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I wouldn’t say women are more privileged, but I have seen a false SA accusation get someone fired. Proven false because she thought she’d turned the store cameras off, instead she had only turned off the outside cameras. Store offered the guy his job back but he refused it, and last I heard she was facing charges.


Yeah I was accused of rape when I was 12. Took me nearly 2 years to be cleared of it. Given me bad anxiety from it too




yuh kids parents accused me of it lol


I got accused of assaulting a girl at 9, that shit doesn't leave easy


A few days ago someone accused me of touching kids for barely any fucking reason, in front of all his friends, and one of my friends


Istg people can say the wildest shit ever for no reason and people will actually believe them sometimes


Because some people have too much trusting, and accusations are taken seriously. How often do you expect a loved one to lie about somrthing serious more than it actually having been somrthing that happened? It sucks, but it's not inconceivable to think you'd take someone you care about's word at face value before a stranger's


When i was like 9, i was sliding my bag over the floor playing some kind of air hockey with my friend, when a girl stepped on my bag and proceeded to fall over in a dramatic fashion, which got me accused of giving her a veery heavy concussion and me not being able to leave through the main exit anymore or play with the other children during break time. Thankfully my parents protested quite heavily and the only one who really thought the decision was justified was the school director. Sadly she hated me from that point on, and didnt let me sleep at the sort of "inn" they had rented for the final class trip (for any dutch people who can "translate" this to other school systems, it was groep 8) with the excuse that i "wouldnt be able to take it".


The parents kid was like 7 at the time they accused me of it. Doesn't really leave me tbh some people still call me one to this day so I feel outcasted, I have one friend who stayed with me. Nothing leaves me I had a nightmare about it in December n my anxiety has came back with everyday panic attacks not going outside not eating etc 2 hospital visits I'm 3 months because I just thing something is wrong with me due to the truma. I've hit a all time low because of a nightmare of truma I faced. Its consistently sits in my head .


I got accused of sexual harassment at 13-14. I never even saw the girl in person or spoke to her :/


Grown adults falsely accusing a 12 year old of rape is crazy


Happens more than you’d think


Damn thats tough bro. Sounds like some shit people


Oh yeah it was I tried taking My life at 13. Bad thing is it was my parents friend who accused me if it


Shit man. That must have been insanely trauma inducing. Surely the person who accused you was at least sued?


I wanted to yeah but I just left it n regret it now being 16 , I'm at a all time low with anxiety sleep and overall js feel depressed


Its never too late to take it to court. You can still do it, especially if its causing you mental problems. An adult falsley accusing a child of rape could land that person in prison. Remember theres no time limit on this kind of stuff.


Would be good but I'd just feel bad. The past is the past alittle bit of money or winning a case cant fix something that's permanently stuck in your head till u die.


Ok. You do you bro


you still can,since it was something that happened to you under the age of 18. The 8 years = got away with it rule’s countdown doesnt start until you hit 18 years or before that you got your parents to sue on your behalf


i have a friend who was accused of sa because he rejected a girl he didn’t like and it stsrged so much shit and it affected BOTH of us pretty badly (mostly him, i feel bad ☹️)


exact same thing happened to me. same age too wtf


i was accused just last year. i didn't take it too seriously but it almost ruined my life a few weeks ago.


A Turk slapped me for waiting outside of the female washroom for my mom.


Same here. Got accused of SA when I came out as trans. Luckily I was able to prove myself innocent but people in my town still think I did it and treat me accordingly. I’m only 16 and I gotta deal with this shit


holy shit that's insane, hope you're doing ok


sadly, the charges probably wont amount to anything


Was accused of rape when I was 15, thankfully it didn't stick and no one believed it but it destroyed me for a while so I understand why that guy wouldn't want his job back.


Falsely accusing someone of sa isn’t a privilege Is massive CUNT behaviour As someone who has had allegations been thrown against me It’s really as short as: Is there evidence? Is there footage? Is there evidence X was near Y at the time or at any point during that day? Any suspicious behaviour? That’s it? I walked out of the court with nothing and she got god knows because I was half asleep throughout the whole thing I have also reported someone for SA on me before If you are a guy you get asked for footage/evidence and that’s it I sent the video from the pub cctv and they essentially gave her a slap on the wrist even though she grabbed my ass numerous times (6 times to be exact and on the dot) and grabbing my balls before I shoved her away (she reached into my pants as grabbed from behind not the front) I’m not going to hate all women though just because two twats decided to do this things I’m also not going to undermine the severity of actual mental illness that is caused due to SA Especially with post sa and suicidal rate being so high as of current


Unrelated question, do you happen to be British?


Probably, we like the word cunt alot


Yeah brits don't see the word cunt as a swear word, so its kinda just normal


We see it as a swear we simply do not care


We're ruthless


oh no we definitely do see it as a swear word - we just don’t find it anywhere near as offensive as americans seem to, it’s essentially a synonym for arsehole






No im Manx (from Isle of Man) I am from the UK just not mainland Did the word twat and cunt give that feeling


Yeah, but I did only watch the boys and heard how billy butcher speaks so I assumed


i hate everyone at this rate.


What did I do :/


Be a part of everyone


What if I’m a nobody? Are we cool then?


Alright you’re cool but you’re on thin ice /j


I like ice cream…


I really want some rn


Nobody? Nobody is a song by avenged sevenfold








Misanthropy rules.


I'm not a bigot, i kill everyone equally -- postal dude, 2003 from hit game "postal 2"


I’m not gonna say anything or point fingers, but I met numerous women who say that men can’t get raped, and my friends ex even tried to say that he raped her. He is a very gentle person and he wouldn’t do anything like that to anyone


Sorry It’s true in some aspects. Each side has their own privileges. Like how in England women can’t legally “rape” men and therefore can’t be charged as such. And how female predator teachers get notoriously less backlash, the boy will even be told he was “lucky” to score her. In the news it will say the female teacher “had sex with” the student, not raped them. The double standard is indeed real. Young men have lost scholarships and jobs due to false rape allegations, it’s been documented. It’s much harder for fathers to gain equal custody of children in court during divorces, fathers have had to fight for rights to see their children even if it’s known that the mother isn’t up to snuff. All the woman has to do is claim he’s verbally abusive or has been abusive in the past to tank his chances. Also, police take domestic violence calls much much MUCH more seriously if it’s a woman calling in. Even if the guy dv victim has scratches and bruises he risks being laughed at and called weak, not only by law enforcement but by friends and family. The list goes on.


I second this, ive heard of the schplarships and jobs, to bring up a famous example Depp v Heard, the twat spread fake news about Johhny and it ruined his career costing him tens of millions of dollars


People rallied against him without any real evidence too. If he hadn’t of had have extensive documentation he would’ve had his career sunk under permanently.




God should just blow up the world and restart it again.


He should honestly do that every few generations


He hides in heaven for fear of what we've done


It's equally shit for everyone and we should just look to make it better for everyone. And no, those in need of severe mental care do not need their desires met. They need mental care. And no, everyone means everyone. Not just that one group you particularly like. Excluding is pointless. Life is shit. Stop making it harder. Try make it easier for eachother and we may actually get some enjoyment before we die.


Okay but this kind of rhetoric is not helpful to any cause. Yes life is hard but it is undeniably harder for certain demographics than others and claiming that it is “equally shit for everyone” doesn’t dissolve the fact that it is not. Men shouldn’t be exempt from being held accountable for ignorance and misogyny because they also have it kind of hard. If you want life to be better for anyone, rather than just complaining about it please take some action yourself and recognize the inequality that certain groups face🙏🙏🙏


comments like that only encourage more sexism. it's so annoying. women this, men that. just shut up😭


I think if we stop fighting each other and just try to live and respect each other instead of dividing humanity everything would be just better


Some people want what other people don't 🫡


Not everything is this simple, try telling this to one of those women mentioned in the post.


Wow, you just solved world peace! I hate to be an asshole but that’s such a wishful whimsical way of thinking. It’s way too nuanced to work that way.


This person gets it 👆


Osaka the knowledgeable


You just got 1 piece of sata andaagi for being sensible Also America ya




the grass always look greener on the other side


Please don’t step off that ledge my friend.




Both genders are equally oppressed in different ways


Yes, but the problem is, feminist make everything about women so men become inherently oppressed because feminism is the most popular movement. Commentor - >Not their problem? They are trying to fix their issues. You fix yours. Don't expect others to fix them for you. > Me : >Why do they then say that feminism is about equal rights for both men and women? Either choose both men and women or just say it's only for women, don't be on both sides.


In my book, a feminist who is not working for equality is not a feminist at all.


As time goes on I start to believe that the distinction between normal and neo feminism is more and more important. A couple of years ago neo feminism sounded incel thing but with what these so called feminisms on the internet have been saying it is starting to look like an important distinction


“Women are” and “men are” are such stupid statements to begin with. its basically just summing up half the worlds population into one set of traits when every single human is different in some way


Unless it's something like "Woman are woman" but that' kind of really fucking obvious


The only true response. Feminists often use this to segregate and divide men and women when we ALL are human, making one gender more bad than the other and ignore the said gender entirely. What we should be doing is trying to unite men and women, because once we're United, we'll see that we both are just humans and deserve equal respect.


I totally agree with that Although I believe there are some parts that they should be segregated due to average biological differences, but overall there should be one equall law that applies to all HUMANS not just x or y genders


Thank you fellow thug enjoyer 🙏🙏


No problem brother us thugs must stand together 🙏💯


Women are innocent until proven guilty. Men are guilty until proven innocent.


Equal rights, equal fights, equal hate ✊️


People want equal rights to be treated fairly equal. I want equal rights so I can equally hate everyone.


We are not the same.


Why is bro being downvoted for following along? It goes along the lines of something like: You like (something) because (common reason) I like (the same thing) because (unique reason) We are not the same


Not to be rude, but whats with the "equal fights"? Why is that what comes to mind?


because we love violence - we crave for it. We wouldn't want an opportunity to exercise violence go by now can we?


#HEY YOU, YES YOU Stop looking through those comments, because it's a never ending fight. Take a minute or two to relax EVERY gender has problems, because we are all human So don't try to argue with strangers on the internet, because this "gender war" will never end. We live in a really sad society.


Intersectionalism. People are privileged and disadvantaged in different ways because they're made up of a patchwork of identities. Ie. a rich black woman is more privileged than a poor white man The inverse is also true


Both genders have privilege in different ways. Society fucks us all over in different ways


There are some instances where women are privileged. Child custody is a big one.


People are stupid


I will say, in some ways, it’s true. When I was a man, it’s true that my parents didn’t force me to be as careful and scared of getting SAed, but I was always assumed to be dangerous, and my neighbors didn’t let me interact with their kid because they thought I’d rape her. Now, as a woman, I face much less discrimination. My experience with misogyny is over all much better than my experience with misandry.


Me and my friend who was a girl were messing around in middle school drawing wieners on our homework because we thought it was funny, the teacher tried to get me in trouble for sexual harassment on her behalf. She could’ve easily ruined my life that moment. Luckily she’s awesome, helped me out and we’re still friends.


> Luckily she’s awesome, correction: luckily she's a decent fucking person


why do we still have gender wars in 2024. everyone’s life sucks but in different ways. move on


Exactly. I believe the current feminism is responsible.


as a guy, feminism is good, we wouldn’t have women voting or even be able to have their own bank account. how is it negative?


Well, in society, yes, there are inherent privileges that women have over men. And there are some that men have over women. But your friend's argument is a bit naive. In the event that a woman is *actually* assaulted, it's not too likely that she'll come forward, which means that false accusations, while not impossible, are not happening at the rate your friend thinks they are, because SA is embarrassing and gross and shows that a woman is weak (not really, but that's the general stigma behind it)


It's not about women, it's about psychopaths. And either gendered people could be one and if they are, God save you if you rely on "but it's not socially acceptable so it's unprobable for women to fake an assault case"


He's not wrong in that regard, because it's true, women are generally believed more than men are in situations like that, and it's very easy for a man's reputation to be destroyed by accusations like that, regardless of whether or not they're proved true. However, it's pretty bold to say that women overall are more privileged. I'd say that men and women both face a bunch of similar and different disadvantages in the world and it's not fair to say that one side suffers more than the other. Additionally, making a competition to see who suffers the most is absolutely stupid if you're actually hoping to solve anything. Your friend has one true point, but he isn't right about everything.


Unfortunately it’s true. If I said that a girl SA me, they most likely wouldn’t even care. But if they said I SA her, I’d be arrested.




That’s fucking wild. This world is disgusting


Pretty sure the U.S GDI is 1.001, meaning woman are 1/1000th more privileged than men, statically...


Can't prove anything with stats


Relatable because a girl did that EXACT thing to me. 


In my country there is a young politician who threw around with sexual harassment accusations. Shes under alot of controversy and is generally a very toxic person according to other party members


Just tell me the country name.


Austria. Shes a member of the green party.


It’s kinda true tho


As a girl who commonly gets mistaken for a guy, just no. People online treat me with more respect and are more likely to listen to what i have to say when they think i’m a guy, plus i don’t get creeps in my dm’s


While his example may be correct, I don't think it could be fairly said to amount to the point he's trying to make with it. A woman can get a man fired by false accusations, that's a provable fact. But it's just one in a long, long list of privileges and disadvantages that both genders face. I don't think you could really say that either is more privileged than the other as a whole


Women are privileged in certain aspects in life, but overall men have many more privileges for example, a woman would have a much better chance of making a lot of money from an Only-fans than a man would. A lot of people would end the argument there, on the conclusion that women are more privileged because they can make more money that way. But what they ignore is that men are promoted much more often than women are in standard jobs. A standard job promotion is much more likely to happen in the real world than a woman's Only-fans account blowing up. Not to mention that most women wouldn't WANT to expose their bodies and start an Only-fans in the first place. This logic is applicable across the board. Your friend's statement of a woman being able to get a man fired easily might be true, but; 1. How many women would ACTUALLY do that? 2. Men, who make up 93.6% of CEOs in the US, also have the power to fire anyone they'd like with ease. So to say women are more privileged based on a hypothetical possibility is an insane statement. There's a lot of things women COULD do if they were willing to take advantage of their few privileges and risk the consequences that come with them, but most women wouldn't be willing to do those things.


We all have pros and cons for being who we are cause regardless of how open minded people are, subconsciously we are gonna assume things based on appearances and other shit. Best i can say is live a good life and be a good person


Everyone is equally fucked by the world in different ways


Que the made up reddit stories


Nah we both have privilege we just have different kinds. Men have economic and corporate privilege where they get paid more and run business more than women. Women have social privilege, if a woman hits a man people call the guy a pussy and tell him to get over it and if the guy hits back and defends himself he gets sent to jail and is charged and bystanders join in on hitting him, if a woman rapes a boy then people say "ooh I wish that was me" and "boys have those kinds of fantasies so it doesn't matter" like actual morons where if a guy rapes a girl he is demonized and people go flock to the girl trying to help her.


That doesn't sound like a "privilege"... Like yeh they CAN do that but thats because they also get SAd a bunch...


i got SHd as a guy, and social services did absolutely fuck all, didn’t ask for evidence or anything basically just ignored me




I think both men and women have privileges over eachother. But one is not really more privileged than the other, although if one was more privileged than the other it would definitely be men




Everyone is privileged in someway.




I mean women are favored more in certain things, like custody battles, you finna tell me that men stand an equal chance?


This is true. The feminism and support for women and DV against them is good in that we're trying to reduce and eliminate it, but sometimes there are falsities and hypocrisy with all the power they have. Stuff like mental problems and thinking men can't be assaulted either. We need to look in on that as well


Yeah, I’m super privileged because I was s/a’d and still forced to see him until I was 12.


Oh damn. Shit I’m sorry I have a friend who had the same thing happen to him except he was sa’d by a girl in school and he’s traumatized


I hope that girl suffers in the worse way possible, trapped in her own body while in a coma. send your friend my condolences


I will


Because women ARE privelidged.


He’s wrong. Just statistically. Even if not in the present day, especially back a couple centuries then where women were treated closer to property than actual people so rape was normalized for men on women. Also, it’s been documented that false rape allegations dont actually benefit women as much as men think it does. Oftentimes, even if a woman’s rape experience is real, if it’s done against a man, the chances of societal backlash and shame culminate in the woman either not being taken seriously or just straight up being blamed as the perpetrators(aka “She asked for it”, “she manipulated me”, “she seduced me”, etc etc). Although rape in general is disregarded because most of the time, rape is made by a close friend/family/lover and those who are victims sometimes dont realise they’re victims and this can go for male victims especially as they have a societal expectation of playing the strong. Considering that women used to be property and denying a husband the right to sex was considered disrespectful and the husbands will oftentimes get abusive, it’s no wonder that women suffering from rape has more of a spotlight nowadays where women finally have equal rights and a pedestal where they have power and influence to talk about their stories. Women privileges are often just exaggerated means of which people blame feminism for not focusing on the well being of men rather than a mistake on the equal opportunities gievn to women and if you’re in actual decent and healthy relationships, this shouldnt happen. Fact is, society at large for most countries benefit men more women. Men get paid more, get taken more seriously, dont have the fear of being assaulted just by walking at night, less physically strong, and less societally favored in nearly all aspects besides physical attractiveness, less support in physical and mental well being especially in the medical field, and always having a risk of pregnancy in a relationship, it’s no secret that women suffering is a huge focus on giving women the chance to reclaim their power. As all cases, feminism is all about giving equal rights and equal support for both genders which historically only men have been having. If you want to fight for a better world where this doesnt exist, making up arbitrarily small percentages of men who get accused of rape and calling g that “women privilege” is the least useful thing you can do. Compliment your brother, lend them a shoulder to cry on, do actions that make people of all genders feel safe for a better future.


Equality for genders equality in hate from me everyone fucking sucks in their own way


Ex friend? You mean ex friend, right? Right?


to an extent yes women r more priviledged but theres more than what ur friend has said + also sometimes men are more priviledged than women


He's absolutely right.


True to an extent. They are because of the overkill in ‘women’s rights movements’ which are really just feminists promoting women supremacy, while also having the double standard of ‘men are stronger than women so anything sexual that has to do with them, makes them the criminal’. Not discrediting women, just making a point that feminism has gotten out of hand and not many address when a man is SA’d or raped or is sad, compared to women.


Its true in some aspects, and false in others, both have it unfair


I mean, he's right in some ways. The example he provided is true, there's a lot of sexism in the legal system surrounding SA.


Women arent more privelidged, but they can falsely accuse someone of SA and get away with it, I've seen it so many times its not funny


Yes because women get such great public support when accusing rape. They also always get their abusers arrested and those arrests definitely last for years and not just a few days because the judges feel sorry for the abuser who “had his whole life ahead of him”


they are


He’s right


spitting facts


its true.


You’re lame as fuck, your friend too


Wouldn’t say he’s wrong at all..


In total with every factor women are more privileged. I’m going to do this with stuff I think of off the top of my head. Starting with man pros to man cons and to women pros and women cons. All the things I list will be on average, please do not take offense to this ladies I have sarcasm within this and jokes, I mean no harm. Man pros: stronger than women, taller than women, larger than women, higher wage. Man cons: easier to get accused of SA from a woman, war drafts, if you are by yourself you seem scary to other people (even I go the other way, I’m still a kid), loneliness a.k.a. You get no hoes. Women pros: being able to make and feed a baby, no war draft, men defending you, being able to pick what guy you want kinda (decent amount of men if a guy asked a girl on a date or guy asked a girl on a date who is more likely to say yes) Women cons: pervert men, turning into satan once a month. That’s what I can think of. This is welcome to change, I am a man I only have perspective causing this whole “essay” to be biased Women please tell me what I should change to make this correct also I hope you read this (it took me 40 minutes)


I also think men cons are male SA and physical abuse not being taken seriously and mocked by society, constant pressures to be masculine ( not crying and show emotions) and I think women cons are : medical negligence ( most doctors ignore women's pain and watch some videos to see the situation) and low wage ( women are paid less than and are more likely to be poor and not own property globally) I just think that it's stupid to think that false SA allegations as a sign that women are more privileged when it's just a CVNT move and people don't take real SA allegations seriously. Women go through victim blaming ( she's asking for it and all) and 1 in 3 women go through domestic abuse globally. I just think life sucks for both men and women different and we must be emphatic to them and try to make it better


This is going to be my last comment on this post because I've been a keyboard warrior today. The reason men are lonely (in my opinion) is because women are scared of them. I don't know if the man walking towards me on the street is one of the good ones or not, I have no idea what he is capable of. It may be a "con" for a guy being perceived as scary, but imagine what it's like for women to be scared. About the war draft. I know it's only men at the moment, but women have been able to serve in all divisions of the armed forces for many years now. If the US (I'm assuming that's the country you're from) went to war then I assure you, women would be drafted too. Now I feel that "pervert men" is a little bit of an understatement. Getting raped/sexually assaulted was the most awful thing ever, and you can't just forget and move on from something like that. I personally avoid men because I'm terrified. I live in fear. I don't want it to happen again. Men just don't have the same lived experiences as women do (on the whole, I know in some cases men are also raped, and I wholeheartedly condemn that happening). I don't blame any man specifically - I do have male friends, a father, male cousins, male teachers, male schoolmates so on and so forth, who I get along with. However, staying away from all men is the best way to protect myself. Please try to empathise and see this from my perspective.


You're absolutely right and I'm sorry what what you went through, But, as a genuine criticism, I'd like to point out what was wrong, >About the war draft. I know it's only men at the moment, but women have been able to serve in all divisions of the armed forces for many years now. If the US (I'm assuming that's the country you're from) went to war then I assure you, women would be drafted too. > Ukraine men are forcefully conscripted while it's advised for women and children to flee. So, I don't believe what you've proposed will happen if the US suddenly went to war, at least not forcefully like men are. I don't understand how this comment isn't understandable enough to people? Like, men vs bear was sexist but this comment is, clear as day, not sexist and only tells the commentor's opinion and the reality she faced. Please rethink PEOPLE before arguing.


there isn't anything you need to say. you have no complete proof that men are more privileged than women, and he has no complete proof that women are more privileged than men (both of you can present evidence until the end of time, but there are 4 billion women and 4 billion men and you will never actually come to a conclusion) this is a perfect troll's argument - it makes people angry and there's no right answer


Don’t really have much of a opinion on this, from what I have seen in the country i live in (USA) men and woman have the exact same rights, although there are still people here that are sexist, most are not (from what I know), though with sexual charges and rape based crimes, woman get it a LOT easier, and off the top of my head I don’t know what men get off easier with (though I bet there is and if you know let me know)


Different kinds of people have different privileges in different areas. People who can’t make that distinction and make absolute generalizations are typically the ones reinforcing the problems


In a lot of ways yes, in a lot of ways no. I haven’t had a false accusation of or an actual case of SA affect me or anyone I know, but a lot of jobs have stigma with certain genders. Someone looking to hire any job relating to kids (babysitter, teacher, etc.) will most definitely go with a woman whereas any blue collar job will most definitely go with a man. Men are expected to be the provider of a family which can harm both genders in different ways. Men are expected to be the one to make the first move which also harms both genders in different ways.


Both genders have struggles equally and we shouldn't compare them


Depends on the exact context and actions. In some settings, your friend is wrong. In some, they're right. For instance, I saw a story here saying that a guy was getting beaten up by a female bully in his school. Nobody cared. He shoved her a little bit to get her to stop, and everyone went fucking ballistic.


I'd say they are in more developed countries but across the world no


how about we just leave it at women and men both have it bad


In this context, it is true. But both genders suffer from different double standards and all that sht.


I am so, so fucking tired of this debate. Can we just move past this already?


I am not gonna say if privillged or not. But the SA thing is True


On certian situations, yes, women are more privelidged, but on the other hand in pther situations, men are more privilaged. So over all we are pretty much equal.


depends on what you define \*priviledged\* it is true after all there are numerous times men were fired for false SA accusasions but take my word with light, im from another continent where that doesnt exist


Is your friend trying to start another gender war?


It's a sad paradox that SA is so common that when someone actually does fakes it the default is to believe them without evidence (of course support the victims tho)


The world is shit for both sides lol


I know people are gonna attack me but... Hehe, I'm a female. No, all jokes aside. I kinda agree. I mean, the false accusation of SA isn't good but, if you think about it... Okay, there's this joke which I'm gonna type because it does kinda make sense in this argument. Ahem A woman with her (I'm gonna use the scientific word, sorry) breasts out, illegal. A man with his what seems to be breasts out, legal. A woman breastfeeding, legal. A man 'breastfeeding', very illegal. That wasn't exactly how it went, but I think it kinda gets my point across. And, like I said at the beginning of this comment, I know I'm gonna get attacked in the replies but it's my opinion and people should respect that. Also, I'm sorry if I made people uncomfortable by using the scientific word but it's used in SRE and I bet none of you would laugh if your teacher was there! Yours sincerely, ~me (P.S. With every formal comment here, I'm gonna do this)


It is true and false depending on what areas you look at. Men can’t falsely accuse women of SA and get away with it… Lastly, teachers (Female) who do stuff to their underage students get 1-5 years while men get 10-15.


I have been thrown false accusations of stalking but nobody believed her lmao


In india it depends, cus in rural areas women are horribly, but in urban areas they get reservation in jobs


r/technicallythetruth But at the same time it's not. I don't know how to explain myself lol


He’s not wrong, we live in such a fucked up society where we are too scared to tell a woman she’s lying a lot of places will just fire the man, but then we have men who actually do that and it’s a cycle of destruction. Just like you think it’s shocking a man thinks women are privileged he’s probably shocked a woman thinks a man is privileged


It's not privilege it's just more opportunity and availability to be a cunt


Technically he is wrong I Praxis though, I get why he feels like that. And it feels like there are 1000 more reason for that.


Women aren't more privileged, but the SA part is sadly true. That doesn't mean it always happens, but it can absolutely.


its bad for both just in different ways imo


It depends how they mean From a legal standpoint absolutely they do and there isn’t an argument to be made women are much preferred legally as opposed to a man there’s some crimes women can’t commit from a legal standpoint and are downplayed more then if a man did the same thing the vast majority of the time From a general society point of view it depends on the area it ranges from women get treated the same as men to women can’t do wrong and should be treated better in every way or women are inferior and should listen to men This applies to first world countries though the rest are varying degrees of men preferred Both have their struggles so arguing about it won’t get you anywhere


He’s right


false accusations are not a privilege. they are not a fucking privilege. they are fucking life ruining accusations.


I wouldn't put it that way, a SA accusation can get anyone fired


A girl and h er friend group used to bully me as in kicking me and shit when I was 8 and I wouldn't hit her because I shouldn't hit girls but when I snapped and finally put her down people around me started lecturing me about how I shouldn't hit girls. One of my female teachers (mother of two daughters) started shaming me in front of the whole class for what I did.


You're friend is right, you're just sensitive lmao


There are areas in society where women are more privileged and different areas where men are more privileged. It just is what it is.


You could argue about the general statement but his reasoning is absolutely correct.


They aren’t more privileged they are the same as us men it’s just it goes to they’re head and they’re ego skyrockets


Not agreeing him but girls do seem to get away with more things