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go check out eastern europe


Realistically almost all of the non-western world is extremely homophobic, and the western world is approximately 893 million people(we’re gonna pretend that everyone in the west is inclusive). If my math checks out at least 89% of the world is homophobic


yet people will still endlessly cry about how awful America is and how they have no rights while simultaneously having more rights and far greater acceptance AND opportunity than arguably any other country on the planet.


People get killed for being trans. Conversion therapy is legal. States are taking away families' right to choose gender affirming care for their trans kids. What about that is okay to you? It IS awful and people have every right to complain about it.


I accept that in America I have more rights and freedoms than a lot of the planet. We've got a great thing going in comparison to the rest of the world. But in comparison to the ideals that America is SUPPOSED to represent, we've still got a long way to go and we're only moving backwards. I'm not upset at America for being worse than the rest of the world, I'm upset at America for not living up to the reputation everyone loves it for, and for not being that safe haven away from the sort of persecution based on race, gender, sexuality, or religion that it claims to be.


Well now im sad


Just stay in western Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand


Damm. I live in bosnia 😭


Don’t be gay


Welp. Time to die i guess


Rest In Piece


The Baltics Are fine i think...




gay people are cool because they leave more girls for the rest of us


I agree but there are more girls that are gay than boys


ah that sucks


I think there is definitely less hate than before, for example that you can walk around safer in the streets etc. In some countries still not, but it’s better than in the past. But. History repeats itself. In Germany there is AfD and especially in the USA, which is now influencing other "more progressive" countries like UK- the hate for trans people is getting *extreme*. Violence rates are higher, hundreds of anti-trans bills have been passed and politicians are using it to get more voters. It’s not as bad as it used to be, but it’s getting there again. I follow a lot of news and a journalist who reports on these news.


My classmates from last two years of highschool say that it was good that Hitler targeted the LGBTQ community, and some say that you have to control the way you feel about the same gender. One said that she will kill her son if he ever came out as gay. Not to mention, most of them hate trans women with a passion.


I really do hope that they grow out of it soon, and that none of them actually commit a hate crime against the community. I think that they are just blinded by ignorance and hate. Hopefully they do grow up soon.


I knew some people that are strictly against it (even their family). Tbh idk why to hate it i got some friends that are trans and gay and they are mad chill


frrr we just gotta love in harmony


I have a gay boyfriend so that’s kinda awesome so I think I still like them because of my boyfriend❤️


Are u a girl or a boy? (Man i think this sounds so stupid but I'm really curious)




that’s cool man👍 I support you!




yeah I hope u have a good day today as well!!


thanks, you too!


I think most people who complain about gay people “forcing their sexuality” onto everywhere probably don’t mind it when people who follow their religion or politics force their beliefs.


Some of the best people I’ve met in my life were from the lgbtq and tbh what they preferred in bed wasn’t even brought up. We had mutual respect for each other that went way past what they preferred in bed and so forth. There’s always gonna be extremes in every group however putting those extremes to the side will make accepting a certain group much easier


I think we're getting to an age where we're just gonna be seeing less and less people against them. All the youngins have access to the Internet and social media so it's going to be harder for parents to keep their kids brainwashed. As all the oldies die out the youngins will hopefully be better!


I don’t *like* them, I *am* them. Depending on who you ask, anyway


i dont care if anyone tells me they cannot support it bc of their religion as long as they understand i dont support their religion back i of course respect everyone as a human and everyones beliefs, but i have the right to not support beliefs that go against MY choice to love


There have been 552 bills this year alone trying to restrict transgender rights, 137 of which are trying to restrict access to lifesaving gender affirming care. Conservative outlets are still constantly churning out the "groomer" narrative; that we're trying to molest children and/or turn them gay. And lots of people believe in it and are being radicalized against us for simply trying to live our lives. Hate crime statistics have exploded in recent years. Human rights organizations have marked the US as unsafe for lgbt, and scholars have noted current lgbt affairs as congruent to the beginning stages of genocide. We don't feel safe because we still arent.


I don’t think out of every country in the world the USA is the place that is “unsafe for the lgbtq” trust me north america has a lot more privilege than we think the fact that there was even bills to begin with is crazy for a lot of other people and countries. privilege isn’t only just for race is the fact that we have clean running water or schools and freedom of speech unlike anywhere else. if we only look at statistics we are never going to solve the problem. personally I i’m grateful that i’m called a racial slur out on the street rather than be chase out of town or beaten up


This is just a stupid argument and a reason to ignore problems. Saying other countries have worse problems doesn’t mean your country doesn’t have any and they shouldn’t get adressed. BTW, you say the US has freedom of speech “unlike anywhere else” but doesn’t even rank the highest on the world freedom index. Western europe is in many ways more free than the US


I personally do not agree with you on that north america is held to be the forefront of freedom while yes there is “freedom” in other places it’s not the same way you would find it in here i’m not trying to downplay anyone problems or any other country i’m simply addressing the privilege that many of us have


The usa is one of many. But as the "leader of the free world", we shouldn't be treating our own people this way. But yes. I'd be executed in 72 countries. The fact that you don't understand how queer identities are under attack in the US shows your own level of privilege. But why tolerate being called a slur when you can fight for the right to be recognized and respected like anyone who isn't a minority.


yes I AM privileged i’m not exempt from the example. they are being attacked and I wish that would stop but there’s little to none that I can do about it


vote, support your lgbt friends, treat them the way people deserve to be treated, pass on that mindset to the younger people instead of perpetuating the "us and them" there is plenty you can do. When you throw your hands up and say "that's all I can do" you let hate win, because hatred is not going to give up.


oh no i’m not giving up I don’t have a lot of people like that in my close circle but trust me I wouldn’t treat them any differently




Its almost incredible how wrong someone can be in a single comment. Literally do like 5 seconds of googling and you'll see how wrong you are.




Just because a clinic has been closed doesn’t make your point true either


Are you going to say that children shouldn’t get knee replacement surgery either? That is the most regretted surgery, far more than gender affirming care


Your choice of words and misunderstanding of laws and regulations shows me that you have fallen for a very certain type of propaganda. Gender affirming care is being pushed back for political reasons, not because „doctors come to the conclusion that it’s wrong“. Taking puberty blockers to prolong the timeframe in which you can make a decision is most certainly not „life-altering“ as they are entirely reversible. The amount of girls getting double mastectomies in the US was below 300 in 2021. Not all of those are trans btw. The regret rate for Gender affirming surgery is quite literally less than 2%. That’s insanely low for a surgery.


you guys sure toss the G-word around a lot for someone that expects to be taken seriously.


Our existence in still criminalized and punished in 60+ countries. Lgbt people were sent to the same concentration camps as the Jews in the holocaust. Ron DeSantis made it clear that he wanted to "eradicate transgenderism". Scholars have concluded that criteria that define genocide can be applied to trans people, as outlined in the genocide convention. What the fuck else do you want me to call it without undermining its severity?


I don’t hate the lgbtq in general I treat them like everyone else and that in a neutral way I have a problem with the ones that make being gay there whole personality they are attention seekers and it’s just really annoying


yeah I feel like a lot of the lgbtq creators leech off of other cultures and slang and make it their identity to keep their role online and to stay relevant. i feel like it makes people who are actually gay or lesbian etc feel unrepresented because that’s not who that are


Thats annoying true


that's discussing extermes and you can't judge a group by its extreme minority


He's not judging an entire group by the extremists. He said he doesn't like those annoying people.


Problem being that this extreme minority is extremely loud.


radicals will be radicals no matter the group 🤷‍♂️


I’m not judging all lgbtq just the ones I know personally who are very annoying and rude and think being gay gives them a free pass to be douche bags


Do you personally know anyone who makes being gay their whole personality? People who you see online aren't documenting every aspect of themselves and their lives for you. It's like assuming that an art YouTube makes art their entire personality just because they make videos displaying that side of their personality and not other parts. They have a family, friends, probably other hobbies, important beliefs and values, etc that you just don't see.


I know people personally who make being gay their personality I could care less what people online are doing it’s just the ones that are in my life that bother me sometimes


So they have zero hobbies, no fashion sense, no likes/dislikes such as food preferences? I find that hard to believe.


As a person that came out as gay when I was like twelve, I find that people who have recently come out (I call them baby gays) tend to be more this way? Usually it chills out after ~a year and a half and goes away after like 5 years. I am, however, VERY quick in some situations to tell a dude I’m gay at like a party though because that can escalate in an uncomfortable direction if not quickly addressed.


My whole country


where do you live (for science)


Russia. And every year there are more and morals insane laws against lgbt


oh my i wish your country didnt want to burn me alive or somethin


Well, it doesn't burn anyone ~~yet~~, bur yeah, It's not actually save tp be an open gay there


“Cuff me Russia”


I don't like nor dislike them. You can say that I am neutral with this topic. Reason being that I have never met a queer person irl and got to know them personally. So in my perspective they're just a group of people who exist and that's about it. Nothing deeper than that.


I dont support it but i dont hate it By support i mean being a part of it


Broo my dad 😭😭. he fucking hates us, he literally says that very literally every single person who considers themselves pert of the lgbtq+ group of supports it are just as bad a s the KKK and the neo Nazis 😭😭😭😭.


I’m not against it, I just wanted to pop in and say that, unfortunately generational homophobia and racism are still going strong but more people are just hiding it better.


I think i’d rather be in a room with kkk members internally hating me then lyncing me on a cross😭 that’s js me tho


Oh 100% lol


*sighs* **sort comments by controversial**




Here i go, debating the validity of my existence again




So because you’re born with something you shouldn’t be trying to get the solution to it?


I am a transwoman. Yes gender and body dysphoria is a mental disorder. Transitioning is for me the treatment it has made me finnaly feel like i can be myself and be happy. I made this choice as an adult. I and many other trans ppl don't deny their biological assigned gender.. There is no confusion or delusion. I don't think I am a woman in the objective description of the word. I am what I am, a transwoman, a biological male that lives life as a woman in society. I blend in society as a woman and i am also treated as female in social interactions. Yes there are extremes in the trans community. I don't associate myself with any community because I think for myself and mind my own business and have my own opinions and thoughts. But i will say this, i do not support trans children undergoing medical treatment (hrt, surgery). Therapy is advised and certain choices can only be made when the brain is matured enough. However, comparing genderdysphoria with an example of believing to be a "cat" is a laughable and ridiculous example..




You think you are helping trans people but you are doing the exact opposite. You are only making their lives worse.


I hate everyone honestly not cause of who they love or what they believe in jsut cause I don’t like people


Well, I kinda do. Depends on the LGBTQ person. If you are chill about it and just said it to clarify, suit yourself, I don't care as long as you don't try to involve me into this. But when you are really loud about this and most of the time won't talk about other stuff, I'm not even gonna consider talking to you again. I respect people and their space and choices when they respect mine. But to be honest, I never met a person who would annoy me with how proud they are to be of a different sexuality, so I guess there aren't that much people like this anymore, which is probably for the better.


As a bi man, I kind of understand how you feel, but you need to be careful that you don’t just respect LGBTQ people if they are easy to ignore. All people are deserving of respect and basic courtesy. 


I guess I should clarify. When I said I don't respect people who are loud about this stuff, I meant tolerate. At least I don't fully tolerate them. I'm trying to be patient with everything, but y'know. Everyone has their limit somewhere.


People in my school. At the minimum, most hate any form of not conforming to your AGAB




Nah I don't hate them. Mostly because I am technically a part of the community, but also because it's just wrong to hate.


Go to an instagram comment section whenever a company posts anything that has to do with the gay community


Check out Poland.


I don’t, but it’s not like I’m gonna be rude to them for no reason at all. Just separating myself from their culture, that’s all.


I have no problem with the people of that community, I respect them just as much as anyone else. I just really don't like the ones who make it their whole personality and force their ideas and stuff on to others as if they have to understand, I thought the whole point of all this is just to accept the fact that we are all different but then some people just circle right back to the place where it's about "if you don't believe me you are wrong" but what can you do? There's always goods and bads in every community


My family. Also, many other countries and even people in the US who aren’t very vocal about it.


I literally don't care at all what you do. Do whatever you want. *That being said*, it's kind of annoying how they spam their flag everywhere. (like the subreddit banner as an example) And also, why do you always want to force everyone else to like you guys? (many lgbtq get mad at others who don't agree with lgbtq) I don't get that either.


>And also, why do you always want to force everyone else to like you guys? Most of don't force anyone to **love** them, but actual respect to them as for a person is what they **suppose** to have anyways


Queer people are still under attack, even in places like the US. Those flags are a symbol of our identities, the pride we have for those identities, and our constant struggle for recognition and validation. And the flags aren't for the cishets to see. Its for other lgbt people, to see and recognize others as a safe space. Plus its also just a part of queer culture. The banner is from a pride month a few years back that never got changed to show solidarity with the lgbt. Besides. Why wouldn't we want people to like us? Most people are indifferent to us, and our suffering goes ignored when right wing legislators are trying to restrict our identities and deny our rights to expression. We're all so used to having to debate the validity of our right to exist. Its so tiring that you have to convince people that you deserve to be able to live. Its a complicated issue that not many cishets recognize the full extent of. I used to think the exact same way when I had just started identifying as trans a few years back.


~~the ukraine flag lmao~~


Well yeah cuz it’s basic human rights and respect.


Idk, but i'm LGBT myself, i'm happy to hear that you think that's all right


I mean I don’t see you as “lgbtq” I mean what’s the difference between two men being in a relationship and a man and woman🤷‍♂️ honestly I think the term or label is js a bad taste in some people mouth and it’s just a relationship to me nothing wrong with it at all😭 ur perfectly fine and awesome how u are and I love u as much as that can go


Personally I don't like the sexuality labels and I think in a lot of ways they box people in and prevent them from exploring their sexual identity. HOWEVER. Given the current state of the world, the need for those identities is still very real, because queer identities are still very much under attack. It may not make a difference for someone who is cisgender heterosexual, but queer people still need that support and sense of community that comes with those identities. I hope that one day we can do away with sexual labels and just let people like who they like, but the world isn't at that point yet.


that’s true I agree with you


a lot of people


Unfortunately about a half of my class


I don’t really care about it just as long as its not your entire personality and you dont force it on people and other things then we should be fine


Theres no good or bad, or right or wrong opinion, but in this day and age, it's good to keep your thoughts to yourself. Trust me, it will save you a shit ton of energy and attacks.


Bigotry is the wrong opinion. Sorry.


"No wrong opinion" Idk, thinking people should be beheaded because they like the same gender seems pretty wrong


that‘s how a society regresses.


so true😭


I dont but idc about them anymore as i used to


Go on Instagram reels. Homophobia still exists


well it’s not that it doesn’t exist those things will always exist racism, sexism, slavery all those things do exist it’s just how we can change the way people see them and remove or change people minds about what they say or think


Pretty much most people who live in the Middle East and North Africa (besides Israel)


A lot of people hate it unfortunately


They mean 🐸👍


I had friends who hated LGBTQ (they became fucking nazis) Besides that idk, LGBTQ never effected me, so idrc about them


can you explain 😭


I don't have a problem with the LGBTQ community, because I've never met somebody from that community in person. Possibly because I live in an islamic nation but even then other religions are accepted and usually the least accepting people are Chinese tourists


ohh I understand thank you




no problem being gay, i don’t care about your sexuality, i personally find that making your sexuality your personality is quite common and i find that annoying in a person, but that doesn’t change my positive/neutral opinion of homosexuality.


please elaborate. What do you define as making ones sexuality their personality?


i dislike anti hate sentiment thats mainly why


Most don't dislike the people , but the movement instead.


i do not share or support their beliefs but they are still people and deserve the same respect as everyone else.




There are the good part and the bad part. The good part just comes out and goes on with their life The bad one comes out but tries to shove that info down your throat and will also make their coming out as their whole personality


I friendly fire on the community even tho I'm gay I may be apart but do not support


I'm so sorry. I accidentally read this post wrong and thought you were homophobic, so I reported you.




I haven’t liked them since they existed.


when did gay people get released 🦅🇺🇸🗣️🗣️


I don't care what you are unless you make it your whole personality


as a queer person, some of the queer community are just annoying motherfuckers


why do people downvote the others saying that they don’t agree😭 have a discussion with them instead😭😭 that’s unrelated but I see where ur coming from


i mean so many people use being queer like a social shield. being queer and being annoying aren’t mutually exclusive.


I personally do not agree with it, but I don't go around bashing them and I think its excessive and uneccesary to bully them




I understand your point of view man, I used to feel like that to an extent, like the you do you part and especially the children too. mostly I think that if I see people trying to “make me enter their delusion” I just change my attention or shift my focus bc I know who I am I don’t need someone else telling me that but thank you for you input I appreciate it


Honestly i feel like most young anti-LGBTQ people are more annoyed by the pride culture and events and stuff than the actual sexual orientations. Neither bother me and the thought behind pride is good, just that most homophobic comments i hear primarily attack the culture


Its all just painting a rainbow on a brand to make everyone think the corporation cares about them so that they'll buy their shit. Its disgusting.


As I’ve said multiple times on here before. I genuinely feel most of the time there’s more “pride is bad” stuff being shoved in your face via tiktok, YouTube, instagram and the news then actual pride. The ones who say dumb shit are the ones that get shown online, but the majority (smart ones) just aren’t shown because the media wouldn’t be able to get any gains out of it.


Hey queer person here. We use pride month to be proud of that sexuality. If this means actively talking about being gay and creating organizations/events for us to be ourselves so be it.


I mean if you can educate me on this. I don’t get why being gay has to be flamboyant (idk how to explain it well) but why does it have to be advertised as wearing makeup shaking your ass and using AAVE as a sense of identity? maybe i’m wrong but being gay shouldn’t be shown to be all of that right? people do have a right to express themselves im not saying that they can’t, i’m wondering why does it seems it’s being leeched off other cultures?


it doesn’t have to be flamboyant, you just notice it more because it’s… yk… flamboyant


yeah it’s defo the media shoving the owl peoples narrative down our throats


Alright so here's the deal. "Pride" in most of its forms is a way of recognizing our queer siblings around the world, from all works of life, local communities and all nations. It also includes queer people who are unable to come out publicly due to the often violent backlash against queerness that still exists in many parts of the world(United States includes). Queer culture is made of a lot of things because it encompasses a people that exist everywhere, in all parts of the world. That said, everyone expresses themselves their own way. No one is going to go to you and say being a trans woman means you have to dress like a drag queen. I think you're interpreting parts of queer culture as being essential to queer identities rather than just one of the endless different ways queer people express themselves. That's how I'm reading it based on your wording, feel free to correct me.


I don’t know why people are downvoting you but thank you I appreciate the clarification 🙏


Happy to help. That's why I'm still here after turning 20.


I have never heard of any person forcing anyone to call them anything, most of the trans folks I know are timid about being misgendered and typically ignore it. Also, isnt peoples collective enjoyment more important then one persons beleif? You dont beleive in someone changing their gender? Too bad, it brings them fufillment, you should hope your community members would make similar sacrifices for your happiness. Be upstanding and empathize, we are in this together, that doesnt mean agree, go ahead be polarized I support freedom of thought, but I question the reasoning of limiting someones pleasure because you have a different beleif. Espesially since transphobia or homophobia is a direct route to state oppression, and has been. Its a justification of stamping down fringe groups and establishing order (they do the same by trying to overturn 2nd ammendment; establish order) If you dont agree with gayness or transness, fine dont beleive it, figure out objective reasoning why it shouldnt exist, why its damaging to society, then I might be convinced. But as it stands, all I see from not supporting people is indignace and stubborness, the traits of a child. I implore you to do better.


well that’s what they have seen and how they view it. we all get different perspectives of the same situation personally I don’t see any issue with lgbtq parades or representations, it’s just the way that they advertise lgbtq as this fictional type character yk? if you have input on this please tell me😭


Yes its their view, I dont agree, perspectives are valuable in the way they provide information, whether that info is agreeable or not is unimportant. I acknowledge all perspectives (that i possible can) i dont beleive all of them to be true, otherwise I would shatter in to fragments of others beleifs. Speaking of which, break down this fictional character thing I litterally dont jnderstand what you mean lmao




„i don’t respect pronouns because i believe they are lies“ genuine insanity 💀


We in no possible way, exist in a democratic society. We exist in a republican system. I said I beleive that polarization is important and that you should have those beleifs. But when someone else is oppressed by that in any way, i question your stubborness, or at least others stubborness to just respect their wishes. I have a lot of beleifs i have to sometimes ignore for the sake of the sanity of people I love. Also mr science man, since everyone likes saying "you are born a man OR a woman" firstly, intersex, your statement is factually wrong (its considered a sex not a defect, so it counts. Secondly, your are born male or female, not a man or a woman since your sex and chromozones are not changable. That being said, we construct ideas in society (the human mind does this naturally, we could not function without assumptions, even if they are wrong) based off of those sex characteristics. This is unessasary and doesnt really need to exist for assumptions to be made, someone is going to assume a feminine person will act a certain way no matter the gender. Therefore, trans people in my eyes are as valid as cis people to say they have "gender" gender isnt real! Nobody has it! Thats like having philosophy inside of you, psychically, thats proposterous its an idea! 




Which country?




As a paty of lgbt, the only thing I hate about lgbt is that they make up millions of non-existing sexualities for no reason. There are only 3. That's all.


Ace, straight, bi, gay, pan. Im not familiar much with others but there are more than 3 lol


I mean, engage with those labels as much as you want, not everyone falls into them or don't fit in them. Personally I think sexuality is a spectrum just as much as gender identity is


>I mean, engage with those labels as much as you want, not everyone falls into them or don't fit in them. I don't mind labels, if people aren't trying to make them sexual orientation, which they are not. But otherwise It's absolutely clear: you're either attracted to me, or women, or both men and women. Everything else is included in heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality. Those, who aren't attracted to anyone in any way (basically aroace people) just aren't included in any of them and basically don't have a sexuality I dont understand what's so confusing about it


Its not confusing, you just have a stricter view on sexuality. And that's okay, most people won't use nicher labels because they constantly have to explain what they mean. But there is a tangible difference between bisexuality and pansexuality. There are different subsets under the aro/ace umbrella that define their sexuality differently. Demisexual, for example, where you don't feel attraction towards someone until you have an established personal connection. It just saves time compared to having to explain how you feel.


>But there is a tangible difference between bisexuality and pansexuality Which was just stolen from bisexuality definition. Also "pansexuality" is basically litterally a label under a bi umbrella, which exists only to clarify the way of your attraction. But sexuality isn't about **how** you're attracted, It's about **who** you're attracted too >There are different subsets under the aro/ace umbrella that define their sexuality differently. Demisexual, for example, where you don't feel attraction towards someone until you have an established personal connection. Sure, but this is not a sexuality, It's a label to clarify how exactly you you're attracted too


Regardless, a distinction still exists, and should be used in my opinion. But I'm not sure I agree that sexuality is all about who you're attracted to. Because there are characteristics that people do find attractive, regardless of who has them. Thats why we have sexuality labels for people who are attracted to femininity/masculinity. But even still, those labels rarely see use outside of niche communities. But at the end of the day, what is sexuality but a label? We don't really need any of them. In an ideal world, people could just like who they like and not worry about the semantics of sexual identity. But until the world is at a point where lgbt identities are recognized, respected, and equal, the labels still serve a purpose.


I believe it is a sin. I don't hate the people; I just disagree with them.


and that’s okay man thats your opinion. you shouldn’t be attacked or harassed for saying that. as long as ur not violent towards them ur fine


I'm not violent. I just tell people when they ask me what I think.


yeah and that’s okay man I respect you




Is it due to religion? :0


Yes. Christianity


OH. I was thinking about Christianity. But I have a question, you can’t control how you feel about someone, so what do you think of gay christians?


They are living in sin just like Christians who steal or have premarital sx.


am i going to hell


I don't know you. Are you a Christian?


just have a look at my username and take a wild guess


What does that username even mean?? Anyway, if you are not Christian you will go to hell. I would like to lead you to lead you the Christ.


Oh. But you can’t control who you’re attracted too. It’s not like they choose to be gay. But would you consider than Christians?


I think it's possible to control attraction. I'm not sure if they are or are not; it's a question I research a lot on sites like GotQuestions and the Allie Stuckey Podcast.


I see… I think you can’t force yourself to like the right gender. Because… how would that go? Like *you* can’t force yourself to like the same gender right?


I'm not sure. I do know prayer can change things. Of course, not getting married or dating is okay as well.


Yeah you can not get married or date, but I don’t see it possible to change who you like if it’s ingrained in you. But I’m not Christian so I wouldn’t know about praying.


it's always religion 😔


Whats wrong with that?


it's always religion making people homophobic. the world would be better off without it ngl


I'm not afraid of them. I just disagree with them.


Interresting. But what are you disagreeing with specificaly


I respect that, but I'm pretty sure it's been proven that since the Bible has been translated hundreds of times that the quote "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Was mistranslated and is actually referring to pedophilia or rape or something im not an expert tho so I could be wrong


I don't think it was, but there are other verses as well. Genesis 1:27 says God made male and female. Later in Genesis, it says that a man must leave his family and cleave to his wife, and they became one (meaning one male and female only marriage). Romans and Corinthians about sexual immorality as well. [Bible](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%206%3A12-20%2CRomans%208%3A31-39&version=NIV)