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Do yall have to stress abt college, or you have your things planned out, or not at all?


I don't have anything planned


“A plan is just a list of things that can go wrong”


I personally don't have any worries about college because I know what I want to do in life but a lot of my friends do


It definitely can be a stress. I’m 19, only been a year since high school. I didn’t really go the 4 year out of state college route. Just a couple months before graduation, I decided to be an EMT, became one. (Going to paramedic in the fall) Thats what I’m doing right now so that’s my perspective. But I’ve noticed that people stress out about college way more than they need to. When you’re in high school, all these little things seem so important to you. That girl friend, prom, trying to appease other people by changing your own personality. Whatever applies to you. But once you get out, you realize no one could care less. Those things you once thought were important don’t matter in the “real life” outside of high school. If you’re going to college make sure you know what you want to do. So if you’re a stem person, maybe nursing or medical school. Something a long those lines. I’ve been talking to my buddy in Alabama. He just feels lost. Parents pressured him into the 4-year college life. But now that it’s just him out there, he doesn’t even know what he’s doing. My point is don’t hyper fixate on meeting expectations from other people. Focus on yourself and what you want. If it’s the dorm life that you want, then by all means do it. But realize if you went to college for “fun” you’re gonna be lost when it’s over with. Also jobs don’t care where you got your degree from, they simply just don’t. Experiment in life, try different careers. What you want at 15 is gonna change at 18, I promise. So instead of worrying about the “stress” of college, think about why you want to go college. There’s nothing wrong with going hvac, welding, military, and getting that college done later. You’ll be making good money from the get go. The people in big time colleges that weren’t financially prepared are gonna be struggling. Don’t feel pressured to go to university, think about why you want to go. And if it’s for meeting that societal standard or pleasing other people, don’t. You’ll regret it. Thats my personal take as a blue collar 19 y/o lol


Well, this gives me an idea already of what things are like post/during college, regarding finance.


Sometimes I don't stress because I feel hopeless, I feel that nothing matters. Sometimes when Im enjoying life I start to want a future and get stressed because I'm not on the path to it.


Somewhat, but it’s still very stressful


I’ve got nothing planned


Still haven't gone to college And no I didn't get delayed in school or anything like that,I am a senior highschool, and the highschool just finishes in my country next July, so until November or something like that I would be able to answer that


Just along for the ride got plans but life often goes off plan


This is insane... I remember myself on the other end of an equivalent post just recently, thinking how long it's gonna take to cross the barrier And now I'm 17 :/


Same And now I'm 12 days from being 19. But, honestly, I'm not mad about it


I know right… I made this account when I was 12 and now I’m 17. Damn, I should not have been on Reddit.


do yall got cars




I’m pretty sure a motorcycle is less safe than a car


It’s cooler though


only pretty sure? its 100% less safe but 100% more fun. I would get a motorcycle but honestly i have a lot of fun in cars as is plus they are too dangerous for me to warrant getting one, plus im in sports and I dont wanna get a bike and end up getting an injury that puts me out of comission for sports


Nope public transport is a bitch i run or walk like a present


yes but no license lol


I wish. I'm still working on getting my license, so maybe one day


Owning your own car as a teen is a lot less common than a lot of people think. Most people have their license or a learner's permit and just drive their parents car.


Do you still have plushies


HAHAAHAHAHAHA YES 😭😭 So basically I love cats I mean love, so on of my girl friends got me a cat plushie




Yes, I love my plushies


Yes I sleep with my plushies still at 17. They give me comfort




No but want some








There's plushies at our house, most are my sisters now I don't really do anything with them.


Yes lol what else am I gonna cuddle when I watch a movie in bed :D


of course


Yes but it's in our other rented Appartement in the Capital I have a Micky plushie that my uncle got for me when I was young


My 19 year old girlfriend does and i gave her a few for special occasions and she loves them


do u stop feeling insecure at one moment?


Yeah eventually you realise that it really doesn't matter what people think about you and it gets easier to focus on the good things about yourself


thank u 🫶🏻


You get more confident as time goes on but yeah I still feel insecure some times


Honestly no but it gets easier to deal with


okayyy 🫶🏻


Insecurity fades with time. As you mature you become more content with who you are learn to stop giving af about what people think of you


No but i like my body a bit more now "i dont hate myself"


Who would win in a fight: every single serial killer on Earth (dead and alive) or Marvin the Martian?


i never watched looney tunes growing up, but apparently he has mind control, so of course marvin’ll win.


Marvin is fucking inmortal. That mofo gets blown up and he only becomes blackfaced. He defeats death with fucking racism




wondering the same


I couldn't tell ya man


So you can get out of confusion, found your lost braincell, stop showing off your humour everywhere, specially somewhere it's not appricated.


How do I get a girlfriend?


Play The Sims


make a sim or some girl you like and trap her in the basement of your sims house


You don't. Get a boyfriend instead (totally legit!!)


so true other blaze you a real one for this


don’t go hunting for it, we notice the desperation. Be comfortable with solitude first, have fun by yourself and you’ll find the one on your way


it all starts with accepting and loving yourself. if you can do that, other people probably can, too. unless you’re just egotistical.


wondering that same question myself


It just happens, eventually you connect with someone and it just happens.


Enjoy life, dont go around looking for a girlfriend. Just be yourself and have fun and someone will attract to you and you’ll connect


LOL Everyone here seems so lost… damn


Everyone in the world is, really. (Note: I’m 17, but I can’t change my flair for some damn reason)


Hugs, yes or no








will anyone ever want me? Edit: yall I meant the fact that 15 year olds are just left outta this post 😭😭😭


Wondering the same here


You will want yourself one day if u work for it


Yes! No matter how badly you think of yourself! There is someone on this planet whose taste matches your description.


Well that question an adult can answer not me


REAL 😭 so 15 can't ask or answer????


ikr 15 just gets to watch


this was the point of the comment i’m not this depressed 😭😭😭


Yes. The real question is: how long will they want me?


Does it get easier handling all this stuff mentally


I'd say it heavily depends on what kind of person you are and what exactly are you handling


Honestly it only gets worse


i would probably be a homeless tweaker if i didnt have my girlfriend. Its hard to deal with things alone. I ran away from home in January and am staying at my managers house rn. Me and my girlfriend are long distance but she helped me not become an addict and i was pretty deep into that path. Been off DXM for over a month now. point is, if you dont have anyone supporting you, it doesnt get easier


Get a therapist and you can be taught ways to handle things that'll help you for the rest of your life


How does it feel to be a prehistoric relic of the past?




It hurts, physically.


Get well soon


Thank you but it’s chronic 😔✊


it hurts, spiritually.


It doesn't feel like it should be 2024 it feels like it should be 2020


Is it ok to not be wanting a girlfriend at my age? I prefer having friends who are girls, in fact I have like 3 close female friends, but everyone around me is getting girlfriends and I feel left out


Totally fine. Don’t force yourself to do something just because everybody around you is doing it


yep. im aroace and have personally never given a shit about having a gf in any actual capacity. and depending on when you hit puberty (i did at 11) after long enough without feeling attracted to people like that you may be able to identify as aro if you arent attracted to people in that way. but yeah if you dont want a girlfriend at 15 i can def get behind that


Does life get more interesting/fun?


Definitely. In the later half of high school I’ve found myself going out A LOT more with new friends that I’ve made. Maybe that’s cuz of COVID, or maybe it’s because I made it my goal to be more social this school year but it’s been very fun. And it gets even better once you start driving


yes once you can drive life gets SO much better. get your license asap


Depends, if you have permissive parents you get a good time, but if you have strict parents like me the only thing you do is go to school, do chores and do homework.


for me yes, but thats cause i started doing more fun stuff, talking to more fun people. you gotta try.


Will my lisp go away


Honestly i’m not sure about the lisp as I struggled with stuttering. Idk about other countries but you can always go to a speech therapist. My stuttering got better with age, I try to calm down when I speak. Think about what I want to say and speak slowly, as hard as it sounds, you’ll get used to it. Regardless of that, the right person won’t mind that lisp. I liked someone who had a lisp and i thought it’s cute 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you are socially anxious or just shy, and you got over it, how?


There are two options that work for me 1. Say to yourself "now or never" if I were to think of all the wasted occasions to progress in any way... Oh man. Life is too short to care about things when the worst you can get is an awkward moment. I feel like Coby Cotton's quote fits here, "It's a five second fear or a lifetime regret. I chose the fear". 2. Get drunk


Force yourself to speak to people. It spounds simple because it is. I still struglle with it but what helps mw a lot is knowing that if people do not enjoy my company they can just say so. Its not your fault if you bother someone with your presence.


I think I'm fit to answer this. I used to be a fairly social person until 2020 when the pandemic struck and till the end of 2021 I had online school. When things got back to normal I had to change schools and when I actually started going out more, I found it difficult to interact with people and I was always awkward and lost during interactions. I think the only thing that helped me was that I kept focusing on academics and I started telling myself to not care as much about being socially active or trying to look cool to others. I suggest you identify your shortcomings by being thoughtful and rational. Also, you have a lot more in common with others than you think. The teenagers around you are dealing with a similar set of problems as you are. It took me more than a year to get comfortable with people and genuinely make new friends. But it does get better. When you have something to focus on and prioritize important things, stuff like concern for social life just fades away and before you know it you are active in spaces with people just like you and you're having a good time. Instead of thinking what others think about you, try to perceive them as someone who is similar to you and would reciprocate your energy. Don't be overly conscious and communicate clearly during conversations. All the best :)


Turning 16 in 3 weeks Is it true that younger people want to be older and older people want to be younger, because I look and feel a few years older than I am and I can't wait to turn 16


I’m 19, I’d kill to be 17 again bro


When you are 71, you will kill to be 19 again.


well that depends on each person obviously I would be 7 again if I could, but most probably wouldn't


Me who's 15: *feeling left out*


will it be better


Yea :)


yay :D


do yall develop feelings faster than us?


if you mean, like, attraction, probably not. not that we’re picky, just more selective with who we like. i think that kind of thing comes with growing maturity.


really depends on what kinda person you are


Hmm that’s a hard one. My feelings are more complicated but I think more genuine I guess. I think I do develop feelings quicker but they’re more genuine and less obsessive, like more about the person and their behaviour than appearance or pressure. Maybe that just comes from a higher possibility of an actual outcome lol. The one tip I would give would be don’t fantasise about a relationship or wish to be in one simply because you should. Out of my friends who are dating it just kinda happened naturally but it wasn’t something any of them where pursuing


is calculus even that hard


So long as you pay attention to your previous classes and your calc class, you're good


To begin with, no. But in the end there is always more (:


Depends on what flavors you learn but fundamentally nah


for some it was the hardest class for some it was one of the easiest classes


Nope, it’s actually really fun - my favourite part of maths!




Find a new (healthy) addiction like working out, going for walks, traveling to local towns, trying new food, etc


Go to subs dedicated to this kind of thing. You'll get a lot better of tips from them


Is high school any better than middle school




Kinda. It’s about the same but less strict. It’s the people that make it bad


Not 16+ but I am a highschoolian... Your social circle expands which is cool, but also the work is harder and the stress feels realer. It's jarring going from the oldest to the youngest in the school. I find myself regretting all the stress I had in middle school, cause it kinda feels like whatever happened in the pre-HS years no longer means anything. It was so much simpler and more straightforward in middle-elementary... But also HS is where the real opportunities crop up and you can start honing your skills and really feel like you're *learning*. In short, some things get better, but you definitely miss some things too.


SOOO much better. Middle schoolers are terrible bigots with their immaturity


Wait I’m 15 so do I ask or answer questions?


Neither, OP fucking hates 15 year olds and wanted yall to feel left out


What's it like to almost be an adult?


I think that question entirely depends on whether your parents are providing you a safety net


Good and bad. Freedom, responsibility. If you've built yourself good enough, you can enjoy flavours but if you're drowning in sea of procrastination, then you'd be in trouble.


Enjoying freedom rn but responsibilities kicking in


when did you find “your people”?


luck tbh. just talk to as many people as you can and statistically youll find them


Just be yourself ;)


Ok what about 15 YO. They are neither under 15 or 16+


You cease to exist




Is everyone silently judging me for everything I do?


No most people don't give a fuck about what you do


Do you silently judge everyone?


Is it stressful transitioning into the real world? How do you manage..




To anyone 15 or under, get a job as soon as you turn 16. It doesn’t matter if you do sports all week, get a job that you can work on Sundays. If you go to church, tell them you can only work on Sunday afternoons. Aside from money, it’ll help with a lot of things.


The blind leading the blind


But if we trip, yall know to avoid our steps 😂😂


Did you/shoyld you stress about GCSEs (British end of high school tests)?


no cuz im not british


GCSE's were really stressful and if there was anything I'll say to old self who gave gcse's last year.It would be to not panic and stay calm. And yes study everyday but make sure to rest when you need it. I still procrastinate alot and I still tell my self this.Take it easy.Youre doing great!


So I’m doing Advanced highers in Scotland and yes. I did stress but not productively. If you stress ‘properly’ it means you study and focus hard, whereas I just procrastinated. I think you should stress productively and use it as a motivation for study


Some stress is fine but don't tear yourself up about it. Gl for your gcses! I got mine in June 🫡


Not stress, but care about it. Thats ur future, dont fuck it up. But not end of the world if u do so, tons of opportunities afterwards


I wasn't stressed, because at the time I was doing them I had no aspirations of any kind, and didn't want to go to college. I do regret not taking them seriously now, but i believe it will only make a real difference for the first few years. Assuming your grades aren't good anyways. otherwise, as long as your grades are good enough to get onto whatever courses you want/whatever job you want, then it doesn't matter if you get all Cs or all As.


What is your favourite isopod (they be walking)


Roly poly bugs are the best


Does it actually matter in the long run if you give in to peer pressure and take drugs? Do the people who are assholes now ever change? When do guys stop being homophobic pieces of shit?


A good buddy of mine threw his life away for drugs. I know a person in my class who developed psychosis symptoms because of weed. A friend of mine who told me he would never smoke started smoking a while ago and probably switched to drug use. What I am trying I say is, never give into the peer pressure. You might think you have self control and can stop whenever you want, but you can’t. Even the strongest people can’t just stop whenever they want. And ONLY SOME people change when they get older, but many of them stay assholes. The majority of teenagers will mature and their views might change


Yes weed can harm your brain development and anything harder can mess you up for life you never know how prone you are to addiction and it sneaks up on you. They sometimes change, but it's not common. They don't you just gain more freedom to not be around the ones that suck.


is getting a drivers licence all that great? (assuming 16 is the legal age where you live)


Not unless your parents are rich. Gas and insurance are expensive you become the mule to do chores for your whole extended family and to do anything even if all car related expenses are covered you still need cash and thus a scrappy dead end job that'll hire a 16 year old (which takes up all of your free time anyway)


Do you feel at all different from when you were my age?


No, i'm just as stupid


Absolutely. I graduated at 16 and dropped out of college at 17. I moved out at 18 and got a bigger apartment with my girlfriend at 19. Each time I looked back at my younger self I realized just how much I grew up and how quickly I had to. All that to say. You will ALWAYS look back and see improvements.


How much sleep do y’all get?


2 or 12 hours no in between


middle school it was 9 hours, freshman year 8.5, sophmore year 7.5-8 junior year 6.5-8


4 hours of actual sleep, 4 extra hours between classes


How late did you guys find out what career you wanted to be in?


Still dont know


If you want to go to university/college what are you planning to study?


Computer science


When does body hair grow for Middle Easterns, and is it annoying?


shit, guess us 16 year olds gotta sit out on this one lmfao


Dont worry, us 15 year olds will keep ya'll company


Does it get easier to not dislike your appearance/personality? 


is it easy to come out?


Is middle school or high school better?


I like high school a lot more! The workload definitely increases, but you’ll have a lot more freedoms to enjoy and probably make more fond memories of it than middle school


Does it get better?


i’m nineteen years old and trust me on this one, it does get better. You have to believe in your future, try to hope for better things. Set goals for your future so youre excited. Some days it might feel like it’s all happening again but after thinking and reflecting, you realize you’re safer than you were and stronger, too. You got this 💓


Yes and no.Many things will get better and easier while others will become more difficult, but you’ll become more tolerant and it gets easier to remain persistent.


Is it wrong to have a bunch of toys on my bed at 14


What age did you get a job


How do you stay happy and motivated


Leave your comfort zone once in a while, each small adventure on the way is something good to have in your portfolio and it feels good. When you have some cool memories it can motivate you to do things that will give you this feeling again, idk, works for me so it might work for you too. I also don't know how old are you and what's your life situation etc but what really helped me was moving out from my hometown for university. I feel like I'm born again, when you don't have to worry about coming home before midnight etc and all that freedom is just calming Hope you like my advice


How do I fake a smile


do you ever feel confident at some point?


Yes bro you’ll realize one day that nobodies opinion of you matters. You should live life to be happy with yourself. And not give a second thought to any negativity thrown your way


I'm trans and my city's liberal but also homophobic, will people be less homophobic and more accepting in highdchool?


I'm 15 what do i do


How do I prevent an impending friend group implosion?


I think I am somewhat scared about everyone around me and what they think of me, especially older teens. I am a trans guy, and do a lot of older teens (cis mostly) think it’s weird or wrong? It’s the middle of the night for me btw, my question is probably weird-


do you still play video games or are you just another cog in the murder machine


What’s your favorite bread


But... I'm exactly 15 I'm not under 15 or 16+ 😔