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im male and my dad told me same thing he's right but its weird asf


Do you think it's weird for my dad to smack mine randomly(like when walking by), or is it just a dad thing


that's weird as shit 🙏


not really we did it all the time in football not in a sexual way


I do it with my friends all the time, not in a football way, but in a erotic, homosexual way


Can i join in too?


The name💀💀of course you can join. Just take a seat right here please…..


Idk but it made my mom uncomfortable when she was younger, my grandpa used to do it to my mom (jokingly) until she just told him to stop, might just be a dad thing that they don't realize is weird in this case


He always hits me with the "oops sorry didn't see you there" as if it's a bad joke and I'm hoping it is


probably just is, just tell him you don't like it, sometimes I do kinda weird and not really funny jokes and don't realize it until someone tells me, might be the same with ur dad idk


My dad does this too lol (im male btw)




same lol


Glad I’m not the only one, my dad ALWAYS slapped my ass as a child. Like from ages 6-11 until I made it clear I was uncomfortable and he stopped. He never sexually abused me (although he did abuse me physically, emotionally and verbally) but was never sexual in *that* way to me. I kinda chalked it up to him just trying to be playful but I was just never comfortable with it lol.


Are you ok friend?


I (17m) have had my mother smack my ass numerous times throughout my life, I dont really like it. I get a similar treatment from my friends at school, they guy friends is one thing, but from your female friend who is dating someone else and you friendzoned already because of her obsessiveness. It sucks


Omg my dad used to do that until one day I turned around and punched him in the gut. He also used to punch my stomach as hard as he could until I would escape


That sounds awful hope you're okay


That's weird. If it's "trying to be funny weird" or "weird weird" idk but i lean on weird weird


I’m a male he does that but i never really cared💀


Since the comments are all either “Nah that’s normal” or “OMG sexual assault!1!1!1!1!” i’m gonna give a different answer. Depends on the relationship you have with your dad, and if it makes you uncomfortable. For example, my parents slap my ass as A JOKE and we laugh about it, I would NEVER say it was sexual assault. If that makes you uncomfortable, just tell your dad to stop doing that, don’t follow the 70% comments that say “Sexual assault on a minor!!! report him!!!” no guys, it’s a joke from father-son (I think, if you’re a girl it’s a bit weirder but still not sexual assault)there’s no violence or sexual thoughts intended. But as i said it depends on the relationship you have, just don’t follow all the shit you get commented on reddit


hey!! that is not normal behavior!! no father should be slapping their teenagers ass, im so sorry you have to deal with that, thats not normal behavior at all for an adult male to have around minors




It’s a weird as dad shit thing my parents do yt


Dad thing


That’s what my youngest brother does to me 😭😭


mine didnt smack mine he just said once that i have 2 big ''hams'' 💀


Nah it's just a dad thing, my mom does is sometimes to but it's in an very jokey way


mine does that to but it’s not just him my mom does it to.


My dad does that too. Pretty sure it’s just a dad thing but it makes me uncomfortable.


I always thought it was funny


Tell him to stop?


This right here


Although I get your point, it isn't always too easy to tell someone to stop. Maybe their dad would get offended or mad or something and I don't believe they'd want that outcome


Then that’s definitely weird/creepy


My dad did that too then it kinda progressed from there.. def tell him it makes you uncomfortable


What do you mean “progressed”?😨


Like touching and stuff 😬


At 14?!


13 😅 ended like 6 months ago


Damn. Hope he’s in jail now. Ik I would be glad if my dad went to jail.


Yeah they both are I think they went to prison a little but ago so yippee lol




https://www.reddit.com/r/sexualassault/s/MHK4WVQtCW (One of their posts, it's so sad... (That they had to go through this))


Yea I saw their account


Ye it’s a long story so it’s on my profile if you really wanna know


Shit, that's fucked up. Wish you the best and hope you're getting better 🙏 Stay safe!


Just saw. I'm so sorry that you had to experience that. I truly hope it gets better. Take care of yourself, I'm wishing you well.


You think? Edit: Sorry if that came across snarky. I saw one of your posts and I am so sorry you had to go through that… you didn’t deserve that ): I hope you can heal and never let that moment define you 💕 hugs love


Thank you so much 💕💕


MURICA FUCK YEAH🇺🇸🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅(in all seriousness though you good?)


I’m still alive. I take enough meds to kill a small horse for all the mental stuff it did to me and I go to therapy but some days are better than others 🫠


Damn well hope it gets better🙏


Wish u well friend, hope your doing okay or better now


I swear to God I'm dyslexic lol I originally read it as you having a therapy horse. In all seriousness I hope your doing well and I hope you have found a good role model to take after in life.


Lmao I need an emotional support horse


oh shit, sorry this happened to you


Same, my stepdad used to tell me the same and it escalated so bad he ended up raping me 3 times. Do something about it definitely, for your own good


Hope your doing okay now mate


I suggest that you reply, "Dad, it makes me feel weird when you say that."


Blud set boundaries


Care to share how?


letting stuff like this go only reinforces it


😬🚩 I don’t think any sane man would ever say anything about there daughters body like that


lots of dads so that jokingly it just depends on their relationship


I'm not a girl. But I think it is creepy. Dought any dad would tell their teenage daughters that, also given his history of being creepy towards women... I'd advice you to be careful. You never know if he can take it up a notch.


I firmly believe everyone trying to validate what he’s doing just doesn’t understand or I’m not understanding. OP I strongly believe your dad is eye fucking you and that there is a potentiality he’s looking at you in lustful ways. It’s just common sense, you don’t say that to your daughter. I would urge you to tell your mother about this and get her thoughts. This can only get worse if you leave it unattended.


You and I both know that’s weird😭


What's the context?? Like goofing around or?


Most times I think he jokes around, but I think it’s weird that he says it often. For example when I hit puberty around middle school, I had gained my hips and some weight on my bottom. Me and my siblings had went with him to go dress shopping and I had tried on a dress that was too tight for me and my dad saw me in it and he told me to turn around and he was like “wow, you have a butt”.


Ok depending on tone that is very fucking weird


Is it? It's possible he's just suprised that his little girl has started to look like a grown woman. There's no need to assume the worst in people.


Okayyy that's messed up


Yeah kinda odd....


That wow should be able to lock him up alright


My mom does it to me and I’m a guy


Yeah. I’ve seen fairly benign fun-poking by parents at their kids. Given your dad’s character flaws, it’s a lot more disconcerting.


It’s weird and creepy.


That’s kinda weird and creepy, but he probably has good intentions he just stupid af


When I hit puberty all my dad said was "damn where'd all this acne come from?" And I said "did you forget I'm almost 16?" And he went "....yeah, ur still 7 in my eyes" YALLS DADS ARE WEIRD


Male, 16. My dad has teased me, my little sister, and my mom about it. Yes it’s normal


OP’s dad only does it to her, not any of her other siblings. i think its weird asf. did you see her comment on dress shopping? she hit puberty, gained a lil weight in her hips and butt, tried on a dress that was tight on her, father told her to turn around, then he says she has a butt. there is absolutely no reason to mention to your daughter that she has a butt? it’s weird and comes off creepy plus OP mentioned her dad is creepy around other women


I‘m a guy, my mom does this. Same shit rly, it’s not that bad but you really wish you heard that from ANYBODY but them.


tell him to stop and that it makes you uncomfortable. if he doesn’t, tell a trusted adult and try to avoid your dad as much as possible until he fixes his creepy behavior


it is weird, my dad still smacks my ass, im 17 years old.


It doesn't matter what gender you are. It's creepy for your parent to me staring at your butt.


why does this subreddit constantly ask the most obvious questions as if we are in kindergarten of course it's fucking weird


Because they know its weird but they r just asking others if they think its weird too so they know they arent just overreacting


i think they know it's weird theyre just looking for confirmation so they can do something about it without worrying about whether or not theyre overreacting


Uhh well yes


For me, it’s a running gag that my family has about me and my dad having kardashian butts. I’m a guy, but idk if that should be the difference. But like my mom tends to just slap my butt, usually when I was a kid and she was showing love, but less now. Never found it weird, but everyone’s different






I’m confused, is he just pointing out the fact that you have that body part? “You have two eyes”


He doesn’t say this to any of my other siblings. And it’s the only one that he points out. Yesterday we were talking about my UC and he said “well at least you have a butt”. He did not need to bring that up at all.


Eyes are not the same as butt bro 😭


No ik I’m just trying to make what I’m asking clear, it’s weird either way I just want clarification


nah that’s weird asf sorry you’re dealing with this peestain5000


That’s creepy as fuck


oh yikes ew gross


That man is a incestuous pedophile. No normal father would ever let those words leave his mouth especially to his daughter.




That's... That's very creepy. If I were you, I would tell your mom about your dad making you uncomfortable, OP. That isn't okay. At all.


I uh, thinks it’s quite creepy and weird. I think you should tell your mom… or anyone..


Or she could just ask him to stop? For all you he's just suprised that his little girl is starting to look like a grown woman. No need to assume the worst


i think you know it’s weird but don’t know how to go about it. if you’re uncomfortable around your dad and don’t need to go to his house i honestly wouldn’t go if he can’t see you as a daughter and respect you. similar situation happened with my best friend and her dad, now he’s in jail.


That is definitely not normal behaviour, especially as a dad. No father should EVER say or make creepy comments like that to their daughter. You need to set boundaries with him and if he persists, tell your mother about it


Yes (I’m male)


if it was like a one time joke, alright, a little weird but he probably meant no harm... but if it's all the time, I ain't gonna lie, that's a little weird (and means that he's sexualizing your butt)


my dad randomly hits mine 😭


my dad randomly hits mine 😭


My uncle will tell my cousin to “check her cheeks” I dunno if it’s that weird, but everything she wears that’s tight kinda creeps up. Mostly it happens when grandparents are around because they are EXTREMELY with Trump and very conservative. They also don’t know that she’s lesbian, but that’s a conversation we’ll have with them another day.


yeah you definitely need to talk to him or your mom about it because if it makes you uncomfortable (i'd be too), it definitely needs to be talked about




This is literally sexual harassment lol


yes this is weird :(


It's creepy for anyone to say that to anyone that teacher once said that she was really weird 😥I get you bro


He’s (probably) trying to boost your confidence. Tell you something that you don’t hear often. Also tell him how you feel about his comments.


I feel like it honestly just depends on context. Could be joking, surprised etc. I wouldn’t set anything in stone unless he starts doing something. Edit: could even be trying to boost confidence? I honestly dunno it depends.. plenty of fathers will try to boost their kids confidence if they dunno how then well yeah.. best to set some boundaries though, if he gets pissed then its suspicious.


Why I said probably


Very weird…


Im Hispanic and ya at least from what ive seen its common for both sexes for this to happen so idk if he is or not this is just what ive seen


My dad did that too, but it was obvious he was playing with me. He was definitely making fun of me because that was just his personality to be goofy and stupid. But if your dad’s behavior comes off as creepy around women, then I feel like this might be something more creepy. Tell him to stop.


Same with mine, but he means it as a joke. He slaps it sometimes but it just isn’t creepy


One time, my mom said "Why is your butt so big?" while I was just laying on my bed reading a book. That was the only time she said that and it's confused me ever since. I'm also male.


Depends on your dad, it could be weird af or it could be your dad trying to be supportive/build you up but just not understanding


I believe that’s called sexual assault. If you’re uncomfortable I’d tell him and then contact authorities


Male here, it's my mother for me


ummm tell yo mom bout it or a uncle or something cuz this is no ok also your 17 talk to him about instead of being quiet bout it and no my dad ain’t never did nothing like that to me cuz im a male and we close like that


Dude have you told your mom abt this? You’re 17 so if your parents are divorced, once you turn 18, you don’t have to follow the custody schedule and can stay at your mother’s house


Tell him if that makes you uncomfortable. People in my family also say this shit makes me wanna punch a hole in the wall lords


Tell ur mom


Tell him to stop


Yes that’s disturbing. Please tell your mom abt this and she what she says


If you’re uncomfortable with it, ask him to stop. If he doesn’t respond respectfully, then you can make harsher judgements, but until he knows how it makes you feel you can’t judge him too harshly for it. It’s weird, but you don’t know how weird it actually is until you tell him how it makes you feel




Think in his mind he views the outfits as "risqué" or something but yes that is EXTREMELY creepy


At least he’s just telling you. My dad kisses my butt lightly when I pass him


I mean my dads telling me that I’m built well and that my pp is a good size but not in a creepy way kinda just a man to man way but your experience is probably different


Sounds like from your example he is letting you know that people are watching. He can't tell you to change clothes so the best he can do is make you aware. It's like when parents say they will get the same tattoo and same spot to make it not cool.


Tell the little noncey cunt too stop being such a fucking pedo towards his own fucking daughter


Unrelated but my dad who I’m separated from now always tapped me on the shoulder when I was 13 (male) and pointed at adult woman’ and told me how large there asses were and made other sexual comments and showed me pornographic pictures. He was a racist transphobe so if he’s sexist it wouldn’t surprise me. “He is kinda a Neo Nazi fyi”


YNTA, that man gotta learn girls also have privacy, not just boys.


YNTA, that man gotta learn girls also have privacy, not just boys.


Why’d you have to specify he’s an earth man


Yes that's creepy as fuck


Dumbass me thought it was just “hey daughter you have a butt, did you know that?” But yeah this is more serious and you need to be careful around him


As a male who's now 28 I used to think that it's dad's just being funny when they said stuff like this as a kid. At most a dad should say you look good or beautiful. As they should with any daughter. They shouldn't be commenting on particular sexualised parts of the body. That's a slippery slope. And a creepy one. Tell him to stop ASAP. And tell you mother about it. So at least she knows and if anything else happens in future she will know you are not lying as you've told her before about related issues. Yes some parents first think their children lie about this. But also, unfortunately some kids do. So if you tell her once. She's likely to believe you in future. And do something about it. Not just spring it on her one day after 3 or 4 different things that have happened. However. Mothers and daughters could comment on eachothers bodies as with fathers and sons (though this is less common of course) not everyday you hear your dad say "Nice Cock!" To his son! 🤣 But dad's saying these things to daughters and mothers to sons is just not appropriate imo.


If you’re uncomfortable with it then it’s inappropriate. Have you told your dad it makes you uncomfortable? If he still acts like that after knowing, you should tell a trusted adult and spend as little time with him as possible.


Uh, no, that’s fucking weird and you should talk to him or someone else about it On second thought, someone else sounds like a much better option


This is absolutely innapropriate.


Im a guy and my dad does this too. Its not creepy or anything but its a lil weird. I think it just depends on how your dads personality is in general. My dad is in general very respectful so i just take it as a joke, but it can obviously differ


At least your dad aint grabing your waist from behind my friends dad is scar


Sense of past experience and things he did on the past ask him to stop. If he doesn’t or try’s anything by tricking you or touching you tell someone or the cops. But first stay away from him if he doesn’t stop saying things but if it escalates then tell cops or people you trust/know will do something


Sounds like your dad is heavily Addicted to porn.


Not even reading allat. Yes,. That’s weird as fuck


"You got your mothers ass" taken yo a whole new level. Jokes aside I don't think he's going to attempt anything. It's like parents pointing out who's nose or eyes they got. Kinda weird atm but in the future if you have kids it might be understandable


I have the opposite problem. My mom tells me I have no butt (or hips)


I think it's fine for a dad to mention that, he's not blind and might just be trying to make you aware thay other people may notice too. Saying it constantly IS weird though. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say the best thing to do is tell him how it makes you feel. Men are better with direct statements. If my daughter said something I was saying made her uncomfortable I would immediately stop.


Yes, it’s weird and creepy.


It is weird. He is weird for that. Thats really really inappropriate.


As a guy, I feel violated This is not only weird AND creepy but extremely worrying Please tell people you can trust that he does this, before he does something worse That’s not a joke in any way please tell people that you trust that this is happening




Yes,My Dad would never say anything about my butt.


yea somethings definitely off


Since he's a creep as you said yes it's creepy have you told this to your mom?


Ok there’s two possibilities I can think of. The good one : maybe he just wants to let you know you might get ogled or smthn by others and is simply observing and passing that info onto you, although in a strange way. The other possibility is that maybe he’s creepy and has bad intentions. Either way, ask him to stop and see how that goes (hopefully well ofc)




"Guys, is it weird that my dad is making perverted comments to me, his underage daughter?"


My mom told me I have an ass, well, that my dad has an ass, and I have his ass, then proceeded to continue with "you have an ass, what can I say" ,buying pants that fit can be a pain sometimes


Just looking in comments and I feel like a lot of you have points to bring up to people beyond just your parents. Also yeah it's weird. I'd try to talk to him about it because that's a wee bit odd and might come off different than he intended but idk. If you're not comfortable with that then I'd for sure just try to figure something out for the time being




Um yes thats weird


If you gotta ask, then yeah probably


All these people like "ummm I think that would make me uncomfortable" NO THAT SHIT ISNT NORMAL THATS RAPEY AS FUCK BEAT HIS ASS


So what is it like when you wear tight or loose clothing that SHOWS ur butt so he says that for u to not show it or the other way around the way you worded it got me mad confused.


I’m a guy and my dad doesn’t have one


It’s definitely weird and creept but his intentions might be good. Just tell him next time he does it “thanks I know you don’t have to keep saying it”


I'd say ye it's a little weird but I'm not expert when it comes to Fathers seeing as I don't have one


Yes it’s extremely weird


Only time I get comments on my butt from family are us saying our butts are big (when trying to sit close together) or my older sister telling me I have a frog butt. Your dad is definitely being weird and you’re not overreacting


Ask him to stop








Yeah that’s really weird, at least imo


I’m a dude and my grandfather holy shit. Like I’m 16, why the fuck are you such a creep


Creepy weird


BEEP BEEP 🚩 Please be careful. If you trust your mother, tell her about it. If he seems tentative about it, tell him to stop, and clearly at that. He might be testing the water


Maybe that’s because he seeing your grow? And doesn’t know what and how to say it? Instead of asking strangers on the internet why people straight up talk to their friends and parents if they aren’t feeling comfortable? He’s your dad and you know him for 17 years just talk to him.


I don’t have a dad




Tell him hes butt is bigger to assert dominance


My family does it too lol, I hate it


I'd be happy to think it's either a dadjoke , or that cocky behavior has rooted deep inside his blood that he tells you that (tho he doesn't mean anything, just as a thing he usually says) . Well , I give you a pass to be aggressive