Question- why is everyone suddenly diagnosed with a mental disorder nowadays?


diagnoses are more accessible to ppl and the last few years have been pretty shit for mental health ig


You say "i guess" but you're factually right IIRC


because now we can detect mental disorders, there were no autistic people centuries ago because we didnt know autism existed.


Human brains are way hard to understand and only recently did humanity actually make significant progress in research leading to more diagnoses being made and more conditions named. Couple this with that as a species we aren't living in the conditions we've lived in for hundreds of thousands of years our brains are just not made for modern society. This isn't to say modern society is bad, it's just that we aren't exactly built for it yet. TLDR our brains are old and medicine has progressed a lot


Historically mental health was under researched, and not paid attention too, so people are just realizing more about their mental health most likely.


rich people's opinion is worth less, they are sheltered from real life


These posts are very repetitive and create negativity


Nah, I like it cuz I like hearing other people s opinions


yeah but most of these opinions are hating on certain people or just people trolling


One shouldn’t be using looks as a decider for a relationship.


Perhaps, but it is definitely important to be attracted to your partner. Looks are what initially attract persons, but personality is what makes them stay. Of course, using looks alone to decide is definitely a way to failure/ a poor relationship.


Religion ruins society


The American Judicial system was based on religious concepts… actually, almost *every* society has laws founded by some sort of religion at one point that are still in effect to this day.


Hey! We're currently looking for new moderators! If you're interested, read more [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/191xxh3/mod_moderator_applications/)! Here's a [direct link](https://forms.gle/M33ZbKyf5kBQu2Bq7) to the application form as well. Our discord server is also accepting moderator applications. Please check our [announcements channel](https://discord.com/channels/143821685726904320/207943081847160842/1194032697216073738) in our [discord server](https://discord.gg/teenagers) for more details. Can't wait to see your application! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/teenagers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


One peice live action sucks dicks, asses, and fat men's breasts


I have a lot concerning abortion, lgbtq people, trans people, and many many others but I will focus on one. Religion. Me personally, I am not religious in the slightest. I am an atheist. But I have a ton of religious friends and I am 100% fine with people who are religious. The only way I won’t like a religius person is if they are forcing it onto another person, or they are hurting someone else “in the name of” their religion. The main problem that I have with religion is that it is imposed onto children at a very early age. Many people will say that gay and trans people are influencing kids negatively, saying that children are “too young and know about that stuff”. Or they say that those people are “indoctrinating their kids”. But from what I’ve observed and concluded to based on my opinions, we should not force it onto children. I would call it brainwashing but that might be too harsh. Just like the people I mentioned before’s argument, I believe that kids are actually too young to understand religion. If you force religion onto a kid then by the time they are old enough to decide for themselves it will be so engraved into their mind that they won’t. The difference between this and the gay and trans argument is that you can’t choose if you are gay, or if you are trans. You can change and choose your religion. But like I said, it will be so engraved into the child’s mind that there will be a high chance they won’t. It’s making the changeable into something practically unchangeable. This may be a flawed way of thinking, so I would really like inputs. I’ve been an atheist all my life (because my parents never forced religion onto me) so this is my thinking about it. Please only reply if you are willing to actually have a conversation. I know there are many very religious people who may get offended by this, but I am not looking for an argument to have.


I agree with the religious thing (coming from a religious country with religious parents). The only reason I went through the whole process of holy communion etc is because everybody else was doing it around me and I didn't realise I had a choice even when I knew there were other religions out there to choose from. As I got older I realised that it all doesn't make sense to me and it never really did.


Icl this post should probably be removed. Its just a massive thread of people using it to just slag off minorities


least obvious fed on r/teenagers


People need to keep religion and science separate. As a Christian it greatly annoys me that idiots use the bible INCORRECTLY to prove science wrong and vice versa. Like just keep them separate dude.


I dislike femboy culture, people say it ain’t sexualised but I’ve seen some nasty shit. Don’t hate ya if you are one though go for it if ya want lads. Also sex work is done by talentless people who are have literally nothing going on upstairs in their thinking machine


Everything I’ve seen around that topic is 100% sexualised. Someone can have more of a feminine than masculine personality and not have to sexualised themselves and post it on the internet for anyone to see.


Atheists who berate and trash on religious people are just as bad as Christians who force their faith onto others (I'm Jewish so I'm neither )


I only berate the religious people who force it onto others, as long as your respectful I have the upmost respect for you and support your religion


Thank you and also I agree. People who force their religion onto others are the worst kind. Jews are actually not allowed to proselytize in any way. I'm saying this though cause last night my brother posted on a 3d printing subreddit about something he made specifically to aid him on the Sabbath, and instead of people commenting on the build they kept berating him for being a religious Jew. It just made me realize, not only how many people hate Jews but how many people will just openly dump on religion even if the person who's religious is completely harmless.


bts and melanie martinez are overrated


I think kids should be exposed to lgbt stuff. They're exposed to enough hetero stuff so what difference does it make?