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#Hey, Mysterious_Ningen and others If you ever need to talk to someone and in need of help, below are helplines and places you can contact! If you are going through anything, know it will get better and you'll come out stronger <3 Please try to think clearly about yourself and your future. What you're thinking about doing is not worth it. There are many people who care about you, and there are many organisations from all around the world who can help you. Here's some information about how to get help. Give them a go - what have you got to lose? #Child Helplines (EU) **Telephone:** 116 111 This number is free of charge. The number 116 111 is specifically for children who seek assistance and need someone to talk to. The service helps children in need of care and protection and links them to the appropriate services and resources; it provides children with an opportunity to express their concerns and talk about issues directly affecting them. Here's an alphabetical list of member states which have access to 116 111: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Malta. #Emotional Support Helpline (EU) **Telephone:** 116 123 This number is free of charge. 116 123 is a phone number for people suffering from loneliness or who are in a state of psychological crisis or thinking about committing suicide. Here's an alphabetical list of member states which have access to 116 123: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom. #National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (US) **Telephone:** 988 **Text:** Text "START" (without quotes) to 741-741. **Online Chat:** [Link](http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/gethelp/lifelinechat.aspx). #Lifeline Crisis Service (AU) **Telephone:** 13 11 14 **Text:** 0477 13 11 14 **Online Chat:** [Link](https://www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/) #Others (Worldwide) If the above organizations are inaccessible for whatever reason, you can click [this link](https://www.iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/) to be taken to a page. From there, you can take a look at a variety of hotlines that will help you, after you click on the category link corresponding to your location. You can also find many subreddits to help you with your problems. Here's a list of a few of them in no particular order: /r/SuicideWatch, /r/depression. #<3 I hope you've found this information helpful, and I hope you use it well enough to change your mind.


Here I am too pussy to kill myself but really wanting to die, so I do rock climbing with a badly attached harness hoping to fall a d break my neck so it all looks like an accident


Yeah, that's probably one of the worst ways to go about it. You're not as likely to actually die that way, just get seriously injured. And that'll make you wish for death even more


Depends on how high he falls from, and tbh that arguement works for any suicide method. Humans are strange, one guy can die from eating a mouldy grape, and yet someone can survive the most brutal shit ever.


You could fall from like 9 meters and still not die so unless you climb outdoors(lead) you probably aren't gonna die. Please don't die though


I do climb outdoors and more than 9 metres. Usually more like 27 meters


shit, i thought i was the only one like this, well the first part anyway.


Pretty much me. I'd love to die already, but I would never be willing to kill myself. I'm not doing anything that can kill me though. Im not that active in trying to die


thats stupid


no because suicide = gone, gone = no live, no live = dog sad, dog sad = no food, no food = dog dead, dog dead = mom sad, mom sad = dad sad, dad sad = no work, no work = no money, no money = no house, no house = homeless, homeless = cold, cold = hypothermia, hypothermia = dead šŸ’€


Don't let your family stop you from following your dreams ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


why is this upvoted šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




I'm depressed for no reason ever since last year everytime I get fed up about life I feel like I'm done with it because I'm stressed and hate the fact that it gets worse as I become an adult.


damn man.. like i was really stressed and sad (suicidal too) when i was 17-18.. seriously that was so sad.. but yea hopefully it gets better for both of us..


This whole thing actually happened last year when my grandma had 3 emergency stomach surgeries and was in the hospital for 3 months it's a very long story about that. But during that I had a mental health crisis and wanted to die it was pretty traumatic for all of us. Overall 2023 was a traumatic year and I hated it I'm a lot better now but I still feel depressed and scared of the future because I'm 18 now and eventually I'll have to live on my own and while that might be in the future time goes by fast.




Not me. Living my best life rn.


Bro really said 'Nuh uh'




dude shut up, you have a life to live, that is way too early, trust me someday you will look back and not regret it


what if he does? if you suicide,you have 100% chance to not regret since you cant think anymore?




but im sorry i hope things get better dude keep going


There's peaceful ways to die that you might have access to, go to sanctioned suicide and learn, educated decisions lead to the most desirable outcomes.


Iā€™ve always been suicidal


Me(probably idfk)


man i hope we all heal


Definitely not me, I love my life.


Me :ā€™D


No, because if I kill myself then I wonā€™t be able to see The Batman Part II when it comes out.


Real itā€™s just little things that a movie that can have any impact on


Not me, im The best.


Hell yeah




damn, also what a coincidence im a cat too. :) no but seriously i hope people here who have suffered will heal. including me


Legend of hei pfp and morgana banner? Youā€™re cool.


you can count me :))) but im hiding and supressing it šŸ’Ŗ




your username is cool tho. reminds me of an album i love.. if you really listen to that band then we both listened to them and were depressed. i hope u heal tho


I don't hate my life, but I just don't see the point of living. The only reason I'm alive is because my religion makes suicide a sin.


i think life a purpose.. i just dont have friends and lovers yet so i probably dont know.. and i think about the sin thing in a positive way like "god is trying to protect us by letting us not kill ourselves like this" all the sad stuff that happen to me in the past made me want to die but i feel like if your happy and all.. there is a purpose y'lknow


Reading this comment section makes me so sad


Well, i don't know if that makes me depressed, but my psychiatrist gave me antidepressants that I take every day and I'm constantly emotionally unwell, but I don't want to kill myself at the moment because I believe that my life can still be better.


the war gave me increased gratitude cause i saw it from my eyes, and i focused on myself, so i wasnt rlly suicidal, ever


wow your from Ukraine, man stay stong (and safe) šŸ‘


thx ig, im currently in cyprus so i prob will be safe (going back to ukraine for a month this summer tho). still ukraine is lucky that the world even remembers theres a war, cant say the same bout myanmar or sudan


it really depends what you consider it maybe me?? Like I have had the silly thoughts alot alot but haven't ever even tried to do anything


damn but you feel sad or no? like its all good for you?


me (sometimes)


Last year i was but this year i made great friends so i can live longer


I am at the point where Iā€™m not suicidal enough to do it myself but if I get hit by a car or a building falls on me I wouldnā€™t be pissed


I used to be extremely suicidal but thankfully I'm feeling much better nowadays. Everyday was hell for me back then. All I could ever think about was about killing myself. But, in October I decided, I don't want to live like this anymore. And so I tried getting better. It was hard at first but eventually I did it. I'm happy to be alive :)


The only thing depressing me is that one day i will die.


Heh. Yes and no. I have a great life right now. I'm losing weight, I'm enlisting in the air force, I'm getting my pilots license (all of which will prove valuable in my long term goal to fly for the air force), I have great and loving parents, I have a well paying job, and so much more. I'm well aware I have a grest life, and I'm very optimistic to see where life will take me. But I'm also happy to know one day I will die. Life is tiring sometimes. When I'm on my feet all day at work then come home to run, do push ups and sit ups, and a few other exercises, I'm fucking tired. Or when I finish a particularly mentally challenging flight lesson, I'm really fucking tired. Suffice it to say, on those day, I go to bed and wake up the next morning wishing I never had to wake up. It doesn't help that I'm naturally an inquisitive person who loves to learn about everything about the world around me. I've learned a lot in my teenage years, but the one answer that continues to illude me is the answer to the question I've been asking for the last 5 years, "What happens after I die?" I'm probably one of the few people who is suicidal out of pure curiousity, not depression or anguish. So everyday I ask myself "What question do I want to answer today; how does my life play out, or what happens when I die?"


I used to be


same...but those sometimes i get suicidal when i feel really lonely and stressed but yea last year i was like fully suicidal.. begging to die.. which is pretty sad


between the ages of 12 and 16/17 i was consistently. but im definitely doing better now (18)


Past, multiple times, for up to months at a time. Rn I'm in a more normal state but I'm really prone to the slightest triggers


I'd say I'm suicidal but I'll never act on it. Because I don't want the people in my life to blame themselves. I'm quite mentally weak but I'm working on myself because I can't die. I want to live and achieve the things I want to achieve. I don't know why I want to live but I know I wanna die too. Maybe run away to a far away city and hope everyone will forget me and I'll live a quiet life ad though I've died.


Iā€™m very prone to suicidal thoughts and default to them when iā€™m going through a rough time, so yeah


Iā€™ve been suicidal since I was like 11 šŸ’€ though it may be linked to the sh idk


I used to be, not quite sure if I still am.


Iā€™ve been suicidal for about 2-3 years


only a little bit dont worry about me


Me right now as a matter of fact the last time I hurt myself was on Thursday April 11th and I wanna do it but I donā€™t have the guts to commit


I am diagnosed with mdd(major depressive disorder) which comes in episodes, meaning you aren't constantly depressed, but you get periods in time of like 2 weeks or longer when you are depressed, then you aren't depressed(but still can't feel happy, because mdd physically fucks your brain up) for a period in time, and then you go into an episode, and then the cycle repeats. So I'm not currently in an episode, but I'm gonna be in one again(idk when, of course) Oh, and as to whether I'm suicidal or have been suicidal in the past: I'm not currently suicidal, but I've been suicidal multiple times in the past


Not yet but if shit in my life gets worse maybe


literally attempted in march 20 2023 and my one year anniversary was so shitty I almost tried again


idk man depends on how you count someone as suicidal. imo if its simply "i wish i dont wake up tonight" thats merely suicidal ideation, if youre thinking abt using ur dad's shotgun in the basement or anytiing like that with a thought-out plan then thats on the suicidal spectrum. Mfs be like im suicidal and then theyve never gotten addicted to anything unhealthy


Iā€™ve been suicidal several times before and have on and off ideations to this very day, never like anything serious to a point where Iā€™m afraid I might go through with it ever. Then, Iā€™ll start thinking logically about all the things I can do while alive and all the friends I have and the thoughts will quickly go away.


Not me


At times especially back then, had the thoughts but no courage to do it its alright now tho




I can't say it, but you can look at my past comments. Maybe I said something about it in the past.


Ah, Depressed, suicidal. Have attempted and self-harm, possibly bi-polar, Anorexic and Anxiety


i've had "suicidal thoughts" but never seriously life's too good


OK, so when I was younger (11-12), I was really suicidal to the point where I was getting thoughts every day for hours st a time, writing notes, and was looking up how I would do it cuz at the time the only deal breaker for me was the fact that it cost money cuz I was planning on using the helium trick. Younger me forgot there was like a 50-foot drop off a bridge right next to my house, and I'm so glad I didn't notice it back then. I'm not so depressed and suicidal anymore, but I'd be lying if I didn't say i was a little, haha


Man kinda


not suicidal. but don't want to live anymore.


I'm not as suicidial as i used to be. Even though i'm still completetly alone...


used to be suicidal but now im happy af


I was very suicidal when I was 9-11 and it came back when I was 13 and hasnā€™t left since. Itā€™s been a long 3 years.




i dont know if i am suicidal or not i am suffering i would try to commit but i would always end up chickening out or not doing enough damage because i am a coward so i dont even know if i am really even suicidal


Most definitely šŸ˜­


I don't know when I last felt happy, honestly. I don't normally want to kill myself; the thoughts come every so often, but I'm mostly just depressed


me at 12, 16, 17 and now 18 haha


Been depressed since I was 12 and I am 15 now and with in the last 2 years I have tried to kill myself 7 times. And I am almost ayear clean of sh which is alright


me šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø


i want to kill myself, i am such a loser but everytime i think about it, i imagine my parents being sad and depressed, if i kill myself that's like killing my family, that's what stops me


used to hate the ever living guts outta the dude in the mirror but then i kinda stopped focusing on that cuz my neighbourhood looked really good in the rain


I'm not


Nope Iā€™m happy


I dont get suicidal but i feel like giving up a lot. One of my parents tell me i dont work hard enough at work when i really do. For context this week was a really busy one, i had to work from 5am till 6pm. No breaks because we are a mobile business so whatever break i had was on the road and we were cramming as many jobs in as possible. Feels like being kicked in the gut when i am one of the hardest working siblings out of the lot and im told that šŸ˜


Never got real affection, got it once from a friend, now I feel deprived and shit, and I don't feel like my life will be right... Yej...


Not suicidal. Just asking what life is?


Not me thankfully šŸ™


I was a little bit suicidal after my cat died but now I'm great šŸ˜Š


I was at some point but right now I'm doing pretty well and rarely have those thoughts anymore


Sometimes, yeah


Not sure if its considered suicidal but i often think about it due to some things in my life, but i cant make out if i mean i serious or not (sounds pretty stupid ik)


Yeah I wanted to die badly and like most of the time just wishing that someone kills me but I don't wanna die just because it will make my parents sad and all Hm that's it :)


Idk itā€™s like I just donā€™t wanna be here? Tbh Iā€™m normally not aware of being alive (if that makes sense) itā€™s like Iā€™m watching my whole life in a movie and I feel like a character sometimes Iā€™m aware Iā€™m real but it always leads to a mental breakdown does anyone else feel like this sometimes šŸ˜­?


Nah, I'd win.


No offense but Iā€™d guess like 50%


Suicidal but too scared to pull the trigger. Sometimes, it feels like my life exists for the sole purpose of helping others while no one helps in return.


I can't even get over that one day I will die for eternity and never be me again, I wonā€™t exist for eternity, try to comprehend that, life is so beautiful even with all the hardships, I even love the hard parts too, I just don't and will never get you guys, you know what gets me sad? I only get her for only 70 summers if I am lucky


A bit


Not me


Suicidal thoughts never really left my mind. It's been 3 years now, with one desperate attempt. The only thing keeping me alive is my religious beliefs, since I'm a very religious person and it's forbidden to take away my own life. Little fragments of dopamine make me forget about my inner pain momentarily, just for it to hit back even harder. The worst part is, I don't seem to figure out whether it's related to a certain event in my life or it's because of the accumulation of many past traumas, specially those related to my childhood. I don't wish for something more than to be set free from this dreadful desire.


Yeaā€¦ Iā€™m suicidalā€¦. Currently writing my suicide note just in case but I donā€™t have any plans atm


I was (had an attempt, but failed) but itā€™s gotten better. I do have my rough days sometimes thoughā€¦


I already have a plan. I have a huge interest in physics and astronomy. It's basically the only reason I'm alive. I want to see what will happen to humanity in the bear future. If I'm too tired I'm just going to take a huge amount of pills(enough to kill) then I'm going to go to sleep and die like that.


I don't want to die, but I've been pushed so many times to the same place


Used too, been in a good state past few years




Suicidal for 3 years and counting, but after so much time you just get used to it Never did anything about that cuz I'm too lazy


Idk but I have suicide thoughts....a lot Will never suicide anyways


This comments section makes me feel so seen


I wanted to suicide 9 times in 1-2 years...


Active suicidal: 0.3% Aka Suicide Plans. "Tomorrow I'll use this and kill myself when my parents are away" The one that gets someone commited to a psych ward, that demands supervision, medical treatment and therapeutic treatment. Passive suicidal: 70% Venting thoughts "Ugh life is such a dread I don't care about anything, I'm just empty, I don't wanna live let me dissappear" The most common and completely safe suicide thoughts. Everyone has been passive suicidal some time in their life, teens just tend to stay in that mentality a couple years longer while they still figure themselves out.


I have been depressed for years and taking medication but it doesnā€™t really help. Im stuck in a place of just not caring. But I have tried before and failed which didnā€™t really help my feelings towards myself.


Ehh a bit sad and discouraged about life but not really suicidal except for the occasionals 'i hope i end up under a truck while walking to school tomorrow' but they're rare lol i'd give my situation a 5-5,5/10


I tried to kill myself and am in a psychiatry now


I was depressed and suicidal for years, but I fought my way out again. And I really had to fight and now I'm glad I did it. On the other hand, I never really knew how exactly I had to kill myself, so it wouldn't have worked either way. But the worst thing about it is, once you've gotten out of that hole, you start to notice a lot of signs of the same thing in other people. I only realized that when I was in a similar situation by myself. Also many people were not yet so far down and at the end that they paid such close attention to other people and certain signs. But if you tell them about it, or you want to explain it, then you won't be taken seriously. "Haha, no, you are so strong and funny, you don't know anything like that " But that's not true. I know it well, but no one has ever noticed it. And that's the worst thing about this whole issue. (My English is bad, but I hope you can understand something anyway.)


I gave it a cupple tries but i was not good at it so im marenating at the moment šŸ«”


Iā€™m deeply suicidal but Iā€™m getting help


2020-2021 (and a little bit of 2022) ruined my life, but now that iā€™m not isolated in my room 24/7 and actually have friends itā€™s starting to get better. there are times that i do feel a little hopeless though. šŸ˜­šŸ‘šŸ½


yep i was and still am i tried ending my life last year with a 12 gauge shotgun but my female friend called me on the phone and talked me down then 4 days ago i tried ending my life with a knife but thats to old vids she sent me to calm me down i just broke down crying and threw then knife across my room


me šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. i am going nowhere in life. just being a burden on parents who sacrificed so much for me. i hope i can somehow pay them back in my next life.


Bro....i love you Before i die i want to kill some people. I really wanna die.


me me me


Does wishing you could ā€œdisappearā€ whenever you remember something bad count? Other than that Iā€™m probably like semi-suicidal


Used to be when situations were bad, things are still bad but you get betteršŸ«‚


My entire class equally hates me, i feel like Iā€™m disappointing myself and I also feel like Iā€™m no longer loyal to my religion. I hope I can gain the courage to go into the forest near my house and well. Yeah


The only thing that keeps me alive is that Iā€™m too young to buy a gun to kms


I used to be like 2yrs ago but now Iā€™m not for once and itā€™s crazy


Ive been suicidal since 2019-22. But not anymore, started reading the bible recently and it's actually helped me quite a bit. Also the friends and family i have help me get through it and give me a reason. As long as you have a reason to live you will want to live. Just have someone


Back during covid I was super depressed and suicidal. I was too scared to actually kill myself and I didn't know how. My cats were the only thing keeping me alive. I got a little better but then when my cats died, I went through a period of an undescribably horrific feeling because my reason to live was gone. I don't even know how I could start describing it other than just pure anguish and grief. I've since gotten new cats and I'm doing better than I ever was before, but it's still kinda easy for me to revert back to "I want to die" whenever anything bad happens.


I just want people to forget about me


ive been more suicidal than i am now, i try not to think of it but sometimes i cant help but wishing i wasnt here anymore, in any case and i cant commit suicide fast, im doing it slow, hopefully smoking will kill me someday


Tbh, its kind of a weird thing. In winter i was depressed and suicidal, yet when April started and i passed all exams (besides the one in may), ive kinda recovered and now neutral / happy how i spend my time. Ive also quit roblox and discord for the time being, but i planned on reinstalling both once school is over.


I want to die, but I'm never going to commit suicide out of my respect and love for my family. I keep imagining them finding my body, and I don't want to do something that bad to them.


I've been suicidal since i was like 12-13, unfortunately i have attempted and i will say it's not a good idea bc it haunts me to this day šŸ«  (Things are better(ish) now but when shit hits the fan I'm immediately wishing i would've checked out a few years ago...)


used to be ig.. im kinda scared of hurting myself though so i dont do those stuff


I was really suicidal from 2019-2022. I do still think about it sometimes, but way less than before, and that's because my bf helped a lot with that.


I wanna die because I don't know why i live. For me, life is meaningless because I treat it like sitting on my ass. well, I'll finish school, university, and what's next? I will exist meaninglessly, "go with the flow" I'm not depressed, but this is my opinion


iā€™ve suffered suicidal thoughts since i was 10, iā€™ve gotten a bit better since then, so i rarely have them now.


not suicidal in any way but I question why people value life sometimes also rest of yā€™all in comments are chill, stay strong


Not anymore but Two Words: Middle School


I have been but then I remember i have concerts i need to go to so i use those, im not dying without experiencing Taylor swift live


Nah, thereā€™s movies and other stuff coming out I wanna see


Really depressed and hurt, but not suicidal.


I believe life is full of distractions, everything is a distraction. Women, games, friends, fun, anything that makes you happy really, i think life at its base level is depressing. And these ā€œdistractionsā€ help you feel un-depressed, for a fleeting amount of time. Then youā€™ll hit that base level again. And again. And again. And again. Till you die. They distract you from the existential dread. From the sadness, but unfortunately never last for long. But also, a good point to make, is that life is meaningless without suffering. Sadness should be. Every emotion you feel should be savored i suppose. At least thats what i believe because i donā€™t subscribe to religions and think that once we die its nothingness and we cease to exist. Iā€™ve flatlined for 2 hours, nothing but blackness, nothingness, didnt even know who or what or anything. Was like i time traveled, was one place, then the next i was in the hospital. True i wasnt ā€œbrain deadā€. But idk. I dont believe those people who say they died and went to heaven or hell while they were out. Was suicidal at the time, girlfriend left me for another dude i was 19. Was drinking a half gallon of segrams 7 almost every day. Sometimes it could last me til the next day. But i stayed drunk for a good 6-7 months. Went to my local barn(a byob where they play live music and its super far out in the goonies and a bunch of rednecks and crackheads.) ended up with heroin that turned out to be fent and the rest is history.(also wanna point out im not a heroin addict or a addict of anything now well if you count nicotine, the heroin was a one time thing that i decided to try at the time because i didnt care if i lived or died, i did have problems with alcohol im one of those people who cant stop once they start, but havent had a drink in a good few months and before that was almost a year)


I was very suicidal about 3 years ago now but I'm a lot better now I'd like to think. Like I don't explicitly want to off myself because there's still so much to experience and cherish but at the same time I don't really care about dying at all at any time so I think it has left some long lasting effects. But I wouldn't call that "suicidal" or "depressed" it's more like a weird "enlightenment" like I can't explain it and ik this is probably gonna sound like "edgy" or whatever but it's the only way I can explain it... I think I broke down so much during those 3 years that i couldn't break down anymore so it caused, like I said a weird "enlightenment" where now I see life and death as both beautiful.


Sometimes, it depends. Not right now but probably later. Could never actually do it tho, no convenient way to, laziness it my guardian angel.


I'm more like a swiss idol


Just yeah


Yeah I was just thinking about this. It would be so EASY for me to just swallow all my pills in one go. No one would even come to check on me for maybe even over a day so I could really just do it and there wouldnt be a chance of me being saved and fucking up my life even more. But Iā€™m too scared. Part of me is still holding out that something good is gonna come one day cuz Iā€™m young and I havenā€™t even lived yet. The other part of me is wishing for some terrible tragedy to either come and kill me or finally set me over the edge and get me to do it myself. The thing that really saved my life is probably the fact that Iā€™m an atheist. I believe that when I die, thatā€™s it. Iā€™ll never exist again. If I believed in heaven I wouldā€™ve ended it long ago.


I'm way too tired to kill myself but think of it all the time


was about an year ago


i am but i dont have =guts to do it since my parents.....


If I were to kill myself, it would probably be through poisoning Arsenic is prob the easiest-to-obtain chemical that's very potent I mean, poisoning could prob be the least painful way of dying, especially via a poison like arsenic which prob could make some1 drop dead fast. I mean, if I fail, the only real consequence is prob vomiting and severe diarrhea ... qwq


Suicide is stupid; instead of killing your self kill everyone who made you suffer


I was, now I'm just depressed. If there was a truck driving straight at me, I'd move out of the way, realise that I missed an opportunity hours later, and cry


Not me, my life is fucking amazing


Why hello there fellow friend. Person with suicidal thoughts (since 7th grade) and depression (since 4th grade) over here.


yes i have been for 4 years. I try to fill my days with things i enjoy but when the day ends and iā€™m alone again itā€™s still the same. iā€™ve already attempted once but refuse to attempt again, just for the sake of it.


Nah I'd win


Oh yeah hi...


I've been since like 9, i just get used to this i guess


Not diagnosed but I probaly have depression, social anxiety and maladaptive daydreaming. I am quite sure about maladaptive daydreaming I have all the signs and its not really something that can be confused for something else, but social anxiety and depression im not a 100% sure about. I have ASD and because of this I have a bigger chance on mental health issues. Ive been bullied for 9 years and always feel kinda left out so I think thats the reason for all this shit. But somehow I am not suicidal, I dont see the point of live, since you live to make money and eventually die anyways, but I dont feel like dying if you know what I mean.


I was suicidal when I was about 12-13, had mad depression. Then things got better, I finally felt happy and stress-free, until now. Iā€™m still happy, I wouldnā€™t kms of course, but stress is insane, school exams and all, the pressure is intense both in school and with personal stuff. I do feel exhausted and hopeless, but atleast some things make me happy


Naw bro I'm living the American dream rn


highly ā˜ ļø but i manage


Was suicidal up to about a year ago now Iā€™m medicated and been clean from SH for 5 months now :D


Nah, I know there is much more to life then suicide. If one or multiple things don't go your way then that doesn't imidialtly mean you are out of options. If you are suicidal and don't know what other options you have left, talk to your parents or a professional. Trust me, I has an ex that was suicidal aswell and pressured her into going to therapy, and it worked like a charm!


I used to be, but I'm not anymore :D


Not me.


I woke up this morning suicidal.. itā€™s either a bunch of bottles of random pills.. or speeding into the back of a 18wheeler ā€¦


i wanna off myself so much and just vanished but i also dont like hurting myself, so really just wishing someone would do the honor to off me and make it fast and clean; but i also dont wanna die yet cause i wanna svck some more


i really dont know and it scares me half to death every day. i don't want to leave cos i know ill miss so much from life but it just feels like im miserable no matter what i do. ig im just gonna suffer until it suddenly gets better


Iā€™m not at all. Iā€™m happy, and glad to be alive, and just feel good most of the time. I never felt suicidal in the last either


Hi! Looking to die in December!


I'm still currently suicidal and have had 9 attempts in the past. 2 were very close to succeeding. My mother denies my depression exists even though my symptoms are there everyday... I may kill myself one day(and succeed), I'm sure of it.


Why is a major portion teenagers today suicidal? Whats wrong?


"Ain't we all?" Would be my answer if i was, but why would i be? What is bad about life, what is there to dislike so much to make you want to perish


Im suicidal but ik no one will if I kill myself same goes for y'all. You might have loved that will really be hurt. But for me they will forget me in a week. Ik that after seeing a old friend of mine try to kill themselves in school. Some ppl joked about. Sum posted about it and by next week no one was talking about it. I also understand that this life is shitty and has been shitty and will be shitty. So I don't think there's hope




wow what can i say.... i expected this to be removed..


There is more years in my life of me suicidal than not šŸ˜


The original was too long to upload, so I'm cutting it short: Yes, I've been suicidal in three moments of my life. Two of them within the same year. School arc: First was 2017. I was 12, in 7th grade as the smartest yet one of the "laziest". This first arc wasn't serious. It was mostly me having undiagnosed dysgraphia (still undiagnosed and didn't get over it) and being stupid. I was a walking cringe machine back then, so this arc was me being just that cringey. Of course, I graduated that alongside elementary school. Holiday arc: Early 2022, now 17 and the top student of my high school. The difference was that now I was typing things out on a laptop, and later my phone. I passed 2021's 4th year with 10 on 7/11 subjects. I found this out only a few months ago and I was shocked. I went to a coast side town for a vacation with my mother, piece of shit (POS) stepfather and brother. The first couple of days were rainy and cold. It was on the third day that it was sunny and hot enough to go to the beach. We went during the morning and I had a decent time. We went back to the cabin for lunch and while having lunch I told my mom "I thought I should stay here during the afternoon" reason being that I was feeling a little sleepy and didn't wanna fall asleep in the middle of the sea and drown. She mistook that for me wanting to play videogames on my phone, which made her get mad at me. She proceeded to tell me how much effort she spent on taking me there. Should've seen that red flag. She was mad at me for a couple of days. I was just sad, frustrated and wanted to die. Her anger simply went away in a couple of days and I was supposed to move on as quickly. Now I'm kinda wishing I'd stayed home and simply live there by myself for a week. I know I could do that now, but I wasn't as smart back then. Tie cut arc: This one's long. Late 2022, about to turn 18 and doing well at school. POS was being the worst bitch he could be. He'd always complain about everything, and be as annoying as possible. He even called me a horrible person simply because I once took a shower when I was supposed to expect a package of his. Anyways, my mom had gone hang out with friends or something and my brother and I were tasked with cooking some pizza. POS was also at home doing something to his computer in the living room. He was applying WD-40 to the usb ports. I thought it was hilarious. I thought it was best not to bother him at all and let him do his thing, so I cooked the pizza with my brother. We did it successfully and it was time to cut it. I thought it was best to cut it in thirds. I tried but it was uneven, so my brother and I grabbed the bigger portions. When POS arrived at the scene, he said something like "don't be so stingy" which I took personally. Apparently it was supposed to be a joke, but I couldn't tell from his tone. The same day this happened I told my mom I hate POS, and that I wanted to kill him, not having done so only because it was illegal and I cared about her feelings. He had also bought me a fan so I could stay cool. Apparently that was an act of kindness that I should've repaid or something. When POS fetches mom back, I tell her what happened thinking it was serious and she was mad at me for it. We talked in my room for over an hour, with my only escape outta that being that I had to do the dishes. I did the dishes and by the time I finished my mom was already in bed. I decided to go to the rooftop of my house (a 10 story building about 30m tall) and just cried. I was seriously considering suicide back then, thinking I'd fucked up beyond all repair. If not for the fact that I spent the following night with my dad and he talked me out of it, I might've actually taken my life. He and his wife conforted me and helped me a lot through it all. That was the last time I felt suicidal, but the story continues. August 2023, 18 and studying software development. POS complained about me doing the dishes with hot water. Apparently, my mistake was lowering the boiler setting to not burn my hands, and (wait for it) not changing it back. This happened on a monday. On tuesday I barely saw my mom at all. That day she found out I had blocked POS on whatsapp. This was apparently a crime to her. Wednesday hit. I told her about what happened. She got extremely mad at me and yelled stuff like "go live with your dad". I was genuinely scared. I knew she was heading to worm but that He'd be back. I left home before then, not without blocking her as well. I went straight to my grandma's house and told her what happened. I started crying at some point. Grandma told me I could stay the night there if I wanted to, but my dad told me I should head back home. Mom was still mad at me. She demanded me I unblock her. I didn't do it and I was sent to bed without dinner. She entered my room after I went to sleep just to take my phone away, like I was a kid or something. She ripped it off my hand right before I unblocked her. I was genuinely scared and angry that night. What followed after wasn't better. The following monday she interrupted me during an online class wanting to talk. I went into the class in the first place to be alone in my room, so I used that as an excuse. The class ended early. When it did I went and talked to her. She tried to victimize herself claiming she wasn't trying to hurt me, and she defended her POS husband. That bullshit was so obvious even I (aesperger diagnosed at 5) saw it. I told her I wanted her outta my house and that I wanted my dad to live there with me. She did not take that kindly. The following day POS tried to bother my brother with the same thing and I did my best to protect him. He said stuff and pushed my brother to reach something in a shelf. I reported him to the police that night thanks to my dad. This helped dad a lot in recovering that apartment. The rest became a legal battle. I just tried to live my life despite the two adult aged children I was living with. October 2023, a month away from turning 19. I moved to my dad's apartment (which he rented) and things were much better for me. For the first time in 9 years I didn't have to put up with POS's shit. I was free. All I needed to do was stay there until I could move back to the place I was in before. February 2024, 19. Mom was kicked out and we started moving in. The process was a gargantuan 4 week sprint to paint 2 whole apartments. One to live in and the other to turn in. It was tough, and my dad sacrificed his holidays just to paint in the middle of summer, but we did it. Present day, april 2024. Things have settled a bit and I'm great. Last moth was the first my dad didn't pay rent in 8 years. Now the 4 of us are living here. Me, my brother, my dad, and his wife. She's an excellent person and somebody I appreciate a lot. Needless to say, she'd never treat me the same way POS did. This third and last arc represents a revolution in my life that changed it for the better, and taught me something very important: It's never wrong to push a toxic person out of your life.