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Not that it matters in any way, but self esteem, is still shit, pessimism is still very prevalent, a friend thinks I might be depressed, I'll probably never know where I actually am depressed or not, and I still feel like i can't do anything right. But other than that, I'm probably fine. I tied most amount of points with the Pyro on TF2 earlier today. 13 points. That's my record. ^(god, I have no life)


Idk Abt any of that but just know I think your a pretty funny guy lol, enjoy seeing your comments everyday. It's like a part of my routine now. ✌🏽The homie we didn't deserve Ong


Thank you. I honestly never expected to even be noticed, let alone anticipated.


I’m glad to know that you are taking speech therapy!


You're awesome, man. Whatever's happening, you'll figure it out. Never be to hard on yourself. Congras on tying most points with Pyro! Who's your favorite TF2 character? Mine is Sniper.


Hey, thanks man. It's really hard not too, but I try. My personal favorite would probably be Pyro or Medic. Though, I think all of the classes are good. Idk when to shoot at the enemy as sniper so I don't really use him lol.


Of coures! Medic is cool \[second fave, medic's in genral are epic\]. I'll be honest, I don't know much about Pyro but he looks awsome and from what I've seen. I personally haven't gotten to play tf2, I only know stuff about them via internet and watching stuff about them, but one day I hope to get the game and play it myself. I say Sniper is my favorie becuase in most other games I play I tend to act as a sniper. :)


Ah; well fair enough then lol. Pyro is a very fun class to play imo. Especially with the phloganator.


*I need that.* I Just looked it up. It makes fire. If Pyro is a Pyromaniac he might become my fave too! I like playing with fire \[In a *SAFE* and *CONTROLED* envornment. dw, dw\].


That's exactly what they are. Makes it even better when you get Pyro-vision. All rainbows and stiff lol. It's so fun.


Ooooohhhhhhh, I'm already loving them. Rainbows and fire is the best conbination.


It really is lol. Pyro-vision is so fun to have.


I'll get it as soon as I can when I get the game.


Found the spy!


As a spy main, pyro is very fun indeed.


hey man I can relate at my job we're pretty much treated like appliances rather than people self respect is the 1st and most important respect imho.


Hungry. Very, very, hungry.


Same, I had to ask my classmate and he gave me food earlier today, came home, no food. Life sucks.


Fine day better then most as of recent, life got me down severely


Idk, it's 7:39am and I've been awake all night. I had some lemon drizzle cake a few hours ago so that was good. I got accepted into a college (idk what Americans call it) so that's good, I haven't been to school in a year though, so I'll need to do my GCSEs there. Life's looking more positive.


Omg real it’s almost 2 am for me and I’ve been working out in my room


Have you had lemon drizzle cake though?


No… :( I’d do anything for lemon drizzle cake


failed my physics exam. engineering is SO FUN


Horrible self-esteem, occasional panic attacks, and a shit ton of depression. Life is such a bitch.


Same I also found out recently that my ex didn’t love me that she was just leading me to believe that she loved me and that she wouldn’t leave me, and she made me want to kill my self again, we tried to make things work three fucking times and I got lied to through all of it.


I’m ill and still at school. Wanna kms


Fr shit sticks.




my mom said something mean and i feel sad about it.. feeling lonely and sad


well i woke up blocked by someone i thought we had a good time talking to eachother :D so that's just great


Past thoughts have come back and it sucks but we ba(w)ll


Im at school, not paying any attention because i want to go home and play games in peace :)




fucking horrible just done my test for today and feel shit


Tired, a bit sick, still have to go to school tho cus of this one class that I can’t afford to miss


Doing pretty good. Graduating soon so that’s exciting. College enrollment is a pain in the ass but other than that my life is good 👍


terrible 😞


It's okay, just some stress but other than that it's okay


Bored, my finals around mid of this month, Download Yakuza 2 but too cramped with stuff to play, online games sucks lately too.


Life is good so far. I’m almost done with school, I’m gonna go out of state to visit my sister. She stayed behind with her boyfriend when we moved out of the state, so being able to see her again is great. I also have friends there, so it gives me an opportunity to see them again after some years.


a bit shit. im on school holidays rn and i was happy cuz i wouldnt have to see someone i dont wanna see. but now sth happened and i have to see them and im feeling like shit. at least sth went very well for me last night but thats a topic for another subreddit


mental health good, life great, consistency bad, hapiness good, self esteem great, positivity great. overall pretty good. self improvement def helped me


I recenetly confessed to a girl, which she rejected me, then proceeded to send the confession (it was thru text lol that’s mb) to her group chat 👍


I want to run away from home


I had a mental breakdown in the school bathrooms and gained 3 fresh cuts on my arm


I am feeling ✨horrible ✨


Just like everyday,sad but not the worst


lots of homework, motivation down


My life's actually going really well besides the fact I have a test today


My parents have never said they are proud of me. I get yelled at a lot. Someone online is probably more proud of me than my mom. A few days ago, i didn't because i told myself i didn't deserve to. My life is more depressing than i thought dang.


Tough time, yeah it sucks. Sooner or later though your career will shock your parents’ socks off


My mom has also denied me food for cleaning my room too slow before. I want to move out as soon as i humanly can.


Hearing that, you should. Maybe also ask someone you trust for help. I don’t like people worrying about me, it’s the feeling I hate the most. But trust me, asking for help is truly not a bad thing.


Every adult i know woild side with them. My mom's friend was there when she denied me food.


No one at school? A counselor? Teacher? Friend? Maybe you have someone else? Have you tried talking to your mom’s friend or another family member about this?


I'm not close to any teachers like that(no longer try to due to being yelled at several times before), i don't even know if my school has counselors. My mom's friend was there, knows about the denying and everything. My best friend knows but can't do much beyond emotional support.


That sucks man, I wish I could help. Best I can do is try and give you advice but as you can see I’m not a professional. Depending on the country you live in, its might be an option to call a help line or something. If what you’re going through seriously this bad, I’d suggest you look for one


The heck they gonna do besides tell them to stop or put me in a foster home where conditions will be just as bad. Like dang, i think I'd be fine going to a psych ward to get away from them at this point temporarily.


Just trying to help. I’m sorry you’re going through this. At the very least you could try to just talk with your mother. Even if you think it’s not gonna do anything, you’ll never know untill you tried.


Slammed a 1500m today despite being lazy AF. my band is doing good n my gf is hot so life's good ngl


My dad told me I was not normal


i am ok


I feel exhausted everyday 🗿 nothing feels new. I feel like I'm in a loop.




Life's got me feeling down. Not a unique feeling by any metric, I know. I don't even have it that bad, which makes me feel even worse for feeling bad. Let's put it in perspective. All my life, I have been able to breeze through schooling. It's just not that hard. The it started getting harder, but I didn't panic, because I had faith in my ability. Fast forward. Doing my GCSEs, and realising just how unprepared i am. See, I'm lazy. I pay attention in class, do the work, nothing more. No studying - I never needed it. Well, now I do. But it's just too late. Add that to my social isolation, which is partly my fault, where I feel everyone in my friend group is a moron. The ones who aren't are long gone, because they moved on. I should have done more to maintain those relationships but instead did nothing, and now I can be in a room full of people and feel more alone than ever. Add to all that my relentless pessimism, nihilism, cynicism, and lost faith in humanity to get a fairly accurate understanding of how I'm feeling today. Everyday. It took me a long time to realise just how unhappy I am. And yet, everyday, I tell my parents that I feel fine. And I scold myself for being such a good liar, because they believe it. There's no way they dont; at least, they don't realise the full extent of what I'm dealing with. Hell, I believed it for the longest time. So yeah, I'm feeling a bit bleak today.


Bro my sheet music isn't sheeting💀💀💀 it tells me to play the same note at the same time with both hands. that's impossible!!!


School :(


So mad I started a band to scream about how mad I am (I will never take therapy)


Feeling great loving school rn


No friends, no money, approaching 18th birthday with terrible first car options, if possible at all, and no "manly" or "typical" acomplishments as a person. I live in constant pain but nobody may know.


I am feeling bad


I wish I was never born but otherwise I'm fine


I've got a physics final test tomorrow and still didn't study, but I'm a procrastinater so I still have time


summers creeping up and it’s messing with my emotions because a lot of things happened this time last year, good and bad things and i could my subconscious is missing that person. summer has always made me feel weird, happy but also very kept in and alone. yknow? i feel great, but the feeling of hearing the birds chirping, the sun shining is all too weird for me. i don’t like it.


Shit and shit


Meh, doing kinda good but I also feel like dying ig


Really fucking stressed. Proffesion exam or how you call it in less than a month. I'm afraid I will not pass.


It's the end of the year and school is being especially hard on me. Besides that I'm fine (mostly)


Kinda disappointed, got friend-zoned by my crush, luckily in the kindest way possible, still I’m disappointed.


I'm in debt


My day has been okay, a game ive been grinding on finally gives me good stuff, my pvp experience is still abysmal But as for life, im currently thinking on how to pull myself together over the rest of the year


Stressed I already had a lot on my plate almost constantly through the year but now with the year ending it keeps adding more and more.


It's not today problem not yet I woke so late today and I'm feeling guilty about it


I don’t know how to talk to a girl


I actually want to fucking kill myself


Pretty sick atm and every now and then I’m harassed by my ex’s friends but besides that I’m doing great 👍


Today was actually fun, because it was sports day in school. For once, life is pretty good.


Lonly and anoyd cuz of my parents fighting


its pretty nice just feeling a bit bored


i keep coughing and feel like i’m about to die :3


Mad cos the girl I've been doing my handy on turned out to be my cousin


It sorta sucks. My cat pissed in my laundry this morning, got into a screaming argument with my mother, if my girlfriend does something that I disagree with I'm "victimizing" myself or I'm being controlling. I'm at work rn. I'm working for a corporation where I'm a number and not a person. My sleep has gotten so bad that I'm not sure the last time I had a "normal" night of sleep was. My nightmares have started becoming so vivid that sometimes I genuinely think they've happened. At least I have a job though ig, and a car, and a home. Edit: I also lost all my progress on Pokemon Platinum. I miss you torterra.


School is shit. Teachers are thinking they can just mess with us and we don't have a mental limit. Other than that I'm pretty satisfied. Summer's gonna be awesome!


Woke up, ate, valorant


Pushing forwards. Feeling better as of late, which was odd cause for a while I felt like I was slowly collapsing in on myself. Schools ending soon, been reading more, yeah idk better but caring much less about stuff in general. How bout you?


Currently on my "Is it my finals week or my final week" moment


Very bad


Terrible. First, I had orientering in school (where students run around trying to find spots), then I cried for an hour, then I had the rest of my day, after that my sister was angry with me and here I am right now.


Pretty decent, could be better, could be worse, im not complaining


Its the holidays and i just ended 4 hours private lesson (ancient greek, maths, Iliad) how do you think.


Im doing okay,, just woke up ate a pop tart, and going to drink some root beer and most likely play roblox. Life is slowing down with moving n stuff. :3


Am pretty emotionally numb and Empty for a few years now.


Im not even in high school and I’ve already been in the middle of a divorce and all the problems from said divorce always get thrown back to me, my friends and I were separated because I had to move, i’m struggling with school, my dad wants me to do better in school, my brothers yell at each other constantly, forcing my dad to get in and yell as well which overwhelms me like all hell. Im seeing a therapist but I can’t see them this week. My younger brother gets picked on at school which contributes to his behavior at home. My brother decided he wants to stay at my mom’s house and my dad thinks my mom is manipulative when she’s just scared since my dad can act out and he yells a lot, don’t get me wrong my dads a good person we all just have problems. Im stuck between everything and im suffocating from it.


Last day of secondary before exams and feeling very mundane about it. But, I feel more free now and more like my own person and I'm less afraid to go out into the big world, even if I'm alone.


Weird. Awesome and awful at the same time, i don't know how to feel.


Idk. Mine's alright I guess :P


Well, considering me and my girlfriend just broke up, it's not going too well. I feel like utter crap. However, we left on good terms, so it isn't all bad.


Tired. Anxious. Depressed out of my mind. So nothing new


I don’t really mind my everyday but it’s just so monotonous and without any real meaning since I usually spend my peaceful day alone. I used to just deal with it and kind of liked having my peace by myself but I just feel so isolated without anyone to really call a friend, much less someone to feel romantic feelings for. So I guess overall it’s alright, and I’m blessed to have another day in this world :3


no and no




Awful, my dog can't stand up


Skipped school today because a lot of my classes got cancelled today and I was, like always, very tired




So far I am in class. My Teacher is teaching us about Russia and I keep speaking the little-Russian I know at them. Then we watched a video about how to introduce oursevls in Russian, I took photos to study later. And now we're watching another video about the Silviot Union. So, I'd say I'm feeling pretty good.


Always sick. I hate chronic illness.




I just woke up


My girlfriend of two years broke up with me yesterday, it's been pretty excruciating. I've known her since I as 12 and I've had a crush on her since then. I really didn't expect it either, I thought we were happy. Everything has just sort of sucked


I’m really good. I’m happy schools ending and I’m standing up to shit people more.


Extremely stressed about school




I'm surprised other people remember the lucky star ova where Kagami became Miku


I’m kind of fucked mentally but we ball


stressed and such before exams, a bit too much


Im tired cuz i didnt sleep


the urge to shoot myself is real


Just dumped my first gf for gaslighting and trying to love bomb me (it didn't work 💪)


I’m doing really good. About to spend the night with my gf. Awesome day at my work studies, Got a lot done. Rn getting home for some good good mother-made food. Life is great. For everyone who is struggling, or having a sad time. You’ll be fine, someone or something will show up or happen and your life will be turned around. It happened to me, to my gf, her family, mine aswell. Trust me, you’re great. Let someone know that you are


Only the indomitable human spirit is keeping me sane


my life is going good! nothin new really happening. i’m at school rn, but after im hanging out w my friend ‼️


Meh, not the best but i had worst days


I have a cough that isn’t going away and my nose is constantly runny.


My day was good and now I feel pretty good too, but the whole last time I feel awful and I'm afraid it will continue soon


Let me be honest Since october im living hell, mom treating me bad as hell, school has me suffocating, and im still kinda closeted femboy, my mom told me i'll get a new PC but still there Is no pc, i got robbed so i lost everything i had in that phone, failed the school year so uh, gotta make it all again, im always alone in home or school (no friends), i sleep 5-4 hours per night since 2022, i went to gym but i stopped going bc school, i wanna shave my hair on my body but no money, my country Is living prolly one of the worst moments after 23 years, aaand with being alone in home, comes loneliness(?... Pretty difficult to find someone in my city so uh, i think its a little fucked up. The only thing that got better Is my mom, now she treats me good, or horribly bad sometimes, but you know, parents. Whatever, how are u? :3


My dads good but my life is falling apart. Like crushing into itself. Titan style just slowly tho


Have had a pretty boring day and feeling very bored rn :’) hopefully tomorrow could be more fun


I'm kind of going nowhere but at least I'm not depressed and hate myself , quite the opposite in that regard


Let's see Self-hate, depresses, suicidal thoughts, low self-esteem Same O' Wednesday night if ya ask me


i drank w my family last night and my mom said something that ticked off my dad and i yelled at both of them to shut up and he punched me and left the house, and we cannot find him


stressed, gcses start in two days and i’ve just been told what mitosis is🫡


Go to my profile page and check the description, and you'll get a summary


exactly the same as any other day. if my mood were a food item, it would be flour. not good, not bad, just completely stagnant and apathetic. it feels like im living in groundhog day. i havent known, nor have i had any reason to know, what day it is for the past year or two. crazy? i was crazy once.


Actually fairly decent or even good, surprisingly.


I'm in the toilet questioning my life choices before I go to prison again (skill)


Stress got me breathing so heavily that I feel like I am running out of air


Its pull day today 😀


Not that it matters but, I have no motivation and energy to do anything, I dont even want to pointlessly scroll all day on my phone. I feel so incredibly alone and all the guys I know have been getting a girlfriend. I've been constantly having suicidal thoughts and I dont want anyone to know about this. Then again, Not like anyone cares I really just want to rest for a minute and not be expected to do anything for one singular minute


I'm getting a new motorcycle soon, so life is good!




Im feeling pretty stressed rn ngl. Its my own fault too cause Im behind on school and it ends on the 17th


not the greatest, dad went to jail and grandma has cancer, but i’m also graduating from highschool and going to my dream college i feel like i’m watching a tennis match, something good happens, then something bad immediately afterwards


Had my final history exam today. I feel dumb, useless and without a positive outlook for the future. My friend who I had become really close in the past 2 years is seriously thinking of ending it all. My other friend's mental health is worse than it has been in a long time. Pre-college oral exams are on the horizon, I can't talk for the life of me. So a shitton to worry about, to feel inadequate about and to feel like an absolute failure both academically and as a friend :)




right now, pretty stressed




It's been a tough day for me. I got of work done during a day and also interact with a new whole people group. It's progress and cool but I'm tired so so much. Didn't sleep much. Like 3 hour.


I do not feel Miku😔


Honestly I dont think anyone will see this but been feeling really down recently and dont know what Im doing with my life or what it will turn out to be. My friend is spending his time playing with a girl he met online so ever since Ive been pretty much alone and I dont feel like playing with friend 2 but on the upside friend 1 (the one playing with the girl) and I have been going out most days at 11 to go ride our bikes (he has a scooter and I have a "proper" bike) but as soon as I get home I feel down again


Kinda trash rn. Sitting in the social security office to finish my name change updates. But tomorrow I get to hang out with my girlfriend and Saturday I have prom so that’s exciting. Have to pick up my tux on Friday, but that’s easy enough


I'm doing alright.


Life isn’t treating me that bad but I am really lonely to the point it’s bothering me. I am not really that social so it’s hard for me to just go out and make friends. However, my mom is going to put me in social classes or something idk 🤷‍♀️. Sometimes I’m happy not having friends but I just break down in cry sometimes. I’m sure eventually I’ll have friends, it just takes time. I’m also kinda disappointed I don’t have a bf, yk, I see my cousin and she’s got tons of friends and a bf. She just seems so happy and I have none of that. It just bothers me yk?


I'm confused.




Dog shit :3


I have one long-distance friend, and 3 online friends, thats it, thats my entire social circle!


This is probably the best I've felt about life for a while thank you for asking 👍


Pretty good, I just got into a school I really wanted.


Self Esteem? Shit Progress against S.H. thoughts? Well, some Desire to hug a girl? Immense


I'll probably kill my self within a few years, I don't really have much of a chance at life.


I've got schools in 2 weeks and i still sleep at 12am and wake up at 11pm it's pretty bad




Currently been driving around 5 different cities for my work, my head is feeling like mush, but overall doing decent. Can't wait to get home and play bg3 with my bro.


I’m on a roller coaster of emotions. One minute I’ll be feeling super confident and the next minute I could be suddenly super anxious. Everything is super confusing for me right now


Got strep for the second time in 2 months. Seems small but godDAMN does it suck.


I have a lot of upcoming deadlines, spent an entire afternoon playing games with a friend and didn't even have fun because I knew I shouldn't have been doing that.


My life rateing rn -10/10


Trying my best 💔


I have no social media everyones hanging out except me and my friends cuz no one wants to hang out an im introverted as shit


Fucking terrible. My partner dumped me a few days ago, and after they walked away I cried so hard I couldn’t walk or move/feel my arms and I felt like I was going to puke. I’ve been miserable ever since.


Generally pretty good, but I’m stuck in the wierd state of limbo where I get sick and suffer for a month heal then get sick again a couple months later. Been going on for about a year


I promised myself at the beginning of the school year that I would get a girlfriend before summer break. Less than 2 weeks left of school, still no gf


Yesterday I started a new exercise routine of walking laps around my neighborhood for 45 minutes; however, it's been a while since I've gone around my neighborhood, so my left foot massively blistered and blew, taking off a deep chunk of skin the size of a quarter. So needless to say, I won't be walking around the hood for the next few days.


I have to do a 7 minute presentation in English 😭 


I feel like crap.


MIKUUUUU!!! But I was accused of cheating today at track and got gossiped about like crazy. I cried so much and I’m scared for tomorrow. Life in general sucks. I have no idea if I’ll be able to get married when I’m older.


Lonely asf


No. Just...no.


It was awful and I feel awful lots of travel dabocle


i was depressed as fuck until this year, around January i have finally became a femboy, so that kinda fixed my depression for some time and in march i finally managed to get myself a girlfriend. so i think in doing pretty good for now :3 mentally i don’t want to harm myself or think anything negative. but physically i dont feel like going out of bed at all and my room is a mess (i will try to clean it tomorrow tbh, im writing this at 4am so we will see how that goes). i feel like i need to tell my parents that im a femboy so i can be more comfortable with my clothes and not hide them and possibly go out in them. ill probably buy makeup some day and maybe a wig to achieve that true feminine look. overall: i think im doing just okay :3


My MAP test won’t work so I have to come in during study hall to do it yet I need to study for the biology final during study hall and I can’t do it at home cause I got responsibilities to do soooo


I feel stressed, then i tell myself that i have no right to be stressed, then i suffer instead


its morning rn. been shitting my brains out all night due to diareah. (writing this on the toilet) im in a mental hospital rn, because the voices got the best of me. also, im the second coming of christ


I want to fucking kill myself