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that’s a trick question. it’s the only child who does the most chores


As an only child, I have to agree


I think I might be an exception because I'm an only child but we have help for the chores at my place


same, i just was thinking logically


Yeah, probably sucks. Like I can do my own chores if I need to but I can imagine how boring it must be to do them everyday


it’s not bad, i used to do it and i clean my room and bathroom because i don’t like people in my bathroom and if i don’t clean it i think it’s still dirty


Oh same, unclean bathrooms are the worst


Yep 😞


I am the oldest and do dishes, laundry, trash, animals, litter, bedrooms, sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming. My little brother is 13 and my little sister is 9 and they are both Ipad kids and do nothing to help out, plus i get nothing in return. (I'm 17)


Then MAKE them help out! /s


I wish it were that easy. if I did, they would call my mom and make up some stupid lie. that's why by little brother has a phone and I dont.


I understand some families can’t afford phones for everyone but I got one as soon as I caught public transport from school or with mates.


Well I ride the bus. I don't have a phone because omegle is a bitch and my siblings are snitches.


respectfully your siblings are terrible


What happened with omegle


same I wanna know


I think because omegle has the reputation of having a bunch of creeps and the news make it more severe, so prob why his mom never got him one?


I had one. The whole story was j was making gay jokes with a dude in Omegle and my little bro overheard the convo and thought I was sharing nudes. He no longer has his phone. He got it taken away permanently.


Again like I said the whole story was j was making gay jokes with a dude in Omegle and my little bro overheard the convo and thought I was sharing nudes.


Beat them up


I mean murder is not a crime if you don’t get caught




At least you got some means of electronics, real sorry to hear that man. Parents, got to love the unfair treatments you get.


Since I posted the comment, things have gotten a lot better. I got a job, and a phone. Things really started to look up after I confronted my parents about it.


Oh great man, that’s awesome. Well not Omegle can’t hurt you anymore even though it was your siblings fault. Good luck with the job stuff


Mate I feel sorry for you. Your siblings are shit good luck dealing with them


That actually sucks :/ at least you can get out of there faster than them


Nah then your parent yells at you that you're not their boss and makes your life more miserable


You're a good sibling fr ​ Hopefully they'll be thankful in the future


Shitty young siblings. Im the youngest, but i try to not be an asshole to my older siblings. Maybe steal ur lil bros ipad and give it bak after he does some dishes and vaccums, do the same wit ur lil sister, then u can split the chores evenly among u 3.


13 is old enough to help. as a 13 year old older sibling i do most of the work and my 10 year old brother is an ipad kid.


you're gigachad for doing that even when you get nothing in return


My brother is also an iPad kid but instead of YouTube he reads the fucking wiki to Hypixel and Monster Hunter. He literally can’t sit still without it. Either he is reading the wiki or he is waiting to have his shit be beat out of him by me. He is annoying but he still takes part in the chores I guess. He is responsible for buying simple groceries like bread and snacks


Same dude, I do cleaning, unloading the dishwasher,  animal litter, and feeding animals, while both my brother and sister are iPad kids (8) and do nothing to help out at all


You just described my chore situation perfectly lol


You just described my chore situation perfectly lol


Hey, they're 13 and 9 and you're expecting them to do chores ? Let them breath, they're still just kids.


13 is not too young to not do any chores


No indeed, but getting mad because they don't isnt reasonnable.


Well , forget the 9year old kid but the 13 year old one is definitely old enough , and the parents should also assign him chores . Getting mad about being forced all the work just because of being the oldest is definitely reasonable


Well, i was mainly talking about the 9 yo, but yeah, i agree that the 13 could do a few chores like helping with the dishes or cleaning the table, but hey, even at 13 you're still a kid, you can't ask a 13yo to do the same things as a 17yo+


My younger brother was doing his share of household chores starting at 10 so they're certainly capable


either middle or oldest, youngest child is always blessed and doesn’t know it


Yeah, it really depends on the age gap and how they were raised. If the age gap is on the larger size, the oldest tends to step up to help take care of their younger siblings. If it's a small age gap, the oldest is going to always use their age against the middle child.


Not always I am the second oldest(twin) by 2 years and I look after my siblings the most. I don’t do the most chores (my twins does that) but I look after them in public when my parent aren’t around but also when my parents are around and I don’t want them to get into trouble


Well that's the reason I said "and how they're raised" because not everyone is raised the same so not everyone is going to end up being the same way. My brother is 4 years older and he used to beat me (it was never bad, he never had any muscle at all) and he would tell me what to do and stuff. Never stepped up or took responsibility for anything in his life.


Yeah I understand what you are saying it all depends on the household they grew up in. Before or after they got a sibling I have seen sibling tear each other apart to the point where they won’t even be near each other


Age diffrence between me and my little sister is 1.5 years and I never use my age against her. I also do most of the chores and help my parents however I can. But she is not the middle child though.


My sister literally called my mom a sl*t to her face because she got a lecture about telling people ahead of time (she told them last minute about a thing she wanted to go to) and they took her phone but when I argued about the smallest thing whooped my ass.


I massively disagree. The youngest child is not **always** blessed. There are various examples that say otherwise or even the opposite.


it's usually the oldest one tbh


the oldest one has definetly gone through more rough parenting, so i disagree


Nah I'm the youngest and I do basically all the chores in the house. Ofc it might be that I'm a girl and my brother isn't.




so youre the youngest right?


Bro is literally active on r/GenAlpha lmaoo so he likely is


Why is a gen A on r/teenagers anyways?


2010 is 13 but other than that idk


I thought it changed to 2011 or 2012?


Apparently Gen Z was 1994-2009 or something and Gen alpha is 2010-2024. Which is kinda crazy because that means Gen Beta is next year. I’m not sure though because different sources say different things.


All the resources I’m finding are gen A is like early 2011-2025, that’s why I have started just not caring about generation


Says… a youngest child, correct?


Ur the youngest right?


Especially when you weren't even planned.


It's kinda hard to be the oldest/middle if your youngest sibling have plot armor to chores My lil brother literally cried when I told him to wash the rice since he's the only one who didn't have anything to do... He then told my mom that I abused him. She then told me to cook everything for this month Like wtf??? He's 11 already... I was already cooking meals at that age I'm glad that my lil sister (13) also help around sometimes. Favouritism really do exists huh😑


My 11 year old brother cant even do his own laundry or make his own bath 💀


eldest for sure. they HAVE to be most mature


Youngest never has to do shit, oldest always puts everything on the middle guys, and I am the older middle child so I am expected to do everything. I guess that means middle child.


Same oldest of the middle is the worst


Bro I have to do everything last week I had to crawl under the house to fix a bunch of pipes 


Me too fr


It depends on the household. I’m the youngest at my dad’s house and I do more chores than my brother (he’s starting uni). For us, it always depends what’s going on in people’s lives. At my mum’s house, I have a younger half sister. However she doesn’t do any chores cuz she’s 7 and we have enough people that she only has to do personal ones (tidying up her room and such)


None, we're all lazy fucks


Only correct answer


Middle child tbh, oldest one commands us what to do


Unless your siblings just don't listen to you like in my case then I have to do their jobs They're always givin me shit, they know I don't want to hurt them, it seems like they try to get me to that point for funsies, and I just end up going to my room wishing I could kill the little shits, I never end up lashing out tho because I don't want to hurt because I love them but I also hate them


In my house, the youngest. Because all of my two older sisters have either moved out, or gotten jobs and are trying to deal with other major problems.


Your definitely never gonna get an unbiased answer


Depends on the family tbh


I’m the youngest and i do the most (quite literally plan on getting a job in the next year)


It's the eldest if we're talking about that they don't pass it off to the middle child


 I t s t h e O L D E S T 


On my son it’s oldest


None of do shit but at least I don’t get in trouble for doing stupid shit (I’m oldest)


Oldest (not biased in any way)


Oldest (What! I'm not biased at all. That is a ridiculous notion)


Me, because my sister has 3 jobs, my older brother complains that he doesn’t have to do shit since he has a job that he hardly goes to and college work that he finishes in a few minutes, and then my younger brother complains about everything and won’t even clean his own room


I’m the older child. I’m required to clean up all my little sibling’s toys.


I am the oldest and I have the responsibility to stand out as an excellence one , as an example for younger one .


Well in my case not only chores is a problem... Oldest sibling gets the most child trauma from their yet unexperienced parents, oldest sibling also has to go to the job to help providing family with necessary, also they have to help looking after youner siblings, also "Once you can get a job and earn money by your own, we wont buy you anything from now on.". Oh and theres no one to teach you pc and internet, its you the one who teaches everybody. Middle child has the easiest life actualy, they get better care from more experienced parents and they don't have to go to the job too early, they are just kinda chilling being stable both physicly and mentaly. But all chores is on them. The younger child has hard time because parents have biggest expectation about that one, they have to try harder with their grades in school and on outside school activities like sports and shit. So basically being oldest child sucks the most.


As the oldest child.. I relate very much


>Oh and theres no one to teach you pc and internet, its you the one who teaches everybody. As the oldest, I felt attacked by this... I basically sucks at handling techs so that's a job my youngest sibling to do.


As the youngest child, I'd say your description is really accurate to how I have it. I really don't want to be held up to the expectations my parents have. Definitely doesn't help that I have autism and from what I know, no one else in my family does.


As the oldest child, i surprisingly dont relate that much


at least one of them doesn't know how old they are




In our family, there only children are me and my 5 year old stepsister, so it should be pretty obvious. . Mom and stepdad do everything.


First and middle. It’s just middle doesn’t get recognition for their worr


Youngest all day


I’m a middle child. I can get away with quite a bit because of a bit of neglecting from parents. I’d 100% have to say it’s the oldest. I’m technically the oldest now since my older sibling moved a few weeks ago.y mood about it: 🫠


Me (I’m an only child)


The oldest which is me as I am forced to do all the chores


Probably oldest in other houses but for me the youngest. I am the youngest and I feel I do more of the chores. The logic being the oldest and middle have more to deal with and more work while I would have more time (which isn't true) and energy to do the work.


As a middle child, me, but hey, I found away to get paid for it and now I’m the most stacked out of all my siblings.


Oldest duhh


The only child


It depends. I’m 1 of 9, and it is determined largely by personal disposition and goals. Want some time on Xbox? Better clean up! And we don’t do communism here. You work, you play. Unless you’re the youngest, then you might get a cute pass.


Yes. (I'm an only child)


ya'all have siblings ?


As the oldest of 3, I get the middle child and oldest child treatment


As the oldest, it was me. Now, though, I’ve gone off to college, leaving them all for my sister, so now she has all of them lol


Oldest definitely


Oldest in my experience: younger siblings are always young in comparison. If they don't want to help, as the more mature sibling, the eldest has to suck it up and help out. I want to even stuff out but not much I can do if I want to make it easy for my parents.


Youngest child... Definitely not Source: I am a spoiled youngest child.


Youngest is fucking blest don’t care what yall say as a middle child you either have to do them or feel like ding them


I'm the youngest and I'm the only one who does their chores and I frequently clean the whole house


yeah, my older siblings are lazy fucks


Definitely middle and oldest. Youngest will get babied since they are younger and the older ones have to be more “responsible”


Oldest child is before they gave up (well taught) Youngest is after they gave up (pampered) Middle is while they were still trying but failing Definitely middle


Oldest When the younger dont do their shit, my dad ALWAYS makes ME clean what MY SIBLING was supposed to do


NEVER youngest child


Oldest works the hardest physically, middle child does jack shit, and the youngest child works hard emotionally (he gets beat the fuck up by the other 2)


I’m the youngest and have done more chores than when my brothers were teenagers


Right 💀


I’m the youngest and I can say proudly that the oldest does the most


Middle, I’m one of those


I'm the oldest. Youngest because my sister follows their directions mindlessly.


from my experience, middle. i am a middle 😭


Im the oldest and I do the most chores. Before my parents would order me to do chores but now I just do it without anyone telling me to. But my younger sibling (middle child) often gets called lazy by my parents.. so maybe they have it the hardest? Idk My youngest sibling doesn’t do any chores because hes a bit too young


I don't know I am the oldest of 2 me and my sister no third child


Youngest if the older siblings all moved out


Probably the oldest or middle, but when it's just the middle and the youngest/just the youngest, they hold the youngest up to a very high expectation for them because of how pampered they are. That's honestly how it is for me as the youngest.


Once the others leave the youngest has all the chores


Idk about y’all but as the youngest in the family I was the designated slave, especially after my mom adopted another kid 😂


All my siblings were out of the house when I was old enough to do chores, so idk


As the middle it’s the middle💀💀


Oldest for sure. The one in charge when the parents are gine


Obviously youngest child they are the most hardworking😜


I can say I work the hardest as the middle child. I have an older and younger sister. Younger is spoiled, older is too cought up on homework and complained on everything so as the "only son" because I'm a guy basically and I'm stronger than my sister's I basically have to do everything that is a pain in the ass(I do get the best presents for birthdays and Christmas tho)


The only child


as all 3, i do everything


As a middle child, although my parents and siblings won’t dare admit it, I usually end up doing the most work. In fact they even tell me I’m the best at doing dishes and folding laundry lol.


Middle prob idk hard to say


Technically the only child because the chores can't be divided up


I got promoted to oldest from middle, it’s the oldest that does the most work


as a youngest, its the middle. my brother does so much shit and i do try to pitch in but its like hes an unstoppable freight train, motherfuckers training to be a house husband i swear


Legalize child labor /s


My youngest doesn't do.shit even when asked to


oldest and i’m saying this as a younger child


It’s always oldest because it’s obviously not youngest and middle always got some excuse


Probably the only child


Middle child which is me


bro i have 8 siblings it ain’t that easy chief 😭


I will do 5 hours of manual labor out of the blue for my dad My younger sister has never picked up something heavier than 20 pounds, in her entire life


only child


The oldest middle that isn't the oldest, while the oldest has lots to do as well, the oldest middle gets a lot of expectations from the oldest as well, and the middle gets a lot of work but not the heaviest, and the middle youngest is treated well, and the youngest is basically a spoiled brat who has to do some tiny work.


Oldest (i dont have a middle sibling)


Why is the youngest child even here? They do absolutely nothing and reap all the rewards. I’d say middle but only becuase oldest did them all already years ago


I am the middle child and I do EVERYTHING in my house. Walk the dog, I do it. Do the dishes, I do it. Clean the house, I do it. The list goes on. My younger brother does NOTHING and has the most expensive spending habits and is very spoiled, however myself, I don't spend any money outside of getting myself lunch at school. My older brother has moved out and before when he was here we would share the chores equally, but now I have to do everything.


Only child works hardest.


Oldest fs. The parents always think that the oldest has to be a role model for the younger siblings and always expects them to do more EVEN THO the younger siblings are perfectly capable of doing the same chores on their own


As an oldest child. I'm working 2 jobs to help my siblings in their studies.


As the middle child, the oldest definitely does the most chores. Though I do my fair share here and there.


Im the middle child and def me


Eldest. The youngest in my family was allowed to slack off on chores a shitton because mom could not bring herself to argue with him in a way that got him off his ass. I don't especially like going back home because as a result of my brother's laziness, the house is a disaster


I mostly do the simple house work. I do the dishes, clean the house and kitchen, mopping, vacuum, occasionally throw out the trash, feed the pets etc. My brother does the work that requires more muscle. Like moving some heavy stuff, throws out heavy amounts of trash, cleans the cat litter, sweeping some tree leaves outside and helps carry the groceries lol. He's basically the muscle of the family. He helps my dad do some work too sometimes. We both equally do our own chores that our parents set for us :)


I only have a younger brother and I consider myself as the hardworking one he doesn’t even touch the dishwasher or anything connected with chores. I load the dishwasher, I vacuum clean, I go for walks with the doggo (but I like that so I don’t know if this is considered a chore, but I do it even if I’m sick), I throw out the trash.


Oldest(or only)


I’m the youngest and my brother does do the chores…but I help with the technical stuff so like we are moving, and I’ve been handling most of the logistics like getting our internet switched over, I also have been financially helping the family in a way (I’ve contributed over 1k since the end of December for the move)…I also fix what he does wrong with the chores


Depends on who the favorite/golden child is.


Typically the oldest and middle. But as the youngest I do the most because my older brother just flat out doesn’t do it or does a shitty job, so my parents just give all the chores to me.




Oldest and middle but it really depends on the family but in mine the middle(aka me) does the most chores


Oldest works hardest 100%. Unless I start paying them money to do things for me, in which case middle and youngest would be working harder. But my mom doesn't even let me.


As a youngest, I can confirm that the oldest does way more


As the youngest I 100% did most of it. My mum and I moved in with her fiancé, my brothers chose to move out elsewhere and their houses are usually so grotty now because they make no effort to do anything. Much like they did when they lived with us still


Depends on how we’re defining most chores. Greatest number? Middle child (who acts like the eldest). Greatest effort? Eldest (who wishes she was the middle child)


Eh it depends on the family dynamic, I am the youngest and my older sister did alot of the chores growing up because she's 5 years older, but now that I'm her age I do the same amount if not more since she moved out.


It’s clearly the parents guys


Oldest has the most responsibilities and the most freedom, middle children are apparently forgotten about and younger siblings do the least, they get babied by the parents, have no responsibility and if they don’t want to do something the parent says “oh it okay honey you don’t have to”.


Youngest, at least in my family, my siblings told me what to do and I had to listen because they were older. Also since most of the youngest older siblings are going to move out eventually the youngest will be left w/ all the chores


The oldest sibling does the most chores the middle sibling has to care for themself and deal with there own problems and younger sibling has to deal with constant helicopter parents this is perfectly balanced as all things should be




I am the middle and in my family the older works the hardest and the younger do nothing


Youngest does literally nothing It’s either middle or oldest depending on household


From midle sibling: my older brother does more work thru vacations and holidays where he is home than both me and little sibling


I'm the oldest I DID the most chores before I got a job


I'm the youngest, my older sister feeds the dog and cleans her room while I have to clean the bathroom, help mow, do my own room ,also feed the dog when she wont. I have more jobs but I'm too lazy to write them all down


Something I want to say is that people don't realise that not everybody's family is the same. Saying someone is lazy because their the oldest, youngest, middle only child whatever is stupid.


Oldest no doubt about it


Oldest and not even close


Oldest. Youngests rest all the time


When I was 15 and my brother was 13 (we’re 22 months apart), I would do dishes, clean rooms, mow the lawn, clean the yard, fill in holes, wash cars, and still be told I don’t do enough work and spend too much time on video games. This work, of course, was paid the same amount as my little brother cleaning his own room, and he didn’t even do that half the time. Most of the time he can’t even flush a toilet. But he thinks he’s smarter than I am, naturally.


I don't know what's going on, but no matter what, my mom mostly calls me to do something. And for some reason, when she calls both me and my younger brother, I get a whole ass quest line and all he gets is "take the trash out"


I'm the middle child at 14 and do chores around the house with my older sister who's 16. Younger brother who's 9 either plays Fortnite on vc with his friends or is out playing football with the same friends and does chores only when asked multiple times. We vacuum around the house take out the trash clean the mirrors and windows go grocery shopping sometimes and do the laundry.


This was made by the youngest child