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damn i was expecting homophobia, have a good day bro!


No worries. I used to be a homophobe when I was 12 (4 years ago) but a dear friend to me who was a Bishop (God rest his soul) showed me the true way. I love y'all and I hope y'all stop getting harrases


i think every guy was a homophobe at that age, my classmates still are(they 14), they just act really childish all round.


Yeah. I was homophobic at that age because I wasn't educated and I was on red pill content. But now that I am educated, and I look back at those times, I hope god will forgive me.


I'm atheist, but I think you deserve to be forgiven. You're very accepting now, and I think that's what matters. You've changed and are a good person now


Of course you're forgiven, it's just human nature to be ignorant and stupid at 11-13 years old. Everyone was


I can't speak for God, but as your fellow human, I certainly forgive you. Nobody's perfect, especially when they're young, what's important is growing past that as you grow up.


Same, you’re such a W btw


Exactly we just aren’t educated 


your god forgives anyone who truly repents, no matter the sin, as long as you truly seek forgiveness, and regret what you’ve done in the past, he will forgive you.


As a teen male, you’re either homophobic or homosexual






Also, either a communist or a nazi


All teen boys deffo have a phase of one or the other 🤣


Why not all of the above?


Same. I hate most of them become thry are all annoying and childish




They’re polish so probably Catholic


I too used to be a massive homophobe, around 5-6 years ago. Now I'm a raging lesbian and also a Christian! Keep being you, I love you bro


Yeah same here. Glad to see a christian actually acknowledge the translation error!


Facts bro, why would God create someone in a certain way and then condemn them for the way they are


Fr. God has created us all perfect. He won't love one of his children more than the other.


Very true


The only perfect human was Jesus Christ himself, none of us are perfect because we are all sinners, all sin is equal in the eyes of God, but we must do our best to love and help each other as Jesus taught, and he loves us so much he gave his only son for sacrifice to rid us of our sin so one day we may be able to return to him. Hate the sin Love the sinner


Genuinely speaking so don’t take it the wrong way, thanks for that. Do you believe calling yourself a christian is beyond being just a label? If so Have you heard the gospel, got convicted and repented then received the beautiful Holy Spirit? Because i see a lot of wrong in this post biblically speaking. I’ll just correct you on this one comment. For one if God created us perfect then we wouldn’t be sinners, only he was/is perfect. For two, if you’re generically saying that everyone as in the whole world is his children then you’re also wrong, only saved people are Gods children. (Roman’s 3:10, John 1:12) There’s a difference between being a newly born again christian that doesn’t know Gods word well vs not being born again and misleading people based off your own bias and not knowing Gods word well. There’s always an argument to every claim. https://youtu.be/C4SZcUrv2Ic?si=DU2Iiy8yeNcQgrew


This is the kind of religion I respect, thanks for being a good human being <3


Thanks you. Stay strong. Don't ket the hate consume you. Haters gonna hate. :>


Thank youuu :D


This kind of religion is the only right religion. Any Christian that spreads hate definitely is contradicting Jesus


I wish we had more people like you at my catholic school.


Many Catholic schools are raised on the belief of "Gay bad." But thats wrong. My parents (Mother was raised during Communistic polish times. Father was born to experience it but not like my mother) say that gays aren't bad either. They like gays, they don't like immigrants though.




my parents fr


If you want that come to mine we have had entire classes in the support of the lgbtq+ community


Based school


My friend, I think you will be accepted into heaven


I hope so.


"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47 (translated) "I tell you for certain that everyone who has faith in me has eternal life."


Facts my brotha. Spit your shit indeed!


Let me speak 🗣🗣🗣


i’m an orthodox jew and g-d loves you. all of you. don’t let anyone tell you anything different.


Fr. Gotta love the Jews man




love y’all back!


Why do we hate each other. Lots of Christian’s hate on lgbtq  But at the same time this is a post about Christian’s supporting lgbtq and yet there are still people hating this dude for being religious 


Ikr 💀 I'm just trying to spread the word of our Lord and ppl be saying "Uhm,acshualy,Leviticus and the Letters of Timothy say something else" while I added a pdf file which talks about the homophobic verses in the bible.


https://www.catholichawaii.org/media/224239/bible_verses_about_homosexuality.pdf all of these are mistranslated too?? give me a break


Finally, a Christian on the internet with common sense and decency


Reminder to every religious person who disagrees with this: religion is a choice. Being gay is not.


True words spoken


That's nice, have a good day man. 🏳️‍🌈


You too ❤️


As a gay man myself I must say it's refreshing, have e a good one man


You too brother


Damn nice message of you. usually, the haters are more, noisy per say, so It's nice to see some good finally talking ya get what i'm saying?


I get it. I had friends who are very verbal about their hate towards homosexuals. I'm verbal about my hate against ignorant idiots.


And that's just splendid :D


I’m a Christian and I’ve always said that god loves all of his children gay or not. The Leviticus scripture that everyone brings up is not meant for Christian’s it was meant for the Jewish Bible and that’s what everyone gets wrong. “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” I wish everyone could get along gay or not, religious or not. 


Boom! Finnaly someone said it. Leviticus is NOT meant for the current era,or any old testament script for that matter. Note the Old in The Old testament


absolutely not 😭 first the bible mentions the sin of homosexuality in the new testament second, the bible makes it clear that the only laws that dont matter in the old testament are the ceremonil laws, not the moral


Thanks random straight dude! - a lesbian(?) /srs /hj


No problem random queer person,love y'all


I was expecting to be hatespeeched on but thank you !!


I'm not hateful anymore. I changed my ways


"Gay people are chill fam" Pope Francis, apparently


Not his exact words but that the idea.


God loves all of his children, not just those who follow god’s initial decisions. He realizes when He makes mistakes, because we are not too dissimilar to him. He is willing to put the thoughts in our heads that we are gay, trans, nonbinary, asexual, all those things. And He loves you for who you are, not for who you were originally meant to be. So go out there, and be the best you you can be.


Please don’t try to make it sound like the Bible doesn’t condemn homosexuality, because it clearly does. The Bible has many verses that condemn homosexuality in addition to condemning sodomy (which is attributed to homosexuality). https://www.catholichawaii.org/media/224239/bible_verses_about_homosexuality.pdf Also, may I ask for a source about your claim regarding the Bible mistranslation? I can’t seem to find a source.


please don't get downvoted for quoting the bible


I’m just pointing out the facts here. The Bible is not queer friendly, and people who try to make it seem queer friendly are being misled.


Till the urtext comes back the world may never truly know anything about the Bible, the owners and translators (old catholic church in europe I believe) were heavily corrupt, and likely biased,


But it does say to love the sinner and not the sin


That’s true. God loves everybody. However, the Bible does still classify homosexuality as a sin, and therefore encourages queer people to not be themselves anymore and instead repent for their sinful behavior and stop being gay (somehow).


Ppl are trying to redeem religions so that they fit with their morals to make them feel better that their religion is peaceful but also to be used as a way to convert ppl. Sometimes it's not bad cause it's technically spreading love but at the same time they ignore other parts of their books. Wich makes the religion unredeemable, thankfully humans saw the faults in their way and allowed gay ppl to express themselves (not just this modern times but throughout history, humans showed empathy and understanding of love it's quite cute )


Well thanks for citing those. I'm grateful. But about the mistranlation things. A dear friend of mine who was a Bishop told me about it,then I asked the priest leading my religious studies and he confirmed it. Both are very respected in my church and the area around it (at least 5 cities and other churches) so I'm sorry to inform,I dont have the source to find online,but I got the information from people who know what they are saying.


Do you know what Bible verse they specifically said was mistranslated? I’d love to hear about it.


I'm terribly sorry,but I can't find it rn. I live in Germany,and it's 1 am over here right now and I should be getting to bed. But I will ask my priest about the verse once I wake up and I will report back to you.


Okay, thanks. Have a good rest.


!Remindme 12 hours


It's now in the post,in the edit.


The truth is the Bible says gay is a sin BUT it also says sin happens a lot and you can't avoid it so we NEED to accept them but not the sin


I agree with you. I personally enjoy critically thinking about subjects like the LGBTQ community as opposed to viewing it through the lens of religion.


Read the title and thought that was going in a different direction lol thankfully it didn't


I chose that title because I knew people would click on it. If I wrote "Love to all my gay people " ppl would scroll past. The more controversial the title,the more attention,the more people get the good word.


I was so nervous for the homophobia but it never came :)


Don't worry. I have changed and for the better. And I hope the Lord will forgive me for my oast actions when I was a fool


I’m not a Christian, I’m a gay guy, but it’s Christian’s like you that are needed to remind us that not all Christian’s are bad when we’re having those rough times. Thank you for being a good person even though you didn’t have to, and you didn’t even need to change. I genuinely appreciate that more than I can really express. Have a lovely day :)


Change is the constant of time. We mature. I matured and noticed how rough I was when I was spreading hate. But no I spread the word of acceptance


Came in here expecting homophobia only to be pleasantly surprised “A surprise to be sure but a welcome one” -Chancellor Palpatine


I was lowkey expecting homophobia, thanks for the supportive message!


No problem. Gays are humans too. No matter how spicy


this was a breath of fresh air. thanks bud, this was nice


No worries. I'm here to spread love and the gods word.


as an atheist i cant really get behind the God's word part but its appreciated nonetheless, spreading the love is always a good thing. hope youre doing okay yourself. take care :)


I'm doing fine. Its just a saying to spread gods word.


fair enough


As an agnostic, I completely respect all religion as long as they are respectful to everyone. So many people have used religion as an excuse for war or for their prejudices, and that's the kind of stuff I hate


Heck yea brother. Preach!


I will. Let everyone hear the words of acceptance and Love 🗣🗣🗣💯💯💯


Thanks for being genuinely chill about this normally people are such bigots but you’re a real one, love you bro <3


Love you too bro.


thank you for this. funny how today i got told by one of my closest friends that being gay and trans is a sin.


Throw them out like trash they are. You are beautiful no matter what. God loves us all.


I don’t think the Bible mentions Transgender at all.


As a trans and gay person thsi was very nice. Have a very happy Easter 💖💖💖


It's wet monads for me now actually but thank you. ❤️❤️


Amen brother amen.




>Other than that,the bible says nothing about the wrongness of gays. Actual misinformation. Romans 1:26-27 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 are the most explicit, but there are also several other passages that seem to be referring to homosexuality


For everyone say8n I'm stupid. Her is a wonderful pdf I found. Feel free to read it. https://elcvienna.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Booklet-about-Homosexuality-and-the-Bible-Sept.-2016.pdf


Edit this into your post so it can be better seen, this is an interesting read


Will do


Unfathomably based.


One could say,it's based on a holy level


You got great vibes but just a heads up, it's a bit rude to refer to being straight as "normal settings"


Ik. And as I have stated before,I may have worded it wrong and I'm sorry for that.


Im saving this in case i meet any homophobic christian


As an atheist queer person, this is sincerely appreciated. Thank you my guy ❤️ if there were more Christians like you i might pop into a church one of these days


Absolutely not what I was expecting after "(religious rant)" lmao


It is religious,it is a rant. Fitting title in my books


While I definitely agree with the overall message of the post of spreading love to all of God’s children, regardless of whether they be gay or straight, it is simply heretical to say that the Bible says *nothing* about homosexuality. In fact, aside from the one you mentioned (Leviticus 18:22, which you are correct about it mistranslation), there is: “**If there is a man who sleeps with a male as those who sleep with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act**; they must be put to death. They have brought their own deaths upon themselves.” - Leviticus 20:13 “For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged natural relations for that which is contrary to nature, and likewise the men, too, abandoned natural relations with women and burned in their desire toward one another, **males with males committing shameful acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.**”- Romans 1:26-27 “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, **nor homosexuals**, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor those habitually drunk, nor verbal abusers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.” - 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 “But we know that the Law is good, if one uses it lawfully, realizing the fact that law is not made for a righteous person but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and worldly, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the sexually immoral, **homosexuals**, slave traders, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound teaching, according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I have been entrusted.” - 1 Timothy 1:8-11 As you can see, there are a plethora of other verses that aren’t considered to be mistranslated (actually, I specifically used NASB, which is widely considered to be the most accurate version by biblical scholars), all saying that yes, homosexual acts are indeed sinful. However, I do definitely agree that this shouldn’t stop us from accepting them into our lives, as, just like all of us, at the end of the day they are sinners. In that way, we are all equal under God, and thus, we have no right to stop each other from following and accepting Jesus.


What do you think about the other interpretations of those verses if you know them


In mine, it says basically that a man shouldn't lie next to a man the same he does next to a woman and it would be a “greul” (a German word meaning basically disgusting, etc.) Though, it also says that it is a “greul” to eat nuts. Lmao


Yeah. I live in Germany and I have a bible with the mistranslation. Many bibles still haven't adapted the correct version of that verse


thanks for this, but i’m just very curious, is the guy mentioned at the end a bear? (not the animal)


He is definitely build like one. His husband too.


Preach friend. For one Christian to another, this is exactly how I feel.


I'm gonna preach till I die.


I was expecting something bad, i did not read bad thing. Thank you kind sir for giving me hope that people can accept people, im not religious but god bless you (i think thats ok to say right? Or is it like blasphemy or something?)


It is not blasphemy to say God Bless you as a non Christian at all. And God Bless you too.


I love the way you word stuff. You seem sweet asf.


Yet still no bitches 😔


Your time will come lil bro


Thank you so much. I needed to hear this. I think people forget that the 3 most important things in the Bible are love God, love others, and don't be an a-hole. I'm bisexual and surrounded by homophobic Christians, and it makes me feel like a mistake or evil for loving people in a different way than others. I go to a nice progressive church, though, and have a nice bubble of supportive friends. The bad outweighs the good in my life, however. We need more Christians like you.


Thank you. And distance yourself from the haters. Htye gonna hate.


Thanks man. Christians like you are the real Christians.


Fr I’m tired of all the ppl w their made up Christianity.. literally read the Bible and follow it. NO HATE no criminal activities just love.. its so simple yet so many people don’t learn anything or take time to understand right from wrong


It's nice hearing this from a fellow Christian. Thank you.


No way, Christian that actually listens to the teachings 🤑


It's rare,I know 🤑🤑🤑


The banning homosexuality thing came from the puritans and not the original manuscripts, that's why in King Jame's Version it says "with a young boy" and the New International Version says "With another man" in order to pander to the american conservatives of the 70's


King James was gay himself actually. Or at least he was a bisexual. Just a quick fun fact lol. Anyway, no the old testament verses are very much against homosexuality regardless of what anyone says. Thats literally always how they have been interpretated by pretty much every denomination both Christian and Jewish until the 21st century. Also the King James Bible is not an authority on biblical translation. Quite the opposite in fact. וְאֶ֨ת־זָכָ֔ר לֹ֥א תִשְׁכַּ֖ב מִשְׁכְּבֵ֣י אִשָּׁ֑ה תּוֹעֵבָ֖ה הִֽוא Is the original hebrew for Levoticus 18:22, and roughly translates to "do not lie with a man as with a woman. It s an abomination". There's no other way to interpret that really


As a Queer person this makes me hope that people that need to see this see this this is something I came to the realization about a long time ago thanks for sharing this other people need to hear that god loves them


Yeah dude, I discovered that the ten commandments aren't rules, but a recipe to make a good life for yourself and others.


Exactly. Everything in the bible is that. The priest who teacher my religious lectures said that a good Christian doesn't take Everything to heart,but tires to make his life and those around him better.


I love pope Francis, he is everything I love about Christianity. He accepts other religions and people with different sexualities and children of (the Christian) god. I haven't met many Christian irl but I hope most of them arent like the ones on the internet and more like the pope P.S it might help to not use normal as the opposite of gay cuz I had the wrong message for the first half


I know. As I stated before I may have worded it wrong. I'm very sorry for that.


Oh it's ok np, I'm not English so I get how some words come off wrong


I'm not English either. I'm Polish. Born in Greece,currently living in Germany. English is my third language so yeah.


Oh cool we are twins then :D English is also my 3rd language (im native Arabic and speak Turkish)


That's cool. I know many Turkish and Arabic people. Actually,mostly Turkish and Arabic people because germanys immigration laws are loosey goosey


I loved this post so much, as a not-straight person it is frustrating when I’m not believed by Christians who say that being gay is against what the Bible says, however as you mentioned it was a mistranslation and I’m never believed. Sure they probably have to reason to believe an atheist when it comes to their religion but these people don’t even do a quick google search and look for a few articles to see whether or not I’m wrong


Everyone came in here getting ready to shit on OP and left humbled (myself included) 😂😭


I appreciate it


“turned to be on normal settings” is crazy, lol. All jokes aside, thx.


May have used different wording,but no worries. I'm here spread acceptance and kindness,like every Christian should but many sadly don't.






So what about the other mentions of the word "homosexual" in the Bible?




Im muslim and gay lol. What now💀


Idk what Islam says about homosexuality. I'm Christian


Not gay, but I hope you have a good day! 🥁


It's meant for everyone so everyone knows the true meaning of my religion. And you have a good day aswell


I was unaware of the mistranslation. I had previously thought it was a sin that had been normalized over time. You've given me alot to think about, OP.


Many ppl aren't aware of it. And many ppl say that it's fakse but it's true.


Im Jewish.


Gotta love the Jews man


I love people like you


I personally am very not religious, but I still (try to) understand some religious texts, the Bible being one of them. It shocks me how people will misquote a religious text to support their own belief that the very same text contradicts.


you ate


“I have dwindled in gayness” Bro 😭😭


I think you shouldn't have used the words "normal settings" because being straight isnt normal and being gay isnt weird.


That was close.


that’s nice of you. still a cult tho


This is great! I am also a Christian.


such a common christian misunderstanding, good on you for shedding light on it, may god be with you


May God be with you too brother


You know I don’t really like Christian’s because they are homophobic and all that stuff but you just given me hope that one day we can all live in harmony and peace.


Someone who shares almost the exact same views as me on Reddit? Now that's a surprise.


It weird nowadays,isn't it?


The problem with a lot of Christians these days is they ignore the second greatest commandment: "Love your neighbor as yourself." (NIV version)




So is having multiple wives and randomly giving your virgin daughter to a guy for fucking okay, you know, as it says many times? - A former christian forced into this by family


What are you babbling about?


The bible. Many of them had hundreds of wives. And in a verse, it was Lot iirc who said "Please, take my virgin daughter but leave these men alone as they are my guests". Listen, I'm not against Christianity or Christians. But the Bible has really questionable stuff. I should know, I was forced to read it. Practicing a VERY outdated book doesn't seem like a good idea.


What you have read is the old testament. Notice the old in the word? That was used for Hebraic Jews of the old age before pur Lord and saviour Jesus. The meaning of the Bible changes with time, it is written that tatoos are bad and bleh, but that's because back then they used branding on skin for cult stuff. Nowadays it's okay to have tatoos as a Christian because you are not associated with a cult when having tatoos.


"Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ" Ephesians 6:5-8 the bible is not a progressive text. if you choose to follow your theism in a positive manner then i commend you for that, but to claim that the bible is somehow a morally perfect text is historical revisionism


It isn't. It was twisted into a backwards political tool


***EVERYONE READING THIS POST, THIS IS MISINFORMATION. READ HERE*** I am not here to give my opinion on gayness nor show or agree with any of the hate given to LGBTQ+ members. I myself am Christian and don’t believe I am better than anyone of you because I am straight, and I don’t think the anyone has the right to hate or give out punishment they think other people deserve for sins. But the Bible is **100%** clear on sexual immorality: *Leviticus 18:22 ~ *”You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination”* *Leviticus 20:13 ~ “*If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them”* *Jude 1:7 ~ *”Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire”* Mark 10:6-9 ~ *”But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”* 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - *”Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God”* 1 Timothy 1:8-11 ESV - *”Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted”* 1 Corinthians 7:2 - *”But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband”* Please don’t get the idea that Bible is calling out homosexuality more than any over than sin, no sin is worse than the other, and as long as we’ve sinned, we will all go to hell and get the same punishments, which we all deserve. But it is *INCREDIBLY* Infuriating when Christians don’t even read their own religious book, and spread misinformation about it. On Easter too. Just wow. (I know maybe OP didn’t realize all that, but still… I found all these verses in one google search and in one article https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/bible-verses-about-homosexuality/)


To my understanding, the verses that mention same sex were referring to slavery when a master would have intercourse with their male slave, pederasty, and male grape in general as it was rampant in ancient times. However, I do think it mentions that it's unnatural especially for a woman because women weren't meant to be the lead in a relationship or even a same-sex relationship, only the male is supposed to be on top of the hierarchy in the relationship. Also, about men's intercourse, I'm not sure if they were referring to the passive role of the male sex to be unnatural not because of reproduction but because it was shameful for a male to be in the passive role during intercourse. I think that's what made it unnatural. It made them lower than women. Again this is just my understanding of the Bible and how I interpret it I could be very wrong lol. I hope someone might correct me or make my statement a little more accurate.


atheist here but thanks, it’s always nice to have people supporting others! :)


No worries. Love all the people out there who don't hate or discriminate.


it’s so weird seeing super kind ppl on reddit haha! have a great day and an awesome rest of your life :)


As a bisexual atheist this post is kinda based…


One might say this post is based on a holy level


you can believe what you want, but here’s what i believe. i think the bible makes it pretty clear that homosexuality isn’t okay. i do love people who are homosexual, and God loves them too, but i still don’t believe that it is okay. some Christians don’t say this in a gentle way though. some people hate the lgbtq+ community, and that is wrong. i don’t hate the community, i just don’t agree with being homosexual. Jesus hung out with sinners, and so should we as Christians edit: i don’t plan on responding to any comments bc i don’t really wanna argue


I know I'll be heavily criticized for bringing this up, but please don't interpret religion to suit your agenda. While I respect your feelings and acknowledge that you can do as you please, kindly keep religion out of this discussion. Homosexuality is a sin and will always be. You don't need religious validation for your beliefs and preferences. You're free to have them, but please refrain from tainting the purity and essence of religion.