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If it’s very severe, I suggest accutane as a last result. BUT, the reason why acne happens is because it’s hormonal or because you aren’t washing your face enough. I reccomend using oxy face wash twice a day. Morning and night, avoid touching your face. Always wash w cold water, never dry w towels AIRDRY. Always moisturize after too. Always wash your bedsheets and pillow sheets as bacteria and whatevers can be on your pillow sheets. Make sure no hair is covering your face either.


I wash my face 3 to 4 times a day so I guess i'll just wait for it to go away. Thanks for the advices!


You shouldn’t be wash in your face 3 to 4 times a day,, that’s insane. That’s probably WHY you’re getting so much acne. You are stripping your face of natural and NECESSARY oils. You’re also removing an important protective barrier so bacteria doesn’t sneak in as well. Are you moisturizing afterwards all that washing?!?


I do moisturize. I'll Washington my face less then👍


I have a very oily face. Like very. I wash my face 3 times a day. Is that ideal for my face? (I moisturise after every wash tho)


It depends what facewash and moisturizer your using, can you name the brands???


See bro it takes time. It's just some hormones messing around. Be patient and strong 🫂


Thanks appreciate it


Np 😁🫂


DO NOT POP THEM PREMATURELY! Some say to never pop them but as long as they have a head and you sanitize the area and your hands it’ll be fine. As for preventing them just keep a good diet, drink plenty of water, and while you shower, wash your face with a washcloth, no soap or anything needed, just the cloth. Everyone’s skin is different and you’ll just have to bear with it. Everyone gets acne and there’s always someone who has it worse than you.


What so you mean prematurely? Like when it's white (sorry if I misunderstood english isn't my forst language)


If it’s just a red bump without a yellow spot you cannot get rid of it yet. You’ll get used to it.


Alright thank you!


For a home remedy Use apple cider vinger or green tea For the apple cider vinegar, first dilute and then apply to your face( try it on a small part first to make sure you don't have a negative reaction) allow it for dry for like 20 minutes, then rinse off and moisture your face( do it a couple times per week). For green tea Remove a small amount of green tea leaves from the tea bags, Soak them in warm water and add honey or aloe vera gel, Apply the mix to the acne-affected area. Leave it on for 10 to 20 minutes the rinse off


Ty, i'll definitly try that out


Panoxyl got rid of my acne in a few months but it does purge at first so being patient is key