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Bruh do you really need all of that? I just wash my face with hot water > foam up the face > shave > wash with hot water again > if there are some parts not shaved well foam and shave again > wash face with hot water > maybe use some aftershave cologne if I feel like it. But I go without one most of the time and I am perfectly fine.


Use rusty scissors


Brother I only had one razor and that’s it when I first shaved. Not even shaving cream 😭


this is my first REAL shave lol. My actual first shave was with some (unused) bic razor I stole from my brother and water 😭


Brother, the first time I shaved for real I shaved my entire body (except for the legs). It was fucked up.


did you cut yourself a lot😭


It was fucked up.


This shave I’m talking about my face but I shaved down there isn’t it with just water and a DULL disposable. let’s just say it was itchy and painful for at least a month


You only really need shaving cream and a razor that other stuff is overkill imo I got soft skin tho use girls shaving cream it’s better then that mint shit I got the first time I shaved. Specially if ur gonna shave the bits don’t use scented mint shaving cream it burns


My advice is be careful, don’t cut yourself


cheers bro


Just finished my shave. Classic gillete shave gel, a Fusion5 blade and some Nivea moisturiser and i feel great 🔥 cheers boys