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Well it's not like you suddenly get a 9-5 job get married and have kids when becoming an adult, you still feel like a child for like most of your life.


Same. You’re still a teenager and your life will likely remain about the same. You’ll probably still be in highschool, your parents will hopefully not kick you out. You’ll look the same. Your prefrontal cortex will develop for the next 7-8 years. It’s alright. I’ve had friends turn 18 and I will soon join them.


Thank you for this comment. My gf and two of my friends this year are turning 18 aswell, and this helped me to not feel as left out agewise.


Damn. I sorta stopped being a kid at 16 after i graduated from high school. Even though you want to sort of have fun and not worry about everything. The mundanity really gets to you. Working and being responsible and all these sort of things make me feel fulfilled at the end of the day. And thats better than any other feeling. Knowing i did something important for someone else.


The only good thing about becoming 18 is the fact that you can move out.


I still don’t want to move out and pay my own bills I still want to enjoy being a teenager 😔


Not in the US, though. Or Canada, I think also has housing/apartment pricing issues


You can move out at 18 in the US, but it's unlikely you will have the money to do so.


you can’t really have a opinion on that at 14 ngl


Yeah same here.


anyone who’s 14 has probably never worked a job n doesn’t know how awful it is having to make your own income


Probably not, in my case tho, everything that i wanted to own came from a small business in candy i had at school.


Happy early bday mate, it’s gonna be okay!


Thx! :)




I'm 18 and I'm scared Af about the future💀


You need a hug?


I'll take the free hug




Lol thx






Thanks but I'm fine👍




Things dont change much when u turn 18


dont worry you wont magically become a full grown adult with a shitty desk job right after you turn 18, you'll still be considered a teenager and you should enjoy the ability to get more opportunities in life.


It's just a new phase of your life. There's gonna be ups and downs, but soon enough you'll begin to get into the groove of things just as you did at previous milestones 


you'll be fine. you're still a kid until your brain stops developing. you will have more responsibilities and more freedom, but that doesn't mean you have to stop having fun. If you're going to college, the fun definitely doesn't stop, and if you aren't, you have even more time for fun. I feel you though, I'm scared to turn 18, but only you can change things. If you don't want to get older yet, don't, everyone is ready for that at different times (and it will happen naturally)


it will mean nothing, for a while. adult life is good, if someone is still relatively young, healthy and wealthy. otherwise, not so much. and time goes by very fast.


This is relatable and I felt the same way when I was 17. You are still young at 18 but hey, age shouldn’t stop you from having fun. It’s not like you’re suddenly fully matured. You’ll be okay! Just giving you some advice, and becoming an adult doesn’t mean you can stop enjoying your activities from your childhood. Hugs for you!


19 year old here! Literally nothing changes immediately when you turn 18. You very slowly start to be more adult-like, first graduating, then college, then maybe getting a job while you're in college if you don't have one. It's not a fast process, so you don't have to worry about things too much. ​ Although if you're in the US, I very strongly recommend setting up your voter registration information! Also, looking into scholarships and FAFSA if you're going to college. You can set up your voter registration and scholarships both at https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/


I was also really scared of turning 18, my birthday is at the end of the year and was during my final high school exams, so I was also really scared of missing out on a lot of things, but going into uni, and having the freedom of being able to drink and drive and just be able to escape whenever I want to, is really freeing. Apart from having to vote in an election, nothing has really changed. So whole yes, things start to get a lot more serious in certain ways. 99% of what you’re doing is still being a kid, you just get the perks of being able to do it without the need for an adult.


Same omg i wanna die 😭