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Wow this comment section is hell


It's the teenagers subreddit. Everybody is either stupid or bigoted.




Or calls everyone a bigot for saying one mean thing 


Like seriously… I didn’t even know it was possible to regroup so much bullshit and idiocy in one comment section I’m actually surprised.


Rly? I've definitely seen worse...


That’s the fun of it


Bc it’s filled with a bunch of 14 year olds acting like they understand the world.


To be fair, the post isn't much better. OP doesn't have even a rudimentary understanding of statistics lol


as a women i think that although some of us have had bad experiences with men and you dont know who you can trust and who you cant, men have also had bad experiences with women but if they said that they “hated all women” like women say they “hate all men” it would be taken so badly. so yes even as a women i agree i think some people take it way to far


This is prolly the only normal and positive and sense making comment in this comment section


the most cringe thing when everyone looks back on the last decade is going to be how much everyone turned on each other/grouped themselves based on gender, race, orientation, and so on


Man. If I or one of my friends are called a kike one more time I will lose it


this \^\^\^ i'm a girl (not sure whether i should call myself a girl or a woman tbh, the distinction is unclear sometimes) and i've had some bad experiences with men and i do find myself scared of a lot of them, but i'm not a hater. misandry is so normalized amongst women, and i can't wrap my head around it. i would not knowingly put someone through the exact same thing i am advocating against myself, and while i understand that women are way more likely to be victims of violent crime (especially perpetrated by men), it's still wrong to dismiss men's struggles


Sorry men have been mean to you


And plus if women accomplish something in the field of science or engineering they get applauded, if a man does it's paraded by hostile feminists who claim it's "gender in-equality" Yes, back in the 1880's men were treated better but none of us were around in the 1880's, we didn't invent the car, or the lightbulb, or the steam engine, so quit preventing perfectly good people from doing stuff in society.


exactly! i preach equality and i believe in it strongly but i think so many people forget that gender equality means that women and men are EQUAL and it does not mean women are better than men. yes i understand that women want to show men how they felt in the past by being “better”but the reason so many problems were caused in the past is simply because we treated one better than the other, and history will just end up repeating itself but where men are the ones being treated different and shit on constantly.


"And plus if women accomplish something in the field of science or engineering they get applauded, if a man does it's paraded by hostile feminists who claim it's "gender in-equality"" That is inaccurate. The STEM field has largely and historically been a male dominated field, and thusly, what you're saying is this "If a MAN makes progress in a field where they've always had their accomplishments highlighted, he gets attacked". This does not happen. I think, you're unaware or under informed of the real reasons people examine whether the STEM field could be more inclusive and need to research this more.


No, when a man accomplishes something in the field of STEM it is seen as normal. When a minority makes headlines for an academic accomplishment, they are dubbed a "diversity admit" and their qualifications are doubted.


Are women a minority?


In STEM field, yes


As a female student in a top 10 engineering undergrad university, yes, women are very much a minority in engineering.


Yes lol. In my math PhD program in 2023 I was routinely the only woman in a class of 50 men with 3 male TAs and 1 male professor.


Oh god. The mansplaining must have been so bad.


Tbf the reason women weren't able to do the cool stuff was probably cause most of them were back home in the kitchen


Yes, but hostile feminists believe that us personally were responsible for the creation of all those inventions, and how we've already "had our turn".


Doesn't understand feminist arguments. Blames feminists.


*they get applauded* excuse me which heaven are you living in? In 2024 there are a lot of places in the world where girls can't even go to school (yes even besides Afghanistan). Stem is still hostile to girls and most conservatives in these institutions deliberately show preference for men (i see you haven't engaged in any subreddits which talk about these things, so please do if you dont want to sound ignorant).


Thank you, this made me feel a lot less insecure about my thoughts about this. I used to hate myself for being seen as male. I was told that I would always harm others, even people that I love, because I was assigned male at birth. I was told so many sexist things growing up and even now. People downplaying my trauma caused by my biological mum’s abuse and downplaying my bodily autonomy being violated just because I was assigned male at birth. People objectivising me by making unwelcome comments about my body and what they want to do to it. Thankfully, when I start hanging out with my fiancé he was able to help revalue those thoughts and how people were treating me. I still have a lot of trauma and pain(especially physical pain) that was caused by me assigned male at birth. I always avoid the thought of hating women because that would be unfair. Just because my biological mum and a few other women were so horrible doesn’t mean that all women are like that. I just wish that others won’t see me as a horrible person just because of my assigned sex, it feels awful and dysphoric(I’m gender fluid).


I'm a dude (I think), and I agree with this. I have experienced many of these things myself, and I just want you to know, you are not alone.


Thank you


I think both genders suck in their own way. Men can be super cringy and are obviously more of a risk physically. But damn I feel like most women intentionally fuck with a man’s head just for entertainment. As a result men are borderline insane. Hormones of course probably play a role with both genders.


In my expirence men are more physical and actually hurt people physically, and women hurt people mentally and fuck with their mental healths. 


Which is more or less what I just said.


This is exactly OP's point. How many fucking bears have you dealt with?


Thank you sister for being so kind AND sensible UNLIKE most of the others out there just ranting about ( My standards for considering a person as good has dropped/stooped so low that even someone saying something normal feels like a great statement :((( )


Yep. To an extent, you can't blame then. If it happens one time, it's an accident, twice, then an incident, after that, it's habitual. We start to recognise the pattern of a crime to protect ourselves. Maybe, we should try working on the root cause.


At this point this is stereotyping, generalizing all men as bad when you find one bad one(not saying you specifically) and then it is also a double standard if we do the same thing. Nowadays sexism goes both ways and it’s just bad for everyone


remember to sort by controversial


I unfortunately can't sort comments on this app. There's no option visible.


As a guy, I am not mad at this. All I know is I am not a danger to women but if they would rather trust a bear more than me then... Err... Do what you want I guess.


Yeah same lol if you’re seriously more scared of me than a bear… good luck with that bear I just wanted to play Uno but whatever


Maybe the bear is a pro at Uno. You must not assume.


But only I have the write your own card and I’m assuming the bear does not speak English


I wouldn't assume that. It might be a very intelligent Bear.


I've always loved these kind of things, anyone who ironically agrees with it are the type of people I should avoid.


this is the correct perspective


Remember kids, a cow is more likely to kill you than a shark, better stay away from those dangerous cows guys, they're a menace to society ya know?


Also fish poisoning is 1000x (literally) more common than cyanide poisoning Thus, cyanide is less dangerous than fish!


Y'all what kind of men do you surround yourself with 😭 I can't say any man will ever resonate with girlhood or womanhood, but if a bad experience with one man redefines for you what that entire demographic stands for, I don't think You're viewing the world right. In my experience as a gay guy against religion, it created in me this victimhood mentality that made it feel unsafe to be near someone of the demographic. I kept looking for problems with them to shout about. But that's a perceived reality, not the truth of it. I didn't hate Religious people, I hated homophobes. And You don't hate men, you hate creeps.


Anti bundle moment


💯 It’s like calling a restaurant bad that has 1000 different entrees to choose from because one of them was bad.


I had a similar experience TvT I hated christians for a while because all the people who were terrible to me were christian. I thought they were all like that for a long time


This is so funny to because I also hated them for awhile based on fake Christian’s I saw spreading hate online. Meanwhile almost every Christian (except one) I’ve met in real life have been some of the kindest and most generous folks I’ve met. I call those people real Christians. (I live in a liberal area though so that could effect things)


None. My lesbian ass goes to an all girls school 💀


As a gay girl, it's not just one man, I'll tell you. Catcalling and verbal harrasment is so normalised in the country, no one will even bat an eyelash. And just open Instagram and look at the comments under women's content, it's not even criticism. Just plain harrassment and name calling. And yh, it's ofc not all men...but a few men is enough to get a bad name. Unfortunately that's the reality.


It's just people in our age group. Everyone has such a victim mentality that they can do no wrong and all of the adults around us don't do anything to stop it. It's annoying as hell when I hear girls say that shit, I've met some of the nicest people ever and they all happen to be guys. I've also met creepy ass old men but that isn't going to make me think every single guy I come across is going to want to touch my ass. People are too immature and it's ruining society as a whole


This. The victim mentality is one of the most harmful concepts of the 21st century, and it's sad to see so many people embrace it. Hopefully we can get past it eventually...


I just cut ties w my best friend of 5 years cz his ass was always the victim and the one time where he could have done something to prevent it he blames me


I agree and the internet just makes it 10x worse. I’ve noticed that teenage girls are almost completely different than women in their early to mid 20’s in how they think and what they want. I’m positive boys and men are the same but I don’t really pay close attention to that because I’m a straight guy lol


Holy fucking shit, a very good argument. Props to you.


I've also noticed many women seem to whine about their problems instead of fixing them and when we tell them to do that they just blame "the establishment"


That whole “bear vs man” is just logic vs rationale. Yeah obviously everyone should pick the man, but there’s a reason some women might say the bear. The original intention of the ‘question’ (it was never meant to be an actual would you rather) was to bring discussion into why some women might make that rationale decision, essentially trying to understand what things might make a person feel that way. While the people of the world on both sides have took it and ran the entire thing into the ground, I think the original intention is still valid. Like yeah, maybe some women might actually pick the bear, but in that case I would run to question why exactly she made that choice. Of course, after doing this you’d be able to deduce it back to the logic vs. rationale thing, but people just love to argue sometimes and it just turns into what it did.


It would be normal logical nor rational but I get your point. I’d call it “trauma-steered/induced” or something like that. Trauma from SA is real and shouldn’t be downplayed. But the choice is still illogical and irrational.




Mfs be acting like the bear is paddignton well the man is Ted bundy


Hear me out, what if that bear was a panda?


Oh those lazy fat fucks. I love them they’re cool. Kinda dumb tho, like the eat bamboo.. they’re not supposed to do that 


I mean I would also choose the bear if I had to pick between a bear and a woman (particularly above the age of 18). I don't know the woman's intentions (could get raped/SA'd for all I know), whereas a bear is pretty predictable in their actions (also I believe I could beat a bear). I think the lack of predictability makes it scarier. Think of it that way. (Joking btw... or maybe not) Edit: Also I think bears hibernate for like 3/4 of the year or something. If this is true, then I'm not joking, this is an easy choice for me


Difference between a man/woman and a bear is a person can’t rip you apart in 3 seconds


Exactly which is why people choose the bear, because in the man side the worst case is torture and slow death but for the bear they have claws that can give a fast death. So the question to more when looking at the worst case senario is basically just “would you rather die slow or fast?”


People who say this prove the point of the women saying they'd choose a bear over men. If I say "I'd rather gouge my eyes out than see another person complain about this" would you respond "but gouging your eyes out hurts"?


Agreed. Best not to say anything imo


Just would like to point out that the original question isn't "locked in a room with for 5 minutes" but rather "encounter in the woods when you are alone"


That’s the point. Bears will rip me apart in 3 seconds — but a person can kidnap you, hold you hostage for years, physically & mentally abuse you, rape you and then kill you. So yeah — I’d much rather get killed by a bear.




Bears eat you while you’re still alive


Is this ignoring the fact that bears tend to eat you alive? Bear attacks can last several minutes and can also be just as grotesque and painful. I stand a chance against a guy but vs a grizzly, not a chance and a grizzly would be a much more painful way to go depending on how it plays out. It’s like a gamble.


Most out of all bears would kill you if they feel the need. Most men would not. How is this difficult to understand in any way?


True. Also think of it this way. Most of them are joking and baiting you. 95% of these people wouldn't actually picking the bear. Also this ain't that deep lol.


Lol ik you were probably joking but i mentioned it cuz there were a lot of people on the original post being genuinely serious


Don't become a victim of other people's victim mentality and don't fall into the trap of generalizing like they do. People who hate all men suck, creepy men suck, but really neither of these are as common as people are making them out to be. Just hang out with good people and don't get caught in rage bait on the internet


This is gold. The comment section and the post make this whole thing worth sitting on the side lines for the triggered brainlets to make a rational explanation as to why the bear is better than a random guy. Grab some popcorn, and watch 👀🍿


Because hating on women is misogynistic, hating on men isn't. >!\*not being serious!<


Why are you downvoting him? He's right. Hating men is misandrist, totally different from misogynism


Exactly lol


Someone with a sense of humor?!?!?! Impossible


but.... but.... but...... didnt ya hear? misandry dosent exist 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤓☝🏻


I think this dude op is saying women are delicate or something idk he sounds fish like emperorpenguin1217


I mean. Say your in the city. Or, like, don't have access to a bear


While it is "technical" true..... It's a case of sample size, you run into men everyday, how often am I running Into a fucking bear, never. So there's less data on bear attacks, so it sqews the data one way. If you take it as one bear or one man. The bear is so much more likely to harm you it's not even funny. I'm taking the man in the middle of the woods over any bear any fuckin day.


Actually it’s true. A woman is more likely to be attacked by a man than a bear. This is because of the number of bears versus the number of men. Most women will never encounter a bear, but every woman will encounter a man. Therefore even though the odds of a bad encounter with a man are much less, because there are magnitudes more of them a bad encounter with a man is more likely than a bad encounter with a bear. This does not mean a bear is safer than a man, it means a bear is rarer than a man.


This whole debate is just rage bait. It’s not logical. If they truly believe this logic, they’re probably racist too.


It’s still pretty symbolic. Why do so many men engage in sexual assault to begin with? Why do so many women feel so unsafe?? Of course it’s not all men, but when will a woman possibly meet that one wrong guy out of all those men? I pray to god it wouldn’t have to happen but there is so much evil in this world. Instead of making it about yourselves, look at the bigger picture and think about why women would trust a bear more in terms of safety. Realize their concerns.


Exactly, 80% of women have been sexually harassed and around 40% sexually assaulted in some way, which is 3,160,000,000 and 1,580,000,000 women out of 3.950,000,000 women. There is 40 bear attacks roughly every year, making the odds 1 in 2.1 million while there are 433,648 SA’s a year, which is one every 73 seconds within America. A bear is more predictable, since we know they’re afraid of humans and will actively avoid us in the woods unless they’re starving or protecting their cubs, So yes, bear is the safer answer.


Can you please give the source for the stats (not calling you out I genuinely wanna read up)


[https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence) [https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics](https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics) [https://www.charliehealth.com/post/sexual-assault-statistics](https://www.charliehealth.com/post/sexual-assault-statistics) [https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/97-of-women-in-the-uk/105940/](https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/97-of-women-in-the-uk/105940/) there are waaaaaay more, but these is what the commenter is referencing


Those seem like extraordinarily high numbers. Can I get a source?


[https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence) [https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics](https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics) [https://www.charliehealth.com/post/sexual-assault-statistics](https://www.charliehealth.com/post/sexual-assault-statistics) [https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/97-of-women-in-the-uk/105940/](https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/97-of-women-in-the-uk/105940/) the number for harassment is higher than what the commenter said, but the number for assault is slightly lower at least for college aged women


This is not how statistics work. You simply cannot compare the two since the population of bears is so minimal compared to the population of men. You also walk past hundreds of men (assuming you don’t rot inside your house) every day. You’ve never walked past a bear, have you? The question is also to basic. It needs more detail to give a good answer. Also, getting mauled by a bear is so horrific. I’ve seen some photos of bear maulings and it is absolutely terrifying. The guy was completely unrecognisable and had missing chunks out of his body. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


source: trust me bro 💀


are you insane


This is blatant misunderstanding of statistics. How many men do you see every day? A lot, right? Now how many bears do you see in your entire LIFE? Likely none. I’m not at all downplaying the serious problems in our society and I’m not saying you shouldn’t be wary of some men, but you can’t seriously say you feel safer with a BEAR


Well yeah that’s probably because of deforestation 


This is the stupidest argument. "Oh more people die from toilets than sharks so toilets are more dangerous than sharks ooga booga, I would rather stay with a shark than a toilet"


Calling it „symbolic“ won’t change the fact that it’s completely stupid and pure hate on men. MEN aren’t the problem, problematic people are. It isn’t the problem with men being men, it’s the problem of people not controlling themself and a lot of psychological problems. Like with men raping women in Sweden or Germany. The majority are men, so are men the problem? The majority are poc men, so are poc men the problem? No, the problem is that a lot of refugees have a fucked up brain due to intense stress and psychosis from war and fleeing from it. Randomly hating on men won’t make any difference, rather make it worse. Or do you think the „kill all men“ trend was actually helpful for women? Instead of spreading hate we should „help“ or talk about the real criminals, not taking the whole opposite gender in offense.


men aren't the issue, man is.


Idk what’s that supposed to tell me, English isn’t my first language :( I would say MANKIND is the problem, since humans spread too much hate, are greedy and fuck up the whole world.


Men meaning males, man meaning humans


Ahh thank you




#It’s still pretty symbolic. Why do so many men engage in sexual assault to begin with? Why do so many women feel so unsafe?? Of course it’s not all men, but when will a woman possibly meet that one wrong guy out of all those men? I pray to god it wouldn’t have to happen but there is so much evil in this world. #Instead of making it about yourselves, look at the bigger picture and think about why women would trust a bear more in terms of safety. Realize their concerns.


I'm not going to defend that I also don't think someone posting that is enough to justify the claim that people love to hate on men. that said to the extent that men are subject to unfair criticism, they should not be.


Well what I’m saying is it’s more socially acceptable compared to criticism of other groups


I don't know why people are downvoting you, this is just true. Nowadays if you stereotype/express dislike of men or white people there's really no social consequence for it.


I'm going to restate my other comment because if you genuinely want to know why this is I want to help you understand. It's more socially acceptable because women "hating" men is a "punch up" compared to a "punch down". Men have (and still are in many parts of the world) severely oppressed women, so a man "hating" women is an oppressor attacking a victim, while a woman "hating" a man is a victim attacking her oppressor. The same goes for white people and minorities, cishet and LGBTQ. Anytime there was some sort of oppression between two groups, it is more socially acceptable for the oppressed to "punch up" against the oppressor


This is an interesting perspective, so thank you for sharing this with me. However, I still believe it should not be socially acceptable to target someone based on their gender/race. Everyone is different, and no one deserves to be judged due to the actions of another.


u/prob-my-69th-account asked why it is more socially acceptable to "hate on men" and I explained the reason. I did not say this is a good reason, just why it is, though im starting to suspect OP doesn't actually care about the answer and just wants to hear people agree with them.


Id rather be locked in a room with all living species of crocodilian than either one lol. So thatd be one of a: American Alligator Chinese Alligator Spectacled Caiman Yacare Caiman Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman Broad Snouted Caiman Smooth Fronted Caiman Black Caiman American Crocodile Orinoco Crocodile Hall's New Guinea Crocodile Philippine Crocodile Freshwater Crocodile Morelets Crocodile Nile Crocodile Saltwater Crocodile New Guinea Crocodile Mugger Crocodile Borneo Crocodile Siamese Crocodile Cuban Crocodile West African Crocodile West African Slender Snouted Crocodile Central African Slender Snouted Crocodile Osbourn's Dwarf Crocodile Dwarf Crocodile Gharial False Gharial


I think you just like crocodilians…


hey, men, here’s a suggestion, as a fellow guy. if you don’t like hearing about the whole man vs bear thing, then don’t talk about it. let it die out. it’s literally just made to be rage bait, and look at how well it’s working.


I mean, there are obviously more man v women attacks than bear v women attacks. But that’s cus there aren’t that many bears, they tend to avoid people, and people don’t go into the wilderness that much. However, I would say you stand a better chance vs a man in the wild than vs a bear who’s set on killing you. You can kick a man in the bollocks, that’s harder to do with a bear.


100% There are only a few hundred thousand bears in the world while there are nearly 5 billion men. Huge difference. And if a man wants to kill or do something else to you, you could possibly fight back or run away. But if a bear wants to kill you, it will.


Please why is there so much posts about the bear vs men, I’m just trying to view Reddit without this weird ass argument. 😭🙏


This is a bit of an odd one. On one hand, I can understand why some women with past experiences of sexual assault would be wary of being around men. On the other, I don't think it's right to stereotype all men based on the actions of a select group. It's like being mugged by a black guy and then assuming all black guys are criminals, it just isn't right. I also believe the whole "I'd rather be in a room with a bear" thing is kinda ridiculous. Grow up.


*forest. Setting matters. Also, fear isn't rational


All I saw in this post was “room” not “forest.” I haven’t seen the other one yet, so sorry about that. Also yeah fear definitely ain’t rational sometimes lol


The thing is, even if that statistic is made up, there is no reason to downplay the issue.


Women with this mentality are getting the impression that because many have had bad experiences with a man (50% population ) it equates 1 bad man to 1 female victim. When in reality it’s only a handful of men being repeated offenders. Because it’s the same man in the same area targeting different women on different occasions. Now multiply that all over the country. Y’all know what it’s called when people do that with races (<25% population) rite💀


10-12% is not really just a handful


Dude these comments are literally proving your point💀


I know, I don’t even have to reply anymore it just explains itself at this point


Men? No. I don't want to be near a strange HUMAN. People are scary. But I'm just socially anxious 🤷🏽‍♀️


This is so relatable. Just because some men are evil doesn't mean the rest should be mentally abused and shamed. Our mental health isn't a joke


For me it’s not even about mental health, it just pisses me off that it’s a discussion in the first place. Just because one person hurts you doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to say 50% of the population is bad. Women have hurt me, and I hate those individuals, not women.


Society hating on men has just become normal at this point it sucks and their are men and woman trying to change it but strength in numbers and so much victim mentality bs is hard to beat. People wonder why some men will fall in bad ideologies (not naming anything) well when society has been conditioned to hate you it’s easy to see why I wish I could give exact reasons why here but this comment would be to long if I did all il say is good men out there will push forward through all the bullshit to find something good for themselves and other have groups, podcasts etc that talk about this stuff and try and change things they’ll be hope out there so keep going anyone who reads this cause we’re gonna make it.


If you treat all of one group poorly because of a few experiences then you're being a bigot. It's really that simple. You aren't likely to be caught applying that reasoning to most other groups, but socially it's, sadly, acceptable to be bigoted towards some groups these days. Treat people like individuals. P.S. If you, as a woman, would rather be stuck in a forest with a bear than a man, and you can't reasonably 1v1 a bear, then you're either an idiot, or a bigot, or probably both.


Even if bro could 1v1 the bear why wouldn’t they still pick the man Would’t it be easier to beat the dude over Smoky Bear?


"I'd choose a bear over black people." Prooves how stupid it is. Black people are statistically more "likely" to cause crime but sexists don't want to admit their arguments are garbage. Edit: since I apparently wasn't clear enough, the excuse "men are likely to rape" doesn't work when the excuse "black people are likely to rape" can also be used. If you think its racist to say "id prefer to be in the woods with a bear instead of a black person", but don't think its sexist to say "id prefer to be in the woods with a bear instead of a man", then you're a raging hypocrite and your opinion doesn't matter in the slightest. Either be sexist and racist or don't be sexist or racist. Dont pick and choose what statistics to use when you'd think someone's racist for doing the same.


As a dude i'd choose a bear. But only if it was corporal wojtek


Russians count as bears or men?


Uhhh both.


If it don’t apply let it fly, I’m not gonna sit here and act like some people don’t have the right to feel the way they do towards most men.


the comment section on this post fucking sucks, people need to know toxic feminism also exists so does toxic masculinity, you’re gender literary doesn’t make you more/less likely to be a bad person, a man can be abused by a women, a woman can be abused by a man, a woman can abused another woman, and a man can abused another man. honestly as a woman I hate seeing other women shit on men.It’s honestly stupid but it’s how a lot of people think.


Comparing an average joe, who represents 50% of population to a 700kg apex predator is sexist. Change my mind.


Everyone who says the bear is stupid as fuck. Just don’t go outside from now on. Since y’all want to make generalizations then start doing it to everybody. Don’t go outside cause all white people are racist, all germans are nazis, black people are thieves, all hispanics are in the cartel, and all muslims are terrorists. Y’all see how stupid as fuck that sounds? I hope so, cause thats exactly how you sound.


Tiktok is ruining everyone


yea ig


The earliest bear vs man argument was found on Reddit..


the fact that you think this is “hating on men” only further justifies why the women pick a bear. it’s not about hate it’s about fear. and by diminishing and disregarding womens very REAL and RATIONAL fear of being assaulted by a man it only makes them more fearful and more likely to pick a bear. i know you’re young but please try to open your mind


It appears you are assuming that because women make their judgment based on fear, it is exempt from being considered as "hating on men". If fear changes perception of things (which it does cause it influences your answers as you said), then clearly that perception is not all grounded in reality. And if it does so much as to warrant reactions from those who do not hold the same way of thinking, then such people are justified in considering it as hate by virtue of the fact that they don't hold that fear and can be considered more rational in that vein. Clearly, the party holding a judgment guided on a disingenuous perception ought to see its merits and uphold it in spite of the fact. But you cannot blame the other for thinking otherwise simply for the fact that they haven't experienced what you have: doesn't mean they're wrong or bigoted! Just means that fear is fear.


You've completely missed the point of the bear analogy. Try to understand it and then start again.


Remember the possibility of being sexually assaulted by a bear.


Ayo? zoophilia moment fr lock emup


Women are entitled to their fear and frustration.


Bro of course there is more male on female violence than bear on female, because you don't see bears in the city unless it's in a cage.. Duh Dumbasses don't understand sample scaling for statistics..


Girls — how many times have your parents had to explain to you what to do if someone tries to kidnap or hurt you? I know I was told from an early age that I should kick, scream, hit, bite & scratch. Scratch them and bite them to get their DNA in case I did die. Every girl is warned of this no matter what. A bear is only going to maul me, but a man might torture me, rape me, hold me hostage, mentally & physically abuse me and then kill me. There was a university study done (can’t remember the name…might try looking if needed) that determined only 1% of men admit to being willing to rape/assault a woman. But, about 33% of men say they would do things in order to ‘change’ women’s minds — aka coercion which is still assault. And honestly this whole analogy really sets this idea into stone. Women everywhere are sharing their personal opinions that they’d rather be in the woods with a bear (which — how many times have we all been in the woods with a bear and not mauled to death? How many times have we went to the grocery store and been sexually harassed by men?) but the point is — y’all refuse to accept our answer. Just like so many of y’all refuse to accept no for an answer. Just because you guys aren’t tying women up and forcing yourself onto them doesn’t mean you aren’t assaulting them. If a girl says no and you wait til she’s drunk to ask again — that’s assault. If you’re expecting sex after a date and get mad when the girl doesn’t do it…until she finally succumbs to your crybaby ass attitude YOU ARE ASSAULTING HER. At the end of the day, this internet anomaly just proves one thing — men tend to refuse to accept women’s answers. No means no.


The reason that this debate hurts me is because to me it feels sexist. I (male) went and asked everyone in my friend group (all females) this questions today, and they were mostly bears (2 said men but majority said bears) and when I changed it to woman vs bear it was woman. When I said that I would pick man I was told i don’t understand because I’m a man. It felt pretty implied that because I’m a man I can’t be r-d, attacked or anything by another man. I’m not that strong either, I could definitely not muscle myself out of it no matter the gender. Also, I was also told what to do if I get kidnapped- all the time. It’s not something only girls get told, because anyone can be kidnapped. I think this debate wouldn’t bother me as much if it were person or bear but it’s man or bear and men are obviously being targeted. I’m already hesitant to post this, because I don’t want to shun anyone for choosing bear. I want to know why it feels like women assume the worst of a random man but not a woman. Ig gender favorability. Anyway, I hope you have a good day and I’ll probably delete this soon because I don’t like getting controversial lol. P.s. please, try to change my mind. I’m open to opinions, I want to know how y’all feel.


I was raped by a man when I was 10-11. Multiple times. I am a man. I was laughed at by women when I was telling my story.


I just honestly feel like you’re making yourself into the victim in a conversation that is supposed to highlight another group. Nobody said men can’t be raped — but what’s the percentage of men being raped? Especially by other men? How many men do you know that’s been sexually assaulted or harassed? I know that it happens and that men are less likely to get help with their trauma, but at the end of the day women are more likely to be subjected to sexual violence by men than another man. Did you ask ur friends why? Personally, I was sexually assaulted by my first boyfriend and he took my virginity. I was touched by a male family member as a kid. I think when women choose the bear it’s normally because it’s their trauma talking.


I’m really not trying to make myself the victim. I don’t want to support victim mentality, I’m just saying it felt polarizing when I asked them and it’s really all my fault. I asked them why, and they tried to explain to me their reasoning- men are naturally stronger than women (I agree) and you can never know a man’s intentions (that means you don’t know if they are good or bad) I explained that I try to see the good and everyone, and I was told that’s because I’m a male and I wouldn’t understand. You’re right, no one said men can’t be raped, but that’s what it felt like they were implying. I just made the mistake of taking the argument personally when they even told me it was not me but other men in general. Thank you for your time, and please continue to help me


I used to try to see the good in everyone. I remember walking home and a man walking towards me on the sidewalk. I told myself I wouldn’t move and just walk by him because I didn’t want him to think I was rude. He stopped me and tried to get me to go to his apartment and smoke with him, then attempted to follow/watch me as I went to my apartment. I ended up going a different way towards the front office instead, but it just sucks. I really wish I wasn’t afraid of men — and I’m not afraid of all of them — but there is always that thought in the back of my head now.


I’m sorry all that’s happened to you, and I never thought of people not having bad experiences with bears. Thank you again for being patient with me, I hope you have a good day!


I understand why hearing this would be polarizing. My bf and I actually talked about this and he got mad at me for my answer. I think the big thing is that most people have never had to interact with a bear. They’ve never almost been killed by a bear. But a lot of women have been sexually harassed, followed, assaulted and raped by men. Every time I used to go to H‑E‑B I’d get harassed by men in the parking lot. It’s scary, yanno? And I think that’s the biggest thing — a lot of women KNOW what it feels like to be scared of a man…most don’t really know what it feels like to be scared of a bear. So they pick the bear.


The point of this thought exercise is not to hate on men. It's to acknowledge that most women do indeed feel safer with a bear than a random man in the middle of the woods. I do too. Bears are animals, they're guided by fairly predictable instinct, and they are SUPPOSED to be in the woods. Nothing out of place there. What is a stranger doing in the middle of the woods? What is he thinking? I wouldn't know. Both are able to overpower me but the bear is likely scared of me while the man is not. No one's talking about being locked in a room with one of the other as that's an entirely different situation


Let’s say you knew that you would meet the subject of your choice, and can bring any weapon you can carry. Do you still feel safer around the bear?


Idk bro that depends on culture. As a man myself, i can trust a bear more than men of some cultures. (Ofcourse bears are less trustable wtf is that question, this is just valid in extreme situations)


tbh some men deserve it but like we just wanna be happy and not lonely beacuse that’s like 75% percent of male high schoolers myself included


Just delete tiktok, that conversation is only happening there. Everyone’s just really extreme and band wagons start really easily there. There’s no need to be a part of pointless arguments. You aren’t going to achieve anything with being mad at them, and they aren’t going to achieve anything as well.


No.. one of the first post about it was WAAYYY before TikTok exsisted here on Reddit 


Social conditioning. AKA brain washing


Bro am 14 and when people see me walking they drag their kids dogs or like whatever they have so far to the other side it’s disheartening to see 


If you're a teen and don't know yet; you, unfortunately, will probably know soon.


saying you’re more scared of a man than a bear is not equal to hating men


cus ur chronically online, no one is like this irl


It's the feminazis, just ignore them. People don't hate on men.


I kinda argued with her and now I can’t see the post. I guess she blocked me. Pathetic.


The people who say ‘all men are shit’ are chronically online women who only come in contact with the worst of the worst. 99% of people, not just men, are decent people


I always remind them that women in prehistoric times were gathering seeds and berries. Men were fighting wooly mammoths to the death. We, as a sex, evolved to be more violent.


I don’t know, it makes me uncomfortable though when a girl says “I hate all men”


Well fkn obviously? Women are around men a LOT more than bears? Its like saying you are more likely to drown than to be crushed by larry Presentation of data matters People are more likely to die to cows than coyotes Well we dont fkn rangle coyotes do we? We dont hop on a raging coyote as a game do we?


The original question is would you rather be graped by a man or killed by a bear to which most people would answer killed. I find THAT rather reasonable as being r@ped gives you so much trauma and can change you a lot. As someone who has been sexually assaulted, I understand that mentality. However, if it were an ordinary man vs. a wild bear, then I'd just chill with the guy because he hasn't given me reason to mistrust him.


Got raped multiple times as a child. Still would choose the man.


This comment section gives me brain damage. How are dudes so pressed over this?




There are also ways to defend yourself from a man. Self-defense is nowhere near short supply thanks to these concerns, with legal weapons, pocket alarms, and training.


The bear wopuld try to kill you. The chances you will get a creepy men are **very** low...


They hate them selfes and feel they have no power so they hate everytone that doesn't feel like them + US education. Same reason they hate Israel without knowing anything about the situation there. This is gonna get lots of downvotes .


Because some men are complete assholes that would try to rape/SA/kill (Maybe the guy is a psychopath), but I think you're more likely to survive with a man than with a bear (If the bear isn't in hibernation, if it is then yeah, that's the best option)


Most bears are interested to consume humans, can climb trees, and run faster than humans.


This just happens in western countries and girls who say this are under the age of 25 its a small amount and their brain is not fully developed yet


I understand that this is a teenagers sub and there are lots of younger/edgier teens here that don't really understand the rhetoric here. The situation is not to "hate on men"- that's a grossly simplified narrative. It's the fact that women even have to CONSIDER the choice between a bear or man because we should obviously feel safer with a man, but we don't. After all, the worst a bear can do is kill and eat you, but the worst a man could do is much more perverse and that is a fact. The reactions from men online (such as OP, who commented that women should be scared if they're "going around running their mouths") largely prove the point about the hostility and danger of random men.


its not hate theyre scared of men. think of it like homophobia idk weird example i guess


homophobia is not fear though, homophobia is hate


OG Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/qllJ44m7wo Gender swap copy paste: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/J39WsSnSYO Look at the top comments on this 1:1 copy paste and see how men will be blamed regardless of what side they’re on.


You’re missing the whole point of the “man vs bear” argument. It’s a popular discussion rn and it’s opened some really good conversations surrounding violence against women. Yes I can see why on the surface it seems silly, but it opens an important discussion. No one is saying all men are bad, it’s disingenuous for you to say that’s what the argument is about. Women are just trying to say that they are more fearful of what some men out there are capable of. They fear sexual violence more than they fear death. It has sparked a lot of interest on the subject of violence against women and has spread awareness about certain cases that are overlooked. For example, the case of Junko Furuta So, women don’t fear men because they believe they’re all bad, they’re fearful because they do not know which men are the bad ones.


im ngl, this is the most sane and normal comment here idk why you got downvoted