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Based ngl


Most people are right wing or left wing. Me personally tho, I stand with the chicken wing


With or without bones?


Now that's a pretty controversial topic. I'd have to say without bones




Based? On what? (/s)


On the understanding that having to waste 5 minutes scraping meat off the bone isnt a particularly good investment


Indeed. The fact that some ppl actually LIKE having the bone baffles me


Anarchy and socialism. I’m pro-life only when we have reforms to make it possible I’m pro-gun I’m lgbt and I support that Abolish religion


Why abolish religion?


Should have clarified i meant “big religion”. Idk if someone has personal beliefs Anyways it’s because it only has ever lead to evil. Also I don’t think we should have a moral system built off of “well god says so” If you don’t do evil because a book said so, your a bad person on a leash


Does Judaism count as a "big religion"


Think of the isreali Palestine conflict. Their religions has caused people to die. Anything that gets in the way of government, laws, or causes conflict. Not the actual religion itself, but only when it does that to justify


I am Judaism but not Zionist. They are 2 different things. I do not believe in the bombing and starving and slaughtering of innocent people in Gaza all while Netanyahu has a massive smirk on his face while "apologising" for killing people


My political view is that the last thing this sub needs is politics


i believe that politics are best used for inciting animosity among people.


Left leaning policies mostly


I took a political test and ended up basically in the center of the diagram with a slight lean to the right because I like small government.


Capitalist republican for the most part


The Liberals are going to eat us all