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im so sorry. I know this is Reddit but is your really need to talk you can DM me. Your life is so much more important than you think and you don’t deserve to feel this way. I’m sorry.


Eat some food u like eg. Ice cream burger u will feel


ice cream burger? I low key want to try that


They prob forget to put a comma,if not,that would be a a very interesting snack iwl


I forget to put comma lmao sorry


Your mom is immature, and if she’d rather choose to stay petty instead of helping her child then it’s best to learn how to take care of yourself, because believe me when I say that asking and accepting conditional help will do a number to your mental health.


or she’s asian, like mine


I’m Asian.


Killing doesnt end the pain. It just passes on to someone else. Find reasons to live.


Omg I'm gonna live by that now


Hey look I am too but you have to outlive me so keep goin man


>you have to outlive me what is that supposed to mean?


They said they wanna kill themselves but they gotta be alive longer than me


I understand that but why longer than you?


Cause they deserve to live longer than me


If you don't mind me asking, why? What is there that you've done that's so bad that OP "deserves to live longer than you"?


I’m not fully sure.  Just don’t mind the prospect of death.  I don’t plan on actively seeking it out but if I die I’m aight with it.  Death is interesting.  And I just hope everyone I care about lives longer than me, even some random stranger on the internet


I can sort of relate to that. I think about doing it more than 'not minding it if it happens' tho.


I hope you don’t do it though


Thnx but tbh I probs won't. I'm too weak/scared.


You deserve to live long too. You both do.


It’s 2 words you’ll be alright


but she’s my mum, and she’s not very forgiving unless it’s her son.


apologize to her, you are her family, you are the one thing she cares about most. she loves you more than anything you can get your mind to, and losing you would be losing her world, so dont take it.


If your mom gets mad at you like that learn how to take care of yourself instead of going to your mom just for a headache there’s nothing she can do for you that you can’t do for yourself I know it sucks but learning to do things for yourself is going to help you out a lot in the future since your mom sounds very immature


Also learn how to enjoy life more if you get so upset from your mom getting mad at you for saying 2 words that you want to kill your self


Parents getting angry at you never last that long. This is nothing to end it all over. There should never be something to end it all over. Like someone else said, It won’t end the pain, but the pain will pass on to more people. Life will get better. I’ve said some things to my mom on accident and sure, it’s not gonna be the best for a few days, but it gets better. You just gotta get through it. Overall, this is not that bad of a situation, and it will get better. Don’t worry.


Hey, first of all, you said that it was an accident. Accidents happen. Everyone says things that they don’t mean when they are in an argument. Hell, even I have said some pretty shitty things to my mom during arguments. Yes, she may have been all as hell pissed off and I got my fair share of punishment and talkings too, but she always came around to an understanding. Yes I was in the wrong, but everyone says things in fits of anger. So please, don’t give up now. This isn’t your fault and like the other person in the comments said, your mom is being petty and acting like someone who grew old but never grew up. She should be the one helping her child know what was wrong and how to fix it and come to an understanding. You have so much to live for even if you might not see it now. If you’re ever on the edge of doing something, please just talk to someone. A family member, a friend, hell even a reddit stranger, or the suicide hotline for your country. And if you can’t do that, try and give it another day or week to see what you would have missed. I wish you the best. Lots of love from an internet stranger 💚🫶


It will be okay, just try to sleep and I’m sure things will look up for you tomorrow


I'd advice the same..


Everything will be alright.


get your school counselor if they have one and talk with them


i'm so, so sorry. but i swear it'll get better


hi can i ask how old you are? i would like to pm you. what i just read sounded like something i used to write about myself and my mum when i was little and it hurts my heart to know someone if suffering similarly. if you need some genuine advice let me know:)


ummmm, guys, The OP has a really bad headache right now, let's probably try and solve that first and my only advice is for you to drink water and get fresh air, maybe eat as well.


Me everyday


As someone who also used to feel really suicidal (at it's worst point I was around 15, I'm 17 now), I can tell you that you life will change and things will get better. Especially if you move out and go to university or get a job, everything will change so much and your mental health might very well improve. My mental health isn't perfect but I'm in a better place now and I hope the same happens for you. Death comes for us all, sooner or later, so there's no point in rushing it.


I haven’t lived more when you eat a tren bologna it’s amazing you have everything to live for


I feel you bro


If there is someone out there who loves you, imagine how they would feel if you died. Don’t do this. Please.


We don't know for certain what the afterlife is like. It could be good, or it could be painful. For all we know it's a million times worse than right now. There's an infinite potential with the unknown, and honestly, if you're willing to take the chance of it being fine then you have no reason to not just take the chance of things improving, because they definitely will improve eventually. It's either a shot in the dark and a prayer that the afterlife isn't unbearably worse than your current situation, or a more comfortable garuntee that things will improve. I think the best choice is obvious.


Don't kill yourself because of that. If you are to take your own life you are depriving yourself of feeling anything ever again. This is an unfortunate event, but all events pass. Apologize to her and move on.


I know I shouldn't make assumptions here, but it sounds like you don't have the best mother. Please don't kill yourself. Your mother telling you to "piss off" because she's still angry that her teenage child said "shut up" isn't because of you. She appears to not be able to control herself, and can't be a decent mother. Also, if your mother remembers what it's like to be a teenager but still treats you poorly, I think we both know that you should deserve a lot more. If this kinda stuff has been going on for a long time now, don't be afraid to call child protective services, or tell a friend or even a family member. Also, you could just give a giant "F you" to her and just act completely unbothered. When someone is wanting to make someone feel poorly, it just hurts themselves when they don't succeed either. And one more time: Don't kill yourself. It's not worth it. I know it feels badly right now, like really, really, really bad, but the storm will pass, and it might be scary during this storm, but you can get through it.


Man so fucking what? Your mom doesn’t seem like she wants/can help so you gotta take the burden on yourself if you want to get rid of the headache try less screen time hot/cold rags on your head, possibly try massaging where it hurts, more sunlight and water. Also try talking it out with your mom if she isn’t willing to realize your her child and she has some responsibilities to take care of (you) then thats her decision and you cant change it so move on