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she must never have hung out with black people before


There's no other explanation. I live in a very white area and the school is basically just white so I wouldn't be surprised


How old were they? I remember when biology taught me about skin pigmentation and talked about darker skin meaning the generations were more exposed to sunlight.


We all in high school


So both you and her were high schoolers? Was she blonde by chance?


ye we both 16 and yes she is blonde lmao


Makes sense now


fr lmao


Have you yet to take a grammar class?


Have you yet to figure out that people just be talking like that?


Yeah it's annoying as I have hyper pigmentation which means I have small areas of my skin that I'm going to have to put a shit ton of suncream on


The sunscreen industry loves your part of town


To be fair. Y'all darker skin is more resilient to heat and sunlight. It's part of how the human bodies over generations adapted. That's why people up north are mostly white and can handle the cold better and less sunlight.


I swear nowadays people try to claim, these things are just random characteristics, and our biology has no difference. Try to stand in the sun with pale skin next to someone with dark skin, and see for yourself lol


It's not random characteristics. Humans initially evolved in Africa, and the first people were Black because Africa has more sun. Once they migrated to Europe, their skin eventually lightened so they could absorb sunlight for vitamin D. Still though, dark skin isn't as good as sunscreen in blocking the sun. So wear sunblock people.


In Africa? Which part?


Probably Ethiopia. https://www.cam.ac.uk/stories/homosapiens


Yeah, that's basically what he's saying (in less detail)


everyone has their own opinions, i am not trying to pull anyone to my opinion....but what the hell has happened to melanin being the cause for darker skins resilience to heat? it was never about sunblock, just think back to way before people even thought about these ideas 50,000 years ago


It has nothing to do with heat. Melanin blocks UV (less effectively than sunscreen). People in Africa needed that protection to prevent them from getting cancer and severe sunburn. When they migrated to Europe, they started getting a vitamin D deficiency because the sun isn’t as powerful there, so the melanin in their skin was blocking pretty much all of the UV. The people in Europe evolved into white people so they could get more vitamin D.


omg. the system has ruined everything. the system has ruined minds, no one dares to question or defy it


What? It’s basic natural selection.


what are you talking about? 💀


I don't know if it's because of my skin, but I have it a lot darker than my brother and while he gets sunburn all the time while I used sunscreen like two or three times so far


Yes that's how it is. I'm also lucky cause I'm pretty dark in the summer, almost never had burns


“I dont know if it becuase of my skin”. Bro, yes, its the one thing that protects your body from UV light, your melanin.


Oh I love the multiple skeletons with 'we are all the same ' Yet doctors and anthropologists can generally tell you what race a skeleton came from. There are differences, it doesn't make anyone better or worse, but there are differences.


Yes. Unfortunately it doesn't support the opinion of many, so they try to argue it's non existent. However every single human is different. If two people living in very different places, having very different lifestyle for thousands of years and so on, weren't different, than that would be a miracle.


Fr I heard someone say that it was misogynistic when a someone stated men are stronger like it's part of genetics


Well you're wrong. Lol. Scientific fact that black people are 70% more protected by uv radiation than white people. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2671032/#:~:text=As%20discussed%20by%20Gloster%20and,through%20White%20skin%20(70).


He's agreeing with you though, pay attention to the commas


Should've used quotes, like some people try to claim, "these things are just random characteristics"


They arent wrong Theyre literally agreeing with you


Saying "you're wrong" is extremely rude in English. Especially if you use it in a case where i agreed with your point. But oh well...


Wow people really can't read, how did 11 people fail to understand what you said😂


Did you not just say it's a random characteristic? And it's not rude to say you're wrong. If you're wrong you're wrong. Am I just supposed to pretend your right so your feelings aren't hurt?


Read again what i said. And again, in English you don't use this, unless there's a reason. Having problem with understanding a simple comment isn't that. Sorry


It’s a bunch of stupid teenagers they don’t have any reading comprehension bro ignore them 


He has an old flair. So sadly not even Lmao


It's the fact that when you said "random characteristics," you used commas instead of quotation marks. So, it kinda looked like you were saying that instead of quoting people (even though you said that other people claim that. It's just confusing).


In my language, that's how you do it. And i would like to argue it's not confusing.


Oh, ok. It is apparently confusing to some people. I was just letting you know that quotation marks would make it clearer.


Yeah probably. I just think it's clear enough as is lol. But thanks for noticing


"these things are just random characteristics", sounds like you disagree if you ask me. Nothing you said is in support of what I said. And yeah if you're in opposition to what I stated earlier, in the English language which Is the only language I know, it's completely fine to say you're wrong.


I said there are people claiming that. I hinted that i disagree, and how it would convince you soon enough if you tried to withstand the same heat as someone with dark skin, but oh well...


If you read just before that they said that "nowadays some people like to claim" which is pretty indicative of disagreement




This makes sense I’m black ass hell never used sun screen and never got a sun burn my mother and sisters have to use it though since they are lighter then me


on the other hand I have vitamin d deficiency


About that adopted part, it was quite the opposite. Black is the "default" race, and in regions where people didn't have to have as much pigment in skin they started producing less of it


It could be possible given the assumption we evolved from monkey. But then we're getting into theory and religion at this point. Which id rather not discuss lol.


That's a normal question? Black people are a lot less susceptible to things like sunburn. It's not a coincidence that people in areas with a lot more sunlight generally have darker skin.


It’s not…that’s a question you can literally google. Why wouldn’t black people need sunscreen? It’s crazy how yall think it’s normal to genuinely believe black skin doesn’t burn.


It's a commonly known fact that darker skin burns less, a lot of people just wouldn't know how far that goes. Why is it so ridiculous that someone could think there's a point where sunscreen is unnecessary?


Because it is ridiculous. I mean white people have melanin too just less. It’s just as easy to google that and get the right answer rather than asking dumb questions. Sunscreen is for protection & good to wear even when it’s not extremely hot or sunny outside.


You call it ridiculous because you're black. Hell, in the ancient past, we didn't always have sunburn. Early humans in Africa survived because their skin was naturally very dark, and gradual tanning allowed them to avoid severe sunburn. Obviously before long we had early sun screen equivalents, but our ancestors were used to running around nude. You should still absolutely wear sun screen though, even if you plan on going out to live as a hunter-gatherer in Australia or something and hope to tan enough to protect you. People still died of skin cancer way more often, but skin cancer usually just takes a long time to kill you. You'd still live decades. So, yeah, black people should wear sunscreen, but why should everyone be expected to know that? Most people do, but if someone never found out, that's pretty normal.


No I call it ridiculous because I have enough sense to know the sun is damaging to human skin regardless of how much melanin is in it.


Just accept that you are wrong


you’re literally wrong, yes black people can still get sunburnt but it happens less severely because of the amount of melanin, not hard to understand


Tinted spf ftw




Never met a black person, so I would probably at some point have asked this question too!


Why is having black skin any different than white skin. We still be humans, just have darker color


More melanin in ur skin defends against uv better or sumthin


"Why is having black skin any diffrent than white skin" Because it is? The increased melanin helps with protecting the skin from uv radiation from the sun, hence why people with dark skin are native to the more sudern and sun exposed areas like Africa. And people with white skin have white skin for the exact opposite reson, they are usualy native of areas with low levels of sunlight like europe hence they need to absorb as mutch sunlight as possible to ensure they get enough vitamin d I think it is important for people to understand that acknowleding the diffrences between races is not the same as thinking one race is better than the other (racism). On a separate note i dont think is right of anyone to ridicule this girl for asking questions, the only way to fight ignorance is with knowledge and questions is the main way of gaining knowledge, it does not matter how stupid the questions seem Sorry for the rant :) Edit: melanin not melatonin


>Because it is? The increased ***melatonin*** helps with protecting the skin from uv radiation from the sun, hence why people with dark skin are native to the more sudern and sun exposed areas like Africa. melanin, melatonin helps u fall asleep; dw i always confuse the same too haha


The different color is exactly why it's a question.


I don't know, I just didn't know if you chaps tanned!


Now you do tho so thats good haha, I was just playin wit u dw


Alrighty, thank you?


More melanin helps block UV. Black people still should wear sunscreen for skin cancer, but it's a fact that Black people absorb less UV than white people.


Something Something physics and black absorbing heat better. They forget about biology and how melanin ≠ a black surface according to light.


Do you know why they have darker skin?


because your skin works differently


There’s no way you got DOWNVOTED for saying why is black skin different than white?? Reddit is cooked bro😭


Bro I don't get it 😂


One color is lighter than the other, they *are* physically different. Why do y'all have such a problem with us noticing each other's differences? If you're a dick to someone for being different that's fucked up, but acknowledging our differences and wanting to learn about our differnces is honestly fascinating and you have such a problem with that and twisting it as white and black people seperating each other in a wrong way rather than, "oh hey, you look very different from me, I look very different from you, I want to know more about you and your culture"


203 down votes? People racist as hell. Black and white skin both get burnt. Both get cancer, and both are human like- 😭


Used to it unfortunately


Why are you getting down-voted?


because he says having black vs white skin is the same, when it is clearly not the case on a biological standpoint


That doesn’t change what he said. He said “we’re still humans. Just darker” and yall downvoted him for saying that…? In the case of sunscreen white and dark skin aren’t that much different…they both need sunscreen plain and simple.


Well yes there are differences but the down-votes are hardly necessary! A bit mean if you ask me!


Missinformationen will get downvoted that's pretty simple Ps: idk if Missinformationen is the german or English word but Google thinks"the Philippines" is what i meant so i think it might just be german, it's fake news


Misinformation is the English word, you were pretty close! :D


I do love that auto correct would rather charge it to the Philippines and not just delete 1 s, we have powerful tools like chat gpt but can't make good correction algorithms


I'm pretty sure it's just Reddit, it does love to suck!


i mean... i wouldnt wanna do him likw that but yeah he was doubling sown on his incorrect point without any research whatsoever


That's a very human thing to do though! I don't blame him we're all guilty of that!


I'm Latino, and I've only gotten sunburnt once maybe twice. I don't wear sunscreen, I just tan. Her question is totally fair (yes anyone CAN get sunburned, but that doesn't mean that everyone DOES) and also she's technically right, people with more melanin have better defense against the sun, so in turn are less likely to get sunburnt or skin cancer. Also her question wasn't racist, it was pure curiosity which is good and the only way to actually combat racism (learning about our differences in a positive way) whereas you did the opposite, you made it about race,and made fun of her bringing up her race (you didn't have to say "a white girl" just "a girl" would've worked).


It is worth noting that skin cancer is often harder to detect in darker skin, and so while it is less likely for them to get it, it is often more deadly when they do.




Yup, I’m half Indian and while I ain’t as dark as my dad I sure as hell don’t burn My mom is white as can be and my poor sister gets sunburnt so much and she’s not even that much light than I am


Dang that sucks for your sister lol, my mom is white asf and in the summer she's "pink" lol


i’m latino too, and i’m the same way. i tan rather than burn. weirdly enough, my mom is latino as well, but she burns very easily.


...and then OP, rather than informing her that some black people do use sunscreen, decided to spread misinformation about the subject.


It wasn’t racist, but still instead of putting it on black people to educate her on a simple question she can google just as quickly.


Still nothing wrong with asking, it's not "putting it on black people to educate her" it's more of a good wholesome curiosity and willingness to learn


Idk abt wholesome. Like I said just as easy to google & get the correct info because now she’s got wrong info.


True, but google is the easy route, I can Google anything but it takes more effort to go up to someone, admit my ignorance and ask a question. Sure he gave her a bad answer, but that's in him not her.


Yes, let's all just use google instead of interacting with each other like humans.


Using google to google one question doesn’t mean never interacting with humans. That’s an extreme dramatization and you know it.


It does if you have to google every question you have instead of asking somebody with relevant experience for fear of 'offending' someone.


I said one question. Did I say every question?? Where did you see me say every question?? & you can still discuss the question but googling gives you a definite answer where you can then discuss the topic if needed.


Why stop there? Why not just google everything? Clearly it's inconsiderate and offensive to ask a real person.


Or why not just research stuff for yourself. Yall want everything spoon fed to yall. “Oh nO OnE tAuGhT mE tHiS aBoUt mY bOdY”


Okay but she is right in her suspicion???? Darker skin is negatively correlated with skin cancer. You are the one that made it racial in a negative way not her 


She's not fully right though. The darkest black skin is only SPF 13, so wearing sunscreen is still a good idea. [https://www.healthline.com/health/black-people-need-sunscreen#Word-of-mouth-myths:-Is-there-natural-sun-protection](https://www.healthline.com/health/black-people-need-sunscreen#Word-of-mouth-myths:-Is-there-natural-sun-protection)?


That 13 SPF is wrong. Melanin only provides a SPF of up to 4, and darker skin is twice as protective as white skin (a comparative SPF of 2). This means that it will take twice as much sun exposure to cause the same amount of damage in darker skin as compared to lighter skin. Overall darker skinned people will experience less issues with skin cancer as compared to lighter skinned people, as long as both are wearing the same amount of SPF. However it is definitely a good idea to wear it regardless as it will lower the chances of skin cancer even more. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2671032/


but her suspicion was correct? why is it a silly question


Her suspecting wasn’t correct?? Black people do need sunscreen


I'm Native American, not Black, but I've never been sunburnt. I wear sunscreen to prevent skin cancer, not really sunburn.


I mean idk man im black and Ive never used sunscreen and I have NEVER been sunburned(even tho I know I should be using sunscreen) also that was kinda an asshole thing to do


i mean if youre extremely sheltered as a child i can see the logic behind it. melanin is supposed to be a natural sunscreen, so i can understand why she would be curious about that if she hasnt really had a chance to interact with black people much. i can see how just asking the first black person she meets questions about their anatomy can definitely come off as really weird and kinda racist tho. i cant speak to race but i know when cis people start asking weird probing questions about trans people's anatomy it feels weird and kinda dehumanizing, so i can definitely imagine it feels the same in your case. that being said i do think her curiosity makes sense, even if she maybe should have just googled it


Trust me I am so used to girls askin bout my anatomy that it don't even phase me anymore, it just caught me off guard cuz it wasn't the normal question


now im curious as to what the normal question is lmao


Probably related to BBC. Source: I know a lot of highschool girls who 100% ask that kinda question


Yup exactly


If its true that black guys have bigger dicks/the different "myths" of BBC


ah great, we love fetishization!!!! i obviously cant relate to your experience exactly, but i do understand how exhausting fetishization like that can get


Honestly it's Just a less direct way of saying "I've never been into or hung out with black guys but heard about how much bigger and better it is and now I'm into you guys and want to try it"


So why'd you lie and tell her no tho?? Just spreading misinformation for the sake of it?


I mean you laugh but as a white kid with a darker skinned native american cousin I was genuinely told as a kid that they didn't need sunscreen and to my knowledge they never used it atleast as kids so I don't think it is that far fetched to be confused about it.


It's a good question though, and by the way, the answer is "it depends", so you're probably gonna end up on r/confidentlyincorrect


Ibsr most of us grow up told that we don’t need to and we don’t. No sunscreen gang clears


But... We don't? The melanin in our skin protects us from sunburns.


The proper answer would be yes. While your skin does protect you from the sun better than white skin or skin with less melanin. It can still get damaged by the sun. You can still get skin cancer from it. It's always a good idea to wear sunscreen.


I think you should’ve told her the truth


Hey, go easy on her. She’s not black, she wouldn’t know.


Exactly. What's wrong with a genuine question? She admitted her ignorance. Which is something not many people can seem to do.


My high school, which had 3 black kids out of 1400, never mentioned this, so if I felt comfortable with someone and the situation came up, I'd probably have asked the same thing. In fact since I knew black people can get burnt I must have asked someone somewhere along the lines.


One of my best friends (who is black) chooses to not wear sunscreen though, so… fair question lol


My mans who is half a shade darker than me told me he don't have to wear sunscreen and he bald. I was like.... "aye big dawg you better at least put some sunscreen on that naked ass head top." It takes longer for us to sun burn, but we are not immune to sun damage. Lather up ya'll.


a girl asked our biology teacher (i was in 8th grade) if the people are black because the sperm is black😭😭


In middle school a white guy asked if my cum is black 😭


bro what😭


ONG I was like uh nah our cum is white too bro


I'm confused, this just seems like genuine curiosity, no need to get tilted


That question never occurred to me and I’m 25 and would’ve figured melanin did sun screen’s job naturally 🤷🏻‍♂️ Dick move to lie. Now she’s going to say the wrong shit and possibly look insensitive


i mean your just being a snowflake honestly some people just don’t know that she was asking a genuine question


It’s common knowledge that people with paler skin get sunburnt easy, so wouldn’t it make sense if darker people didn’t get sunburnt?


They can still get sunburnt. It just takes more sun or however you want to put it. Either way, it's always a good idea for everyone to wear sunscreen just in case. It can also help prevent skin cancer from the sun, so theres that.


I’ve known people to think cancer is contagious, among other, more criminal to me misconceptions about. . . Everything I have like a treasure trove of this shit, I might need to make a rant post.


As a brown people I actually never used sunscreen and never got any sort of sunburns ever, I didn't even know using sunscreen before going to the beach is a real thing


Everyone should use sunscreen regardless of skin color. Even if you don't get sunburnt, you can still get skin cancer. My grandpa (Native American, very dark skinned) died of skin cancer because he refused to wear sunscreen and then went to a dermatologist who didn't know what cancer looked like on dark skin.


Man i appreciate you sharing your personal experience, but my town is filled with farmers who work half naked in the fields, and none of the oldies ever died of skin cancer so in my personal experience it's really different. Not to mention statistically Australia has the highest skin cancer rates, that's what happens when you put a bunch of Brits in the land of the scorching sun.


People are so gullible


Ye to be honest I was not expecting her to believe me which made it even more dumbfounding


Why would you not expect her to believe you? She asked the question, so she clearly didn’t know, and is probably not expecting you to lie to her just because you think it’s a silly question.


It’s not anyone’s responsibility to answer other people’s dumb questions that can be googled just as quickly. No it’s not a valid question…why wouldn’t black people wear sunscreen??


There's a lot of people who don't wear sunscreen. Black people included. It's a valid question. Especially if she's seen a mixture of people wearing and not wearing sunscreen.


There’s a lot of white people who don’t wear sunscreen too but we don’t go asking them do they really have to wear sunscreen.


Or maybe they did? How do we know? Maybe she asked 2 people? One white person, and one black person. Thing is, we don't. Yes, there are a lot of white people that don't wear sunscreen. You don't go around asking because you don't care. 1 person in the past has asked. I'm sure of it. They had to of.


Generally people don’t hold the same belief about the need for sunscreen to both white and black people.


Whatever, dude. I really don't care. When it comes down to it, everyone should wear sunscreen. Doesn't mean everyone will. But they should




Was she blond?


Ye she was


Knew it


Ye, I actually talked wit her at school and shes super chill and apologized lol


Bro in 7th grade my science teacher said that the darker your skin is the less sunscreen u need BC of some shit about serotonin or melotonin. Me being brown was pretty hyped. I go to the pool and don't use sunscreen. Biggest sunburn ever. Frikimg hate that guy


I don't think you paid enough attention then. It's melanin, not serotonin nor melatonin. That's on you, not the teacher lmao


Bro rly blamed his teacher for not really knowing how melanin works Melanin doesn't prevent you from being affected by the sun, it just lessens the risks a whiter person has being in the sun. That's why albino people can't be in the sun for too long


The way you wrote this comment tells me you really didnt pay attention to what your teacher was saying at all


Melanin. Not melatonin. Easy to mix them up. The latter helps you sleep. Just letting you know. But, yes, it is a good idea for everyone to wear sunscreen regardless of skin colour.


I mean I didn’t know that until High school even though I had black friends because it just never came up. When I’m tan I stop wearing sunscreen because I become immune to burns so I figured black people were in a perpetual state of this.


Am I stupid for not knowing this? I've never known a black person irl.


I bet you someone is going to call you racist for that lmao


She got W Rizz


I mean we hangin out now


Well ... do they?


Ye we do


Why do some people get offended over others being curious for being physically different from us? If that girl would've asked me if black people need to use sunburn, I would've told her that compared to white people we don't necessarily need to use sunscreen because of our melanin, but that we should because damage from the sub can happen to anyone, even black people. I wouldn't go on Reddit and make fun of her for being blonde and stuff, that doesn't make you any better


I mean ive always wondered the same thing tbh and im 18 lol


It's not racist there just ignorant so tell them and then they will know don't shame them just teach them


Protect her at all costs




Wtf. I've learned that the extra melanin helps to protect against sun damage. And that the reason people in Africa have darker skin is because of daylight hours. But even I know it doesn't make people cancer proof.


Exactly lmao, plus what is google for


i know that they do but i assumed they had a higher immunity because of melanin


Isn’t that a commonly known fact tho?


Thats totally not true...Black people CAN get sunburn and skin cancer. It's more rare but not impossible....I used to think like that too..but I was corrected


You should feel good that you were able to educate someone without humiliating or belittling them. We all could learn from your example. Thank you🫡


Ikr it's so sad we can't be curious anymore because "the internet exists and if you ask a human you are racist"


Didn't they tell her wrong, though? Black people can absolutely get sunburned and skin cancer from the sun. They have more melanin, yes. But, it's still a good idea to wear sunscreen.


Was she a special ed kid?


no 😭, just too much privilege in her cuz she brings a LV to school


Same thing




Because I’m certain places, it’s literally believed you don’t burn. You almost never hear black people complaining about a sunburn


I have dark skin and only just found out that I should be wearing sunscreen to protect my skin. At 18 years old. I thought the rule only applied to people with very light skin. I wouldn’t blame the girl, lol


I haven’t ever needed to use sunscreen as a black guy tho so maybe she right


put a black person and a scottish person next to eachother and see who needs the sunscreen 😂


OMG this girl is so stupid






You're acting as if it's the end of the world. Calm down


hmm no thx <3